My Daily Routine as a Recovering Addict

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yeah oh hi thanks for checking in I'm still a piece of garbage so the time is 949 awfully that's focused and I'm just waking up I'm terrible at mornings normally my cats are the ones that kind of start waking me up they like to look out the window in the morning so they kind of wake me up begging to look out yeah yeah they they all like to look out at the window in the morning let's lick their little tail around kinda weird like like that does not look like a little worm to me that does not fool me you get so much interest at looking at this nemo why aren't you over there joining them Nemo they're just in a bad mood today okay anyway I'm gonna continue to watch the office until I absolutely have to leave my bed I want a shower before I go to IOP because I rarely do and I'm tired of looking like a greasy nasty dirty filthy person so I'm gonna attempt to shower before I leave hopefully I will accomplish that but there is a potential that I will just lay in bed and continue watching the office we will see I really want to wash myself because I look disgusting mostly I will get there I'm not still not the best at my hygiene yet still in that phase of getting my life back on track where we're like normal daily just normal tasks actually are a lot harder to do than they should be kind of like if you have a depressive disorder where you know when you're in those stages of severe depression all you want to do is sleep and you don't really care about taking care of yourself hygienic ly I'm kind of there right now but I'm trying and for all the people that always say I have absolutely perfect skin when I don't film I don't have good skin I always pick good good skin days to film but yeah I definitely have breakouts anyway gonna watch the office now until I'm ready to get up by the way this is my little bear that I sleep with at night when I'm having trouble sleeping I've had this bear since I was three years old four years old and yes it's a monster but it's a bear monster know if you could see that it's the same bear from Monsters Inc that I have tattooed on my leg that blue is holding but that's why I include the bear in the tattoo now I really got to get back to the office I have really important things to do here so got a couple sake and then you should delete it yep okay I'm still watching the office but it is Oh 10:49 now if you can see yeah I've left the alarm go twice now so I'm gonna go try to get ready and I have one hour to be ready to go so it'll have to be a normal normal shower but I have to do everything else very quick like I'm not gonna be able to do my makeup super nice and stuff okay let's go oh it is steamy in here how are you doing weird seahorse thing good talk it's now 1103 and I have to dry my hair and put my makeup on and find an outfit and feed my animals and my cats and turn the lights off my reptiles and everything before it's 12:00 so let's go [Music] okay so next up while my hair is almost dry I'm just leaving it I just stopped blow-drying it and I'm gonna let the rest kind of just air dry while I work on everything else so next we're gonna do all of my face products depending on the night or day I kind of switch it up a little this is just generic face wash I kind of use it if I have any makeup on or anything like that that's the first step if not I skip to this one as the first step it's a face cleanser very similar but different and then after that I do a moisturizer and a toner and then the morning I use cup of coffee and at night I use bunny moon I really don't know the payoff of using this one yet but I'm just giving it a shot but right now we're gonna use my cup of coffee which I really love to use in the morning and no I'm not sponsored by lush I just really like their products especially because they're cruelty free okay so I'm gonna put my hair up don't none of the face mask gets in it cuz it is freshly washed so I noticed right now it kind of looks like some parts of my skin are yellow and some parts aren't that's just a really weird lighting in this bathroom my body is all one color the first day I came out wearing this and my little brother saw me it was like oh my god I need to call a hospital right now and check you in you have gone crazy you put poop on your face so every time I apply this now that's what I think of that I'm rubbing poop all over my face and it definitely makes me very uncomfortable but that's fine now I'm gonna find an alpha to wear and take care of my animals why this does its job now I anticipate them all to start mewing right when I open the door yep what what hi so now it's time to give the cats their breakfast and clean out their litter box because I have to clean it out twice a day because they poop a lot don't you don't you poop a lot and I'm gonna find like a little tank top to throw on while I do all this probably should have done that before I put a face mask on that everything will stick to it's fine I'll figure it out excuse me what what okay so next up I am changing and you don't need