Smelting The Most EXPENSIVE GOLD Bar Ever in Hydroneer

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well my friends it's a beautiful day in hydroneer we have large stonks big stonks and the goal is to create one million dollars that's with with the one million with the m not the b because that would be like a thousand of millions before we actually make lots of money in this game i wanted to show you how to save lots of money in your own personal life thanks to honey which is the sponsor for this video online shopping has never been easier honey is a free online shopping tool that helps you find the promo codes and then applies them to your cart so imagine it's about lunch time you're getting hungry and you're saying to yourself self i need pizza so you log on to your favorite pizza delivery website you go to your checkout after you pick your pizzas and you click on that little button that says apply coupons you wait a few seconds as it scans the promo codes from across the internet and then watch as the prices drop you save big money you click two buttons then magically in about 45 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i just i just have to know like i've been at this for like three minutes i need to know how much money this is worth we need to go run and grab the fire machine and shove it down we have to oh oh oh yes oh that's so laggy okay burn burn oh there's a lot of nuggets in the water too that's kind of sucks not gonna lie it's not so great now the other question is where did blitz put a shovel that's a pickaxe and there's a shovel hiding it was swimming in the old good old-fashioned dirt duplication glitch we can make large stunts we just take a little bit of dirt we make a big bit of dirt a little bit of dirt big bit of dirt a little bit of dirt big bit of dirt oh yes more stocks are being made right now and then we'll take this and we'll go i guess i'm gonna have to go to the store to buy one of those scale things aren't i and a few more floor pieces would be a very welcome thing to have oh no no yeah just would you just lay down with your friend and stop it stop it now i don't want to buy you a i don't want to buy you again i already bought you once just sit almost why does there always have to be one kid who doesn't play nice at the park this is the one who peed in the pool the rest of kids have to go swim in it now they don't even know just stop it already stop it i think that one went on the ceiling where'd that one go i think uh i i legit have no oh there it is okay ready and i can't reach that somehow i gotta pretend i'm a cat i'm just gonna climb on everything maybe eventually i can get up somewhere that i can grab it well this might work just the roundabout way and run jump crap oh got it now you sit down there that was easier should have done that the first time and i'd leave home for just 10 seconds and everything gets all backed up is that what you want from me game you just want me to be mad at you oh no oh now i did it oh poop all right so i got a scale that looks cool i've never used one of these before i guess they're used for weighing things oh so that is worth thirteen thirty one thousand five sixty okay so i need like 30 30 of them 30 something 30 times bigger than that we can do it we have a lot more something very satisfying about gold falling down at a big cascade like that i don't know what it is but i love it i just can't keep count up every time i put some down then the game starts making me more oh no now i messed up my bucket just cannot keep up i can't it's making more gold than i'm putting in here i have done it an entire gigantic pile of gold woo slideshow time okay you guys melt and do the things where you burn and then we'll put you oh hello we got an extra one we'll use that one as seed because then the other the rocks they'll know where to go for their friends also is told to me that if you put these things below ground then it works like is that is that the right spot maybe we're gonna have to test this just a little bit okay so that doesn't do anything if you put this below ground it's supposed to bring extra extra luck to your life i just don't know how i can get it to work down there like does it still spit out the stonks we're gonna have to waste something here because you can't get your pipes back if it's below see if you go down one then you go down one more nope get down okay yeah so does that work i hear noises but if you put it in the wall would that work boy this is big brain time i don't know if i like this okay flippy flippy lights not going on you know what the worst part is that pipe's gone for oh i did see it oh i thought it was gone forever hey come back here and of course i i can't actually grab it since it's it's underground so i don't know how i can get this thing to work underground i just i don't know how wow we can go way down underground but yeah it's not gonna not gonna punch out any chicky nuggies so i don't know what oh that's so annoying i don't even know where it is all right let's check out what this second bar is worth my guess is big stonks i'm gonna say fifty five thousand actually thirty thousand slightly less than the first bar so what happens if you burn them together into a puddle burning stuff with their friends who you also like to burn hey now give me that it's not it's not going oh yeah oh in the hole okay ready in how do you shove a bar in there to remelt oh cinderella story did you see that just like right here oh yes what i really like is how you get these little itty bitty nuggets and you put it in a grinder and you get something larger than what's inside of it look at that it's like the best sort of vending machine in the history of best sort of vending machines and if you're wondering i'm just trying to clean up the mess around here that's all i'm trying to do it's really messy it got like super messy when i was not doing things right it's amazing how many like pieces of rocks just get everywhere down in a mine like you wouldn't think that things would just knock over they are not supposed to go but look at all this that was just from the cleanup all of that gold was just laying around hanging