Synology 2020 NAS PLEX - First Time Setup Guide with the DS420+

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[Music] hello and welcome back and today I want to talk about plex media server more appropriately I want to tell you guys about how to set up a plex media server with ass knowledge enas I don't a lot of videos with nows over the last few years but ultimately I tend to skip over what is obsessively quite not common hurdle but definitely something a lot of you might hesitate on in the early days of buying an out for plex media server how exactly do you set one up you purchase one of these things and that in this case the DSR for twenty-plus I haven't decided yet it's gonna be in the title or not but most of the steps today will apply to pretty much any now it's really how do you set it up we do with one of these things and how do you get from the beginning of a bunch of stuff on a table to sitting on your sofa in what and watching your media or maybe even looking at Plex my media server on your mobile phone maybe you just want to watch your media on that so today we want to talk about how to set one up from the ground up I'm gonna set this device up with you guys watching and I'm gonna do the software side on my laptop over there and then we're gonna set up Plex Media Server for this device and under the straightaway from scratch so what do we need in today's video well first and foremost we need an ass don't we make sure if you want to have the best plex experience to go for an ass that's got at least an Intel dual or quad core processor minimum solare on ideally higher but Solero is a very good entry point into and that's because of its handling of multimedia you have gotten asses out there that support Plex and multimedia in German that don't utilize Intel CPUs some of them are like the IR M based processes like your real text your marbles some of those will support Plex but the performance won't be as smooth as you might like and although this steps in today's video will apply to them it should be said to get the best out of Plex you need an x86 processor so you're talking in Intel maybe some of those top-end IMD's as well so we've got unasked next thing you're going to need is store Media you're gonna need either hard drives or solid-state drives you will get better performance from solid-state drives but they are far more expensive and of course you get lesser capacities price have really come down in 2020 but prices are still much much higher and the limitation to have storage much much lower in SSDs and they are in hard drives next you have to wonder about how many hard drives you're gonna need because in this video I'm using WG red and I'm gonna be using four of them inside this device we don't need to have lots you might have multiple for two reasons one could you get combined overall capacity so you have multiple drives can't something called a write that we'll talk about later on in the video or you have multiple drives so that if a hard drive fails for some reason because you know electronics are just things that may fine if that happens you want to make sure your data is intact and consequently raid is a way in which of one of these drives was to break the other three will still maintain your data because of a system called parity and redundancy and watch my other videos on ray to understand that what else do you need well in some cases you will of course need a screw driver to some hard drives need to be screwed in but in the case of this now we're not going to need these today so we can get rid of those and we can carry on just with the device itself what else you can need you're gonna need a computer you didn't need so I've got it over here in the background you're going to need a PC or a Mac system ideally between one of those two to set up a plex media server you can set up the nas with just a mobile phone you can do it very very easily we have des finder and just the app button to install Plex and set plex up for the first time a kind of reckon I recommend you have some sort of desktop client device you can kind of get away with a tablet or an iPad or something or but not really and I do recommend you use a desktop computer in the second half of this video I will be on that screen there and that's really it you need a power source to describe power supply and you need to be within some sort of distance to your router or switch or in this case I'm going to be using a little root or up there but you can use like powerline adapters perhaps so for those of you that don't want to keep the nares in the same room as your main visual device your Smart TV that all some sort of HDMI device with a Amazon fire stick inside you can utilize things like powerline adapters we can get two of these one of them in the same room as your router connected into the rooted air viral and connection plug it into the wall fire domains and then at the other end of the house where your big TV is you have another one of these wired connection into the TV or bar an adapter into the fire stick and from there it will run the internet and network connectivity through the main slide power of your home via one of these there are alternatives you can get Wi-Fi repeaters and expanders and but effectively the same logic of what we just described but creating a wireless access point at the other end of your house there are lots of things you can do to expand connectivity you just have to make sure that the NAS is at least network connected in some form or another and that's what that table at it right with does so what we need to do is first install our drives now as mentioned today's steps apply to pretty much any Synology NAS one area where there may be difference though is in how you install the drive some naz's involve