Those Who Have Accidentally Killed Someone, What Went Wrong? (r/AskReddit)

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to those who have accidentally killed someone what went wrong when I was 17 I hit a motorcyclist with my car it was late at night and he was in the roadway wearing all black after crashing his motorcycle slid off the road and down an embankment and I didn't see him I was travelling about 60 miles per hour when I hit him he was on his knees attempting to get up I could see his face when I hit him I still see his face his blood alcohol content was three times higher than the legal limit and he had apparently just left a nearby dive bar after fighting the bartender to get his keys back the local small town newspaper released my name unlawfully in the story the motorcyclist happened to be the uncle of a classmate of mine I joined the laram shortly after to continue my life of killing not sure if it was accidental but while in college in my first apartment I came home from work at 3:00 a.m. some dude was in the hallway outside my door and I had a bad feeling about it I paused and went to get the mail hoping he would leave nope I come back and he is waiting at my door I asked him what was up and he said he was looking for John my name is not John and I lived alone I asked him to move and let me in my door he told me to fuck off and get John I slid between him and the door opened it and he pushed his way in I pushed him out he took a swing at me I swung back hitting him in the eye which caused him to fall back and hit his head out cold forever apparently John was the guy who lived in the apartment before me the dead guy spent five years in jail because of John ratting him out for drugs dead guy came to get some revenge got dead instead a good friend of mine was killed by his best friend they had gotten deep into meth and got into an argument one night dude hit other dude in the chest with a shovel the shovel went right between his ribcage and pierced his heart it was a semi freak accident he didn't mean to kill him although hitting someone with a shovel is some serious shit friend went to prison do math kids edit to clarify he said he did intend to hit him with the flat part of the shovel but when he made contact it was the side of the shovel that pierced him according to the autopsy it wasn't even that hard if a hit had just happened to hit perfectly in the right place if it had been 1/4 inches in either direction he would have walked away with the cut don't do math and don't hit people with anything in the chest unless you intend to kill them my so steeped Occidental II killed his wife it was a horrific story they both worked at the same school and he dropped her off before parking because it was bitter cold she shut the door on her scarf and tried to get it out but the husband didn't realize and started to drive off her neck snapped and she died instantly but her face was dragged along the ground a good distance this will happened right in front of an elementary school with kids going inside I can't imagine the guilt that guy lives with fell asleep at the wheel single most heart-wrenching experience of my life just a reminder to any of you who have been drowsy while driving Paul over my cousin accidentally shot and killed his older teenage aged brother in a hunting accident his brother died in his arms while he screamed for help he had to switch schools BC the kids bullied him about it teasing him about killing his own fucking brother kids are cruel not using a throwaway don't care I killed my wife not directly not intentionally she was 22 and beautiful and hilarious and smart and wonderful haunts me 22 years later draws me to the edge from time to time we dated all through college more than just a girlfriend people who met us knew we were perfect together she was an old soul and I easily envisioned us growing old together even at age 21 she made me believe in myself I was invincible with her an aspiring pilot in college engineering major I wanted to fly helicopters I applied to the US Army to be an officer and pilot it's an intense frustratingly a long process she helped me study for the written exam two days before I graduated I accepted to flight training in the Asami we were married a month later on the beach in Goleta California she gave me army aviator wings on our wedding night for a brief moment my life was utterly perfect two months after I joined the army I was a semester ahead of her she graduated ox while I was in training I couldn't attend her graduation ceremony I was at feat rocker Alabama three days after she graduated she packed her car and drove cross-country to be with me I was at a point in my training where I could live off-base as a married man she was worried about driving that far alone she told me so but I discounted her fears but the truth is that I was a hot-blooded 24-year old married man and eager to resume my sex life I encouraged her to make the long drive alone looking back my penis was talking more than my brain a few days later my so called me into his office he flat-out told me directly that she was dead that she died in a car accident later I learned that she was pushing herself and fell asleep at the wheel a witness a woman driving behind her later road to tell me her account she told me she held my wife's hand while she died for two years I was a show a ghost I quickly exhausted my emergency leave from the Army and then applied for a hardship discharge I never got my wings for two years I was lost among the living dead inside I had to live with the fact that I pushed her to drive across the you sir even though she had concerns all because I wanted sex that was 1994 it's been 22 years I eventually remarried and had kids but not a day goes by I don't think of her god help me I was 14 I got a kitten I've always had trouble socialising with people and I've just always liked animals more in general and have mentally and physically treated them better than I would treat my own actual family sometimes a 15 year old who lives directly next to me who had a history of behavioral issues had hopped the fence and had my cat in a plastic grocery bag I wasn't sure if he was trying to steal my cat or to just suffocate it but I wasn't going to wait to find out with a running start I tackled him into the wire fence and he immediately started bleeding profusely from his head at this point my 90 pound goofball of a lab heard what was going on outside and as soon as he saw me next to something bleeding his natural instincts kicked in and he went all out on the kid probably thinking that I was in trouble I tried to get him to stop but it clearly was futile I ran inside to tell my parents and call the police but by the time the police and ambulance showed up he was already dead I know that I should feel bad about it and I kind of do now but at the time I certainly didn't not me but my ex didn't date too long cause we were from different states months before we dated he was married to his wife they were happily married or so it seemed they had their