Torus WIN! | FTL - Faster than Light

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welcome to ftl we are going to be led by um you know obama obama as our ship captain uh then we need some good uh good backup so we're gonna have bo jiden as the co-pilot and uh tronald's dump and the in the ship okay so we have toronto dump bojiten and uh obama in our ship all right um vladimir putin uh that would also be a great one yeah we're just gonna have to have productive uh dyslexic politician names is our uh as our ftl ship all the time anyway it's in good fun uh we're gonna win as the taurus mark my words we're playing on easy because this game is so goddamn hard we got the advanced edition content enabled this game is so hard i'm gonna put in uh bojiden as our shields guy and tronal dump will always be in charge of the weapons obama is gonna be at the um pi piloting the ship save those crypt positions i know what i'm doing this time we need um we need more drones we need ion blast there's some guns in this that are overpowered what is the one i had a hole laser hull lasers are very strong we have so many different ones uh richard rixon richard rexen that does sound sci-fi so many options there's just so much that we could do with ftl it's one of my favorite games um okay it appears distressed bacon is coming from the surface of a new i love how repetitive the top uh flavor text becomes you know what let's just see if we can get this guy because if we fail then we're just gonna make the ship again okay we got charlie okay um i is that political in any way well we have charlie but he is a uh what do you call these guys again my god i always forget what they're called he's uh insect uh tell me what are they called again labor ham incan a mantis thank you i do the math and the burst laser mark ii is the most op it allows you to have the most lasers with the least amount of power ah thank you thank you my friend all right we'll save this i don't want him on the engines because i want him to just kind of rotate throughout the ship to be honest with you i'd like to put this guy in oxygen um or drones because i usually need to have them defend the oxygen but we're gonna see if we can make our way through this galaxy we'll be able we'll be able to get out of out at the exit let's just expose more of the galaxy um my god ftl just it gets me in the mood for like you know physical activities it's nice i like it um okay so we have a rebel um intervene to defend the outpost yeah we want to fight this guy we have nothing going for us um okay ion blast now i'm better at this now i think i have a hang of all the different systems in the game um i like to think that i'll have to ask you folks for uh for advice less on it not that it's not appreciated but i mean now we could get to those really meta tips i mean we will be accumulating resources faster in the game um but don't don't take it lightly it's still hard it's still hard rob boss uh there's gonna be so many of these different names we could come up with we could just have a jovial time here for the entire stream but i i think uh hang on a second we need to take out the shields first my god this is actually a rather difficult first encounter i'm surprised that we're dealing with this um i got a moment oh god we could get our day could be effed up on this hang on a second hang on a second this ship is strong i mean it's partly the fact that we're in a okay we're at the sun we took only a little bit of hole damage okay we're gonna open the doors because i bet you that some fire is gonna come through here in a second oh look there is fire what did i tell you what did i tell you am i not a god at predicting things um unfortunately that was the worst room for it to ever be in and now we need to starve it of oxygen and then we're going to need to go back in there and repair this this was the worst possible thing to have had happen okay but we're going to send over our i was one of our ngs okay you both are going to have to take some damage um what i should have done before this fight is move power to my engines my god ftl is so hard it is this is why i love it though um give me a second i just want to let them fully repair the ship everyone go back home oops wrong spot there you go okay save those crew positions and jump we're getting out of here i love playing this game it feels like a i'm a captain ward josh goshington as in george washington that is rather one of the uh the fun ones to to say um okay we have an abandoned station now we have intruders on board i just opened the doors captain uh we really want to get these guys out of the oxygen asap oh my god they're going after the there's a whole planet firing at us as well i think we can win though with a human or if we get this guy out of here let's get the ngs into the room the mantis is so skilled in combat though that i think that we will prevail yes fight my engies i could lose an ng here though that would be pretty bad uh fight my mantis hang on a second let me just close the doors i can't remember i can't believe how quickly i remember hot keys to games it's like i haven't played this game oh in a long time but here it comes again all right you folks heading there actually this isn't really that bad let's just get out of here and bounce i'll wait until we get to a peaceful place we've had a very combative pugnacious start to the game but we've done pretty well 84 scrap scanner attachments nice to get avoid environmental hazards it would be nice it would be nice i realized too um you know we need to really quickly be able to take down a weapons system um even through a lot of shields i think if we get any of those like uh teleportation bombs um those are gonna be pretty overpowered for the final boss battles um so anything like that that we find as well as like a laser uh would be of of great importance and i totally forgot to do that again wow that was quite sad actually um hang on a second let's go back to our everyone go back to your places we'll heal them up it's great everyone on this ship gets um obamacare whether they like it or not um they all have healing for free throughout the ship um but at what cost the entire ship has to pay a little bit of its power it's a little bit like the united states wouldn't you agree um yeah that's my little uh that's my little tangent there did you like that that was pretty funny right um yeah uh no oh god damn it come on we need the three times speed this the obamacare isn't going fast enough oh god oh god no i hate politics i hate politics it's okay don't don't worry i'm not if you got ma but if you got mad at me saying that that's not even only because i read some of the craziest uh the craziest comments the wildest comments i don't mean any of it i don't mean any of it i swear to god i don't even know who any of these people are okay great dump has dump and jayden have both leveled up they're so funny it's such a funny happenstance oh god no why they oh my jesus christ why would they do this a beautiful ship hey if they hit your pilot though you know the last time i did this they hit my pilot whatever you can do to defend your pilot he that guy puts the team on his back there we are okay now we've got plenty of scrap 107 uh i'm still going to be waiting for a weapon though but on the other hand shields are a little bit like op in this first sector you work in politics god that would ruin your health [Music] oh god yeah we're gonna end that discussion there uh let's see uh so we gotta up the uh we gotta up the shields it's gonna help us out i do like to have the healing on because i tend to forget about that um you know it doesn't seem like we're really finding anything here and i don't want to risk more hole damage so let's just get it we'll get two power bars and then we'll get a cliff bar to end it uh see what i did there power bars because there are energy bars all right we got a rebel ship nearby um uh obviously we just want to up as much combat as possible in these early ones now we got the laser uh and this should make us very powerful at the beginning um i am going to go for the shields temporarily because we do want to disable that system um you ooh that one is a whole laser oh oops i did oh whoops said whoopsie daisy daisy my god we're missing a lot i mean it won't be ruined if i don't if i mess this up a little bit but we want to we want to get some decent damage to the rest of the ship yeah yeah red weapons how you like them apples all right i get competitive with ftl i don't like it when i when i'm not winning at it makes me upset great okay we've messed up their oxygen i also got to say that going for the oxygen on the ship is more effective than i really gave it credit for because if you can see inside in their crew you can really mess with their crew and this especially applies to the last boss battle right famous last words right before before i find a story the thing is though that it's it's not as uh just to defend myself here i'm gonna be kind of defending defensive um uh scrap some of the yeah we're gonna need scrap we're gonna need a lot of scrap hmm um the one nice part about this though is that you do accumulate scrap fast enough when you play on easy that you can actually like you have more options your senses have picked up a refugee ship uh i doubt it menu i should probably get to know some of these flavor techs because sometimes they do have terrible events okay well we got a ship so we did the right thing well because there's so many easy ways to just kind of kill off a crew member and i do not have you in your position that's great okay now i do um can we yes we disable the shields and we'll disable them again a little bit and we got the weapons ah that's all right that's all right we'll just keep going for the weapons we want to cut the head off or cut the arms off then we'll cut the head off my god that was two weapon hits even after we were ionizing their weapons that is quite depressing but i'll say this too it's great when you can dodge missiles more reliably um i had some really great pickups in the last couple of playthroughs that i'm going to want to go for again like the one that makes you resist ionization um jayden was grabbing where where was where was j yeah that was jayden jayden was with he was uh he was trying to get obama out of the pilots oh jesus now we've got a 15 fuel uh six missiles and 14 drone well i wish we could make better use of these all right you know we made we made pretty use of most of the sectors here i guess they'll go one two i might actually be able to squeeze this one out of this you know let's go high-risk high reward we want to get in as much time as we can only because i've lost this so much um let's hit the federation ship and hit the rebels i swear to god i find it kind of weird in ftl how you're fighting against the rebels i always feel like that the establishment is the bad you know like team in space games like you know in star wars you're fighting the empire or it's the rebels against the empire my god why is everyone gunning for obama this is ridiculous obama's just sitting there himself he uh he is i mean at least he's getting good at repairing but oh god now they hit the obamacare first they go for obama then they go for the obama oh jesus oh could it get any worse than this now they took away our oxygen oh god no this is not okay god all we did was we inherited uh hang on a second nanobot med dispersal you ever play the multiverse mod of ftm that sounds good so good it almost makes me bust oh jesus the closest thing we'll get to ftl2 i've never actually done the mods in it but i'd like to hmm yeah they took it down i pumped their ship with nanobots let's give them a great we got oh god somebody else wants to join our ship oh that's fantastic hang on a second we have declan uh for he can fix the obamacare okay let's put uh bojiden back into the engines because i'd prefer to have somebody who can repair fast on the engines and i prefer to keep charlie uh on the oxygen in case if bad people come in and try to take our oxygen i actually like him there better than on doors i like to have somebody um better on repairing on doors so let's leave it like this charlie can act it looks like everyone's acting like they're working in ftl don't you think doing a great job with that oh god the oxygen is empowered hey thank you for that my god that could really get me killed one of these days [Music] i appreciate that thank you thank you let's uh let's upgrade our power bars a little bit here that way we can have good we can have drones and the um and the obamacare working at the same time great i'm starting to realize all of these more um controversial uh oh god oh well we could repair the damage 20 damage for 40 this is actually a great deal how much are we uh missing i don't think we need quite 20 let's get 10 for 20 scrap that's good okay great we got a bailout right there um we got an abandoned sector in rock well i'd like a rock the rock to join us yeah the rock our bed um we're gonna go here we're gonna see if we can avoid this store and then we'll come back to the store okay um no once you arrive at the location hey look it's another one of our ship civilian ship tells you thanks for responding to our beginner rftl navigation okay so we've got them a uh a quest they give us some scrap that's good we need more of that oh fantastic we're right next to it that's so easy that's great oh god there's bad people here oxygen well you can micro the oxygen and turn it off rockman sectors are scary well they are but you know we have a mantis crew member so i'm not quite as worried about that anymore um i'm getting a little overconfident for this run aren't i yeah i don't know i like this strategy though with the shields and with the drone i feel pretty comfortable with this oh my god that was so dangerous i i find that the game tends to you know like let you get to the final boss battle it is that final boss battle that i'm worried about though look we got somebody right on the oxygen when it's broken down that's great we just got to keep hitting these people's engine and i may have given them too much there but at least we got the scrap all right well we've got a 141 oh we're gonna have to miss a sector right here it's too bad but let's find out what's in the store only because a good store uh could really save us uh because mega death early on with the mantis not on doors i i would put the mantis on the doors except for the fact that i like the mantis fighting so i want to have the mantis in the fight but if i put him on the doors usually i can't have him in the fight see what i mean because otherwise i'd say yeah um caught in the red you could fight a very hard fight yeah yeah i mean you know we'll try to upgrade our crew but the thing is that we just have so many crew members and i'm more worried about random stuff than people boarding my ship okay we got stealth weapons presents for our weapon fire from disrupting my cloak okay this could be great if we get cloaking um but we have hacking available too let's just see if these are worthwhile repairs my hole every time i collect scrap but uh it's not that great because then i can't get more scrap not really worth it crew is safe in clone storage even if the system is off um we don't even have cloning so it's not really worth it stealth weapons might be good but we don't even have any stealth system uh and i think that we could do better here um burst laser ah it's mark one burst laser that's thanks self teleporting explosive that damages system and crew but not the whole can target your own ship i think uh we need this this is the one it may not seem very powerful but it can win you the final boss battle um and since we don't really use missiles for anything else i'm going to do this um yeah this might save us in the final boss battle backup battery was the backup battery good 30 second power boost to my reactor upgrading increases the boost amount why is the backup battery good gives extra power bars um oh wait is that in total i thought it was only a temporary thing is it only a temporary thing heavy ion i don't think that heavy ion ah we've already got one is the main thing and it takes two power i'd rather get like another burst laser but is it better to just not go with the burst i mean is it better to just disregard all of that i would need something with a lot more rounds in it though what i'm waiting for is like a burst laser mark ii or something really powerful there in total is temperature but it recharges oh it recharges uh maybe we should get one then i mean it's only 35 and we have a lot of scrap tell you what i'll do it i'll give it a shot we'll give it a try able thank you for the sub my friend yeah we'll wait for burst laser mark too okay crew teleporter might do but i did do something really stupid here recently so i don't want to it's just so risky with your crew it's not worth it till like the final battle so we'll do backup battery we'll give it a shot um let's see fuel i only say this because we sometimes run out of fuel um i'm gonna fix the rest of my ship and we're gonna have a lot of scrap so uh you know what i think i'm just gonna leave it there i got 15 fuel that's plenty we still are liable to get more all right let's let uh let's let charlie repair only because he's not quite as good at repairing as the ngs and we do want him to gain as much experience as possible good job charlie i will reward you when i meet you in space free sub system doesn't take up main system slot oh i mean that's good so basically if i active if i active let me just test it out so i know what it does react your power bars two additional reactor power bars okay that's pretty good you know i could see that saving us in like a nebula or something like that the main thing is that it's just a very cheap price tag and it doesn't you know it doesn't come at the cost it's not an opportunity cost to use it um well everything is an opportunity cost in some way but it's not as much of an opportunity cost okay we can't go this way because we're gonna get stuck over there we actually gotta oh this is quite a long way we've gotta go but we'll make it ah my thing was that in the last time i played this run i actually did run out of power at the end like i had all of my power bought um but we still weren't quite cutting it all right we're gonna go ion blast we're gonna try to save as many missiles as we can um and just kind of keep our drones and missiles at the same number now for the final boss fights you really need to teleport these s-bombs in there fast because uh you need to take down their rockets in both fights their rockets are really overpowered in the boss battles oh holy cow that was easy but it's because we had two shields that time um we don't oh because they ionized it that is quite scary i would feel more comfortable with three shields to be quite honest with you but i don't have that ftl's came at the cost of my time and mental stability it's kind of like that but i mean if you can enjoy something like that every game is kind of like that in a way too if you can enjoy it i i think it makes it completely worthwhile all right let's just uh ionize their weapons oh we've done a number to this one already they hit a non-weapon room with a non-hole it seemed like a waste my other one that i really like is that uh what is it