to watch that because I'm doing sure everyone knows how to put clothes on watch ghosts instead okay so I guess we're doing my cow outfit today because it was an easy thing to put on okay so we're out of their wet tea so I give them dry food I'm really not a fan of dry food it's better to give them wet food because they're always dehydrated so if you give them dry food it just makes them even more dehydrated and I know y'all have told me about the raw diet before I would love to look into it just haven't had the time anyway on to the next part okay it's just spare you guys's eyes I did the cat litter off-camera so you don't have to watch and I just put that on the front porch for now because I don't have pants on so that's the cat litter and I'm gonna go throw it in the trash when I actually have pants on hi I see you you're very blue and then I always come over here and I check the temperature in my axolotls tank which is sitting at 65 which is good and then I go finish getting ready to go okay so I changed and I'm not really sure how I like it cuz this thing is way too tight on me so I might change again I do this a lot I go through my outfits like a million times and trying to decide on something that looks somewhat okay and now we're gonna get this poop off my face as my brother calls it okay I don't know how to do this and protect my hair and my outfit oh I'm doing this all backwards today this is not how I normally get it off but this is all I can do right now also I changed back because cow oh yeah 30 minutes all right so the lighting stops I have no time my hair isn't anything this is just how it looks when you naturally dry it it's like I don't even know what this look is like what and I have nothing on my face so I'm gonna try to splat some foundation on my face and throw my shoes on which are gonna be my cowl heels I didn't even grab my boobs and I did that it's gonna be my cow shoes they're really big obnoxious heels that match so I want to plug my eyebrow so bad I'll do that later okay normally I would have already taken my suboxone when I woke up but I took it really late yesterday so I'm gonna be taking it after IOP so my minutes will be after IOP but normally I start the day with taking my meds when I wake up and if I look absolutely insane in the camera it's because of these lights they pick up on any yellow and they make it absolutely insane I actually don't look like what the camera thinks I look like right now or maybe I do I mean I can't see myself I can only see what the mirror showed me so maybe the mirror is wrong maybe I do look like what I look like in there which would be insane and if it is if I do look like that then anyone who sees me I am so sorry the mirror is lying to me it's like when you think you look really good and then you pick up your phone and you look at the front-facing camera and you look like a gremlin and you're like I swear if I go look in the mirror I look hot what is up with this I've always said that the phone is wrong but maybe the mirror is the one that's wrong maybe I really do look like a good one we'll see what I look like when I get in the sunlight cuz I look so much better when I get out of these lights [Music] okay I literally just don't have time to do my hair I literally did two little curls up top here gave up I just I mean brush my teeth yet I'm disgusting it looks like we gotta go I don't go out much in my life so if I'm gonna look hot for my therapy I'm gonna look hot for my therapy oh wow I literally didn't have time to do a single thing in my hair other than two little curls on top and all I could do for my makeup was my foundation so the least I could do is be a little extra with my shoes okay now I'm gonna go take my trash out make sure my cats have water and then we're gonna go look how tall I am look I'm taller than you what no way I mean look at the height difference I know y'all saw how short I was now look at this I'm a clown okay so my mom will get mad if I film the dirty kitchen I'm leaving ten minutes later than I would like to but I'm going now so I still don't have a license because I suck so I'm getting in the car with my mom and she's gonna take me my tail bucking for the whooping tail button fuzz I look like I'll buy conform [Music] Danner one say something really inspirational think of one thing that's inspirational and tell my viewers think of one silly thing to say yeah okay say it ma ma ma sha Allah gala on me because of all the dates and no toothbrush good job all right okay Kong but Kong Tomek but Kong comic begun coming yes comic I have a picture of cheese number two on my phone it was between queso and cheese and cheese act she's that she that like cheese it she said but you said Jesus you should put a little cheese a little - thing on the II remember it jeez it cheese it cheese I'd be here at 2:30 pick pick up okay I've made it with a few minutes to spare so we're going in now and like I said I'm not gonna film the actual therapy because that'd be weird and illegal and weird so I will talk about kind of what goes on and what happens when it's done but