taking the chassis apart and installing their drives inside some of them have click and load trace like these so you end up with a system where you've got your tray you're put in your drive like that and then you apply the clips on the side now I don't know if you guys are watching this video at home as those people that are considering buying an ass for plates and you just want to see how easy or hard it is or if you're someone that's already bought all these components and are looking for a guide on how to do it let's face it it's probably a good mix of both of you but what I will say is there is a lot you can do with a network attached storage device it's more than just a thing you're gonna use for multimedia so when you are sitting one of these up or whether you've bought it yet or not if you consider in the investment bear in mind there are loads of applications that run on these devices from surveillance to large spread backups other means of multimedia enjoyment there is just so many different things you can do with it that storage device in your home or business environment that if you are on the thing do look at the available applications the reason I bring that up is plex media server has another fact that I've not touched on yet and that is to do with resources it's not just about the CPU you're going to be that's inside this Nazz that will factor into which one you should be going for going choosing the right network attached storage device put the drive in the wrong way up there because I'm an idiot buying the right now if you're gonna use it for multi-purpose needs the memory plays a very very big part in what this device can do and plex media server it's quite a hungry beast you're gonna need at least 2 gig of memory space to run plex media server effectively particularly with bigger 1080p Barthel and h.264 and 265 and there are issues with some HDR content Tim bit a bit that sort of thing but if you're gonna run it with surveillance or if you're gonna use it for DLNA or are you gonna use it for some of those first party applications or you gonna run a virtual machine or you can do any of those things then make sure you've got at least 4 gig of memory you can get away with 2 gig if it's just for clicks and literally nothing else but if you're gonna run other services maybe upgrade the memory this device arrived with 2 gig of ddr4 memory but I will say that it can be upgraded to 6 gig of ddr4 memory we as an expansion slot in there you just pop in a little bit of extra memory little tiny one inside there and you will have more memory to run more services plus you might even use that extra memory for Plex now before I get to the stage where I'd boot this up I will touch on another thing it's not just memory that you can use to improve your experience with Plex at the base of some devices as you see here you have these buddies they are called nvme SSD bodies these allow you to store little small SSDs to improve additional cash support to the hard drive so the hard drives will be in a storage array there'll be a bunch of drives all combined together and would have a raid volume you choose and I'll show you on the screen in a bit but on top of that you can add these SSDs to vastly improve the performance internally now the way that worked is if you were to populate this with SSDs the speed would be insane but it's super expensive like five six times more expensive per drive and you can't get as bigger sizes currently you can get drives like 16 terabytes from sigo iron wolf in there now series or is in SSDs assaulter connection like this you're looking at like 40 B flat-out max there are larger ones coming thanks to a quad Levelland of QL see a cysteine and coming around with large capacities but it's not as good and it's still gonna be super expensive by comparison what the reason SSD caching with those two bases important because you can get two small SSDs nvme SSD cache for many of the devices not just a TS 4 to 0 and these can leverage the costs of these two little SSDs at like 120 or 250 gig just get like 10% of the overall hard drive storage and match it what you can do then is that small amount invest investment in of SSD will work in conjunction with the hard drives and with read write caching allow frequently accessed files and convergent tasks and task that running simultaneously to be buffered by the SSD and it can be used as a kind of hybrid storage so you've got hard drives which are so fast you've got SSDs that are quite fast and down here you can spend a little bit of money on SSDs and try to improve those internal speeds and those internal speed work in Plex they work in surveillance their work in beams they work in day-to-day storage and all your connected users will see the benefit so do bear that in mind and if you're looking for the right now fan just look at the memory don't just look at the CPU and don't just look at the base see if SSD caching is possible to on the device you're looking at but next we need our power on we need network connectivity now the first thing you want to connect is your network cable first the reason being is you don't want to power up the device before you put your networking it's not the end of the world but sometimes it can lead to IP problems on the router and switch side simply because it thinks it's something that already exists it can preset the domain without you wanting it to be the case so make sure you connect your network cable first before you power the device on next get-ups you maybe you've got an external power brick or you've got an internal power brick in this case is external we connect the mass end first and generally I would recommend that you power off at the wall before you connect a cable all the way over there and I don't to ruin this