I LAUNCHED A Penguin 1,000,000 Miles Into SPACE in Learn To Fly 3

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oh hey everybody i'm blitz welcome back to a game called learn to fly three now you guys told me something interesting in the last comments for the last videos if i hit this redeem code thing check it out and your reward code here to unlock bonus content unfortunately this game doesn't really exist anymore so we're probably just gonna have to find online how to you know do certain things like this and then we'll just paste it in and hey look i got more sardines and i got more bonus points and a bunch more bonus points and even more bonus points and some weird gliders from learn to fly too and a cruise missile because that's always fun and even uh being a supporter from the kickstarter campaign that i totally wasn't a part of haha but now with all those extra bonus points i can unlock extra things in here like even more money and boost my income that's always fun and this is kind of nice for each passing day we get a free bonus point so i'm gonna kind of max oh it's kind of expensive you know what i just want more money more money is always good money multiplier yes please and interest on my leftover money that's always fun and i might as well just put in like one point into every one because it's super cheap and then all boosting is good hey i did it i grabbed all of those what is this use it to replay cut scenes in full low definition glory no thanks i don't care about that but what i do care about is buying a booster pack i i kind of want to and what i really want is oh i really want the mecha madness one because i want the remote control helicopter pack which i didn't get but i got a catapult so that's always good oh more bonus points so i'm just gonna keep buying this one until i get it or maybe omega points too because that could be fun oh yeah rc copter i got it oh there's also the dubstep drive that could be cool ryze is a bass drops so let's begin our little adventure we're gonna have some fun today because we're gonna be blasting up to the story mode of 1 million yeah we're going to go we're going to hit 100 1 100 000 100 000 no a thousand thousands yeah we're gonna go a thousand thousand feet now we do have a few things to begin with i don't like that we have the glider i also have the hedgehog suit which is kind of cool and i did unlock the volcano so we could try that also there's a hero costume which looks kind of fun but stages remote control helicopter launcher obviously the coil boosters we're gonna keep it empty because they don't have any money right now and day number one look at me i have a helicopter on my head and i'm just flying in the air it's kind of weak sauce but hey you know what it does the trick it works pretty good 3500 on day number one is no problem i like that and i got 90 so that's even better use my money to upgrade my springy boy and day number two brought me to a new altitude record so i'll upgrade the helicopter as much as i can and look at that bad by go can i make it to six thousand i better be able to oh i easy made it to seven possibly to eight thousand on day number three how amazing is that oh dirty a better altitude reached so let's get some auxiliary rockets going on and how about the glider the new glider sounds good we'll upgrade that a little bit and go full-on bouncy mode look we have a helicopter glider that's actually i don't know oh i almost hit a kite in the air beautiful beautiful and up uh-huh i like how that works we're just gonna keep boosting it oh there's i totally hit the kite that was uncalled for kind of want to stay in the air a little bit longer but i did get to 14 000 feet oh yeah oh yeah lots more money oh boy can i buy another rc helicopter now oh i can what happens if i sell my coil and get a cannon i don't know i can have a blast though this is interesting i can keep upgrading past the max level sounds kind of fun but maybe a little bit broken so let's see how this works oh balls that is not the right nope get up there oh that actually worked pretty good look at that helicopter though that's pretty exciting oh stay away from the paper airplanes uh-huh boosting mode boosting mode there we go ten thousand we're just gonna kind of keep our speed going passing twenty thousand with a cute little helicopter boy look at him go ah hey look fellow flying bird i'm a penguin i made 960 dollars today that's amazing now let's upgrade our glider to seven so i can get another one of these and buy you more helicopters and i want to sell my rocket to get propellers and then we're going to boost these propellers up just a little bit yeah like that i like what's going to happen we got some serious growth happening almost every day is like 40 higher let's see what this does no no no keep it up right look at our helicopter boy that's pretty amazing not gonna lie i'm kind of excited how this is working out nope look at fellow airplane huh we just passed 30 000 feet on like dave seven or something crazy and i still got plenty of juice can i hit 40k oh boy all right the helicopters come on 40 yes yes and now i can fly why is this still making helicopter noises when we don't have a helicopter oh hot dang went from 960 bucks to 2 000 bucks let's level up our cannon just a little and might as well get our glider a little bit higher too that looks good now i get more boosters and i'm going to