the laser that goes over the hole but the problem is that you don't have as much of an option with it with this ship because you have only three gun slots it'll be nice to play as like the kestrel or something again where you get uh four all right we got more scrap and who is that tronald's dump has leveled up to uh level one in weapons great job you will be rewarded in the afterlife yeah the two shields the thing is that you know um after this we'll probably go two shields then we'll start spamming our evade might even go all the way up to three shields maybe maybe um good timing on that hit and we'll keep going for shields just if it doesn't oh that was the worst look they have two heavy lasers oh this is the worst ship the thing is that in sector three or it might be four when you're on easy it does start to ramp up but i find that three is so early on in normal difficulty all right great that ship is down all right well we've got a nice uh nice amount of all of our different resources we're still only at 20 on evasion um i could i could go ahead and up there right now but let's just see what the last parts of this galaxy reveal if we get a store we will want to use our money there you know i also need a oh god it's rocks okay um think focus uh we want to draw them away from the oxygen because that's going to get us all killed they'll probably go to weapons we're going to open the doors to oxygen and we're going to send our mantis around the back i don't particularly care if they destroy this i'm going to move my uh angie you stay there i'm going to move my human in here i'm going to move him back into i'll just bring everybody over the mid bay it's generally the best way to do it we've got that thing powered up we've got our engines going these guys are being deprived of oxygen you also want to deprive the oxygen room of oxygen it occurs me good now there they go that is safe oh what is this hey vic sauce thank you for the 300 bits got the whole crew obama beaujoid and trump jump charlie oh god are these other political names declan and charlie i mean that would be great if they were i didn't even mean to okay this is the great meme of ftl hook yourself up to an iv in the infirmary and now that they're in the infirmary i will send my human back in there and we will fight the three rock man oh god yeah there comes the fire well it was a fine place to engage them okay that actually went totally fine see what i'm saying i i don't worry about these rock man they're um they're they're not that hard of course if that were in a fight that would have been worse too considering um i think we did it okay uh well we got nothing there so we aren't gonna be getting a store but we are in danger so we can't upgrade our ship let's go maybe i think we can hit both of these locations watch out for the space pirates selling selling nfts ah jesus yeah they uh they trade in bitcoin in this game oh god or whatever they use in the hey ah jesus my combat drone got destroyed okay we've gotta wait for the combat drone to rebuild itself and they just took out my drone compartment too that's terrible we did take out their oxygen and it looks like the asteroid belt actually might finish off this ship for me that i can just keep ionizing their shields and that every so often asteroids will just strike their ship i think that's going to take this thing down that's pretty great oh that's nice wow we did really well this fight because we were in an asteroid field and we had two shields early up two grade and medi upgrade is key though i prefer clone bay if i can find i like this one's um a little bit later on once i've like exhausted myself of finding a lot of the weapon systems i wish collins wouldn't flee from danger i'm sure you know but if there's a way to change what they do if i click on a colonist oh actually yeah oh thank you soquel sweet i missed that you know i i felt like i was being an ignoramus when i when i said that um alas i was somebody else sometimes i just say some of those things in the moment i was kind of trying to break down all my videos into what types of things they are like i feel like i do different narration styles like sometimes i'm very objective but sometimes i just think everything is ridiculous and what are the then there's like the lyric kinds of videos more of those to come soon more of those to come soon i'm actually uh thanks to you guys in the stream the other day i'm gonna be doing wilderness survival in project zomboid soon actually having a really good time with that one um which is sometimes kind of rare for me because you know i've played so much zomboid over the years um but i like the game you know it's like whenever i play it i need to take a break from it and then i come back and then it's more fun um but yeah wilderness survival is something i never really tried oh we made out really nicely from this again we've got up loot but it's it just kind of makes the whole game more enjoyable okay we can get to the exit now and we aren't really in any particular danger um doc with the refueling platform a platform seems to be malfunctioning good night at it uh well what are we gonna get [Music] is it worth it here we do need oh god damn it we lost fuel and we took damage uh i was thinking that we would be able to get fuel but we lost even more how would you lose even more fuel i guess it ignited the ship's fuel stores but why would you keep all of the fuel stores together when you're in space doesn't that seem good okay now we're not gonna get all apollo 13 on this oh now we've got all of these rocks god damn it i don't know i was on like a series of rocks big breakdown just tuning oh god hey farc plays thank you very much yeah the wilderness i mean we're kind of on wilderness about if you consider space to be the wilderness than we are in the wilderness right now yeah let's see if we can find a weapon system we do need a lot more money for weapon systems if we can make it happen rock trading post uh okay great okay i might take this zoltan only because zoltan's give you free power and that's kind of overpowered although they stink in combat um oh this is rather good multiple times give any additional projectiles this is takes only three power but it fires up to four oh but the burst laser mark ii is also really good in terms of bang for buck uh um can it be both and these are like three of my favorite weapons we could sell our ion blast because i'm not really such a believer in the ion blast too will we even need it should we get all three me thinks we should get all three of these um this is very good this is very good hey thank you railfanner burst mark ii is the chief priority i i believe you chief me thinks we get all three of these and we sell our other stuff i like the s-bomb but this is just such a powerful weapon set because this could break through like any number of shields the ion blast is good but when you go against multiple layers of shields it just doesn't cut it you know and the halberd beam is just nah you know it just does all the damage and it inflicts instantly i like the halberd beam um only because it's like once the shields are down it can fire instantly um yeah let's look at the parallels we need three three and two so can we afford that um i do like the s-bomb for this reason but clearly let's just like look at all of them objectively the ion blast may be able to fire fast but it can do it most like two shields worth of damage at a time whereas the laser could do more on what we need is a lot of burst kind of damage we can have a maximum of how many uh duh we can't actually have nine power on these at a time i've neglected to see that okay um all right well actually that does limit my options a little bit better so i'm thinking that then probably the best weapon set would be we need the s-bomb then because i just think it's a great last-ditch weapon um and it can instantly destroy a system so let's get rid of because i'm thinking ahead to the final boss battle here this could be the game right here is what i'm saying halberd beam will not be a good one to get the halberd beam is sexy because it does a lot of damage but i don't think it's the best one for the final boss battle hmm eight power slots max yeah all through wait all three of these is oh you're right wait a minute all three of these is eight power slots i neglected to say that this one was two i still like the s-bomb but i think that all three of these are just so good let's get only because i'm learning more if i do this and i know that the s-bomb is good but i think that this one is a more well-rounded weapon said let's get rid of the ion blast i did it uh god well we could get a boarding robot too and that would also be good that could do essentially the same thing and if it landed in the wrong system we could turn it off um and we could sell the missiles if we wanted to as well okay now we are going to buy the burst laser mark ii because it is good quite objectively and then we are going to maybe sell the s-bah i'm still a little bit on the fence about this 169 i can't afford all three of these with some room to spare battery charger back distraction buoys that's not really as good let me just see what else hacking would be nice mind control would be nice but yeah at the same time backup battery's lock time is halved that would be very good but i don't think it's worth a whole that's definitely not worth an entire system's worth [Music] yeah but at the same time there's such other great systems to have though this is really uh okay what i'm gonna say is this um i'm gonna play charge with the charge one be good i can maximize it four char four shots if it takes five seconds then that would be 20 seconds to charge for four shots sorry i'm taking so long at this but like this is life or death here this takes 12 seconds for three i'm gonna go ahead and say that lasers are very powerful um so i'm going to get the charge beam because this is four lasers if we get something that shoots five that's even better but the fact of the matter is that this would just be so good at getting at getting through shields and the halberd beam is kind of accessory if you get through the shields in the first place but first let's just focus on getting through the goddamn shields okay we did it i did it i will suffer the consequences if it happens um hacking is good but assault but azoltan is pretty rare as well and i think we could take this guy and use him for like our uh one of our systems i'm not quite sure which one he's good at repairing though yes i will take him and i'm also gonna buy some more fuel uh then we have 27. oh god um might as well fix the hole with what's left 27 yeah fix the hole or we could not fix the hole and then use it for something to make our ship even better and risk that yeah let's do that yeah let's get an engine let's get some engine power all right okay now we got the zoltan nice all right uh we should probably put him into a system where he's actually useful um hmm bo jiden is not very experienced with the engines and we might be better off with bo jiden in the doors room because that way he would i know i've been moving around bojan he's been wearing a lot of hats but reinhardt gives more power to his system and is also just very good and bojiden isn't very far off if we need a repair so i think that this is fine um [Music] okay so we've got the zoltan four seconds per laser versus five yeah i mean like if we find something better than this charge laser mark ii i would take it but i think the burst laser and the s-bomb are very good okay um and that gives us like a moderate number of missiles are we happy i think we're happy um s-bomb and i want to power this up to five as soon as i can are we gonna be ready for the next couple fights yeah we could just use the burst laser all right i'm good uh someone's in distress uh not sending over my crew that's never a good idea i'm just gonna leave uh i might have passed up a bad a good event where is charlie charlie oh charlie's in the wrong spot thank you very much okay uh let's see jump i always feel like i'm supposed to save the game but then i realized that there is no saving i don't know docking i just feel like i always get my ass kicked is that an event where docking does help you if you do see one where i i was like just objectively wrong please let me know now the verse laser mark ii is quite nice because it can pretty much just like entirely take down the system uh we'll have the combat drone in there as well and this thing's about to charge up and the burst lasers but it does take a while to charge that's quite unfortunate let's send out the drone okay hull's at 75 but we did down their weapons good good good and i don't know i th actually these guys could escape and they're offering us fuel so we'll accept it because we do need fuel right now okay let's just kind of consider how we're gonna get to the exit here we could take either path i think we should go look around and see what's in the rest of space though let's go have a look around here yeah that'll be pretty nice if i see space yeah space spiders are always bad except if you have the uh boarding drone i think is the only thing that can make that possibly be good um are we even going to need the drone uh let's just use the drone i want to avoid as much damage as possible um even if it's at the cost of a couple of my drone parts what i find is that for the final battle the more missiles you can have the better but we need to be able to quickly disable some internal systems there that is a lot of fuel which i will accept even if it means i don't get the spoils of war uh what else was i going to do okay um again though we do want to be conserving drone parts we would need another two of these i still don't think that's quite enough to afford a whole other weapon online though ah i will have to dock next time um firebombs would also be good fire um [Music] trying to think of what i like oh we encountered a small craft with minimal propulsion it's rock crew member explains the rock homeworld is run on lies and propaganda um oh this one was usually bad does anyone remember whether it's one or two that's the good event um which one is the good one because i remember i did this last time and whatever i picked it was bad i felt like i promised to share with them the truths is two is the good one i believe you i believe you hey fox thanks for coming out my friend we'll be talking to you again soon my friend have a good night okay let's go with two they seem tempted by the offer but decide they can't risk being lied to again they close frequencies and jump away okay so then the other one was that they would have attacked us actually atta being attacked would not have been so bad there i confide in you theophilus being attacked would have actually been okay because we would have uh well i should probably have made that clear um okay dense asteroid fields ah we've got two shields maybe that'll help us you find the decaying remains of some kind of ship coated with ice or crystal you send some crew aboard to explore nearly everything is either destroyed or identified okay um oh the stasis chamber uh this is an opportunity to get like a zoltan or something like that right in a later on galaxy i think we're just gonna take the weapon we've already got the weapon so we're probably just going to get tons of scrap if we do this oh god you know i'm going to see what happens because i think it's just going to give me a lot of scrap whole smasher laser mark 2. weenie hat seniors that seems very good this powerful account uh fires projectiles um two times damage on systems okay so it's okay 15. this one requires less power though but this one is 15 seconds so that's five seconds per shot so this one gives us more options but this one is very good against things with i generally don't like this because it's like you know you would want a halberd beam for something like that so generally no um we could do it we could do it but i don't want to unfortunately okay well it's more money it's more scrap um let's see if we can just waste more time before we get there me thinks we should go here than here than here than here than here see if we could maximize that store run two burst charge in that one we could we could we could i mean either this is kind of like running another burst charge um yeah we'll see how it goes all right let's send out the drone although we're in an asteroid storm that we want to finish off this ship quick because they were ah god damn it oh that kind of sucked ah they even recovered their shields from that no i don't want to give up another one of my nice drones maybe this is where i should just use the ass bomb nah all right it's okay it's okay we're still hitting their ship with asteroids let's keep going for the shield so the asteroids keep doing a number on it though okay great though this is griffin obama's some great pie lining experience he is ready for uh god even knows what the thing is that when they take obama down that's like the end of our ship we might need a backup pilot if we can you know we might need like a vice president or something actually we've moved around bojada not so much he might actually make a fitting uh vice pilot on this ship and go full-on late well fall on laser spam is it's still pretty good good we've taken the drones up i like that charlie is getting all this good repair experience though you know he really broadened his resume broadened his resume the real obamacare was the friends we made along the way ah jesus will be able to okay no we're actually going to have to go right for the store right now that's quite unfortunate but still we'll have some things to sell okay what half thou in the store okay well this is actually quite nice um [Music] i pegasus allows two projectiles for the cost of one we might have to get that um requires three power though and the s bomb requires only one power we could replace the s-bomb with this and that is quite good just trying to think um pegasus actually might be better yeah pegasus would be better than the s-bomb i think um cloaking i think i'm gonna go for pegasus yeah only because although that there's like a delay in it like you know it doesn't teleport the fact that you could get two bombs for the price of one is just quite good jasper charge two normal damage too and you're not using up as many of the bombs to do it shield piercing five so that's like everybody fire chance low bridge chance low charge time 20 seconds what is the s bombs charge time [Music] um 13 seconds which is great but at the same time you're getting two bombs for the price of one it's like more economical slightly less aggressive but you know you're also getting two bombs out of it so that could be two hits yeah i think i'm gonna go pegasus because it just seems so much better s-bomb always hits oh really i thought that the s-bomb depended upon the enemy's ships evade though damn it so this one is kind of like a matter of opinion um and if our weapon systems are down which they often do take down [Music] the s-bomb doesn't always hit as far as you know let's try the pegasus only because we got our asses kicked the last time that we had the f the s bomb so i think we should get rid of this whole laser just because i don't think it's a very good uh system breaching item and i'm not going to sell the s bomb