Synology NAS Setup Guide Part I - 2021/2022 - DSM 7 - RAID - VOLUMES - SHARES - MAPPED DRIVES

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hey guys and if you are looking to set up your synology nas for the very first time this is very much the video for you i'm going to be going through how to set this device up different rate configurations storage pools storage management users the works the initialization and first time setup of your synology nas all in one video so let's get that title card started and help you set up your nas for the first time [Music] so in today's video i am going to be setting up this nas right here this is the synology ds920 plus we're going to be installing four hard drives and although i'm not going to be touching on uh install installation of ssd cache or anything to do with things like memory upgrades i am going to be talking about them through out this is the first part of a series of videos where i'm going to talk you through the ideal and perfect setup for this nas and all of its apps but it's also worth highlighting that this doesn't just apply to this device pretty much all of the steps i'm going to be going through today apply to the bulk of synology nas devices so whether you are setting up a brand new four bay like the ds920 plus or some of the budget j series devices or even some other high-end rack mount xs series most of the steps in today's video will apply now during the course of this video there's a few things you can have to make sure you've got to hand first and foremost you know you're probably not going to need a screwdriver the majority of synology nasties are designed to be screwless but some of them like the j-series and the high-end enterprise ones will require a cross-headed screwdriver on top of that you've got to make sure that you are in close proximity with the nas to either your router that can be the one supplied by your internet service provider or next to a network switch in your network environment that's on a shared network or utilizing a power line adapter that takes advantage of using the mains current and the circuit in your home or business to carry network traffic so just make sure you're setting this device up in close proximity to one of those now in today's video when we're setting this device up we are of course going to be setting up the storage inside in its multifaceted ways of shared folders and map drives and pools and volumes and although a lot of that may sound intimidating right now i've got to highlight that this will get easier as the video goes along so the first thing we need to do is unbox the device we've unbagged our drives and we've got the nas right here in front of us there's no power connected and we've got the device there on the rear of it there we've got our network connections and we've got our power connector there at the bottom and the first thing we want to do is install our hard drives now again it will differ depending on the device you're utilizing whether you need to use a screwdriver or not but in most cases you've got click and load design trays here now a lot of the decisions that you're going to make the first time when setting up your nas are ones that you're kind of going to have to live with unless you want to format the whole decisions the whole device so do make sure you take a lot of what i'm about to say in quite seriously first and foremost just because this device has four bays of storage available doesn't mean you have to fully populate it this device can run with as little as one hard drive inside when you install that hard drive you can set up everything from the system software to the overall storage on a single drive if you choose but the fact of the matter is if that drive fails as hard drives may do because nothing is perfect you lose all of your data and that is why these systems arrive with multiple bays they allow you to install more disks and create not only a large area of storage but also creates something called redundancy now redundancy is when the system has a failed safe a a safety net if you will now in this case redundancy is that data is either in the case of two disk as you're about to see here if you set a device up with just two hard drives be it a two bay nas or a larger nas like this but you don't fully populate it you can take advantage of rate configurations like raid one now what that is is when data is being read and written to those two disks simultaneously so when data is being sent to the nas it is written to both of them exact same time and when data is red it's read from them at the same time it can improve performance both in terms of read and writing but the cool thing is if one of those drives fails you now have another drive of data all your data is safe and that's the redundancy now synology have their own ray configuration known as shr synology hybrid raid and that ray configuration allows you to mix and match your drive something i'll touch on in just a moment but what about if you're using more than two disks what if you're installing a third hard drive what are your options well you can create a double parity raid in so you could create that raid one we just mentioned but with two disks of failure ultimately having the same data written to three disks simultaneously and red from three disks simultaneously you only have one hard drive's worth of space available because the other two drives worth of storage are basically safety nets but the fact still remains that it can be quite useful for users that worry about one safety net being enough but the majority of users who use three drives or more will take advantage of something called raid 5. now raid 5 is slightly different to raid 1. it still gives you one disk of drive protection one hard drive's worth of safety net but it does it in a different way so let's remove that spare empty bay there and concentrate just on these three disks with these three disks data every single wave of data to the smallest amount is written across those disks in waves but with every wave there will be data data