Teachers, What’s the Worst Fight You Had to Break up? | School Stories #13

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teachers of reddit what's the worst fight you had to break up the worst fight i broke up wasn't because of students getting hurt but because of how lame it was first off i teach middle school which is just one awkward moment after another these two kids were arguing over a pencil because one kid supposedly broke the other kids pencil they were bickering back and forth like two old men and then they just broke out in really mediocre wrestling it was embarrassing to watch because neither boy could even wrestle and i was able to just tell them to stop and send them to the office with no other issues another reason it was the lamest fight ever was because all the other students who were working at other tables went about their work and talking to each other and didn't even notice usually they would be chanting fight fight over and over and crowding around trying to film for world star i remember a fight of two guys on a bouncy castle around 12 14 age don't remember i mean it's a bouncy castle they were just sort of rolling around a bit and from a distance it just looked kinda gay like they were making out or something i taught adults at a vocational school mostly from rough neighborhoods we had been warned to never try to break up a fight as many of these students carry knives and so forth but some woman had a bad falling out with her group of friends and was sitting separated from them but they were talking back and forth very loudly very aggressively across the room i couldn't control them and went to get a supervisor with me in the supervisor guy there one of the girls from the group came across the room at the odd one out she is big six feet and 250 pounds and charges across the room at the odd one out who is maybe five feet two inches supervisor gets in between them they fight around him for a second then smaller woman slashes the face of bigger woman with a razor or something that pretty much ended it other than a few thrown things and tussle but a lot of hair and braids were ripped out and there was blood everywhere supervisor was lucky they literally fought around him and the smaller one whipped that blade over his right shoulder to slash the other one's face this was on a tuesday and they were too effectively graduate on thursday insane i am an english teacher in france this happened in the classroom next door to mine and i just witnessed the aftermath and heard the gossip from my friend who did break it up and was there to hear the story when they got hauled into the admins office one of my male students was named timothy who was dating a girl named dollar a year under him one day last year he apparently left his phone unattended and unlocked and she picked it up and started searching through it what other found was his very male best friend louis sexting and sending him nudes and talking about how much he loved him and tim was texting back and being equally enthusiastic about the two of them being together out in the open once they finished school and were in university as she proceeded to screenshot and send all those texts sexts and nudes to her boyfriend's parents before replacing his phone so he wouldn't know tim's parents are very conservative and when i say very i mean very his mother once called me to complain about his grade in english and it evolved into a rant about foreign students that would make marine le pen proud and other news so that's why she went this revenge route this kid went home to be blindsided thanks to her and apparently he had to basically flee the house because he was afraid of his father literally killing him louis turned up to school the next day calmly entered anna's first period class and beat the ever-loving crap out of her just wailed on her he was skinny thing but knew what he was doing and she was super tiny and it was not a fair fight at all and he just obliterated her i just heard him screaming after he had been restrained which is when i went to go check she had a black eye and a broken eye socket and there was blood everywhere from her mouth and nose louie was borderline hysterical and screaming about her being a bee who ruined tim's life it was bad i am not a teacher but i have worked in k-12it for 10 years so i have been in a lot of classrooms teachers aren't supposed to break up fights and usually get hurt trying to do so that being said the worst fight i saw was in a science lab i was in the back of the lab installing some software to go with a digital microscope and a large 8th grade girl was singing disrespectfully while the teacher was talking tiny 8th grade girl behind her was getting p and telling her to shut up because she couldn't hear what the teacher was saying big girl continued to sing tiny girl says for the last time shut the frick up i'm trying to learn then proceeds to leap over the lab table between them grabs the big girl's hair and proceeds to bash her face into the table over and over again screaming at her to shut the frick up they had to get a very large male administrator in there to pull her off the teacher got elbowed in the face when she tried to step in said screw it and ran out into the hall to get an admin fun times holy crap i can just imagine that my dad is a five feet six inches hispanic dude gentlest person you can imagine his first teaching job was at a rough high school two guys both much bigger than him got into it but security was nowhere to be found so he tackled them both in a bear hug so all they could do was stare at each other and rage while my dad waited for reinforcements literally dad power hug attack was effective enemies disabled substitute teacher here i was randomly assigned for the very last period of the day to a difficult class all of these kids were enormous like maybe they were football kids all i know is my petite self wasn't even shoulder level with these kids so in a classroom full of enormous dudes a few in the back kept picking on one kid in the front the seriously huge kid stood up and charged at the super big kids in the back who all stood up ready to fight my super lame reaction was to