We BOUGHT A BOAT! - Cat Goes Fishing Gameplay

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hey everybody in blood so welcome back to ket goes fishing oh you're that casting deep into the water to catch yourselves a beautiful little fish no mustard fish is gonna bite its tail how sad outside of a day a little cuttlefish got bit up any way we can buy a bow three five thousand a slow-moving boat they can't travel far from shore Wow that is our goal today is to buy the basic boat or a good boat maybe we can also get a new rod potentially but that's also thirty five thousand so we're gonna need to catch some mega big fish if we can do that today we have two more quests to get the mini maps so I want to do that what is the new quest three mustard fish easy peasy lemon squeezy maybe oh there's one right there there's one right ah you bit me okay if we can get that one and I kind of want to just maybe get Oh get this one right down here hey mustard fish Hey mustard fish Nicki little dork mustard fish okay mustard fishing yes haha we got one so you and we'll just get one of these guys forbade like that and we'll go whee oh that was kind of bad well go whee that was kind of bad as well and we'll go whee that was kind of just him equally as bad but not quite as bad and then we oh yes Oh nailed it that was fantastic okay that's two I don't know where any others are sell him for the money get one of you Bert let's get a bomb diggity let's also get a rocket diggity and try it hey come here come here yes oh three casts three well not quite cuz I got the little bait fish in between but we got three mustard fish it went six casts and it's amazing and we get one more we get the minimap sell him new question that was it the new quest but new quest to beat fish what's a beat fish catalogue snobby kingfish galina tank fish medium grouper big fish oh okay what's her beak fisheries response attention of the line clever fish sure cats have been known Jesus behavior to advantage or the queen fish move see there's that one that we caught that got eaten okay so it's down maybe a little bit farther I'm wondering what we should do to catch these things whatever we should do to catch extra money that's more my question this one that was pretty good right there he's worth some pretty penny we just needed $35,000 e-news can we get it 800 I mean that's okay I'm just gonna keep using these guys as bait for a little bit the cowfish seem to be worth it maybe there's one of those things okay I didn't want you oh is that a big fish right there Oh what everyone just ate me okay let's let's take a check this will sell that beak fish would be in here it could have been it I don't know I think it's smaller though I think it's that little green one of you seen in the past I don't know why I guess is so far I need to go back and use these little dorks as bait oh not like that dip get another rocket going and ah that's so expensive hopefully get some good here like you oh that was stupid nope no the big one already to bigger bait that might have been the beak fish well they get all the fish down here that's the big fish oh maybe not does this speak fish nope that's the that's the other one oh I have a problem that's his knees gonna hurt my face ah give me this little one thank you I'm just gonna use a rocket cast him way out here me good rocket cast oh that was pretty good I'll take you right away get my rocket money back there it is a grumper we another one down I don't need a cast that far what I'm going for these bait fish okay here we go we got this Oh bustard fish nothing nothing I wonder if there's like a bait and stuff that we can use on here like a rod upgrade maybe like there's diving or diving alert oh that's those are the ones I have okay if I sell one of these let's sell one is there a different one oh there's the rising Larry not really okay I just wasted money whatever I don't care right now Oh mustard fish okay I need to get a bunch of these up so I can buy them both okay we're gonna do this nope run one back we need to hit this one and then this one and this one we're gonna try to catch a big fish way over here and I don't even know what I'm gonna catch oh that was terrible hold that thought that one hey that one oh really a mustard fish oh that's terrible don't eat me green fish we had oh no is that the big fish don't eat me get no don't I didn't faint go No ah so annoying that's so annoying you were supposed to be my chosen bait if I if I cast out mustard fish again does it turn into bait or just as oh it did okay oh that's stupid I didn't know that the skeleton turned into bait okay well let's go catch that Buster fish that just ate me I will use him up I am still getting experience okay we'll do it we'll do these up I think there's a keyboard shortcut you can use to get these here we go rock it out that was good no no