Teachers Share Traumatizing Things They've Heard From A Student (AskReddit)

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teachers have read it what is the most traumatizing thing you've heard from a student a few years ago we had a kid in our district commit suicide he was at the magnet school so a lot of the kids in my class had grown up with him live near him and knew him quite well despite not going to school with him we got the news the night it happened we came in early the next day to have a meeting we had to figure out a way to explain to our kids that an 11-year old boy was so sad he decided the only option was to kill himself honesty is the best policy so after calling parents and getting the OK we talked to all our kids together during our first period for the most part they handled it with maturity and empathy the discussion turned to how we can help our friends and what signs to look for when someone is sad one of my kids said he can't tell you can never tell I couldn't tell with my dad until he was gone I found out from a counselor that my student had found his father after the man killed himself with a gunshot to the head preschool teacher here my favorite overheard conversation took place in the bathroom a very busy place considering it's almost nap time and two classrooms are filtering through it two teachers 40-something children a couple kids still wear diapers at nap and I was helping them get them on so I didn't hear how this conversation started at some point out of my eyesight around the corner I heard no no no under your butt what is that I turn and look little Nora is in a full squat hands on her knees little pigtails and chipmunk cheeks fully engrossed on Owen's genitals with his under ruse around his ankles he does not respond she continues is that a pinkie cuz I have them on my hands and on my feet you got one on the air but you gotta but pinky a goddamn but pinky look at a three-year-olds penis and tell me that isn't the most apt [ __ ] thing you've ever heard worked in an impoverished town and we were discussing the Scarlet Letter one girl just blurted out that she wished the main character had had an abortion because her own mother hated her and told her she was a mistake every single day while student teaching I had one of my dramatic juniors drop a bomb on me in pregnant I asked her if this is good news or bad news she told me it's good news as the dad is 21 going to help raise the kid and that he loves her taking her words as such I asked her what he does for a job her reply he deals drugs but only xanax she ended our conversation by asking that I won't tell her parents as she hadn't told them yet yet sounded like some good news to me I got a call from a student telling me that bee was missing and they were going to start searching on the outskirts of town she'd gone running and hadn't come home we all met in her neighborhood and divided into search teams a couple hours later we got the call to meet a central location the same kid who had called walked over to me and told me they had found her body it was one of my saddest experiences as a teacher I had to call each kid in our class of 18 and tell them the news if it wasn't for you I'd be dead now s was suicidal the day before had a plan and everything I was in the hall at the end of the day and stopped to chat with her we talked for about ten minutes about her day and then she walked away nothing out of the ordinary it turns out that conversation was enough to give her reason to live one more day we talked every day about basically nothing to keep her going until we could get her help I'll never forget her face all the look she gave me when she said that I cried like a baby - I was walking a kid 9 Y slasher out - student pick up and out of the blue he says I like my new daddy better than my old daddy Oh I said why is that because my old daddy tried to kill my mom and also me but it's okay he's in jail now and my new daddy is much nicer Title I schools man I teach ESL I had a cute petite Japanese woman as a student once she told us about her first trip outside of Japan to Malaysia or Philippines or some Southeast Asian country I forget now she was walking down the street and some people in a van tried to talk to her but she ignored them because she didn't know them she told me she was very polite to them but they kept trying to get her into the van and told her they would be her friend then they tried to grab her but at that moment her friends arrived and the van drove off she was very confused as to why the people in the van wanted her to get into it and wanted to be her friend I just stared at her and was thinking girl you almost got kidnapped into sex slavery she didn't seem to realize I caught 2 year 8 students both still 12 years old passing a note one girl was giving advice to her friend about the [ __ ] she was apparently giving her boyfriend that weekend the level of detail this girl gave was impressive yet terrifying for a child to know I didn't know what a [ __ ] was at that age let alone know the benefits of a finger or two up the arse needless to say that was passed up to the Child Protection Team sadly no one was surprised when the expert gave birth aged 15 same made her mother was when she was born 2 preschoolers in my class were arguing over a mocker girl who got the maka snatched out of her hand by a little boy says I wasn't done with that yet give it back and you can have it when I'm done I was so incredibly proud of my student trying to problem-solve that the boys response to you is a problem to God was completely unexpected professor here girl gave a speech in class about how at 18 a marine bought her 13 shots of tequila she'd never had a drink in her life she told her ape story it was powerful and heartbreaking she was a virgin and she said no one besides the police and her mom knew the story and she thanked us for listening said she wanted to tell someone and felt comfortable in my speech class ended by giving all the girls in my class advice on being careful at parties about once a semester a Dumba's freshman will announce in class yeah I pay your salary that never goes well taught in the Basque Country in northern Spain they're still getting used to the concept of black people they're the biggest football club and Bill Baio where I worked his athletic bilbao oh they have a black guy playing for them born and raised in bilbao oh I had an eight year old kid saying aqui Williams is a good player but I don't like him because he's a black oh ma ta you racist [ __ ] every day there was something new first day as elementary guidance counselor walking a second grader to my office to talk to her be /c teacher says she won't pay attention as we're walking I asked if you could have three wishes what would they be she said I wish my daddy didn't go away I wish that lady didn't get shot there next to last night and I wish I could get a job so my mama's car wouldn't get possessed sick I knew I really couldn't counsel her into paying attention anytime soon so I just took her to my office and let her draw me pictures for a while and talk about whatever she felt like sharing not really a teacher but I did have a free period one year and happened to be a teacher's aide II overheard some small snippets of conversation regarding guns and bombs and stuff totally blew it off assuming the kids were just talking about some video games or something now these were kind of off-the-wall type kids trench coat Mayfair members through and through so I decided to listen in on