How to Setup a Synology NAS for the First Time | 4K TUTORIAL

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all right what's up guys today we're going to be talking about how to set up a synology nas for the very first time synology has made this really easy basically your first steps are to get some nas drives and put them in the nas a nas drive is a hard drive specifically designed to be on 24 7 with a bunch of hard drives next to it so if you think of a regular hard drive it is the only hard drive in your computer generally and so that means you don't have to worry about cross vibrations but within nas you end up getting a bunch of drives all next to each other all vibrating at a very similar frequency this means that you can end up getting crossover frequencies and end up getting much worse vibration than a regular hard drive setup so because of this and the fact that nas drives are on 24 7 it is highly recommend that you splurge and you get a nas drive otherwise your drives are going to be a lot more likely to die than they would be if they were proper nas drives and so the nas drives i use are actually these seagate iron wolves and i'll leave a link to them in the description they're really solid price point and i've just never had any issues with them so the biggest competitor is western digital with their nas line however i would be slightly wary of it because they have actually put in smr drives so i'm not going to go into a lot of detail on what an smr drive is but essentially because the way they're manufactured to save money they have very poor right performance if you're writing a lot of data to the drive and with a nas drive this can get really bad especially on raid rebuilds so i would not recommend looking at any smr drives if you're going to be putting them in a nas for an external hard drive that you're just dumping data to it's really not going to be that big of a deal but for nas you don't want to have to deal with smr drives instead get cmr drives and there's a ton of links on the internet about which of those drives to get personally i just get the seagate ironwolf drives and they have not had any problem for me another really nice thing is they've got much lower power consumption and they're a lot quieter than regular hard drives and when you've got five or six of them in array together that really starts to matter so with your nas you're going to get these caddies i've actually already got a drive in them but they're really easy they've just got these clips on the sides that you use to put the drive in and then clip it in and then from there it just slides right back in and push to lock and it's just that simple so all right and so once you put your hard drives in just go ahead and plug your network cable in and your power cable in and honestly all you got to do is press the power button so once you press the power button give it a minute to boot up and then we're going to go into your internet browser all right so once you've powered up your nas you're gonna hear a beep after a minute or two after that go to and just go to that in your web browser it'll go ahead and open up this great web app that searches your entire network for synologies and so you should see the new synology on this and all you have to do is click connect accept and it's got this super simple setup menu all from your web browser i would recommend just installing the latest and greatest dsm so just click install now and so it's just going to remind you here that any data on the hard drives that you plugged in is going to be formatted and lost so don't try to plug in the hard drive you've been using for data and try to get the data on the synology like that any drives that you put in here are going to be formatted and so now is just installing synology dsm one thing to note if you've never used these hard drives before if they're new drives it's actually not a bad idea to put these drives through a stress test if you're not super computer savvy it's really not that necessary but basically what you do is you hook up your hard drive directly to the computer and what you do is you just write a ton of data to it overnight and because hard drives generally fail in the very beginning of their lives or will last for years it will probably catch any dead on arrival drives that might be working for the first few minutes before failing that's just one thing that a lot of people recommend doing if you're not super computer savvy it's really not that critical because drives do generally still have a very low failure rate for dead on arrival drives but it's just something i thought i would mention all right and so after some rebooting we are now brought to the dsm screen and we're going to be creating an account another thing to note if you look up here you're going to see the ip address of your synology nas that's what it is right now so that means we're actually on the synologies page so here you get to name it your server name basically this is going to be the host name and it cannot have any spaces then set up your username and your password and especially if you are planning on at one point opening the this up to the internet so you can access it remotely make sure to have a very secure password on there i'm actually planning on making a security tutorial soon dsm makes it really easy to get to your nas from outside of your network but it does have some security vulnerabilities so make sure to have a very strong password if you plan to do that all right and so here is where you can set up synology quick connect so i'm just going to use my already signed up quick connect account and so what we'll do is it will actually create a quick connect address for you that will allow you to connect to this nas from anywhere in the world very easily it actually doesn't even require port forwarding synology takes care of all of that just for you so now anytime you type this address into your bar it will take you to your nas and just hit go all right so once you go through all the hey these are the tutorial screens you get to what's called the dsm web page basically this is the operating system on your synology nas you can access it from anywhere in your network and it makes it very easy to set up your nas this is what really sets synology apart from all the other nas options because it's just got such an intuitive and easy to use web interface so there are a couple of things that we're going to want to do in control panel first so first off just go into advanced mode it's a lot easier and we're going to choose quick connect so right now it automatically has enabled quick connect if you're not planning on needing to access your nas from outside of your network just disable that right now because it's opening up your nas to unnecessary security things and so let's go back to the home and so another thing we're going to want to do is go into hardware and power and this is what gives you some pretty basic options it actually allows you to set how loud your fans are so if i can set up really loud and you'll hear it or you can set it to cool really i've found that quiet mode is completely fine i've never really had too many heat issues but i also do use nas drives if you are using off-the-shelf drives make sure to have it at least cool mode because those do produce a lot of extra heat and this is where you can set up what beeps do and things like that and finally we're going to go into user and you want to make sure that the admin account has been disabled because the admin account leads to security vulnerability because if you don't change this login information for it and you have it enabled somebody could use those credentials to log in so i would just recommend always having it disabled all right and so that's it so now we're going to close out of control panel and now we're going to set up our hard drives so to set up our hard drives go into this button which is basically an app drop down menu and we're going to go into storage manager and so storage manager is used to show you all the statuses of your drives so if you go into hdd sdd your hard