i'll leave it on our like uh roster like we could go back to it if we really wanted to but let's leave it there okay now what else do we need uh through teleporter i don't trust my crew enough to yet to teleport them so i'm not gonna do it because we're gonna get our asses kicked um now we have all of these zoltans we could just use them for more free power i mean i i find our ship crew fairly powerful don't you um s-bomb can dodge it just bypass the defense oh that is very nice oh yes if so they have a lot of defense runs but also too in the final boss battle they don't have any drones um or at least in part one and part three we might want to keep both really switch it up for whichever part of the fight we're uh doing hmm far better than ion bomb in my opinion okay who do we take though i think that we should grab at least one of these people um max health reduced it i know they have low health i know that they blow up but i kind of trust them on our ship i would probably place them in like the engine or shield room is even really worth it anymore at that point i'm kind of agonizing over some of this um burko is also a backup weapons guy he's already trained in it which is kind of rare and we could in theory now that we have a mantis and if we got a rock we could have a very fearsome boarding party which can be really strong later on in the game and a good last resort yeah let's do that only because charlie on his own is probably gonna get killed if we board him um and we don't we don't want him to die okay i'm going to now buy s i'm going to like go a little bit back and forth here just so that i get a little bit of repair and a little bit of fuel okay that's good i i feel happy with that decision although we aren't upgrading any of other our other uh parts right now i i think we've done really really well in these first two or three systems though so we are on a roll people good job good job you like all the liberty well thank you for that i loved i like deliberating um minor minor points about games though on the other hand two well now we're maxing power so eventually we'll reach this eventually we'll be able to power all this stuff i'm not worried about that but look we have people over here for all of the systems to repair them that is nice uh actually i'm putting out my drone right now go go drone go drone uh no stay away from the missile thing oh god here it comes i i swear i swear my ass just clenches every single time that a missile passes by my you know that feeling oh it feels so bad it's it's probably the worst feeling um okay here we go if we get one more of these that would be 30 we can't quite afford it all right goodbye i mean ftl is kind of about deliberation too you know it's all that's the place where you get freedom in the game because if you don't if you don't deliberate then you're just you're not really getting better at it you're not thinking but it is a little sad when you find that like one strategy is so overpowered and that like you know all of the cool stuff that you wanted to do doesn't really work out all the time okay we gotta switch systems um yeah that that kind of drives me wild about this game though there are some ships that lend themselves better to certain strategies though and i suppose if we weren't playing on our uh easy or we made better use of certain rng um but here we are okay um let's up our weapon control so we have the option uh didn't quite get it but that's all right probably like one more scrap collection we'll be able to turn on another weapon stop using up all these drone parts in the fights uh anti-personnel drone is not great i would have i would prefer a boarding drone but it's whatever and i think it's persistent from system to system too right we just have such a great crew that i'm not worried about it all right we'll take zoltan controlled yeah the missile barrage well that's like the main gun of the big uh capital ship in the end game that's it's powered on at the beginning of every single stage of the fight oh but we haven't oh that is four zoltans [Music] on the one hand good for them on the other hand we might all die hang on a second where can i get all of my crew away from these people and just suffocate them of oxygen okay um too bad i couldn't get more doors this is actually a very dangerous moment okay i don't really want my zoltan in there so i'm going to put him in the i don't want him anywhere near anything that happens so i'm going to put him over there i'm going to leave jiden in there i'm gonna put berko hour rock man in with jayden i'm gonna put our mantis in the med bay and i'm gonna put obama in here too because he's a decent fighter i'm gonna put declan in here too so that's two humans and rock man in there i got the mantis over here and then the intruders will be coming in like this and then let's just open up all of the other doors to deprive the rest of the ship of oxygen um i am quite scared right now and i will need to do a lot of management to make sure that i don't die let's open up all of this um [Music] this is actually a very scary board i never thought i would be scared of a wait where did i send you oh i sent you in here hang on a second i want them with him in here and i want him in there wait you go here you go in here and yes okay that's fine that's fine oh my god wait there's a fight with it too i thought we were just being boarded jesus christ uh hang on a second oh i could just use the anti-personnel drone why didn't i see that a second ago that took a while damn it i can't believe i didn't see that ah this is gonna be a horrible fight i got so scared when i saw four zoltans on the ship because they're gonna blow us all up oh jesus christ they're like suicide bombers um and they went right for the shields too let's turn on the anti-personnel drone god damn it okay at least our weapons are still online i know oh god maybe i should just use pegasus now let's charge up the burst laser okay now we gotta watch our crew closely um where's obama obama you go back into the pilot's chair i don't wanna i don't wanna lose track of this is anybody gonna die if they blow up it can't end this way okay great we've blown them up um close that door is anybody here gonna die a little nervous right here you know you get out of the room you get out of the room i just want one guy in there when they blow up declan you you're gonna risk your life kill them both yeah you're in the mid bay you'll be fine okay uh close the doors okay declan all right you made it through one explosion and great another one oh my god wait a minute why didn't i get you out of there uh [ __ ] [ __ ] uh i should have seen that okay charlie's okay but we don't want him to take another hit jesus christ charlie you get out of there you get back to the med bay brother oh my god i've grown attached to them jesus there's al yeah the zoltan it's like the uh god you remember when they would do that in halo wars there was like a unit that would just explode on you oh god that was pretty scary hold up a second uh can we just can we take a timeout can we have a day off jesus oh wait we had a charge laser i wasn't even using either wowzers um wait a second no burst laser on that charge charge the charge laser but don't shoot it uh wait a minute there we go charge the charge laser but don't shoot it does everyone feel safe again we're gonna go back to your systems you were here in the you're here at the shields as eric or was he in the engine he was in the engine i think yeah you were in the engine oh god there's just so much man we are really lucky with these evades i don't even know how we got that take down their weapons um and then just shoot that great great just keep shooting the weapons i don't want these guys to hit us anymore oh for christ's sake how do we make it through that probably because they used up four crew members boarding us jesus that seemed really tough for this section at least the anti-ver well the good thing is that we spawned in the anti-personnel drone i mean yeah it's part efficient for drones and it also drains the room of that sweet o2 that good oxygen you know why does oxygen bond in pairs of two i think it's because of love i think it's because of love wait a minute actually nah you know what leave him there you get back in there you go back there it's kind of satisfying to like move them around on the ship you know it's like uh it's like polly pocket or something yeah i said it it's like polly pocket remember polly pocket or or like legos you know for those of you laymen here all right great charlie has really been improving you know he's working toward that degree in engineering um i thought we would be better at that could put somebody on cameras that's true um i'm kind of deliberating here on keeping charlie i like keeping charlie on the o2 because he's such a good combatant now that we have the anti-personnel drone there i actually yeah that would be good let's put charlie on cameras great uh he's already becoming a youtuber um oh jesus let's search here first get go farther than come closer in all right well now we've got this nice laser and we will oh they didn't want to fight did i accidentally press the wrong key oh well okay well we've got some hazards here so we'll try to avoid those um these look like normal places so let's visit there when it's charlie oh activate the anti-personnel ah yes activating that anti-personnel drone to heal it thank you let's turn him on oh not enough power ahaha yeah i forgot wait a minute do we use up a drone no we don't use up a drone part okay yes i forgot that drones heal in the drone bay but that is what they do because they are drones i might go in for more health now what is this oh jake the snake hey thank you very much will do will do my friend three months god damn three months it's like uh we're finished with our first trimester my guy um let's get some let's get some engine action because like we gotta dodge more stuff and the first couple levels of uh evade are very good we went from like 20 i think it was to 32 or something along those lines it wasn't quite that good but whatever it was it was good uh okay let's go here we'll try to visit that store before we go we maybe could go like that what is this one asteroid field detected in this location okay uh you know i actually we have kind of an advantage at an asteroid field because of our double shield i really am droning on about that uh you're a card uh yes i forgot about my backup battery oh thank you for that thank you matt oh damn i should use the backup battery more um yeah screw it let's use the backup battery because it's free right yeah i will launch this at this and we'll launch this at this continuously because it is a zoltan shield and then let's just use that combat drone for a little while get that good combat drone going to get some damage on that oh look at that combat drone [Music] i like that oh god they're all pretty occupied in the enemy ship no they're not coming back from this nah they can't there's no way the nice part is that i have that one harassment laser like it keeps harassing the enemy ship it's bothering it a lot now we've got 23 missiles man the pegasus is going to have tons of missiles to fire once it's ready i am feeling very good about this run and i i do say that a lot um but this time i am feeling particularly good about the goodness of the run although i want to hit the distress beacon i think we'll make more use of our time if we go through these four clusters and then come back to the store maybe we'll even be able to unlock some whole new system or something like that okay we're gonna again these zoltans are actually quite nice here um god we can always start the f that is great because it's like a burst of energy at the start of the fight and it's always about how much you f up the enemy ship in those first couple of seconds so you know if we could really mess up their day uh let's just let the charge one charge and oh we didn't quite get through to it god damn it okay now we are in a little bit more trouble than we were before all right let's just let the charge beam charge oh my god these guys have nothing on us you know what let's see the full barrage of the charge laser behold the true power of my laser man oh wow that's good that is good what do you need is what you don't need is like little bits of small power you need large bursts of power olympian bursts of usain bolt types of power you know sprinting feeling pretty good feeling pretty good about this one uh slug crew now does one slug crew prevent our entire crew from getting that mind control because mind control is um you know illegal and they're gonna be trying to do that a lot to our ship my god our ship looks so badass this is nice right i like this oh jesus we got to get another shield though we should do that before we start thinking about more weaponry let's go in for their shield good good jesus christ how are they hitting us so much this is not good oh god yes i accept their offer i don't want to die those guys really did a number on our ship okay uh on second thought well we've got a store coming up so we're gonna be able to get some shield uh what is it hold repair but on the other hand two what really inflicted the damage on us in that fight there were lots of lasers and lots of uh rockets which are really the two deadliest weapons and it comes down to that um yeah we're going to need a double shield double shield and a lot more evade i'd like to get that evade up into the 40s oh the slug itself can't get mind controlled ah that's unfortunate because i wanted to and avoid mind control entirely mr krabs has failed feared our robot overlords and mind control now that i now that i make videos i just think back to how brilliant the writing was in spongebob there's such ridiculous things they say every three seconds defense drone would be you know now that we have such great offensive capabilities that wouldn't be bad or a boarding drone though our defense drones really did not do too much against hacking enemies if we got like a defense drone that shot more frequently like a mark ii that would be good um what would it be 40 than 60. so we could get another shield here heavy okay um you know i think i'm going to go a little bit higher risk here i'm just going to fight whatever's in the next one and then when we get more information because i don't want to leave myself with this little shield i want to know what's uh going on here but we'll also do this these are back my god that backup battery is better than i gave it credit for i am sorry that i judged that backup battery so early on these people are very weak compared to the rebels though but it does come down to fighting the rebels that we need to uh get better at oh god please miss uh didn't miss charlie put out the fire charlie's like my go-to guy for an odd job every now and then oh my drone got destroyed okay we'll just save the laser for a couple of seconds i don't know why i wasn't doing that maybe i should be focusing on weapons more just hate it whenever they get their shield up may have defeated you hey you know what charlie just go back i don't want you to die it's already done so much damage let's just do this [Music] okay the charge laser is ready let's just take down their weapons and great great okay uh and take out that thing oh my god they really don't like our drone compartment another crew member would be nice somebody to just kind of hang out in the drone bay for whenever we get shot but we got everything we needed from that we got all those drone parts or scrap parts all right uh let's send back in i feel like reinhardt's gonna have to do some kind of repair at some point so we'll send him in to do the repair yeah the four power bars instead i mean as much power as you can pick up only because it does limit you oh do mantis actually have half repair speed damn i did not know that that would kind of explain why it takes them so long though that seems rather obvious now that i stated out in words rock isn't affected by fire perhaps spin sending in the ah that's true that's true but i still feel as though like the rocks did they put out fires faster are they just slower i mean are they um they're just immune to it because i do find that just letting the oxygen out is always extremely effective and involves the least amount of thinking all right uh humanship love a good human um why is that funny um battery charger uh still don't love this shield charge okay this is fantastic i might take this the shield charge booster um it's not really what i want but 15 charge speed what i like to take is the ion avoid thing and this shield charge the shield charge booster is just so good i don't know 60 to 60 yeah to get a full we won't get quite a full heal but we'll get something we might sell our anti-personnel drone too only because i don't think that it's that necessary um [Music] first off let's do this let's get uh well we have plenty of fuel thankfully we're a little low on the drone parts if i can get both the battery charger and the shield charge booster that would be baller then you'd have the slots i mean it's true there was something else that i liked though maybe you're on to something though with this battery charger maybe i'm an idiot for not using it let's give it a try you know what you you got me you got me this far so let's get both of these fix our ship and then later on we can get more shields that way because the ion beams are there for only like what phase one of the boss fight they aren't that strong so let's get the shield charge booster and that and then we're just gonna fix uh an ass load of our ship but not quite open uh hoping that's very satisfying to hear i'm amazed by how satisfied i am okay uh let's go to the eggs uh we don't really even need do we really we could do this and then this and then this yeah that's fine oh awesome we get to do more things i love doing things let's go to the distress system repair bot would be nice i would like to replace this ant we'll get some other third drone this one is okay if we see something else that's like that smelly smell you know that smell that smells smelly we might do that uh two drone parts for two fuel not a good deal oh wait uh that was a good deal i'm sorry why didn't i do that well it doesn't really make a big difference uh i hate nebulae i hate them i always get my ass kicked in them so i'm going to the rebel stronghold all right uh that was two bad options i wasn't a fan of either one of them but here we go let's go to the distressed speaking to the beacon i mean bacon bacon okay now we have got a lot more of this store are we gonna go to the store no we're not gonna okay we gotta take these people to a quest we're gonna need more shields if we want to do this so it's going to be a while before we get pegasus so me thinks um he thinks this let's go for the third shield i usually don't like to go for the fourth one but we won't quite get it now so we need to wait till we get more scrap but that's going to be our next uh big purchase rebels stronghold one of the most dangerous types of sectors in the game ah but i hate the um but i hate the nebulae because i find myself low on power whenever i do them so that is that is my two cents save up for our combat turn this is an anti-drone drone anti-drone drone well we really need the backup battery right here