recording I've already done it in advance connect your external power brick look for the green light then from there once you've got your LAN cable and your power cable connected click power on and now the device is powering on now this is gonna take around three to five minutes max now this next stage part two or three you can do on a mobile phone if you so choose you don't have to but seeing that you've got to set the Plex bit up on a desktop anyway your models will stay with a desktop system now I recommend a few tools downloading straight off the bat firstly I strongly recommend that you download a tool called Synology assistant I will already be on a laptop we move over to that screen but so nology assistant will allow you to find the mouse on your local area network and what that means in real terms is make sure that this is also connected to the same internet as this laptop or your PC system now I know I did big bunny ears on the word internet there it isn't $19.99 I'm not will Smith why I'm saying is by having that device on the same internet connection beat beat for you you're actually on the same network and that's important networks are kind of like the houses on a street the network is one road every device your TV you've found your laptop or whatever that is on the internet that you're all using together our houses on that street the network is the street make sure these are all on the same street the reason Synology assistant is important because once it on the same street slash network the result is running Synology assistant will in scan your local area network from the laptop or PC and find the NAS and then you can interact with the NAS and set it up for the first time so it doesn't matter if you're using a wireless device like I am today as long as that wireless device that we're using to get Internet is from the same Rooter and network as what you've connected this into you'll be absolutely fine to download that tool the second thing to download that you will need later on is to go to the plex media server website and go to the download section and from there you'll be able to download a version of plex media server for Synology nas the reason you should download it from there is because even though the Synology NAS app Center will have clicks on it that clicks app is all too often a few versions out of duct plates it's updated quite regularly in terms of all the services they add or the web shows or the add-ons and for security fixes so when they do that they update them and the app on the plex website considerably more often than they do on the NAS so it's recommended that you download the latest version early doors and then it's available for when we install Plex but for now let's make our way to the screen because the device has beeped which means it's ready to be failed on the network let's make the switch over to the computer right so now we move over to the desktop system as you can see if you used a Synology assistant tool it will find the nails on your local area network now if you want to get the tool for yourself head over to the Synology website go to the Downloads area drop down and find thumbnails that you are utilizing you can select pretty much any nouns to be honest for this tool let's go for just that one there and as you'll see if you go to desktop utilities you will find the Synology system tool for a myriad of different platforms there's loads of other apps I recommend you check them out if today's video we just want to look at Plex now also I was mentioned earlier on there's getting the Plex Media Server application too so if you head over to the Plex website and then go to slash media server downloads select the drop-down for Synology and as you'll see you can choose the package there where it allows you to select the kind of CPU you've got and if you're going for a 64-bit one it would be a 64-bit Intel based processor there and this should all be pretty self evident from your CPU and using these Synology spec pages any questions you can always find me a message directly and I'll tell you now have that downloaded on your PC locally we'll come back to that later on now if you use that tool that we've just described here let's bring it open again and then when you search your local area network the nows will appear here on this listing the first time you boot it up the first time it allows you design the user end agreement with Synology which you can do there and click OK and then it will open up the app now as you can see it's opening up in my browser here but I'd already pre opened it here on incognito window I don't expect you to do that the reason I'm doing it doing it on incognito window for my PC is for saying art plex I've set up Plex on this now as a bunch of times and I want to show you guys what it's like to use it for the very first time rather than the pre used version I've got in my copy of Chrome but moving forward this is the screen you will see the next thing you need to do is setting a click setup from here it will say that it's going to install DiskStation manager for your now this is the operating system from Synology and if you just click install now it will install that software remember this is an installing Plex this is installing the operating system but one cost you anything extra it's included in the cost E and ass right here so just click install now it will say that it's going to format all of those disks say that you'll let it happen but bear in mind it will delete the date on those disks click OK and now it's going to install DSM on the NAT this can take anywhere between 5 and 15 minutes depending on the strengths of your internet connection and so if you will what we'll do is we'll fast forward to the completion of the installation of DSM once DSM has