What Family Secrets Were Revealed When You Became An Adult?

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what family secrets were revealed when you became an adult throughout my childhood I was told that my father beat my sister into being mentally handicapped when she was an infant I didn't find out till I was 23 that my sister was born the way she is I grew up with a lot of anger and hate towards my dad all over a lie I recently got in contact with my dad and we are meeting up later this week my grandparents won the lottery a couple million not sure of the exact number ended up buying a yacht tried to sail it down to Florida and it sank halfway out of New Jersey because my grandfather didn't know what he was doing they bought three houses in NJ and - in FL sent all my illegitimate cousins to college and one to law school by the time I was born they had stopped paying for the houses because they had gambled all the money away so the houses were foreclosed on my grandfather developed some lung pathology from smoking three packs a day my grandmother killed him by withholding his meds and poisoned him that part is mostly speculation but we're pretty sure it's true they say winning the lottery is a curse found out after my grandfather passed that he wasn't my biological grandfather my grandmother had been raped and became pregnant with my mom and my grandfather being a friend of the family took her in best man I ever knew god I miss him so much I did this though I didn't know my wife before she had my adopted son it was just recently revealed to me that my parents who I was convinced could make it through the depths of heck and back and still have a healthy stable marriage have been holding it together for the kids this whole time but most of the kids are grown and moved on but something's brought the whole situation to a head and my folks decided they'd had enough my mom opened up to me just last week and started crying and I've only ever seen her cry at funerals before this oh and my dad has massive depression problems which he's been doped up on a handful of different medications for decades now to combat it a highly unsuccessful couple of decades I might add so after 30 odd years of marriage bing-bang-boom they're filing for divorce right now and my mom seems happier than ever while my dad just floats around in his self-contained bubble of obliviousness same as always I don't know how to feel about any of this yet whoa sounds like my family except for the part that mine was never kept a secret I grew up knowing about his stuff and watching them scream and yell before my father was born his parents my grandparents had two children then World War two started grandfather went to war and grandmother ended up in German occupied territory being Jewish they were sold out to Germans by the neighbors who received grandparents house and all of the contents as a payment grandmother and both children were sent to concentration camp and the kids died there she somehow survived when the war ended my grandfather reunited with grandmother and learned about what happened he went to see the people who betrayed his family and killed them two adults and four children he didn't live to see the trial because his health failed from the hardships and injuries of war my father was born soon after sweet Jesus your poor grandmother TL WR won't read my father's biological mother sold him when he was a child I knew awhile ago that my father's mother in Vietnam wasn't actually his mother but his stepmother I didn't know anything about my father's biological mother until two years ago when his stepmother whom he considers his mother died apparently my grandfather divorced his first wife because she sold my father out in the market when my grandfather found out he had to go and find the family that bought my dad and paid to get him back when he got back home my father's biological mother was P that my grandfather spent money to get my father back and my grandfather divorced her my grandfather then remarried the woman who my father considers his mother she always treated him as if he were her own I found out about this from my great-aunt she only agreed to tell me this story if I agreed to never ask my father about it it still hurts him terribly I'm tearing up just thinking about it what's messed up is that apparent this woman is still alive living in the same village as my grandparents did and I might or might not have met her supposedly my father went to visit her and gave her her money God knows why oh and also I found out my father's sister isn't his biological sister my grandparents biological grandfather and step-grandmother adopted her she actually has a twin her biological family couldn't afford to raise two more children so my family adopted one of the twins I didn't know about this until my aunt got married and her twins showed up to the wedding while that is a seriously freaked up story at least you know that your grandfather is great a certified awesome a few years before my mother met my father she had a boyfriend who hid her at a party so she hit him back and broke his nose lol my great granddad was married to three different women who all mysteriously disappeared as in nobody ever saw them again hello I recently learned that before my parents met my father proposed to another woman who refused him because he was a farmer my parents have been together since there were 1920 so I would have never guessed one of them could have had something as serious with someone else before getting together close