i don't think there's anything we can actually do unfortunately with the backup battery oh they have an anti-personnel drone well i have my own anti-personnel drone that i could use my backup battery for which i just said i might not use it for anything but i am now using it all right let's uh you know what let's save up our burst laser and let's save up our charge beam just fend off whatever's on our ship you need to do your job my god why aren't you doing your job yeah i hired you for something you don't so what you don't fight other robots because you're like you think you're too good for that this drone is dumb as [ __ ] jesus damn oh is there another rebel flag wait there's a second rebel okay i would not have gone to this sector if i know that there is a second rebel flagship alas i did not know that um actually you know what we're gonna save the burst laser we're just gonna fire the charge laser at this one see if it does anything and then okay we still didn't quite do enough damage to that so we'll just ah get damn it okay we're just gonna keep on firing at their shields and then we'll fire the burst laser at their weapons return to your places good this is why we have two people in this room because this is a very essential system okay uh anti-personnel drone your work is finished didn't that seem like willful oh my god what the what even is that what what was that that was the worst drone guys these drones suck all right um these two need to get better at repairing only if like if something goes wrong with the engines i really need it fixed fast i might even get a second injury for our piloting area if i if need be uh i i'm gonna fire this uh this anti-personnel drone because if it can't if it doesn't believe in fighting it's like a vegan drone or something like that you know i respect that but i just on the ship we need other kinds of folks on the ship uh hang on a second wish we had one more thing do we really need oxygen uh let's just go yeah i'm just gonna bank it on i won't find the second rebel ship but it'd be kind of fun if we did um okay usually really good things come out of this and although we are not so particularly high on oh that's a really good thing oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what did we just find [Music] it's gonna fetch a good price four power for five shots you're right it's not as cost effective in terms of the ratio and it also takes 19 to probably will end up selling this although how much could might keep it in reserve one two three four four five six yeah we can't actually power this thing along with pegasus because then we would take out burst laser mark two that would be really powerful if you couldn't it's too bad that you can't yeah it is it is weird that the burst two is better than the burst three but i see what you mean yeah i mean use your fractions equivalent fractions three over two is greater than five over four i don't know why they didn't make it like six over four six over four would be pretty good because it would just be enough bursts even it should be seven it should be seven shots really damn it all right well uh hang on are we ready for the next sector all that we're probably gonna end up selling that thing god damn it yeah it's a model oh there is a mod for more power it's too bad that they that's horrible okay actually this is the fight that we're preparing though preparing for um so this would be a pretty good test of our skill if i weren't so scared shitless um we're gonna probably take a lot of damage pause redirect everything to these it's a good thing that we just bought those shields i'm probably not gonna break through this thing um we're just gonna try to run away but in the off chance that we do power up our battery does this thing have hacking no it doesn't have hacking that's good um pegasus burst laser we can't really use any of that we'll redirect one more to evade redirect one more to health i think that's about all that we can do but we'll also take off the are he's gonna even be able to do anything man i was really asking for that wasn't i it does have boarding that's true but we have on our medicine we could use the pegasus here we could use the pegasus here especially on their rockets that's what i would want to do but i'm just thinking of the amount of time it's going to take the pegasus to charge up yeah you know what let's test out the pegasus because this is practically the boss battle that i'm anticipating if we could just take those things offline for a second we're going to shoot the pegasus at this uh the burst laser is not going to be good as the ch uh we can't power them both because then we'll we're just kind of stuck there yeah and then we'll just fire the burst laser at this on the off chance that we do it we do want to kill the guy in here the difference in the final battle though is i think that these two aren't connected pegasus can destroy the flagship i mean the pegasus is badass this thing is very good because they're going to board i i just laugh whenever they board though haha i laugh at you for boarding my ship okay we're going to see if we can get uh johns hopkins or whoever it is into there ah these people aren't that bad this is like the this is the final phase of the boss fight when it's very weakened and the fact of the matter is that the thing that makes the final boss fight so bad is just the fact that it's uh my god the peg look we have 31 missiles now we cannot be stopped if we take down the other laser no it has only three things let's just take down there we could win this fight my god we are good think of how powerful our ship will be once we have all three of these things powered uh you go back to your rooms [Music] go back to your rooms crew um actually let's just shoot the pegasus at this so that we can kill that crew member great okay he's dead ah it's totally useless don't even try to board our ship i don't know why i opened that door whatever my god this was actually not that difficult to fight at all i'm just gonna shoot them with my uh goddammit i should have kept the pegasus going i just wanted to conserve stuff oh well that was amazing did we even take any points of hull damage whoa that was good thanks all thanks to johns hopkins on our crew logged into ftl and absolutely got like 31 plus achievements that's crazy i is that from oh oh i wanted that i got the federation cruiser oh i didn't even mean to get this quest i totally got that in the unintentional way that makes this entire run seem far less relevant i am upset my day is ruined oh god well i feel powerful now we just beat the final fate that's practically the final phase of the ship all thanks to that pegasus that thing is good how many does it shoot it looked like it was shooting three all right well i'm an idiot uh let's see let's get more power we need that for this and jump uh oops there was a store there that was stupid of me well we've delayed the sh the fleet by two jumps so we might as well just kind of like hang out here we could actually take the long way around to the quest and then maybe go for that so yeah let's go uh one two three four five six we'll see how it goes this is a very good oh the phallic shim oh geez i mean all of the ships are kind of phallic yeah i could use the pegasus i just want to save myself the maximum [Music] yeah we'll stick with the lasers i'm kind of a laser guy anyway i love lasers you know i want to power these guys up in combat if need be so let's just keep the oxygen in and uh no don't fight them in there fight them in here oh god wrong room no not that room why did they have to run in there that actually did ruin my day i'm just gonna wait on the burst laser i want to find every fire everything in one clean barrage oh god why are you ionizing my oxygen well we have uh healing on our ship so we'll be fine okay uh fire everything at their weapons let's take those down because they're already being ionized oh jesus christ that was way more than i meant for it to be oh [ __ ] do not let them get away uh yeah fire everything at their engines you've been spackle dwarfed again um no i think we are going to beat these are we going to well they're going to give us no i'm not going to accept it i'm just going to see if i could go for this yep it worked great all right my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined very good all right let's hear how's everybody doing is everybody healing well i hate being in this ionized system so let's get out of here but for the blood god only phallic if you look at it yeah it's true kind of everything is phallic i mean in terms of vehicles um hmm i fear this enemy ship so i am going to go use the pegasus let's use it on their weapons and let's also use oh we're kind of stuck with the charge laser all right let's use that on their shields yeah all right fine um again i'm going to utilize these to kinfolk [Music] but i'm going to wait until they break into that oh my god they how did they did they all board my ship hang on a second uh you get out of there everybody go into the health area i gotta get more powerful doors one of these days oh god that's not too good they are going to destroy our weapons reroute power to anti-personnel drone come on don't destroy it don't destroy it oh good good good okay they've been smackdorfed um this is going to be a long drawn-out battle we just don't want to lose any crew members unfortunately we have a lot of hole here to to kind of draw from let's close that back up because now we're just fighting them normally oh my god two humans are beating a anti-personnel drone crazy i don't really want to lose my anti-personnel drone i don't want to use up the other drone part go good job enji take him on yeah all right uh no no no serious and you get back to your position you are enough for fighting and oh god this has been a long drawn-out battle that did not need to be but when my hands are not tied i will win again okay we've fortunately eliminated most of their crew oh geez that was that took a lot of uh that took a lot of focus yes the that backup battery is actually quite good though i am i smackledorf myself for a long time by not using that okay we're going to take power away from that and we will use the pegasus because now we have a we have 35 missiles i do want the anti-personnel drone to be able to heal but it's oh for christ's sake okay you two fortunately these two are good in combat and now there's a new system that they keep targeting when they come in here my god the rock is slow as hell i mean he's been in some great movies but uh i mean i wish he could move around faster that would really be nice okay let's get the uh no we'll wait until that charges we don't want these guys to escape i've been through too much for them to escape how many crew members do they have oh what they keep doing is they keep coming back and that's the enemy ai here is a little overpowered that they can kind of teleport away right in time but so be it um no i don't accept their surrender i'm very upset i'm very upset this should have been easier okay good get out of there and good okay we took all of their lunch money oh for god's sake these people were a pain to deal with [Music] we need to get like better medical systems because i still feel as if our crew is so large and so powerful and yet they are not i mean they're still kind of struggling in some of these fights yeah we gotta get better medicine better medicine better power and so on and so forth well it's good that those are the things that we're worried about now it's just a matter of powering up this awesome ship oh yes destroying the teleporter would have been good too but then i would have let them stay on their ship [Music] the boarding is not i should never i should never say that some some element of pain in this game is over otherwise it will just come back twice as bad you know our crew is getting very good at their specialized post that is the good news room go back to your rooms go back to your rooms i've already taken out the flagship so i'm not so caught up about that let's get um we're gonna need more power and i think the next most essential thing is doorage storage and this and why didn't i get any power okay it'll take us like three seconds to get it it's fine it's fine ignore that we're good we're good oh yeah crap i forgot to repair the drone okay well it's a very easy fight we're going up against here so um i don't really want to take anything out ah let's just take a ah no door power why can't i change that oh well yeah we'll handle the drone afterward i hope as long as the drone doesn't get shot wait till everything's charged up this is a pretty good fight for us though and let's take this thing out in like one shot one shot man actually two fire at shields one fire at that oh my god that was bad that almost destroyed the drone too uh everybody go for that wait no no that's dumb no that's fine okay okay that works an asteroid will my god we are getting bad orange jesus this thing must have very good eva we haven't gone for the engines at all but let's just that was a rather good this ship is evasive but that's what we start to get in the later sectors so i'm glad that we did experience that okay let's get the drone back to the drone room and the people back to the people rooms good go people there we are good people okay and let's keep on improving charlie at repairing because he sucks at that one thing oh the piloting would be good to upgrade if obama had to ever like step away from the uh from the plate you know oh i did forget about the backup battery thank you no that's a good thing it's my first time ever using one of these rebel automated ships have amazing i mean those ones and then the final battle that is quite good of asian as well i feel as if but you know we've got three shields right here and where are we in terms of sectors we're in sector five so this is a pretty difficult one though so i'm i feel like i stand justified in that okay everyone go back to your positions this thing does take a long time to heal let's give it a minute uh what other parts of our ship do we need to fix we can't upgrade anything right now but we did want that extra power i want it either way we're definitely going to need it and we don't really have anything else that we're going to need at the store i actually do like this charge laser mark too it's rather good [Music] hmm i guess we just need two blocks of power [Music] let's just let the drone keep healing there probably get something fine okay we'll help we'll help we're good people let's activate the battery and then we're going to use this and ah we'll we'll go for that my google home just thought i was talking to it um i like this thing i feel like i'm getting ready with like a kamehameha or something oh that was bad that was so bad sorry i should encourage my lasers not to ride them good job laser you're gonna do great out there go out into space and hurt people oh great job you know it's a positive encouragement when you encourage your lasers you know like they get a good report card or something they love they're really happy to oblige hang on a second um let's just let more of that it does require more micro management than i'd like to do but that's what a lot of this game is about oh god oh we ran out of battery that's all right okay let's go for that one the anti-personnel drone is fine now i still want to save stuff for the other yeah let's just use pegasus uh no we don't do we really need pegasus now let's just use charge back up battery this is quite a good ship this is actually one of the best ships i have run in the last like a few fortnights all right aim that one for the shields and then we'll aim this one for the i'll go for the weapons again again i want to mitigate damage as much as possible but i actually know aim that one for there so they can't escape now good okay we've prevented their escape to a certain extent and don't do that yeah now we want to focus on preventing their escape as we get closer to the end of the battle oh my god our ship looks clean and safe except for the ionization that would be the one thing i would like to get would be the 50 ionization chance [Music] that is a lot of laser a lot of laser is usually the best thing that you can do in ftl and like maybe a little bit of rocket and holy moly we got 172. jesus okay i might actually want to save that for the store let's do store quest and then kind of make our way out of here how do i lawn only lam lawn only run what is lan i don't actually know what lawn is a laser twin laser might become a pain the thing is um um why would the twin laser become a pain in the future i like this laser laser laser spam is fun it's probably like the least original way to play the game but it's also it it just works you know it just works these things are good but we already have one of them so that's fine not worrying about that um cloaking would be nice clone bay or mind control i'm beginning to like this mind control only because taking out the enemy crew is so good hold three augmentations okay yeah we're this isn't good uh i mean these things are okay they're not bad but and how leveled up are these crew this guy would make a great replacement gunner lanlan ranch the lanlan ranch at some point i need a damaging weapon yeah well i mean we've got pegasus too which pegasus is great and we like pegasus pegasus king just go straight on to the enemy ship i'm trying to think of whether it would be worth it more to invest in cloaking or just go for like solid things on our ship only because the cloak works but at the same time might not get an opportunity halberd is good but we need to take down the enemy's shields first the halberd can be deadly it's just that in the last boss battle it's so rare that we can get their shields down enough to do it without drones that take away a lot of it oh yeah we could sell too thank you um the charge ion we don't want because we already have the charge mark ii laser beam pegasus i'm gonna save the s-bomb in case if we get locked into some weird struggle with the last ship where i need to end up using the s-bomb and i'm going to delete the burst laser mark ii only it's a good weapon but it's not as good as the i'm sorry the mark ii is better than mark three weirdly enough um if only this one didn't require so much power okay uh so now we have 244 so we can buy more we have plenty of all of this stuff that's way more missiles than we need i think we should hang on a second our ship can take this much more we need to get let's just kind of gauge this we need three more weapon slots to be able to wield pegasus along with both of our lasers that's gonna be pretty pricey i don't think we want to get shield three but we also do want to max out our evade um i want to look at this because [Music] while i like cloaking i like the other fundamental things better i think i'm gonna go for cloaking mind control and cheaper and more cost effective in the long run if you can choose who to mind control i don't know though maybe i'm giving up on these essential systems like i didn't know backup battery would be good each pip-up shield reduces laser damage by one but if the laser does two damage it actually goes through two pitch ah that's true that's true but uh isn't burst laser mark iii not a heavy laser gaunt ghost thank you for the 69 bits i'd get cloaking