slam my tiny hands on the desk and yell excuse me back in your seats please they all just sort of stopped and looked confused and then sat back down no fight no problem nobody was more surprised than me i ended up leaving them some good notes for their teacher because honestly any enormous guys who stop their big butt fight just because some tiny lady in a cardigan asks them to sit down well they can't be all bad i taught english to adults older than me and they got salty for the tiniest freaking reasons it never evolved to be a physical fight but holy crap i'd rather teach children they can be way more mature i used to teach high school in rural georgia i had to break up a fight between two girls and a heavily pregnant girl i never taught these girls and it happened between classes in the hallway in front of my room the pregnant girl was on the floor screaming and crying while one girl was kicking her in the head and one kicking her in the stomach i grabbed each of them by their upper arms and hauled them away very hard one fell back on her butt and the other nearly fell the one on her butt started crying about how i'd hurt her the other girl acted like she was going to rush me or the pregnant girl i grabbed her held her back and told her that if she tried it again i'd make her wish she hadn't she tried to hit me and i twisted her arm until she was on the floor kneeling and screaming meanwhile one of the other teachers helped the pregnant girl and another called the nurse principal i was the only one to act for a good 30 40 seconds i had a student who fought a few times in my class and was one of those blind rage type fighters who would just swing at anyone until he got back under control he was manageable in my class but he was sent to homeschooling after a fight he got into in the hallways something stupid set him off and he punched the other kid a few times before being restrained by one of the security guards who he also punched in the face during the same fight a teacher was trying to separate the two students and he accidentally bit still broke two of her fingers it dawned on me that day why they tell us to not get between students fighting she was lucky that one she wasn't hurt worse and two that she wasn't written up on disciplinary charges for breaking that rule i've only broken up a few fights and they were pretty mundane but if there is one thing i know is that girls fights are worse than boys girls will go for your eyes but boys typically stick to an honor code no hits below the belt and all that to add to that most guys i've seen fight tend to walk away from it with respect for each other girls tend to drag that grudge to the grave i had two girls fighting in my classroom it turned into a hair pulling contest and my skeleton dr kelsey ian life drawing class wore one of their weaves for the rest of the school year i like that skeleton's name not a teacher but in my low-income urban public school we had an actual riot with students punching police officers tripping the fire alarm damaging property and screaming obscenities school was cancelled for two days as teachers reviewed security footage and suspended kids of course it was a doozy to break up a lot of dissatisfied kids in the cities i'm not a teacher but my high school put a jukebox in our cafeteria one year and for a dollar you could play three songs so these three girls put in like five bucks and played 50 cents and the club on repeat after the fourth or so repeat of the same song some girl had had enough and went to unplug the jukebox the three girls literally jumped her right there punches and hair flying everywhere i'll give the the one girl credit she was holding her own against the three of them this is all going on and that freaking song was still playing everybody is watching them kick the crap out of each other after about a minute in some guy strolls over all casual like and unplugs the jukebox they stopped fighting after that and that song was never played again the end would be real funny if all four pounce on the guy for interfering actual teacher here it was after school and i was headed to the copy room on the way to the cafeteria which had been cleared off all the tables and was basically just one big empty area except for the huge mass of students that had developed i rushed into the massive crowd where two different circles had formed it was literally like being at a metal concert with two mosh pits at least 16 kids were fighting when i broke through one kid fell in front of me and the guy who pushed him ran up and did a yanikovsky kick to his head all metal moshing instincts kicked in where my main goal was to basically push away as many people as possible and keep them away from each other until more aps officers could arrive to help it was chaos so i don't remember much after that to this day i don't even know why they were fighting once everything was settled i picked my paper back up and went back to making copies if you just change a few nouns this could be a scene in a western i taught for two years in a very rough boys school where i had to break up fights almost daily i'll share three stories the first fight was when two students started fighting because of well i can't quite remember to be honest it probably started as an argument over which one's mother is a bigger w or maybe who owed her drug money the fighters were grade nine aged it took four staff members to break the two apart and even more to keep them separated after the initial blows at the height of the chaos both were throwing chairs tables and whatever else they could get their hands on the end result was damaged windows broken doors and quite a few staff members that had cut scrapes bruises from trying to keep the two away from each other i'm pretty sure they met up outside school to settle their differences later that week the second story is a bit more light-hearted in my first few months of teaching at the school i rewarded a group for good behavior by taking them to play soccer on their small hardcourt area when i say good behavior i mean they hadn't assaulted or verbally abused each other in my class all week even though i was still new i felt like i could