Feeding All of My Animals! (Why I Rehomed 12 Pets)

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this cricket has been chirping for over a week now it's in the wall when will it die oh hey Kiara it's been a minute since you've been in the video oh hey kita it's been a minute since you've been in the video hi hey I love you shake shake shake shake hello and welcome back to my channel umm you what what's the problem oh you have something to say star star you gotten into ear scratch you okay now high-five oh all right well hello it's really hard living in this room it is really cramped there's really no way for it to be like crystal clean crystal clear is the correct term but I just made up my own crystal clean yeah there's no way for this room to be clear clean I can't talk there's just too much going on in it I can make a decent but not not sparkling so today's video is what the title says it is I'm trying to get my my hair my these things I'm trying to get them in the in the shot they are so beautifully dubbed on the website hair sticks yeah five dollars ladies and gentlemen for these sticks in my hair this video is feeding all of my pets so it's basically an intro back into which animals I do own and which animals I don't own anymore while I was in rehab I did ring home like twelve of them yeah basically if you don't see the animal in this video it was free honk now it was really really hard to choose which animals I'm gonna get to keep and which animals I'm going to get rid of but basically I decided to make the choices off of which one seemed the easiest for other people to take care of while I was away you see while I was in rehab they were debating keeping me for 90 more days after the 30 days they wanted me to go to an extended care program out in Colorado I ultimately chose that I didn't want to be away from my animals in my family that long and so I chose to not do the program but I didn't really decide that until like four days before I left rehab so when it was still like the second week and someone else was in charge of taking care of my animals which is ultimately my parents my assistants that we're used to coming already and someone that my parents found which was an owner of a rescue the guy from the rescue only came every so often so it was almost ultimately mainly my parents my assistant was out of town it was a big mess I had to try to write little notes and mail them to my parents and call them over the phone and give them instructions on how to care for my animals because I was just swept up and took to rehab and it ultimately was very scary for me and stressful about what the heck is going on with my animals so I decided the most trickiest animals we're gonna be rehomed or any that we're causing any problems whatsoever that not aren't necessarily hard to care for but we're just being problematic like if they were refusing food or if they were escape artists or things like that that's kind of how I made my decisions my parents ultimately wanted me to try to decide down as much as humanly possible so I tried to make the list as big as I possibly could if it even came down to choosing between different snakes like which snakes are super picky eaters I rehomed those and the ones that aren't super picky eaters I kept those yeah it was really really really hard to choose I cry about it all the time still I miss my other animals I do but if we go back to my video where I disclosed my addiction and the whole story behind it I do mention that time period when I went and I got an abundance of animals extremely extremely fast and how dangerous that was and I'm not gonna lie after all those animals it started to get overwhelming now if I was at my absolute peak health I really don't think I would have a problem with that many animals whatsoever I'm in recovery right now I'm going to IOP and meetings and doctors and therapists and psychiatrists and I'm very consumed in my recovery right now I'm trying to take it as seriously as I possibly can and because of that I don't think it's the right time to have 30-something animals if you guys know I used to have to display cages basically I narrowed it down to having one instead of two and then whatever other cages could not fit in this room but there was only so much room I had out there so I had to pick and choose which animals I was gonna keep beyond that so yeah we're gonna go through and feed all my animals let's try to focus on the positive and not just be all sad over which animals are gone because trust me I'm fully aware of how sad is that some of these guys aren't gonna be featured in this video anyway for the animals I do still have and love with all my heart I'm gonna show you guys how I feed them and you get to see all their faces and see how they're doing so thank you guys so much for clicking on this video now I hope you enjoy all right so now it's time to feed the snakes which is under this garlic gym trash no that was elegant for the snakes since I have a couple of snakes it's not just like a few little dead rats in the fridge or whatever I have I have a bunch or the freezer sorry I have a bunch so I have this beautiful freezer just eloquently sitting in here but yeah it's a full up what who in the world French fries in here my french fries and my gluten-free pizza rocks are just casually sitting with my dad rabbits I don't know who did that anyway all my dead rats are