Synology DS1819+ Raid10 vs SHR2 and 4K Video Editing Results over 10GBe!

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hey guys so we're back again with an update on the synology ds1819 plus nas build in my previous video we built up this nas from scratch with an shr2 raid configuration and ran it over a 10 gigabit network connection using the synology 10 gig network card in the nas i ran a couple of baseline tests at that time using both the 4k video edit and davinci resolve locally on my imac pro as well as using a basic software disk read and write testing utility by aja video systems the result in that test were okay but i wasn't super impressed with the resulting throughput as a reminder we were achieving a roughly 450 megabyte per second throughput to the nas with the shr2 synology proprietary raid setup also if we recall the synology ds1819 plus is rated to deliver 2045 megabytes per second read and 650 megabytes per second right so we're kind of far from those numbers in that last test at the time i wanted to see if we could reach for a higher throughput by starting over again but with a raid 10 configuration on the nas which theoretically should allow for better read write performance with the disks versus the shr2 which uses a variation of raid 6. but since raid 10 requires an even number of drives since half of them are needed for backup i needed to wait to order the sixth drive to continue this testing since i only had five at the time and that's where we last left off we now have this drive i've already installed it i removed the old shr2 volume and set it up again as a raid 10. the synology dsm software has already performed all the parity checking which took about 16 hours to complete with the six drives in the array and that has now left the raid 10 array in its optimal state so we're ready for the testing so the first question is does the raid 10 configuration make a significant difference in read write performance over the shr2 using the same aja test as before the short answer is maybe a little let's take a look so we're back at the computer and we're ready to test this uh raid 10 throughput here with the same configuration in the aja video systems utility test as we had it set before basically a 4k uh video frame size and a four gigabyte uh test file size so let's hit start and see what we're getting so it definitely starts out higher with the writes you know much closer to 600 gigabytes or megabytes per second sorry ending up around the low 500s and the reads start at the very high 400s and end up somewhere in you know the lower uh to mid 400s which i think was almost on par with what we saw before in terms of read speed with the shr2 the writes are definitely i think a little bit higher um than we saw before um you know maybe around 450 megabytes per second here um i mean ultimately at the end of the day it's just not that much higher it's maybe a modicum higher than what we saw before so with a one gigabyte transfer size we're seeing a very significant improvement with the read performance at generally well over a thousand megabytes per second when running the same aja test over the 10 gig network connection to the synology nas in a raid 10 configuration we're now seeing what seems like a modest increase in at least the right speed using the same four gigabyte file size that i had used in the original aja file transfer test so it looks like we're getting a little closer to 500 megabytes per second versus the previous 450 megabytes per second on average the read performance is maybe slightly better but not significantly approved from what i can see here using the software as a baseline test one thing i did notice is if we switch to a one gigabyte file size we're now seeing closer to 1 000 megabytes per second or close to 8.5 gigabits per second throughput that seems pretty decent however i did not run this test at 1k file size with shr2 unfortunately and that would have been a good thing to test and run but there's a few more things to note here with regard to how the actual network testing is being done i did discover during this round of testing that it's not just the read write performance that we need to take a look at but also the network speed and network throughput i needed to see what kind of raw speeds we're getting over my 10 gig connection here so i downloaded and installed a software tool called iperf on my mac or actually iperf3 i also installed this on the synology iperf is basically a synology command line utility that is commonly used to test network speed now to keep this video shorter i'm not going to go into how to set all that stuff up there's plenty of good youtube videos that cover how to do this already and it wasn't all that hard to get set up but you do need to know a little bit on how to do basic system commands in the terminal as well as how to use the ssh command to remotely log into your synology nas because you do have to run iperf there as well as from your your computer uh to do the test from the other research i've done on youtube this speed seems kind of on par with what others are getting with synology over a 10 gigabit connection i'm not quite sure what the delta is caused between these iperf speeds that we're seeing here and a full 10 gigabit per second of throughput but i'm guessing it's likely due to the synology cpu or the constraints of the nas itself or perhaps even the 10 gigabyte gigabit card so let's assume for the moment that five to seven gigabits per second between the imac pro over the network through the switch into the synology nas is pretty good i also realized something else which is we need to do this test again with setting something in your network configuration called jumbo frame sizes this is the network packet configuration in terms of how things are delivered between everything in the chain you can think of these jumbo frames as a little bit like increasing the cart size carrying everything across the network now without jumbo frames being set i was only getting around one to one and a half gigabits per second so this is a pretty important discovery and may have invalidated unfortunately the testing that i did in the last video with shr2 because the jumbo frames weren't properly set jumbo frames have to be configured on everything in the chain between your computer and the nas itself in my case this was done on the imac pro here in the system preferences uh also on the ubiquiti switch itself via the port settings and on the synology itself which is performed