trust them since they had been relatively well behaved and they were a small group in the middle of the game which was going great by the way two players from opposite teams had a moment of frustration and started swinging haymakers they both got a few good shots in and by the time i was able to get in between them the fight was over we took a five minute break they shook hands and we continued the game i didn't write them up for that one the last story is one of the few times where i legitimately thought i would have to defend myself i was on duty at the hardcore during break and i challenged a student on his behavior he had been picking on a younger student and all i had asked for him to do a stop when he kept doing it i approached and told him that he had to leave the hardcore area once i was within five meters or so he turned on me he started telling me to frick off and cursing at me with every word in his vocabulary everything seemed to slow down at this point as he started to walk towards me with what i could feel was an intent to hurt at the same time though i could sense the other students watching and starting to move closer towards us i began stepping back while talking to him trying to describe the situation and i even outstretched my arm towards him to try to keep space between us before the student was able to fully reach me he was turned and escorted away by three other students as crappy of the situation as that was to me that incident had a silver lining even though at times i'm sure they all had their differences with me that day i felt lucky to have those boys as my students i'm not sure what would have happened if they hadn't stepped in but i do know it would not have been a positive outcome commerce i began stepping back while talking to him trying to de-skull of the situation hold your ground with both bears and teenage boys in a school bus driver my first year driving i got the bad school kids living i am houses with boarded up windows kind of neighbor i picks up in but i was the only ride these kids had and i loved them a few small fights in the afternoon but nothing really bad all year till mid-june i pull up to my first stop and there's tommy on top of his sister jane tommy was in grade one jane in grade two their older brother billy was yelling at them i saw this from afar i sped up slammed on the brakes amd flew out of my bus without thinking ripped tommy off of jane he still had the wire in his hand he was trying to kill her now being in the neighborhood i was in i couldn't send him home so i threw him on the bus cannot really and made him sit up front with all other kids at least three rows away took him into the school i held his hand and his sisters and we walked into the principal's office the principal seemed like he didn't care and i didn't see tommy the rest of the year no one told me what happened that was over five years ago we lost the run to another company so i don't know how he's doing just a quick note jane could breathe no marks on her neck and she was okay physically clear airway and all older brother billy said it happened as i turned around the corner i still think if i had a cell radio i would've called 9-1-1 whoa this could have ended way worse if you hadn't been there you did great in de-escalating the situation and taking care of the kiddos when i was teaching high school in baltimore i was walking down the hall during my plan time when i heard the sounds of fighting in a classroom i poked my head in and saw sam this big sweet kid who i taught with another kid pinned to the floor flat laying on top of him hands pinned etc sam is so big that this other kid is totally immobilized sam isn't doing anything to him i think i can talk sam into letting the kid go i didn't know the other kid so i bend down next to him and talk to him for a minute i finally convince him to sit up as soon as he starts to push back the other kid gets his arm free and swipes at sam with a knife none of us knew he was holding except sam sam had special needs and i'm not sure if he just didn't think to tell us about the knife or if he was trying not to snitch narrowly missed my face neck and sam had him pinned back to the ground before any further attempts could be made we let him stay that way until the police arrived i don't get involved in fights anymore not a teacher but saw the craziest fight when i was in high school there was girl i'll call a girl a who was mentally challenged rumors where she was a preemie born addicted to drugs crappy home life in foster care just all around crappy situation for her she was about four minutes and 10 seconds in high school just a really little person well this one girl girl b thought she was the prime target to bully and well she picked the freaking wrong person to bully b messes with a for a few weeks until the day a snaps here's the thing in our high school we had the gates that dropped down to close off corridors you just hit the emergency release and the gates slammed down and there's no leaving that corridor until the on-campus police officer comes to unlock it with a key never had these gates been used until be messed with a for the last time remember a is mentally challenged and special needs b is messing with a and all of a sudden he runs for the emergency release button for these gates to drop gates drop its a and b and a few bystanders stuck in the corridor uh beats the ever loving crap out of b remember how the on campus police officer has to unlock the gate with a key yeah well that took a solid five six minutes to go get the key and get back to the corridor and by this time there's students on each end of the corridor pressed against the gates to watch the butt kicking that's happening b ended up going to the hospital and never came back to school rumor was she was in alternative school for all the bullying and they ended up in a state psych ward i had to tackle a sixth grade boy that had a fifth grade girl by her hair on her knees pounding her face in with brass knuckles he broke her face in several places and knocked out most of her front teeth because he had asked her out and she said she was too young to date the kid fought me like crazy while i