out on the open here how much is this bar worth now my guess is about 80 000. i don't really know though oop 66 6 to 66. nice all right so how much iron do we have that's a good question and this clean out has been fun i've been really enjoying getting everything tidy because it feels like clean in a brand new workshop okay you get to be put on here ah 13 000 that's awesome and oh hey i got more forgot about those we'll just kind of hold those in there for a little bit so now i'm going to put this in here in here okay i want to see where it falls so i can get this right you guys did suggest that i put the funnels in but really work right i mean they they kind of work okay sort of you got to get things lined up like super perfectly hey oh hole in one do another one do another and another one and another one oh touchdown all right we got another loadout here of gold nuggy nuggies let's put you down you probably go right there if i were to guess and you're worth another five thousand okay so we've got about 70 000 worth of gold and i really don't know how much of those now we just need to mine a lot for a few hours until i get bored of it and then i'll pretend that we get a million dollars where's another funnel when i need it so dark over here now cause i stole the lights all right it's exciting time time from you dumb pile of dumb that one made it in two of the three okay maybe the no uh-huh they need to move back oh stop just hold up hold up a second no now if i put you oh great now this is not good see i wish there was like a clip like you could clip the funnel on to one of these things so everything went inside of it that would be the way of the future if i were making a mining game that's what i would do do you hear that max max is a developer if you didn't know that please let me clip this on so i don't have to clean up chicken nuggets all over the floor sometimes he does watch my videos it's kind of exciting when a developer watches your videos oh yeah look at that i gotta solve one of them problem things here so it might be tedious loading this thing up time after time after time to get large stunks but you know what it's still better than making a shovel putting the shovel into a bucket and then putting the bucket into a pan and then putting the pan uh with the brush and then trying to sort the money out that way because this it's working it's mostly working we still need to do a few things once in a while but there's a lot of money coming together oh man look at all that money floating through that's awesome oh oh it's laggy okay oh they just kind of fell all over i don't know where all that came from that was kind of cool yes and we got a shark look at all these sharks that's pretty cool and then neat eat so much money oh no there's the problem this is why i don't like using funnels because the funnels get filled with stuff i couldn't think of a different f word that rhymed with funnels and filled and i know i laid my shovel down right here i know i did i laid it right on top of that and it's gone huh that sucks all right so it's been quite a long time i've been grinding a lot there's a lot of gold nuggets that are in oh laggy i can still function it's just really not the best uh the best situation for framerate right now so i know in the game if we go ahead and smelt all of these into ingots it makes them worth more money we can also spell those ingots into jewelry which makes it worth even even more money which is always nice but the problem is once you have it as a ring or an amulet you can no longer get the bar out and every one of the different items that you can craft have a different modifier on how valuable it can be i know there's a lot of golden in this one and we have that bar that's really really expensive too all right here's a big ingot coming right up and then we gotta drop that probably right about there and we'll throw that on the old scale another 28 000 i thought it would be bigger than that a few soul crushing hours later okay okay so it's been a few hours um hours i took a little talk with the developer man and uh he said that well in order to make a million dollar necklace i pretty much need to have a million dollars worth of money um so i extended our our gold making factory check out this sweet thing i know it's sparking that's okay it doesn't matter too much don't put me up there that would be dangerous but watch this if you click this one yeah it still works see it's all good good good good enough as today it was new or wherever that saying goes and then this goes i know these are the old-fashioned ones but whatevs they still go down in here and make the little stunks like little chicky nuggies come flying through here and then oh did you see that leg spike that was really cool i love flag it's my favorite and then those just magically rain down in here like africa and god blessing the rain see look and then this is a problem um because that one got clogged and it's causing a lot of lag so i'm going to unplug everything because it's really loud and obnoxious and annoying and then i'll have peace and quiet for the first time in six hours except for this one because you remember i put something underground and now i can't figure out how to shut it off because i can't literally can't find it underground yeah it's gonna drive me crazier than normal oh big stocks make a for a beautiful slideshow okay that one was good what happens if i grab one or like the middle here that wasn't too bad oh some of these are really not good oh my wow that's it's locked up oh wow whoa okay thanks game i love you too on second thought i think it might be this thing we should probably try to burn this in that thing if oh i'm lined up here we go ah just one step at a time the oh that was perfect accident accidentally perfect look at it go in there oh there's gotta be so much gold in there i hope anyway it's like three hours worth of gold or it could just be nothing because that's hydroneer and amazing as soon as it goes in there my frame rate returns oh yes oh yes large stonks in a bucket this will be fun i'm actually excited to see how much this is worth because there's been a lot of it and i