Parents Who Have Disowned Your Child, What Happened? (AskReddit)

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parents who have disowned or genuinely stopped loving your child what happened my parents disowned my oldest sister she always struggled growing up more than us she became a teen mom with a bad elder Jude partied a lot et Cie but my parents helped her a lot they do okay for themselves but had a no co-signing rule for all six of my siblings and I still they co-signed for her house so she could get a head start she didn't pay the mortgage for almost three years before my mom got served in front of all the other nurses at her work my parents worked tirelessly to try to work our deals where my sister and her family kept the house and got some leniency but to no avail because my sister never showed up for court dates during this time she paid dollar sign 12 K for IVF and got pregnant with her fifth kid when my mom demanded some of the money back she accused my dad and my brother of beating her sons when my parents took them to Disney World he didn't and said she'd file a police report if he asked for money again they kept asking cause it wasn't true she awkwardly joined us for Christmas and punched my brother in the face during the meal for humiliating her oldest son by asking him if he wanted to work at my brother's company for good pay her oldest son is in and out of jail and my brother was trying to help him after his release but her son said he didn't want a job and got mad she then called the cops and told them the same brother had illegal guns in his truck and they came on Christmas night and searched his truck no guns found needless to say she is not welcome anywhere near any of us and my mom still cries about it but refuses to talk to her again a little different I was disowned but I deserved it I was an addict and a mess for a long time my mom couldn't keep bailing me out of trouble and watch me self-destruct anymore I wasn't living at home she came to see me one last time to tell me she was done not to contact her she would no longer have anything to do with me she was in pieces I can't imagine how hard it must have been for her but it was the best thing she ever did for me once she cut me off my rock some came hard and fast after a little while of living on the streets in my addiction consuming me I made my way to a detox center got a few days clean under my belt and never looked back that was almost 15 years ago after I was clean a little while I contacted my mom and little by little we built a relationship again and now we are really close I'm forever grateful to my mom for letting me fall and letting me back into her life my ex-wife disowned my son we both married young when I was in the military high school sweethearts she became pregnant six months into our marriage I don't think she connected with him at all after he was born the most she did with him was Instagram photo shoots where she painted herself as hash one mommy when he turned three I left the military a year after that she ran for the hills I remember it like it was yesterday i sat down with her at a local restaurant to talk divorce plans we split all of our financials and material items down the middle we finally got to custody for my kiddo something I dreaded to discuss because fathers never gained custody in my area and she tells me I want absolutely no responsibility I was taken back and I asked if she was sure she was that one sentence hurt me more than anything else that happened during that time my biological father wanted nothing to do with me and now I was seeing it happened with my own child but with his mother I received full custody and she married within a year afterwards she had another child to her parents try their best to be a part of his life but she still does her best to avoid him he's seven now and used to it but I know it waits heavily on him [ __ ] sucks ass but it's life I guess I was a kid and my sister was much older when my parents were finally done with her from my recollection she went through the cycle of making one stupid decision after another even when they would tell her and show her why she shouldn't make that decision dropped out of college they were paying for and used the tuition money she was refunded to buy a Firebird then quit her job let car run out of oil kept driving it until the engine seized our parents bailed her out again buying her what they could afford on one salary a decent youth station wagon only catch she take the job my dad called in favors for parents come home one day to find strange car in driveway a son bird it was old and shitty but it was the one : one trade my sister managed to swing on the station wagon lo and behold old and shitty car breaks down almost immediately and she simply stops showing up to work gets fired moves out with no car and no job accusing parents of controlling her life moves back in three months later upset that I have moved into her old bedroom which is bigger demands to be moved back into the bigger bedroom parents say no she threatens to move out she goes on a semi hunger strike about the bedroom turns out she was shoplifting and stockpiling candy to eat so she wouldn't have to eat with the rest of the family during this time dates a number of less-than-stellar boyfriends including a guy who is 30 years older but drives a Porsche a guy who had been convicted of sexual abuse and another guy who generally creeps everyone out by jumping the fence and just standing in the backyard at all hours of the night eventually she is told to pay rent go to