in here we're gonna go through them and find the right sizes for the snakes a little container I use to warm them up I don't know why it's in the freezer that kind of goes against the whole fact that it warms them up but all right so we're gonna do here is we're gonna warm up some water and the rats are going to in there until they thaw let's do this and something I do because I don't like to waste it block baggies so I do put the rats directly into the water so I get some rep to save and I put it in here this makes the water stay for the snakes so whatever water is on the rats is okay for the snakes to consume okay I'm actually warming up the water a little bit more so while that warms up let's go ahead and get all of the rats out that I will be using today and now we wait we will check back in about 15 to 20 minutes and then we'll probably warm it up again and then give it another 15 and then we'll be good to go [Music] all right next up I am going to gut load all of the rice voice I just combine the words mouse and rat together we are going to be loading all the rats and mice with a multivitamin so the snakes get a good source of all the vitamins that they need so I'm going to I don't want to inject them so instead we're gonna be using these little syringes and we're gonna be sticking it right down their throat all right so now we're gonna go through all of the snakes and see who's hungry and who's not today some of these guys are in sheds so they won't be hungry but most of them should be so here's doc we're gonna start with her I know she is actually in shed but that does not mean that she will not eat she sometimes will actually might look like she has none I actually think she's done shedding today we're gonna give her two rat pups cuz we are out of small rats so let's give her what she wants there's one and I'll come back and give her a second and just a little bit like slide this off it'd be cool all right next up we have tofu let's see where he is today oh I found him this is tofu I don't know if you guys know him much on my channel yet but he has become a star in his own way on my Twitter chant or my Twitter account here's just a few pictures of him I've posted on there [Music] he is amazing and awesome and I love him so much he's one of my newer snakes but I still got him last October I haven't gotten really new animals in a long time I think in the last eight to nine months I've gotten honestly two animals one of them was a little more recently I did get a new snake after rehab but it was a rescue that I wasn't planning on doing but we'll get to that later um this is tofu he's a little upset right now that's why he's bending back like this trying to look really scary and big but he's tiny right now but we're gonna feed him I can tell he's hungry and we're gonna give him his meal hopefully it goes better than the last time I recorded feeding him which was actually kind of funny he mistaked himself for a pinkie and I had to intervene and help a little bit so yeah let's go ahead and feed him you know about it Oh nope you didn't get it you didn't get it come over here no you didn't get it again you didn't get it again just keep striking like you're mad I don't think he recognizes that it's food it's right now he's doing kind of like the defense thing like the not that I'm hungry thing but the I'm angry thing there we go that's the food response I'm looking for alright now we're gonna leave them alone to consume his noodles all right who's next alright Gemini is next a Gemini hi how you doin love us Gemini again it normally gets a small but we are the small rat today is going to go to violet cuz violet did not eat last week so I suspect she's hungry so he's gonna get to rat pups also just give him a second he'll come around oh I missed Oh penis he's trying real hard okey mystogan when you try your best but you don't succeed oh there we go success and I will come back to give him a second one this one has a big boy in it that I am waiting for his cage to get here to upgrade him he's going in a much bigger cage than this because he's up in boy he is getting a medium rat today no maybe not he is a very good food response so normally he's already eating mic he'll strike the second I opened the cage so he might not be hungry today I can't really tell maybe Oh yep he's hungry Oh yep there we go next up we have Frank don't know where he is it's to wrap up certain letter wrap up know it's a baby not puts a mouse wrap it to wrap ups for him nope there we go come back and give him a second in a minute this is why you don't want to feed opens in there this is why you don't want to feed two or more you really want to try to stick to one one prey size you can go up to two if there's still too small to get the next size up once they're eating too if they're still hungry you absolutely need to size up you cannot be giving them three different bodies to digest that's just too hard here we have my new guy his name is motley he isn't a shed so I don't know if he's gonna be eating today but we will test it out open this alright he's back there I'm trying to get it back there but it's really hard now motley is a spider morph which means he'll probably develop a pretty noticeable wobble Wayne gets all older I really do not support the breeding of these guys he is a rescue he looks like he might want to eat I can't really tell to be quite honest but I'm