I just wanted to kind of just show you guys what I do with my day my whole day I actually have a few minutes to spare so I'm gonna grab a soda to start my day off nothing like an amazing soda to start your day off right I can't Oh perfect way to start my day technically when I first woke up I built a dr. pepper diet which is actually worse than regular soda so I've heard but now my second drink of the day is a big right okay so I'm about to go in so I will see you guys afterwards so I'm trying to be quiet because there's people right outside and I don't want to sound like I'm talking to myself I just got out of my very first session now go to the next one and now we got to do my poopy test to prove it I'm not on drugs hey yay no drugs okay so my hair is looking a little crazy let me get downstairs I think the lights will too insane in this in this elevator for me to film in here for even one second even though I'm filming my entire okay so we just finished both my sessions my group session well actually they were both group sessions today but anyway I am gonna go get in the car with my mom now and drive home but I will tell you guys how everything went and do more updates when I get there because I feel kind of weird talking in this building I get a lot of awkward stares but yeah everything went really good it always I really liked those meetings it just helps me stay in the mindset focusing on my sobriety in ways that so anyway I will talk more about it when I get home I have to try to find my ride now oh I found it also this was the first time I went to IOP with my hair washed and they could not stop talking about it they're like we've been here for months and we just now figured out what color hair you have my therapist texted my other therapist that my hair is brown like they were obsessed about it okay now I get to in car or not I'm locked out okay okay on the way home I am stopping a fish store that is my favorite fish store in San Antonio where I get all my fish supplies from hopefully you can hear me I don't really know how good this audio is and it's really loud over here I'm gonna get a treatment for my tank that is reef safe to treat it because I am still not sure if my little pal fish has it and before I go all out and crazy and set up a quarantine tank which I 100% will do I'm gonna try this little minor treatment and see if that little spot that I see on his fin goes away so we're gonna try that [Music] okay the next very crucial part of my daily recovery routine is to stop and have some water burger fries and a drink so so yeah I'm gonna take a chill pill for now actually I'm not taking any pills I'm taking no pills pills are bad I'm eating fries I'm gonna take a chill fry now a chill potato and watch some more of the office because that's a very very crucial part of my recovery routine and then when I feel rejuvenated from my office break and fries I will come back and talk to you guys that rhymed fries and guys I hate myself anyway I will come back and talk to you guys when I am done with my fries goodbye also I'm kind of liking my short hair today and I haven't done anything to it yet except those two little curls on the top that are gone this is my natural hair it's kind of getting that long enough to where I'm comfortable maybe wearing it like without my extensions which will be a shock yeah I like it okay I'm gonna go eat my fries know what I say so I'm getting to the point of the day where I am exhausted I'm going to power through at least to do this next part before I take a nap because I'm pretty sure after I fall asleep when I wake back up to do my end of the night stuff which is you know feed my animals make sure everyone's doing good and clean up any cages that need to be spot cleaned my night basically revolves around my animals so this is my last little me time now we're just gonna go over some of the things I do every day there's basically a regimen that you try to follow in early recovery and it looks a little bit like this step one if you need rehab you go to rehab step two after rehab to transition back into the normal life it's really recommended instead of going back to your house to do either an extended-stay program which is for 90 days or go to at least sober living now the reason they tell you to do this is because it takes 90 days for your brain to heal from drug abuse and now I don't mean heal is in be cured of addiction ever but it starts know how to process interactions and normal daily life again without obsessing and craving over where is that drug that I'm expecting basically it starts to get easier after 90 days but that doesn't mean there aren't still a lot of significant things that you need to worry about but the first ninety days are always extremely difficult like there's a lot of ups and downs so if you could spend the time in a facility that can help you with that it's extremely recommended but I also entirely understand how that doesn't seem possible for a lot of people and it's also just a scary amount of time especially for people that are dreading like even 30 days like I was so it