Tattoo Artists, What Do You Refuse to Do?

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two artists what's the worst tattoo someone has asked you to do that you've refused i once refused to to a girl and her father complained to me by yelling at me from about two feet away she was 14 legal age where i live is 18 and she wanted her boyfriend's name above her eye she was willing to compromise to her hand though number bet her dad was the boyfriend a sad one was we once had an older lady come in who was completely high on some sort of appeared drunk as frick asking to get her new boyfriend's name tattered on her she was standing with her eyes shut swaying back and forth rambling about how she had to get new guy's name on her because he didn't like that her ex husband's name was on her but that she didn't really want to get the tattoo but the new guy was insisting she did because he was really angry about it she said he was outside waiting and when i looked up he was standing with his arms crossed glaring at her through the window that was a hard pass looked like a really awful situation for the woman she did not seem in a good place i know it's too late now and i wasn't there but i feel like she might have needed help once i was waiting at a shop and a family came in because their teenage son wanted a hatchet man to too my artist begrudgingly agreed to do the ink and sends them back to get ready he walks over to me and tells me how much this kid is going to regret this stupid tattoo and he normally has morals about what he will put on to people but he really needed the money and the whole family was excited about his first tattoo while the kid was getting his future regrets permanently applied the dad was super excited to show me his dong that hangs below his knee he rolls up his pant leg to reveal a huge full color tattoo of a rooster hanging from a noose positioned below his knee that takes dad jokes to a whole new level once a young kid 21 came in and wanted shrek around his dong and balls not on it it would look like shrek was opening his mouth and his junk came out that was the easiest no i've ever given i bet his sex life is all logan now it was much earlier in my career when i worked at a shop outside the city and closer to countryside got a request for a deer holding a hunting rifle with a tribal style cross in the background pricing on the cake is he wanted the deer to be silhouetted not with your typical black but with the confederate flag pattern and colors have a vague memory of barbed wire somehow being in the mix sounds like a shirt you'd see at walmart my now ex-husband wanted his name on my body because i have yours on mine the artist came to my house small town and we discussed it at length i wanted ink but didn't want a brand so he did the letters small on my shoulder past the bra strap line and in pink my ex wasn't happy about it so the guy said it looks feminine years later and it looks like a weird birthmark pink fades within 10 years thank you to two guy side note my ex covered my name up with black just black no cool design or anything a tattoo of deadpool tattooing deadpool on butt of yet another deadpool to recap that's three realistic deadpools in one tattoo he wanted on his tiny arm i have a friend who's a tattoo artist once had a woman come into his shop and ask for a full-sized ruler to tune on her inner thigh because she was tired of guys lying to her another guy wanted his dong to have an elephant trunk tattoo with matching elephant ears on each thigh buddy told him i'm sure you can get it done but i'm not freaking doing it this dude proceeds to ask every artist in the shop only to be turned down and sent out to look for another shop for real though the ruler is kinda genius obligatory not a tattoo artist but i asked this of mine he says he once had a guy wanted to to under his thumbnail like he was gonna rip the nail off then come into the studio so he could get a tattoo that would eventually be protected by a new thumbnail that is the combination of genius and idiocy i just can't decide in what proportion wasn't me but when i got my first tattoo i asked what was the worst they'd done turns out a girl came in drunk and got frick me here in huge letters on her stomach with the arrow pointing down to her crotch this was in majorca for anyone wondering maybe she just wanted to be fricked in majorca when people want 50 million things in one design they need a dream catcher with harry potter symbols their kids dates of birth and roman numerals plus an infinity symbol feather with bird silhouettes coming off it also it needs to be three centimeters long and cost 10 pounds i love tattooing dumb crap though i did a guy's boss's initials under his big toe couple of days ago a guy came in for big c only on his ankle one guy got keep on rolling around his nipple as his first tattoo workmen are usually the ones to get weird stuff got tons of stories of stuff like that here are some more random assortments of crap that's happened the past couple of years a woman wanting a tattoo of her cat's face but she doesn't have any references of it with its is in so i made up some ears she's like that's not my cat's ears she wants a straight line to end where the cat's for it is like it's been freaking foreign guillotined okay whatever she's paying and happy with the design halfway through i have a stroke of genius and suggest a flower crown the weird lobotomy cat is no more turning up to work at my old studio and the boss had paid his brother to plaster the walls instead he decided to get plastered and do coke off the toilet place is a state and looking like a crack den my appointment is arriving in two hours so mad rush to clean everything and try and sort the holes in the wall i didn't stay there much longer the guy who was getting an arm to two but walked round trying to get us to comment on his nipples being