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hey everybody I'm let's welcome back to another episode of sandbox evolution so this game you guys really liked it the last couple of videos I've done and the developers have pushed a new patch on the steam build and actually on the mobile builds that includes let's see what does it book run one it has dinos and ecology the ecology one is like have this giant fire tornado that ripped through towns and all sorts of stuff like that acid to tsunamis that can wipe things out really really fun game mode to play they did reach out to me and part of this update they wanted to sponsor another video so I really wanted to play with Dinosaurs so I said absolutely yes we will lay it for today so down below in the video description there are links to check it out both on Steam and on the mobile sources if you want to play those the mobile ones I believe you pay for manna which is the stuff in the top corner and it's free to play otherwise and the steam one is you pay once and then you get the whole thing so I think that's how it works but I'm only playing on Steam so I don't exactly know about the mobile ones but we're gonna play today and I wanted to start off with getting the disasters I kind of wanted to do a few of these disasters with you guys cuz they're a lot of fun London oh what's gonna happen with the London today at ominous figure looms over London it seems intent on unloading nukes on the city what ok create a wall and Slater barrier to save London wall and Slater barrier what should we use metal should we use metal ok is that actually part of it oh shoot man that's like a UFO thing well goodbye ok that'll work maybe maybe we should do something else and on top oil void glass with glass we're gonna glass the planet how much money do I have I'm good on money ok so we just need to keep building that give me that metal back where the metal go so maybe sometimes you need different types of materials because things can melt so we're gonna do that and then we're gonna fill this hopefully with water let's fill it with water ok maybe that'll maybe that'll save our London ears I don't know you know what I was just oh didn't drain off the edge I thought it would drain off the edge Oh 20 seconds left ok create a wall insulating barrier maybe this will work ok go water go okay what's next acid she would use sand let's feel something with darks we want another one of darkstone up here bad bad aliens attacking okay we're going to the side bad bad aliens okay and now down here in the corner we don't want the void we can make void metal a lot of stone there's a heater soil I could piano notes that'll work piano notes permafrost ice would be fine heat water mud mud wall just do a thicker wall make a wall make a wall make London great again okay we're to get nuked forget Newt oh boy poet oh well that was unfortunate didn't didn't quite work as intended did anyone live okay let's try it again we got nuked at the high level there how do we do this better we could paint it let's paint it with this thing that's mud probably didn't need the mud there we'd probably need metal that seems pretty dark stone in wall insulator barrier so I wonder I wonder if I just like create like a big thing right in here and that didn't work that's acid sorry people I didn't realize acid would eat through my dark stone okay we just killed our people sorry people sorry London people London British people in London maybe maybe tourists too oh boy this is not good metal let's metal eyes it now metallurgy we're gonna put our zinc oxide up here does it go go metal metal metal prevents from nukes doesn't it maybe radiation and junk okay that'll work across go go go what are these do oh that's metal now everything is electrified that's maybe maybe that'll work we're gonna Electrify everything maybe this won't work I don't know let's fill this bowl with water we're at a time one nuke two nukes three nukes that didn't really work either hmm everything got melted and turned it but this is working that's interesting or try it the third time hey did I get the points next victory yay we did it how'd that work there's an oil spill in Alaska I stopped the oil rig and clean up the ocean okay where's the where's the oil rig is there anything on the sides what fix oil big by activating the lever oh I'm this guy okay oh boy oh boy oh okay I made it across there it is the machine can clean the surface okay so I need to I need to flip the lever whoop go a little bin said it don't need to run across now maybe is this shark thing gonna eat me um that's not good this doesn't look pleasant that looks electrocuting there's another one up there how do we get up there you know what I bet I stand on this and it'll you actively work is that better Oh two of them I'm gonna stand on here whoop oh it pumps ha I get it I'm picking up what I'm putting down the machine is working getting rid of the oil it says the first we should clean all right we should go and find the leak fix the oil rig by activating the lever do do I need a dig down or something dive down and see what happens if I go down I can't actually get in there what do I need to do why is it I need to get up top oh okay I did it I did all by myself yay fix the oil rig and now we have to clean the surface clean those in using the machine we can do that super easy peasy lemon squeezy all right clean clean clean ah so that raises the water level just a little bit and it lets the oil come in and then once the oil is in we squish it like that uh-huh we're getting there we're getting there okay is it good yet do we win yet Derrick fill it up I need to raise the surface level a little bit I got like three more oil pellets left four or five more this is going it's kind of oh man there's a lot more in here can I go anywhere in here what happens okay I stopped the oil rig if I touch that button does it let more out what