Attractive Teachers, Did You Know Which Students Had A Crush On You?(AskReddit)

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attractive teachers of Reddit did you know which students had a crush on you and what is the strangest or most inappropriate thing you overheard said about you a female teacher of mine was told by a student during an exam to sit down because if he sees her body his blood is rushing into other directions instead of his head there is a nonverbal very very large severely autistic young man at my school who goes into a rage and attacks other teachers and students and flips tables and desks if I'm not where I'm supposed to be when he wants me to be I think maybe I remind him of someone else I'm a middle-aged woman with kids older than EA's he badly injured a teacher last week when I had a meeting and was not at lunch he stares at me from across the cafeteria or Jimin looks away smiling every time I look over I'm not his teacher and he doesn't react this way to anyone else at the what's y'all male teacher here I've had a number of students who I found out had crushes on me they're usually the ones who find any reason possible to be around you but on top of that I've had some more obvious signs one girl ran into class and jumped into my lap while I sat behind my desk and nestled down a bit I'm not allowed to touch students so I had to get to other students to remove her another girl would make the egg a hoe face at me every day for about a week and asked if I liked it I had no idea what it meant at the time so I asked and she made a masturbation gesture with her hand another girl watering around school and told people she snack were married those were the worst but there are usually a handful of them every year I make it a point to look unkept now as it's super dangerous getting into these situations I also try to have the students move to another class if possible most people think I should be flattered by it but all I can think about is loosing my job and being labeled a child pervert when I was around 25 I used to substitute and it was mainly at a pretty affluent high school there were girls who would come by my room between classes just to hang around and talk then there was the girl who wanted me to read her poetry the funniest was the drama class thoughtful where they didn't even try to be subtle it was a very loosey-goosey class anyway in the school's theater there were three girls who crowded around me the whole class and were asking for my phone number and my address because they wanted to come hang out I told them we couldn't one day I was at the mall with a buddy of mine and a group of high school girls saw me and came running up to me kind of hanging on and around me and talking my friend shot me a look I mouth to silent I swear I haven't touched them I met a guy around that time he was kind of a jerk who was bragging about secretly dating a high school girl from that school he was mid to late twenties when he found out I subbed there he said oh you're the substitute with the goatee they are always talking about you're kind of a legend with those girls you should hook up with some I soon decided to stop substituting I had a student with a crush on me I was in my late 20s teaching seniors in high school he constantly emerald me with questions about college applications and stuff but sometimes his friends would hack his account and send me emails from his account saying how much he loved me I responded and said I cares about him but only as a student after he graduated high school he would email me when he was drunk saying he loved me then he would follow up the next morning saying he never meant to send that I didn't really respond to those when he graduated college he did try to ask me out for ales and I turned him down again for likely not a very lewd story sorry but an actual experience and I suppose an actual answer to the question I'm in my mid-twenties and I'm currently finishing up my education to become a teacher at what would be the equivalent of high school level in the US however over the course of my studies I have had to teach a bunch of usually supervised classes my subjects are computer sciences and history about two years ago I taught a class in Computer Sciences very basic stuff really not what I want to be teaching but I guess someone has to do it so this class was split into two groups which I taught separately on different days the groups should have been split randomly but by sheer chance one group was 100% girls only and the other was one predominantly male I taught the same classes to both of these groups mind you exactly the same stuff same worksheets etc etc those kids were a bunch of teenagers around the age of 15 maybe 16 now I remember distinctly how surprised I was at the different outcomes from these two groups stereotypically girls have a harder time with computer sciences I don't mean this in a sexist way in fact I would see this as a result of a sexist society but usually the boys pick up on some things faster not in this case the girl only part of the class was [ __ ] focused to a point where I couldn't even provide enough worksheets to fill the lesson what I remember the most about it was how they listened to everything I said as a Rach s level teacher that is not something you're used to usually you just hope that like 25% of what you say somehow finds its way into their minds but these girls picked up on everything I said asked question and seemed really interested in the subject so I