it's almost invaluable against the mother i might go for cl i think i'm going to do one of them well the other thing that's good about cloaking is that you can match the mothership and it's a system that you can upgrade [Music] and although i like those other fundamental things about a ship we could always afford them and i found myself just having tons and tons of scrap the last time i played okay so be it we will get the cloaking and perhaps we will even get the mind control because taking over a good crew member on the enemy ship can really mess them up um bye mark well marcus another mantis would be nice but i feel like mind control is kind of like essential here oh there's so much my heart is telling me cloaking and mind control so i'm gonna do it cloaking of 10 seconds cloaking five seconds and now we have the backup battery with that thing that makes the backup battery even stronger yeah let's do that don't use the upgraded version during the fight cloak level one syncs with the super attacks and phase two and phase three ah thank you judas judicius i appreciate that i did not know that so then one level of cloaking would be fine yes yes dragoo breath thank you for the hundred bits all right i'm going for the cloaking and mind control is fun so let's oh wait that's my final system slot oh so then we can't have teleportation that is unfortunate um do i value mind control or teleportation more i think i'm gonna save this for teleportation then only because teleport but then we could just take over their pilot god damn it oh what do i do what do i do cloning bay mantis and teleporter could be epic as a child oh that would be a crazy well i mean it's too late for that now yeah i might not ever see teleportation too and on the other hand mind control doesn't sacrifice any of my crew members over to the enemy cruise ship so um mind control could always be used to mess up the enemy ship and just have them fight each other and eve the thing is that you can run out of any of crew members but you can't run out of enemy crew members so let's do mind control because it's fun okay so we have that we're good i would do a vote but i feel like it's uh it's just been so it's been so much to deal with this ever since i started playing ftl it's a great game this game got lost like ozymandias okay i know i forget that we had a quest coming up right away too all right nice can we get for it from there okay good morning we're fine hey flack how are you my friend it is indeed amazing unfortunately i did not get any flak guns flak magnet um but now i can do things like this uh whoops and this we can use this against everyone i love mind control this would be a really fun run if you could just like start up with that um and we could use that against let's use that against their pilot is generally a good one to go after because that totally messes with the ship i like that see now do they fight their own crew members stop hitting yourself yeah that's good i like that man mind control and teleportation would be very fun to use together i want more mind control look there oh that is so good i'm so glad that i made this investment in mind control and it can even renew itself and it's there's not even like a set amount of ammo and now we could shoot this place and kill their pilot you know let's see if the charge laser gets through and then we'll shoot the uh great he's dead i mean so sad that he's dead well it's a video game we don't care for him um what else do we have my god this is amazing it's fun to have a lot of ship parts at once you know what if we get better cameras we could combine that with the cloaking and then just everything just becomes wonderful after that hang on a second we gotta power that in okay this is clearly the strongest ftl run that i've had so far we might even just kill their crew before anything else oh my god that's good this is kind of awkward they've got one guy left in their ship let's just save the burst laser for a second yeah we'll just fire everything together at once again they aren't gonna get anything on us oh no we could just mind control him battery mind control the only guy on the ship he's trying to destroy his own ship oh that's great wouldn't it be weird though if we lost against a ship with or if we fought a ship with no crew i think that does happen in the end boss battle oh god am i gonna there's nobody left on the ship to do the surrendering but that's a pretty good offer yeah let's just go through with it we got a small bomb and we get the rest of the stuff okay fine that was a really awkward battle but a lot of fun i am a younger sibling not an older sibling um sorry that was in response to chat that will be very confusing on the on the vod like does he just say random facts about himself after the fight yes i do i just say random things i have brown hair um no i could be lying to you about everything um now let's wait until our weapons have charged up a bit oh my god the hacking has just got to stop there's too much hacking for christ's sake oh there is no one on the enemy ship to mind control okay never mind never mind oh god oh god i'm really good at this commentary thing aren't i oh [ __ ] there's a second enemy crew member which is the pilot chamber the judge jumps up again oh alas damn it well you know what they mind controlled me and that really effed my day up the last time it happened so we're gonna go everything in after weapons because i want those things down [Music] oh god i'm really funny guys oh [ __ ] hang on i'm running out of water i'm running out of water oh there we are good delicious water clear and transparent um so good you know what i really like is like a dinner that makes water taste good like if you ever had a taco and then you go in for a sip of water like a really spicy taco like you put a lot of tabasco sauce on it and then you go in for that sip of water and it's like this sip of water is my salvation why can't i change the aim on that weapon that was weird that was somewhat discomforting this ship is good i like this ship all right we're in a dangerous area there's more random facts after each oh yeah i'm gonna have to make that a thing uh i do want to keep my missiles only because if you really get roped into a bat i'm gonna need a lot of missiles in the last fights maybe i'll sell like nah i don't want to sell my missiles i just like my missiles so much i just think that highly of them you know hack shield would be uh hack shield would be crazy good only because that can get you killed in the boss fights so fast um getting like we kept getting our weapons hacked in one of the last runs and it was probably one of the saddest days of my life um it was quite bad turn this on turn that on turn on the cloaking i should probably learn to wait with that cloaking but whatever oh uh i was a little hasty with that okay uh everything's fine again great easy easy fight all right um where are we now i think i want to start moving toward getting those last weapon systems and getting my evade maxed out i think that's the last uh bit to do here so let's start off with the one that uh it's probably more important let's start off with the weapon systems but let's wait until we get the amount of scrap that we need for it yeah like oh god man this is really making me want to eat some spicy food oh an even more powerful ship oh and they are cloaking too well we have a cloak [Music] let's wait until like right after their thing comes up and then uh mind control uh hang on a second whom should we mind control who would win in a fight i wonder a mantis or this guy oh we do want to weaken their weapons so let's get somebody who's uh the mantis the mantis would be stronger but they would also uh yes they would also probably kill the mantis if they got mind controlled because they're rocks and they have another mantis let's see if we can get their shield mantis killed okay the mind control is happening the cloaking is happening and now we are almost ready for the weapons we'll keep the pegasus on charge because i don't think we really need the pegasus right now you know we have seven lasers as a barrage that's a lot of lasers this might actually be the best weapon set of all i am surprised uh do i go for the crew or these okay they did kill a crew member good there nice um i would go for the pilot except for that i don't know if will kill the pilot it would down their evasion i think i wanna if i keep going in with these shields though i think i'm going to take it this way so many good options though those are all good options good ideas good ideas all i command you on that whoops okay there we are wait for these things to charge up these charge up remarkably fast no we're just gonna cloak again so you can't ever hit us i love it how everything just kind of grazes off the side that's nice okay now we can go in with the charge beam on their pilot great they're both in there repairing it now we can just shoot their rocks oh killing those rocks ah damn it uh okay um i'm gonna save more power redirect power to the engines power to the engines we need more power on the engines we don't even need this oh my god it's so easy now it's so easy it's it's just desserts because we've had so many bad runs of ftl but a lot of the things that i'm using now are things that i did not know about in the earlier runs any powerful thanks to you awesome folks you killed the pilot to reduce the tax evasion on the ship yeah the ion weapons i find just aren't as strong as unless you have like a lot of them well coordinated ion can be a strategy but there's something just so nice about a laser uh now what would this give us we don't actually need the highest level of cloak i suppose increases boost and boosts health and damage we might want to do this for the later boss fights just because that's pretty op um we could like mess up somebody on their ship and i might have even wanted more zoltans i might regret not getting more zoltan's later on because they don't board your ship much in the final boss bite until you fight the mind control people i regret uh questioning the backup battery before it is perhaps one of the best things or the price the previous runs were on normal that i've done on twitch okay um i do want that next weapon system because it is good but let's just keep on going out to the next sector okay we've got a nice uh civilian sector and ng home worlds for the end so that's a nice way to wrap it up because we are probably gonna be fighting some dangerous stuff here um first off let's get on our third shield uh what are our gems we've got a distress beacon here i think uh i don't want to get carried away with the pegasus before the battle so let's get and we're just gonna have tons of scrap to deal with here so let's see if we can get more power and evade just so that we're dodging any missiles i don't want to take tons of hole damage the more we can avoid the better um bojiden is very good at avoiding uh the missiles now and we've got we'll leave this on one we'll only put it up to two when we need it these things we'll use with the backup battery at the start of the battle we're nearly there we just need like 200 and another 300 for this and then we'll need to max this out so we're gonna need like another 500 scrap or so all right it's been a good run so far we've got plenty of fuel plenty of way too many missiles but beside the point and we're also saving up on drone parts right now because we haven't had to rely upon those drones um i want to get my way into this ship let's use mind control super shields ah super shields block mind control wish i knew that before okay um well then we'll just try to take down the super shields very fast super shields block mind control that seems kind of overpowered okay now you cannot evade my control of your mind um we'll take over your pilot that way they're uh god damn it we took down their evade for a second all right we'll wait for that one to charge up i like it because these things do take a long time to charge up so they're well suited to the backup battery you know uh oh they did hit us that was kind of a surprise okay um pilot jesus christ that was a lot okay that's going to keep both of them busy and they won't be able to evade much i probably missed a cloak right there oh that wasn't so smart of me i should not have cloaked there all right ah god how are we taking so much damage oh our shields were just lowered for a second i'm like not seeing some [ __ ] that's why we need stronger weapons right here all right you are mind controlled again i bet you i could be microing this a little bit better too in these fights yeah good enough the problem is that good enough isn't good it isn't good enough not anymore no i'm not gonna take that being very aggressive good enough still isn't good enough because you know you can get so close to beating that final boss but it's you know close enough that still means he failed the entire run super shields black mind control note the self damn those super shields are pretty good you can get one on your ship i think right what's crazy is that isn't that a zoltan thing they didn't have any zoltans they had only engies but what i am starting to see though is that oh i had only two of my shields powered up for that why did i do that um i don't want to get my ship hit so fleet push suit yeah got it it almost sounded like i just had like a speech thing fleet pursuit there's too much saliva in my mouth um let's get more power bars because i don't like overly relying on that backup battery actually now you know i think we're at 48 of eight it's not going to make that big a difference now let's just go straight for the weapons because we can't get to this final battle without the weapons uh excess slot of shield xs slot can you tag a hit without losing a layer of shield you don't necessarily always need two layers of shield to get out with those upgrades it's true i want to get the weapon systems up first only because offense is um perhaps bigger than defense here but if i can go if i can get the weapons and then i can get the evade max then i'll go for another layer of shields because it is quite possible that we'll need a lot of and it's always good to have something to work toward too now do they just send something over to us i think i'm going to turn off the charge laser i'm going to turn on pegasus because this is starting to become kind of risky um use the backup battery cloak mind control now we can start to target whoever's the strongest on the ship um i like that but the pilot always seems to be a good option oh god damn it these drones that's going to drive me crazy it's unfortunately went in for the oxygen this is really dangerous um okay we'll cloak as soon as we get alice's cloak right now anything wrong on the ship i feel safer cloaking [Music] and let's also just turn up our uh obamacare on the ship here we go good job good job okay everybody go back to your spots charlie's almost dead from this [Music] good good okay uh yeah go after the shields again why not backup batteries still charging there's so many things to keep track of with the charging it's wild um okay let's let pegasus shoot first and then after that we'll go in for their probably their guns and then we'll worry about them escaping oh my god why did they take that out too okay uh rock you go in there go in dwayne oh my god that's crazy why do they have so many of those things uh actually this thing will take oxygen out of it just by being in there so that's okay send the rock back oh my god these guys are really aggressive what is their weapon said anyway turn up my obamacare yeah okay that's actually good um wait a minute this drone is just kind of like taking it taking it on the chin you know like why would my drone be okay with this that doesn't make sense to me okay great their drone is down uh we do have obamacare on the ship so we should be okay even without oxygen um let's get the these people over there okay the energy vessel turns out to be been very poorly equipped uh generally speaking these things are really good so i'm gonna give them a lot of stuff okay and they uh god damn it okay it was a waste yeah that happens sometimes all right so we wasted a little bit but we were trying to get a better upgrade um generally speaking if you give if you're a good a good noodle the game rewards you sometimes sometimes hmm i had a chance to check out going medieval going medieval is fantastic i love it i really can't wait to see all that games updates it's it's nice to have like a third alternative too you know you have there's so many uh these colony management games um that are like not quite what you would want but i think it's done so many things well i'm really excited for it um i i hate sounding like a critic in that way like oh the game really excelled in this but i also can't help it because i'm kind of a geek for that stuff but uh yeah no i'm i'm super hyped let's see a fun game was i mean the fact that it has a cannibal trade is quite is quite amusing once i arrive it should be gonna ah god damn it it does seem like ships are getting very powerful though don't you think this mind control is just so much fun though and it makes the ship so powerful it's so good you know what let's upgrade our mind control hey mad duck thank you for the sub my friend appreciate it um i guess yeah i mean the thing is that i don't know i i people saying like wow why is he comparing it so much to it and some people saying like some people also comparing it so i was like i figure it's natural it'll happen um my god it makes me regret that i don't have more power on this ship though yeah if we could upgrade whichever crew member is kidnapped for their health and stuff like that we could really have them do a number on the ship and look he just gets right on the brink of death but he's not quite dead let's kill their pilot off now um oh these people do actually have a halberd beam i am quite terrified of that okay let's go in a little bit for the pilot in a little bit for the other thing okay the pilot is dead and the weapons are a little bit down that is good that is good um let's just have that weight we will shoot the burst laser and then we'll wait until that's ready again good good the laser will shoot this thing okay now i'm in the ftl zone we're gonna win this run i in the ftl zone what what even is that go for the shields go for the weapons it's just like a ballet between all the different weapon systems now uh stop firing that there we go it's like when it all does come together it's like a symphony though it's it's beautiful okay we'll just kind of keep uh harassing this part of the ship oh we could kill another crew member but when you could see inside of the enemy ship it's good okay five whole points repaired uh these things are good but fortunately we don't have to think about that anymore um [Music] so can we get a clone babe but we don't but we can't have other systems that's kind of weird well we don't need two s-bombs do we would that be really powerful hang on a second pegasus and two s-bombs i well we would use up missiles so quickly just wouldn't even be worth it um hmm thoughts thoughts chat they should be compared a mind control is great for destroying weapons i mean we should we should definitely get mine oh wowzers wait a minute mind control could take out their rocket like instantly