gonna give him I'm gonna give him a chance [Music] there we go oh good job baby alright goodbye alright next up is Lego who is right here hey Lego oh you are out of focus focus on me there we go all right um he'll be getting to rat pups also this is why I need more small rats most of my snakes right now are on small rats look how gently he's taking this all right then sir goodbye that was the kindest way to take take her ass all right Oh Salem's ready hey Salem we go you're gonna eat it you wanted her no it might not be hungry today which is a shocker I'm gonna leave his rat pup right up front and yell him the opportunity to come eat it if he decides to all right next up we have Celia Celia Bobby Leah do you want one no you angry not hungry I honestly cannot tell okay goodbye I was pretty angry response I'm gonna leave it right here in case she wants it and gotta clean out her water bowl alrighty then almost all the snakes ate over here alright next up is violet she's own that's getting the small mouse because she did not eat last week so I wanted to give her the bigger meal of what I had left available but well it's blurry my bad come on there we go alright next up we have Maui was going through a pretty pretty big shed right now but I'm gonna see if he wants to eat probably won't want to eat cuz he's shedding but I felt like I'd offer it anyway a lot of snakes do not like to eat when they're shedding or when they're about to shed but I felt like I would offer it he has an amazing hunger response so I was about to say I don't think he's hungry but never mind alright let's put this back on top and leave him alone alright or not let's move it that's that I don't know how to do this we'll just leave him alone what I'm doing alright next up we have sabor who is getting his lovely green coloration in I couldn't get that hood off there we go see how he's doing hey sabor hey sabor it smells like poop did you poop somewhere I gotta clean up your poop yeah I hope you missed Oh kind of missed nope nope you have a hard time buddy there we go alright see you later alright I'm gonna make my rounds back up the tanks see if anyone's put out their food and otherwise just feed the guys that did get the only in the half-size meal today so the ones I got the rat pups they're getting a second one let me see if she's done eating yeah she's done and I'm sure she's still hungry so second meal yep tofu how you doing you already finished you eat so quick but yo you thick right now tofu you thick look how thick you feel good huh you thick I see that tongue look at you boy look at you you so thick all right moving on Jim and I still eating all right he's gonna get his second one alright see you later and then I'm just gonna keep going up so you guys get the point that is how all my snakes are fed looks like Salem did go ahead and take his food he is circling around it right now being very dramatic anyway he's eating only one that has not eaten yet as Celia alright so first up on my Blue Tongue skink and my bearded dragons list is their rep to Lynx now this is an omnivore diet it's 50% protein 50% fruits and veggies and it's all mashed together in a big oil sausage so we're gonna cut this up and put it in both of their meals and then I'm gonna be adding a bunch of fruits and veggies so I will show you the final product because this does require both my hands alright 50 years later we have a bunch of fruits and vegetables more vegetables than fruit this is bindis and there's an earthworm on top she loves earthworms and it is sprinkled with calcium same thing goes for twisty a bunch of fruits and vegetables and more vegetables than fruit and then that meat in the middle there is a few mealworms on top of twisties food and that is really just to get him going he likes the same wiggle around he gets excited about it so that makes him really want to eat it and then this is bindis I brought you food did you see it wiggle you see it wiggle that's what I knew she'd go right for the earthworm first now blue trance kinks are often found in gardens so they really like snails and earthworms and things like that snails are one of their main diets in the wild while she slurp that down like shouldn't even chew it she's going actually like that a lot she seems very satisfied oh that was a big gulp licking them lips another big goal she's really looking her lips alright she's done nope nope another good like never mind she's not done hands in the food she is just very content right now we recently went to the vet and he was like yeah she's he's a big one she's got a lot of food in that tummy but he said that she's a really good weight and that she's super healthy so that's good was she going for next I feel like she's gonna finish off that meat before anything else looks like you got some in your nose you're just sitting there I'm about to move on to the next animal because this is this isn't good content unless you move on to some more food here I'm gonna have to move on from you which I know it's the last thing you want you don't want any privacy you want me to have a camera in your face while you're eating before people hate me for saying I put a camera in her face while she's eating this is doomed in C hold on zoom out zooming out we are very far away from her it's not in her face while she's eating right now to move on to twisty hay twisty I see your eye your eye in it here you want