"F*CK IT, I'LL DO THIS..." Moments (AskReddit)

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what's your best effort I'll do this moment thank you for the gold guys it's really kind of you I didn't am er still willing to answer any questions you have my girlfriend cheated on me in May I was so so sad because I really loved her I remember spending hours upon hours online looking for things to cheer me up I checked an old ML account that laid omen for a good year or so it contained a bulletin for expedition vacances that I had signed up to and saw an ad for a sailing expedition to Greenland I said [ __ ] it I'm going and I did I spent four months sailing from Ireland to Greenland via Iceland and back home I saw volcanoes polar bears ate whale and musk ox caught hundreds of fish learned to stitch leather and repair sails got chased down by the Danish Navy who just wanted to say hi sledge down a 2000 meter mountain and oh the list goes on that was the best decision I've made I've made several bad ones since I got home but I'm working on it and hopefully I will be going on a new adventure soon I can't wait in labor had been in early labor for days and in true labor seven hours taking me into a fifth day I was finally pushing and I was so tired that I was so sick of the Midwife saying one more push I was just like right this actually will be the last and with that I Rach pushed my daughter into the world I was at the celebration of life for a good friend of mine that passed away there were a solid 300 people there everyone was asked if they have any memories they wanted to share or anything they'd like to say to come up to the stage and speak well everyone was very apprehensive and I think nervous to be the first one to speak I have trouble speaking up at my restaurant server meetings let alone in front of people but when I saw that no one wanted to start I felt a little bit of adrenaline run through my legs / arms gulp the last of my wine and walked up to the stage I told a funny /semi an appropriate story of our youth and it was a hit from there many friends felt less anxiety and started speaking and telling Dory's it was a proud moment for me switched dissertation topics five years into into my PhD new project was my own idea and very risky as it was a novel idea that no one in my lab adviser included had any idea about had to buy several components for the experiment that I figured [ __ ] it if I'm wrong after all this work then academia is not for me graduated two years later and I'm about to get a patent on the only single acquisition super-resolution imaging system in existence still my my proudest moment is when I decided to say [ __ ] it I've talked about this long enough let's do this when I went to China without a hope or degree to get a teaching job I have work in five hours was not expecting an overwhelming response to this I will be sure to get to everyone but I'm at my job teaching English right now hahahahaha back in high school we got to talking to our somewhat attractive female teacher six-tenths about her dyeing her hair my friends dared me to ask her if the carpets match the drapes I literally said [ __ ] it I'll do it I go ice in-school suspension for two days no regrets I was 12 and out skiing with the school ski club my friend and sister found in Oslo trail in the woods it terrified me from the first look but my younger sister did it so I couldn't proceed out of it then was my ah [ __ ] it moment ended up running into a tree and breaking my leg but I got to see my bone sticking out of my leg so that was cool cops came and broke up a house party I was at visiting at Rogers friends said it as a joke that I was hammered and stood on the hood and pissed on their windshield I got an ovation from the crowd and felt like a total boss girl I was interested in falls asleep beside me in my tiny one-room place whilst we were watching some 30 rock after having already watched die hard through that night this is only the second or third time she'd come over like this episode finishes I'm trapped under this girl so I closed up the laptop with my fort and off the speakers she's still asleep since we were sitting across the bed things are a bit awkward I try to sleep but it just doesn't work I pick her up and turn her around the proper way in the bed then lay down and try to fall asleep beside her but with a respectable distance between us hours go by I can't sleep I'm wondering the whole time if she intended to fall asleep here or was she just exhausted I debate with myself whether I should try to make a move or not somewhere around 3 or 4 a.m. say [ __ ] it to myself I lean in and give her a little kiss on the cheek she responds positively cue some very passionate making out over the next who knows how long turned out she'd fallen asleep on purpose and had been waiting for me to make a move all night we've now been together 16 months and are planning to get married next year sometime great success in late 2010 my friend asked me if I wanted to do a thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail at that point in my life I was a college dropout waiting tables at two restaurants I was unsure about what I wanted out of life I have absolutely no motivation to do anything besides sit around and smoke pot when he asked me to do this 2181 mile hike which takes four to six months to complete on average I had very