finished being installed this is the screen that you'll see you need to create a name for your now server for me I'm just going to call this one ds4 20 but obviously you can give it whichever name you want then you need to create an admin and password and this is going to be the main login for the device don't worry you can create sub-accounts later and again you are dealing with the nurse side of things this is nothing to do with Plex yet so now you're sitting up and for the first time and here is where you can set up internet access once again you don't need to do this for Plex Media Server as flex has its own means of accessing the nows remotely 54 here this is where you'll need to set up remote access to the nas and an au s-- back-end utilizing dsm-4 now I'm going to skip it but if you want to access the nows remotely access these details and this will give you internet access to the nads going to skip this step and proceed to the desktop of DSM now from here is where we're going to be setting up the device for storage this is where we're going to place all of our multimedia and where we're gonna let Plex browse our device so first thing you need to do when setting up your nouns for the first time it's said up here to the top and go to the Storage Manager you need to create two things a storage pool which is an area which combines all the available hard drives or selected hard drive into one joint storage area and then a volume where you can create containers of storage with in that vast sandbox of data storage you've created where your files can live so the first thing you need to do is go to the storage pool click create and then choose which kind of storage pool you want this is where raid will take place of all the different kinds of raid on this forebay there are several options open I'll be able to go for the higher flexibility option as this allows us to improve our storage by adding new and larger drives later on clicking next we need to give the pool a name I'm going to call this one simply ds4 20 as the pool but you can name it whatever you like from here you need to select your right now based on a different nas device you use the raid options will change but let's go through them quite quickly so low G high betrayed is their own proprietary raid system it allows you to mix and match drives and on this entire list it's the only one that allows you to have different sized drives you shouldn't do that on day one but years down the line you may want to introduce bigger drives as your library grows and these two may be the best option for you both of these respectively allow you to have one drive of disk failure and two disks of drive failure just bear in mind that in the case of the two district Walia you will have a slight performance dip as the system has to calculate all of that parity across multiple discs next you have raid 1 this is when you have two discs paired together that allow you to have exactly the same data on both disks was both them being read and written to exactly the same time it's a great option and does give great a great performance of read and write as well as a one disk failure safety net but it does mean 50% of your storage is gone raid 5 is a lot like SHR with raid 5 giving you one disk of drive failure with the data being written across multiple disks and one little bit of parity or a blueprint moves on to each disk it's a great storage area and a lot of people use it you just can't use the flexible drives of SHR right 6 is comparable to shr 2 so 2 discs of read fact raid failure without the safety net and reckon effectively halves all of your storage by pairing drives together in a group massing of raid ones then there's basic j-bot these together are just loose disks and raid zero combines the total storage drive for one giant storage area but bear in mind you have no safety net and if one drive dies that's the end of your data so for now I'm going to select SHR from here select the drives that you're going to use in this Orien you don't have to use all the drives you can use some if you choose or if you've only got one disk inside it will show one disk I'm going to select them all don't gonna let me know that these these disks will be formatted during the build and it will tell me how much data they'll be at the end as well as the number of drive safety-net available then I click apply this will create our storage pool with which we are going to put on our storage volume now some storage pools take longer than others a raid 5 or SHR involving multiple discs can take somewhere between 6 to 12 to 24 hours depending on the size of the disks click OK and from here we need to create our volume next go up here and create your volume your container of storage that lives on the storage pool you can create multiple volumes if you choose so you can use some for surveillance some for backup some for Plex and others or you can just create one giant storage pool for everything for now select the existing store storage pool you've created then click Next it will be available there as the one pool you've created if you've created multiple they'll all appear there and moving forward select your file system the file system is more of a technical detail that some of you may not wish to engage in it's ultimately how blocks of data are on the system and how they're read and written to and how are interacted with they are on other systems so Knology supports btrfs which has lots of background protection features and a shared snapshot recreation as well as data integrity checks that will check the beginning end of most data transmission although it's worth mentioning that it is a newer file system than ext4 and the performance is a fraction less in terms of read and write I'm gonna go for btrfs because