and then in the last disk there will be a blueprint of the data that's on the other two disks when the next wave happens the process is repeated but this time the blueprint moves on to another disk and with every wave the blueprint moves uh it's recreated but this time on a new disc that each wave blueprint and the consequence is that if one of these disks breaks like that one the system can rebuild the data utilizing the available data on the other two disks and the blueprints scattered amongst it when you introduce a new disk or it can actually read all of the data using the blueprints known as parity and the data live in something known as a raid degraded state until you introduce a new hard drive and repair however that is a tentative way to run your system and if you don't replace that drive soon enough another drive might fail and when that happens you can't recover the data because you've lost too much blueprint and too much data so raid 5 can be used with three or more drives and if you install a fourth drive here you can just carry on making that raid as big as you like and in a raid five and always having one drive of failure protection now shr in this scenario is the same as raid 5 however it allows you to use bigger and smaller drives if you choose now on day one you're not going to introduce large or smaller drives chances are your system's going to have three or more drives that are exactly the same but a few years down the line when those drives are out of warranty when you start running out of space you may black friday deals prime day some little special offer or just generally that the cost of hard drives reduces you reach a situation where you can get bigger hard drives and an shr not only being very similar to a raid 5 allows you to have one disk of rape drive failure protection that safety net there but on top of that because you can mix and match those drives if you've got a 4 tb and 4 tb drive here terabytes you can start introducing larger drives in an shr and take advantage of the extra space whereas in a traditional raid 5 every single drive will be visible to the system as the smallest available drive so if you had a one terabyte drive and the rest were all 10 tb drives in a raid 5 you'd only have each drive seen as 1tb so the benefits of shr are pretty massive but what about if we need more safety nets than traditional raid 5 that is known as a raid six now a raid six provides two disks of failure protection these two disks here will allow you to um take two bullets it can take two failed drives and still recover the data in a way that raid 5 can't enterprise level business users surveillance users these kind of um data storage uh operations and environments will always take advantage of raid 6 because raid 6 although you lose two drives worth of overall available capacity that safety net is unparalleled on top of that it's worth highlighting raid six and raid five are the more demanding end of raid configurations and this can have an impact on the cpu and the memory inside when the system is in operation so if you do use those do expect your performance your read and write speeds to dip by around five to ten percent more powerful nazis and more improved file systems over the years have reduced it quite dramatically but nevertheless raid 5 and raid 6 progressively offer lower performance speeds as you go through them which can be negated with more hard drives but now we've introduced both our hard drives into this system and we now have a fully populated ds920 we can get ready to boot the device but what about ssd caching what about memory upgrades well if you want to upgrade the memory on your nas and you want to install some of that brand new official synology memory there it is recommended that you set the device up for the first time using the default setup and not to install any upgrades on the beginning of this system's utilization initialize the device set up the device then power it down and install your memory upgrade how you install the memory upgrade will differ from device to device but nevertheless if you do want to upgrade the memory i recommend that you set the device up without it power it down and then install it and that's because these systems already arrive with software um firmware installed known as the sm now currently in 2021 these systems arrive with dsm 6.2 or dsm 7 the newer glossier more secure and ultimately more impressive software platform throughout the second half of this guide you're going to see in a couple of minutes i will guide you through the process of setting this up on a software level but do bear in mind that if you have purchased the device within 2021 there's a very good chance that it's arriving with dsm 6.2 inside and during the installation process i will tell you how to upgrade to dsm-7 if you choose or proceed with dsm 6.2 also we can talk about ssd caching because a number of these systems also arrive with dedicated bays on their base or on the side or internally they'll allow you to install super fast ssds to improve the internal performance how does it do that well these drives installed inside we put into their own individual storage pools that can't be used for normal storage what they do is they align themselves with the overall storage inside and more frequently accessed files be they small or big background ones with system operation or more direct front-ended files will be copied over to the areas of super fast nvme ssd and then what happens is when one or more in connected client users are interacting with the nas if they're accessing those files that have been deemed the most important or the most frequently accessed the system will direct those requests to the super fast ssd version rather than the version of the file that lives on the larger more affordable but slower hard drive area and that's how ssd cache works again you can install these ssds early doors when you first set up the device and set up the cache later and this video will not be showing you how to set up that cache i've already made videos on that but i