super creepy and then just not leaving like two days ago a guy comes in for a girl's name as his first tattoo after it was done his mates are all snapchatting it he tells me he got his ex's name to mess with her and they were sending it to her i thought it was weird he was asking me about how easy it would be to get covered up halfway through doing it bunch of workman came in youngest guy wants the apprentice written across his chest i'm like what if you get promoted he just shrugs finish it sweating my tea off doing a chest or two with seven guys standing round me filming every move and try to explain to a raucous bunch the aftercare regime he's not listening at all but then asks what happens if it gets infected i told him then he'll have to get his torso removed he looked freaked out and i gave him enough to care for him sorry this turned into a novel com i have to get his torso removed omg lol this reads like a dad joke i love it glad you scared him into taking care of his tattoo complications are no joke and tattoos look 100x better with proper aftercare as with everyone else not a tattoo artist but ask the guy who does mine he said he had a world war ii fanatic who was a regular and got a lot of battle scene stuff and world war ii nostalgia tattoos the final piece he wanted was a portrait piece on his back of hitler and churchill tay refused as he didn't want to be associated with tattooing hitler on someone but said the guy wasn't racist or anything just a huge world war two buff it would be dope if churchill was knocking him out and it's super gross hitler from wolfenstein told this story before but here goes not an artist but this happened about 20 years ago i remember my friend sister wanted a tattoo of a scorpion on her pelvic region being that she was a scorpio she was immensely afraid of the pain in getting a tattoo so she went and got super drunk before doing so and had her two brothers and i go up with her and a friend the artist knew this and refused to do the tap because of her condition for a number of reasons including legal she could have sobered up and said she didn't ask for it or was not in her right state of mind health alcohol causes issues quality the possible extra bleeding and being that drunk people aren't the stillest bunch in the world the tat would probably come out looking like crap she makes a big fuss about it saying she knows what she wants she isn't drunk blah blah she mentioned something about the artist missing his chance to get to see this pee and flashes her gash at him and her brothers and i saw two this tattoo parlor also had a pool table so she goes and knocks all the bulls in the pockets thinking it was a pay table it wasn't and mentioned something about them having to buy more balls the three people that worked there had a funny yet if she freaks up anything seriously it's a butt look about them the elder brother finally snatches her up and carts her out while she screams something like frickit i didn't want one anyway on the way to the door along with other vulgarities the younger brother and i were apologizing to the others there and they were like it's cool just get her home safe and if she stills wants it when she sobers up tell her to come on back the next day the brothers told her about her actions and how embarrassing it was for all involved and she felt pretty bad about it so she went back while sober and apologized and got over her fear and got the scorpion tattoo from them not a tat artist but a client my artists had the sense to realize that i was getting a tattoo of my cheating wife as an angel on my arm because my pet name for her was my little angel his brother was freaking my wife his brother had shown him a picture of the girl he was freaking with her loser husband jake kept his mouth shut since he had just tattooed me a couple months before and recognized not just me but his own very unique artwork on my arm i went back to him because he was a total g a great artist and a good person he saved me from years of heartache in two ways be like jake who says things like maybe you should get her as the devil cuz she's doing you dirty i'll never forget the immediate feeling of he knows something i don't because it was one of the only times it's ever been correct i asked my tattoo artist this question and they said a stripper wanted him to tattoo her butthole he declined without asking what the design was i mean that's just a good investment on her part i'm sure she'd make her money back it works for octopussy daisy morgan a naked woman masturbating with a carrot right to the left of his junk i think he just wanted me to have to touch his dong country girls make do worst request i ever got extremely drunk college girl came in wanting her excess name tattooed around her butthole because apparently and i quote he was a god at eating but told her to come back sober that i wasn't going to next day her friend came in and apologized and gave me twenty dollars for not being a dong also part two this younger guy came in with a fake it the girl that used to run our front desk spotted it right away and called me over i asked what he was wanting done and he proceeded to tell me he wanted a swastika in memory of his dad okay well shop policy no racist or gang tats i explained this and he's cool he comes back a few days later absolutely crap face demanding i do this to two because he is a customer and i have to take his money if he wants it i finally get sick of listening to the little crap complain and tell him flat out no he didn't like that and said he would call his dad same dad he said he wanted the memorial to two of we all called him out and he realized he freaked out sprinted out of the shop and ran right into a parked car and knocked himself out ambulance and cops come talk to us then leave never saw him again what a hilarious instance of karma not into two artists but when i was