How To Setup & Config the SYNOLOGY DS920+ NAS (EASY Overview, Guide, Configuration)

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hey this is digital bike computing my name is emilio and today we're going to go through the setup of the synology nas this is the ds 920 plus nas we're going to get the unit show you some basics about the unit how to install hard drives things like that and then we're going to go and set it up and do some basic configuration on our computer before we do that please remember as always to subscribe clicking on the notification bell to be kept up to date with all of my videos let's go to the guide right now [Music] so here is our unit we've unboxed it we're going to do some basic configuration you're going to install hard drives remembering that this unit does not come with any hard drives by default out of the box so you've got your four bays on the front you've got your leds you've got a status and then your four leds for your disks disk one through two four got a usb port on the front and you've got your power switch right there you've got dual uh ethernet ports you've got a knee starter if you want to expand it you've got your power where you run the power brick into you've got another usb as well you've got a little lock and that's it on the back on the bottom of the unit we've got a couple of slots here for smaller form factor ssds essentially it's an nvme which is stands for non-volatile memory express so accessing data writing data can be quicker when you do have these two uh installed into your unit you don't have to put them in there but it will improve the performance of your nas i've got myself four hard drives already that i prepared earlier and then literally all you do is you slot it in screw it into place and then in it goes into the nas so with the hard drives installed we now want to go and set it up go and put it wherever you want to put your unit i'm just going to do it here in my home lab environment in a enterprise you're going to put it perhaps in a rack or in a server room or something similar get yourself your ethernet cable only one for now you can run two unit is now powering on so give that a few minutes just to power on make sure it's all fully up and running and operational what we're now going to do is we're not going to cross over to my computer i'm going to be connecting over a web browser from my mac you can do this on mac windows or linux it doesn't matter open up your web browser we're going to cross over now and then we're going to log into the console for our new synology nas so here we are connected into our computer and we've opened up a browser as long as it's a new modern browser up to date you shouldn't have any problems now the first thing we want to do is obviously we've got the nas now on the network it's connected into our network switch and now it needs to be discoverable somehow so what we're going to do is we're going to throw into here this url find dot okay http and press enter this should now scan your network and hopefully find your synology nas now there's something you have to consider here is firstly of course you have to have your nas racked you have to have it cabled into a network switch now whether you're running this at home in an office environment making sure that there's no firewall rules in between and as you can see right here it has found it which is great if it hasn't found it you'll have to identify uh what what network problems there could be present within your environment in my case you'll see that it's got an ip address and that is because i've got dhcp set on my network where i've got a dhcp server that is dishing out ip addresses to my network of course once we now log into the synology nas we are going to give it a static ip because we don't want to linu leave it as a dynamic dhcp ip so you'll see that it's showing up you've got model name the ds 920 plus the ip address my mac address and the status which is currently not installed and what we want to now do is select connect if you're happy with that end user license agreement you can say okay now it's connecting into that ip address so if you knew what the ip address was that was being allocated you can just go straight into here throw in your ip address and then colon 5000 but in this case it's automatically found it and now set up so the synology products uh sit on top of dsm which is the disk station manager synology's operating system essentially uh and we need to install that to be able to get it with a nice graphical user interface so we can go in and really play around with it you can still access the synology via the command line but we love the dsm it looks really cool you can do a manual install if you don't want it to go out and pick it up from a different location you can manually install it as well but we're going to just select install now all data on the hard drives one two three four will be removed of course if you've installed less hard drives uh it'll only show up the hard drives that you have got but all my data is going to be erased from these disks and we are okay with that so the initialization is now beginning as it says here it will be ready in approximately 10 minutes and ensure that you do not turn off the power to this nas while this process is taking place and we'll check back once we are done on the other side so your naz will reboot potentially several times and then you're now presented with this screen if you're not in this screen just navigate back to your um to the ip address at colon 500 5000 uh to be able to access your nas again and what we now need to do is create an administrator account for this synology nurse so give your uh your synology your ds 920 an actual name so that is the server name the username that you want to give it the password confirm your password and then a little indicator around password strength it may be helpful for you to set up what's called quick connect essentially what it says is quick connect makes it easy to access your synology without port forwarding so you actually essentially create an account with synology directly and you can access it via the internet so you can go and create that if you so choose