minimal hiking experience but I agreed to go with no real expectations to finish just to get out of town for a while and get some fresh air we started on March 19th 2011 and I finished on September 18th of that year he finished on August 14th I made many lifelong friends saw many beautiful sights and learned a lot about myself that I didn't know I never knew I had the mental capacity to complete something as hard as that now I'm back in school and know exactly where I want to be in life because I said [ __ ] it I'll go I've grown to be a stronger human being in my eyes it was by far the best decision I ever made on a drunk night out me and some friends of mine messed around on the grounds the school in the town we were in we climbed up onto the roof following a friend who attended the school and knew how to get up safely we got up onto the third storey level to discover the scaffolding he used to climb down before had been removed the choice was spent on our painstakingly clambering to the other side of the building to climb down easily or try and make the jump from the roof we were on to a second storey building opposite Drunken confidence overcame my nerves and I took a run up and made the jump successfully even landed with a sweet commando role to this date the most dangerous thing I've ever done TL DR I'm an acrobat when drunk eventually nothing happened but it was such a moment a friend of my father who is Turkish was having a fierce discussion with a group of Kurds like seven guys it looked like this was going to get physical between them my dad and I both have beers in our hands and as we sense it's going to get violent we both at the same time put our beers down on the table the moment that we accepted that we were going to fight 3 vs 7 very much felt like a [ __ ] it I'll do this moment eventually the Kurds just buggered off but I did make my old man proud through a truly stupid series of circumstances I fell in a very cold Creek on the outskirts of my hometown in the presence of my best high-school buddy it was partially his fault that's my story anyway I'm drenched and cold we get back to my car and I open my trunk hoping I've got another coat in there nope all I've got is this ugly-ass long-sleeve button-up silk shirt why because it was [ __ ] 1993 that's why now I've got cloth seats in my little late eighties Nissen so I'm not getting in the car soaking wet and anything has be better than being cold and wet so I proceeded to strip naked then wrap the silk shirt around me and tie the arms together around my back it's like an ugly long-sleeved loincloth I use the windows to sort of pin my clothes to the outside of the car hoping the wind will dry them out a bit that's right all my clothes unders included are now on the outside of my car I get in the car and start to warm up my friend is almost pissing himself laughing at this scenario he asks me if I'm actually going to drive like this to which I say you bet your ass I am as we are getting into town I look at my fuel gauge and chuckle hey man guess what what we are almost out of gas he frowns oh [ __ ] man let me get out and pump oh no dude I've got this we cruise right down Main Street passing not one but two of our high school cheerleaders on the way we stopped at the gas station at the end of the street and I proudly stand at the pump in my loin cloth waving at the people who honk and point my friend has ducked as low as he can in the sea to avoid being seen we get to my friend's house and here I'm walking in with my still wet clothes in my supple silk loincloth that I'm starting to kinda like my friend's mom takes one look at me and says I don't want to know then turns and walks away we were at our high school's field day and that year we happen to go to a beach about an hour also in some guys who were playing football throw the football about 30 feet into the water due to the fact that we live in Washington and the water was cold no one brought swimming material the due to the brought the ball is freaking out as it was signed by some famous football player and to me I decide [ __ ] it I'll do this and swim in after the ball which at this point was about 40 footin before I go into the freezing water I decide to take off my shoes and my phone out of my pocket I neglected to consider my wallet or the fact that I was wearing skinny jeans and a t-shirt despite that I swim out to retrieve the football succeed and return to shore guy thanks me and goes back to his game well [ __ ] my clothes are drenched in water roughly thirty dollars in bills are now soaked and I have nothing to change into for 20 minutes I walk around in wet clothes asking around to see if I could borrow extra tar from anyone I get a pair of girls pink yoga pants I [ __ ] rock those yoga pants my senior year of high school I fell head over heels in puppy love with possibly the most crushed on boring school he was on the football team he was one of the homecoming princes he was lead in the school play and musical he was editor in chief of the school paper Valentine's Day was the last day the musical would rung I think it was the ugly duckling but I'm not sure and I was backstage doing lights with one of my best friends who knew about my crush he was doing sound near the end of the musical when the cast was gathering to take a final bow he moved this rope that kept the crew from walking where we'd