getting my sleeve finished i asked the guy doing mine this and he said a guy came in wanting a tattoo of trump shooting obama that's a yikes from me dog one dude asked if i'd do a taint too i didn't even ask what he wanted big ol no from me dog another funny one we didn't say no to it just didn't happen for whatever reason was this dude asking for a caricature of trump on his butt cheek sad days when he know call no showed his appointment a friend of mine in college was a tattoo artist and he was covered in ink he was very proud of wanted to that his boss gave him a taint or two it was a zipper going from his balsack to butthole i did not see that tattoo in person not that he didn't offer but his boss did say he really did that for him he was a fun guy had a woman come in asking for a face tattoo she wanted my best life on her temple jesus ever loving christ normally i will refuse to tattoo someone's face unless they are another tattoo artist or they are already heavily covered in tattoos she was heavily covered so i okay edit after suggesting several other spots first now let me say this lady was freaking weird rambling about me being her girl and i was gonna make it tight and a whole bunch of other nonsense i was trying to tune out i'm about 50 sure she was on something but she signed a waiver claiming she wasn't and i didn't want to be like hey are you on drugs or just freaking loony anyway i put the stencil on and she goes to check it out in the mirror she looks all confused i can't read it i remind her that it's backwards because she's looking in a mirror and after taking a minute to ponder that revelation she's like can i get it backwards so that when i look in the mirror i can read it freaking heck i try politely to point out how absolutely brain dead that is but she's getting herself all hyped for this idea so i have to straight up just be like i'm not putting backwards writing on your face i did tattoo her but i didn't tattoo illegible nonsense on her face so hopefully that counts i've also turned down swastikas and confederate flags but those stories aren't as interesting just run-of-the-mill racists she just wanted to be able to read it herself lol this was good the only time i refused to do it to two was because this guy was creepy everything was off insistent trying to lower the price i don't know i just didn't want to give him an address at all i can't explain it sometimes i just get a sensation my whole body tells me no if you do this you'll end up in the trunk of a car and i always trust myself so yeah no tattoo for the guy that by the way claimed his wife was a tattoo artist with it true she'll do it lol not an artist but a guy i know was apprenticing at a shop and a female friend of his had him to to the xbox red ring of death around her butthole not a tattoo artist but i witnessed the refusal when i was getting my second tattoo a girl i went to high school came in and was wanting to price out one it was basically one of those poems that are written into a shape like a drawing made with words i don't know what they are called that was pretty intricate looking and she was adamant that she wanted it on her thigh tattoo artist tried explaining that with the size that wanted it the words would be utterly illegible in the best of circumstances but the girl kept insisting that it would be visible in the end the artist said she wasn't going to waste time on something she knew wasn't going to work after the girl i knew left she artist turned to me and mentioned that it wasn't the first time that girl had come in wanting something ridiculous or impossible and she hated dealing with her because she never took no for an answer unrelated to the topic but i was also the one day when a girl and her dad came in she had apparently just turned 17 and she wanted a tattoo and dad was along to get one too but the girl wanted hello kitty on her upper thigh with a speech bubble that went above her privates that read hi there she got the tattoo my artist told me he refused to titter to a woman who asked for a zipper along her p lips and a pull tab at the top so it would look like it was unzipped as though her vag was some sort of grotesque change purse rustling sounds hold on i think i have exact change my dad actually owns a tattoo shop ironically he's the only pitcher but anyways when i was talking to one of the artists they told me that someone wanted to get george w but bush on their upper thigh so they could say hey want to see my bush she didn't end up getting a tattooed but frick i thought it was hilarious at least it's not shrek but his mouth is her vag a middle-aged man just came in and asked can you tattoo a tiger on my penis and i just responded with the door is that way anytime i hear someone want something in the dong region i feel a little fake pain in that area just reading it wasn't tattoo artist but was getting a tattoo done when this happened but whilst mine was being done a shaved headed man walked in typical skinhead attire but not all skinheads are nazi so didn't judge at first when he asked for a swastika on his forehead in the style of charles manson the tattoo artist wasn't overly pleased with that request and the man was quickly asked to leave that one was pretty bad i would do it if the guy has a big swastika tattooed on his face he's not going to be able to get an honest job anywhere people will always know he is trouble and to stay away there is a man in my town that about 55 and has doodles of colored stick figures all over his face i call him cartoon man not to his face of course i would blame a tattoo artist but i hear it was an at-home job much like the woman i saw with her name backwards badly tattooed to her chest likely because she did it looking in a mirror i love our local walmart there's always something to see not a tattoo artist but i read that some woman once asked a tattoo artist to tattoo