told a couple of female friends of mine about this I was praising this class la isn't this great this just matches the stereotypical way of thinking this is what happens when you give female students a chance to excel in something that our society doesn't usually associate with women blahblahblah all of these female friends looked at me at once and went dude they are into you you're a 24 year old decent-looking substitute teacher you're the dream I wouldn't have any of that surely a bunch of fifteen-year-old girls couldn't be interested in a teacher almost a decade older than them well all of that got crushed when I finished the last lesson that I taught in that class when I was packing my things a group of these girls walked over to my desk and sheepishly asked what I was doing after school and whether I would come back to their school at any time the disappointment when I told them that I probably won't come back wasn't the kind of disappointment you get when the students really enjoyed your classes it was the disappointment of teenage girls with a crush on the plus-side my supervisor gave me stellar feedback on those lessons told me he never saw the class disengaged obligatory not a teacher but I had a massive crush on one of my high school teachers and I'm sure he knew I was always finding excuses to hang around his classroom and talk to him I wasn't the only one either there were a handful of girls and a couple guys who would all spend our spare time in his vicinity looking back now it was so obvious and weird that I did it but he was my first serious crush and I had zero chill I visited every now and then when I'd go home from college and we are friends on Facebook still and he's also still super handsome and a genuinely nice dude I'm a 27 yo the otter teacher I didn't overheard anything but I've been hit on by students one girl who liked horses 17 did you know that girls who ride horses are better at sex my reaction well you crossed a line here it was the first time something like that happened and had no idea how to react so I've been violent and may have hurt her feelings but well last year another kid 17 also we are doing an exercise where each student have to walk in front of the others and then the other ones have to try to copy them it's her turn to walk you like to watch me walk sir she later on asked me if I had a girlfriend and tried multiple times to flirt with me I usually just said something simple and funny in the context that made her stop during a little time she definitely stopped after a few months when she finally understood she had no impact on me the same year there was also the student that so obviously had a crush on me but never did or said anything in that direction it was more of a general behavior once another student mentioned in during a class in an attempt to shame her and I had to shut him off I also work with adults but it's a lot easier to deal with as they are adults and often compartiment things better so I never had to deal with anything like that yet I'm student and was in my last big teaching session before my finals after just one week of teaching I landed on an Instagram site where pupils secretly post things they want to confess about them all their teachers they called me the hottest teacher ever and published my name surname and relationship status that felt pretty strange one.girl said in my case she would have not a single problem of me being pedophile I'm a male teacher and there's one girl who either has daddy issues I know from her oversharing she has a stepdad or has a crush on me she might just be needy but she is always calling me over to ask for help when she clearly figures it out on her own or one of her also smart friends could help she's also always telling me all the smallest details of her life much more so than my other students like I said she might just be needy but I don't know obligatory not a teacher but my girlfriend is she absolutely knows which kids have a crush on her and generally uses it to have them wipe the board and other small stuff the strangest rumor about her was probably when the kids told her they thought she wasn't gonna be here that year because she was pregnant I'm a woman if she was we'd have known where this rumor came from absolutely no idea I dated a girl a few years ago she's was seems wrong a teacher and as insanely gorgeous right before she left the country she started teaching at a high school pretty much all the boys had a crush on her for the few months she was there one of them acted really weird with me one of the few times I dropped by to pick her up I didn't think much of it at the time but when she later joked about it it was like being hit with a ton of bricks English teacher here girls on puberty just seemed to want to have a crush on any guy that somewhat close to them and unreachable for an actual relationship and a teacher fits it perfectly teenager girls keep trying to approach physically and use any excuse to hug me and if I don't set clear limits they try to touch me nothing explicit or really bizarre ever happened to me but it really feels weird sometimes I don't think I'm attractive but I heard some students commenting about my ass a couple times besides that last semester I was lecturing classical mechanics I could swear that the boy who away sits in front of my desk stared at my tits every time I was writing something about three weeks ago I'm not his teacher anymore he knocked the door of my lab looking for me he then asked if I would go on a date