TAMING the Amazing Specter Wolf! - PixArk Gameplay - Best Pixark Creature

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hey everybody I'm blitz welcome back to the glorious game of Pixar I am loving this game even if it is like kind of a complete ripoff of art and everything it's still a lot of fun I'm enjoying it a lot so check it out we have our little city over here it's popping up nicely we have a couple bases Drey guest is in there I believe Intex got his little house up on the top and this is Biff uh over here everyone's kind of just doing their own little thing kind of making up their little houses so I decided I was gonna come over here oh you also noticed that I don't have any dinosaurs they all got eaten by that RG so I figured I was gonna make a cave and I was gonna make a beautiful cave and check this out I started the cave okay that's it I mean it's a little cave house and I love it good that that's all that matters right if I love it then I will keep it all so check this out around the corner and if I run over here and I do a little jump and I do a little I was gonna make a little house down here but check this out there's a cave there is a cave down here like a gigantic cave and I was hoping to wait can I I'm trying to figure out how I can get into the wall it's been very difficult it's been an absolute pain in the butt trying to find a good way to go and there's a lot of stuff down there plus it goes SuperDuper deep we don't talk about that down there there's probably there's I mean there's multiple chests if somebody falling down and dying you might also notice that I have a copper pickaxe and a copper X now which is really cool I've been trying to level up and I had to spawn a lot of different places to get this the best way that I found to get copper tools is by doing the quests if you look at the menu there is those little little treasure chests those are quests that you can do so there's creature taming quests go exploring quests and I actually did that up in the top right up there you see there's that little open area and I found a nice little spawn there that had some stuff on it so that's the goal today's goal is we're gonna start working in the Engram tree now on this side this is cool there's a magic tree and a magic work bunch at level 30 which I thought we already unlocked but we do have the magic sleepy arrow which I want to do too and it's meant one magic wood and one magic berry and ace and irregular was it called a regular arrow to create a magic thing and then those are used to capture magic animals which we do have right above us and then there's magical beasts down there so check that guy out he looks super cool I think in this stream that we did the other day we tried attacking one of those and it does what did it say curse curse something oh there's two of them he Kurt oh let's see vector respect your wolf Oh table look at those guys level nine and what's the other one the other one is level 25 oh there's another one another one up there spectral 39 that's a pretty big one so we're gonna try to get those guys today that is the ultimate goal oh no in a cold poisoning but yeah that's what my ultimate goal oh hello Azam b-59 zombie he'll be my protector who is this thing hey that's the magic ring need some of them and it's a magic tree to use my trusty rusty axe now it's dark wood that's not the red tree Oh where's the right tree there's also a werewolf over there he looks super super scary a werewolf I don't know where the right tree is shoots man well how am I supposed to oh maybe it's that thing over there a little berry bush okay let's try it let's try this one because these guys hit like an absolute truck we don't want to do that magic berry shoot it's just dark woods and stuff okay I'm gonna have to go find the regular wood out and we'll make some arrows oh yeah I'm gonna die because of the cold up here here let's get Oh No well no not gonna die because of the cold I'm gonna die from a Specter rule I thought it'd be fun to try to jump through this thing - can we go in there oh okay maybe not a good idea okay oh great this is this was a bad idea this was a really really bad idea now I'm gonna have to build up a platform underneath of that oh and I'm dying still too cold oh great how do I do this best eight hello No let's build over I gotta build over to island of this now hey I GP just spawned out in the middle of the bridge just sleeping just sleep in there oh I just pooped on him okay I'm thinking these trees are the magic trees that I need since this is supposed to be the magic forest biome I hope we can we can try we can try we can try come on keep jumping keep jumping keep jumping there's an RG up here okay those are the magic trees over there these are probably just gonna be a regular trees Plateau tree seed we can trees oh do we get trees from or we do we get seeds from the new packs because I have not that is the first time I've seen a seed out of anything okay these are definitely oh who are these guys okay give me that tree before I get eaten by a saber-toothed dinosaur wolf okay magic wood mage weave bark oh yes okay saber-tooth dinosaur wolf where are you there's a there's a spitter over there too yikes okay spiders coming after me spiders coming up run away run away flee flee flee flee flee flee I'm alright I'm alright we're good we're good let's go get another tree or two yeah Oh No I'm broken my bones are broken because I'm cold Wow hey someone's house is over here so let's check out these arrows now I did have the magic oh I'm so scared right here we have the magic sleeping arrows let's see