use that to buy even more propellers so i have a feeling that this is going to look absolutely hideous when it comes out oh look at all those propellers i'm like a drone and i love it that is so much thrust there's our previous record of 40k being absolutely destroyed 50k 55 oh i can't quite make 60. but that glider did the trick and so did doge cloud why is there a doge cloud doesn't even make sense oh 2 600 oh yes all right so our stages are cool and all but what happens if i get rockets instead because i mean who doesn't like rockets look at that growth uh-huh forty thousand fifty seven thousand and now hopefully we hit something close to i don't know maybe a hundred because i've got rockets now oh dirty my third rocket stage is going off i haven't even used the helicopters and i'm passing last time's record sixty thousand sixty six thousand helicopters going there's seventy oh this is going good until i hit help airplane 85 come on come on little helicopter boy you can do it oh 93 that's amazing 94 almost but i'm feeling like we might need something else here like a nuclear reactor to blow us up in his face how about just explosives i feel like those have extremely good stuff um alien bait alien bait's weird power max lift oh kind of want to blast up with the nuke there's also the orbital cannon and big bertha i don't even know what that means but it sounds fun so i'm gonna do it i'm gonna buy big bertha oh oh oh okay reactor's at a hundred percent blast-off whoa okay that was a free 33 000 feet up in the air and check it out we are passing 100 000. starting to feel like this glider body might not be the best thing though i feel like i need to upgrade to the space shuttle but not too excited about that because it's really heavy we'll just get the jet and then upgrade the schnozzleberries out of it it still didn't work poop nuggets i guess we'll see how big bertha wants to launch us up into space come on blast off come on oh that's so exciting maybe my helicopters are leaving me behind because that didn't work out as good as i had hoped it too i want to try upgrading this again hopefully i get four stages and boosts i didn't shoot so we should just bite the bullet and get a space shuttle yes okay give me another boost i need another boost i want another i don't have any more money brig bertha upgrade that was bad that was probably not a great idea but a space shuttle with helicopter blades on it sounds fun and this is basically what we do to launch real space shuttles just strap on lots of explosives onto the back of it and hopefully it flies up in space also that's why they retired the space shuttle program and this boy is a chunky boy too it does not want to fly at all so i'm gonna go back to the glider because that's a lot better than that space shuttle at early levels and we're gonna switch these boys out to those sonic boosty boys and it might work oh my word those are expensive that's perfect launch oh yes yes yes look at that speed go oh it pays to be lightweight sometimes yes that was amazing okay so that only hit 145 000 which is like one tenth of what we need so i'll keep leveling up my sonic boosting boys and we hit 135 without even turning on our helicopters 160 i'll take it so after a few more very very very successful adventures our sonic boosts are leveled up and i'm kind of feeling like these propellers might not be helping us the best so i'm gonna go for the repellers instead of the propellers and i'm gonna level these guys up evenly so i didn't hit any sort of garbage on the way up to atmosphere or wherever we're going yeah see see now it makes it so i don't hit all the crap and it makes the run so much faster now that i've maxed out my repellers i'm gonna start going more on big bertha takes approximately 10 seconds so we get launched up about 300 000 feet up into the air yes look at that 200 000 i'm going pretty much straight right through all of the wind and 303 000. that was amazing and then we popped more points into big bertha and watch our little penguin self get blasted into the oblivion oh it's beautiful 340 000 feet in 10 seconds yikes hey i did something i got an achievement i don't even know what it did but more big bertha more big bertha should i sell big bertha and buy something even bigger no that's pretty much the biggest thing ever i should sell my glider and get something better than the glider but i don't know what to use like a volcano what does that even mean see what my problem is i really want both of these on the bottom side so i'll just use the biggest bertha that's plus elite skills reactors at 100 lift off and i've got the glider again obviously nearly 400 000 feet just on a little paper glider and if i do this a couple times i'll have a hundred thousand money hey i did something else cool i don't even know what that was but i got two thousand seven hundred dollars for doing nothing and now i have a hundred thousand money that will let me get out of the way achievement box okay uh escape pod i really just want something that can get four boosters can the hero costume that'd be kind of hilarious no it can't but i mean i can go super saiyan can i level up the jet to give me four on both sides i think i already did that and it didn't work but it did work max plus 10. oh boy more sonic boosts and i might as well put the bell nozzle on here too right i have no idea what's gonna happen.com but it's i'm gonna fly