Tattoo Artists Share Their Weirdest Tattoo Requests (r/AskReddit)

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- - artists have read it what was the weirdest / most disturbing - to a customer wanted when I worked as a tattoo artist a guy wanted us to tattoo his name on his infant baby because as he put it she's trying to say that's not my son we threatened to call the guard a because what the actual hell we wouldn't - to anyone under the age of 18 even with parental consent and we certainly wouldn't tattoo a baby I had to laugh when I saw the episode of Archer where he and the baby get tattoos it was a grim reminder I got it a - of diddler bobble my ass - those unaware Dudley Baba's the character from the episode of Spongebob where Sponge Bob finds a pencil and draws a copy of himself the copy becomes alive and ends up being evil while I was getting it I asked that a - artist so what's the dumbest tattoo you've ever given someone his reply honestly probably this one I've had it for a few years and have no regrets Diddley Bob will live on underneath my boxes for years to come me home annoy several years ago I tattooed the words Jeffrey de Mer in shitty scratchy writing on a girl's neck for her 18th birthday she had been coming into the shop a lot with her friends as they got tattooed and talking about it she had the letters drawn up exactly as she wanted them and everything the answer was always the same no [ __ ] way when she finally turned 18 she came in with a few friends and asked again I told her politely to [ __ ] off with her shenanigans a few minutes later her friend told her he could just add to it with the gun he got off eBay at her I made the hard choice to do the tattoo to ensure that it wouldn't get infected or be all scarred up if she ever decided to have it removed not a tattoo artist but the guy I went to for many years once told me that he had a customer coming 20 years old and completely sober and very serious wanting him to tattoo birds flying out of her vagina or up to her lower stomach he told her he wasn't willing to tattoo genitalia to get out of it and she said okay I'll just take an infinity sign on the back of my instead he saved her from a lot of awkward questions and a lot of regret later in life I have a buddy that has his anus titude and got it when he was high on shrooms it's an eyeball god help whichever tattoo artists had to do that one obligatory not a tattoo artist but I did a series of renovations at a buddy's shop over a couple years I was something like a skilled groupie strangest request I saw on it guy comes in looking like a goth thug he says his mom just died recently and he wants to get her portrait done in her honor he pulls out an 8x10 black-and-white nudie pic of his mom I heard my buddy asked a question like was your mom a burlesque dancer the guy deadpan says madman Knapp she was a stay-at-home mom the finished piece was actually amazing but clearly that family was a bit different than mine strangest request I saw turned away guy came in with a small group maybe four or five people in their early twenties he wanted a few disembodied dicks floating over a naked woman spraying her with [ __ ] that guy had a giant dick tattooed on his forearm a couple came in they were your typical white slugs wearing gang colors just outside the bad part of town and trying to be hard they were fighting about something and she kept dropping me and Bumble him we the workers at the shop were a wildly uncomfortable anyway the guy wanted the Silver Surfer on his ribs he had a picture a price was negotiated and he returned with his girl a couple days later for his appointment I was laying tile in the room next to the room this guy's getting to to day I would hear nothing but not this time this guy was screaming I went in to check on them just barged in completely inappropriate behavior on my end honestly I was terrified that something awful had happened to my friend my buddy was trying to maintain a straight face and coach the guy through but the screams continued the girlfriend was absolutely berating this guy and mocking him eventually the guy fainted and had to be revived with smelling salts that was the end of the season somewhere out there is a guy with a half-finished Silver Surfer on his ribs and an awful memory I asked one this question while watching him - to my best friend he said that a guy came in and asked for Bert and Ernie from Sesame Street on the bottoms of his big toes one on each foot I had a pair of dominatrix sisters asked me to their living slave for his birthday as a surprise it was their names in Chinese at the base of his [ __ ] they had specifically requested me as I fit into the fetish category of the slave being an East Asian lady to Torah I was to be paid triple for my time but had one request that I tattoo him at their studio dressed as a dominatrix while he was tied up bondage style when I got to their location it was really sketchy as it was in a random warehouse in a bad part of town but once I walked through the red door it was very tastefully decorated with cages hanging from the ceiling along with the chandeliers they had me dress up and their clothes as we were the same size while the slave got ready in his gear man the wiser when he was ready after some sort of ceremony where they whipped him for a while they told him his birthday surprise he was so excited he was erect by the time I had my station ready they used to be nurses so they had the sterile equipment already hence an easy setup the latest tied him up on a padded table and stretched out the area to be tattooed by weighing down his [ __ ] and balls