Chinese People, What Does That Tattoo REALLY Say?

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people who understand chinese japanese what's the dumbest thing you've seen tattooed on someone i remember in elementary school my buddy had this really cool hoodie with asian lettering and dragons and crap anyway one day our sub tells him the only thing written on it was chicken wing he also told him there were multiple different languages on it all used incorrectly sounds like clothing from the store super dry all mixed up nonsensical stuff in tiny print you can find asian inspired the funny thing is that super dreary is japanese it's a beer made by asahi brewing he thought it said love my grandson it translated to something like i love fat boys i think it was a google translate failure of epic proportions kind of funny grande is sort of like large fat and boy is close to sun i guess it isn't that wrong i was on the subway in nyc and there was a guy who clearly lifted a lot he was wearing a sleeveless shirt and on his jacked arms in chinese were the words or beef noodle soup for everyone to see man looked ready to get the rest of his favorite restaurants menu tattooed on his body beef noodle soup is freaking delicious i have my chinese zodiac and chinese letters on my arm i worked with a guy who was from china and spoke almost no english when he saw it his eyes lit up pointed at my arm and said hahaha dong i'm the year of the rooster also means prostitute or noob i didn't see it but i went with a friend to get a piercing and i heard a guy say i don't like the way that looks can you change this line and make the ends do this the tattoo artist said yay but that changes the word you might be going from brave to gay woman for all i know you can't change kanji symbols and still have it mean the same thing chinese speaker here in high school i worked at a cvs a white woman showed up at the register with a very poorly drawn tattoo and i said cool tattoo means power she scoffed and replied to me like i was satan himself and said you obviously don't understand chinese letters the tattoo artist told me it means the strength to overcome anything even breast cancer then she rolled her eyes at me and walked away sort of opposite of this in 1987 my sister visited the ussr and came home with a photo of an old lady wearing t-shirt that said frick you i'm from minnesota a big muscly tough looking guy with accommodation written in big kanji down his bicep later i considered that maybe he was a property developer though [Music] my friend got a tip to that said vinnie v dvc in chinese well so he thought the tattoo actually said three small dishes now he needs a tattoo underneath it that says no substitutions i was scrolling through the web at some tattoos for fun a person said they got a tattoo that said strength and courage in japanese it actually said little animal big mistake great quota mo but i don't think they thought so after they got it permanently marked on their skin little animal big mistake that's hilarious not my story but a friend of mine she had a classmate in college with a candy tattoo confused she asked her what it meant hi princess turns out it actually said pig princess hi princess star princess it's an easy mistake to make i once had a roommate placed with me in the apartment our company ran for us here in japan he was loud obnoxious and i generally didn't get on well with him but you try to get along so we'd go to the izakaya up the street from time to time with other friends to drink and have a good time the owners were this wonderful old japanese couple who loved having all these weird gaijin come and entertain the locals anyway somehow we get talking about tattoos and the roommate is showing his off he then says that he got the kanji for friendship and peace tattooed on his back and lifts his shirt to show everyone there's a bit of silence broken by someone asking who's to mokazu what roommate didn't know of course was that those two kanji in that order was a man's name he reacted well though taking a beat and then announcing i'm tamaka zoo which became a running joke while he was there i once saw this middle-aged dude wearing on his shoulder the rough literary translation is goldfish man which in cantonese means a sleazy older man who creeps on younger girls children basically a pedo wonder under what circumstances he got that tinked maybe he was circumventing a court-ordered community warning kitchen confuse the kanji what he wanted i have no idea fat man he wanted big guy tough guy apparently ariana grande's hand to two mix up was a huge deal in japanese media for a while too coma the tattoo which appeared on her palm was meant to spell out her new single seven rings however when she first shared a snap of the ink her fans quickly pointed out it translated to mean a japanese style barbecue grill i used to live in china and it was considered fashionable to have english lettering on your clothing regardless if you spoke english or not i once saw an old woman literally in her 80s 90s with drugs on my life on her t-shirt i guess at that age she's probably not wrong but still my favorite was in japan magical a gay color a guy came up to my mom and i and asked what character he had tattooed on his ankle it was the word for fire in chinese with an extra mark when