to you can also skip this step if you don't want to create this accept those terms and conditions if you accept them acknowledge that you have understood the privacy statement you're all set let's take a tour got it device analytics we okay with that and it gives you a little bit of an overview here you've got your package center for getting all your apps and configuring some apps control panel file station and then some further help so you'll see in the bottom right hand corner you've got some stuff there around the system health and you can customize this you can drag it along you can add and remove but this really is the operating system as a whole and all the desktop icons and applications that you can see right here you can go ahead and add further things by going into the package center right here and this is really like an app store where you can go and download additional applications to make your synology nas even better remember this is not just a nas for storing files you can actually do a lot more with it you've got your little uh main menu think of this as your start menu on windows or your you know your dock down the bottom on your mac you've got access to all of your stuff right from here you've got file station within control panel you've got a few different options you've got all your shared folders you can configure your shared folders you've got file services your smb ftp tftp rsync advanced you've got your users and your groups so you'll see that it's a user that i created before as well as my admin uh my groups if i want to have groups of users within particular groups for allowing different access domain and ldap so if you want to have ad authentication and connectivity under network you've got here your the name of your synology nas as well as a default gateway you've got network interface and that is my lan port that we have set up let's just uh close these off and if i drop down you'll see that here is all the information about my particular uh network point that i've configured and it's getting that ip address over dhcp which is yes so the first thing that i would recommend is give it a static ip you can go into edit use manual configuration and assign a static ip to it something that is nice to see is the info center gives you a nice snapshot of everything that is going on includes the serial number the model name uh you know what the the the cpu the ram et cetera on your actual device under storage you'll see my four hard drives so these are one two three four hard drives which were three terabytes each and you've got the status there being initialized under services is actually quite helpful do you want to be able to enable certain services yes or no so if you want to be able to have ftp you can turn ftp on if you want sftp for secure turn it on for rsync for syncing between nazas things like that do you want to be able to have smb you know yes or no afp which is apple's file protocol nfs which is the protocol that's used also on apple but also across linux and a few different other options there and there's a whole bunch of other things that you can do right on here you can change the theme some other configurations you can set schedules uh you can update the unit you can reset it uh there is so much stuff that you can still do on this synology nas now under our little main menu here so we had control panel we've got file station you've got some other options what's important is this storage manager so we want to go and configure our groups of disks etc etc so you see that everything looks healthy everything looks fine but there are currently no volumes there are no storage pools because all we've got is four drives that are currently unused under the hard drive ssd option you see my four drives you can locate drives a little led other information around the logs and how the things are going how they're tracking whether they're healthy what the temperature is so let's go and create a volume first so there are two options here you've got quick which essentially uses a synology hybrid raid if you do want to use that or you can do custom and you can go and configure your own raid types i personally prefer the custom option so i'm going to go and select the custom option i'm going to create a new storage pool so you can do that by creating one here first we're going to create a brand new storage pool how do we want to optimize our particular storage pool so you got better performance or higher flexibility the first one really uses traditional raid so raid 1 raid 5 raid 10 etc the second option can utilize synology's hybrid rate essentially it's a synology priority technology where uh you can mix and match uh drives sizes for example so in future you want to add more drives that are different capacity you can do that without breaking your raid there are pros and cons to each of these you do slightly get better performance from a traditional raid in the single volume model so really up to you which option you want to choose for the purpose of this demo i'm going to go with better performance using traditional raid the synology hybrid is quite good and does give you a great amount of flexibility especially in future if you want to say expand your nas when you've run out of capacity but if you're comfortable with the capacity and you're more than you know considering future growth then go with better performance because you will get slightly better performance than with the hybrid raid option give your storage pool a name it's optional but i like to give it a name so i'm just going to say this is my pool 01 what's an array type we're going to stick with raid 5 which is really going to give me i've got four disks it's going to let me use three of them and there's going to be a parity bit to allow me to have redundancy so if one disk fails i don't lose all of my data and essentially i i forfeit one drive's capacity which ones do you want to be part of your raid 5 of course you want all four of them to be part of your raid 5. now remembering that once you've created this you're not really going to be able to do anything around expanding or adding another disk so this gives you the flexibility where if one disk fails