with rope and weights after the tattoo was done they thanked me for my services paid me triple along with a hefty tip and I was on my way all in all ten tenths were do it again guy in my town did a touch up on a Holocaust survivor one of the guys I served with they were from a really fucked-up area of the south had a client coming to have his SS tattoo touched up in the 70s he did it and they turned the check in to the FBI caught a war criminal that day another story was a guy that had all these weird names he wanted to toot on his inner thigh turns out they were the names of several hookers that had been murdered and his dad was able to call the cops some of the names were for people that hasn't even been reported missing guy never got caught my wife is a tattoo artist she had a woman come in and ask her to lighten up the lady parts the client thought they were too dark after some talk my wife agreed they got everything ready prepared shaved et Cie she touches the woman's bits with the needle and she just screams can't do it so this woman has a slightly pink little dot on her now it's the weirdest my tattoo artist once shared this story of this girl who wanted a rose to tudi round her anus he refused naturally and she whined for a bit before asking him to instead to to sweet little thing across her lower back [ __ ] stamp style he again refused and kicked her out of the shop in his words he wasn't going to deal with that level of crazy for that long I was apprentice in with my dad at his tattoo parlor and on this particular day I had nothing to do so I was just cleaning and answering calls a 50-something year-old man came in wearing denim shorts and thongs sandals with a with a beater on and the most magnificent mullet he asked about finishing a tattoo he had gotten in Thailand I asked him to show me and when he did I couldn't even comprehend what was happening with it it was a full back piece of a koala with one foot on the ground and the other on a fallen bottle of VB holding a tattered Australian flag up in one hand and shooting an ak-47 into the distance with VA over the hawala also had the Southern Cross tatted on its chest I referred him to another artist and after they spoke he left I haven't seen him since all in all a very weird encounter with the most bogan Ozzy you could think of my brother is a tattoo artist and refused to tattoo to small pot lease above my other brothers thumps he later got it done by a friend they look terrible and he wishes he had never done it he also got a ski mask tattooed behind his ear my brother said yes to that one because of how bad the pot Leafs turned out not an artist but the artist I see said he has a guy come and get naked to sneak princesses tattooed all over his body like think topless Little Mermaid or naked Pocahontas then gets upset when people complain about them being visible when kids are around a friend who's a tattoo artist once told me about a guy who came in to have his own face - too dumb to his chest his reasoning was even if he got old he could get chicks by showing what he looked like needless to say when I told my dad about this he beat me up with a bunch of jumper cables not an artist but my best friend ease he sent me a snap of a girl with the Batman logo above her vagina with the quote the Batcave I immediately knew who it was and died of laughter now every man in town has visited the Batcave obligatory not a tattoo artist but earlier today my best friend got a tattoo Evette doing a line of coke off his long finger she also has a tattoo of Chinese symbols which literally translates to cheesy garlic bread lot a couple got Kevin Bacon's face on a piece of bacon on their asses it was actually awesome though tbh and they were super nice people not an artist that I have a tattoo of a dick with a smiley face tattooed on my dick the artist I found was so excited and told me that she had been waiting ages to tattoo a dick regularly messages me saying that people ask her about her most memorable - - and that it's mine I had this dude come in with his wife and he wanted to get a [ __ ] rat he got from some whorehouse done realistic alley he even brought the [ __ ] rack with him it was in some glass container haha tattoo artist here while on a canoe trip with my friends we met a man who was enjoying the river on his kayak we were all stopped at a small sure and the man commented on how many tattoos we all had my friends all instinctively pointed to me and said she said a two artist this is not a thing that I like people to know in my leisure time because I then get sucked into a lengthy conversation about the person's cousins brothers on who watched ink masters once and once a tattoo anyway my friends knew this and did it anyway and the man started telling me that he wants his wife to get a tattoo the idea he began to tell me was nothing I would ever want her to - or other words but it's the closest I've ever come to the weirdest tattoo I've ever done he described a butterfly on her vagina pretty much he explained that when she were to pull apart the lips of her vagina the inside she wanted to - Dyke butterfly wings so her vagina looked just like a butterfly when spread apart that was the most awkward conversation of my life and my friends enjoyed every second of it [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 48,524
Rating: 4.8850574 out of 5
Keywords: tattoo, tattoo artists, weird tatoos, weirdest tattoos, bad tattoos, tattos fail, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, come
Id: qvNx6CWi1DE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
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