no no no no yes yes I got a big fish I don't know what it is maybe this is the big fish could this be a big fish it's not the cowfish it does have a beak so that could be good oh this is gonna be so much money or a bit we're gonna be a bajillion airs pretty soon okay what are you a serif serif okay I'll sell him oh I didn't need a cast had fart flips here give me you give me you in my life hey there we go we got a little one right down here mustard fish okay we'll do that again go get a bomb and rock it and cast it out and hopefully this works good we got through the bad stuff I want to catch that little green guy what's down here are those big fish cool oh that sure Keyes live bait wow there's like weird stuff look at those little angler fish no way we saw a shark oh that was cool I like seeing all that stuff look at those things are those big fish I don't know what a big fish is okay got bait to give I got to use the bomb and the rocket cast it out hopefully I won't get something big this time again it'll blow us up to level nine oh nothing big here if we go down deep ah no way I got a shark whoa huge shark unlocked well what's this hey weird thing I got a go fish hey I got a glowing fish no no oh I got the shark again shark don't you little monster how am I supposed to catch a shark that's done it uh I know it he's like all you ate my bait too oh man the shark attacks I don't see any bait fish down here now I catch that thing that shark though it's eating my stuff there's a lot of little fish in here too okay what do we get with a half a fish no not another half of a fish ah hey you better steal I want to catch that goldfish thing I got to figure out what these big fish are too I really want to get the phone we'll just keep trying we'll keep going for it okay what about you put a we get whatever get whatever come on nope nope ah no don't no you monsters stop it ah keep eating my fish everything eats my fish this one this is my lucky cast right here right past everything it's going down that wasn't very lucky not at all don't eat me don't eat me that's the one I want to catch right there cuz I don't know what he is but I want to get you barkeep swooping down you go okay that works mustard fish I'll take that I'm gonna take it and I'm gonna buy Oh a huge hook okay we'll try that too weed I bought a huge hook now I can maybe catch the shark oh okay down down down down down down okay I don't know what I have down here there's the I date to the live bait so needing you to recast could I snag him is that a big fish I can't find the big fish okay now is this bait on or is this hook on permanently I don't know okay got one of these guys that's good and then I instantly cast right on top of this guy now we're gonna bomb again I feel like that hook oh it's 5,000 every time no good it's going down deep it's going down deep okay something oh this thing I want oh they're scared away the shark good what do I get down here that's not a big fish hey there's something right here who are you I got it I got whatever this is it's probably not a big fish but it's worth a lot of money there's the cowfish okay this is good this is good I like this that was worth the money was hey what is this wake up tell me what it's called Grimble Grimble 8,500 we needs two more of those try it again a bomb in a rocket we I'm not gonna waste five thousand money on the big hook though hey that's good good scared him away just go down and get something deep what if that's the big fish flew this thing oh that's not the one I wanted I want a mustard fish you just wasted my money mustard fish what if it's that green one it could be because it's supposed to be a medium-sized fish right we'll try it again whoever uses the bait blows it up okay mm-hmm yeah that didn't we missed everything we literally missed no oh really such all my word that was such a waste Oh such a waste of it okay I need to look at this catalog again what does this thing look like the big fish huh I don't know man I don't know what that's supposed to be and we have the shark Wow 64,000 money shred of fish in the end your line okay I still already have a couple of these a turgid there's the Brimble a George Ian interesting so how much money do I have right now I got 11,000 can't buy another fishing pool I can't oh oh I got it I got it finally finally I got the orange fish please don't buy me this can't be this can't be the one he's probably worth a lot of money though whatever it is the Queen fish oh this is the way to make the money king fish oh I get it king in the Queen fish oh hi do you see what I did here I brought the Queen in and I was like hey I'll catch all the kings - oh this is a good way to make cash right here this is awesome way to make some money whoops if I can cast right here we go here we go that was good that was good another one perfect I got I ain't got