don't even know it could be a lot or it could just be like mind-numbingly sad oh 81 000. it's not really mind-numbingly sad i just need 10 of those so if i combine all of my bars then hopefully it's a lot of money ah yay it's ready in the hole okay so this one's gotta be at least a hundred thousand i mean it has to oh 195 that's it's only a that's only a fifth of what i need oh i'm in this for the long haul boys actually uh the stock market goes up and down about 10 percent so this is worth i don't know 210 000 maybe they're alive they're like those little mexican jumping beans have you ever seen those the weird little critters inside that make the beans go everywhere just moving maybe they're possessed i don't know i don't understand this game sometimes oh glorious iron shardies go pick up i don't want that one oh great i'm gonna pick up more of those aren't they look at all those gems over there what am i gonna do with that no i don't want another one oh i don't want uh fine three they're okay we'll just just use them all maybe walk forward walk forward game walk forward oh it's laggy oh it's like okay am i am i on am i in and i go oh that actually worked hard dang that was awesome but no like for reals this time what what do you do with all these gems i've got the biggest the world's biggest jar of shard things in the game wouldn't it be cool if we could like smelt all of the gems into one mega gem i think that would be awesome don't you think so like have some sort of i don't know like a shard-powered microwave that just all blasted them into one big shard nugget i don't i don't know i think that would be cool what do you guys think what would you like to see done with my giant pile of gems i kind of just want to leave it there but i know it's going to start causing a lot of leg because there's a lot of little chicky nuggies in there too and mega shard crystal i think it would be fun if i added mega shard over to this thing maybe i have no idea this thing could just make these rockets super fast which would be kind of fun and then close it that worked oh yeah it's working all right so if i turn these bad boys on okay one came out they're not they're not super powered like i had hoped what's the point of these crystals oh this game that's working faster isn't it i think so are they making it in okay so now i just wait for the next 74 hours okay so maybe my idea for this video was a little bit too much uh my my pcs it's currently crying because well it's been like six hours of mining dirt fixing dirt problems and then more dirt stuff being dirty and i have no idea how much money i have i have not a single clue but we're gonna do a weigh-in uh i think that's gonna be fun because well frankly i'm sick and tired of fixing everything that breaks down right today and i'm getting a little bit motion sick too because the frame rate's so low yeah there's something not nice about this game when you stand on things and pick them up that just the disorienting it's making my brain want to vomit like through my mouth hole not through my brain hole because i don't have a brain hole so i'm gonna attempt to do one final clean out if the game wants to work oh wow wow wow you know what it is what the problem is is all the little bitty chicky nuggies that are inside the bottom of this thing what happens if i use the magnet on the big nuggies i don't really know because i've always been scared to do it no you know what i did do it in a video didn't i um it doesn't really work as you would intend it to it's kind of funny though look at that pulsing blob of goldness yeah that didn't work at all good job game proud of you although it still might be faster than doing it manually i'm not sure no not really okay so i put all of the gold into this bar and well all the gold from this clean out it's another 44 000 monies okay i'm liking where this is going we have a pretty good amount of chicken nuggets in here if we just open up our gold reservoir we have three other very very large gold bars like that now i just need to figure out how to smelt all these together if the thing was just a little bit wider and you could just accidentally get them all to slide inside somehow oh nope not quite oh that's gonna be a big gold bar it melted it melted okay go in there and then now we put it right on top of that thing and i'm going to smelt these up real quick does that work and nope can i just use this just poke them in just a little bit just like shove them into there just real good no it don't work oh yes it's only been like 17 minutes and i finally got all the bars in oh there needs to be a way where you can like click it and then when you do the zoom if you did like the mouse wheel it would rotate the bar but no nothing like that yet hey there we go okay so let's just see how much a giant bar of iron is okay and wow fifty six thousand eight 803 that doesn't seem very impressive um i'm not sure why maybe it's because this bar of gold is worth significantly more let's just see real quick 250 0606 i felt like it would be about double that um what happens i'm not gonna smelt it down yet i'm gonna bring it to a stonk store i forget where the stonks are poop forget where the stock store is does this one accept bars as payment nope just swords axes other swords metal and metal uh-huh uh tell me about it right now thank you i was hoping you would land me proper and the bars are super cheap fish are expensive though nice oh yeah where to put this bar on here and i just want to see what it sells at okay 200 whoa okay so it is about 10 lower than the other one was man forgot my coin amount of money i want to buy a bed well just wait a few days ooh 251 so that must be about even does it go up to like 22 261 that's pretty good i still think we can get that over 20. 263. there's gotta be like imaginary dot dot dot numbers the decibels behind it there we go 270. that's pretty cool i think we're just gonna leave it with that so bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,176,501
Rating: 4.8895864 out of 5
Keywords: blitz
Id: p_SWV0PuP18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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