Synology Surveillance Station 9 0 - Features Coming Soon

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[Music] hello and welcome back and that is right surveillance station version 9 was revealed in many many ways at the synology 2022 event although it hasn't landed yet we've really getting the feeling that it's not going to be too long till it arrives they talked about first half of 2022 which could mean anything but realistically this being be more and more business-led i can imagine it's going to be maybe the tail end of q1 maybe early q2 on the taiwanese calendar but that's enough about release why don't we talk about everything we learned about surveillance station version 9 during this event because of all the things they covered and there was a lot of c2 there are a lot of all of those c2 services your backup your transfers your identities and more but surveillance station an application that i think the majority of synology users either use every single day or have dabbled with in one shape or form because it's included with your system actually saw a lot of different integrated features being ported into it and some of them you could have blinked and missed them because some of them are actually pretty darn impressive and things that i think not just the high-end business but a lot of home users could really stop and take a look at so first and foremost before we go any further yes they announced a new hardware release as well the dva 1622. i've done a whole dedicated video on that it's already live you can check it out and i will refer to it a couple of times in today's video because there were some quite unique surveillance station 9 features mentioned in conjunction with it that i will talk about in this video but i do recommend you check out that video after this or maybe youtube's already stuck it on the side of the screen for you i'm pointing it might be that direction i can never remember um but with regard to surveillance station nine and that nas in particular it is worth highlighting that the dvi 1622 two-bay ai analytics uh and um analysis nas are gonna arrive together that is gonna have surveillance station nine on board now of all the features that were talked about for surveillance station nine there was one particular ii powered add-on for those aren't aware uh a dv8 or deep video analysis now says nas that uses an ai to not only record the footage from all the cameras but also analyzes that footage looks for people looks for vehicles looks for places looks for movement look for things that should be there and things that shouldn't lines counting you name it it does it now the new feature that's being added to the dba series in synology's uh surveillance station version nine is a small but incredibly important one it is license plate recognition now i know a number of you suddenly gone yep i'm done i'm off i get it it's boring hear me out now if you're a business user or even a home user knowing whether cars go by your home or office or drive into your car park it's useful but it's all um kind of relative to your own setup for security but if you have a database of all of the license plates that should be in a given area be outside your building be at the road outside your street or your car parks then you'll know when someone's there that shouldn't be now you can set the system up to say if a car hasn't moved for a certain period of time and its license plate is unknown i want to be alerted i want the admins to be alerted i want things to happen now on top of that you can have it so you can identify who's in a location and who isn't with a simple scan of tr driving the light of license plates there on the front on top of that if you have regular deliveries you want to know that if a van turns up at your premises at 4 00 a.m you kind of want to know whether it's a delivery or a man with a balaclava on top of that if you've got a fleet of delivery vehicles you want to know that no man is left behind during the day and if a van hasn't left you should know and vice versa are all of your vehicles in the car park overnight or in the warehouse when when they're supposed to be license plate recognition is one of those things that people requested very early doors when dva nazis from synology arrived and it's only now that we're seeing it imagined and delivered in surveillance station 9. so that's going to be one of the first things i'm going to test when i've got my hands on that new dva i hope but that's not the only thing that's the only deep video analysis tool everything else in surveillance station 9 i'm going to talk about is going to be available with every system but except maybe of the low-powered ones who that have got surveillance station on board so the first big change in surveillance station 9 is monitor center now for those of you that use surveillance station regularly or even just periodically when you're just checking cameras because you've got the odd alert because the leaf went by your window and your cameras weren't set up right you'll know that when you're accessing uh these uh completely parallel user interface there surveillance station that to access your live cameras and access your recordings are actually two different apps much like when synology had two different photo applications in the case of surveillance station they've merged them both together so that you can have a single window a single feed that has both visuals on live camera feeds and the ability to sequence through your previous recordings in that same window it's completely customizable and no longer kind of the fixed grid kind of set system that's there before it's far more customizable and in that you can even integrate io or ip controlled speakers cameras doors and stuff like that into um that area of field of control as well that includes pan tilt zoom to then you've got the alert panel which