How to Install a Synology DiskStation DS220+ NAS System

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hi guys hey this is kevin with kkoa come to you to discuss our problem that we had many of you know we made an announcement we had an issue with our hard drive crashing part of the problem that we did is we never did uh do a backup or have a backup a solution we would normally have unload all our memory cards onto the laptop or onto an external hard drive which is what we did after we took our big trip every time we did something we ended up taking those files and downloaded onto the external hard drive unfortunately through our transporting in the very last day of us before we came back that external hard drive ended up crashing so before we can actually back that up one of the solutions so we don't have this happen again is we're going to set up a backup drive system one that will you know go through back up our laptops back up our hard drives so we have another set of backups so just in case this happens again we don't lose our data this is kind of a costly mistake because we even know that we may be able to recover the data on the hard drive send it off to location professional thing but that could be very costly after doing much research we looked it into probably the best cost effective solution that we did so this is what we had come up with we have first piece that of hardware we ordered is the cylindry the disk station this is actually it's a high performance allows to add a couple external or internal hard drives to it it'll automatically do your backup store and it'll basically create like kind of a network drive i'm hoping to set it up where we can access it from each one of our computers and also with our external uh hard drive so we can back that up we ended up getting uh the seagates the four terabyte hard drives these are designed to be more for nas systems not like your regular pc hard drive so these are designed to be heavily used heavily backup and to always constantly be online the difference between the hard drives like you would have in your computer versus a nas your nas systems are hard drives that are that are constantly online constantly being back up and constantly pretty much running 24 7. they designed those a little bit differently to where they they the longevity hours last a lot longer they're a lot more durable than like your regular standard hard drives for your pc whereas a hard drive with the pcs are generally they they power on power off power on power off several times a day or they go to sleep whereas these drives are pretty much on 24 7. that's uh kind of where we're at so we'll go ahead and probably get started we'll go ahead and open this up and see what inside the reviews i'd seen or the information that i've looked into this it's supposed to be pretty easy to set up uh it can go on any network it doesn't seem too terribly hard as far as with the setup probably one of the number one rated uh recommended that the people have have used this and everything recommend it has two bays so take the cover off phase at your hard drives got a bank bank zero to bank one uh they do make these in a four bay and a five bay a little bit more cost if you want to have a full raid configuration what i'm going to mainly do i'm probably going to have one as a drive that's that's a constant backup that's going to be you know using the backup and i'll probably have the other drive set up in a raid configuration that way it'll be more compressed it'll be a compressed backup of everything so this will probably just be a drive that'll be accessible it'll be on the network and then my other drive will be more of a compressed drive to back up this drive and also everything else it has a usb 3.0 port on the front so you could hook directly hook it you know an external hard drive up to that and it also on the back it has a usb 3.0 connection on the back along with a network cable so and a laying cable so this can be fully integrated and fully on your network where you can either connect up to it directly or you know where it's you know stays on your network and you just map your drives so it has a little quick uh installation startup guide it looks like a pretty standard uh brick power supply a network cable that's pretty much it to it uh on the inside let's go ahead and get started all right so it says prepare for check the for compatible drives which i already did pre-check that these drives these nas drives are the ones that are recommended uh kind of for it looks like the first step take the cover off which we did the next step is to go ahead and eject and pull your pull your trays these are the actual trays that will hold your uh that'll actually hold your hard drives step two says to go ahead and looks like it says it's got a little pull that says pull on there so you'll go ahead and pull this and pry that open so you'll do that on both sides all right so step three it's gonna be to put your hard drive just set it down the tray this is designed if it's uh if you're gonna put it for a three and a half uh three and a half hard drive or if you get a smaller two and a half inch hard drive it's a three and a half inch hard drive you just kind of set the drive or whatever in place make sure you set it in place that your connections are actually facing towards the inside so it slides in make sure that that does go in that way step three so you'll take your it's got little holes in there this that's designed to work typically normally there's screws that go in the side uh with this there really isn't any kind of screws that go inside these actually have the little pins the pins are what actually go into the hole that'll lock those in place so just snap that in there snap that in place and that holds now the drive is is in the tray so it just slides in when you slide in the drive will be facing towards all the lights and everything in the front so just slide that in it snaps in place and then go to our next drive same thing like so drives in there now we'll take the drive lucky step three is just put the cover on i thought there may have been like a little snap no no really special but now the drives are in there so step four says plug it in power it up and connect up to your uh your pc we'll go on to the i guess the hardware or the the setup face all right i have this plugged into my home network modem so and you'll have the power button that you do here so you actually have it you'll have it connected up so this is where i have my nas system and connect it up at all right so now that we have the nas system connected up to the network we're going to go ahead and go over the browser window and you're going to you're going to type in [Music] synology this one in the synology colon nas colon 5000 and if you have it connected to the network and everything is fine you'll come to the screen that'll just have a little welcome screen so we'll go to setup it says install the disk manager the dsm is the operating system running synology nas so you'll need to go ahead and install the operating system so we'll install that the data so what it'll do is it'll make sure that you want to make sure all your drives are in that everything is uh that these disks you know all the data on these so you need to do it to fresh clean hard drives so it'll go through and actually install it says it takes approximately 10 minutes so don't turn off the power so it looks like it's going to take less than that so we'll see please keep in mind uh i've never done this before so this is the first time of doing any of this or the setup they say it's pretty easy or whatever to set up we're gonna look and see if it is uh how easy it really is for the average person or anybody to set this up so we'll let it do its thing and let it do its install then we'll get back with you all right so as you can see that it is taken saying that it's it'll go ahead and restart after install the operating system it downloads it to your nas and then it'll go ahead and go through the restart and