you can still remove that disk and add a new disk it'll then rebuild that raid and then you don't lose any data as part of that process so all the data will be erased yep what sort of file system do you want to use so you've got the bt rfs letting you do snapshots replication uh quotas i think this stuff is awesome to be able to do the backups the snapshots replicate data between devices the xt4 is used in linux primarily as you can see and early versions of synology as well can use that we're going to be using the first option and say next do i want to give it a description this is the primary storage pool total capacity will be 8.17 terabytes some basic info summary if you're happy with that we can say apply now that configuration is now commencing so it is now building my volume it's under my storage pool you'll see a bit more information here are all of my disks and at the moment we don't actually have anything uh sitting on there all it's done is created the uh the volume the storage pool to be now allowing me to be able to copy data into there so while it's doing this in the background let's just go back into our control panel and under file services now you need to of course decide what sort of protocol is going to be used to be able to connect to your synology nas so your smb afp nfs which are the most common smb will be using the work group and this is how you'll access your nas so on windows you do backslash backslash from start run throw in the aguero synology nas which is the name of my naz or the ip address and on the mac you can do smb that so you can actually go into the finder and connect to server afp you can access it over afp on my mac as well and then nfs if i so choose to use nfs which we're going to leave off for now so if we go back into control panel and we go into shared folder so the first thing you need to do is create a shared folder that you can actually navigate to so what we want to do is we're going to say create create and now we want to give it a name so let's just call it for now test folder give it a description if you so choose and the location now we've created the volume which is great you wouldn't be able to do this unless you had a volume with a storage pool already created so you'll see that right here we're going to create a test folder within volume one which is 7.85 terabytes big you got some settings in here if you so want to change those do you want it to be encrypted leave that blank we'll leave all of this blank if you can have quotas and things like that and you can say apply now who do you want to be able to get access to this particular shared folder okay now in my case i've got my username right here so i'm going to be able to say read write against ed aguero and now that folder is now created and it's got read-write access to edi aguero okay the next thing i can then do is go into my file station so this is essentially my windows file explorer right and you'll see that right within here it's my route being aguero synology and then underneath that being test folder and that is currently empty so i can now navigate to this folder it's ready it's live but there's nothing in it so let's just go and create a folder within there some other folder okay i'm very original with my names and there you go you got that in there let's uh dump some files into here so you can upload right from here uh you can also just drag and drop so i'm just going to go i'm just going to do a drag and drop now within my nas i've got aguero nas the root bean test folder and then a folder in there called some other folder with a particular file so now that is ready to be navigated to so then if we want to navigate to our nas you'll see that i've already got it mounted right here opening up the connect to server which you can access from your finder go and then connect to server i can now navigate to my smb share so i can connect to admin or i can just connect straight into here which is the ip address which we've allocated to the synology nas i can say connect there is the folder that we've created the share is test folder and there is the file that we uploaded which is a nice picture of myself so of course on windows or on linux or even from your phone over some sort of a file browser you can access that directly via the ip address or via the host name before of your dns and everything is all set up so your nas is now really ready to go you've configured all of the basic stuff of course there's a lot more that you can configure and of course this step right here parity consistency check will take a little bit of time because it's essentially configuring a whole bunch of stuff in the background so let that do its thing but you can still operate and use that as as you so choose to so that is the basic overview hopefully that was helpful for you and you know you were able to configure set up your nas let me know in the comments if you were successful if you were not successful if you need some further help if you have any recommendations on videos that i should be recording around the synology nas let me know as well i would really appreciate it and as always remember to like that video as well if you did find it helpful even if you didn't like it anyway because it helps me and helps me hopefully record better videos in future but as always remember to subscribe clicking on that bell right there to be kept up to date with all of my videos that i release pretty regularly on a weekly basis but that's it for now thanks for watching we'll see you next time
Channel: Emilio Aguero
Views: 66,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SYNOLOGY DS920+, how to setup the synology ds920+, how to setup the synology, how to setup a synology nas with the new ds1019+, synology nas, synology plex, nas server, ds920+ nas, synology 2020, synology ds920+, synology nas drive, ds1019+ guide, nas guide, how to configure the synology ds920+, setup guide for synology ds920+, synology setup guide, synology ds920+ nas, ds920+ nas drive, synology tutorial, best synology, synology ds920+ nas drive, emilio aguero
Id: vel5N3Bk6to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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