TAMING A RAPTOR! - PixARK Gameplay - Pixark Base Building & Taming!

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and got him easy peasy lemon squeezy hey how's it going guys spy here and welcome back to another pixar episode and last episode we built this little Hut here this little thatch Hut and I died over there at the temple a bunch of times so I was trying to attack the skeletons and those plants over there they're extremely strong I'm not strong enough yet we need to get better weapons better armor and everything like that maybe tame some animals and as you could see I leveled up a little bit I got a leather shirt on and I managed to get a bow those plants they took like 40 to 50 hits to not even die Wow so I'm thinking we should just not go over there at all and maybe explore other places I'm thinking I want to maybe tame some better dinosaurs these pack Easter okay the Dodos they're useless so let's go look for some Raptors oh another plant are you kidding me these things are so strong huh there's that guy again I wanted to tame him oh he's so cute can we chase him down and feed him there's a beetle there get out of here plant hi hey okay I threw my spear by accident I don't know if we're gonna be able to tame that little guy I want to get close and see if we can though oh hi oh oh I'm getting attacked by an ant or something a weird-looking ant man oh and there's a big raptor attacking that turtle that turtles probably gonna obliterate him I want one of those Raptors get out of here get outta here drone gonna destroy you they don't do much damage which is good okay we got him we got him let's grab that food is there any more of those things no all right so we got like a desert looking thing here oh it's hot it's hot I'm thinking to be able to tame Raptors we're going to need a lot of meat and since we have the bow I think we're going to be able to make sleeping arrows let's check in here sleepy arrow we need narcho berries and stone arrows domme arrows are pretty easy we go in here we got to get some flint and some wood that's so simple we could do that really fast actually I'll just chop these trees down like this today there we go a lot of wood even more wood we got a level up I want to get to level 20 so that we can get in to Metalworks make better things make a smell tree everything like that that's when the game gets better easier I don't know I do want to go back to those ruins in the future but right now I don't think we're ready at all okay think we got enough wood we need some Flint this is Flint right here so well chop this up get some Flint then we got to go get some narco berries those are easy as well and then we're going to Tam some Raptors I might need to kill some Dodos for me though we got enough Flint dung beetles those would be cool all right so let's go in here arrow let's craft all of those we got 20 arrows and now we need narco berries come here dodo come here there we go meat leather everything I need narcho berry please no please there we go we got some narco berries so I think we got enough narco berries for sleeping arrows how many of these do we need not too sure so let's go find a raptor so we contain it let's go over here I seen the Raptor up over here attacking that turtle the turtle probably obliterated him so I don't think he's here anymore Raptor man where are you oh there he is that's a male Raptor okay I might get obliterated it just a heads up guys [Music] he's kind of up in a high spot here I might be able to hit him in the head and [Music] got him I'm running back I'm running back okay where is he is he gonna fall asleep he might know he's asleep he's asleep it took one arrow to put him to sleep perfect perfect okay go in here access inventory there we go just like that give them all the meat we're gonna have a pet Raptor tonight guys oh there's like a vulture looking bird over there I'm gonna stay away from that thing because it looks like it's gonna eat me alive can I got a little more meat did I get any more narcho berries okay we got four I don't know if that's enough hey buddy are you nice no no oh there's like a Carnotaurus over there oh man I am really thirsty I need water no beetle man no beetle man get out of here he's trying to eat me alive that'd be nice be nice triceratop that's my buddy don't hurt him give him some of these give him more meat I think he's almost tamed we just gotta watch out for that Carnotaurus there's another temple over there nice those are dangerous though skeletons and that went over there tried murdering me alive and the plants and everything oh don't come over here always coming over here don't please I'm gonna shoot you with an arrow triceratop protect me protect my Raptor baby protect my Raptor baby oh no the scorpions - this game is beautiful though we didn't we chained our first Raptor we're gonna call him rappy rappy the Raptor oh he's so cute guys he's come on we're getting out of here we're getting out of here because I don't want that thing over there eating you alive I don't know if it's a Carnotaurus but it looks like one okay let's go over here now let's see how strong these raptor guys are but get him get him yep oh wow nice did you get the meat too let's see he has a lot of meat on him nice we'll take some of that and that hide so this is a good way to get resources plus we can level them up by getting him to attack things I like this we have our first aggressive pet get him get the oh that's right yeah nice nice going buddy you're really strong get this one - that's right eat him alive get him alive there we go and nice let's go into his inventory here really quick oh wow yeah he has a lot of food on him I'm just gonna take all of this we just need to get to level 20 to be able to get in to Metalworks you like my little house rappy rappy the Raptor get him he's got him Raptor saddle you have to be level 30 okay but I'm going to make the rest of the leather armor I need pants and I think it was gloves and now we have full leather Oh beetle no bad beetle bad beetle get him rappy get him yes yes and he leveled up oh there's another one oh no okay man we'll help him out we'll help him out these beetles they're just so aggressive yeah oh he has really low health he has really low health don't die buddy don't die I'll be really sad if you die just eat all of that meat please yeah he's healing now I want to see if I can make like a trough or something so let's go to an Graham's and let's search trough feeding trough level 15 let's learn that let's create a trough I don't know if this works for Raptors or not but we need ten rocks fifteen wood easy peasy lemon squeezy and I leveled off so we got two more levels before we get into metal works so we got to get some stone I'm getting Flint as well and then we can make some other stuff here and we got ten stone let's hop out there's rappy the Raptor man okay this is this is one bad thing about the block breaking thing of this game don't fall down there rappy okay you're good I want to Tim what is this I want to Tam a