Synology NAS Setup Guide 2020 - Build, Setup, RAID, Volumes IP and Shared Folders

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[Music] hello and welcome back and today I want to talk to you guys about how to set up your Synology nas for the very first time few disclaimers straight off the bat although in today's video I will be utilizing the brand-new Synology ds2 to 0 plus pretty much all the steps in today's video apply to pretty much any DiskStation nas from snob to there's only a few exceptions in the rap station series and pretty much everything I'm going to go through in this video and indeed all the videos that come after this I think this is going to be like a 5 to 7 part series all of them will apply to pretty much any now if I have titled this video precisely this now's the ds2 20 plus all the Sun ology 2020 series I've only done that to make it nice and easy for people that are buying the latest range to get the very latest information on how to set these devices up the second thing is what I'm going to be setting up this now's device that half of this video is going to be you using screen recording on my laptop just over there so the re I'm setting up this device here half of this is going to be with me on camera and the other half is going to be on the desktop we're going to be going through how to physically set it up the first time we're gonna install DSM and we're going to set up alright if we get time we'll sort out some shared folders but then after that we're going to go through the rest of the video which are going to cover applications create an account security protocols plex media server and more but I've used up enough of a good minute or so for this intro let's get started in order for today's video you're gonna need your nas unboxed there we go this is the 220 there but of course your nose might be different you're gonna need the power supplier if you're nasa has got an external psu you want to make sure you've got that ready if it's not you'll be plugging directly into the rear of the now some DiskStation as it's like the bigger ones the 1819 they've got the psu inside and you're going to need your storage media in today's video we're using Seagate iron wolf for TB nas hard drives but there are of course other hard drives out there and depending on the complexity of the raid device you use it might be a four bay or a sixth day or a night day you will need enough drives accordingly but you don't need to fully populate any Knology now in order to use it you can get away with one drive and the only reason I'm using more than one is just to show you guys a raid configuration setup later in this video so the first things you need to do to get this device sorted out for the first time is installing your hard drives and again although many Synology Natty's differ in terms of size and capability generally hard drive installation is near enough identical in the case of this 220 plus we removed the front panel to expose the trays maybe you've already got the trays handy slide out one of the hard drive trace and you'll find that they are click and loadable trays you can remove the sides of each tray like that you then get your hard drive make sure the SATA connector is faced out and the bare board the PCB there is on the inside of the tray slide that inside like that and then replace the clips there on the side now if you are utilizing some of the sonority proprietary rights then won't matter what order you put the disks inside so you don't have to keep track of it too much but for now slide that tray back in it will click and you'll know it's in there and then do the same thing again with each try you use afterwards so again this is a 2 bay and I'm using those Seagate honorable 40 bees get your adapter there and throw your clip pop the clip on the side put it in there and that's it we've installed our hard drives now the next thing to do is make sure that this now is on the same area network that you're going to be running your setup on now it can be stopped with a mobile phone using the DS finder application for iOS and Android you can also be set up on a desktop with any web browser and that is a PC or Mac desktop but in order to do it setting up the device for the first time you have to make sure that this is on the same network as the device you're going to be setting it up with and what that means in caveman speak is make sure that the device you're using to set it up is on the same internet as this nose in my case I have a Rooter just out of shot here at the top here and I've already got a cable ready hopefully there's a little thing on and what you need to do is get your land table like so connect it to the rear of your router which would hopefully have been on screen and then take this and connect it to the rear of your net in my case I'm going to be utilizing one of the two LAN ports here click it in you'll hear it click and then pop that down the next thing you need to do is connect the power cable now make sure you haven't powered the wall mains socket yet if you're using an external PSU make sure you've got the same connect today in this case it's a kettle connector and connect the kettle to the rear of the PSU then take the PSU cable and connect that directly into the rear of the nares like so then make your way over to the power connector and power Parian on the war most PS use will feature a light to indicate that the PSU is functional this light is only to indicate that the PSU is functioning normally and it has a live internet life power connection with the mains wall it doesn't mean that a device has powered up now you've connected your mouse device to the mains power and to your network replace the front panel if your mouse does have a front panel but make sure the drives are fully inside and then power the device on like so you'll hear the drive spin up the more complex your drives are the