the whole courtyard we okay now I gotta see what's around here again just a cowfish wonder you miss that thing hey hey that was a super fast it's got to be that green one problem is I haven't even seen him be interested yet in anything that's not the one I'll take it though I can take no cowfish no don't bite me cowfish I'm gonna sell this thing - so I want that money money's all right I got another mustard fish let's buy a bomb in a rocket and let's cast it up see what we can do we way out there nice nice tell fish Go Fish I got to come fish yes yes this is good money right here I think it should be over 800 that's a good start anyway I still can't find the dumb parrot fish or beep fish here we go here we go I had 2500 not bad I'll sell it hey a new rod upgrades have unlocked what okay diving ler yes let's recon that what do we get cast finesse him bate guard small fish are unable to eat large bait what click and hold the line when casting enables shorting in more complex casts huh well I'm buying this okay bait guard okay now if I cast that out the small fish shouldn't be able to eat it except for the ones that are the same size makes sense that's awesome that's so cool okay now if I buy that mat and we cast way out we're guaranteed to catch a big fish how amazing hey where are we going fish fish fish fish that one oh shoot shoot that's what I wanted yes yes I finally got a green one is this a big fish it could be it could be a big fish I hope it is and the time has come to see what we found and it's a Gawker that's not a that's not right kind of hey we got a lot of money though so I'm gonna take this mustard fish out on a nice rocket ride see what I can find down deep the water may be a superteam what am I going ah another mustard fish shoot same thing we okay what do I get this time I'm so excited okay they can't bite me oh I know they're stupid mustard fish why why mustard fish must you bite so let's change him put a rocket oh I should have put a bomb on it too because I keep wasting $400 every time uh-oh maybe not maybe not was that one is that a big fish I think we got a big fish I think we finally found one no don't bite don't bite me you stupid cow oh oh I thought that I thought the mustard fish is going after me I'm pretty sure this is the big fish the first time we see it swim to catch it damage fish don't cut turns your quest Oh No okay well let's rocket him out again we maybe just maybe we'll catch him again cuz he is right down over here whoa that's a mustard fish there they are right there Oh No shirk bad jerk bad jerk hey that worked I don't know what you're doing down here in the open ocean I'm so confused I can't see anything there's glowing blue fish oh seven bit me something biting me do I have bait something bit what is this oh no bad shark well I mean it took my bait off didn't it I should get my bait back yes I got my bait back oh I'm gonna try it for the blue thing no a blue thing didn't want to bite okay blue thing again oh I got something I got a big fish what is this what is this it's a big fish I don't know what it is no that's York oh yes shark didn't fight what is up shark I think I got away from the shark what is this deepwater fish oh I'm so excited you wouldn't what is he gonna be tell me tell me is something cool or worth lots of money like ten thousand money Oh fetish we're twelve thousand yeah let's sell you woohoo Oh 32,000 we're so close to buying our first boat we okay give me a little one yes I need bait I need bait I need bait come on come on yes I got bait let's rock it him and bomb them and we yeah it goes come on okay no fall fall deep hey that worked come on come on big fish where are you where are you when I need you that's not a big fish that is a shark though there's my big fish right there the big fish okay big fish big fish beaker big fish come on nope nope bad jerk oh my bait I'm just gonna go forth with a rocket and no bomb this time that was pretty good cast I'd use this on myself okay we got cow fish it should be right down here somewhere somewhere where these big fish at stupid shark man shark Kostas eating my bait oh I got one I got one it was way up top I should be able to get him home should be able to he's not gonna be broken this time yay go team we did it oh we're still gonna get that boat too these guys are worth a lot came on big fish come on be a big fish yeah it's only worth 1,200 okay that was that was still fine or bring you down get that little one very good catch you out just a little bit further and get a mustard fish now we need bait I need bait come on mustard fish where are you all right you're my life he's nowhere close cast you it a little farther me yeah I saw one there oh you're that's annoying there's one right there okay we know where he is hey here he is all perfect cast perfect cast okay so we're gonna gear up a rocket on