happens now okay that's probably a bad idea hey victory I did have some how that's awesome okay let's let's go down ooh what's this one China's tough for the workers quick stop this one how do you stop it wall on the ground block earthquake what okay what is this goop can I burn it away I feel like that's water or something down there I want it I want to do another aah okay so there's acid down here too I need I need to turn this stuff all was that acid I don't know if that up sorry sorry I made lava okay making walls we're gonna make China great again okay putting the love in love a lava lava lava sorry little little I didn't want to start you on fire we got to make walls now make metal walls metal and stuff gate metal metal metal metal metal bit aren't that's not gonna work we need lava down here get that lava in get that lava bill build it up yo feel that love a good build a good little is super good I need more love in here build more lava build more lava I got I gotta connect it to the ground I can't really put lava in there very well okay lava lava more lava oh boy oh boy earthquakes coming this is ridiculously fun getting build up here and do this stuff too and then do one of these over oh we're all done we're all done earthquake hey is anyone gonna live I think people might live I might do it the house is still alive I think I did it I think I did it well on the ground yes victory okay we're all done with this we're all done hey go away no no no all done with Atos said we're all done with earthquakes we now what we're gonna do is we're gonna have some fun in the sandbox so create oh should we do the ecology first let's do that let's do a huge world that's fun and now what happened ah we have a nice little community there's a nice little area up here here's one of our new natural disasters you bet I will that sounds awesome cool so what these things do these geysers they guys are up whatever is underneath so this is like go steam geyser we have like an acid guys are here that one's oil geyser maybe and if you if you add stuff to them I think there's an e erase tool like you can erase this stuff and we could put maybe should we put lava inside of it would that work maybe okay now you shall be a lava geyser yay oh we also have secondary problems the lava seems to like to spread a little bit because that was impervious to tile and the rest of it isn't so that's not working great hey that one's going with that I mean that's fine oh oh there's fire up here does that now we got multiple we got multiple fires this is not good we need to block it off we got a block off block it off with metal metal block or floor floor floor nobody's allowed nobody's allowed out of there I need to kind of erased a little bit here to up sorry a wrister person let's make ourselves the middle middle middle middle put them up right here no that's gonna still spread you didn't get stopped doing this okay and now metal and okay hopefully that's not gonna spread and we're gonna do a little bit of that okay is that good is that gonna spread through the metal I hope that doesn't melt the metal I don't think lava melts metal hey oh the guys are still one above it well let's just block that out then I think this will eventually get hot oh no oh no oh no oh no hey we're getting rain though that's good okay is it melting through up here the lava has met its maker match oh no oh no we better we better knock it out with where is it where's the new ones don't we we could do it we could hit it with a tsunami let's hit it with a tsunami okay ready get set and tsunami time yes here it comes we're gonna we're gonna wash it away wash although that wall stopped it okay we're gonna do another one right here come on tsunami I totally flooded this this thing let's just tsunami in here yay there goes the lava that was all gone oh not quite all gone actually I think if this one burns down look at all the steam it's making and the steams going up to the cold biome that's awesome what is this do we need to we need to dump stuff I don't know what that is hey Kix oh that makes a little hole okay this is cool I like that combining of the stuff what else can we have earthquake no tornado where's the fire tornado there it is fire whirlwind unlock that Amber's oh yes yes it's working we have a fire tornado whoopsies right town how about a fire tornado the Eskimo people two men have this in your world okay can you go away fire tornado I need to use you again oh that's nice it doesn't get rid of the metal yay fire tornadoes gun let's blast the igloos whoosh oh it melts right through that's awesome alright I fell down yeah can I can I hit the fire tornado with the tsunami that's my other question where's the where's my pointer mouse pointer at where'd it go oh there's again tsunami oh it didn't quite work wow this must be really hot down there there's my mouse pointer see if we can cool it off oh this is all electrified now where the electricity come from and these people are all gone cuz they got burned up and now it's freezing cuz the snows coming down how cool is that okay now we got to hit that with a fight or lava tsunami okay I got it here we go come on lava tsunami you gotta melt the snow wow that's awesome I think I ruined the world though let's make a new one let's make it as big as we can 300 by 300 okay oh oh that we have other stuff in the background I was the same it's the same system what happens if we put it in where is it it a regular or meteorite Oh lightning let's do it lightning that'll be quick let's see what we can do I want to I want a blast Big Ben sow lightning lightning I said lightning puts out that light stuff on fire fire zap hey there's people over here get is that them yeah oh wait wait you know you know what they need they need a new zombie in their lives go zombie eat them no he's now you can eat them we better zapped Islam oh there's a portal rocket let's uh it sounds cool a