do recommend you look into it if you are going to be frequently accessing lots of small files if you're using virtual machines or using the system as a shared drive for lots of users in your home or business environment for backups and for general projects on the go but we've got the hard drives inside we set the device up let's connect it the first thing we want to connect is the network interface this is a network cable i've got connected to a switch off camera but once again you can connect this to your router in your home environment or to a switch or once again to a power line adapter connect it into either one in this case at least of the available network interface ports that you see there again doesn't matter which one you choose and once you've set this device up and you want to really scale up how you use it you can take advantage of something called link aggregation otherwise known as port trunking that allows you to combine those ports to improve performance overall with a supported network switch alternatively you have failover support so you can use them and if one falls over the system maintains its running or you can take advantage of load balancing where the two channels of network interface are taking it in turns to handle data requests there's lots of things you can do but for now i'm just going to install that cable there next there's the psu now it's recommended when you do this when you connect this to your wall that you switch off the power at the wall first then take your connector your mains power connector connect it into the switch in my case i've already turned it on at the wall but you shouldn't then after that we take our power cable and we connect it to the rear of the nas once that's all connected and everything's connected into the wall into their appropriate places go ahead and click the power button now before i do so bear in mind that different hard drives do make a different level of noise vibration and clicks hums and words in the case of these drives these are pro series drives wd red atb pro drives consequently the noise they make during spin up will be very different to that of a consumer class drive or a home drive the larger capacities are all quite enterprising design so do bear in mind if you are going to use hard drives inside your nas that if you are going for the bigger hard drives or you're going for more rugged high warranty and high performing hard drives that there can be some ambient noise from these systems that may annoy you if you're sensitive to noise but nevertheless let's power on the system now that light will blink the fans will spin up and the system will do some internal checks to make sure everything's running fine eventually you hear a beep when you know the system's run up and these leds on the side will light up to indicate that each drive bay has been initialized the drives will spin up and when they do you're going to start to hear click sums and words so don't worry that is the system running fine did i hear that noise again these noises are dependent on these enterprise class drives but if you are utilizing a system with more home class drives again four to six tb then you shouldn't hear any noises like that but if you do hear noises like this don't be alarmed it's loud clicks spin up stim spin down those noises are the ones you'll be concerned with and i have made videos on noises you should look out for on hard drives earlier on the channel but for now i'm gonna let this system boot up i'm gonna make my way onto my laptop and continue with this installation process of this first time setup of the synology nas in 2021 i'll see you on the screen now i've made my way onto the desktop computer we can carry on with the installation i apologize for the noise of the nas in the background i'm around about one meter away but it's better to be next to the device during the installation so while you're looking at the screen here chances are you've already seen this tool known as synology assistant this will guide you through the installation process of your brand new synology in order to get hold of it head over to the download section of synology's own website you'll see it here in the background find the nas that you're looking for by using the drop downs in my case the ds920 and from here you're able to see lots of tools scroll along to the desktop utilities tab and the device you need is known as synology assistant download that tool it's a very straightforward installation and once you've installed it it will open up this tool here now this tool here will allow you to search your local area network for the very first time and find any available synologies on the network in my case i've got two other synology nasties here one running dsm 6.2 and another running dsm 7.0 as you can see there at the bottom there is the ds 920 plus with the status of the system not installed what we need to do is double click on that nas it will ask you to sign synology's terms and agreement from there click ok and it will open in a brand new tab now what you see on screen here will differ depending on when you purchase your nas and the nas in question in my case i'm looking at the sonology ds920 plus and this ds 1920 plus has dsm-7 the latest version of sonology software on board however your system may not have the latest software revision as they are frequently installed frequently released by synology your screen you may be looking at may well look something like this and from here it will then invite you to automatically install the synology software directly from synology and onto your nas because this system is running dsm 6.2 whereas dsm 7.0 as you can see looks very very different it's far more modern and was released in the summer of 2021. now depending on what you want to use you can head back over to that download section and from here choose whether you want to install dsm 6.2 or whether you want to install dsm 7.0 now dsm 6.2 is the older software but it does have a few extras in terms of photo station and moments and a few little bits and bobs that