enough I still don't know who played Santa one Christmas when I was a kid everyone refuses to tell me and continues to insist that he was real I'm 20 now I don't think I'll ever get an answer I figured it all out when I was 10 I noticed that Santa smells a lot like my dad when he's drunk that I was in fact dropped on my head as a child and apparently when we were living in the Philippines my parents used to enjoy going out to bars and didn't want to live myself and my little brother behind so they would hire prostitutes to drive us around on the little trikes apparently we had fun though my parents set me up with ha since before I can remember my dad was always a designated spider collar a few years ago he told me that he learned to always say that he got the spider even when they got away betrayal my mother got her and my dad into six figures of credit card debt we found out when my dad tried to co-sign my college loan he got a call at work from a credit bureau asking why he ever thought he could co-sign a huge loan with tens of thousands of dollars in unpaid bills I will never let anyone handle my finances but me our family went through a similar ordeal a few years back all I can say is my father is a forgiving man after I turned 18 my grandmother totally out of the blue announced to me that the reason my uncle lived in Costa Rica was because he has fled the US after getting caught growing tons of marijuana on my grandparents roof rather than being arrested he just bailed and has lived there ever since selling surfboards found out my dad has been gay his whole life when I turned 18 and only married my mother after being pressured into being straight by his parents needless to say they were divorced but stayed together for about ten years when I was around five years old I had a birthday party a friend of my father came and asked me what I wanted for a gift I told him I wanted a racetrack with cars he snapped his fingers and another man who was with him left and came back 30 minutes later with like a $1000 set my parents forced me to give it back I found out later on the man was a recruiter for the Mafia and they were trying to get my father to join do some things all I can picture now our mafia members wandering around Toys R Us my grandfather died a few months ago the next time my wife and I visited my grandmother she sat me down and told me something I never expected she said that my grandfather's older brother had in fact committed suicide with a handgun over a breakup with his girlfriend instead of the whole story about losing touch with him over the years my grandfather had always been a very emotionally withdrawn and internalised man the story goes like this he came home to a note on the front door written by his brother essentially stating I'm going to commit suicide with a handgun at this location my grandfather was on the track team in high school and had numerous commendations and awards from track meets for just about everything to do with running fast in the shortest amount of time well Iran ran as fast as he could to the location his brother said he would be at he got there right when his brother pulled the trigger to his head yeah was never expecting that and it made the way my grandfather acted all his life make quite a lot of sense in hindsight he never really got over that that's definitely something that would stick with you throughout life my dad was arrested for assault when my mom was pregnant and was only let out of jail for the day when she went into labor after he died of old age I was told that a good friend of the family who used to play with all the neighborhood kids and have them over to his house was a child molester and all the parents knew at the time my siblings and I escaped unscathed a cousin wasn't so lucky brief summary of the situation in my early 20s my grandma passed away from cancer and my grandpa passed shortly thereafter leaving the house and everything they owned to me my dad was left out of the will on purpose after taking care of the funeral arrangements my mom and I began the arduous task of sorting through everything in the house on the second day of sorting through everything we start to find old picture printouts keepsakes and whatnot in small boxes they started out nice enough secret recipes my grandma had stashed away I recall the delicious meals my grandma used to cook for me whenever I visited as a kid pictures of my grandma as a younger woman with our previous husbands during her travels ETM I recall stories that my sweet old grandma used to tell me about her travels with her previous husbands in all I adored my grandma and held her on the highest pedestal looking through all of our old collections was a nice trip down memory lane with her then we find this one box I didn't know what was coming I open it up Oh more pictures cool wait what's this there's nude people in these pictures in some of them nude people having sex who are these people Oh God is that Oh God grandma yet I found my grandma's old personal pee collection my mom picked up the pictures to look out for herself when I threw them on the ground backed off and had the look if I'd seen a ghost my mom thought the discovery was pretty hysterical mind you this was her her mother-in-law in hindsight I guess it was pretty funny but have definitely forever changed my view of my grandma TL DR my view of my grandma was forever changed life lesson always have a back-up plan to have a friend destroy your personal P collection if when you die so your family doesn't have to discover