we told him there was a typo in the character he said he knew it was fire but he added the extra line to make it look cooler was it 40 plus year old bald white guy with chinese characters that translated as i'm a cute little princess on the length of his forearm had a good laugh the rest of that day as a 55 plus year old bald fat white guy i almost need that almost i had a student that transferred from japan in high school who i was good friends with a kid came in with a phrase in english that said come to me if you wish to free your mind then supposedly the same phrase in japanese she noticed and whispered the phrase to me which was hot bananas apiece there's a japanese restaurant by my house that offers banana tempura as a dessert and this is applicable i met a girl who showed me her tattoo saying it said love sadly it said weird similar kanji so well love or weird unfortunate combination it's like they fused the two kanji i have a kind of reverse of this i am an american who visited south korea and saw a shirt there this was in a part of the country where not a lot of english was spoken we had some difficulty getting around i was walking by a clothing store that seemed to sell nice somewhat classy but not dressy clothes think stuff you can wear to a job where you interact with the public then right there in the window was a shirt that had written across the front make a girl cm4 once i have a shirt from a trip to korea that says the sea is good i couldn't argue with that so i had to buy it i met a guy in the airport when i came back from living in tokyo for two years who had just visited japan he had two symbols on his shoulder i noticed that were off i stopped him and asked him what his tattoo said he said it means strong will bro i didn't have the heart to tell him his two symbols he picked in order were dog poop if you find the songline i am truly sorry bro haha yeah high school classmate got a tutor that said dog crap and i asked her what it meant and she said tranquility and i was like nafam they usually run around and do zoomies right after she was lost again i saw somebody who probably doesn't understand japanese flexing with his japanese tattoo it is translated to english surprise surprise a giant failure hey man pogba is perfect a friend of mine had a tat shop he put up a flash page with kanji for stuff like butthole bastard etc if anyone asked the meaning he would honestly tell them however he would regularly get people coming see the character think it looked cool and get it in ton without ever bothering to ask he thought that was hilarious not japanese or chinese but i once saw but glove tattooed on someone's chest in german they said it meant peace for all google translate tells me but love in german is arshhanskha that seems quite different from freedom for al in high school a lot of people would ask me to write on them in chinese in pen i'd always write which means i don't speak chinese i'm so happy i knew that meant lately the time i've spent learning chinese has been paying off as in now understand a lot of things i read in chinese i used to have a classmate who would wear a t-shirt with a sexually explicit japanese phrase on it to our japanese class our professor seemed kind of uncomfortable about it and asked him if he knew what his shirt said he proudly said yes and continued to wear it to class on a regular basis psy oh god reminds me of the time when a guy yelled filthy frank's chin chin phrase to a bunch of japanese people not someone i know but my uncle told me a story about a guy that was a crystal palace fan who thought he was getting eagles for life tattooed on him but the translation in chinese was more little and translated to i give birth to eagles hey still pretty metal my cousin worked in a restaurant with a chinese guy who whenever he saw a chinese japanese character tattoo would ask why is your tattoo say soup he'd do this regardless of what the tattoo actually said evil while i was in saudi for the first gulf war we had our name tags ray done to include our name in arabic an enlisted arabic soldier read the name tag of a friend of mine and started laughing uncontrollably his supervisor ran over yelling at him apparently wanting to know why he was laughing at the american soldier the young man could only point at the name tag the supervisor apologized profusely but explained to the major the arabic portion of the name tag said he who sleeps with dogs don't know if it was the maker of the name tags or the guy friend we sent to have them made the major walked over to the young enlisted guy put his arm around his soldier and laughed with him i think that went a long way toward their understanding of us for me it was something someone claimed was chinese writing but barely resembled any chinese characters it just looked like some squiggles they thought it was love but it definitely wasn't i've seen some funny ones online but most recently i saw a dude with a tattoo that said household on his arm basically talking about a family more in the sense of a unit rather than something with sentiment i was at a chinese takeaway in a western cities suburb with two friends who also understand mandarin and said loudly in mandarin why does his arms tattoo say house old and the dude didn't flinch which tells me he defo doesn't understand chinese