Filmmmakers Share The Worst Wedding Incident They Filmed (r/AskReddit)

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people who have filmed weddings what is the worst thing you caught on camera and had to remove from the final video filming the father of the bride speech he mumbled his way through it the guest in front of me said well that was [ __ ] [ __ ] and only then remembered I was behind him and sheepishly looked round my dad is into photography as a hobby he has a bunch of expensive cameras and loves shooting in all kinds of settings so he volunteered to be a photographer at one of his co-workers weddings they had an actual professional photographer there as well but decided to let my dad get in on the action since he takes a damn good photo he was snapping random shots all night and took a nice photo of the bride and groom dancing with some other couples there were tables in the background of the photo and people eating on said tables there in the far back center table was a man and a woman sitting at one of the tables in the woman's hand was the man's dick I guess she thought she would be able to jerk him off while everyone was distracted with alcohol and dancing both of them had straight faces and you couldn't tell that anything was going on they were background characters in the short so it wasn't noticeable if you weren't looking for it my dad caught us when he was editing the photos and decided to just duck in the background in a way that you couldn't see this dude's junk in his wife / girlfriend / random drunk woman's hand he didn't delete it because it was a really good photo of the bride and groom and he really wanted to send it to his coworker he never told the co-worker about the whole penis part and I believe the couple has the photo in their collection of framed wedding pictures my mom filmed weddings for a long time once the groom was so drunk he could barely dance with his new wife he was stumbling all around groping his new wife and even grabbing her butt and thrusting super sexual bridegroom danced the bride was so embarrassed she was trying to settle him down with no success this was obviously in front of all her family and guests my mom made me watch as a lesson in self-control respect and humiliation we made the mistake of deciding to set up ourselves on a tripod in the rear of the chapel and let it roll the plan would have been brilliant if not for the fact it got bumped when someone walked past and was instead filming nice solid shot of one of the uncles fighting a particularly stubborn wedgie for far too long someone noticed it and adjusted it eventually the father of the groom was making his speech and got to a touching part about his wife mother of the groom who had passed away recently I was filming from the back but got his sound okay but there were a bunch of little kids near me playing quietly until one of them yelled goddammit [ __ ] you right as the father was tearing up nobody seemed to notice but it was plain as day on the tape so I had to do a lot of delicate shopping on that one sister-in-law was trying to use the wedding photographer as a personal photographer or something to take pictures of her family she absolutely denied it for four months until we watched the video from the videographer that caught her literally saying the bride said that she wants you to take pictures of families so our photographer missed a good 20 minutes of the reception to take pictures of her and her family and then came to us and was like hey we didn't discuss this and tells me what the sister-in-law said I go to her and she denies it all and sizzurp the photographer told us that she wanted take pictures of the family members although it was only her and her family which we weren't on good terms with they weren't even invited so months later we are sitting around watching footage and just like a scene from the office you see in here with perfect clarity oh the bride wants you to take pictures of the families not the reception we are ready when you are and the silh is sitting in the corner of the room and stomps her way to the door and slams it as she leaves not me but my buddy was the videographer for a wedding during the ceremony they had candles lining the aisle and the mother of the bride decided to get closer so she could get a better picture while she was taking pictures she started walking backwards well she walked backwards right into one of the candle holders and knocked it over right into someone's lap commenced chaos guy jumps up trying to put out the fire that's now in his lap guy's wife starts at the women took about 20 minutes to get everything calmed down marriage went off without a hitch afterwards and yes it was all caught on camera the bride insisted it be cut out of the final video so my buddy put it on a separate tape for us all to laugh at later it was my wedding and we didn't have it removed nor would we have but the camera didn't pick up the audio so when you look at the video you see us making our vows then the whole wedding party laughing then it continues what happened was the ring bearer a little boy about 3 or 4 during the vows where I'm asked senior do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife and this kid says not quietly you mean he doesn't have to marry her law it just blew his mind that a guy would willingly marry a girl this didn't have to be removed and jokes were actually made about sending it to AFV a number of years ago in my early twenties I went to my cousin's wedding my father asked me to dance and it was going quite well until he asked to dip me I said no I was pretty big at the time and figured he couldn't support my weight and would drop me he was rather disappointed and the dance ended soon after about three dances later I hear him calling my name across the dance floor I look out and he is gleefully dancing with my mother and shouts hey my name this is how you dip someone and promptly dips my mother and drops her straight onto the floor all proudly caught on video and still referenced at every family wedding to this day I used to videotape weddings for a few years the funniest thing I ever saw I was during a dollar dance a kahani moon dance a guest went to dance with the bride gave her a $20 bill and asked for change at another wedding they had little bottles of bubbles instead of rice so that guests could blow bubbles on the couple as they left the church one boy about 10 would take a mouthful of bubbles and blow it out instead of using the Little Dipper he made better bubbles than anyone don't think we took it out of the video but it was funny Catholic wedding drinking of the wine odd communion there was quite a bit of wine left after everyone went through most times I've seen the priest just finish it for some reason this guy wants the parishioners to finish it but everyone is having a hard time figuring out what he wants he wants everyone to go through again nobody gets it my brother reaches over takes the chalice and pounds the remaining wine lays it back on the altar I didn't make it but when we were at my cousin's wedding my mother fell a total of three times all three times my dad me or my two other siblings weren't around so we didn't really believe she kept tripping over her dress that was until the next day when she had a bruise the size of Eurasia on her thigh we were left scratching our heads like how then the video for the wedding came out along with bloopers in the bloopers you see my