you and we'll just cast you out again this will be good this will be a good cast right here there's one oh that works I'll take a king fish or queen fish and all the little ones coming with me and then we'll we'll catch all those and that might bring us that might bring us to the 35,000 so we can buy a new boat okay it will sell you and we just need to cast you guys out just a little bit at a time that worked oh wait you just jumped out of the water at it hey come on yes you wrought upgrades a new boat Oh new boat upgrades more like it am i right we can buy a new boat we got to go try the boat Oh - okay keep selling everything one more oopsies got it oh you know what do you want to play you can play in my new boat we've bought a boat basic boat yes yes yes I got a boat okay how do I Drive the boat oh I'll Drive the boat driver oh I could put fish in the boat you can't sell out at sea interesting I'm just I just drove a long ways I'm driving a long way I don't even know what I'm doing okay that's as far as I can drive we're gonna buy a bomb oh not enough money okay rocket oh that was a terrible cast hey there's the cowfish what else we have done Oh what is that I want it oh no no no don't bite it don't bite my new fish don't bite my new fish yes I got a new fish toss your fish behind you hey I did it hey how cool is that okay we got this one up Oh always worth nine hundred and we do this one uh-huh and then if I put a rocket no I don't have enough way to do this nobody can bite it except the big fish there's a red fish in there one fish two fish red fish cow fish miracle fish oh oh oh so I didn't sell it it just goes behind in the boat very interesting so go over perfect and then go in the water okay see these guys worth 900 down below aren't they oh you can't bite it well I took my bait - there's a lot of money here these things are really profitable I think right is it worth 900 yeah Oh wrong button whatever we'll try it Mir you I'll bring you in those things were worth 900 each so I can fill up my boat full of them drive them back home okay I can't buy anything else we'll try it oh I just got another one that's sad bring you up and we'll cast you out again and now you got to go deep or that red one would be awesome oh I don't know what oh I already caught one of these no I'm gonna use him as bait I'm gonna use it as bait it's still worth bait still bait money and we go okay come on down come on down I'll catch something cool like that one like something or that that other big fish yes yes I caught a big fish I got a big fish there's a cow fish there we go boys we did exotic variety bonus oh we got two or five oh no no no no no he got off no no no no no no no no I didn't know that I tried to put them behind me dudes give me this thing let's just load up the boat with a couple of these I don't know if I'm doing that right I feel like I'm not for this one worth what no you dummy aw now I use that as bait whatever so those things were worth a lot too let's go down wanted catch that red one hey there's a big blue thing in there yeah we'll catch this guy who sees worth his money we'll just throw bind us and it will cast down again and these things are worth a lot right here okay how many do I have in my boat that's four and my boat is full so let's catch one more fish just do a good one here we're gonna try for a big one and I gotta cast you out and then we'll bring you down no no no no no one of those guys sure I don't know what this thing is it's a new fish to me let's bring you up Oh a skirt huh okay what are you good for Oh regular you're just a regular scooter again I want that red one oh hello there ed down down down don't bite it don't bite it I want something bigger like what are you oh yes the big fish that's no don't bite it don't you dare bite my big fish don't you dare bite my big fish don't you dare we got the quest done now we drive back to shore casual Questor achievement unlocked oh that means like did I get the did I get the depth finder - we're gonna go back to shore all we're gonna sell everything value of ten thousand to my boat let's sell it all yeah we did it Oh a thousand dollars for a full boat bonus then we get a new quest catch one scooter oh we knew where he was anyway guys think that'll wrap it up for today's video I hope you've enjoyed our adventure today this game is a lot of fun oh here we go we're gonna do that next time we'll get the mini-map rolling so thanks for watching and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 2,951,593
Rating: 4.8308463 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, cat goes fishing, lets play, cat goes fishing game, cat goes fishing gameplay, august2018
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 12sec (1332 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 22 2018
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