I'm going to use this Nass for other things in future videos but you may may wish to consider exd for then we click Next from here we need to describe it if we so choose otherwise it will be described two storage pool one next we look at the size now we can either use the total available capacity or lower that capacity so we can create multiple volumes if you were to make sure that your multimedia is separate from your backups or your surveillance is separate from your movies minimize this amount of capacity so you can create different volumes for different tasks I'm going to go for the full size though click Next and you can see that we're starting to create our volume click apply and it will now create our volume there in the background this shouldn't take too long now while it does this it's worth highlighting a few things volume creation is relatively quick it will happen based on the power of your nares it can take anywhere between 5 to 20 minutes while this is going on however your storage pool isn't complete and this is what can take 6 to 12 to 18 to 24 hours based on the drives consequently read and write performance will suffer during this period as the system is running quite intensive background operations with the discs being accessed in real time so even though we're going to proceed with the rest of these steps moving forward I will highlight that if the raid creation is not finished then it will affect performance for you so it's highly recommended that you wait until the storage pool is completed which will be shown here as normal and completed as well as a notification up here that will tell you when the raid is complete and as the volume is created this will also create multiple subfolders here in the file manager that will arrive as you can see we need to create a shared folder now the shared folder once again is not the end of the world but a shared folder allows you to create a folder that is visible on other systems so if you want to transfer files from your PC your Mac your whatever system having a shared folder is very useful for this we're going to call this shared folder plex you don't have to do that but this is what I'm going to do on this occasion you don't have to enable a recycle bin and I'm not but you might wish to in case of accidental deletion clicking next will ask you if you want to encrypt this folder and this will allow you to protect a data insight here from being stolen and the encryption removed I'm not going to enable encryption here but you may wish to based on the criticality of that data and the safety of it clicking next from here will ask you to enable any of the background integrity checks on the disks over a period of time in that shared folder and that data therein and you can even enable a limitation of the amount of storage taken by it I'm not going to enable these but you may wish do in your circumstances and there you go the shared folder is now starting to be completed as a side note when it pops up here you will have permissions appearing here now these are accounts you may have created later on Plex will appear here when you add clicks be sure to come back to the edited share folder and user section but don't worry I'll show you that later for now make sure that your admin account has access to that folder click OK you can see the Plex shirt folder is now visible and available to see so for example in this folder we start creating subfolders now these subfolders we're going to call movies we're going to call the next one photos and finally a folder called music in fact based on your own needs we'll also create a folder called TV shows now the system will already create subfolders based on the applications you choose but the difference between Plex and most other applications is that Plex will allow you to choose the folders that your data is in a lot of proprietary applications from Synology will force you to use their folders so as you install photo station video station music station moments and more they will create to their own folders and the system will often ask you to select those folders for your data clicks doesn't have that limitation so go ahead and make sure that you put stuff in the right folders for you on a sidenote it's worth highlighting heading back to Santee assistant that if you want to just drag and drop data into this folder you can create a mapped network drive on your local PC or Mac system if you look here we can see my local PC setup here but I can access my home drive but on the side here I can see little more than that if on technology assistant I right click here I can get an option to map a network drive and this will add the folder that we've just created on our local PC system let's login with the detailed credentials we've created earlier and have a look it will then list the shared folder we created Plex we can then click Next assign it a letter which in my case I'm going to use the letter S click Next and now if we go into the PC option Plex that folder our Nass has appeared on our local PC system we can double click and start dragging dropping files in here alternatively we can draw and drop files into the desktop of arson ology now as if we choose but we don't have to do it that way so moving forward now we've created two folders for plates and we're starting to create our storage system the next thing we need to do is install plex the first thing you need to do is hit the package center here when you go into it for the first time it will ask you to sign the D terms of service from Synology once you do that you will have access to the available list of applications that you can download there's even beta apps to that you may wish to check out but scrolling down or using the search bar you can go all the way to the bottom and