larger capacity the more noise they may make at setup don't be alarmed if you hear lots of clicks and worse as more complex hard drives these days such as the 16 TB seagate iron Wolf's have a lot more going on inside and do create a little bit more vibration and a little bit more noise whilst in operation luckily these four TVs are pretty whisper quiet these lights you can hear those drive starting to spin up there will start to power on one by one now you just need to wait a few minutes for the device to fully power on once it's done so the lights on the front here will indicate green that these drives have been recognized and the device will beep while it's doing that let's make our way over to the desktop to set this device up on a software level and there's the beep the next stage of our Sonata G setup requires us to find the nails on the network now there are lots of ways to do this and the more experienced in network attached storage or indeed any kind of networking we'll be able to find the device quite easily but for the rest of you I strongly recommend downloading a tool called Synology assistant if you head to Synology comm you can go to their support and download section in order to find your nails and the software you can install in my case the 220 is not available at the moment but we can look up pretty much any nas in order to get hold of the Synology assistant software as you can see there's a firmware there if you'd like to download it manually but we're not going to be utilizing that today what we want to use is the desktop utilities and more precisely the Synology assistant now make sure you download the version that best fits your own storage needs in my case I'm running a Windows environment so I would click here it's really eating straightforward to install it's a very tiny application and once you've downloaded it you don't need to restart your computer once you've got the application installed it looks like this as you can see I've already scanned my local area network and it's found to Synology nas YZ that's because I've run multiple naz's at once but for you this screen will probably be empty so click search this will now search your local area network to find the naz's that are currently on that network as mentioned earlier these are the masses that are quote sharing the same internet but that's a real caveman way to put it as you can see the second one of the line here has got Synology nas it has the IP and it mentions that it's status is uninstalled so for now we just need to double click there and it will ask us to double check that the user usage agreement we click ok and then from there it will open a brand new tab in our web browser and from here we can install DiskStation manager or DSM currently DSM 6.2 at the time of recording from here it will talk us through how to set up the device for the first you can find out information about your device there but for now click setup it will now download the latest version of DSM directly from that download center for you and install it directly onto the nars make sure that the drives you've used are blanked and don't have data on them already otherwise the Synology nas may not allow installation of DSM on drive so I've got data on them already for now click install or you can click manual install if you want to install a different version of DSM for now I'm going to click install it will tell me that the data on the disk is going to be wiped but once again sometimes if the disks have not been fully formatted the installation may not complete so make sure you've already done that for now I'm going to proceed next follows a countdown where it will go through to the completion of the installation of DSM and it will reboot the device this can take anywhere between 3 to 10 minutes based on your internet connection and the power of the Naza itself this shouldn't take too long let's fast forward to the completion of the download and installation of DSM once the system is rebooted you'll be greeted with this screen on exactly the same IP that you were connected to earlier on now what you need to do from this point is to name your Synology nas as well as create the default administrator login for the sake of ease aren't going to call this nas the ds2 20 plus and I'm going to be featuring in a number of videos after today after that Ukraine admin username and give that admin user name a password and again you can call this whatever you want to do just make sure you he porno of it and it will assess the strength of the password you assign this is going to be the administrator login the login that you're going to utilize to pretty much create your Synology nas foundation after that you can create multiple sub accounts but for now let's move forward once we click Next it'll go on to the next screen of this installation and there you have it now let's you know that you've created that administrative log in and from here you can proceed to setup your Synology nas for the very first time you may see an additional screen with regards to setting up network as well as Internet level access between this and the previous screen depending on the nas and the region your based in for now you can all configure those options very easily from the control panel but for now you think I'll confirm if you want to share your device's credentials with the local DSM the Synology server but for now I'm not going to do that I'm gonna go ahead and click go it will then ask you if you want the update to be done automatically or not but for now it will ask about sharing that analytical data we just mentioned and for now I'm just gonna say no and for here this is the phonology DSM desktop this is the graphical user interface that's accessible via the internet or the network in order to interact with your Nass although there are lots of client apps that you can choose there will be a little guide there