mother hopping around with her friend and doing bad Irish dancing when she lands catches the hem of her dress skids and falls backwards over said friend before baiting herself off the floor through the tears I felt bad haha I'm not a photographer but saw the funniest thing get caught on camera during a wedding we were in Jamaica and a couple was getting married on a crowded resort beach a large drunk guy waves into the water and goes directly behind the bride and groom like ten feet back he keeps trying to get on one of those floating things anchored in the water and falling off again and again the guests and people around are just watching this guy try to hold his drink falling all over the place floating around it was hilarious and also really embarrassing to watch shot one with a Hoss ban Zilla they were practicing a choreographed dance to a whole new world Disney songs a big right now he flipped his shirt because it wasn't perfect and said they weren't going to do the dance she was obviously upset I awkwardly left the room as it was just the three of us in the photographer they did the dance and it was totally fine just seemed like such a stupid thing to flip out about especially at your new wife on your wedding day run into them at a bar some time later and they didn't recognize me but they both seemed happy I filmed dozens of weddings I put awhile a smick on the groom in a lot of cases so I get everything he mutters before during and after the ceremony most of my cutting was audio related lots of guys bud is telling them they have a chance to run series and not my favorite though was walking down the aisle after the ceremony the groom whispers to the bride we are jetting it on as soon as we leave this church and the bride gave him the Solaris look and were basically jogging out of the church and everything the guests filmed on the video goose book was delivered good or bad definitely had a drunk aunt go on a 15-minute tirade once and lots of raunchy stories from drunk friends of the bride and groom but nothing that stands out as to WTF when my brother got married I was one of the bridesmaids it was a super fun wedding but my sister-in-law bride got tanks during the reception she threw up in the bathroom at one point during the part where the bite throws the bouquet we had to get her up there hand her the flowers and just tell her to throw so I'm in the crowd to catch it and I'm pretty tall for a girl 5 minutes and 10 seconds so I'm the tallest there she drunkenly throws it and it be lines to my face of course the bouquet was made of succulents I had cuts under my eye for about a week and my cousin had the entire thing on camera from a side angle it looks like a comedy sketch also didn't get the bouquet either because I was too preoccupied with getting hit in the face happened to my parents at their wedding and didn't get removed from the video when they got out of their limo some kid on a bike came up to them and yelled get the [ __ ] out of here you don't belong here kid must have been only seven or eight and the wedding was in my mom's hometown law the video from my wife's first wedding not to me is pretty funny they got married in a theater and the opening of the video is the people filing into the theater and finding their seats unknown to the groom and his wedding party backstage they were make tup and so while the theater is filling up you can hear the groom talking this is a [ __ ] disaster I reserved a must to rent for my wedding pictures and they sent me a [ __ ] part Cruiser your [ __ ] shoes are all wrong you have the wrong color of [ __ ] stripe on your pants and on and on it goes laid over the opening scene of the video totally unedited asterisk fo are people asking for the story a version of it is in one of these threads if you are already tired of reading my wife and I have been reminiscing about things while this thread rolls along and it has made her nostalgic and now we are watching The Office because the German Pam relationship is closed except we didn't work together my aunt had a camera floating around for anyone to use at her wedding while my dad was filming one of the bridesmaids spilled a bottle of red wine on the center table of the room it knocked a bunch of stuff off the table as well as making the white tablecloth red well my father was facing the wrong way so when you watch the video there is a crashing sound then my father spins around and says very clearly [ __ ] [ __ ] I missed it as the bridesmaids is scrambling to stop the chaos funniest part of that video by far obligatory not me but there is a famous he out Eber who invited another youtuber to her wedding this other yata bear ended up stealing thousands and thousands of dollars from her during the reception she was going through the cards and collected all of the checks and cash given to her something to the tune of $30,000 during the father-daughter dance the videographer actually caught this girl stealing one of the bridesmaids handmade brooch bouquets in the background you can actually see her taking the bouquet and shoving it into a backpack she actually showed that part of her wedding video YouTube for everyone to see - I know a lot of people might say this was just staged for drama but the whole thing went to court which is public record like nine years ago my cousin gave me a video camera and told me it was my job to record her wedding and reception um yeah no thanks but I did it anyway even though I didn't want to well during the reception no one told me the layout of the wedding when people would be speaking et Cie so I was basing it off another wedding I went to but of course they did things differently for Thurs I was a vegetarian at the time and served dry pasture I couldn't eat and subsequently got drunk rather fast oops so I ran to pee and came back to find out my other cousin bride's sister and maid of honor was about to give her speech I grabbed the camera and maybe missed like the very beginning I may not have I can't quite remember but my cousin the bride later commented how shitty of a job I did maybe hire a professional you cheap ass and the reason I think they said I did a shitty job was because I was moving while recording my cousin's maid of honor speech my cousin is not a great speaker she has some learning disabilities and was incredibly nervous to speak that she did it for her sister and then the groom's friends / family at the table I was standing next to recording started making fun of her during her speech so yeah maybe the camera was shaky b/c I was trying to move away from those [ __ ] so you didn't have a recording of people making fun of your sister on your wedding day that were supposed to be there to support you and your husband I couldn't edit the footage b/c I don't know how / don't care so I just gave them the whole thing I'm not a videographer if they should have asked anyone in the family probably should have been my brother he does that kind of thing but whatever I just hope they couldn't hear the groom's friends / family making fun of my cousin and her speech [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 245,335
Rating: 4.8867927 out of 5
Keywords: worst, wedding incidents, worst wedding incidents, worst weddings, wedding, incidents, caught on camera, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, Updoot Reddit, TZ Reddit
Id: _buKCyXevy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2019
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