me to hand feed you I guess he does not want that oh maybe he does it's right here I'm really failing at this I'm sorry we're warm you looks so upset you want some meat yeah you do yeah you do eat that meat there we go he looked so mad I wish that was in focus when I was touching him with the worm he was like that is disgusting yeah yeah there's more of that in here if you'll just come eat your food go for it please please stop making me hand feed you look there's more in the meat it's right there it's right there right there twisty really this is ridiculous all right I'm not doing any more you're gonna eat it yourself good talk now the glass is closed so he knows I'm not coming back you better eat it himself he's staring right at me he's like you're gonna you're gonna help me finish this no I'm not twisty you're gonna finish it yourself don't look at me like that please feed it finish your own side twisty oh my god why is he a child I am enabling I'm honestly enabling all right we're gonna give him a horn worm he does have like some blueberries on his mouth that's what that rough-looking stuff is oh it's gone y'all knew you would get to see anything graphic all right so now we're back in bindis cage gonna see if she eats or not she did eat pretty big meal last time I filmed this which was yesterday but I'm gonna see if she wants some snail or anything like that what are you going forward but get the worm Oh banana anytime I put bananas in there it's always what she goes for first above meat above the insects she has to get banana first there we go wiggle wiggle wiggle did did it did it did it do now she's eating lettuce oh my goodness I'm going to shut up cuz I can't see what is she doing what is she doing bindi what are you doing she is yawn then do you can't scare me like that I love you too much okay she's fine she's going back to eating this is my Cressy gecko or not my crusty gecko I'm sorry my leopard gecko I'm feeding her calcium calcium dusted crickets whoop you've got one tough so tough no she's got another one she's so tough all right cause this thing will keep jumping out okay so over here are the rat dishes this is just gonna be their main food like the grain and the protein and all that the blocks that are pre-mixed for them that you can buy at the store and then this is gonna be their little salads like their little treat all right so their main you know the essential part of their diet is this Oxbow adult rat food formula and then this is their treats they don't get it every single day and especially not this much but at least once or twice a week I like to give them a big blend of everything this has fruits veggies and grains in it so first I'm gonna put their main dish in and then we're gonna go get the treats and bring them in you can tell they're very excited all right so let's put the treat and then we're gonna put one of the treat things down here pigeons already getting something you're all munching on something and then I put their main course up here to bring that o in to his litter box the perfect place to eat I love to eat in the litter box perfect place crime snacking location what I dunno what's going on here by the way I just kind of walked right over that and didn't pay attention to it but um that's happening it's good to be back in this house all right I guess they're all just somewhere snacking guess we'll move on to the next animal now and while we're over here I'm gonna go ahead and feed a moose you her earthworm this is what I feed her every day she gets at least one earthworm a day lately she's been actually wanting about 200 arms a day she's been hungry but I just let it flop down and yeah she eats it all right I mean um she was so tiny when I got her and now she is so not tiny whoo what if that was like her tongue yeah imagine that you thought was like her tongue and it came out they'd be disgusting okay anyway let's let's move on I mean let her swallow that in peace all right all right the next thing we have to feed is my fish tank it is very blue right now so I don't know how well it picks up on camera but my fish tank is doing absolutely amazing I don't know when the last time I showed it to you guys was but everything is just so big and beautiful these are some of my anemones I had one and it ended up blossoming into I think I have for now green star polyps of course went everywhere that's what they tend to do I have eggsy Neah corals I have a bunch of really cool mushrooms some toadstools I have a bunch of really cool corals guys that's a sea urchin right there he actually likes to pick up corals that find its way on the ground and have them on his back there's a few sets of corals on his back right now my marine beta is actually showing himself right there but of course his right where there is a water stain on my glass so I've had him for a very long time I've had him for almost two years I think or no over two years well over two years now and he will never show himself they're notorious for hiding Irwin please get out of the way yeah he's right where the glass is dirty so yeah I can't really get a clip of him but anyway all the fish are doing wonderful my two little clown cow fish are getting nice and big there's a starfish on the move right there so they're the next thing I feed I do frozen food and let see we it was about to say lettuce so I've had this the frozen food defrosting in some water [Music] there we go now they're gonna eat and then I give them a little while to eat all this and then I come back and I give them some seaweed hey Irwin and that is how I feed my fish tank the frozen food in which I use I switch it up all the time so they could have a very you know very to diet and get all the nutrients they need at night I actually come on come over here and turn on the sump light so the refugium can get some light while I was in rehab sadly the grass and the refugium did die because I was not there to turn the light on so I lost all of the what am I trying to say I'm not trying to say grass and I'm not trying to say plants macroalgae it all died so I am starting from scratch and only have like this much but like it was filled to the brim you couldn't even see in there I had so much but this light is amazing so I really expect within a month to have it filled at Barty back how it was finally been on at night and then these lights go off in about 30 minutes and then they stay off at night while that light is on and then we switch it in the morning on to the next animal okay so I'm on the day I'm filming this I actually already fed this little dude but this is my crested gecko and he gets hold on let me just show you guys he gets this stuff it's a fruit mush basically you can find it online on pangaea's website it's my favorite one for crested geckos and I just put it in there and let him come to it whenever he desires I see his butt right there but yep that's how I feed him these are my two hedgehogs I am trying to currently figure out how to get them a better cage again I had them in my display cages and that was a hundred and twenty-six gallon tank I believe if I remember exactly and it was really long and since it was glass with some fans in the back like little open vents the open vents made the glass safe for the hedgehogs so the ammonia from their poop and stuff doesn't ever just stand stagnant in the air they actually can breathe very well with a little circulation that I did have in the glass enclosures but the cool thing I liked about that is I could put live crickets in there and have them chase them which was super cool this little girl up here right now is a special-needs Hedgehog she ended up having some really really screwed up teeth and they were the teeth that you need to in order oh wait no I'm showing you the wrong one that's Ella they were the teeth that they used to chew so interesting fact when I feed her right now she's on carnivore diet which is a mush that you can get from the vet but it's $26 a bag in every bag only has like maybe two weeks of servings in it so right now she's a very expensive Hedgehog because she lost her chewing teeth she can only eat mushy objects so even her crickets and stuff you have to mush them up for her little fun fact I actually told my mom on the list of animals I wanted to be rehomed I wanted these two to be rehomed because I did not think that they would be happy in my parents home with there are little tiny cages but my mom actually really really really loves my hedgehogs I mean I do too my mom did not want to give them to the reptile rescue while she did trust them with all my reptiles he didn't know much about heads hedgehogs and she didn't want to give them away to a random person so she ended up keeping them here they are in the cage right now but my mom said she does not mind if we do figure out a way to upgrade them if I find the proper cage so I'm gonna be looking for cages and then we're just gonna have to try to find space because right now I just don't like those cages for them okay so I currently have the carnivore care in her food today I'm also gonna try a pate from wellness and see if she likes it it's one I haven't tried yet get on the side so she doesn't have to eat it if she doesn't like it then put a multivitamin in there and on the side I'm gonna put a little bit of kale which is a good source of calcium for them I'm gonna get some crickets and mush them up for her alright so I got the the juices that I got out of the cricket I put into her food so now she could have that but I left the big meaty parts over here for my other hedgehog so now we're gonna make the other hedgehogs meal who does not have to have all this mushy stuff so I'm gonna start with from its gold and it's a mature formula the reason I'm doing mature is because it's less fatty and that's better for hedgehogs I do let's see is this one tablespoon yeah I do two tablespoons and then I add some insects and then we're gonna use some of the wet food too for her she does like it I don't do this every day it's considered like a treat I like to mix it up with the crickets so if she for some reason isn't interested in them it entices her more to eat them and get the insects in her diet put some fresh kale on there and help bell peppers then I use broccoli too and you could do it fresh like raw or you could do it cooked this is it so far and now I'm gonna do some carrot security I like to cut them very fine because hedgehogs can easily choke on some on bigger pieces you could tell there's a big difference between their two meals but I can't help it she can't eat this kind of stuff and I'm gonna put the multivitamin on top of both Iowa won't come eat I made you ought to go food somehow I need baby you're so cute I love you what do you close one eye when you eat all right I'll leave you alone to