it oh and if you wanted something juicy I found out in the past year that my parents who have been happily married for 25 years or so I thought have been engaging in an open relationship for five years or so that backfired when my mom fell in love with a man fifteen years younger than she I found out they were hooking up when she coyly admitted that they slept had sex in my bed while I was away for the weekend needless to say I moved my parents are now separated and my dad lives two hours away while my mom lives in the house he owns and still pays the bills on this also means that my dad pays the bills on stuff that's in his name but that I pay for myself like car insurance and property taxes my mom takes this money from me and pockets it to spend on her hillbilly boyfriend instead of giving it to my dad he knows she does this if I were you I'd knit that crap in the bud immediately just cause she's your mom doesn't mean she gets to rip you off change insurance companies sell the property etc tell her if she ever wants to talk to you again to stop ripping you and your father off seriously freak that crap that before my aunt became a nun she was engaged to a guy who turned out to be a child molester and a rapist he must have done some weird crap to my aunt too but she never talks about it apparently in the 70s he asked my uncle my aunt's brother if he would be interested in swapping between his girl my aunt and my uncle's wife he also wore rubber gloves everywhere he also wore rubber gloves everywhere mhhh fingerprints I'm not sure when this was revealed to me but I learned that my mom was raped by her mentally [ __ ] cousin when she was a teenager she's extremely well adjusted considering I'm not trivializing rape at all but being raped doesn't have to mean a person becomes forever damaged my grandma got pregnant at 17 and didn't tell my grandpa because she didn't think they would last as a couple and didn't want to force him into marriage so he went into the Marines he didn't find out until two weeks after my eldest aunt was born I grew up thinking we had a perfect nuclear family the rents were very loving very supportive very religious and sent us to very conservative Christian schools we went to church on Sundays and Wednesdays we ate breakfast and dinner together every day mum and dad seemed very much in love and very happy after dad died in a skydiving accident I crap you not mom loses it becomes very depressed in very very angry a few year later she tells my brothers and me that dad had been cheating on her throughout their marriage and as of his death he had been supporting his latest mistress and her daughter he even bought a mistress new pair of knockers their credit-card mom had to pay off dad's mistress's breasts with his life-insurance money we also learned that my dad had been in therapy for his sex addiction and his therapist had recommended skydiving as an alternative to stopping the TL DR dad had a wandering penis took up skydiving died and left mum to pay for mistresses implants my eldest uncle was actually the child of an unknown abusive first husband of my grandma she never told anyone his name and the knowledge of who he was died when she did when my mum was about five or six a teenage kiddo with developmental problems [ __ ] back then attacked her and slammed her head in the sidewalk giving her a concussion the same uncle from above killed the kid and buried him in the desert growing up I had three grandmas it turns out one of them wasn't actually a grandma she was just a mistress of my ground par that everyone in the family really liked so we adopted her there are a bunch more but it would be hard to get into specifics without revealing too much I learned that I was born from my mother cheating on her husband at lata she did however marry my father when I was 4 years old I was the ring bearer I learned that my sister slept with many many guys when she was younger for all of the classic reasons I learned that my other sister did and just a number of drugs I learned that my father used to beat the crap out of my brother and another sister he also started seeing my mom because my two sisters who previously were not related in just friends wanted to get my mother and my father together I feel that's a little complicated so I'll retell it like this mother is married to first husband father is divorced they do not know each other both have daughters daughters become best friends try to hook their parents up it works later I am born I learned that my aunt is schizophrenic most males in my family / alcoholics and even if I am able to survive mental disease and freaking up my best hope is probably to die of cancer I will not live into old age not with that attitude you won't I learned that my dad was fired from a job for sexual harassment when we were kids I thought he had just been laid off at the time when my grandparents applied for a marriage license their birth certificates were required my grandmother saw hers for the first time and discovered that the woman who raised her was really her aunt and that her real father was a married man with a family in a different part of the country my dad knows what marijuana smells like because he used to get high cut class and go surfing not because that's just one of those things that you know when you get to be my age my brother told me he'd only started smoking in college but later admitted he'd started smoking in high school my aunt always thought I was a lesbian and was surprised as all heck when I got married not married now she