find plex media server now we are going to install the app this time but we don't have to do it this way because you can either install here or you can manually install the application that we downloaded earlier to our PC so for example if you wish to install manually you can click browse find it in your downloads folder and there is plex media server version 1.1 9.3 now it's worth highlighting not I'm not going to do it this way because I want to show you guys the difference between the stock app and the newest version you see this version we're going to be downloading these version 1.1 8 so the version we were going to download the newest one is 1.9 1.1 9 2 this lots of differences but for now just click install this will install plex media server on our NAT it will do that in the background and the based on your internet connection it won't take too long it downloads a small file which will then be extracted and installed by the Synology nurse system bear in mind once again that while we're doing this our raid on that storage vault is still not complete so we may see slight bit dips in performance had we just waited for the raid to be completed we will see much faster installation of plex as well as the accessing of plex as the plex media server tall installs here it is also worth highlighting that you need to create a plex media server account you can create a plex media server account real easy I say plex media server I'm really just saying plex the options are pretty straightforward you can either sign up for a brand new account which is free and then upgrade to a plex pass account if you so choose with that you can enable Hardware transcoding as well as I have access to digital video tuners for watching like TV there's a bunch of other things but you don't have to do it that way you can just go ahead with a free account and connect that with your nares it's that straightforward and you don't have to pay a dime but carrying on here we can see that Plex hasn't quite finished downloading they're in the background once it's done however as you can see it's written started installing so we've downloaded the full package once it's completed in it's now starting the app this will change and then we can either run Plex from here or alternatively we can head up to the top and find the plex media server app here so on this same system click go ahead on this option it will open a brand new window and as you can see up here it switches from your local IP to the Plex website and from here you need to sign in with your plex account now whether you've created an account before and you enter with your email here or sign up with a brand-new account you can connect with all of these means so for now I'm going to connect with my email and I'm going to create I'm going to use my existing Plex account once you're signing in with your plex account either as a new or existing Plex user this is the screen you'll see it alerts you to exactly how Plex is going to work how it connects and what kinds of media you can use once you've read through this and I'll be honest there's not a lot of information to play with take a good look up there at your IP this means you're connecting locally rather than HTTP ww-whatever right now you are interacting with the nares as you see click got it and from here I'll ask you to name your plex server it will take the default name of the server but you can change it if you so choose this is where you'll also allow connection remotely by your mobile phone Amazon vehicle anywhere outside of your local network all your home Internet and now I'm going to click Next and now it's going to begin registration between that account and your nads next we need to organize the media in other words where your files are going to live so for example so we're going to select films this is going to be an important point because if we select films then we select add folders we then browse the folders on the mass find the volume we created earlier and then find the folder we created clicks now as you can see straight away here are the folders we created earlier TV shows music photos movies and more so for now I'm going to select movies and then click Add now any movies we add to this folder will be indexed by Plex down here we've got lots of information there in the background and we're going to take a little look into multimedia files here never put things into the chief directory only into the subdirectories now moving forward we can select another folder so if we go back we can select another type this time select TV programs from there we can select the TV programs folder in plex TV shows click Add as we can see we've started creating more you can create lots of different folders and each time click Add to library you can even change the metadata scraping which is where they get the trailers the thumbnails and more all here in the background and you can add multiple folders if you so choose once you've added all the photos for music TV shows movies and more to their respective directories on the Synology nas click add library and as we can see we've only created that one but we can create more quite easily so again we're going to create three here but because we haven't got any data in these folders it's worth highlighting that these will be empty for now so we're going to select music we're going to create a music folder and then click Add to libel we've got different files and folders there so we've accidentally created two for music we'll create one for TV shows as well scroll there go to plex go to TV shows click add and boom we're crea in different files and folders there now as mentioned earlier if you go back into the Synology nas head up to here from here go make your way into the control panel in the control panel