can then be pulled in to that area of field in live so again you don't just click the live stream and it goes straight to there you can integrate existing alerts into that live feed within the monitor center window there again i'm far more excited about this than it's turned out i was excited about about them of synology photos when it's merged those two applications because this seems to make a greater deal more sense to me and i like the fact that if i am accessing my feed this might save me valuable seconds and a lot of the things i'm going to talk about later in this video are about saving you valuable seconds when it comes to security a couple of them more than any other the next one is probably one of my favorite features that was talked about in the whole kind of discussion of surveillance station 9 and that was dual recording now again i'm sure a number of you have already got up and left but the nine of you that stayed thank you very much get comfortable for a number of you that have had surveillance station set up in your premises or according to a nas in that office or you've got another nas backing up remotely to it all of you have probably had the discussion when you're talking to your colleagues and setting it up for the first time that someone goes all right then what if some sod comes in and steals the nas then what and it's a really good question because if you're using all your little cameras dr rand all recording to a nas then if someone breaks in smashes through the door nice and quickly sees the camera season as half inches it with the nas or infiltrates the nas remotely and kills the nas then what because your footage is gone if they've taken it it's gone now there are ways up until now you could you know get around that you could have a nastiness synchronization you could have a nas to a cloud storage synchronization off site not on that same network even another nas discretely hidden somewhere in the building on another network there in order to send those recordings as convenient as that sounds there is one big drawback whether it's the alerts or whether it is live recordings these recordings are kind of done in blocks so whether you do it in five or two minute or one minute blocks or when they're recorded they're then closed indexed and then the nas will then start the process of sending them that can take time so if someone's broken in generally your average burglar doesn't take their time they don't kick the door in and then play a game of snake they break in and commit the action immediately so there's every possibility in that setup that if someone breaks in and destroys the nas steals and has whatever that that's not going to be enough time for the naz to have compacted control compacted closed that file and it's been sent and synchronized over that is where dual recording comes in now again i should warn you this is going to be something that features synology c2 something that i'm growing now to actually quite like now i'm seeing it fleshed out but i know i've still got to win a number of you over what this means is your cameras are sending before recorded footages uh footage to the nas but also to c2 simultaneously c2 is going to have its own dedicated c2 surveillance um user interface there that means that if someone does come in and smashes everything the camera recordings are still being sent to the cloud as well as the now simultaneously now that's quite important because that will massively reduce the loss in physical recorded time than if you were waiting for the nas to close the file and send it over synology themselves report a maximum of up to five seconds of loss so that's a particularly fast burglar that can get around that one now i should add this is a subscription based service this although you know it's going to have end-to-end encryption and you can monitor and share all of these recordings from within the secure and encrypted and http locked um um synology c2 surveillance cloud you know access point there by your web browser which is great if you can share the recordings with police and make sure it's all recorded and in timestamps and more but again this is a subscription service but on the plus side they've gone in quite cheap now home users there's a subscription of one dollar a month per camera and again you've already got the two camera licenses thrown in that one dollar will cover only alerts so again the only thing you'll access on the c2 there is the alert recordings there you're not going to get constant live recordings to go through only the things that are alerts triggers will be stored on the c2 secondly it can only be stored up to 720p nothing higher and thirdly the retention policy is only seven days so if something's happened and you've not accessed that recording in seven days forget about it it's gone there will be an advanced plan for businesses they're saying they haven't put a price on it but they're going to try and keep it economical they said between one to two cups of coffee that's vague um and that is going to be what they call smart continuous recording so that means that when an alert happens it will be captured and recorded in full frame uh whatever frame rate it was recorded in and up to 1080p on 30 days of retention way more than before and that recorded footage when the camera's in idle it's going to record at one frame a second so again by idle i mean just sending the recordings will be at one frame a second but as soon as an alert happens then the cameras are going to go full frames per second recorded to that cloud so again this is an interesting feature of files i'm concerned because it solves a very age-old problem with network surveillance where you're recording your mvr call it what you will is on site where the bad thing is happening another improvement that's being reported for surveillance station 9 is camera deployment