another another Raptor just in case you know they're pretty good they'd they feed themselves it's nice okay let's make a try we're gonna need one anyways in the future if they do anything I'm pretty sure they do you can feed animals with it okay so we're gonna put our trough right here let's see access inventory I'm gonna throw some meat in there for him give me your meat that's not edweird meat in there so buddy you got to stay here okay you got to stay here you can eat out of your meat trough whenever you're hungry maybe I should build a fence around him so little tiny beetle men don't come and kill him I'm gonna do that I'm gonna make a little fence around him oh okay I got a big gate I think it's a little too big guys you think that's a little too big of a gate you know what it's good we have a big gate for our tiny pen yeah I'll pick these pieces up here ah that looks ok I guess rappy how do you like your new pen you love it yeah yeah okay you stay there I'm gonna go and hopefully find another Raptor do I have enough narco bears I think I do I need some more meat though so I'll take some from rappy because he has his trough to eat from so we don't really need him holding much grab that that should be enough yeah okay we need to find another Raptor should be one down here some oh yeah right there okay we're gonna shoot him oh don't see me please yeah got him oh no no no Road Road run for your life run run run go go go that's right fall asleep we got him I almost died I almost died I'm actually really close to dying I just hope nothing comes up to me and eats me access inventory throw the meat in there as many as we can and the narco berries as well oh there we go the Raptors been tamed what are we gonna name him I was thinking we got rappy right this is Rupert Rupert the Raptor wait a second Rupert female Rupert we gotta change your name rose there we go I got a rose come on come on Rose you're gonna go meet your new and rap ease a raptor but I want to start having eggs I want to grow with some Raptors is that right hey rappy O'Brien Oh Fred Rapp he's only level 12 rows is level 24 come on Rose come on in look at this you're gonna love your new home and in you go to meet your best friend rappy um rappy I gotta do this really quick there we go and tell Rose to stop following and we're good I should probably build them a bigger pen guys they got hearts above them they're in love they're in love yes rose and rappy I'm gonna make them better better walls oh so wood walls wood let's make all of those okay so I'm going to use these to make like a wall kind of thing I don't have too many of them though but we're gonna make like a pen here for Raptors it's gonna be pretty big I'm gonna have to get quite a bit more wood floors here how high do we want it probably two or three Hey so this is gonna go all the way over here oh I messed that up tonight yeah so check it out guys look at this we have a little pin around our Shack we can go in and there's a raptor enclosure don't worry these Raptors are came they won't bite your face off maybe they will no rappy and Rose are the sweetest Raptors known to man rappy rappy stop pushing me off your cap you hear me I'm the one who feeds I'm what a feed you guys let me in there okay well I was just gonna check their food make sure they were happy but they don't really want that do they know we have a door and I need some stairs awesome now can I get like a torch a wall torch let's see we have a standing torch I'm gonna put this right here let's open this up access inventory we need some wood throw that in there light the fire and here we go okay let's access inventory they have some meat in there which is good so there we go guys we managed to take two Raptors I'm gonna get them a little more food here if you guys have any suggestions on what I should do in this game let me know I'm still pretty new to this game and Ark as a series itself so I don't really know what to do quite yet now I just got to get to level 20 really quick here I'm gonna attack this dung beetle level up as much as I can Oh is he mad at me oh he's mad at me oh I didn't mean to do that okay run run run run run I need to go in my inventory put my real arrows on my boat don't smack me please don't smack me okay we got our real arrows oh yeah take that and this oh wow two shots that's all nice hey I'm level 20 now awesome I did some hunting and everything like that so we could go into engrams now let's go to metallurgy and go to smelter ma'am and now we can smell ingots if we find them whoa a tarragon saddle what do we need for that leather and wood are you telling me we can now tame a Patera Dahlan and fly around once we get our saddle and everything guys if you would like to see that next episode let me know and then we could do some flying around and everything like that but I think for now I'm gonna build a small tree what do we need rocks that's it Wow okay super simple boom that is crafting up we're gonna go place that near our house and now we're able to make ingots or bars okay let's see well there it is how big is the same that's pretty big has to be on a ground piece I think so let's go in here okay yeah well throw in a corner here I'm gonna have to expand this house because it's not very big know what right there's good close this door and we now have a smelter we can make gasoline we can make iron ingots we need to find iron and stuff like that copper I'm sure we'll be able to find that in caves or somewhere what do you are you inside the house what are you doing buddy you're not supposed to be in here come on you got to follow me you come back into your closure over here there you go don't climb inside the house I guess that's what I get for leaving the door open hey okay doors closed don't jump up there please and awesome we managed to tame Raptors and get our first smell tree and next episode if you guys have any suggestions let me know and what you would like to see next I think we're gonna be getting into metalworking and maybe getting some new tools there's a sword at level 25 some better armor everything like that we're now level 20 so what could we do in here not much there's some more saddles anyways guys if you enjoyed this episode make sure to leave a like as let helps me quite a bit and thank you guys for watching and subscribing and remember stay sweet buddy [Music] [Music]
Channel: SpyCakes
Views: 1,065,648
Rating: 4.8597803 out of 5
Keywords: pixark, pixark gameplay, pixark spycakes, spycakes, spycakes dinosaurs, pixark taming, pixark taming raptor, pixark raptor, pixark raptor taming, pixark building, pixark base, pixark base building, pixark leveling up, pixark hunting, pixark smelter, pixark enclosure, pixark pen, pixark cage, pixark tame, pixark raptor tame, spycakes pixark, pixark how to tame, pixark how to tame a raptor, pixark taming a raptor, pixark sleepy arrow, pixark sleep arrow, pixark let's play
Id: MtaiB-c_r9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 02 2018
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