click users and as you'll see there's a new account that's been created called Plex make sure to click Edit and go to permissions and make sure Plex has access to the files and folders you can go for read-only so nothing can be deleted on flex but readwrite allows you to have more control it's really up to you next for applications make sure that it has access to all of the different apps that it's going to need it doesn't need access to most of these but it definitely needs access to file station from there you can then come back and go back into place then click Next now it allows you if you want to install some of the third-party Plex apps that's really up to you but for me I'm going to skip this step now it's going to ask you if you have multiple notices like I have connected to your plex account which ones your primary source and you can change the order of these but still have access to multiple masses for the you own all your friends for data I'm going to click this one and then click continue it will then ask if you want to have customized navigation of third place forward services from plex to be browsable and viewable from your plex server account or you can just disable them all if you choose but for now I'm going to leave them on and click finish setup and that's really it we've set on our plex media server account we've got these online streaming platforms here in the background and if we make our way to options we can click more and find the folders we created as you add data to all of these different folders it will appear here with the metadata scraping in the background there are a few extra things you can bear in mind such as making your way into the nares and examining some of the background options such as changing some of the by breeze and rescanning the metadata if you so choose as well as a bunch of other dome options with regard to how video is played back for example when you're playing back files you may want to take advantage of transcoding transcoding is the ability for a file to be changed in size shape format and more to be more acceptable to the connected device you will need to have a plate Pass account which is a paid full subscription account in order to take advantage of the transcoding engine on your mass but if you do you have lots of options if you are going to be using very dense files and you've got a powerful enough now's I recommend going for the hardest option there and that will make sure that it takes advantage of the full transcoding asset open to the nas itself but there are lots of other options too just bear in mind if you're not using an intel powered nas or even a particularly powerful intel nares then chances are there's no point using these options because in many regards the transcoding engine is not available on real tech erm based processors in a meaningful way to plex otherwise this has been how to set up your plex media server NAT if you want to find this device on devices in your local area network or by the internet anywhere in the world all you need to use now is the login details that you've created with your plex account this nas is now permanently linked to your account and therefore any time you log in but that account clicks can access the mat just bear in mind a few things if you power down the NAS in the background from time to time if you haven't set the right IP address it may move around on the network so as an extra step I recommend going into the control panel selecting Network going to network interface highlighting the connected network interface you've used and disabling one option you want to use a manual configuration the reason being that every time you power or power down announced because you may have different devices in your home network its place on the network or the house that it's on on the street that is your net work might change and if these change sometimes Plex elect difficulty finding your nose so I strongly recommend the selecting manual configuration when setting up your nouns for the first time for flex and then click OK and this will fix your mouse to this address permanently and Plex will always be able to find it but just remember that if you move this now's to another network or someone else's house this network address may be incorrect as it may differ from their own network if you need to reset the mouse there is a reset pin on the back of the mouse that lets you reset the network connection alternatively head back into a Synology assistant and then click connect as it will find the nails on the network even if it can't identify the IP and it will allow you to change that network remotely but this has been how to set up your Synology now is the ds4 20 in this case as i plex media server I hope you guys have found this video helpful do let me know it it and is it more you want to see on those devices like this and I will be doing full Plex testing on the BS 420 very soon otherwise could like if you enjoyed this video click subscribe to learn more and I'll see you next time
Channel: NASCompares
Views: 122,802
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Keywords: Synology, Synology NAS Drive, Synology NAS Server, Synology DiskStation, nas drive, Best Synology NAS, Mac NAS, NAS Drive Review, NAS vs Cloud, Synology nas, Synology server, Synology drive, Synology backup, synology raid, synology plex, Synology DS420+ NAS Drive, Synology DS420+, DS420+NAS, DS420+, DS420+Plex, DS420+ Plex Media Server, Synology Plex Setup, Synology Plex Guide, Synology Plex Meida Server, Synology Plex Tutorial, synology plex setup, synology plex server
Id: zNyTasDcVVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 17sec (2477 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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