just wasn't right for me because I'm mentally my heart wasn't in it and if your heart isn't in it it's pointless to force yourself to do it so step one recovery step two extended care or sober living and then if you do choose sober living ideally it would look like you go to sober living you do IOP which is intensive outpatient you do some kind of therapy outside of outpatient that's just general like psych where you can get your meds and that kind of stuff also some time in rehab or number two is when you start talking about medical assistance with recovery the word I'm looking for is just completely slipping my brain but this is the word I'm looking for using the things like suboxone or methadone which I'm not as big of a fan of but that doesn't matter I personally wouldn't want to use methadone but this that's about me don't think I'm trying to insult anyone this is when you talk about having some kind of training wheels in your early recovery to help you function in day to day life have a little bit of assistance with those cravings and those thoughts and stuff medicines that can help you with that and this is where you get all of that done between step one and two I got put on suboxone during rehab and then I got taken off of it and Rehab and I got put back on it and sober living to finish my sentence step 2 looks like extended care or sober living with IOP meetings three times a week and some kind of medical assistance potentially but definitely not necessary if you don't need it there's no reason to do it step three looks like after you feel comfortable after you want to transition out of sober living this has no recommended time period it's different for everyone some people stay years some people stay months some people stay one month whatever feels right for you when you are ready to go back into your house or your parents house or wherever you're gonna move back into the world and step away from a sober safe space that's when you go to step three where you are no longer in sober living but you still are continuing intensive outpatient and going to meetings three times a week now this is where I am right now and I have no even grasp of when I might maybe not be on this step anymore it's gonna be a long time definitely for sure staying here until I complete the twelve steps this is also medically assisted where I'm still on suboxone and I have some kind of plan we're discussing tapering it's in the works we're speaking of it we're debating it but it's not happening yet I don't know when I'm gonna stop IOP I have no idea that is where I am in my recovery and what the next step would look like is if you feel comfortable being done with IOP then you just move on to meetings three times a week working on getting off of that medical assistance then go down to just meeting three times a week and then go down to meetings at least once a week but you don't have to you don't have to do three times a week you just need to at least get it in there in your weekly schedule also I highly highly recommend if you are gonna work on tapering off a medicine to try to do it while you're still in IOP so you still have that intensive outpatient care when you're gonna be freshly off of medicine that helps you with your cravings instead of getting off of it when you literally have no real help in your daily life because that might really aid in to contributing to a relapse which we don't want so that's kind of just the general idea of the process of getting back into society and getting your life back and getting through whatever the trauma is from this whole ordeal and healing and getting to a place where you can live a life sober and safely and it sounds like a lot of work but I promise you the year so this all takes you is worth the decades of your life you get back in return because the only alternative to doing this is living a life that will kill you so I think the payoff is pretty good for what you have to give like I said I'm out of sober living and I'm at the place where I go to IOP and I go to meetings and I'm currently in this really weird place right now in my recovery where I'm not even working the 12 steps I stopped I was having such a hard time with them that they decided to pause and have me work on the pre 12 steps which is just learning how to be an active part of society I'm learning how to literally function again because when I was on heroin I was living the bare minimum life I would wake up at whatever time it might be 9:00 a.m. it might be 12 o'clock at night I never know I'd wake up when I was sick and I needed another hitch and my boyfriend at the time would take me into the bathroom and find my vein and get me to feel well again then my day would consist of me making sure my animals were okay taking care of them grabbing maybe a bag of chips or a bag of Cracker Jacks I basically lived off of Cracker Jacks and baked Lay's and going back in bed and watching Netflix until I fell back asleep and I normally would fall in and out of sleep a lot because I'm already someone who can chronically sleep when they're depressed like when I'm