in other words how long it's going to take to add your cameras now if you are adding cameras to your home or business environment again you're still going to need your camera licenses of course mixed feelings on that one i know you all have but when it comes to adding your cameras the amount of cameras you add can affect how long it's going to take for them all to be added and a lot of the time you want these systems to be up and running as quickly as possible now they are stating that in surveillance station nine thanks to improved default settings and recommended settings being built into the cameras as well as how it retains information uh when it's adding those cameras in its settings the result is that in previous uh in its previous or current iteration of 8.2 surveillance station that was adding 300 cameras of 10 different models over five different server areas took nine hours in surveillance station nine that same process took uh 30 minutes which is crazy really but again that's a lot of cameras to be deployed i'd be interested to see someone as you kind of outline some examples of that being deployed and the necessity of it being so quick but still nonetheless that's still really really impressive to see it being that snappy and integrating those settings because a number of you when you are adding cameras you're generally going to order the same cameras very rarely you might have maybe a dome camera they're on the ceiling but your outside bullet cameras are probably all going to be the same so it's nice to have that nice snappy uniform integration there and deployment and again that's extended even further because you can just copy paste effectively clone the settings of one camera to assist and further speed up the process of adding other cameras as well as uploading an existing you know csv and xls a spreadsheet of your of your surveillance systems that you've exported from a previous surveillance app or just a record of all your logins and your passwords upload it to the synology in the right format and it can then use that to even further speed up a deployment of cameras in your surveillance setup talking of control of your surveillance setup we can talk a little bit about improvements they're stating in the cms central management system of surveillance station 9. now they're saying they've improved the gui made a little bit clearer there because cms's i've always got to tow a real fine line there between giving you information and not being woefully complex on the eye they're saying they've improved the gui there i'm not seeing a vast amount of difference personally i've seen the layout slightly reject but what i did like was this idea of how to roll out updates now i have cameras at home i have cameras here these cameras are not connected to the internet the ones at home are not connected to the internet i can access them but i don't want those cameras connected to that i want the cameras connected to the nas and then the nas can have the control and remote access as i choose so a number of people who have surveillance setups who want to update the cameras if they've got access to the internet you know updating the software on the nas for surveillance station it can be pushed remotely in the cms you can see if it's our day same goes for camera packs and stuff like that and add-ons but what about if they don't have internet access where that nas is based you can use the cms from a central monitoring nas that has access to the wider surveillance system and push those updates you can actually send the update to those offline nas systems there which is going to be really really useful something that was incredibly tricky to do if you wanted to update the firmware on this closed offline camera system in that one area there so again although this was feasible feasible and possible before it required a lot of fiddling and opening up that nas network there getting into it and physically uploading the update there or having to open those up to the internet at least this way you can use a pass through within the cms system and on to another feature that has been demanded for quite a while and i'm surprised it took so long maybe it was licensing maybe it was an api crossover thing i'm not sure but finally google maps and open street map is now an available integration with in surveillance station 9 when it releases now we're used to having maps in surveillance station not everyone uses it but you can upload a digital e-map of all your different areas and actually say where the camera is in their field the coverage uh surveillance station 90 keeps allowing that but also has a better way of collecting and browsing through those e-maps in a great in a greater deal more intuitive way that's you know discussed there but what we're really interested in is this integration with these third-party map platforms so if you are running a multi-site operation where you've got synology nasa's in different locations different operational offices within your business it's nice to have a geographical overview and once you integrate those emaps as well you've then got a central management panel where you can zoom in and then go into the emaps to see a lot of that tracking this is another area where i'm going to be interested to see where deep video analysis and the pooling of that information across multiple sites can really be brought together the other thing with uh integration of that uh those third party map apis is going to be that when they showed a few examples of when you went in you could not only see the site geographically on a map once you hovered over it you could see the live camera feed and then integrate that camera feed directly into that open monitoring panel there that so again it's nice to have that and also when you get an alert you get a notification going oh this thing has happened you can not only say