finish your meal I just wanted to get a little clip of you you know food I'm sorry you can't chew now but I got you your mush I got you your daily mush out here I love you I wish you could get Hedgehog Hedgehog dentures I'd get you them we'll get you some Hedgehog dentures even if they were 40 grand you would at least thank me for it right okay so since right now I'm not feeding my cats anything impressive I would love to switch them over to a raw diet but I just haven't really looked into it yet since being back from rehab but it's something I'm definitely gonna try out emo actually has a urine like a UTI problem a chronic one where he has to be on food that caters to that but I think rock food would actually help a lot but I saw a video of a girl on my Twitter I got some chicks in the mail as alternative food for my snakes and she actually showed me a video of her feeding her cats some whole live prey which is something I have never thought to try before so I thought for this video just to make it a little entertaining I would try to give them some whole live food what do you think about that what what was that okay anyway all right let's try this again let's try a small mouse let's do for Nemo [Music] like no like this is a toy I don't know how to play with it no funky you want one ghost no no no don't get in there nope this is not gonna work you can eat that his face he looks so insulted okay I'm sorry he all would fail in the wild y'all would just starve alright I'll put this in your food bowl and see if that changes things they're all just staring at it okay this confirms that you were definitely a stray and that you weren't feral because oh maybe possibly do not put it on my bed do not slide it onto my bed thank you really star really Nemo you're getting interested okay you can reach that you can eat that I mean they're all staring at it they're all interested but they don't want it they don't know that they can eat it we're gonna go I expected them to be way more interested in it's like he doesn't know how to touch it he's soaking they cannot decide what to do with it they their head like that ooh scary they hate it I'm so sorry kittens I will never put you through this again he's so convenient and you haven't eaten and this little chick comes up to you I'm a little chick what do you do all right good talk so what's up with the fact that you are so interested in the birds outside and you chirp at them and you try to get them to come near you it's a hunting tactic but when I put a bird in your face you are disturbed what's what's up with that what's up with the bird calls outside if you don't want the bird this is what you asked for email that is not a cat scratching post that is a laundry hamper Nemo you're looking in the mirror that's that's you that's a mirror Nemo that's you know there was no cat behind there that's that's you there's no cat behind there Nemo that's you Nemo don't worry I will never try to feed you whole life spray again okay that's the video I hope you guys enjoyed it if you have any questions about the animals that I do currently still owned in this video you feel free to ask in the comment section I like to get to know you guys just as much as I hope you guys get to know me so out of all the animals you saw in this video let me know which one was your favorite and let me know if there's any videos you desire to see for me in the future I do have a second channel that I'm going to be using a lot to talk about addiction a lot of mental health help and just days in my life all this stuff so all the extra content for now is going on my second channel there may be some times where I put that content on the main channel if I find it to be a really important topic that I want all my viewers to see saying that like addiction and mental health isn't as important as talking about pets are because if anything that stuff is way more important but when I posted on this channel a lot of people get annoyed and be like where the animals so unless it's something crucial I'm gonna put it on the other channel so if you'd like to subscribe to the other channel for all that cool new content the link is in my description and if you'd like to keep up with me in between videos I do have a Twitter and Instagram with that same handle I post a lot on Twitter and then I post like once a day on Instagram if I can sometimes I go a few days in between posting so I hope you guys enjoyed this video and it's really good to be back and I love you guys and yeah I will see you guys or nope you will see me that's just becoming the way I end every video I love you guys I just hit my hand okay goodbye I love you boy [Music]
Channel: Taylor Nicole Dean
Views: 5,844,762
Rating: 4.8690457 out of 5
Keywords: taylor nicole dean, taylor dean, pets, animals, all my pets, all my animals, feeding my pets, feeding all my pets, feeding all my animals, taylor nicole dean feeding pets, taylor nicole dean all my pets, all my pets taylor, meet all my pets, snake feedings, ball python feedings, feeding my snakes, feeding my reptiles, all my reptiles, what to feed a blue tongue skink, blue tongue skink, bearded dragon, leopard gecko, saltwater tanks, axolotl, what to feed rats
Id: RzEz3EZedrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 37sec (2077 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 25 2019
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