depressed I can sleep for 16 to 18 hours sober so when I art when I have a drug that helps you sleep also my god I could literally sleep a whole day and still be like groggy keep in mind I'm not saying that that's what I did I always would wake up check on my animals I had an assistant that came all the time when I was using and she helped me with my animals and so when I say these things in my videos like oh I just slept all the time I wouldn't say I'm exaggerating I would say that I'm just leaving out the part where I roll over to like pee and go check on my animals and give them and come back downstairs and go back to sleep so I would be up like four hours a day or five hours a day and all of that time would go to my animals and then I'd just be right back to sleep there was literally a time where I had not bathed and I was it was like three and a half weeks since I had bathed or washed my hair it was its disgust I just didn't do anything basically what would happen now that I'm sober is I have this one day where I wake up and have a bunch of energy when I'm at this like peak and I do everything that I possibly could want to do it I just do so much and then for the following week I pay for it with my joint pain that I have my autoimmune disorder I just can chronically exhausted after that and I sleep for like five days basically and again I don't mean literally I wake up I take care of my animals I do stuff but the bare minimum when it comes to me it was a lot for me to be expected to go to IOP and three meetings and be working these twelve steps and be working all the serious getting in contact with my spiritual connection to the universe when I can't even eat two meals a day I can't even showers most of the days still so we decided to go back and work the pre twelve steps so that's kind of what we talked about today and I hope he again is just checking up on where I am today is Thursday so we did group therapy it's called physical therapy but it's a group therapy where we all talk about our physical problems it's not actually physical therapy so we talked a lot about pain and all of the people in there are people who became addicted to opiates a lot of them actually are still using opiates so it's kind of weird for me to be there because being the Attic that I am I'm in a room full of people who I know have drugs somewhere and I just can't stop thinking about it sometimes like wondering how I can get to them which logically I can't but that's just what happens when you're an addict so I had that crossed my mind before but it's a great great group and I learned so much about my pain and where it comes from and how to manage it and how to increase my tolerance where I can do more with my day because just getting dressed in a normal outfit showering doing my foundation feeding my animals morning turning my animals lights on going to IOP grabbing some fries on the way home and coming back my back is killing me it hurts so bad and my joints like I don't know if you hear that but my elbow pops every time you extend it both of them and do that and I just have a lot of joint problems like my fingers go all the way back because I have ehlers-danlos syndrome I'm just in a lot of pain a lot of the time physical thing so on top of trying to heal from heroin addiction I'm also trying to learn how to cope with all of this pain I'm feeling again because I was numb to it for so long so basically that's where I'm at right now and IOP I'm going to meetings and I'm just taking it in and I am going to eiope and talking about my pre 12 steps like this was the first time I went to IOP with my hair washed and they were freaking out about it and like I said my therapist is like can I take a picture of like your shoes and your hair and she texted my other therapist who I see on Tuesdays not Thursdays and she was texting my other therapist like her hair is brown I never knew what color it was because it was always so dirty look at these shoes when she decides to take care of herself she takes care of herself and just really funny things like that but they just couldn't get over that I had showered and that says a lot about my mental state in my right health right now it's a big deal when I'm able to shower and it's a big deal when I'm able to put my makeup on and it's a big deal when I can do these things for myself so that's what we're working on right now just getting into a healthy place where I sleep good eat at least two meals a day maybe even just one would be good cuz right now I'm eating like little tiny half meals a day and calling it good like I have no appetite so we're trying to get me to eat we're trying to get me to sleep and we're trying to get me hygienic ly like just shower and wash my hair every few days bathe every day wash my face every day you brush my teeth every day twice a day of course like we're trying to just get me in the mode of being well and then once I'm at that place where all of this is just starting to become natural and easy and my tolerance for activity goes up then we're gonna start going in deeper with the 12 steps and actually