are currently only available in dsm 6.2 however dsm-7 is the more responsive faster more modern and service that also has some extra applications that are locked only to dsm-7 think of it as as you would different versions of windows or different versions of mac os each one has advantages and the later version you go for the more modern it will be personally i recommend going for dsm 7.0 and if you are looking at dsm 6.2 the level of support synology you're going to provide to that in the years in the future is always going to be in question so when in doubt go for dsm 7.0 for your first installation you can download it directly from synology's website here otherwise the synology as long as it's connected to the internet will be able to download its own software for the very first time so if you go ahead from this window and click install it will ask you if you have the latest version of the software downloaded where you could have downloaded it from here and if you do you can go ahead and click browse and it will search your nas to find that file alternatively the system will automatically download the latest version of synology dsm software on its own or you can click that link to browse through the versions before going any further though it is worth highlighting that if you have a nas that currently has dsm 7.0 on it you cannot downgrade back to dsm 6.2 dsm 6.2 is a completely different revision of synology's dsm software and it is exceptionally difficult to downgrade a nas from dsm 7 to dsm 6.2 so just know that by choosing dsm 7 it makes it exceedingly difficult near enough impossible to downgrade without going into the back end of your system via a system known as ssh and editing it there otherwise i'm going to go ahead with the downloaded version of the dsm that i've downloaded prior to this video select it from the location that you've downloaded it from and then click next it will let you know that all the drive media that you've installed inside your synology will be wiped so if you do have data on these disks it will be completely formatted click continue and from there the system will begin the installation of disk station manager this should take around about 10 minutes once that's done and dsm has been installed the system will reboot and from there it will then ask you to start creating some of the user account information and from there we're going to be able to set up our areas of storage our shared storage and more let's fast forward now the installation of dsm has finished and the system has rebooted you'll be greeted by this screen remember all of this is being conducted via the network different versions of dsm in the future will give you different things but there are details on what dsm 7 is bringing to the table right now in 2021 obviously this will change in the future so i look forward to seeing what new enhancements can arrive on disk station manager 7. otherwise click start and from here you have to give your nas a name so i'm going to call this one the ds 920 test nas from there we have to give the administrator account a name i'm going to give it admin but i recommend changing it to something else from there i'm also going to give this system a password now do bear in mind that the password you give this system if you lose this password that's it for you it's all gone and it's recommended you keep it as complex as possible it's also worth highlighting that synology do include support of two-step verification with uh numerous otp related authenticators that include a google authenticator a bunch of apple ones but they also supply their own authenticator app known as secure sign-in available for ios and android and you can utilize that to make your nas as secure as possible then click next and the system will continue with its initialization next it will ask you how you want your updates to be installed moving forward now this will differ depending on you the end user now if you go for automatic updates what will happen is every time a new security update or system software update arrives from synology the nas will automatically download it and install it otherwise you can go ahead and have it only apply to the overall system or just the package updates which are the individual apps or you can just have the system tell you when a new update arrives and then you can choose whether you want to install them personally i recommend making sure that you've got the latest version of dsm on the updated apps and packages because your network attached storage device even if you have the best possible security you can imagine you never know if there's a hole left in your firewall or when you go for remote accessing your nas via the internet rather than the network whether something can make its way through remember even the best network attached storage device maker can only ever be one step ahead of the hackers and as a firmware update arrives it can also often be the case that a bunch of nefarious hackers will concentrate a lot of time and energy to break the um security system so therefore an update may be necessitated so make sure you've got the latest updates to stay as far ahead as you can be from there click next and on the next step the system will ask you if you want to create a network account now if you create a synology account this allows you to do several things one you can access your nas from anywhere in the world not just access the nas via the local area network from within your home or office it will also allow you to synchronize third party tools such as active insight that allow you to monitor the health of your device remotely and pass through alerts and on top of that you can go ahead with that two-step verification tool mentioned earlier but it's worth highlighting you don't have to connect your nas to the internet and you can just go ahead and have the nas only accessible from the devices in your home known as the network if you don't want to go ahead and create an account click skip but you can always create one it's incredibly easy process and doesn't cost