Teachers, What's The Worst Thing A Student Found Out Outside School? (AskReddit)

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teachers have read it what's the worst thing a student has discovered about your life outside of the classroom that him gay they found me via Grindr my son saw his teacher buying beer and it rocked his world he mused over it for about an hour before he rationalized it and realized his teacher didn't just exist at school to serve the needs of others he said it was understandable that she would drink because she had to deal with some rowdy kids in the class not a teacher but I was a homework teacher in an after-school program one of the kids found out that Michael Walker and I are husband and wife not because we were making out or anything just another cow Walker referred to her as my wife you would think that wouldn't be a problem but parents flipped out they thought we'd be making out slash [ __ ] in front of kids even though we had both worked there for like two years and not a single person knew save for that one cow worker last time my fellow teachers and I had a happy hour outing one of our students was a waitress at the restaurant and another student was there with her mom they also are sucking down margaritas like there was no tomorrow and being way too loud it was fun one student discovered Myra did account name I pulled that student aside after class I said do you like having me as a teacher yeah you're awesome ' would you like me to continue being a teacher here well yeah ' then you need to never repeat what you learned regarding my reddit account okay tada crisis averted having a student see you buying alcohol is always a bit weird since we have a just say no to drugs and alcohol down their throats a kid accidentally saw a sliver of my tattoo and freaked out luckily he was the only one who noticed and no one believed him I teach younger children it is always weird for them to find out that I have a child and I'm not married I think they feel like teachers always of their lives together and it seems to be shocking that there is no husband in my life to the point where many of them get very upset all when I was in high school I was at a summer music festival and caught my French teacher with two beers in her hands and a joint in the one as well she was mortified when I approached her to say hello and tried to hide everything behind her back I'm not a teacher but a student I used to see my psychiatrist at 8:00 p.m. every Monday and the 7:00 p.m. slot was my substitute teacher from my local high school I remember how awkward it was for both of us when we saw each other because we actually spoke a lot during school the next day I went up to him and told him I won't tell any of the other students about that my school was pretty reckless when it came to rumors every Monday for the rest of the school year I would see him before my psychiatrist appointment pretty awkward for him I would say not a teacher but I saw my high school orchestra teacher come out of a sex shop with a brown paper bag and a secretive look on his face there was a whole group of us hanging around so of course we couldn't let him just go peacefully on his way with his bag of dildos in porno DVDs I remember someone saying hey mr. C big night tonight his boyfriend was waiting in the car and they both laughed and looked slightly embarrassed but everyone was cool about it and we chatted a bit before they went off to pound each other mercilessly or whatever good dude mr. C was not a teacher but a student many years ago I was delivering pizza party while in high school had a delivery to a house that turned out to be my biology teacher he answered the door in a bathrobe and behind him on the couch was a classmate of mine awkward to say the least but my F turned into a beef of the year we never talked about it and I never mentioned it to anyone for years I always thought he was a lucky bastard because she was a hot girl now I know right place right time I could not have graduated without that credit they saw me walking out of a bar downtown with an attractive male friend of mine who taught at a nearby school rumors flew that this guy was my boyfriend and honestly I did nothing to stop it it was the perfect cover since I'm a lesbian and was teaching in a school where that could have gotten me fired it was funny at the time and I used him as my bid for the rest of the year my daughter's teacher was in the year above me at high school and he still has me on FAFSA book it's funny seeing him at school calling him mr. X X X X and then seeing pics on the weekend of him getting sloshed law I don't use FB much so I don't think he realized I'm still on his friends list several years ago I was on holiday with my family in Majorca during the summer halls first day in the outdoor pool with my young son I'm not the strongest swimmer and I'm not the most svelte anyway couple of hours in I hear from across the other side of the pool sir-sir ignore it can't be can it then sir mr. spud head 1976 I look over there's a year 7 pupil age 11 - 12 Aish who might have just spent the year teaching stood waving over at me i grin and Ainley and try to sink so there you go a year 7 pupil discovered I had knees chosen moves my home act teacher my junior year was also good friends with my mom as I once found out too late on a Tuesday my mom her friends and this teacher came from the bar shit-faced my bedroom is located underneath the kitchen and I can hear anything that goes on upstairs and I could hear my teacher talk about a horrible East infection that she had I was so shaken up I couldn't sleep because she talked all night the next day in class I spoke to my cooking partner and told him the story the teacher walked in and said that we were gonna make sourdough bread and I threw up in my mouth on the other end of things we had a seriously hot up teacher for two years she was an ex Miss Island so you know she's hot as hell well I went to a posh school and we are well-connected with students at other private schools in England especially those that were in our vicinity when she left she moved to Harrow school nearby a well-known school in England most people in my secondary school had a lot of friends and it turns out a student at this other school found topless pictures of her on a memory stick after the other another teacher had forgot mid in a computer the pictures spread like wildfire so much so that they got around to everyone at our school even though she wasn't there anymore I saw them as I was a horny inconsiderate teenager they were pretty nice but I felt horrible about it and deleted them straight away she apparently cried in the middle of a lesson when she found out anyone caught with the pictures was to get an immediate expulsion but no one was caught in our school the person who found