arrow magic sleeping arrow okay I need stone arrows Wow of course a 62 let's make them all okay now well that's easy enough 700 kids mate weave bark interesting okay I want to get a few more of those he hi I am how will feel wolf oh boy I like how it's nice and warm here look at that 24 degrees Celsius - negative - it's just a one block one block difference that's a whole bunch of temperature difference nice and toasty and then this way is gonna be the same way isn't it 24:02 zero what that's not fair okay oh stop being so cold I really need to get bunny for clothes on now is this like a desert up here nope okay let's go over this way and I don't see any wolves so I'm just gonna chop down a couple more of these trees even my house look at this I'm in a nice novice grassland and then I cross over into the dark forest instantly called instantly hot so I can stand on my stairs in my house and I can be a warm and I pooped on my floor how gross is that now I was wondering where's the clothes like where's the fur I don't even see that I don't maybe it's an engrams like over here there's like a other tape probably that one megalodon helmet may go down oh there's a rabbit hat what does this do provides a noble look Triceratops bone helmet we got beds I dunno about the beds there's guideposts um I'll just learn everything it's a lot Oh Dino a tracker Oh a glider what oh that's awesome a fruit displays that what is that stupic oh it's it a health point nice water reservoir okay so that that's for a simple mask poison attacks Wow soil privilege and there's bug repellent metallurgy so I did get these industrial maybe it's under industrial now I can't even do anything there's pistol and bullets we're close to getting guns but I do want to get these match girls going so we can get that guy up okay I've done it I've created a bunch of food I've got some of those arrows where are they seven I wonder if that's enough should we should we create a few more of them where oh where are the magic girls let's create get up to ten maybe okay we got 11 let's do 15 we got magic arrows we'll put those magic girls in the bowl and now we're gonna try to get one of those Specter wolves now I've got a few different things I've got cook food I've got raw food and I've got magic berries now I don't think there's a magic what was that noise I don't think there's a magic a specific magic meat there might be I might be wrong I also did get some new wood some seeds for the regular trees thought that was kind of cool okay let's see if we can find one of these guys without jumping through that thing okay we've got three of them let's see let's put that away hello skeleton you are level 25 that's pretty good we got a solid level 25 I'm a little bit scared on some of these dudes okay we're in the super cold biome 225 that's a nine oh boy I'm getting cold Specter okay there's another Specter wolf over there 28 25 26 what was this one 25 let's go for this one oh there's two of them here great oh boy hey oh this is nice and warm here ha ha no it's not still 10 below okay here we go oh I should probably switch modes here so I can see no that's not the right thing hey come back I wonder oh stop it what are you okay here we go ready get set and fire oh I hit him you didn't go down how many shots to take oh great Oh No whoa whoa whoa so how do I do this No what was that what is that whoa something just exploded over there Oh a Gigantopithecus killed something that's awesome okay let's see if that Specter wolf will not eat me grab everything take off okay now let's maybe make up Oh poop poop all right I'm gonna try something a bit differently here I'm up on top of this thing and I'm super cold I don't think I can build a campfire can i no I can't don't have enough Flint I need two more Flint well let's try this up quick there's a couple of them there's one behind that tree there's one over there that's a low-level one the one I wanted I think is now moved over here that's a that's the 40 okay let's try him oh I'm dying I'm literally dying right now maybe that one's a better one because he's might be easier to hit let's try this one okay lead them a little bit that was a little bit low come on come on how do I do this alright so I tried doing something and it didn't work oh there's that level 40 oh we have to level 40 s okay I put up a little tower here I'm gonna try this come here come here ah well I hit him I hit did I hit him again okay he's going right down don't you dare can you not hit me you can't hit me you're gonna try though where are you okay - how many shots does he take to go down come on oh he's still moving he's still moving he's running away he's left oh boy I'm gonna die I need him to go down oh he's way God what in the world where is he going he's going across he's going into the warm zone which is where I need to be like right now give me into the warm zone okay he's left his left is he did he go down let me eat this stuff up was he coming back now okay and a tech I hit him again okay he's oh he's down he's down this might not be good in the water oh look at that he's got a chain around him there's some megapiranha's okay megapiranha's I see you megapiranha's I'm still freezing cold okay die die dad Oh taking on both I did now are you still sinking put inventory put food in inventory excess inventory alright so I'm gonna try wood or I'm gonna try that I'm also gonna try the magic berries let's see what happens taming let's get out of here and get back to the warm zone before I die okay I'm gonna try to go down there again I've got about half health I just want to see if he's teaming up at