trying to you know work on making amends with people work on that spiritual connection that'll help me when I'm feeling bad in the future and all of that so that's basically what my IOP is right now I go and I meet with a group of ladies who all deal with chronic pain and there's a gentleman in there too so ladies and gentleman that deal with chronic pain and talk about how they cope with it and also are addicted to opiates then after that session is over I go and I get drug tested to make sure that I'm not lying about anything and they can keep up with if I've relapsed or not so I can't just like sit there lying to people saying that I'm sober when I'm not after that I go into my next session which is my small group which is just my therapist and me and one other woman and we sit there and we talk about whatever the topic of the day is that is more focused towards our general recovery not just pain management but you know the pre 12 steps and that kind of stuff and then on Tuesdays I go in there and get drug tested talk with the little doctor about how I'm doing I don't know why some little doctor they're not small they're just a doctor and I talk with the doctor about how I'm doing with my meds get an update on that on Tuesdays is when I pick up my weekly meds my suboxone and sit with one on one with another therapist on that day until 3 p.m. I go there at 12 I stay till 3 and I talk with her about you know more trauma related things and more deeper emotional issues so that's my regimen right now in IOP and like I said meetings as much as possible and I also have the big book right here which I read every night so that's part of my daily to-do list as a recovering addict I have the weeks on it that I'm sober I have the weeks on it that I'm sober I have little stickers to add as the week's go on can't wait to cover the book in sobriety weeks so we have that happening but I read this every night I pick a chapter and I go through it trying to see if I could find a page and show you a lot of it has like just little scribbles where I take notes and talk about what I feel about it and then I got it in rehab and I had way too much time on my hands and rode all over it I read my Alcoholics Anonymous book every night just because I was addicted to heroin does not make me any different than an alcoholic all this stuff applies to whether you got addicted to a drink or methamphetamine or an opiate doesn't matter addictions addiction so this applies to me and alcoholics so I read this book at night really helps me I also have a Narcotics Anonymous book somewhere and I don't read that one as much yeah so that's basically kind of just into my daily recovery I still have a lot more I'm gonna add in later after my nap but I knew I wanted to get the most of it out before I took a nap because once I nap I have no clue how long I'm gonna be out so I have a timer to wake me up if I go too long but now it is 4 p.m. and you've been watching me since 9:00 a.m. that is basically a look inside what ILP is like and a little look inside what my personal recovery is looking like right now where we're focusing on me just showering and stuff so me showing you guys get ready with me in the morning is a huge part of my recovery right now and then little things that I do in the day like I read to the fish store and got that medicine for my fish tank and that'll be my day as a very early recovering addict so you guys get to see just how we are getting around the time where I should take my suboxone so I'm going to take my suboxone right now with you guys and then we will call it a day or not a day we'll call it a half a day while i nap so I'm gonna do a whole entire video about suboxone what it is so if you don't know what suboxone is I'm not gonna explain it to you right now I'm going to explain it to you in a future video but I highly suggest if you are thinking about getting on suboxone or just want to know my opinions on it because some people don't consider people who takes the box in sober so I will tell you all my opinions on that in a future video and I'm not biased towards saying it's great just because I take it I actually have a lot of feelings about it that I don't exactly love but there are a lot of pros to it also so we'll talk about that in a future video and we'll talk about all the reasons why some people are stuck on it and other people aren't and everything like that not gonna come from one point of view there's gonna be a lot but basically the quick part just to make any sense in this video is this is a medicine that has two drugs in it buprenorphine and naloxone naloxone is what stops me from being able to get high the amount that I'm currently taking is we stopped tapering down at eight milligrams the highest dose is 32 I'm halfway down the lowest dose is like 0.5 like I have a while to go down but I'm at 8 right now there's 8 milligrams of buprenorphine in this and 2 milligrams of naloxone and the lexan stopped me from being able to get high so if I were to go get some heroin right now and boot it it would be knocked off my receptors because Analects