tank dinosaurs vs. and we'll hit them with smog that'll work it's wait smaug's like oh that must be what happens with oil turns into smog that's cool rainbow rainbow time now I'm just I'm not I'm just doing everything up PT right now hey yay oh man I could play this game for hours okay let's go play with the dinosaurs that sounds awesome okay create time it's Dino time alright oh we get a cool background can we change that back growing up a little bit see oh there's very hot medium high noon dusk with a visual change background what else do we have be blue cave that sounds cool let's do that the yeah that's the one we're sorry argh the cave man we don't need you in our life what hold on no who platform's where did the where's the volcano and I wanted to see it there we go there's the volcano okay actually that's a little dark can we make it dawn or time ooh change to dusk nighttime yeah change a different one you know what kind of looks good is this swamp Castle maybe we're sorry argh we don't need you I need a date I'm bitter noona noona o'clock so I supposed to be swamped yeah that's okay we'll do that one we don't need him out here yet there's the dinosaurs oh there's the wolves firing Triceratops I gotta unlock them all I got unlock all the dinosaurs just by know what can i click oh just fine oh okay that's cool a Velociraptor got it a fish there's a copy what else do we have Brachiosaurus rawr direwolf yeah there's a spitter plant that's kind of cool I got some bats and spiders and junk alright that looks good let's try to make up a really cool scene oh we got we got lightning we can zap with lightning I wonder if we can do the all their skulls and stuff here - Stonehenge ancient flowers man there's some cool looking stuff it's Oh insulator that's what the nuke wanted me to use the insulator I'm a dingus alright let's use some of this oh yeah that's perfect that's what we need right there put that all the way across I feel like it should be wider but that's okay now we get ruins block all right what else do we have that's dark stone I believe under here right yeah so I'm gonna fill this in think with the fill tool oh that's fantastic filters great we have multi we got runes I tried to make a little rune here let's try it make a little whoopsies I didn't want Phil let's undo that okay I've decided that I'm really bad at making rooms I just decided that I'm gonna make some mud cuz I think yeah that's the stuff mud give some texture in life like so and then let's try to put on let's do a little bit of a bump right over here that'll look good and now let's try to put some of these dinos in what do we get those are destructions see that little Rossa raptor looks like oh yeah okay does he get in a fight with the Megalodon just kidding oh he does make my dot does he does the Megalodon dying because he's not in water oh he died well that's too bad Triceratops copying Triceratops oh they are gonna attack bird that's not a copy as a philosopher ever don't you dare you little monster how about it darling that looks cool too what's the Tarling new oh the Triceratops one but can I Triceratops beat a Brachiosaurus only kidding because neither of those would actually be against each other but we'll try against thee where is it spine Oh rawr big stompy SPO he does damage oh oh he just destroyed the Tarling right okay we got it we got a big oh he did he bit oh don't don't eat that oh no did he die already no he stomped what's gonna happen yeah get rekt get rekt oh oh what's happening they're attacking each other who's gonna win the spinal or that wreck I'm guessing the spy knows got this Oh knock back oh don't oh he's down spine oh is down Brachiosaurus FTW let's put some trees in here coz he's gonna be lonely just kidding he needs a meteorite yeah get rekt no he's gone I found a little caveman hut that's awesome there's a lot of other cool stuff in here there's a big willow let's put that in right over here girls up in the tree all right behind the caveman Hut it's game is so cool let's unlock the giant what is this oh okay we'll get rid of get rid of the big treat hey go away treat I can't yeah we'll put a big tree in because it looks cool oh maybe not let's get rid of the big tree we'll put it in a dinosaur skull instead there we go and we could put in bones behind it oh yeah that looks man yeah not so cool front bones but this one hmm if I could rotate them it would be cool I don't know how to do that big swamp tree come on in swamp tree that's not a huge log tree but it'll work I'm gonna get rid of some of this area over here that way we can put up a big ancient tree a over here there we go that's the little one there's an ancient tree be that kind of went on the same oh did it turn it did kind of what else do we have ancient trees ancient trees see I feel like that's a little one cool I like that let's get ourselves a dinosaur in here and then we'll hit it with a tsunami wave Oh spinner plants I forgot about those flag he's little he's gonna hide over here that's where he's gonna hide and then we need dinosaurs there's the bull Saurus that's the old one he's been around for a long time Brachiosaurus sure whatever lost Raptors let's get a couple copies cuz they're little and cute squeaky squeaky squeak squeak and we'll need we'll need a spy no we have to have a spy no in here rargh and let's do the breccia source again should we do that I think so wait wait wait maybe not well get will use the yeah we got to use him we got to use him and I think we should put in a triceratops - hey wait let's change the time of day to noon oh that's prettier that's much better okay wait wait possible now we have to find we have to find things to kill them with like meteorites in love with tsunamis okay ready get set go you guys need to turn right oh that's not good stomping oh no they're killing the copies oh he's dancing he's oh things dead this is maybe too small of a map