anything extra on top of what you've already purchased with your nas otherwise i'm going to click skip for now and it will try to ask you to reconsider but you can come back to this screen later on anyway from there the device will ask if you're okay to share analytics on your system with synology to help improve their systems long term i'll let you decide on that i'm going to click ok but again the choice is yours and there you have it we are now on the user interface of our synology nas this is where it happens this is your desktop that you access for the web browser although there are numerous applications that you can use to set up your nas for the first time and access it on a daily basis if you want to go ahead and enable two-step verification head up here to the icon and from here click personal and from here you can go ahead and create that two-step verification here either utilizing synology's own application or your own pre-existing otp supported app you can even change passwords from here attach email addresses create storage quotas and more now on top of that it's worth highlighting that you can create multiple users as it's never recommended to use the admin account to use your nas on a daily basis in order to create new users go ahead and either click the button here at the top they'll allow you to go into the control panel or you can go ahead and click control panel on the desktop by default from here click user and group and from here you can see that the admin background default user is there there's a guest account and there's the admin user there if we want to create a brand new user we can either create a group of users if you have employees or family members and you want to make sure they've got the same rules or create individual users so go ahead and click create if you want to create a brand new user give them a name in my case i'm going to go with alan then give a password you can go for a random generated password or create one for yourself and this user sorry about the sound of seagulls i work by the seaside and then you can create an email address if you choose so they get notifications or leave everything as default from there you can go ahead and say what they have access to if you have groups already created and then if you have individual shared folders already created you can grant access here don't worry i'll show you how to create that later on same goes for usage quota of storage and if there's individual apps on the nas you could say which of the applications this new user can access i'm going to give them access to just file station and nothing else then you can say what their speed limit or storage limits are going to be and that's it we've now created our brand new user and this individual user has their own user name and their own password created let's talk about storage now the first time you set up your nas you may have put all those hard drives in but you can't actually interact with the storage yet in order to interact with the storage you have to create a storage pool and a storage volume so first thing we're going to create is our storage pool you can either create the default pop-up here or you can go into the top menu and select the storage manager option for now i'm going to click create now this will guide you through the creation of your storage pool now for those aren't aware once again a storage pool is all of the drives inside your system or as many drivers as you wish to choose all in one large container of storage and that's where raid comes in where there is that predict the drive failure recovery in different raid areas configurations volumes are individual containers that live within the storage pool some users may create multiple volumes and these multiple volumes one can be for media one can be for backups one for surveillance and more it's important to understand that a storage pool is the house the volumes are the rooms within that house you can have as many as you can fit within the storage pool click start to begin the process of creating your storage pool next you're going to need to select which raid configuration you choose to use i've already touched on this but it's worth talking about it a little bit more some ray configurations give you no protection such as raid 0 or jbod raid 0 combines all of the hard drives inside your system into one giant storage pool unfortunately no data recovery is possible if a drive dies if one of your drives fails all your data is gone so you have all the storage but also all of the risk jbod or basic are loose drives within the system i.e that you create individual drives all with their own storage but once again if that drive fails you lose the data all of the other raid configurations ranging from shr and shr2 to raid 1 5 6 and 10 all provide different degrees of recovery shr and raid 1 and raid 5 all provide a single disk of raid failure protection that is to say if one disk dies you can still access your data and install a new drive to recover the difference being shr is a fluid rate system raid one is a two drive and two hard drive rate system and raid five can utilize three or more hard drives alternatively you can use raid two or raid 6. these are two disc raid drive failure protection configurations and these allow two discs to die and you can reinstall them and they'll survive shr2 is much like it's more fluid shr but it has the two-disc failure likewise raid 6 doesn't have the fluidity of shr but it does have two disks of failure finally there's raid 10 raid 10 ultimately halves all of your storage it pairs drives together in twos and creates a raid environment where there's multiple disks of raid failure it's not as foolproof as you think and you do lose 50 percent of your overall storage but it does provide significantly higher performance than other ray configurations like raid five or raid six for this configuration i'm going to go ahead and use a raid 5. raid 5 is the most commonly used raid configuration on four bays and higher and provides one disk of drive failure also known as fault tolerance