oh this thing happened by a door in an office but now you can say buy a door in an office and here it is on the bloody map that's a nice extra and again saving you seconds saving you time to action alerts when a lot of the time security intrusions not just your data but your office your assets is something that can happen very very fast next up they moved into the subject of encryption and secure access to your surveillance recording something that's always been a priority when you want to make sure that not only as outsiders as an interloper has not got access to your security setup but also only key team members within your business are able to see and often share that information you don't want anyone to try to cover their tracks there so first and foremost when it comes to remote access uh the support of https within camera feeds is now going to be supported in surveillance station obviously you can have to make sure you've got supported cameras in the network for that but are still going to be incredibly useful to a number of you that want to make sure the portal between this nas and that camera is secure as it can be then you've got support of secure uh real-time protocol um srtp um on uh screened rec streamed recordings as well so again if you are accessing those recordings you want to make sure that you're not utilizing kind of open uh um remote access point there when you're accessing it so again you're not the only one watching it when you do get in so again that's a nice little extra feature to be enabled in those recordings finally you've got the ability to completely encrypt those recordings themselves locally with an encryption key now that's encrypted keys and encrypted storage is something that's been available for a long time on the synology nas platform but it on the recordings as well as that encryption key being required when accessing the data remotely accessed and recordings i should say and also accessing the recordings on c2 as well is going to be incredibly beneficial and once again minimizes and minimizes and minimizes these recordings these footage these feeds this data being accessed by those that shouldn't have access to it next up was something i'm really surprised wasn't already a feature it seems really simplistic when you think about it but it's actually a lot harder to implement than you might think and that is the ability to add watermarks and privacy masks now they didn't mention whether these can be implemented just at the setup feed level or can be applied afterwards on the recordings there was no real mention of whether this is an either or or both scenario there but again this is really intriguing for those aren't aware privacy mask is when you can say that a certain area of the recording space you want to make sure is blacked out now sticking a big black box on part of the screen is one way to do it but the idea that you can actually do tailored directional coverings on these things is going to be really really useful when you only want certain areas of the recorded area to be covered but the bulk of the screen to still be visible because these things are still security footage now the idea that you can have that on distributed footage to share with people thereby ensuring that they can see the things you want them to see and not see the things you don't is going to be really really helpful likewise the idea that you can add watermarks with your own uploaded png or vector file or whatever is going to be useful and the idea that you can make sure that if you do share recorded footage that you know who has access to it and if it does get distributed that you can reel it back but do bear in mind again they're still waiting for confirmation whether this is something you have to set up in advance on the feed level or something you have to apply at the recorded level or both so again we'll wait to hear more on that but that's really it surveillance station nine as i mentioned is going to be rolled out at the same time as the dva 1622. whether that's before then or at the exact same time it's too early to say i'm genuinely intrigued by a lot of the features in surveillance station and i've always been a big big fan of that platform i still believe it to be if not one of them the best surveillance platform out there given it's a huge amount of access and browsability and usability and responsiveness within the web browser as well as the client applications there for both mobile and desktop systems next up we're going to be talking about synology router manager version 1.3 and of course go into a little bit more detail about that wi-fi six router that we've already talked about previously but if you have enjoyed this video or found it helpful then do chuck me the like button down there it legitimately helps this channel not only for me to understand what you guys like but it allows me to know what i'm doing best and make each video better than the last or if you do want to learn more stab rest of these updates as we go through all of the synology stuff and then comprise it into these far more chewable easy friendly videos then do click subscribe as they become live and otherwise i will see you on the next video
Channel: NASCompares
Views: 3,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: C2 Surveillance, DVA1622, DVA3221, DVA3221 NAS, Monitor Center, NVR1218, Surveillance Station, Surveillance Station 9, Surveillance Station 9.0, Synology 2022, Synology C2 Surveillance, Synology Cloud Surveillance, Synology CMS, Synology Monitor Center, synology nas, Synology NAS 2022, Synology NVR NAS, Synology Privacy Mask, Synology SRTP, Synology Surveillance, Synology Surveillance CMS, Synology Surveillance Google Maps, Synology Surveillance Station Watermark
Id: f1Pgay_iqZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 05 2021
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