itself means family but also can mean house my guess is that he just looked up synonyms in a chinese dictionary without really looking at the proper meaning because he thought two characters together looked better than one lone one my mom sent me a pic of her co-workers new mandarin tattoo so i could translate it it was supposed to say something about jesus or religion but it said green lol i knowingly got pork fried rice tattooed on my bicep i get so much free pork fried rice at chinese places now because the employees think it's so funny you've got another arm and two legs get going with that free four course meal not exactly what the question is asking but one of my friends loved to do henna tattoos and another one of our friends was chinese and so spoken wrote in chinese and we thought it would be funny if she put random food items on our hands and chinese there were four of us doing henna and so we got things like char sui bao bbq pork dumpling lap zoo on chinese sausage low mine etc in henna which doesn't come off for at least a week we were fully aware of how dumb it would be don't worry so i'm the one who's got chinese sausage tattooed on the back of her hand and i'm about as pale white as you can get i go to class the next day and i notice this kid sitting next to me look at my hand and do a double take probably realizing what was written on my hand he had a hard time stifling his laughter and i bet he's told some good stories about the white girl who had lap zoo longtitude on the back of her hand friend of mine working in kenya saw little kid with charity t-shirt that said what are you looking at butthole in english 30 years later he still laughs thinking about it the word tofu was tattooed on the inner part of this guy's bicep i asked him do you really like tofu he replied something about some doctrine that meant to tattoo something ridiculous on yourself for life there were plenty others that don't mean what they thought it meant not a tattoo but for a hot minute in the 90s there was this freaking bizarre trend of having baseball cap with the teams a name in a chinese character one guy i knew in high school was a really big buffalo bills fan and bought one i'm chinese but i can't read but my friend couldn't ask this guy why do you have a hat that says cow bill's fan smugly said it says bills my buddy is like i'm from hong kong dumb but i can read that crap there's no chinese character for bills it says cow dude never wore the hat again there's no chinese character for cow either though the character was probably which is a general term for bovine the bill's mascot is a buffalo so it would have been perfectly fine i was tdy in japan for 90 days and i didn't know very much japanese at all but the wife of a guy i worked with was fluent and at a small command function she pointed out this complete a shadow of a guy at the detachment i was with who's backed at rechild changing station he told everyone it was something like strength loyalty determination you do need those attributes to cope with changing children so apropos the common word for and gets mistaken a lot of peace which is two words and being the first of them woe versus woping in cantonese so there are a lot of people who just have the word and tatted on them and i think that's hilarious that's because means peace in japanese was in line at burger king with a co-worker from china young woman ahead of us had some chinese tattooed on her lower back friend translated use other entrants well some women do feel strongly about that water just the character for water i've also seen someone get their name in chinese he was a [ __ ] to me so i explained to him that that's not how it works and that his name is literally scared not lowly i can read chinese and i met the guy who wanted to get a to that said hope so i guess they looked it up in the dictionary and tattooed the first two characters after hope which were which says noun former colleague of mine had spirit tattooed on his arm in chinese some years later during a trip to china he discovered that what it actually said was gas a that one isn't too much of a stretch the whole chinese concept of ki literally means gas it could mean both really i randomly saw a guy with a korean nectar too at a grocery that translated to beef he was coincidentally in that section of the store he just really wanted you to recognize his beefy neck not sure if it's already mentioned i've seen a woman has the character tattooed on her arm it's translated to chicken literally but in cantonese we often refer to prostitutes as chicken i worked at a game development studio and a co-worker of mine and i both know a bit of japanese and we decided to hang up banners with obscene japanese phrases like anal bleeding this was all fine and funny until the day that some square enix execs come walking through the office if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] so bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 90,151
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Keywords: tattoo, funny tattoos, funny tattoo freakouts, funny tattoos videos, funny tattoo moments, funny tattoo stories, chinese, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: K_pP8LMxqRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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