reboot process i had a little bit of issue when it was setting it up kevin's saying no disk station no disc station found within lan after kind of going through a little bit of the assistant and troubleshooting a little bit come to find out it was going through the process and it was setting it up but because i had windows firewall turned on on my computer it was not allowing it to recognize the drive because the windows firewall was preventing it to find i went in and disabled my windows firewall it was able to recognize the the drive and recognize the program so once you go and set it up it looks like you then come into the nas control screen or anything else that you have not 100 percent what to do but we'll go ahead and we'll look and see kind of what we got so i just went to the control panel here it's showing both my drives they're both they're both initialized they're set up at this point i'll need to go ahead and set up some drive letters so i can go ahead and map that the first thing you're going to really need to do is you're going to need to create some type of storage pool so first what you're going to do is create a pull on how the volumes and creates the volume so we'll go ahead and do that there's a different raid type if you want to have raid 1 which raid basically divides it up between all the drives if you want to do more of a single there's different types you got the shr shr 1 shr2 shr will actually kind of divide partition the drive to set up how it was a store there's a basic you know just kind of a basic setting this this will allow one or more additional new drives in the future to migrate to raid 1 or raid 5 for data redundancy protection since i only have two drives i'm not going to really set it up as more of a raid i think i'm just going to just do a basic configuration and because that way i can use one drive as an actual active drive and then use the other drive of more of like a backup so i'm going to partition it to where it'll be a more of a compressed drive the backup drive will i'll make it more of a compressed drive so that way it's it it'll create you more space for backup but if you ever have to do a backup you can go back and compress it we're just gonna do a basic uh raid configuration so here i show i got my drives drive one drive two i'm gonna select one drive i'm going to create the pull with the raid i'm going to make my second drive i'm going to create so it'll go through it's going to check the drive out it'll go ahead and set and see how much space is available looks like i probably need to format the drive or anything first that's why it's it's why it's showing it doesn't have any capacity so i'm going to go ahead and exit out of this poll for now yeah there's no volumes no volumes or nothing set up so anyway you'll have to you can probably research more i'm not an expert when it comes to doing this so i'm probably gonna have to do a little research and and follow but once you get it set up it should be set up to where just a little bit in the screen it shows kind of the health shows how much space everything that it's located i will need to go ahead and set up like a location right now there isn't a drive letter there isn't a partition so i will need to locate apart create a partition to create a create a drive letter and do all that so i'll go ahead and try to get this set up and i'll go from there okay i'm back now that we have our drives formatted and ready to go so it took a little bit but uh i was able to get in there as you can see you've got the different drive information here on this one i created a couple uh storage poles that uh that'll show that we're to have a different use if we go over here to [Music] into the control panel into the control panel just a couple little things just want to touch base but you have a file sharing to share to look for to look at the shared folder here i've kind of created a couple uh i guess on the volumes i created a couple folders that i had pull folder that will pull from so it kind of tells how big how much is being used information everything on that uh here is showing um the different files so as we have our different files i've created i've i went ahead and copied or done a backup on one of our drives so from an old external hard drive so you can kind of create whatever file folders and everything else just like you would a regular windows screen or whatnot once you have your file folders and everything uh mapped or together you then can go into you should see your nas should show up kind of part of the network at the bottom it'll show us one of the network and then i actually created these are the different folders that that i did create that will be on the network you can go ahead and map it to where you just you right click on it on whatever the that network drive that you have and go ahead and hit map network drive you can then get signed in a letter signing a letter in your thing which here i did i did uh my k and j one thing good about this is having a a nos or a network attached storage this allows you to kind of expand your hard drive you may you may have you know laptops or regular desktops and you need some additional storage especially if you're shared amongst multiple computers or multiple users it can really be used for any environment so but having more of a network attached storage does give you that flexibility to kind of expand those laptops and whatnot to give you more storage space but that's uh that's pretty much it uh with the basis of it uh all in all um despite the little uh little hiccups or you know with the firewall or a couple little bit of research uh looking at some info files it was it was fairly pretty easy pretty simple definitely would recommend something like this for anyone for any application any use this will be what we're going to use to kind of back up so we don't have that issue again of having external hard drives with all our data and everything of having constant external hard drives the one feature with this not only will we be able to we can just plug in our external hard drives right into usb 3.0 but the one positive side with this this also allows to have have a kind of more of an external access so you can actually locate this and actually from any computer uh have an external access so when we're traveling or on the road uh we'll be able to access our storage so why instead of actually just backing it up to the external hard drives we'll be able to access it through cloud base or anything else access it really anywhere so where you can get your files it also is good with that external access if you're you know at the office or you know need to have access to files on your computer this gives you that ability to always be able to have access to it so well i hope this was informative or hopefully this will encourage other people if they're thinking about doing this type of system and having this connected to their network this would definitely be a facility this station is definitely something i would highly recommend depending on how much space you need would depend on the size of the drives but i think for the average person a couple four terabyte drives it's definitely enough expansion that you need so if you like this please don't forget to give it a thumbs up and thanks again for watching another video of kky [Music] you
Channel: Kevin and Kim Outdoor Adventures
Views: 190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Install a Synology DiskStation 220+ NAS Backup Drive System, how to install a synology diskstation 220+ nas backup drive sytem, NAS, Network storage, Synology Disk station, back storage, Disk drive failure, network storage device for home, synology diskstation ds220+ setup, network storage for home, network storage system, network storage device, nas guide, synology ds220+ review, synology ds220+ setup, synology beginners guide, synology nas, synology setup guide
Id: v_lyKXrBPdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 17 2021
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