be visible looked at me and pointed his head toward the stage I got in a lot of trouble with the theatre director and never worked on a play again in high school but with my legs shaking so hard I was surprised I didn't fall I walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek we only went out for three days and two dates before he had to leave for the Navy but whenever I'm scared I tell myself it can't be worse than kissing your crush in front of your classmates went to a party met a cute girl after it was over I took her back to my place things quickly led to another I tried to go down on her so I took of her pants them panties only to find out she's on her period [ __ ] it I'll do this definitely a different experience knowing well you know I'd been staring at this girl in my class for months ever since I saw her for the first time I knew the day would come when I'd be hopelessly in love with her but wouldn't be able to do anything but watch her being talked to by all the dancer backs who obviously thought she was hot and eventually starting to date one of them then one day we were left alone in a room for about 15 minutes and I thought exactly this [ __ ] it I'll do this I hadn't prepared for that moment and I didn't have a little speech or a plan I just spilled my little heart out to her told her everything and all about exactly how I feel no games no playing hard-to-get no beating around the bush we are now together and both hopelessly in love with each other that was the best decision I've ever made and I still can't get my head around how and why did it actually work I can't believe that it did but I couldn't be happier about it I just drove home from a four hour dental procedure eight fillings and a crown I was high out of my mind and thought I'm so tired of the plywood subfloor in the bathroom if I don't lay that self leveling compound right now it is just never going to get done fast forward to fiancee coming home as I'm drooling all over myself like crazy and pouring concrete he was a little more than worried when I got my tax returned right after graduating college and decided to blow it all at once on a 1,300 mile long distance unsupported bicycle tour so many people including on reddit said it was irresponsible well it was the best thing I ever did and now I'm gainfully employed and suffered no consequences except having done something I can be immensely proud of every family has their problems but should hit the fan with mine I didn't have much money but I ditched everything and booked a ticket to Thailand where I ended up living for a summer I recently picked up kickboxing and as someone who does not drink or do drugs I just figured I would train twice a day while I enjoyed getting in the best shape of my life it just started out as training until one of my trainers suggested I should actually do a professional fight I just went along with it and it didn't seem that big of a deal accepting the offer than and there they took a quick photo of me and Blair whatever continued training the gym was located on the outskirts of town so me and some Aussie training bud is suggested that we go into town get some food and hit the beaches that [ __ ] photo they took of me was all over town on boss's billboards magazine pamphlets it was crazy it was like I was in a dream in some foreign world where everyone instantly respected me all because I was fighting on this card mind you I have no competitive history I did not even do any high school sports and in my opinion I don't think I'm that athletic anyways two weeks later after training x2 every day fight day comes around at Patton Stadium and I'm just about [ __ ] my [ __ ] pants my opponent is the native tie with 81 fights and is 28 I'm 19 years old skinny ass white kid about to go to war and all I want to do is cry like a little girl right before I walked out the spectators placed bets and touch you up like some gladiator about to get murdered at that moment as soon as I touched that ring [ __ ] it I'm fighting as hard as I can and I'm going the [ __ ] distance win or lose I just figured this guy will have to kill me to end it early I lost no surprise my opponent was a veteran compared to me being my first fight however I went all 5 rounds and fought hard for 15 minutes keep your hands up and keep pushing forward in the ring and in life best [ __ ] it moment I think I'll have friend asked me if I wanted to travel Canada I just finished school paid the last month of rent on my lease and had $50 zero zero in my back account [ __ ] it eyelines doofus left halifax NS east coast in august my friend decided to stay and work in Ontario so I'm stuck in Ontario I get a job to make some money on a farm which also provided me accommodations I get my first paycheck and thought [ __ ] it I'll do this and got a greyhound further west by myself I'm currently about 5000 kilometers from home living in Calgary and I'm about to start heading home for Christmas TLDR travelled 5,000 kilometers on a whim with $50
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 98,623
Rating: 4.9331331 out of 5
Keywords: f*ck it I'll do this, do this, I'll do this, let's do this, this, do, I'll, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, emkay, ToadFilms, GioFilms
Id: 6elRZ8Pa8rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2019
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