college or move ours she chooses to move out and is gone by the end of the week I clearly remember her threatening to burn the house down as she left two months later she asks to move back in because her roommate and best friend kicked her out parents say no she's on her own unless she wants to go to college or get a job and keep it car breaks down again for good and calls and asks parents if they can buy a new one for her not new as in new to her new as in brand new model year my parents newest car was 15 years old at the time they say no and not too cool again there were a whole raft of other things too including forgetting to pick up her grandmother from doctor's appointments generally loading the existence of the rest of her family and then ironically died riding the family as rednecks when she finally managed to hook a guy who was a small business owner and actually had some money in a home it's been about 20 years since I've spoken to her and from the stuff I hear now and again through the pipeline I'm better for it I do expect her to come calling when my parents pass and she finds out I'm the sole heir my biological father divorced my mom and also his three kids basically bouncing out of our lives and making it clear he wanted next to nothing to do with any of us when he left man years later at my older sister's funeral that he had a [ __ ] goal to attend I asked him why he did that he said I thought it would be easier for everyone he actually meant it was easier for him to run home to his wealthy family and enjoy a second adolescence while my single mother worked two jobs to feed three kids under ten with zero child support from him I have been legally disowned by my father when I was 11 my mum was diagnosed with terminal cancer this was her second diagnosis in around four years obviously she recovered the first time after intense surgery and a lot of chemo and he did not want to look after her like he did before he also had a new gf and her family to look after apparently and he had no issues leaving us when my mum passed away when I was 14 my brother grandmother came and I met up to discuss who I was going to live with the plan was my brother and his family father was never considered and he showed up and declared that he was in the process of going to court to legally emancipating self from me he went out of his way to legally declare that I was no longer his child just so that my brother 22 yo with a wife and two young children already struggling on one paycheck cold would seek child support needless to say it stung coming only days after my mother's funeral my mother and her sister were both adopted into a great family recently my grandfather fell ill and we were told to prepare to say goodbye so the family gathered my grandmother has had a hard time with her memory since she had a brain haemorrhage that she welcomed my aunt into her home during this tough time whilst my grandfather was in his final week Wendy aunt took my grandmother's ATM card and proceeded to spend well over a thousand dollars on herself and get herself a motel room she also attempted to steal their car when my uncle's found out she basically disappeared into the wind after my grandfather passed and his funeral was all sorted my grandmother went to an attorney to write Wendy out of any inheritance she would get from their estate when she passes she didn't press any formal charges because the whole process would have been lengthy and more painful for her she didn't need the extra stress I'm pretty sure one of my uncle's also threatened Wendy to make sure she stayed away from my grandmother from now on too as Jehovah's Witnesses my parents disowned my siblings and I several times since I was in my late teens one of the JW roses that you do not associate with others who know the truth but refuse to follow it including family and parents are encouraged to disown any children who have left the religion the first time was when I was 19 it upset me I was heartbroken and eventually they changed their minds only to do it again a couple years later and so on until I stopped caring and no longer attempt to be a part of their lives at all not a parent but my parents stopped loving me the moment I was disfellowshipped as a Jehovah Witness and I was promptly kicked out I knew nothing of how to live on my own at the time but I had a decent job and survived my brother stopped associating with them two years later and lives with me and they since moved away 1500 miles away to be exact it's easier to tell people I'm orphan or that I do not have parents cause it's hard to explain how they would stop loving or want to associate with their own son over some stupid cult rules I wouldn't say I've discerned or stopped loving my son the it's real tough to find love for him he's almost 14 next month and he's currently out of our home at a treatment facility he's averaged two arrests a year for the last two years and he's attacked my wife several times our daughter several times and the neighborhood kids several times he's run away from school run away from home and tried to push me off the roof of our house after threatening to jump off and hurt himself we have become that family in our town where the police are called to our home on a semi-regular basis he's been getting more violent as he gets older not to mention bigger and stronger and I honestly don't see an end in sight the key fact I'm leaving out is that he's been diagnosed as high-functioning autistic and is also bitola that's like putting walls around a tornado and expecting it to stay inside the