two lighting bolts on her they were supposed to be next to each other and it would resemble ss the tattoo artist said no then the woman asked would he be okay to do it but if they were blue the answer was also no not a tattoo artist i was the corrections officer years back there was an inmate who wanted a giant back to two of an eagle with its wings soaring his then cellmate had a makeshift tattoo gun and worked on the piece for him as soon as that tattoo was over with the artist inmate told the cos that the inmate had made threats to kill him and was removed from the section completely that artist inmate had just a little bit of time left in his sentence so he wanted to get out of there they tattooed inmate was there for the long haul the majestic bald eagle turned out to be a flaccid penis with wings had someone asked me if i'd took to a relative or theirs who had just recently passed away because there were a lot of tattoos the person wanted but never got the chance to get hard pass don't think i'll ever want it to a corpse but i did learn at least the state i was in that there is a small gray area where it's legal under the right conditions basically i'd need to be a surgeon and perform the tattoo in the morgue holy crap not an artist the last time i was in a tattoo shop getting a piercing done there was an old man getting a tattoo done on his head he had wispy hairs on top of his head it was a stick figure pushing a lawnmower across his bald spot personally if i were the artist i wouldn't have done it but then again the artist who was doing that tattoo is famous in my area for tattooing something he calls a t-rex which is basically a green penis with t-rex features so i think if someone is at a certain age and they want a funny or obscure tattoo in odd place say the neck or the top of their head just let them they are old enough to know what they want this will probably get buried and i'm not a tattoo artist but my second wife did have cm dumpster tattooed on her butt weirdly that didn't turn out to be a great relationship holy crap talk about a red flag honestly though that's actually really sad not a tattoo artist but this happened to me i went to a shop and wanted to get a flower on my neck talk to the artist and he talked me out of getting it on my neck he said it was a job killer and he won't do necks or hands on anyone who isn't covered in tattoos i asked him where he thought would be a good spot for it and he suggested my lower arm by my elbow i gotta say i'm really grateful he didn't let me get a nectar too if you pass by the shop go in and let him know i was told no once i was on vacation in amsterdam and had fallen down a flight of stairs and had a massive purple and black bruise on the backside of my arm that day i got wine drunk on a bench and a big fat pigeon sat on the bench with me all day so i wanted to get a fat pigeon tattoo on the bruise the guy refused to do it there but was really hyped to do it on my other arm he said he was gonna put it in his portfolio and he was a really awesome guy peter at portov called us really great work highly recommend him my cousin is a tattoo artist and one guy wanted the original halo symbol for legendary difficulty tattooed across his entire back guy wasn't even a former pro he just really liked halo she couldn't convince him to go with a different design but was able to convince him to downsize it slightly to his shoulder the halo legendary icon is pretty badassimo guy in a local band who wore black and white makeup on stage came in and wanted the outlines of his makeup tattooed on his face so he could simply color it in before he went on stage he was declined my tattooist loves a dumped it to though so long as it's not political creepy or racist i got the your name tattooed on my boss and he did it for free because he thought it was funny had it 11 years and not once regretted it my former artist got asked by a guy of he whipped it to a dong he said for an extra 500 pounds on top of the cost then yes guy ducked out of that one i then proceeded to ask him if he would tattoo my dong thinking i was being funny his response destroyed me i can't do tattoos that small oh i couldn't see it behind the needle obligatory not a tattoo artist but i talked to one once i asked them what their weirdest client had asked for and they told me about the time an old guy probably like 48 or something wanted a tattoo of a random little girl on his chest this girl wasn't even his daughter or grandchild it was just a random picture of a little girl he'd seen on facebook that's super creepy a flag on his butt cheeks it was split in two vertically on one half the confederate flag battle flag and the other half the nazi flag he wanted donald trump's face superimposed on top with his open mouth placed where the man's chocolate starfish opened i went to go get a tattoo the guy who went before me was blacked out drunk and clearly high he asked for and i quote an infinity gauntlet made out of spaghetti with meatball infinity stones he even had a drawing of the gauntlet made of spaghetti with meatball infinity stones wish i had that idea instead of the tattoo i got it looked really dope when it was done i saw him at a publix a few months later he'd gotten spiderman tattooed next to it being dusted but it was pasta noodles instead of dust not really the worst or two in my opinion if you have a picture of this tattoo to share that would make my night if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 33,127
Rating: 4.9515376 out of 5
Keywords: tattoo artist, tattoo artists tell stories, tattoo artists refuse to do, tattoo artists what tattoos have you refuse to do, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: a7Mi3zOb4vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 5sec (1445 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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