Teachers, What Student Was So SMART It's Scary? (School r/AskReddit)

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teachers of Reddit what is your this student is so smart it's scary story I once had a pre-kindergarten er who could read and cried because he was so upset with how dumb the rest of the kids were my mom would write little notes for preschool me and stick them in my lunchbox my teacher noticed I could read them and would have me read them to the class every day after that I cried but from embarrassment lol one of my kindergartners just knows multiplication and not just the basic 5s or tents in the beginning when his parents told me I played along with 2x2 or 10x10 but you can tell him 17 X 14 and he knows it instantly so cool to watch I had a student ask for an extension on their paper because they were representing our nation in the World Science Festival they came in third and the paper was an A+ now I don't have an excuse to keep putting off my research revisions I was doing a 500 piece puzzle with some kids I was a preschool teacher we finished the puzzle except for one piece which was nowhere to be found kid comes in takes one look at the puzzle on the table says oh are you missing that I know where it is reaches into another a completely different 500 piece puzzle Ramage's for like 10 seconds pulls the piece out fits it's in I asked him how he knew it was there he said he had done the other puzzle for a bit and noticed it I asked him how long ago Christmas he says it was February at the time kid was maybe five at the time might be more memory than intelligence but that was crazy to see such a great kid in somewhat dire circumstance I hope he's gotten all the opportunities he deserved five-year-old memory is the best memory I'm at the point where if I forget something in class where I put my keys what page we were on yesterday what color James colored his duck I just asked them they always know had a first-grader figure out exponents on his own that's just the way he was raised I worked with 18 24 month olds and we have an 18 month old who can have little conversations perfect sentence structures perfect verb conjugation perfect pronunciation even L&R knows all the alphabets numbers colors shapes by site some of the others know some of those things but I've never seen a baby this advanced I sometimes forget she's only one year old because she seems more like 3.5 just tiny like a one-year-old herd that brought her back from a well-baby checkup telling us that the doctor asked does she say any words yet and we all loved cause she has full conversations my son spoke in full sentences by 18 months reading by 2.5 could add subtract and multiply et Cie before preschool he's now 21 unemployed and spends all day playing games online still smart as though just lazy we had a four year old in preschool he was sitting under the table writing down numbers for a long time he had no time to talk to us when he came out and we looked at what he had been doing he said he wrote down all the multiplications it turns out his brother in five grade was learning the multiplication table and this little brother really wanted to do the same but did not have a multiplication table he counted on his fingers to add each column and got the table right a few days later he knew multiplication he would also comment on dates if someone told they had their birthday on the 12th of June he would say that is in 184 days almost immediately on an excursion we passed some statues with birth and death dates and he would casually sum up he was 78 years and 110 days old she was born 33 years and 120 days before him etc I think he was maybe more focused and willing to understand then necessarily so smart if he was right about the days that's definitely very smart for a four-year-old I'm 26 and can't even do that I taught high school math one of my freshman students divided 1134 by 63 in his head in less than a second I let him finish the problem and then after he arrived at his answer I asked him how did you do that he looked at me with this blank stare as if he was thinking you can't do that he proceeded to say well I doubled 63 and then multiplied that by 10 and then I saw that 1134 was just the difference of those two numbers so 18 looked at me like it was nothing I told him good work and moved on I'm only above average at a few things but one of them is mental math when I saw that this kid could do this calculation that I couldn't I was so happy it was one of my happiest moments as a teacher I didn't help him in that moment but to know I played a small part in his math education felt so good well I doubled 63 and then multiplied that by 10 and then I saw that 1134 was just the difference of those two numbers so 18 I feel so stupid because I can't even wrap my head around the explanation not a teacher but a proud big brother my baby sister was five when I came home from college for the summer after actually figuring out calculus and I explained it to her and she wrote it down in her journal yes she kept one from the time she was about four fast forward after she skipped a few grades in elementary school and she was taking calculus in high school and could not understand why it was so easy and reread her journal figured it out and called me laughing she has a PhD in high-energy physics and does research at CERN yet that stuff desperately proud of her you did her one of the best kindnesses you could have made happen early stimulation of the brain really can have a kid go places later not a teacher but a kid in my grade ended up taking courses two years ahead of the rest of us advanced kids the funny part was that he skipped his own mother's class and wrote novels during middle school math he's published three books and currently has over 95% in every class I'm a piano teacher on the side teaching a four-year-old how to read sheet music before she can read books I asked her to find the season she will point then out on the page act she can also do math really well and understands the concept of multiplication also another student that just started and plays by Erin composes her own pieces at 8 she also speaks five languages which I didn't find out until I told her I was learning German after teaching her for three months she's already to the point where I had to send her to a better teacher kudos to you for recognizing that she needs a better teacher not many teachers do have an upvote I have a five-year-old this year who has stolen my wallet more times than I'd like to admit from my pocket without me knowing I now wear a wallet chain like I don't remember what decade it is he still tries but he hasn't figured out a workaround yet nah man he is even smarter than that now that he's trained you to be obsessed with the wallet and you think that's all he cares about - he's in the clear to start stealing other things check your desk there was once a kid in the grade above me in middle school that hacked the school database and deleted everyone's grades but he was expelled when I was in sixth grade a kid took down the school internet using a school administered laptop kid took the fat highlighters cut them open and removed the insides and replaced it with weed sold them at school he was caught but only because a kid snitched after they were caught getting high absolutely brilliant high lighters it's right there in the name my mom was a student teacher in the early 1970s she recounts the story of a gifted first grader that nobody really knew how to handle every day her mentor would give the child a copy of the New York Times and let him read during her class