and spread them at Harrow school was expelled among others it ended up making the national papers found out my 8th grade science teacher was at one point the mayor of a nearby town and was forced to resign due to most of the people hating him we even found a lot of video of him getting roasted by citizens of the town he was pretty pissed that we discovered it I had one student in particular who had a crush on me and it made classroom teaching very uncomfortable she did a little snooping and found out that I have a cat and that caused her to go overboard buying stuffed cats cat cards cat Valentines you name it all of which appeared anonymously but were definition from her over time I wound her down in class without embarrassing her and she eventually gave up well that she did in secret was kind of creepy even though a crash no one has found it out yet that I have some pretty serious anxiety and arachnophobia I'm constantly vigilant about making sure that none of my students find out about it because kids can be dicks and although I am totally normal basically all the time if the spider is involved I will crumble into a panic attack the last thing I need is some kid thinking it would be funny to put a fake spider in my desk or something because then I've lost all control over my class not a teacher but a student we had this really cool math teacher a few years ago that a lot of kids really liked but some [ __ ] found a website and decided to spread it around the teachers X posted some of his nudes on this revenge site or whatever apparently the news went all the way up to the top and the teacher resigned and moved to Florida or something like that so I was meeting my girlfriend once at a local pub right after a workout I give off a pretty conservative air in the classroom but under my dress shirt I have a bunch of tattoos that none of my students know about anyways one of my 14 year old students sees me smoking in a sleeveless shirt covered in tats with a beer next to my tat covered GF I'm pretty sure his mind was blown to pieces and he assumed I have an evil twin went to an adult bookstore with four or five of my classmates back in high school we had all recently turned 18 at the time and thought we should check it out two of the chicks with us were holding and laughing at these absurd old O's while my buddy was commenting on the Jenna Jenks and to hold Rob a mold thing that's when we looked over and saw one of our highly regarded teachers coming from out of the back deer-in-headlights would be an understatement I'm not a teacher but this is something that happened to the former principal of my high school well I should start by saying that I'm from a very rural community in North Carolina there isn't a lot to do so you have to drive a little while to go do anything apparently a student at the high school found out she was gay and told everyone the community blew up the area is predominately Christian and all of the older folks were raising Cain about the fact that the principal was gay and that she was going to turn their children gay well they can't fire her because she hadn't done anything but the school door definitely had things to say about the situation so what does she do she quits she says I've had enough if you can't respect me and the work I do then you don't deserve me but of course she didn't quit before she filled a few the positions of teachers that were leaving with some gay teachers it was perfect got into car with a team mate for a roller derby match as soon as I get in the car I hear mrs. Mel demo 720 it is a punk-ass student I currently have who is the niece of my teammate turned out ok because she saw me booty blocked the [ __ ] outta some Roller broads never had a problem with her for the rest of the year I was one of the students not the teacher I grew up in a very small town some of the guys at our high school stuck into the local strip club and discovered that the English teacher was moonlighting as an exotic dancer ha dubious teaching style involved shaming people who got things wrong one day she was tearing into this guy when he snapped oh yeah he shouted at least them not on the pole she broke down and fled the room in tears years later she became principal I once took mushrooms and went to the modern Museum of Art MoMA and mid-trip I bump into my English teacher she stopped me and questions me why some see average student hangs out at the Art Museum on a Saturday I mumble it's fun I dunno English teacher tells my other teachers how sophisticated I am because I go to the museum's for fun student here my middle school math teacher got arrested last year for having thousands of images of child porn hidden in his closet while living less than a mile from school I had already graduated high school at that point he was well liked by parents my brother had him as well and said he always gave off a creepy vibe not many past students were shocked about it but the parents were since he was so well-spoken and well liked by adults not a teacher but my Patti sure was a huge drunk but he was good at keeping it a secret anyway this guy used to drink vodka between brakes I should you not I live in Eastern Europe we have like a 45-minute class and a 15-minute break after each class he was my petty chief for six years the last year's his head started to wobble and shake a bit it was funny a bit I mean he was a super cool guy like dream petia chill guy some of my classmates couldn't do a pull-up and he didn't expel the poor guys anyway I went to the local supermarket one break and when I went into the check up line to pay for my stuff I saw him in front of me he was buying two one l33 8 ounces vodkas and looked me in the eyes and chuckled hena Warriors are like the guy and got only ace from him ever since once my friends and I spent English class when we supposed to be writing essays for during out where our teacher lived then we were like hey myths we know where you live we are going to stand on the sidewalk in front of you house then she asked us not to and we didn't she also treated my friend group more like her friends than like students because she was maybe six years older than us so we heard all about her boyfriend and her life it was really funny my wife is a teacher one of her students parents is a waiter at a Mexican restaurant I guess the dad learned my wife can get blackout drunk off margaritas on a Thursday and still teach the next day
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 353,238
Rating: 4.9104118 out of 5
Keywords: worst thing, student found out, found out, found, outside school, school, outside, outside of school, teachers, teacher, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ToadFilms, pewdiepie
Id: 5qUrO7-AHRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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