their next conversation a little bit closer I hear some more stuff along the lines of yeah if you get them all in the lunch room you can take them all out really easily I corner one of them after class and confront him and this kid freaks the [ __ ] out he starts talking like an auctioneer getting words off as fast as possible apparently they weren't talking about murdering an entire school just zombie apocalypse survival techniques it's good I didn't get some real staff involved all this would have to have been posted in tifu it seems I had been given a nickname chalo so I would hear that word every now and then during class I never thought they would be referring to me until I noticed I was hearing that word with every single group of students I was teaching eventually I heard a student saying cello sucks I put him on spot until he confessed he was referring to me I didn't hear this but it's more of what the student did I'm a special education teacher we have students use the reflection room for escalated behaviors it's basically a mat padded room for when students become aggressive one student went in there and tried to hang himself on the door handle using his shoelace teacher stopped him for obvious reasons but he was so fast at tying the shoestring around his neck and onto the door handle poor kid was a fourth grader he's fine but I mean how does a fourth grader even think of doing that so sad I used to teach in a super [ __ ] up in a city school in my first tier of teaching I overheard one of my second grader say don't drop the soap I interjected and said you shouldn't say that you don't know what that means usually I wouldn't tell a kid what he or she does or doesn't know I sure did hope the seven-year-old did not know what that meant though next thing I know my second grader is cracking up and cheerfully saying DUP missus that means you'll get butt raped if you're in jail he was not trying to be defined at all he seemed surprised it was inappropriate and perhaps may have wondered if I knew what it meant definitely realized how [ __ ] that community was at that point no childhoods at all for those kids he was a sweet boy I hope he is doing well I'm drunk and feel like sharing this story when I was a senior in high school I was committed to slacking off because who gives a [ __ ] about high school right I took a class called teen leadership which involved about 25 of us grades 9 to 12 just talking about random self-esteem boosting types of stuff while sitting on couches anyway we do this assignment halfway through the semester where we write a one-page double-spaced summary of ourselves this Korean exchange student girl stands up as the last to present and gives a speech in broken English that essentially distills down to all my life my father has told me that I shouldn't bother going to school because I'm useless and too stupid to learn turns out she financed her own trip to the States to go out on her own and educate herself away from her atrocious father she actually taught herself all the English she knew she started crying so hard that she couldn't finish her speech being the edgy piece-of-shit teenager I was at the time I acted indifferent but to this day her predicament brings me to tears because at the time I'd never be so close to such a devastating tragedy like that my first year teaching I had a high schooler sharing some personal writing very Freedom Writers kids were encouraged to write from the heart etc we'd all sit in a circle and share this girl goes into this story about how her boyfriend got her blackout drunk then videotaped him and his friends taking advantage of her how she weeds this out loud to the class I'm only thinking about my responsibilities as a mandatory reporter my jobs on the line if I don't take stuff like this to a counselor immediately then she goes on to explain how the boyfriend woke her up and made her watch the video of her getting raped she calls up an ex who comes over and shoots the guy in the dick after she shares this masterpiece I search for clues that this is all in the past something she's told others before and all these psychos have been locked up she just goes nope and makes it seem like it this is the first time she's told anyone I take her writing to a counselor the next week I get called into a meeting for her I'm expecting this long report about sexual abuse mental stability and stuff but her dad just wanted to make sure her grades were okay I had a student write me a letter she clearly had a crush on me but I really brushed it off as nothing as much of a childhood crush a letters began to get more and more intimate one of them entailed using scientific equations and how like science we should have chemistry and create new elements I put that letter forever away so I wouldn't have to go to jail I was a brand-new high school teacher in a ghetto part of town it was my first year teaching math and I thought I could really make a difference I was naive and thought that with enough patience and understanding I could break through some of the kids and help them pass high school and maybe even to college well I had a particularly troubled student his name was Daniel he was bullied because he was poor and gay it broke my heart seeing him try to express himself artistically with his art and his clothes because some [ __ ] bully would always tear his pages and rip them up nothing infuriated me more than seeing no one doing anything and that no one cared besides myself even the principal didn't give a [ __ ] there was one day where he told me something I would never forget it's okay if they pick on me or call me names I know one day I'll be successful and that I'm beautiful you remind me a lot of my dad he always took time to ask about my day and beat the [ __ ] out of me with a pair of jumper cables well I'll see you next year you've really helped me when no one would sadly he didn't return the following school year but I'll always remember you Daniel I teach at a title one school district urban core poor neighborhood I hear stuff all the time that I probably should regard as shocking but honestly I guess I've grown accustomed to it a couple of examples that come to mind juniors 16 to 17 that are pregnant with their second kid homelessness I guess I come across as someone easy to open up to because they launch into full-out stories about where they have been staying friends family cars bus stops just roaming until morning when they can come to school how they have been getting by thank God for title 1 schools receiving free breakfast lunch and dinner students getting short one of my students is going to be released from the hospital in a few days another of my students is his sister he was in IQ for several days following a shooting endless cursing at anyone and everyone for anything example good morning students [ __ ] you but you don't know me get out of my [ __ ] face while this is not something I've had but rather see girl fights horribly violent and bloody girl fights they will rip chunks of hair out of people's scalps with skin still attached they will gouge people's faces with their nails and they do not care if you are the person they are fighting or a teacher slash cop trying to break them up they will keep fighting that way [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
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Id: Gq7hLecUS5g
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Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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