had him pinned kicking pushing us across the grass so that my face is digging a trough into the field trying to bite me spitting on me all while i'm thinking i just bum rushed and tackled a student i'm going to get fired i laid on top of him until the cops got there they investigated what happened and i wasn't in any trouble because the general consensus was that he could have killed her and i went with the least violent way to subdue him and i didn't injure him the fifth grade girl spent some time in the hospital and had to have some mild facial reconstruction surgery the boy went to juvenile hall that's horrible i bet that girl got some pretty bad emotional scars from that one my first year teaching i had to break up a bunch of typical middle school fights hair pulling fighting over boys weak punches when boys were involved seventh grade we had a bit of a gang problem so it was fairly common two still really stand out to me though the first involved two girls fighting over a boy who had been sent to juvie i walked out of a classroom where i was observing and one was already being held back by our seven foot tall social studies teacher the other girl was ripping fistfuls of the other girl's hair out and screaming b he's my man get the frick out of my hall other girl who had her hair ripped out was an 8th grader and 8th graders were supposed to stay out of the 7th grade hall the screaming one was a student of mine so i just walked in asked her calmly to let go or be picked up and picked her up to take her to the office while she screamed and clawed at me at one point she promised to calm down and i fell for it she immediately ran back and began fighting again so i had to carry her to the office later they asked if i wanted to press charges for the kicking and scratching i literally laughed in the deputy's face how vindictive are people that they have to ask if you want to ruin a 12 year old's life there was one even worse than that though i had one student who was a gang leader in my class but he was always respectful with me and worked hard in class so i just sort of chalked it up to rumors one day near the end of the year i turned around to write something on the board and heard a girl scream i turn around and the quiet respectful kid had ripped one of my loud mouths out of his seat and was kicking him with precision directly in the kidneys while bellowing think you gonna jump one of my boys frick you b i was horrified this kid was a weightlifter and prying him off of the other kid who was curled up in the fetal position was nearly impossible once i did get him off i screamed at the other kid to get the next door teacher being the antagonizing bud that he was he stood there and called the kid from the gang of pea the kid from the gang escaped and chased the other kid around the school throwing furniture at the instigator and screaming it took me five minutes of chasing them through the halls while the other teacher watched my classroom to get admin or the deputy to help it was then that i decided not to teach middle school anymore i teach high school now and see my old seventh graders a lot including fighters one even apologized to me most of them want me to teach them when they reach the grade i teach i just really hope they have chilled out with time obligatory not a teacher but my high school has had some fights here's a few stories one one day a small skinny kid incited a fight with an extremely large 300 pounds of pure muscle kid after picking on him all day so after a single punch is thrown the giant picks up the small one puts him over his head and then smashes him down into the ground faster first there was blood everywhere on the floor on the walls and especially on the kids face too as the entire school exited a pep rally a fight between two girls breaks out in the middle of a large crowd of students weaves flew it took several teachers to finally stop the fight also a security guard decided it would be a great idea to use pepper spray on said fighters despite literally the entire school was all crowded around in this small area as expected several students were hit with minor injuries but one teacher got a direct hit to the face 300 pounds kid was a young thanos young female high school teacher here worst fight i've broken up a 250 pound kid pushed a 90 pound girl from behind sending her skidding about eight feet down the hallway on her stomach she jumped up and shoulder checked him into the lockers and just started beating the crap out of this guy punch after punch right into his face i walked up behind her grabbed her around the waist and lifted her off of him as she continued to punch him as i walked them to the office she looked at me and said i don't even freaking know who this guy is worst fight i refuse to step in and break up the two largest toughest guys in our school got into it in the hallway right in front of my classroom these were the kind of boys that were already pretty much grown men and each had around 100 pounds of muscle on me i heard yelling in the hallway and turned around just in time to witness one punch the other square in the teeth he hit him so hard that i swear i could feel the vibrations in the air like i felt the punch it was so hard and oh my god the sound of it they then started punching at each other as they rolled around the ground in a huge pile of blood that had come from the one's mouth after the first punch i would have gotten hurt breaking it up i internally said frick that and called the office to tell them to send out police resource officer and admins down there asap to break up the fight of the decade there really is a unique and scary sound to hearing two people hitting each other much more so when they're big if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 113,203
Rating: 4.945189 out of 5
Keywords: teachers, school, school stories, school fight scene, school fight bully, top worst school fights, the worst school fight ever, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: qZgW06hOsOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 8sec (1508 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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