ups and downs like any other couple he said at one point that she said she would not know how to live without him one night they got into a fight a big fight from what he was telling me they were arguing about counseling and she flat-out refused to go cause he didn't need fixed it escalated from there and she slapped him after that he told her that's it we are done she was screaming and crying but he already walked out of the house he went outside for a smoke a few moments later she rushes out throws a piece of paper at him and keeps going he was slowly reading the note cause it was dark but the note was saying about who to take what to and to take her dog to her mom who lived in Iowa it was signed I'm sorry I cannot live without you he looked up BAM she shot herself in front of him he screamed and ran to her he was also going to kill himself but their rumor took the gun away first to protect him he was placed in a psych ward for three days he always blamed himself and it was difficult to convince him otherwise I had always feared he would have followed suit eventually especially after the investigation where they returned all his guns back in the one she used on a good note he is engaged to someone else and he hasn't had those thoughts in a long time TL DR if someone tells you I can't live without you don't have second thoughts about that statement technically I didn't kill the person and in no way am i responsible but this instant still haunts me a bit so my soccer team was coming home after a gang everything was pretty typical it was getting dark everyone was chatting I had here but in my thirds out ignoring them I felt the bus turn onto the main highway we took nothing unusual it was then that I felt the back end of the bus lurched into the air and then screaming I first thought that he just do some weird sort of wheelie awesome shit if only I looked back and I saw a broken glass and about half of a company van inside the back of the bus the driver was killed on impact he was driving about 60 miles per hour and was most likely texting so no brakes we got out and instantly knew the drivers chance of survival none of the team was hurt past some broken glass in my hair and a bit of whiplash but I never want to sit in the back of a bus again TL DR fuck buses and texting while driving my friend asked me to hang out I said I wasn't free that day because I had tutoring we made plans to hang out two days later a few hours after the last message she sent my friend had died because of her family's car malfunctioning it hasn't been that long ago and I still wonder if I could have stopped her getting in the car h13 summer job babysitting a sibling group twins three younger brother 1 and 1/2 and naptime was 1 p.m. normally napped in their rooms but this day for some reason they wanted to sleep in parents room 30 minutes later a gunshot rings out one of the twins found the gun in his dad's nightstand and shot his brother if only they were old have been in their rooms we had a motorcycle ride arranged for the weekend go have lunch in Spain and get back before dinner a third and fourth female friends were invited to ride with us at the last hour literally one out before departing my friend uninvited the two females a guy's day out he called it his father and two other guys were joining us each on its bike it was a bit rude but I complied and asked forgiveness to the person who was going to come with me on my way back I had a really stupid and very violent crash lost my arm in the process almost lost my life no one died but the idea that I was supposed to have a pillion with me scared me straight I swore I'd never ride with someone on the back seat ever again too much responsibility if they were to lose an arm because of my mistake or worse lose their life I'd never forgive myself kid I went to high school with accidentally shot his friend in the heart he was a fucking idiot and the story I heard was he was fucking around with a loaded gun that he thought didn't work and was pointing it at people pulling the trigger to freak them out turns out it just didn't work well him not at all savvy with firearms but it didn't fire 50 times in a row then it fired fired fine once not me but my Kalka she was driving and a man over in front of her car and she ran him over turns out the man was homeless drug addict and had severe mental issues basically it was concluded that he had committed suicide it haunts her and she tells me she wakes up crying because she remembers his face right before it happened my friend's brother was having sex with his ex-girlfriend also mother of his child they were doing drugs maybe coke and drinking he had a gun and when they were getting dressed he started playing with it twirling it around and whatnot he accidentally shot the gun and hit her somewhere where it should have not been fatal however she was on blood thinners because of some health issue she was having and she just bled to death even though he called 911 right away and tried helping her he is in jail now and suffering because he killed the mother of his child and now his child wants nothing to do with him so he lost two people not me but a guy that comes into my convenient store I work have killed someone on accident pretty much a regular comes in likely always does for his noon he makan tallboy a purchase then comes along a very desperate man that needs those last Tinicum that the man before him got begs the regular forum regular pretty much tells a guy to piss off then they pretty much just start fighting each other the guy that was begging starts a fight with the regular the regular beats the crap out of him the guy waddled to his car he then proceeds to sit in his car for four or five hours the way the parking lot is set up you couldn't see the defeated man's car from the register my cow walker goes to bring the trash outside to the dumpster and notices the defeated man's car goes to check on him since it's been several hours man's dead heart attack right after the fight he died over a Heineken tall boy a Heineken tall boy my uncle has been in prison for about the last 19 years or so he was on drugs and pulled a gun out during an argument with his girlfriend and was waving it around the gun accidentally goes off goes through a wall and hits his best friend who was in the other room straight in the heart the family knew the two were good friends and that it was an accident and didn't want to press charges but the judge didn't care my uncle had a previous record so he sent him away he gets out this year so I'm really curious how he adapts to how different everything has become since the 90s [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 924,916
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Keywords: accidentally killed someone, killed, someone, accidentally, accidentally killed, accidentally killed reddit, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, Updoot Reddit, TZ Reddit
Id: qu27U0WzPrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2019
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