much later my mom was working as a speech therapist and had a severely autistic child that would come in daily after their lessons he would spend his free time drawing elaborate and accurate city maps on the whiteboard it was fascinating worked at a special-purpose preschool designed for kids on the autism spectrum did an intake day with a kid o4y oh where I was just trying to have fun and see what kind of things he liked did some time on the computer where we surfed around YouTube a bit he searched up a video about our solar system and began to explain to me the difference between the inner solar system and the outer solar system what they're made of sizes electromagnetic fields to compensate for distance from the Sun et Cie I had to Google everything he WS saying because I had no idea if it was true a spoiler alert it was my seven-year-old son is on the autism spectrum and this is him with weather and sports I stopped questioning him because he was right and I wasn't for Christmas we bought him a bunch of books on weather and climate by new years he had memorized them all yet we can't get him to sell his math homework not a teacher who had a classmate who was and still is a genius I distinctly remember him asking very complex questions on the current reading literature and making constructive arguments it was over my head but our teacher was offended and argued back that he didn't understand anything and or an overachiever I think they were over her head as well she screamed at him and stormed out of class a number of times there was a time she asked him to leave as well I never felt so bad for a classmate he didn't deserve to be yelled like that I believe he's now a mathematician with published works and awards as well as a successful musician my mother told me a story once of a kid she went to high school with this kid was the local stone have been incredibly smart he was talking college courses way before everyone else saying they like ran out of math for me dawg I have a student who is an immigrant that speaks fluent English I assumed that she grew up in the USA she told me she had been here for a year and knew zero English before coming I was amazed I have another student who just does calc instantly in his head he doesn't have to think when he learns more math he just becomes automatic he explained that numbers just make sense the English thing is surprisingly easy as long as you take the right approach I came to the u.s. in the same situation as a 12 year old I just kept watching movies and series I had seen in my original language and was fluent two years later I had a kid who could take one look at a national flag and then point to the corresponding country on an unlabeled world map instantly now I think that kids spent too many hours playing grand strategy games I'm not a teacher I'm a student that one of my classmates just has so much random crap memorized ask him about anything like the Crimean War how to build a combustion engine random useful bits of information about bands from the 70s as well as being an excellent student and every single subject he's also managed to teach himself Sir Alex or whatever that Russian alphabet thing is and can speak Russian pretty well despite never having taken a class of its in his life idk it's just nuts he's so good at so many random things I teach kids with autism that learn on the alternate curriculum usually lower level academics and her cognitive delays I'm always amazed that while they might struggle in one area of the strengths they have I had one girl who knew everyone's birthday everyone she met day month year and age she could also do crazy maths in her head I have another kid who is minimally verbal but knows every locker combination in the school to others who are amazing artists another who could tell you what 8 is movie I can't share a birthday with you I love my kids former school aide here I once had a very tiny lad surprise me for typical development would be learning basic alphabet recognition and first sounds towards word forming however he took some play clay and mater and pan planned plane planet planets across the table and wandered off again our kids were kept deleting itself on a computer every few minutes he was having a meltdown and I saw it happen it was impossible to explain the phantom deleting that was going on fast forward to the end of the class and there's one kid remaining that was sitting at the opposite computer from the kid who lost all his work he looks at me and says you want to know how I did sir he had put in a USB keyboard into the back of the computer and had it set up so he could hit the Delete key with his big toe it was the funniest stealth attack I'd seen in a long time being the teacher I should have done something that it was too funny and smart my friend took the AC T when we were in seventh grade and got a 31 I don't know how because they don't teach you half of that material until high school heck of a guy though would intentionally get questions wrong on really difficult tests so he wouldn't kill the curve for the rest of us wish the smart dudes in my classes were like that had a classmates in my American government class in a community college about nine stroke ten years ago our teacher gives three questions for you to pick one of them to write about for the test an essay format that you get the question about a week or so to prepare you to study your subjects question most people write an average of five eight pages during the test this guy writes around 20 pages give or take even the teacher was dumbfounded he did this for every test in this is a three term class you don't have to take all terms or even taking order if you happen to do all three yes he got hazed he wanted to get into politics I heard of overachievers but WTF who does that since I'm not a teacher either my mom was a very average student didn't try very hard and was not planning to go to college back when she was in school they used to administer IQ tests a couple of months after she takes an IQ test the school calls my grandparents and said we need to talk about your daughter everyone is like Oh Lord what did she do now they both go to the school and the principal sits them down your daughter has an IQ of 140 but she's failing algebra we think you should send her to a psychiatrist my grandfather was livid took off work for this no she never saw psychiatrist and she didn't go to college but she's pretty smart IQ doesn't exactly measure how smart you are but your capacity to learn I had a first grader with a speech impediment who was asking for a type of book his peers and I couldn't understand him no matter how hard we tried finally he gave up and without any frustration he found a picture book with someone stirring a pot on the cover he opened the book and skimmed through words until he found what he was looking for the word cooking he showed me the book and pointed telling me that was the word he had been trying to say he wanted a cookbook this was a six-year-old six dang kids can be freaky when they memorize specific stuff but that kind of thinking is incredibly intelligent you have been visited by the healthy spirit of exercise boy you will burn all calories today if you comment blessed be the heel found if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then 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Channel: Updoot
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Id: GI8VKV5gyy4
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Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2019
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