with him I'm a 23 yo physicist I'm not attractive but I did find out a third grader had a crush on me because she straight-up told me I had suspected it because she would give me a hug basically every time she saw me and say things like mr. Lanier that is so funny cool and handsome she did go through a phase where she randomly hated me and refused to talk to me most of the time but then after a couple weeks of that she randomly gave me a hug one morning and said I liked you again that kid was a little boy crazy when I was in high school one of my friends said how he would bang the [ __ ] out of miliseconds Richards and how he wondered how big her tits were there were three milliseconds Richards at my school so before you go all he used her name you would never know which one even if you knew where I went to school well miliseconds Richards was standing about two feet behind him when he said this she let it pass but clearly heard it and she blushed a little and went back to her desk the next year we were handing in our geography finals and she said I hope you do well next year too my friend and gave him a piece of paper along with a report card that would only be altered by the test we just took the notes read 30 40 he looked at her and she was smiling ear-to-ear he went blood-red and walked out of the room he never did anything with her it was just awesome she did have sweet cans wholesome sharing I teach six to eight year olds so this is a very SFW story one of my students who was a boy would always stare at my face then squeeze my cheeks and lay his face on my arm because I was cute he also showers me with compliments and whenever I have MACUL pond he would say I looked like a celebrity of course at that age they do not have the concept of crush yet but still the thought that a kid finds me good-looking is still a confidence boost because at least someone finds me cute hahaha I have a student who won't leave me alone he's in my room every chance he gets even so far as getting to school an hour and a half early to wait outside of my classroom while I'm in meetings in the morning he's pacing outside the room waiting for the meeting to end when I have midday meetings he's waiting at my classroom begging me to skip them or bring him with me I have no privacy this is my second year and I decided to be casually out with my students and I was hoping the fact that I'm a lesbian would shut him down at least a little but either he hasn't noticed or he won't accept it I know of two students who had crushes on me when I did my student teaching just avoid the situation's whenever we talked I made sure to place myself and clear view of the door and our individual conversations were always with a desk between us I was a big on making sure every student had a proper handshake and eye contact as a life skill so that kept hugging out of my classroom in my first year of teaching I taught in a rural high school almost everyone worked on a farm these are two statements from the same student after explaining to a class all the different kinds of food I could cook I was 23 at the time a student said how come you aren't married then this one was just randomly MS you are way too pretty to not have a boyfriend the kid was literally working on an assignment and just blurted this out when I was just starting had one of the girls I was only four years older asked my to feel her abs as she pulled up her shirt didn't know what to do so I just walked out of the not exactly textbook procedure on how to handle it but my brain short-circuited for a second I'm not particularly attractive but I'm a young female teacher and my students are teenagers I have had students make really inappropriate comments before two of my students got in trouble in another class because another teacher heard them having a discussion about my boobs hearing that grossed me out and made me want to dress even more modestly than I already do economics teacher here a year or two back I had a boy probably 15 to 16 always on his phone in class I didn't know why but I always told him to get off of it fast forward a few weeks and I hear him and one of his friends talking about how they were taking pictures of me some of them were up my skirt and using them to masturbate the worst part is I couldn't get them out of my class with no proof so I waited until he started spreading the pictures to get him kicked out this still haunts me today back when I was student teaching I had a male student straight up yell at me and the whole I think your heart I was in my early twenties and looked younger than that and not at all confident as a teacher yet so I was literally speechless now I would have enough guts to tell them that's inappropriate but back then I literally just stood there awkwardly with her I wish this wasn't happening look on my face had a student not underaged asked me out I was teaching a college class and he asked me to a ball I told him I plan to take my fee on K he begged me to dump plans with my fee on K law in the end he walked away disappointed got to give him points for boldness I guess [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 463,405
Rating: 4.9364347 out of 5
Keywords: attractive, attractive teachers, attractive teacher, which student, which, crush, crush on you, students, which students, student, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, emkay, ToadFilms, GioFilms
Id: CcNcJqnWszQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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