do bear in mind after this you can create a storage pool and you can go ahead and create the storage pool uh immediately or create multiple as we go along i'm going to create one giant storage pool and i'm going to name this one my raid 5 ds 920 pool click next and select which drives or all of them you want to use as mentioned you can go ahead and use less than all the drives if you choose i'm going to use all of these drives in my raid actually no i'm going to use three drives in this raid configuration to show you some of the things you can do with this last drive you can use another drive as a full-back drive for raid recovery as a hot swap drive to automatically trigger or you can utilize it in other ways so for now i'm only going to use three disks but you can use all the drives and add all the storage if you choose from here it will ask you if you want to create a volume of course you will have to if you are choosing to utilize your system for apps and more because a volume is the rooms within the house you can either use the total available storage which means you'll create one giant volume that will occupy all of the space or you can create multiple volumes if you choose in order to show this in its best qualities i'm going to go ahead and create one smaller volume i'm going to create one volume that utilizes 3000 gigabytes of space approximately shy of three terabytes we can name it as well we're going to call this 3tb vol share as a volume so that's a 3 tb volume on this larger system from there we're going to go ahead and click next and from there we can choose a file system now ext4 is the oldest file system out there but it's worth highlighting that most modern synologies arrive with bt rfs btrfs supports faster shared folder recreation it has faster snapshot creation in the background with lesser resource utilization and finally data integrity on data as it passes through the system taking advantage of an extra checksum procedure so i recommend btrfs likewise a number of other synology software only utilizes btrfs volumes and uh storage pools and if you try to utilize um ext4 some apps like synology virtual machine manager will not function click next and from there go ahead and confirm your settings moving forward this will create your brand new storage pool and your new storage volume the amount of time this will take is heavily dependent on one the system you are utilizing in its cpu and memory as well as the size of the drive you're utilizing early doors the system will tell you that your storage pool and volume are able to be used but they're still going to need to synchronize in the background this can hamper performance until synchronization is complete and the system has fully built the raid configuration as you can see optimization is happening there in the background there is our storage pool and there is our storage volume once again we can create a new storage volume by heading up here clicking volume and from there saying we want it to live on that raid pool we've created and then we can create a new one with the remaining space because as you can see i've used up three thousand gigabytes and they're still 11 800 remaining so you can create a new one if you choose there if you choose you can go ahead and create an area of ssd cache as mentioned at the top of the video or create a new storage pool if you choose but what about that drive i left over there was a single drive that i didn't attach to our storage pool there what can we do with it if we go into the hdd ssd area we can see that that drive there has not been initialized what we can do is click that drive click manage available drives and from there we can choose what we want to do we can utilize it as an area of ssd cache if it was an ssd we can create a brand new storage pool within our system or we can assign this drive as a hot spare which is when the system takes advantage of a loose drive in the system to automatically replace a drive that may have failed in the existing raid array so let's go ahead and do that let's assign this disk as a hot spare we click start we'll say that we want this hot spare to support the storage pool we've created and that we're going to utilize that drive we then click apply and the system is now going to initialize our spare drive as a hot spare and in the event of our hardware our raid 5 failing because one disk drive dies the system will automatically introduce our hot spare living there in the wings now how and when the system does that you can configure it by going into settings here and you can change a number of key settings within the background of your nas system that choose how and when the system will take advantage of hot spares and when other systems take their toll so we're going to let that raid run faster here by using the global settings and from here it will now speed up the raid process but once again our area of storage is now ready to use the system is merely improving it and optimizing in the background that can take anywhere from 4 to 12 to 24 hours depending on the storage types you use as you can see next we can look at file management next we can go into file station here and from file station we can see that our ds 920 test nas is ready but in order to interact with the nas outside of applications in more general use and outside of the nas we need to create a shared folder this is a folder that is accessible by the network or the internet depending if you set up your remote settings as well as allowing you to access your nas locally on your system your pc or mac you can see here network drives can be added here on your my computer page something i'll show you in just a moment but for now let's go ahead and create our new shared folder click ok and from here we can go ahead and start the basis of creating our shared folder so in my case we're going to call this share raid 5 3tb volume from there we can say if we wanted to have a recycle bin and where it lives on the system i'm going to disable the recycle bin for this but i recommend you utilize that for recovery