own is sitting there saying nope I won't allow it go and buprenorphine stops my cravings so instead of obsessing over heroin all day because addicts do that their brain does that it obsesses you preneur Fein if you notice the end of it is Noor Fein it's very similar to the word you might think of morphine now I'm not saying it's similar to morphine but the reason they sound similar is this is an opioid derivative medicine so because it has similar effects that opiates do to your brain your brain reacts to it kind of like an opiate so then you feel satisfied and don't have the cravings for an opiate but the reason this is safe is because you can't really get a high from it and we'll go into all of that in another video so now I'm gonna take it it's very interesting how it works you tear it down the side and it's a strip that dissolves in your mouth the sublingual sub lingual film and it gets absorbed through the veins under your tongue so you sit it under your tongue and you let the spit pool in your mouth five minutes at the very least up to 15 minutes if you want to get the most out of it I always do 15 minutes because I want to get the most out of this so I stick it under my tongue and then I can't talk for 15 minutes can't chew it you can't swallow it if you swallow it it does absolutely nothing it has to go into your bloodstream so you put it under your tongue and then you just chill for 15 minutes [Music] [Music] okay so now five million hours later actually it's just 15 minutes now 15 minutes later I'm gonna take a nap because I am tired and then I'm gonna get back up and it's going to be dark out that window and I'm gonna get back up and take care of my animals in their nightly rounds which I will film too and that'll be the end of my day which is yes that simple recovery is a slow process and whatever you gotta focus on in your personal recovery you gotta focus on and for me it's just rewarding myself for doing simple things like showering and making sure me and my animals are fed I wanted to film this just so you guys know what it would kind of be like to be doing this kind of stuff now I'm gonna continue to watch the office with my little bear and I'm gonna nap [Music] do you look sleepy you look so out of it there's the on it was like one was coming it is dark outside I need to throw out my Whataburger my kiddies are half asleep hi so I'm gonna throw my water burger out and then start feeding all the animals and that's gonna be my night and then I'll be ready to go back to sleep this wall is so cute we got Dwight say and happy Halloween with the pumpkin on his head we got someone meowing over there now that I'm awake again from my nap now we're gonna go ahead and work on cleaning out twisties cage I went ahead and already took everything off the bottom and all of everything out except this little one thing and now I'm gonna come up in here and clean everything a twisty you sitting on a dirty floor you sittin on dirt there's a little cricket in front of you not hungry okay how's Atta doing I did give her some crickets too today looks like she ate them all already hi I love you okay bye [Music] [Music] okay so now I got my two meals together for twisty and bindi which is just a usual blob of veggies and fruits and calcium and meat and hold on let me shut up the office there we go I'm also right now taking notes from my next video basically I just go over all the information that I think I know and double-check and then get it ready for my next video so I'm prepping for my next video I gotta feed them and then yeah I can go back to sleep yes meow meow me oh you like that you like that you big fat fat I love you you're so chubby we gotta fix that though so chub let's feed these guys Hey no be mean no no mean mean what is he doing Nemo you okay why you like to rub yourself on hey that was very unnecessary why are you fighting over this log no fight over log don't do that let him rub its face on the log if he wants to hey I'm sorry Nemo you can use the log if you want to go ahead rub your face on it yeah just like yeah ruff ruff okay I don't know what he's doing here you go I hope you enjoy there is a worm in there too if you can find it you know clean this glass so now I'm gonna do my rounds and make sure everyone has water and anyone who doesn't obviously needs their water to be filled everyone over here looks like they have water and then I have to go through all of these guys hey leggo and then she definitely does have water because she's sitting in it so that's easy got a spray down sabor everybody's out in the front right now for some reason which normally means the little warm because the back side of their enclosure is where the heat is and the front side is where it's cool so I'm gonna go through and check everyone's temperature and like I said we need to make sure everyone has water which this one is filled with poop so I get to clean that out keep it locked until I go get the water dishes and making my way through checking everyone's order why are you so broke I like your little hand so nicely on your thing I'll show you the