yes let's get a lot of mind control um all flak run clone bay is better the thing is i'm fearful that i'm taking too many things for grand it automatically clones dead crew with skill penalty taking advantage of micro cloning crew heals partially every jump oh that's quite nice jump heal is passive and requires no power okay so i mean it's another free thing and i just always find myself with too much scrap we have tons of this stuff so let's get it oh wait it would replace our med bay is the clone bay better than the med by bay though i do i know clone the med bay is better okay then we will not get the clone bay absolutely not one missile slot because they can repair pretty yeah yeah okay so then we'll keep the med bay we'll uh get rid of that um let's see i'll still keep my anti i have not really seen any drones this run you know we got great weapons but we didn't get any drones that's quite upsetting um my day is uh my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined as the old saying goes all right let's uh see the should we upgrade the ship yeah you know what we're gonna need to do this anyway so i'm just like god that mind control is gonna be really strong health and damage what is boost boost what could that even be um but we we do know that we're going to want this oh so many good options now i have too many of them okay so now i'm gonna need three power for this two power for the extra evade and then i could use two more on the mind control oh this is such a fun thing to narrate i say focus on getting my weapons yeah yeah we don't have this weapon sitting here limp anymore yeah um mind control is great but let's do this all right so we're gonna need another hundred i just i want to commit now i shouldn't have done that right there but i do want to commit um let's investigate the battle okay so we have to fight somebody as usual it'd be interesting if they had more types of encounters in ftl i will say that okay this one is uh some kind of bomb so we don't really know when it'll come that's a little unnerving um but we will do this to prevent them from charging oh and we have to well we don't have to but it's fun to mind control someone mind control might be my favorite new thing god i don't think i ever use this in any of my builds and it's so much better than crew boarding only because crew boarding you know you're risking the lives of your crew members you get everyone into one room and you can just get them all to kill each other okay that is quite sad that is quite sad that that is down but this is why charlie has been practicing so much with his tools he is preparing to he's preparing to repair get it i'm really good at commentary um hang on a second if we just shot for one room haha uh don't know if they're in there so let's just wait for charlie to repair that bon charlie be a good lad now repair that i will wait until the mind control kicks in actually this is such a strange thing to talk about um i think i will mind control you know you because i don't want their weapons uh working i'm gonna do this to kill the pilot and i'm gonna shoot this laser at the other room great okay nice um nice right let's just wait to fire them all again i'm sorry this is taking me so long it's just there's so much micro management with these two lasers but it's primarily because they're both very good um [Music] but i hope it is still fun is it still fun yeah actually xana does you're right like this is a good game to stream just because it's like it's done it's very satisfying for one session it it works well for a single stream but okay this is not a great offer the four missiles is good but we have 35 missiles we need other stuff um yeah i i do not accept i should probably be smarter with oh wait uh wait they were trying to escape weren't they oh why did i not do that that was pretty stupid of me um well we could still keep their pilot preoccupied and then we could mind control them okay let's just focus on that um actually don't fire the charge laser keep doing this great all right i've over thought it ah nice but you know that's what ftl is mostly about it's about overthinking simple things that you shouldn't do it's like a question on the s.a.t you know and then when you do that for so long you realize that so much of the clock is gone boy gun boy gone by all right my car is leaking cool and my happiness is draining at about the same rate lol i should have gone oh god no oh thou art wanking no i i you are fine with what you got please don't bring up cars to me it just makes me sad now you came across an asteroid mining colony um thank you but you have improved my disappointment um okay this can usually only be a good thing oh god damn it let's give them the requested five ah it was not worth it oh god my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined again i've been saying that too much you arrived near a damaged and dilapidated space station uh we could get scrap we already have a huge crew i'm not worried about that i just i want scrap all right so we can get that weapons powered up and now we're probably gonna need power to power up those said weapons i feel glad we might even have a shot at getting a zoltan at the end but we have max crew can we get more than seven what can you get up to nine it's all it's all good it's all good appreciate it zanatus um hmm it shouldn't be too uh let's see yeah we gotta oh they're mind control oh we didn't repair the mic whoops my bad i'm so not used to having a mind control section in the ship god damn okay the ship is now repaired i am glad for this um [Music] we don't really need stores anymore at all that's kind of weird we don't need stores i can't even think of much of a reason to go to the store nor would we have enough saved up to get it here the one thing we might need is like a drone but we just don't have enough money to get the kind of drone that i would want yeah i'm happy for us about this ship this is we can all take pride in this ship you know i need to power back up my drone bay but oh well alas it's fine um i can't mind control them but zoltans would be fantastic to mind control they can be they can be used all right let's just fire the lasers at them um we have enough for a combat drone 2 to be working yeah you know we could use the combat train we have 24 drone parts i may as well use these things before the play-through is up see if we can get into that good mind control oh god they took down our cloaking let's undo the actually let's undo the healing for a second and we will mind control eenie meenie miney moe catch a tiger by his toe if he uh you yeah it's pretty good okay i think we could just fire all of the lasers at once now it'll be fine let's just yeah no i'm ah god damn it they destroyed my thing why does that drone always get his ass kicked we need a mark ii drone that's what we need but i'm not sure we can really spare the power alas alas uh okay this is fine there's just so much coming at their ship that i think they'll eventually they'll give in yes probably could have done this one a little bit better my goal was to see if i could kill all of the crew members at once i got about half of them but it's a good sign that we're killing the crew members before we even do much else to the ship all right let's just uh power back up that drone compartment good okay and we'll let him heal up oh the stealth is the stealth damage oh the stealth was uh sorry was it was it before it was damaged it was hacked before too they all die once the ship i mean it's true that they all die before the ship pops the one thing is that in those final boss battles it's like going for the crew is actually a pretty effective strategy um and only because so much of the run is dependent upon that final boss battle so let's uh uh we'll give him a few more minutes looks like the drone is going to the bathroom or something i'm not happy with our drone game though right now like look at this these drones got nothing i don't like defensive drones either i do like them but we had some horrible luck with hacking last time maybe there is uh like best of drones compilation you need one more health there is okay um [Music] power that up and we don't uh we're actually not safe here now what are we trying to do in this sector we're on sector seven so there's only one more before the big boss me thinks we would be best off here just going from sector to sector collecting scrap we have 14 fuel in the last sector we have plenty of hole repair and fuel um good dodge training for the pilot would be nice too i think we just want to invest in those types of systems now my god the mind control is just so much fun you and it looks like they've got a flat gun we'll wait until their guns fire until we do this oh uh oh that guy is coming in ha ha he's just standing there in space okay so we're going to be boarded by one of these things who knows where it's going to be that's weird um that is really weird we have extra power too i guess i'm gonna put it on uh you know what let's just see if we can take this one out fast pegasus i choose you damn it i was hoping you wouldn't go there okay this is fine this is fine we have a human and other people who know what they're doing in this section of the ship oh god this could get worse decline declan oh god damn it okay yeah asked for it um oh their ship is completely exposed from the ions uh all right i'm gonna go for their weapons and for their um for their pilot so that they can't escape and then i'm gonna shoot three at their yeah drone i don't want them to damage me yep okay they took a ton of damage right there okay good thing that we went for that pilot um power that back up power that back up so i don't want my crew to die our mind control is down you go back in there make sure we have mind control i think we can win this so i'm just gonna go for it [Music] i'm not too particularly worried about us i just don't want to lose a crew member okay good oh jesus i get more and more like fearful as the ftl run comes closer and closer to its end because we are um we are doing quite well but randomness is very much operative in this game and you can lose everything really quickly the drone system would have been good yeah uh there is a phase of the boss battle where we get boarded hard by drones and then the final phase they just bring out this like super weapon which is way overpowered and ridiculous um whoever are you healing yeah you're healing both variants of the final boss crew and uncrewed have their quirks yeah that last phase where they shoot this massive weapon on you does sort of demand three uh what is it why did this have to be a store that's too bad we can't actually do anything my ship isn't in any danger can we had our shields ionized well i guess it's a good place for a store in that case um let's see if we can buy a zoltan can we get one okay now we are maxed out on crew that way we have more power because power does become the limitation at this point in the game okay any systems that would be better off if we've got a crew member in them if we got a crew member in here good okay so now we have mind control and you are also good with weapons in case if anything happens to tronal dump um we are going to do brecken in here and then we're just going to buy a lot more power very good i feel like i should be doing this yep that's better three shields and we could power something else on optionally cloak right after the shots fire in phase three they should all miss and then we'll be ready to go just as the burst shot fires the next time you know the coordination of the cloaking and the boss shots on the final battle are probably going to save me right here uh what i haven't done in a while so i have a feeling i'm gonna mess something up but uh yeah i'm gonna wait until i see the missiles off of their ship hey drongo d i i will wait await them eagerly in the mail thank you be clear cool if i could build my own ship but i guess save my ship you know like save our ship from rimworld i guess is kind of like the spiritual successor to ftl in a way i have i have not actually played save our ship which i feel like i'm missing out on i played it for like two seconds and i was just like this is a lot of fun i need to find time for this okay so this thing could shoot any projectiles jesus we just might be better off like going for their yeah let's wait until they shoot us got three engies duking it out it's kind of funny actually like fighting fighting of the weak okay they ionized or whatever they did miss good are we gonna wait for everything to charge up and i think just to overwhelm their ship at once we'll just uh let's shoot everything at their they might have time to repair this oh they did kill one of their didn't they kill one of their energies i'm going to shoot everything at one system because i think that there's quite a lot there that might avoid it yeah look we got only orange that's wild okay let's not shoot anything for a second i should have just done red there that this is a very well shielded ship this is actually one of the most well shielded ships i've ever seen i'm beginning to wonder if it's even oh holy cow what was that they have one of those things too i should have shielded myself hold up a second i might want to i might want to jump from this one it might be one of the few fights i would want to jump from have i played oxygen not included i i have it was a while back it's a good game i just haven't had a chance to try it much lately um okay let's see take a little bit off of that cloak we're gonna do wait for this to repair we're gonna shoot their shields again with all three and then we're gonna do mind control it's the yeah it's the gla this thing shoots through shields that's crazy now once we get a look on their ship you know what let's just mind control this room because there's bound to people in there oh i can't mind control if i can't even see it i thought i could just randomly attempt to i will alas it is still quite good yeah i think we could take it down with the next barrage and let's mind control them uh mind control their pilot so that these things hit and i think we've just beaten them into the ground now yeah that's it that should be it please don't waste any more missiles great okay that was actually slightly more terrifying than i thought we haven't done any ng ships in a while and they hit us with that glaive beam it does not shoot through shields well what did we do there's a lot of damage which means these pier ah pierces through shields but it is weak into doing so ah all beams shoot through shields to the amount of damage they have in excess of the shields oh okay that makes sense some beams are very very good i wish i had better use of them hmm i think i'm gonna wait on this evade only because we need more power now i feel like i'm just spending so much time managing the power can evade can you even you can't even invade a beam can you that is rather odd you know i guess that's the one thing that is an exception okay we've got this i just like this mind control the reason why i like the mind control is because it throws them off at the beginning of the fight and the more damage you can do really quickly is very powerful and also if we could get jesus christ if we give four bonus power this thing would be very good too um wow we have a lot of power on this ship though i'm gonna do this for now it'll be a shame if we can't fully power this ship um only because we're getting awfully close right here would more of a even help that much with the cloaking already it might not you're right um i just like having max of aid because i have like dodged through these entire clusters of many many missiles at the end of the game and it makes me feel good it might be one of those things where i just have like kind of behavioral bias that i like it i like the way that it feels i tend to do that a lot in fdl but it's a great feeling game to play okay we've got um 24 14 and 32. all right so let's just let's see if we can get these in order we won't have much time once we get to the last sector i don't think we're going to have time to do everything that we need but i know that i want mind control um [Music] oh we know how to deal with this one don't we thou art wanking thank you for the sub my friend god bless yeah that's my main upgrade i uh we do know the one that is good for this um oh this is uh not the event that i was expecting let's see if we could bring him to our med bay oh wow we got another guy uh i didn't actually want another guy um damn it well we can go objectively off of who is the best crew member um damn uh 20 more damage you know i think we might end up throwing this guy out of the ship only because these two i want to keep on their posts and they're good at repair and i like that obama's pretty much our permanent pilot charlie is charlie is good i might actually they're both named charlie oh god damn it why did this guy why did this guy do this to me i want to keep my zoltans declan is our shield guy i'm not getting rid of him i i think but charlie is just such a great mantis and he's getting better at fighting that i think i want to yeah this guy's like an imposter charlie i'm gonna dismiss this guy that's too bad okay goodbye uh yeah that's unfortunate it's too bad you can't have more crew members though alas all right let's see um there's more i want to investigate yeah i'll be going to that nebula and we'll be doing some stuff over there we'll probably make a little bit of a loop i think it's just mind control after this though yeah mind control will be great i'm really tempted to do it early on but i feel like we could mess up uh mess up something else okay uh obviously let's get one of these let's get this pilot oh wrong guy i should have waited for him to go to the other room damn it well they will kill him anyway so that's fine um [Music] ideally even more power for this drone ah you know what we could get a uh tons of missiles so that should be fine deoxygenate him we're just gonna kill their entire crew aren't we wow they've got two mantis fighting the energy that's a little bit abusive this mantis is not even gonna make it in here um yeah let's power down our mid bay we just don't really need it right now okay i'm about to f these guys day up hang on a second okay we're there now uh go two for shields and let's see what that does see if we need pegasus ah let's just shoot it so that we can kind of kill their entire crew okay pretty much their entire crew is dead that is good the fact that we could see so much inside of the enemy ship is like a is amazing let's kill their last crew member great that was way easier than i thought it would be we got 71 scrap and we're ready to go um hmm what do we need now do i know exactly oh examiner is really fun i like it that's another one we could play great recommendation excess shield slot would be nice um my thing is i really like this mind control only for how quickly it takes down the enemy ship and it requires two power too but i mean if we aren't gonna go for the evade that might be better though with the um oh yeah the second battery thing so let's get this so that we could get four bonus battery only because that's 50 for the price of two extra battery we want we're going to want to stall in this section because i want to try to get all of these things but i think that the four