told me this after I came out to her as bisexual my mother had her son at the age of 15 much younger than I was led to believe I'm adopted and my adoptive mom was 22 years older than my dad so technically my brother is older than my dad when I was a kid my grandfather lived with my family one day he for one of his usual walks around the block and didn't come back for a few hours it got dark and everyone started to panic neighbors and police came to help look for him eventually they found him in the woods not far from home he had gotten lost fell on broken glass and luckily someone found him in time before he bled out he wasn't allowed to leave the house without someone with him to ensure that he doesn't get lost again many years later I overheard from my mother's conversation with extended family that my grandfather didn't get lost at all the day before he left he asked me what was in those woods and I told him it was a dark and awful place that was easy to get lost in he wandered into the woods found the broken coke bottle and slashed his wrists up proper TL DR family tells kids grandfather is senile to cover up suicide attempt my mom and dad were both previously married my dad got a girl pregnant in college and was forced into an expensive Catholic wedding his parents paid for when the girl had a miscarriage three days later my dad got an annulment and moved out the next day my mom got married to move out of her parents house she was married to an abusive man who destroyed her personal belongings because he was angry that she was employed and made more money than he did if she ran away and filed for divorce my parents have been together for at least thirty years so I guess they finally found happiness after all that row that's a pretty epic family secret but it's pretty romantic too I'm glad they found each of her once I moved out and started living as an adult on my own my family opened up one at a time started with grandpa leaking secrets cousins aunts etc and now before moving out I was the black sheep of the family because my dad was an only parent partier drug abuse a bike a trucker etc and I by association didn't get the easy ride thus being overwhelmed with joy when I found out this six out of ten first cousins have been are in therapy for many issues I am the only cousin grandkid that has graduated college found out I was pushed to work out thirteen to make money for a bond my dad needed help with pain when I was 13 I was told it was to keep the lights on in the house that was a glorious convo let me tell you two chasms were adopted neither of them know now ten in thirteen years of age I thought I was the crazy one then realized after hearing all of the drama I was better off on my own so the crazies in the family have made it easy to detach Congrats on the college bit I was born in the United States and my parents are both immigrants and after a ton of research I found out that my grandfather was one of the most important political person working in the background of my parents native country he personally knew movie stars and amassed an incredible wealth that I haven't even told my aunts and uncles about all nine of them because they would just fight over it like everything else I've been hiding the secret from my family and only my grandmother is aware of it my grandfather was also my best friend we were alike in every way and I don't want my stupid family fighting over something like this cool your ground possums like a very interesting guy my parents told my brother this when he turned 18 and then my brother told me this when I was 14 today we are somewhere in the range of middle-class but my dad revealed that 25 years earlier he lived in a homeless shelter he knew three languages but couldn't speak English because he's never been to America before he's fluent in Vietnamese and French because he grew up in Vietnam when it was a colony and Japanese because he went to study abroad there English was the last language he learned prior to 1975 my father was studying in a Japanese college because his own father wanted to make sure he got a good education grandpa was actually one of the wealthiest Vietnamese landowners at the time and he sent his eight kids all around the world to study to become doctors and engineers to bring back to Vietnam and make it a better place but the Communists had succeeded in taking over southern Vietnam before all of his kids finished their education the Communists took everything that my grandpa owned except the manor that he lived in all funding that my aunts and uncles received was cut off including my dad's without any money left my dad left Japan with nothing and moved to America in Washington DC where he lived in a homeless shelter and was essentially a refugee I visited the manor before where a few relatives still live in the giant pond was murky in the place was just like Grey Gardens all over again it's sad to see my family history go from being super wealthy to being stricken with poverty this explains why my dad has always had a pure hatred for the color red ha I grew up near a DC Vietnamese community and I remember that they had a demonstration against normalizing trade relations with Vietnam when that happened 15 odd years ago the unbelievable and soul-crushing debt my family had been playing off to all our relatives and family friends hands down the worst revelation I have ever had it happened the summer where my father lost his job and my mom started asking me to pay the minimums on their credit cards I saw the amounts due on those dozen