can i zoom out at all no these guys are attacking big time rawr oh oh here's the big fight oh yeah that was cool okay ready I need you guys to get in a good position again that we can pause it oh he's dead rest in pepperonis I'm gonna kill you gang rekt oh hey Z is little tongue oh no my trees gone let's do the blue tree I was taking a girl oh it's not on grass we need more mud we need more mud again cuz I burned it got it okay now let's get that tree on here Oh Bridget tree ancient tree D right here oh that one's cool looking I put the mushrooms in too and this little spike ball I thought those were good looking what should we do for animals I'd like the Velociraptor should we do let's do them huh let's do a lot of the velociraptors and the Triceratops we'll do like four of those and a triceratops this time and wait wait wait wait guys wait we have to get we got to get the meteorite in here okay ready no you guys are jumping you're jumping on its head it's not exactly what you're supposed to do and yeah you killed me got his head oh they got hit by the spikes okay let's get rid of this spikes and oh no I got rid of the thing we have to have that in our life I found a baby too there's a baby and we can put big caveman in here there's mayo caveman caveman there's a spike spike medium let's put that over here this would be like the the edge oh can i push oh that's better then we're got like a little caveman house here for our cavemens and there's an air bubbler does that do air bubble that's just a literally air bubble spike ball so we got to get our caveman in should we get this guy hunter cavemen you just got I just ate that okay don't don't walk into the spikes you dummy you're not you're not the smartest caiman I guess that's why cavemens aren't cavemens anymore some of them went away like the dinosaurs others didn't so let's get the dinosaurs back in here because I really like the way that looks uh do we want little copies maybe let's get rid of Oh No there how does that look that's a little bit much I'll put a treat there that's better and now we can get our dinosaurs in hopefully okay I do like the idea of the bones yeah it's a little bit too cluttered you got to be like an art piece here what's this thing checkpoint nope okay we need dinosaurs um let's go with the the Triceratops okay and we're gonna pause it gonna move him just right let's go with the Brachiosaurus we're gonna pause it with those guys up there and we're gonna bring in some Raptors and let's see how this looks they're attacking rah get stomped on oh you just killed all of them watch out for the spikes dude watch out dude they're spikes there if you didn't know there's spikes that doesn't work but it saves our cavemen people let's try a spy no pause with the spy no actually let's let this fine I'll go across right there how's that look we've got some cavemens down there we got the spy know up there and what happens if we give them a good old-fashioned meteorite like so that looks really cool I like that I want to put in some smaller dinos - what should we put in gotta got to remove that so it doesn't burn everything up okay meteorite I like the meteorite he's gonna get attacked there we go he just walked right through it you walked right through the thingy that's a bad always down now okay that worked pretty good actually I just I want to get a good screenshot of the spine oh here going into the town Oh oh-ho-ho he destroyed it okay I didn't think he'd destroy those guys - velociraptors cuz they're they're both meet at Aryans oh dude oh is he gonna attack pack this is not good I'm sorry I'm sorry cavemen people they give you a hunter came in in here or - take him out take him out nice I did it Hunter cavemen attack attack we're gonna hit them with a lava student ami ok the hunter cavemen did well they're also gonna walk into the they're also gonna walk right right into here and kill themselves good job you're so dumb alright guys I think I've got it I think I got it all figured out here we got the meteorite ready to go in oh yes he's gonna attack here's that meteorite coming in here oh it hit that's actually maybe not the best for us Oh a bird oh and then Triceratops just attacked the dude he's gonna go back oh he's down he's down okay that was good news we have our own pet our own pet down here we need to get some more mud in there we go here it is Hey look at that screenshot we got to spying out going after the Triceratops who's going after our our cavemen and cavewomen he's about to get hit by a meteorite Oh everyone got hit on another jump oh no baby died oh no oh nice attack nice job Triceratops guy wait you died though you died from the the poisoning we better put some t-rexes in here and bulla Soros and a few dire wolves whoa they're eating up the ground that's not good let's put a couple bats flying around to squeak squeak squeaky squeaky and then you know what we're gonna do we're gonna hit them with an acid tsunami charged in and that ate everything goo look little little fuzz comin up anyway guys that's gonna wrap it up for this video of the sandbox evolution if you wouldn't join it please do let me know down below in the comments section we're gonna hit this one more time but I love a tsunami that doesn't make any sense why would there be an acid tsunami oh there it goes hey is that going on I love this game is so much fun I hope you enjoyed it too so thanks for watching and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 1,197,548
Rating: 4.8258047 out of 5
Keywords: Blitz, Blitzkriegsler, The Sandbox, The sandbox evolution, sandbox, sandbox evolution, the sandbox game, sandbox game, the sandbox evolution game, the sandbox evolution gameplay, sandbox gameplay, sandbox mana
Id: zhzlOb6YLbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 15sec (1575 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2017
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