in the dsm management software under the lan setting for the 10 gigabyte gigabit input connection now with all three of these settings now properly configured to 9000 size jumbo frames this resulted in the five to seven gigabit per second throughput that i'm now seeing with iperf so the i think before the default frame size was set to something like 1500 now i'm sure it might be worth experimenting with different frame sizes but 9000 is the general maximum the settings would allow and it's also a number that i read was recommended for doing video editing so we're going to go with that 9000 size for now okay so where do we stand at this point i am not completely convinced that raid 10 is the reason that we're seeing any modicum of improvement in the throughput testing with the aja disk utility also the results are really not that significantly improved with the rain raid 10 configuration over the previous shr2 configuration now that the network throughput is better optimized with jumbo frames i want to retry the shr2 raid configuration but with both a four gigabyte and one gigabyte file size in the transfer test to really see how much difference there is between these two raid configurations or are the improvements more due to the jumbo frame network packet setting i'm not really certain why we don't see more significant benefit with raid 10 because mathematically speaking raid 10 in theory should be up to three times faster with disk rights and modestly faster with reads as well further raid 10 does use a lot of additional disk based resources to achieve its redundancy taking out half of your total storage available for this redundancy i'm going to try this shr2 raid configuration just one more time to get a better baseline of testing between it and the raid 10 setup now that we have jumbo frames engaged and with both a 4k and 1k file size for the transfer if the results are close to what we've seen just now with the raid 10 setup and jumbo frames then i'm going to be inclined to just stay with the shr2 setup it's much more flexible and then we can try some of the video editing tests to see how it feels to work across the nas and determine an editing workflow with 4k video so let's blow this rate up one more time and build the share 2 back up with the six disks we have now in this jumbo frame optimized network environment okay so we're back on my imac pro with a second build of an share2 configuration only now we have six six terabyte drives instead of five where we had previously and this is now yielding close to 22 uh terabytes of usable storage uh versus the approximately 16 or or so terabytes of usable storage that we had before with the raid 10 configuration so let's start by rechecking the read write performance to the nas with the aja disk utility in the same configuration as before mainly we're sending the same size resolution file here the 3840 3840x2164k file the same four gigabyte test frame uh the same codec etc etc so all of those settings are the same so let's see what we get so the rights are looking pretty good here off the bat it looks like we're getting something in the neighborhood of you know high 400s that's pretty consistent with what we had before which is excellent and the reads now the reads to me so far look like they're a little bit less than what we had before because i believe from the previous test we were seeing in the high 400 megabytes per second uh nice and consistent on the rights but the reads that last number there looks little let's just let it run one more time yeah this is definitely slower on the reads now i'm not sure why the reads would be slower i built this volume the same exact same way as before using a btrfs file system as you can see here to kind of down below um i've also gone ahead and i i did start to use the nas a little bit i have to full disclose here i needed to use uh some some of the space for a project um so uh since i had built it i did put just a couple of files on the nas really not too too much else i did put in some services that i have paused things like time machine and backblaze just to kind of get those things up and running for protection and safety but those services are all canceled out you know they're paused here so there shouldn't be any thing that's was taxing the cpu beyond um the testing here if i hit stop we should see the resource monitor go to zero it usually takes just a minute and then it kind of just falls off and it should go actually to zero there you go so there's nothing happening with the nas other than this test so reads are a little bit slower than what they were before and if anyone has any thoughts on why that might be uh i'd love to hear it um but let's try the one gigabyte file size or one giga gig file size here we go nice fast uh rights and excellent reads that's really fantastic on the read so um that's not giving me any concern and we didn't test the one gig on the five disc shr2 config but we did test it with the raid 10 and i believe this is pretty close to what we were seeing with the raid 10 so these are really close speeds between this shr2 configuration and the raid 10. so what about 4k video editing that was one of the main reasons i had wanted to put these videos together which is to determine if editing 4k footage directly from the nas was going to be possible so if you remember in the previous video we ran some extensive tests that were very specific using a 4k davinci resolve project now i've moved over the footage and files that we worked with previously on the local ssd of the imac pro over to the nas so we can get a sense of what it's actually like to edit 4k footage across a 10gbe network now since the part 1 video took a long time to run all those tests i'm going to go and run those tests separately offline now and then come back with the results compiled for us to go over in a little spreadsheet and we are back with the results of these tests that we ran before in this middle column here we have the times that it took in the previous video to run these four tests the first one to load the project from scratch get davinci resolve up load the actual project and all the files and everything took 31 seconds same thing with the data the footage data on the nas took 33 seconds so there was not much difference there both of the projects do play back in real time but i have a note here that we have to talk about later with regard to where the cache is operating from the time it takes to recompute that same exact clip uh there was a like a