or so cards and my heart sank to a place I did not know existed I yelled at my mom from not asking me for help earlier she said my dad and her did not want to burden us kids yet debt is brutal it's such a shame my mom got into some relatively small debt trying to raise us and I found out and was just like crap mom we didn't need all this stuff we really didn't was happy that I could make enough money to wipe her debt clean I hardly make anything but it was worth it my grandmother was married to a man before my grandfather he went off to the war and never came back assumed Keir my grandfather was in World War two as well and had all his teeth knocked out by a Nazi while they were clearing out a building and the Nazi was hiding behind the door so my grandfather got all new teeth and the Nazi got shot a bunch of times a happy ending for all Nazis involved I'd say I was born when my mother and father were 17 and 18 respectively they didn't get married until after my younger brother was born when they were 21 and 22 I've known for quite some time since probably around 14 or 15 that there was a period of time between my birth and returning to that my parents were split up however when I was 23 that not only were my parents not together during that time and not only did they date other people but that my mom was actually engaged to another guy he was apparently kind of in butthole and a drug dealer and as such there was a short custody battle over me that resulted in my paternal grandparents being my legal guardians for a month before my mom dumped the guy for generally being in a shirt the guy my mom was engaged to by the way now one of the artists for Magic the Gathering that my father had been married once before and that my family is apparently very wealthy but no one in the family thinks they need to use that money to live like stereotypical rich people that's is a big house bunch of cars et Cie even after learning this nothing changed we live life normal and I don't let my family pay for anything 24 and in college with part-time job they taught me how to learn and appreciate my own money you can't buy work ethic I learned my grandma ships pot through ups and thinks that it's okay because ups is owned by the mob so I guess that was two things I learned there this same grandma was the only madam for her small town while my dad was growing up which explains why he hates going to visit I've had a lot on my mind grapes mafia ties my grandfather started out as a whiskey runner my uncle committed tons of felonies and lots of fraudulent activity went to jail got hepatitis C from needle drugs and got an 18 year old girl pregnant about four years younger than me at the time also my second cousin on my mom's side killed her kids in the bathtub edit oh and my cousin tried to commit suicide by running in front of a train and spent several months in a mental institution found out at 18 my grandfather wasn't my biological grandfather my reaction oh well doesn't really matter he is still my grandfather to me honestly that my family had substantial wealth never had a clue until I was old enough that I had to take action on legal issues associated with it twenty-one years old my grandfather told me he used to grow pot out on the farm and smoked him every day best thing he told me was now imagine this spoken in a thick Slavic accent don't ever smoke the roots doe I ran out of the Cana plea and chopped some of that up goddamn few puffs and didn't know where the heck I was true dat ting out the window Jesus Christ when my parents found my quarter lb off pot back in 2005 they said they flushed it but they really gave it to my uncle who was dying of cancer they just told me about a year ago r.i.p it's almost Robin Hood ish not really a family secret that around 20 or so I learned that my parents met in December got married on Cinco DeMayo and I was born on the 6th of October they were 19 and 20 I had always known how young they were but not that they had known each other for a few months before the pregnancy it made my childhood make so much more sense my mom's parents always had a blink up their butt about my dad and my parents had several rough patches I don't know how they managed to stick it out but they did that my birth mother actually wanted a relationship with me but gave custody to my dad when I was 2 because a fat prick of a husband didn't want me around I had always been told she never wanted me and still to this day barely know her from a stranger on the street my aunt dotty used to be a man and that my grandmother is not my mom's real mom I found out when I was 18 that I had a whole other family I never knew about weird thing is they all knew about me my mom gave me tons of birthday Christmas cards from my real grandmother that she had been hiding since I was little I wonder how much money you saved from that our family trust contains much more than a 5,000 acre farm in the house also after my grandparents generation passes I will be the only person left that has not claimed my share or been a [ __ ] and lost my claim if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video bye for now
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Keywords: family secrets, dna family secrets revealed, my family secrets revealed, family secrets revealed, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, comedy, fresh
Id: I7XuL3pFjCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 23sec (1763 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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