just telling you the things that you can do to set this device up for the first time as well as a light to resource monitor here on the bottom right moving forward you can set up the device to your tailored needs from here you can go ahead and install brand new applications as well as create storage areas now some Synology now seas will create your storage area by default for the first time but others will require you to do it manually all you need to do is head to this button here at the top menu at the menu main menu button and head over to Storage Manager from here you can see those two hard drives that are installed earlier on if we go to the storage pool we can see that we have not created a storage pool on our system although both hard drives have been initialized and recognized a storage pool is when you create the raid area with which all of your containers and storage are going to live and although you can create multiple volumes generally a storage pool will occupy the total area of whatever hard drives you select so the first thing we need to do is create that storage pool click the storage pool tab and then click create from here you can start building the right storage pool for you you can go for a storage pool that utilizes ext4 as well as standard rate configurations or you can go for a higher flexibility that allows you to take advantage of phonologies fluid hybrid right system for now I'm gonna go for higher flexibility then click Next from here you have to name your storage pool but it's not exactly urgent for now I'm going to call this my sh r raid volume now you can select other right configurations based on a number of drives in your system so Knology hybrid right is a fluid rate system allows you to have one disk of drive failure but will ultimately half your overall capacity available in the device to make sure you've got that safety net it's near enough identical to raid one with certain benefits with regard to fluidity and mixing and matching drives if you choose although it doesn't quite have two performative raid1 it's still an excellent option and one that only Synology and Drobo have alternatively basic and j-bot will just be loose storage drives with no safety net and raid zero will combine the overall drives in your system to give you a maximum storage area but if you maximize with raid zero and pull all of the available drive storage together you will have no safety net and if one of your drives dies then you lose all of the data for me I'm gonna select Synology hybrid right then click Next from here will then ask you which of the drives in your system you want to utilize in my case I'm going to use all the drives but you can utilize just a single drive if you so choose then I click Next it will let you know that the data on the disk will be erased of which I'll click OK from here will ask you if you want to perform a disk check this is if you want to check it as bad sectors on the disk and particularly if you're using second-hand drives or old drives I recommend this step but for the sake of ease and convenience in this video I'm going to click no but the majority of you I would definitely recommend clicking yes just to make sure that every single block on your hard drives are ok from here all RT to confirm the settings you've created which I'm going to go ahead and do by clicking apply it will then start the creation of my brand-new storage pool on this now as utilizing SHR the configuration will be ver very fast and as you can see it has already created our celerity hybrid right storage pool from here we now have to create a volume a volume is where all of your folders are going to live all of your data and more now if you're utilizing a system with multiple drives you can create multiple volumes on a single storage pool so perhaps you want to create different containers of storage for music for photos for media and more this allows you to do it although most users will create one big volume and then create subfolders within that structure and that's the way I'm going to proceed in this video so I'm going to click volume and then create from here it will ask what kind of volume we want to create because we're utilizing a Synology hybrid right we unfortunately can't use some of the more bespoke and industry-led volumes that can be created and although you can reverse this decision quite easily I recommend for now going ahead with the custom volume types from here I'll ask you to select a storage vault and if you haven't already created a storage pool or you've run out of storage space this option will be available click Next select the storage pool like the one I just created and then click Next again it will then ask if you want to use btrfs or ext4 XD for is the older and more established filesystem and probably give you a pinch more performance but btrfs features background snapshot creation easy shared folder duplication and file self-healing they are in the background and has lots of options for people that aren't too tech savvy and just want to make sure their data is being looked after a lot of industry professionals will not utilize btrfs just simply because it is quite a green or new file system but in the case of this to buy I thoroughly recommend it from here we can give it this volume and title if we choose but we don't have to if we don't want to it will then ask how much of the capacity we want to use now at the moment this is going to utilize the maximum capacity available on the storage pool but we can we can minimize this create multiple storage volumes if we so choose such as bear in mind you could create to 1500 gigabyte storage volumes if you choose on a single storage pool for now I'm going to make sure I use the full of capacity and then click Next it's going to ask us to confirm the settings that we want and then we click apply once again from here it's now going to create the