little worm it's in here you see it it's right there yeah you got it Oh shake shake shake shake you are so aggressive okay she already swallowed it Jesus also before I go back to sleep I'm gonna check on my little hedgehogs we got Ella a bigger cage too now so they both got a little bigger cage which is an improvement you got clean wheel I always check and make sure there's one little blob of poop that is okay and then I gotta go feed everyone so I'll grab their rules and feed them but this is not a feeding time video so I will not waste your time you let see how these other guys are doing I don't know what I don't know what this is is a normal thing alright there's more DVDs over there hi guys how you doin no we're not talking to you hi how you guys doing you've got some water yes we just gotta get you some food they always use her litter box now which is really cool excuse me I'm here to see you oh now you come to say hello now you come to say her note oh that's my finger thanks for holding it I love feeling her tiny hand on my hand so they saw plenty of their regular food but they need some snacks John what you want you want some treats look how cute I love her face and I love your face and I love all your faces okay I'll go get them snacks not you I love your face but I'm not giving you food okay so I'm bringing them some fruit and veggies I couldn't find any grains for now but I also brought some mealworms so looks like they're all waiting right here cuz they knew something was gonna happen please take a pic on what you would like to start with now I'm gonna bring these little tiny mealworms over to adda so now we have a little dish full of calcium and mealworms I normally like to give her super worms but we are out so like I said okra little heads poking out I hope it went away open the thing did you miss there we go now she got it pull over a little tongue okay I'll leave you alone for the rest of those cut bye cutie all right is everyone ready for bed so I could go back to sleep because I've been very lazy today and I've taken a lot of naps actually I've only taken one nap but I just meant that I'm sleepy oh yes you can smell so I guess everyone is now taken care of I just wanted to include in this video what I normally do with my animals every day just so you guys could see obviously I didn't include every single bit of it like going through every single cage and all that but you get the gist I make sure everyone's clean everyone has water everyone has food and then when it comes to the snakes they only eat once a week some eat every two weeks depending on which snake it is but the ones that eat daily get their food get taken care of I'm just so interested in watching her eat okay and then make sure everyone has water everyone's misted down including but the poop is cleaned out that might fish are cleaned and fed that my head jeez and my rides have food that my cats can sniff the camera and doing my daily stuff for my recovery so now I'm gonna get back in bed go over these notes watch some TV and the only other thing I'm gonna do is read some of my Alcoholics Anonymous book so yeah that's what I'm gonna do tonight right now I'm in the middle of rereading the section about agnostics every day I also have this little journal that I write in that I just talk about what I want to get done with the day how my day went my initial like the things that stressed me out of the day things like that so I could talk in IOP about like why I may be feeling worse than normal or better than normal I just write it all down and I like to set little daily goals for myself there's some personal stuff in here so I'm just kind of keeping some of it bored but yeah it's also a little cool thing that I've been trying to start doing because I'm really bad at journaling so just keeping it basic enough like with what I want to get done today what I want to get done by the next week and things that might have gone good or bad with my day so I found this to be a cool help with my recovery can you do the closing ceremonies for my video can you say if you enjoyed this video check out the video right here also make sure to subscribe if you'd like some more personal content oh look away if you want to learn more about me and my personal life make sure to subscribe by clicking right there also make sure to check out my main channel right there cool I will see you next time say goodbye okay goodbye I love you
Channel: Taylor Dean Vlogs
Views: 1,479,010
Rating: 4.9022903 out of 5
Keywords: drug recovery, addiction, drug addiction, taylor nicole dean, taylor dean vlogs, taylor nicole dean drugs, taylor dean heroin, heroin addiction, drug abuse, recovering from drug abuse, day in my life, a day in my life, what i do in a day, dealing with drug addiction, getting off drugs, how to get sober, help getting sober, help in drug recovery, what rehab is like, taylor dean, what is addiction like
Id: p--xlWLbxEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 23sec (2663 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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