super high in space.com okay i'm flying super high in space and it's amazing that's great i need more boosts i need more oh this can go higher too oh boy max level bertha i like it i like it using the boost nozzle it's working well oh come on 500k not quite there but i did make 38 000 so i'm gonna put all of that into more big bertha i'm going super fast i can't even see my spaceship anymore i might be able to hit a million if i boost up those other boosters boosty boys going allboostify.com did you like my jingle i just made it up and activate yes okay wow that first oh my word that first tier did so much thrust that's six hundred thousand now and i haven't even done anything yet perfect now i can upgrade it even more oh my i could use the cheaty boys you know like extra card things because that could be kind of fun but blast off time okay we're six seconds in and i'm over six hundred thousand but i hit an airplane that's really annoying i could have gone higher 640 that's pretty good okay we have three maxed out sonic boosters and this could be bad i really just want to do speed of fire i really want to but those are expensive and i want to use those for speed runs got mom blast off yes okay we're passing 600 000 easily oh i turned upside down 640 okay maybe make it up to 670 or so or 661 okay all of my sonic boosters are maxed out oh those are some really nasty hits oh that's terrible that run could have been so much better what happens if i if i do a little bit of this you know just make it so i can upgrade everything even more sounds kind of fun oh yes oh this is exactly what i like to see oh increase the boosty boost uh oh oh it's gonna hurt so bad imagine that g-force i feel like this other ruster is doing nothing that bell nozzle because i just made it to 720 hundred and forty three thousand hey i got more of those things which is good okay give me 20. 20. it's so expensive i'm on bertha come on give me that leap status and nice that was good that was also good 400 000 and the second one just went off 600 000 there's 700 very good oh i got hit by a blimp why is there a blimp up at 700 000 feet okay i hate to say this but i've got a dumb idea i know i know it's never happened before i'm gonna sell my jet and i'm gonna buy a bullet then i'm gonna upgrade my bullet all the way to like super levels yes yes plus 20. that's actually kind of exciting can i make it i can go farther okay that's kind of nice right there now my bullet is super lightweight it's got four stages and a couple repellers on there this would be nice now i'm literally a bullet being launched out of a cannon into space this is what jules verne thought like space program would be right oh that's amazing oh no no no no no and i've got one more yet oh that's so cool oh can i do it i'm gonna i'm gonna totally make that into space super bullet i just need to upgrade these even more oh should i upgrade i kind of want to upgrade this because it's fun come on bertha give me the space juice right now oh i love it oh no oh no it's get a snack i'm not going for i'm not going i'm just teleporting increase boost i want like everything to be plus 20. i literally cannot control this thing i cannot control what's happening right now but i'm shooting straight down into the earth i'm going to sell both of these because i'm not using them and making a bullet go super high it's kind of kind of exciting now if this is a good run and i don't hit all sorts of space junk i should make it out of the million that we're going for come on come on come on oh no i hit space junk oh i was in the right direction no no no no that's the wrong way i literally cannot turn it it's going so fast so i'm just gonna keep boosting up those repellers now because my biggest problem is smacking square into space units so hopefully those things keep me from smacking heart nope they still i still smack stupidly hard turn buddy turn turn that didn't quite turn right why does there have to be so many very large things up in space to smack into oh balls i did it oh that was cool do you see how fast whoa i am like leaving orbit super quickly cuz i just rocketed into space look at little earth oh it's so tiny whoa super penguin oh oh i'm going straight for the moon i can't even do that in kerbal accidentally [Music] nice i landed on the moon i smacked square into the moon hey story mode three i didn't break the moon though we need to do that sometime and i'd like to thank everyone who signed up on patreon including ben ellen hagan dickie james apollo bunny auto dave eagle arc whippet good seraphin x des bogger maxer zarnov legacy jason mcfarland deegan paul longstone and route and everyone who has clicked that join button down below to become a youtube channel member
Channel: Blitz
Views: 355,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, Blitz plays, Bliz, Blits, Biltz, learn to fly, penguin, learn to fly penguin, learn to fly penguin game, learn 2 fly funny, Blitz plays learn to fly, Blitz plays learn 2 fly, learn to fly funny, learn to fly flash game, flash game, biltz, learn to fly 3, learn to fly 3 blitz, learn to fly 3 funny, learn 2 fly 3 download, learn to fly 3 download, learn to fly 3 free, learn to fly 3 full game, blitz learn to fly, blitz plays, blits, learn to fly space, learn to fly 3 space
Id: fqQnegzOuls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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