volume and all of the folders that are the default of our storage area these are the folders that we're going to interact with both with the applications from the app center as well as locally on our host systems remember there are lots of different applications and tools from Synology for client platforms such as Windows Android and Mac and iOS but we can utilize all of these things locally by the web browser too and now you have it we've created our volume and our storage pool and from here we can then have a look at file station which is our file browser that allows us to access the folders on on that now it will ask if you'd like to create a shared folder a shared folder is an area of storage on the NAS that can be accessed over the network if you don't create a shared folder then the local area network connected devices will not be able to interact with the data on your NAT although all the data will be on your Nass if you need data to be accessible over the likes of DL and I for multimedia or for connected pcs or Macs in your local area network I strongly recommend creating a shared folder to do it go ahead like this name the shared folder what you want to call it in my case I'm going to call it 220 share you then can say if you want it to have a recycle bin you can even encrypt it if you so choose and say we're on an hour's you'd like it if you created multiple volumes which we didn't they will appear here you can also remove it as a shared folder to be accessible over certain means but for now we're going to leave all of these as default you can also encrypt this folder and that means that you can make sure that unless a person has the encryption key they cannot interact with this data although there are ways and means to do this encryption of aes 256-bit encryption is near enough unbreakable and it's worth bearing in mind if you encrypt this volume or the shared folder within the volume it may slightly lower your overall performance not much but just a pinch for now I'm not gonna enable that option clicking next it will ask you if you want to take advantage of some of the advantages built into btrfs so for data integrity checks to happen in the background as well as file self-healing you can even enable a limit the amount of storage that this shared folder can have in case folders get out of hand all of these options are configurable to you and are far more customizable to your own storage environment may I'm going to leave them blank for now clicking next it allows you to confirm these settings we click apply and now we're going to create our new shared folder the next thing we can do is see who can interact with this shared folder as you can see the admin has full access anyway but I'm going to give them access to this shared folder so guest account that arrives by default does not have access to this folder and we can make sure that sub users cannot access this folder clicking ok well then allow the creation of this new shared folder which will appear here on the file station app now so you want to access this folder on your local PC on your local PC if we go into the my PC option we can't see the nas here what if we want to add that mouse to our local machine it's quite straightforward what we need to do is go back to the Synology assistant application find the nas that we've just created in this case it is the ds2 20 plus right click and select map network drive then enter the login information for the mass that you've just created and set up it will then find the shared folder that you've just created make sure you click it you may have multiple folders if you've created multiple shares make sure you select the right one then click Next assign a letter on your local machine to give this drive an identity I'm going to give it the letter s you can also say if you want it to be constantly connected every time you reboot your system or you manually have to go into it every time click Next as you can see all the information is now present on the right hand on the left hand side of the screen you can see the share starting to be completed and there you have it our new shared folder is on our local PC our local PC is now able to interact with the nas on a file level there's the folder and what if we wanted to posit a file in there what if we want to deposit a simple file on this nares so for now let's go into My Documents folder find an arbitrary picture like this one we're going to copy it paste it into an as folder there as you can see and now if we make our way into the NAS go there reopen file station go in there and there is our file that we've just uploaded this Divi picture of me there's lots of other things you can do with your Synology now and remember to add individual users whether this is a home environment or a business environment in our next videos we're going to talk about how to create user environments that have different login credentials and how to install individual applications on your Synology nas but this has been how to setup your Synology nas in 2020 from beginning to end thank you so much watching I hope you've enjoyed this video click like if you did click subscribe to stay tuned for the rest of the steps and I'll see you next time
Channel: NASCompares
Views: 183,214
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Keywords: NAS DRIVE GUIDE, NAS GUIDE, NAS HELP, NAS SERVER, SYNOLOGY BACKUPS, SYNOLOGY CLOUD, SYNOLOGY DROPBOX, SYNOLOGY GOOGLE DRIVE, SYNOLOGY MAC, SYNOLOGY NAS, SYNOLOGY PLEX, SYNOLOGY SETUP GUIDE, SYNOLOGY TUTORIAL, Synology DSM Guide, Synology Software Guide, DS220+ Guide, DS720+ Guide, DS920+ Guide, DS420+ Guide, DS120J Guide, DS220J Guide, DS420J Guide, DS620slim Guide, DS419slim Guide, DS1819+ Guide, DS1019+ Guide, Synology Beginners Guide, Synology Setup Guide
Id: vzoK7_asxy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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