then click next if you want it to be encrypted which means that this data outside of the system is useless you can do it there but bear in mind that encryption will lower read write performance the tiniest bit and the system will also download to your local computer the encryption key and if you lose that key and your system fails or you've tried to access the data outside of the nas it will fail next you can go ahead and enable data integrity checks thanks to btrfs and stuff in the background as well as shared folder quotas that stop the shared folder spiraling out of control and size long term after that confirm your settings and your new shared folder will be created applications that you install in your nas will often create a new shared folder within your system and these shared folders will gather over time so in this case as you see here now we've created our shared folder we can choose who can have access so i'm going to allow myself and the local admin account to have access but the account we created earlier known as allen we're going to give them read only access and that means that they can see the contents of the files but they can't change them in any way whereas the guest account i'm going to give them no access from here click apply and now our shared folder is done and that shared folder now resides in the file station manager now say we want to add this folder to our local computer in this way we want to map a shared drive there are lots of ways in which you can access the content of your nas without using the web browser most popular ways of doing it are utilizing things like the synology san manager which allows you to create something known as an iscsi target something i'll talk about in a future video and i've also made videos about it online otherwise you can take advantage of synology's own very useful client application tool known as synology drive a tool that allows you to create a single portal access point on your nas and this means that this folder on your local pc will be synchronized with the nas and therefore you can interact with the nas using your local software rather than the web browser as well as file pinning and file streaming there's lots of advantages to that software but one of the easiest and quickest ways to connect your nas to your local machine in a native way such as a windows or using mac finder is to use a mapped network drive once you've created that shared folder because this is what we're going to share head back into the synology assistant we use at the start of the video find the nas on the local area network as you can see here right click it and go to mac drive from here enter the login credentials for your nas click next it will connect with the nas and it will find the shared folders such as the one i've just created select it and then click next from here you need to select a drive letter that you're going to assign on your local computer so for my case let's go with the letter s for synology never felt more sesame street click s and then click next before you do that though if you want to maintain a constant connection with this drive even when you power up the pc you're using up and down select here after next you can choose to open the map network drive and then click finish now on my local computer i have a direct access here to the synology nas and that shared folder so for example if i go ahead and find an arbitrary picture let's find something in my pictures gallery here let's go ahead and select the super important photo of cheese that i've used in my backup videos click copy then head back into that shared folder on the local pc open it there let's paste it in and remember all of this is being conducted on my local pc if we head into the nas go into that shared folder refresh the tab go in and there is our photo we can change the view have it for large icons and there is the picture of the g's there on the nas it's that straightforward and now i can interact with an as user my local pc using the map network drive rather than accessing it here via the web browser but it is surely worth recommending that there are lots of applications ready and available for your synology nas that you can utilize to make the most of your synology nas system i'm going to leave it there and in our next video we're going to start looking at different services and different apps and multimedia and more i'm going to show you guys exactly how to set up your brand new nas with dsm 7 to the best of its ability and do bear in mind that everything we talk about in these videos features dsm 7. we've already done guides on dsm 6.2 back in 2020 and those videos are currently available online and i recommend them but otherwise thank you so much for watching if you have found this video helpful do let me know in the comments but click like if you have enjoyed the video subscribe to learn more and do do do take advantage of the free advice section over on nas compares it is a genuinely completely free service that me and eddie the web guy provide to answer your data storage inquiries it may take us an extra day or two um to answer your query because we are humans with lives and jobs and families but we answer every single email thank you so much for watching hope you enjoyed the video and i'll see you in the next part of our synology guide on dsm 7 in 2021
Channel: NASCompares
Views: 63,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NAS Guide, Synology Setup Guide, Synology beginners guide, Synology Best RAID, SHR vs RAID, Synology DSM 7 Setup Guide, Synology NAS Tutorial, Synology Idiots Guide, Synology NAS Drive, Synology NAS 2021, Synology NAS 2022, Synology 2021, Synology 2022, Synology NAS Setup, Synology NAS SETUP GUIDE, Synology NAS help, NAS Setup Guide, NAS Idiots Guide, Synology NAS Idiots Guide, NAS Setup tutorial, find synology, DS920+ Setup, DS220+ Setup, DS1821+ Setup, DS220j Setup
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 57sec (2757 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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