battery is really good okay um how much farther are we gonna make it this fleet is kind of slow here what i might end up doing is nebula this thing if i can't go to the other section too i want to get to as many of these as possible because we do want to get as much scrap as we can okay that was fantastic um um for the sake of fun i'm gonna do two mind control i've never played no man's sky um [Music] i like battery but i love mind control the uh crew members in the flagship are on separated cabins with no access to one another many of them are the ones in the weapons yeah um but on the other hand a little bit of me feels like it's smart let's get a fuller picture of what we'll actually have with our final scrap fortunately the fleet is going very slow right now so we can go one two three f can we go one two three four unless if they speed up their jump oh god then i'm gonna have to fight all of them even still how would i do a passive run um running this just mind control everyone pretty much mind control is way better than i gave it credit for mind control and defend yourself you know somehow i think we can do this and even if i end up having to run from the ripple fleet i'm still going to get repaired in the next section so i'm just going to chance it that was a waste oh crap and we are getting chased faster that was really bad well so get repaired unarmed zoltan uh thing uh transport vessel is slowly making its way toward the beacon here the hell this is us souls and i don't know why they talk like that peace envoy we carry no weapons or shielding um i'm scared of the fleet so i'm gonna hear them out i don't want to take too much damage oh wait i missed that what happened all right so we're gonna have to engage with the fleet once we might not even be able to get this okay well that's good because this was a tough fight i don't want to take a lot of damage because the fleet is going to eff us up because they're going to hit us but we're going to get repaired right after that um oh wait we can get the zoltan ship that way ah it's impossible to do because it was at the end all right alas i probably should have fought them then okay declan our shield man is how do we unmind control a guy like what is the prescribed response to mind control because i struggle with that should we just heal him while we fight him like how do we get him back because i don't want him to be mind control but certainly i don't want him dead because he's my permanent shield guy and i love him oh it cancels out uh you use your mind control on your own oh we use our mind control on our own wait that's really a thing oh that's crazy good oh this is like genjutsu man okay hang on i'm gonna mind control myself jesus uh okay yeah charge all three weapons so that we can do one massive barrage on them great oh he's just sitting there doing his work doing everything that the state says to do wait for them to do that and ooh cloaking yeah love that my favorite things all right uh let's see i wish i could have mine controlled one of them but alas that is really fun okay let's go for their uh let's go for this just hopefully to kill some of their crew members oh that was one of the worst barrages i've ever seen in my entire life i have to deep i have to mind control myself again that is very good that is very good indeed oh my god i wear weapons are just garbage right now what are they doing i got a second let's fire them all again at once okay our cloak is almost back up and i'm still not even using the backup battery what is wrong with me yeah we have plenty of drone parts that's fine i'm gonna have excess in this run just shoot the charge laser right now and you know what i want i want that mind control out of my life [Music] good damn it i keep doing that wrong okay let's wait again i like to be uh slow and decisive man cloaking at the right time is good all right uh all right we've got tons of bursts now let's use it on i'm kind of following their crew around their ship now yeah as long as they can't put stuff out let's just keep shooting them oh five fuel eight ah this is actually a pretty good offer yeah i'll take that yeah didn't expect i would do that uh yeah they had could evade on that ship too i mean the i think the flagship has pretty decent of aid too the last time we did it we were using s-bombs but we could use mind control on them now um let's see they will they have mind control until the last phase of the i think they get mind control at the very end of that last boss battle okay so let's just see what we've got left on our ship we're gonna have to jump oh we just barely missed the fleet okay we really did well this run this is like a perfect ftl run um let's see how much scrap we get before the end because that's going to determine whether i do shields evade or mind control boost um as soon as they arrive is receive a federation encrypted message all right again we want as much scrap as we can right can upgrade cams to see enemy weapons charging we should do that too um how would that help us again it might help us with our cloak but we can also kind of see when the enemy weapons are um are shooting too for our cloak i'm just trying to think of what else would be good with that there's a lot we could do latest [ __ ] for a ship to have uh not have foreshield almost guarantees them to have really high of aid yeah i mean we're a little bit weak on defense so maybe i should use that instead of mind control i mean i don't think the mind control boost really makes much of a difference hmm yeah more of more evade i'm always used to maxing evade and then doing uh three shields let's fight this rebel ship this is not too particularly strong a rebel ship okay i'm finding it a combination that i really like here let's um let's try this i have a strategic plan charging up our weapons we'll wait until our weapons are charged we're going to cloak because they have a thing coming ah [ __ ] they have a thing coming um damn it there's not really a way to stop that drone from coming in though oh well uh let's use our battery let's use our combat i know they have a thing there that is gonna mess up with our drone let's see if for once our drone will fight their drone come on drone you could do it i want that thing off of my back so let's just wait until this stuff charges up okay my drone is charging but it doesn't really want to fight this guy so this is kind of like a weird stalemate here oh no it is i think it is fighting their drone whatever all right uh let's go in for their oh here was my plan okay mind control this guy wait for their entire crew to go in there and then shoot the hell out of that room to just see if we could kill a guy wow that was powerful that was good okay that was a great idea yep that was good that's what we got to do in the final fight if the whole crew of the boss ship was wearing tin foil hats that make them immune to mind control i mean if we could the thing is that when you do kill all of the enemy ship people okay they might get away now though too um this guy might be able to is that red i think it is red i want to get more scrap though so let's just go for it yeah 31 versus okay 66 it was worth it okay um are we gonna be better off leaving this deoxygenated uh no i think we do want to fix that so we'll just send him in there all right this has been a very very good ftl run the one thing about the final boss battles that even if you do take out most of their ship even if you do take out all of their people i think the automated systems still do kick in because i have killed all the people on it that was a great yeah that was probably the best volley we've had all game i'm sad that that wasn't for the final boss fight okay now we've got 205 um we're gonna have a ton of battery because i'm not even using two right now and this thing charges up fast it's great um the question is do we go in for the evasion or do we go in for the um for the shield i guess you know it's just a percentage thing and the shield is more of a discreet thing like you know so let's probably go for i think we should go for the shield and then if we get any other points in the last sector we could always just do one more of eight if we wanted um do we have all the power we still aren't even up to our max power yet but we just managed it so well um yeah four shields for shields and then if we manage to get all of that then i can do mind control um but i might even do cameras first because it would be cheaper maybe okay shields here and then we'll get all of the auxiliary systems is that everything is our drone repaired our drone is not repaired i will just kind of power up the drone again we want to make sure that we're fully prepared for this the one major regret of this is that we don't have any better drones um we just didn't really get any drones throughout most of this playthrough uh our drones were kind of garbage now that there's anything wrong but this guy like really is just he's just kind of like sitting here collecting checks you know he's not really getting a lot done he's just kind of sitting in this section of the ship uh our people get mind control but i don't want to use them for that he's like uh you know he's uh he's just kind of leeching from the ship it's unfortunate but now we do have four shields so i feel very powerful i have never been quite this powerful in my entire life um at anything ever yeah sad right okay good we've got jayden on the she uh good everybody's in their max position why does that say 40 now though okay we just took power down from that there we go all right we'll see what else we can get in the next sector and this is going to be the end we do well the piloting would be good but isn't that only for autopilot so i suppose if we get mine controlled in the end yeah so we'll see if we can spend another 25 on that but we do get a lot of things from that [Music] person elbot is social distancing having full drones and yeah having having both is hard to uh it's hard to power um let's see so we've got this we've got this the one place where this would be really good is if your pilot gets mind controlled in the last fight it gives you a moment because they can hit you with like five rockets and totally mess up your ship so i will do that um i don't really think we need more doors this would be okay i don't think we really need it um i think we're pretty much at evade pilot i'm gonna do piloting right now i think that's good and then mind control got it it's like remember when you would fight the elite four oh we are rather far from the ship right now and those repairs are not at the best points okay this isn't great but at least i'm safe inside my mind very well piloting one is okay because it's quick to repair even though it's otherwise a weak system i think we'll i think we'll be okay here i hope we are um with conspicuous pirate markings orbiting a nearby moon broadcasting a simple message claiming to have equipment available for sale um i don't actually want to buy any equipment let's attack him okay and we are now uh fighting this thing we are actually just going to wait we are going to wait power this up we're going to power our combat drone and we'll put it on our medicine because we don't really have anything else i mean obamacare um i'm gonna cloak i might not have really been worth it for the cloak but it's okay okay we can see them again they are coming into view hmm i'm trying to see which mantis would be the best one to get i think the this mantis because then it would kill it would get killed by the other ones [Music] they don't have mind control okay good and we'll let our weapons charge up again because most of these last battles we just want to do one big bit of damage and my god four shields is very good [Music] safe inside my mind and unless if i'm being mind controlled that is having a second piloting upgrade is also good to the pilot system are harder to destroy really oh damn i didn't even really thought of that maybe that's why i lost the last fights is because my piloting system was just weak all right i think we're pretty much ready to fire now we could probably just take out this ship in one volley not bragging or anything ah okay i'm gonna say let's take out pegasus and try to just take out their evade first before we shoot the other ones oh we won't do it like that we'll do it like that and if we manage to do that great okay now we can take out their their evade is down what do i really want okay let's just try to kill their crew that oh god damn it why did they do that right at that moment oh that one is horrible i will alas i mean i feel very safe inside of i feel like the boy in a bubble inside of four shields this is crazy uh mind control kill yourself uh uh mantis man i think we could just take out every single section of this ship um good good good fight each other in the med bay will you oh god damn it okay we could totally just destroy them two oh come on that was really close alas alas well the good news is that i am feeling great freedom in these fights because we are doing very well at them all right uh but now seriously destroy him [Music] now i'm not going to be impatient here what if i depend upon that last miss okay now i am impatient use pegasus to destroy them all right great um 58 what else are we at let's just see what we get and then we'll do the final buy cloak right under like the thing is that the boss is going to end up doing that too but we have so many drone we have way too many drone parts if we could get some drone that is like usable as a purchase that might be for the best here um and now they are going to take out those repair stations well i really even need them though uh i don't want to get into any big fights i might be stuck here i'm not sure if you do get anything at the base or are we better off i'm gonna i'm thinking i'm gonna do this this i don't want to get them so close to the base but i have a lot of options from this star too i think i'm gonna go one two three uh one two then maybe end up to the base not have this repair station anymore oh i totally missed this one but this would have been way too hard to get to and then we could always use this one if we wanted don't remember mind control when i played it years ago yeah there were a couple of things that i think were added repair stations give scrap but i could be wrong if we go to this one though we'll get the scrap right when we fight him i think you're right about the repair stations giving scrap it's unfortunate that those weren't closer base and then repair yeah we could actually do base repair then go to him here because that would definitely give us scrap and we might just get fights here that'll ruin our ship all right i don't love it but i think we have to do it uh unfortunately we do not get scrap at the base um but we knew that i did not know that um i'm probably not even gonna be able to get this evade okay uh let's just go see how much we get at this place i'm trying to think am i actually i might need one of these repairs later on i might want to save this one so i'm going to keep him and it's right next to the base so let's go do the fight right now okay we're gonna be fighting phase one of the boss chip which is one of the hardest phases i think phase three is pretty tough too but i want to save a repair um let's just get a couple of last things for our ship now uh the toss-up here is do we get mind control boost or another bit of power so that we could have this thing going um oh wait but we have the four power for that so then let's get mind control boost right hmm yeah the the last phase has the mind control it is very powerful i am confident in our ability to win too but you win ftl by being over by being overly cautious too it is very scary the game um okay in case if they hack our oxygen we could also get that too because that would be very bad i think that this is fine i can see enough of the enemy ship interior but if i don't see the enemy ship interior that would also be really bad because i need to be able to see it for this one o2 and mind control i feel like o2 in my control then we're using up more power but we don't always need all those systems piloting one more piloting one more might be okay might work i feel like that i want to avoid having that happen at all though too and i think that the mind control is going to be really important i'm going with my gut here which says mind control and oxygen many of these would be other good uh other good routes i'm gonna go for this too okay is there anything else we have to do before the fight just so that we don't get our asses kicked um we have one weapon that we didn't really use the s-bomb but that's only something as a last resort if we find that we get totally screwed in the fight and we have to do it again um we got four power we got this thing it's gonna require another power but that's fine we get the oxygen as an option and we could always use our drones okay uh we are going to fight the boss now any last words oh i am very scared i i think we are i think we're fine i think we're as as well off as we've ever been in this fight okay i'm going to begin and i'm gonna save my cloak for when he fires these things because i don't want to get hit by these rockets if i get hit by his lasers that's fine if i get hit by his ions that's fine except for if he hits my cloaking but i'm just gonna have to hope that that doesn't happen um actually now that i think of it we have 48 percent of eight but just getting hit by these things is so astronomically bad um that it could really ruin the ship okay i'm gonna wait for this um we're gonna wait a second to turn on backup power and actually we've got that thing coming over so i'm going to actually let's see what this okay it is going to hit my cloaking [ __ ] um i didn't want that if i cloak can i prevent it from hitting my cloaking let's find out because i don't want it to hit my weapons but certainly i don't want the cloaking either i prefer to hit like doors or something like that god i have the reaction of a cat i don't know if i'm doomed here but let's give this a shot let's put this on this put this on this and put this on this and then we are going to as soon as they come out of that we're going to okay it's still going to come over we're still not going to be able to cloak for the fight that was just how we got hacked crap we might be able to hit that thing with the burst laser but that thing is like it's like seeing a snake that's going to eat you and then pausing in a moment oh that sucks yeah i wanted that system but we just you know it's better than weapons we lost weapons the last time okay now we're going to mind control their rocket guy rocket man and i think it's gonna be uh god damn it yeah destroying that system is gonna be the best thing for us or just keeping that system completely like neutered for the whole fight and then we'll just shoot rockets at that system because i want that system dead okay i've been hit already um my drone system do i need anybody on there burko you go over there i don't think i need you quite there there quite as much um oh yeah we just have to damage their hacking i forgot about that thank you for saying that okay so then let's go in for their hacking but first off i'm really scared of this thing i don't like it at all let's see if we can just kill this person and then we'll shoot