drives and your ssds you're going to see the drives you've plugged in so i just threw in a couple of old drives i had for this tutorial and you can see their health info and basically the power on hours everything like that you're also going to want to make sure to set up smart tests and actually right off the bat synology starts you out by running smart tests every month for you basically smart test checks over your disks and make sure that they're not about to fail and so they're good to enable i like to do mine weekly but monthly is fine too all right so now let's actually go through and create our first storage pool so go into storage pool and click create so once you click that you're going to be given this menu and it unfortunately is not super clear about which of the two choices you're choosing between so better performance leads to a standard rate which does have some better performance but it's really not that significant higher flexibility uses synology hybrid rate or shr so it depends on which of those two you're using if you're not planning on having redundant hard drives just choose better performance but if you are i would recommend choosing higher flexibility and it's a lot easier to go through with so we're going to be selecting higher flexibility but i'll just go ahead and show you what the options are for the regular raid so this is where you get to choose which raid type you would like to do you can do raid 1 basic jbob or raid 0. i only have 2 drives in so these are the only possibilities so i would highly recommend having at least one drive of fault tolerance in your nas because hard drives can fail all the time due to mechanical failure so if you choose raid 1 you will have that basic is not red at all it is just the normal hard drive that you think of you basically just plug it into your computer it's a single volume jbod stands for just a bunch of disks and so it's basically just a big one single volume that is just continuous on different disks so once the first disk fills up it'll start writing to the second disk and then raid 0 is very similar to it data is going to be written to both disks at the same time meaning you get better read and write performance out of it but i would highly recommend just going back and choosing higher flexibility and setting up shr and so with shr you get two choices shr1 or shr2 and since this only has two drives in it i don't have the option for shr2 i've only got the option for shr so one thing to note if you do choose synology hybrid raid you will basically lose one disk of storage to your nas basically take the largest disk in your group and that amount of storage is what you'll subtract from the total amount of hard drive space you've got on your drives and so for a two drive array you're going to be losing half your storage but it means that an entire drive can fail and you will still have access to all of your data i'll let you do your own research on which these to do but if you want to make sure your data is secure i would do shr it's just a lot easier and so we're going to select shr and click next and so also you're really going to want to perform the drive chuck because it's basically going to go through and read data across the entire drive even though there's not data on there if it starts finding areas of the drive that have bad parts of it it will write a map of those and make sure not to try to write data to them and so it becomes less likely that you will get data corruption so i would highly recommend setting up that and just hit apply and so you can see right here that the drives are being verified in the background you can still use your synology you'll just get slower performance out of it one thing to note here what i've put in here is a three terabyte drive and a five terabyte drive but if you look it's only got 2.7 terabytes and 4.5 terabytes this is because synology takes 10 off the top of every drive this alleviates the case where you completely fill up a drive and crash it so it's a good thing but if you're wondering what happened to your storage that is what happened and so now we've got a storage pool so basically we have bricks of storage but now we need to create a volume so we're going to go in the volume tab we're going to go and just click create and so just go into the next choose existing and choose the storage pool we just set up you've probably just got one click next and so now you can choose between btrfs and the xd4 i've got a video comparing these two i would highly recommend choosing btrfs and so now we're just creating the volume alright and so now we finally created that volume so this means we're finally going to be able to start creating files and storing files on our synology so now we can exit out of this and go into control panel and then from within control panel go to shared folder and we're going to create a new one so this is going to be your shared folder this is where you're actually going to be putting storage and you can put multiple of these in there and you can also set up permissions for these differently and so say you want a work folder so you have all of your co-workers access to that folder and then you've got a personal folder where you give access to you and your family members maybe and so just give it a name and then i would highly recommend having a recycling bin because otherwise if you delete it it's gone here you can choose whether or not to encrypt it i've got a video on that that i'll also be putting the description it's really up to you and how critical you think this data is to you you're definitely going to want to select enable checksum because that allows btrfs to check the health of the data on there so you're not as likely to get flipped bits and corrupted data and just hit apply and so here's where you can choose who's got access to it and make sure to give your user and anybody else you'd like to get access to it access to it and just click ok alright and so now we've got our first drive that's great the next thing we need to do is be able to access it from our computer i'm just going to show you how to set up smb really quickly and so that is the recommended protocol so just go into file services and smb has already been enabled i would make sure to also disable afp unless you're going to be using it and in fs and just hit apply so now let's go about being able to access it on our computer so i'm on a mac so i'm going to go into finder what i'm going to do is click command k and it's going to pull up this connect to server i'm going to type smb colon slash the name which is todd first time it's going to give you a confirmation screen because it's the first time you've connected to it and then just like that it's mounted you may be asked for your password mine's actually already saved in here from when i was making sure i could get this done earlier and now you can just use it like any other drive on your computer just copy files to it and just like that they are now on the server we can go back here and go into file station and we can see that that folder i just copied over is now on the drive and so it's super easy to use and so now let's say we close out of it how are we going to get back to dsm well by far the easiest way is going to be to just type todd.local this way we don't have to remember our ip address or anything like that we can just use that this is because i named the server todd and so its hostname is todd that basically means that my network knows that anytime i say todd.local that i am looking for the ip address of todd on the server right and so realistically that's it now you've got your synology nas up and running and i've got a bunch of other tutorials that you can check through for any other thing you'd like to do on your synology go ahead and put any other tutorials you'd like to see me make in the comments below and have a good one bye you
Channel: SpaceRex
Views: 90,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Setup Synology NAS
Id: 72gKksBe16c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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