walls a lot of what has occurred he had little control over because of the way his mind is where he's constantly at war with himself structure versus chaos and my wife and I have tried desperately to give him the best life we can while keeping ourselves and our daughter safe but I'm tired it's been eight and a half years we've been going through this with him and I've been ready to throw in the towel on him for a while but my wife refuses to let him go so we wake up every morning trying to give him the best life for him and our girls since it seems to have widened a bit a family torn apart based on an aunt and her niece ant starts signs of dementia at a relatively young age is moved into an assisted living home niece who bounces around jobs gets higher X to go visit her about once a week take her out to the mall or a walk in the park whatever paid handsomely we get an alert that unde has a check bounced from her account that should have dollar sign 5k in it niece has drained the account proven beyond a doubt with receipts niece would take on two aunts bank machine every Friday and withdraw $200 then fill her car with gas odd can't drive and charge us hours when she clearly didn't spend hours without charged us claiming she took out two appointments there was no appointment we can actually call the doctor FYI the family rift for some bizarre reason nieces family took her side my father said my mother's issue was she had too many children and at gaither some kind of brain-fever much like a dog that loses its mind after having too many puppies my mother said my father felt trapped by me he was planning to leave when it was just my two older brother and then my mother got pregnant with me and he felt obligated to stay now that I'm am adult with two kids myself I think I realized that both of my parents are are just extremely mentally ill and incapable of loving anyone including themselves not me but my great-grandma this story is really sad but also interesting so I thought I'd share it she was a young Creole teenager French Creole was her first language and she was a quarter to half black like me would tan skin and loose brown curls she was born in Florida but when things started getting worse for black people in Florida her family relocated to Texas for those who don't know Creole people tend to play heavily into Collard ism although they are definitely mixed-race they prioritize light-skinned people the looser you curl the lighter your skin the more white you look the better her parents had high expectations for her to marry a wealthy light-skinned man who would take care of her instead she met my great-grandfather a poor dark-skinned man jumping from job to job working for farmers and trying to make a living the two of them fell in love they were just teenagers her parents threatened to disown her if she continued seeing him and like a rebellious teenager she refused they wanted her to do better she wanted to be in love they might have broken up eventually if she didn't get pregnant but she did and that was the end of it her parents basically said you've ruined your life and disowned her right there the whole family disowned her no one would speak to her aunts uncles cousins not a single person stood up for her so she had no choice the two of them moved to California so he could get a job picking oranges he built a house they had their first daughter she was 16 she never saw her family again I'm not a parent I've never discerned a child my parents disowned my oldest sister I'm the youngest of three girls my oldest sister had a horrible relationship with my father blames me for getting in the way of their relationship she had her first baby to spite him when she was 16 years old my father refused to give her money because she met a deadbeat child predator and got pregnant again the again and again she constantly put herself and deadbeat before kids dad would send money to girls for Christmas and birthdays and never heard a thing he finally gave up she's 30 has six daughters and lives in a mobile home in North Carolina we hadn't seen or heard from my sister until June of this year my oldest niece contacted me asking to come to Florida where I live for the summer to get her and her sisters out of the trailer I agree contact sister and she agrees I set up plane tickets and organized the rooms they'll stay in when they got here they were completely disheveled clothes visibly dirty smelled foul so covered in lice that my white towel stained gray from removing them my niece informed me that they had been without water and electricity for six months they live in a two-bedroom mobile home there are holes in the roof bugs and rats everywhere as a family we decide the girls aren't going back to North Carolina we tell my sister to come to my parents house in Florida to get a life together and get back on her feet she refused because deadbeat is not invited ironically she found out that deadbeat is cheating on her she confronts him and he kicks her out of she whole trailer deadbeat said I would rather be homeless than live with you sister now works for the dollar store and doesn't pull her weight with kids at least the girls are safe now
Channel: ToadFilms
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Keywords: parents who disowned their child, parents who, disowned, child, what happened, parents disown, parents disown child, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, emkay, ToadFilms, GioFilms
Id: jksFIvWtOpY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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