transition between two uh two shot co2 shots um where i had a you know this kind of a little bit of a warp effect and a noise reduction effect um previously on right working right off of the ssd drive took 56 seconds it took 58 seconds on the ssh shr2 nas setup um that's not surprising because these files are really at this point they should be kind of working off of the cache so uh that didn't seem to have much of an impact and that's that's expected now the time to render the deliverable will touch uh and run across the network for sure and i was very pleased to see that there wasn't a whole lot of difference in the render time um the first time we ran this long test it's about a two minute i think 48 second clip full 4k took 12 minutes and 16 seconds across my rates at the local ssd drive but going over to the nas took just a few seconds more so it took 12 minutes and 22 seconds so there really wasn't a very significant result in terms of the difference in terms of just this workflow using the same tests that we ran um locally versus running these same things on the nas so that was really great to see also i took some new 4k footage that i just shot and i attempted to work and edit it together completely from scratch across the network i'm happy to say that it actually worked rather well i didn't see any degradation in performance or in the actual workflow working directly off the nas and that was really cool now since the last video i put a bit more thought into what's going to be the most efficient way to edit footage over a 10gbe network and how to manage this footage the databases cache directories etc from an editing workflow standpoint now you could put all of these things over on the nas but it's not absolutely necessary and neither is it the most efficient way to work for example the databases appear to actually be quite small since they contain mostly editing information for the cut and settings for the project the total size of about 20 different databases that i currently have is currently taking less than less than one gigabyte combined now the cache directory can get quite large but that's very easy to purge and recover that space if needed plus we do want the cache to work as efficiently as possible so i'm planning to keep that locally for now and just have the heavy footage as well as the final renders over on the synology nas the last thing i'm going to mention quickly is that we all know that synology or antiness for that matter is not a solution for backups you will need another solution for that what i've got going on right now for mine is i back up all the computers in the house to the nas via time machine because we have mostly macs in our house and i'm currently using the backblaze s2 solution to back up the nas to the cloud it works really fast at least over my network connection it has a great interface and it gives me a great peace of mind that if one of my computers happens to fail i have a backup if the nas fails i have a backup in the cloud so definitely let me know in the comments below if you'd like to see me do a short video on how i set all that up the synology and backblaze companies have worked together to make this configuration really seamless in the software panel of the dsm software so in conclusion with these tests completed for both raid 10 and shr2 configurations over an optimized network with jumbo frames i'm gonna go with the shr2 configuration for my raid this is going to be more advantageous for me simply because i've established that 4k video editing is achievable with this configuration and i'm going to have more usable storage as well as greater flexibility with that storage for expansion and lastly i'm also going to have better fail safe protection if more than one driver to simultaneously fail because raid 10 cannot recover from two failed drives in all cases so i hope that with this testing done here that it helps to inform you a little bit with regard to setting up your synology nas maybe help you decide on a future synology purchase or even with optimizing the nas and network that you may already have i have to say that so far with my purchase i'm pretty happy this video was not sponsored in any way by synology and these are my totally my own opinions the unit and the dsm software setup have been relatively easy i'm glad to finally have much more sophisticated editing workflow where i can tap into a much much larger storage pool when working with bigger projects as always i am totally open to any ideas or suggestions that any of you might have to help improve this workflow or how to improve performance of a nas over 10 gbe so please do leave comments down below i do read all of them on any ideas or suggestions that you have or any ideas for things that we could try in a future video if you like this video it would be totally awesome if you could take the time right now to drop a like and hit the subscribe button down below so that you can be notified on future tech videos that i create i love the engagement with you all on youtube land and it really gets me pumped to grow this channel from here finally i do have a few amazon affiliate links down below so if you happen to be in the market for a synology nas or any of the equipment that we've talked about here in these videos please consider using these links to make your purchase you don't have to of course and there's no increased cost to you whatsoever for using them but if you do decide to click through to amazon to make a purchase then i do receive a very small commission for the effort to create informational content like this you can kind of think of the youtube affiliate links as a great way to donate to a channel without having to spend any additional money for a purchase that you were planning to make anyway and of course i would be super grateful because it really does help to support my channel so that's it for now i hope you're having an awesome day wherever you are and that you and your loved ones are healthy and staying safe i appreciate you and i will catch you in the next one
Channel: Rob Cavaleri
Views: 5,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: synology, ds1819+, shr2, shr-2, raid6, raid10, 10gb, 10gbe, 4k, video editing, storage, nas, NAS, network attached storage, cat6, cat6a, qbiquiti, switch-48, network switch, unifi, home network
Id: PD2m8lW7LGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 14sec (1154 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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