all maybe he's gonna die I'm not sure I don't see any more sharks or anything in here okay respect your wolf it is taming all we died no no inspector well what do we get for loot magic court primary something okay so we can't let him run into the water and it looks like he ate meat that's good to know evacuated he went to the left I think I can get up here now I hope I can he's still sparking look at this oh the magic chains are so cool okay excess inventory now I need to give you meat I think it was in lots and lots and lots of meat I don't think those narco berries work we'll also give her the magic berries just to see Oh is he taming he might be he might be taming you know what I should do I should clear out some of these trees and then build a base around him so I can so I can hide from the other ones because there's probably gonna be more that spawn in here that's what I'm gonna do I'm just gonna camp out here right next to them for the next 20 minutes or however long you know what I'll do I'll just make a make a thingy up that's what I'll do a durp tower a dirt tower a dirt bit tower okay and now I just can't see it but I think I'll be okay and if anything happens then I'll just shoot something with bow and I'm cold but I'm not dying of cold so I'm good I'm good to go know what I think I'm just gonna take him out that was perfect shot you gonna run at me okay run at me right at me hang out here okay I'm gonna straight to spectral wolves no no no oh you might go down you might go down from that it doesn't matter cuz he ran away you might go to sleep cuz we hit this one and he ran away a little bit it takes a little bit of time all my berries were spoiling too okay this guy is about halfway now it's about halfway there he's living on a prayer that's a level three werewolf I'm scared of him not go I was scared of the level three werewolf so I'm just gonna sit up here until my friend down here is ready to go what should we name him I don't know if I can rename things but I want you guys to give me names and what you think we should name but yeah he's about halfway there unconscious level is fine man even with three times taming speed this is taken over are you taking a long time to do break that up okay and let's go back up top whoop almost there almost there three-quarters of the way I still haven't seen our other friend I don't want I'm too scared to go get them too I haven't seen a mount for this guy either or a saddle so I'm wondering if you just jump on the yield back of the sparkle the sparkle wolfy and let it roll from there we'll see I guess we'll see in just a little bit oh oh I thought the chains were gone okay let's check out a minute it should be super close oh I hate going down here though so deadly in here oh look at that he is so close to being tamed up you still have you still have good loot on ya you still got plenty of food you still got plenty of food I don't need to use the narco berry on them I don't think that works either oh man I hate being down here I gotta go back up I gotta go back up even those for 12 seconds alright oh wait resume we've done it we will we've done it we've made our Spectre wolf which should we name him sparkles sparkles with a Z that's it okay Oh sparkles hey buddy oh he looks so cool I can ride him oh I can ride him Oh dirty oh that's so cool oh man I gotta go kill things oh he sparkles he continues to sparkles uh wow this is this is really really neat okay Kenny kill a bunny let's go see if he can eat a bunny ha ha oh we can he's busy he's busy what do we have over here uh oh there's a there's us oh we got the broad dose should I take out the steak Oh who's this someone else is mining a bit and this is gray avast ye avast ye gray are you great yeah great I have a sparkle pony rare he probably doesn't even know how to talk ok let's kill this thing and feel mom Oh single hit can I kill here's the question could I kill a Terra Don with a single bite oh I did it I took about yes there you are you like my sparkle my Sparkle kitty oh really oh no way I am that is so cool I didn't even look that's me that's so cool ok I gotta keep playing yeah let's see if I could take out Triceratops I'm guessing I can oh come on he's level oh oh maybe not maybe not oh don't die don't die ok oh this is not good oh it's helped us the oil he did it he did it and that was easy hey wait what is what's this box what is that box take all Oh Triceratops skull oh no wait ok oh do you think I could take on a sauropod I don't want to I don't want to do that give me all this stuff no look at all that loot hot-diggity-dog that is awesome hey sparkles ok let's let's remove that oh he's got cool eyes too ha ha I wish I knew how to look at myself in the face I have no idea anyway guys that'll wrap it up for today's video I'm gonna go take him back into my cave see how sparkly he is and we'll end up there doot doot doot doot doot doot to do and in my cave he will sit yes this is so awesome so guys thanks for watching I hope you've enjoyed our little adventure today and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 337,483
Rating: 4.8899698 out of 5
Keywords: Pixark, Pixark game, pixark gameplay, pix ark, pix ark game, pix ark gameplay, pixark ep 1, pixark episode 1, pixark part 1, ark, minecraft, pixark taming, pixark release date, pixark trailer, minecraft mod, ark survival evolved, ark mod, dinosaur taming, dinosaur game, mar2018, 2018, PixArk, pixark release, PixarkS01, pixark creatures, pixark vs minecraft
Id: 4VCvRiTtI2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 30 2018
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