the lasers at their hacking system because we are going to need that for the fight because those things are really dangerous okay so this guy is pretty badly hurt those weapons are pretty much down for a while our cloaking is back online temporarily we can wait until they shoot weapons cloak because their rockets are offline and let's just have these things not work can you tell how nerd i am right now like i'm really trying so hard i love this game i do i love i love ftl more than i should um maybe we should destroy their clerking that would be just uh cloaking that would be just desserts actually we need to take out their hacking again um no wait a minute wait a second i hope i don't hit their cloaking maybe they're cloaking into the wrong time okay let's just hit their hacking and we have our batteries online again just keep powering up everything i don't think it's really gonna help us that okay good their rockets are down next i'm gonna shoot pegasus at their lasers because it's the only thing that's really gonna mess us up and then after that we're pretty much safe from this ship we're also going to be mind control um let's go for the pilot yeah totally fine great okay um save the rest of that and we'll fire another burst okay we're actually doing a lot of damage to them this time that makes me feel good that makes me feel good okay we're gonna cloak again wow this is gonna be a fine fight i can tell already um just getting bunching them all up into like two rooms and then firing at them is great great fun great fun okay where are you okay all of the injured are going for the med base so we're going to shoot like around there and we'll shoot with both of these uh wait a second wait hold on to those lasers i feel tense oh the drone wait a minute i should have launched oh yeah i should have watched the drone why did i not do that i don't need my anti-personnel drone but we can launch that drone that's fine good thinking good thinking let's just fire both of these up there and hopefully kill their entire canoe we didn't manage to kill their entire crew but that is just sad okay now save the lasers for a little while longer well we have kind of got their crew preoccupied here but they've also ionized our shields and why are our shields oh we haven't been powering that hang on a second i knew i had the drone off for a reason way too much stuff to manage right here whoa my head needs to catch up our battery got ionized or our battery is waiting they just launched something what did they just launch at us do that crew is fine let's do uh we actually don't really even need the oxygen good i feel like i'm an air traffic controller just for the record sorry i'm not chatting more i don't like hearing streamers say that but i but i am i am i don't want to get ionized yeah i'm all right i'm good don't kill all their crew because the ai will oh so leaving one of their crew alive is better haha i did not know that oh thank you for letting me know that well i will always leave one of their crew members alive now from now on from now on let's just destroy the other weapon systems because i think that that's a fairly effective way of going about this um the ions are actually still getting us damaged i neglected to see that before they will shoot pegasus at that okay and also that we have the crew member on their ship working on that problem as well right now uh and their ship is actually very low on health i am surprised at how easy this was this ship was actually uh not much of a challenge at all it's because we over prepared though you know like if if we hadn't done all of that we would have been suffering we could have really gotten hurt um leave the laser guy alive so that he can fix the rest of the ship just look for any opportunity to say laser um yes okay they're going straight for the base we could repair i think we're ready to fight them again though we could get a little bit of scrap but i want to save that repair for if i need it later on um because we can't let that ship spend too much time at the base so let's do um do we even want to upgrade anything or do we want to save it after phase two we could get the cloak lasting for longer um [Music] i don't really want to give it any more power though and i think our cloak has been pretty much fine i don't really even think that this would help us that much i think more power if anything would help us just so that we didn't have things going on and off we got 30 30. we don't really need the drone system power because they aren't even going to be boarding us let's just fight them again yeah i don't think it's going to make a difference hey buttered waffle how's it going my friend leave one of the gunners uh trapped into the space of the ship so they cannot repair any other portion of the ship i like the um i like how they're actually isolated in their four weapon systems now they've lost their ion system which if you ask me their weakest system um now it's entirely drones okay drones are not a fun part to fight of the enemy ship but again here they have no gunner in this section of the ship so we can just shoot that um we're going to turn on the battery we're going to add that to mind control we're going to add in crew repair because i don't want everybody to die oh wait a minute no we won't do that let's do this leave cloak for the drones swarmed they don't have hacking this time which is good so we get to use all of our systems um i think it would be a major design flaw they shouldn't have i mean i just i still don't see how their ship is still standing when they have this much of it destroyed look at the combat drone okay the combat drone is just gonna kind of keep plugging away at them whom should i mind control i'm thinking that laser guy would be pretty good to mind control right off the bat they also don't have cloaking this fight and we're going to wait until they fire something to mine to uh cloak only because i do want to avoid those missiles and they have an enemy boarding our ship do i want to cloak right now [Music] i'm going to have to deal with it one way or another let's just see if we can get pegasus off i'm going to do that and i'm going to position the rock guy in there okay um unfortunately our boarding drone does not do his work that really would have made this way better how much wood chuck would a wood chuck chuck i don't know a lot of wood well new viewer have to say love the vids especially the psychological poetry today thank you very much so some more okay i feel like in these fights i'm just keep it paused for a while because i feel like i missed something yeah we're fine it's usually famous last words um yeah okay let's take out that weapon system and it's still not out i so greatly fear these lasers though that i'm just gonna keep on going okay great fantastic it's done um now their drones are probably the next biggest threat to our existence i'm also going to start giving my crew this i don't know why i didn't give them oxygen before i could micro the oxygen but i'm afraid i'll forget about it [Music] yeah that's fine i'm worried about my rock in there though worried about the rock um let's see if we can kill this guy and oh jesus christ hang on a second whoa that's not what i wanted where did 10 drones come from this is a thing in this fight wait a second wait a second whoa whoa i feel like i just lost should i jump would absolutely love to see some ftl on the youtube channel in the style in the same style oh actually i've got one on ready right now this is the drone swarm hang on a second we're about to get our cloak back that is scary man jesus we gotta disable that thing for the entire time oh god oh god um yeah it might all end hang on a second i'm going to cloak as soon as our shield well we do have we do have four shields for a reason [Music] okay i'm losing track of berko uh berko get back into the mid bay jesus pegasus fired off and now we could uh let's give it a second man i'm really uh okay well it's okay their drones are down all right uh sheesh battery mind control healing healing again less healing combat drone mind control on the this guy pegasus fires at this guy uh just once charges fire at this guy too because i really just want this guy dead i want their weapon systems down if it's only drones that we're worried about then i'm not too worried about okay that guy's dead uh yeah that guy's totally dead um let's also go in for their halberd b uh no actually at this point it's just drones let's just keep shooting the drone section of their ship uh yeah i think that's fine i am quite confident in this okay that drone's gonna be back online in a second and probably destroying our oxygen compartment i'm gonna send back in our rock and as soon as my other lasers are up i'm gonna just take out their drones okay and all in on the drones jesus that did nothing okay thank god that we've got pegasus here because otherwise we would all be dead and who oh god what is what happened to burka oh whoops i gotta i left him in without the oxygen okay hang in a second i gotta i gotta focus again i feel like i'm pausing every two seconds but i'm just like yeah there's just so much to do it's like having four hands comfortable doesn't it but the thing is that it can go from comfortable to so uncomfortable in two seconds um which is why i fear this game at every moment if we mind control their pilot we get rid of their evades so let's do that [Music] and we're going to also we gotta wait for our battery to go back online but i do want him healing i don't wanna lose that i'm actually gonna turn off the oxygen for a second famous last words famous last words famous last words okay he's fine get it back get back online let's just cloak because i want a second to think battery obamacare oxygen uh my uh mind control light f that's all right hold up a second don't fire the lasers like that their ship is not looking great i wouldn't want to be on that one i'd prefer to be on our ship than their ship to be uh to be fair so this is safe this is completely safe you almost have the lasers ah your drones okay good this is about it and i bet you the next volley of pegasus will take them out oh wait we didn't mind control them i'm going to mind control them again and great ah that's so nice to see it although i actually think that that is the easiest phase of the of the enemy ship the last phase is the uh the difficult one okay just a second to rest my mind we made it so far hmm could be worth to i'll do um went after my yeah no absolutely okay let's um let's just heal up our crew give them that everyone get lots of oxygen alberto burgo has pulled it through these fights i'm glad we have so many different varieties of of crew members on our ship because if we didn't have them then we wouldn't have as many jobs to do um i'm just finding that it's kind of awkward how i'm having to spend power he's going back there now ah but the other thing is gone they took away my repair not that it was gonna do much so let's just chase the ship back but we're going to buy our last system uh we've got 60. basically it's more healing for me and since in the next part they use mind control [Music] i'm thinking that would be best to spend this money on uh would it be power we could do power unlike cameras be prepared for their entire crew oh do they do that damn they teleport their i haven't gotten up to that part of the fight yet so they teleport their entire crew onto our ship we have a pretty good ship though starship theory um did that one get abandoned i saw that one starship theory looked great but i heard that it why do i feel like it got abandoned it looked like an incredible game though when it was in development most of the crew is alive did for them phase three if the crew is alive they will use the big teleporter to send out okay so then we want to be safe from their big crew coming onto our ship um so yeah we want to be able to heal our entire cruise so let's get one more power and we have only 25 left now so let's just use it on cameras because we don't have anything else um which is quite unfortunate unless there's anybody more secret last phase but we do want to have our crew healing for this entire fight and we want somebody on doors so let's return everybody to positions okay so these are fairly powerful blast doors i wish i had one more level on that but alas uh the other thing is we do have the anti-personnel drones this might be the one place where he this might be his time to shine i think we're good on everything else i think we have the right systems powered i think we're good the secret fourth phase where the ai just decides to fly the ship right into you yeah right it's like it will keep going until there is like one single screw left of the enemy ship okay um and it's i actually dread this phase the most um bracken they've mind controlled so our first move is going to be to unmind control brecken let's just unpause for a second okay so that's done they don't have cloak we're gonna automatic uh actually we want to take down their zoltan shield first or whatever you call it the power shield um i'm going to power up my power dr uh my power drone my combat drone give myself the battery oh thank you for this thank thank you for the for the subscribe of good luck thank you drop i appreciate it focus focus rob um let me see i'm going to just give myself these two things because i oh wait a minute i did that wrong i should have given them more power yeah it doesn't make a difference i was just take repossessing my own guy i was repowing one of my guys and we're going to wait for our other lasers we're going to shoot that you'd think that ftl would have more action than just me saying all of this garbage right here right no unfortunately that is what most of ftl is okay their entire crew is beginning to teleport onto my ship this is not a great place for them to have gone i'm going to try to kill their crew if i can though um i doubt that it'll work because usually they teleport away right in time were those essential systems those were good systems that i had but we don't really need the mind control right this instant so let's just go fight them with all that we've got i don't want my zoltan to blow up though you know what's hilton you go back this is not great okay let's send pegasus there [Music] oh why don't i just use my anti-personnel drone well they were in my own compartment oh somebody go repair the cloak hang on a second dump you go out there um i'm sorry every time i say it um oh wait he won't he won't take the oxygen out of the container if he does that but still i want to take down this zoltan shield because i really want them i really want that done man that was a nasty first barrage okay well we did manage to kill one of their crew um okay you go back here you go back here and they have also remind controlled one of my people they have remind control that guy so i'm going to mind control him back from them great okay uh pegasus has failed miserably oh it went against the see there's too many things to keep track of at once um let's just not fire anything we're gonna fire one clean barrage yeah we do have this vulnerable moment here because there's nobody that we could mind control on their cannons okay now we're gonna get hit with the super weapon this is probably gonna be the darkest point in the fight um could always shoot their teleporter pad uh well they've got only one crew member left yeah we're gonna yep told you that would be a horrible hit okay i think that's as bad as this gets though because now [Music] am i going to die they've got oh wait did they teleport is that the last crew member damn it i can't even see in their ship to know let's send our rock in there [Music] our drone man that really effed us up hold up a second if they hit our weapons we're done damn it what should i do cloak to evade oh yeah cloak to evade hang on and say ah god damn it i should have seen that a second ago i don't know why i didn't see that actually yeah i could have totally avoided that damage okay now they did it okay they shot those at me great we avoided that second missile barrage but now we can't unload on their missiles so this should be um maybe not the final thing but actually let's just see what pegasus does to it okay it it actually did take it out okay that was pretty lucky let's take out their other weapon system and then do i even want to kill this guy i don't want their automated systems to take over all right well whatever ship did fine uh jayden is uh is being mind controlled i didn't even notice there oh actually we've messed this up we've got the wrong guy doing the engines hold up a second everyone go back to your positions accept berko go in there you go there the drones sort of matter but we'll catch up don't shoot that anymore it looks like we got that one in the orange pegasus will shoot they're piloting so that they can't evade actually i don't want to kill the pilot because then the systems take over let's just shoot their um let's shoot their shields oh whoops no what am i saying this uh this next super volley will hit before the cloak is back yeah we're screwed in that way i totally missed that with the super volley shooting the engines will have the same effect okay same thing let's do that actually i do want to prevent them from shooting their laser jesus christ but we do have four shields so we should be fine to a certain extent okay we managed to take their main weapons offline now we'll shoot their engines oh wait my i think it's back up yeah give me more battery power let's do that okay and then i'm going to shoot this uh let's just go for shields i figured that's pretty good they've mind-controlled this again on mind control aha i have defeated you i think we're i think this one's pretty much in the clear okay yep i'm pretty sure that's all she wrote we've won oh god i didn't even need to well we got an unlock out of 8. that was rather fortunate though um [Music] yeah let's just automatically shoot just watch it burn watch them burn yeah i don't know if i've ever beaten ftl before wowzers thank you for your support i couldn't have done it without you i literally couldn't have done it without you this is a very happy day god it's midnight wow that took me three and a half hours all right i'd like to dedicate it to uh the members of this crew obama uh tronald dump uh bo giden charlie uh the other guy named charlie who tried to replace the original one um what were the other ones names uh declan and somebody else we unlocked uh ironically we unlocked the other ship right before uh even did this 3954 hey pretty good oh jesus christ okay i i feel no need to play this game anymore for a while i think i'm uh i think i'm happy we unlocked this thing in the middle of that run though which was so sad oh well uh you know at least we want it with something we get we got that to uh we got that achievement let us know my thoughts on the new ship before i yeah let's try it out for a second that's a good idea let's see it so this is a pretty good ship right at least it's got four crew to start this one looks very difficult to manage oxygen on though this ship is actually rather rather hard to play compared to the last one don't you think very enjoyable stream may thank you very much thank you very much use the fed this should be good wait what the fed cruiser cannot like print money or something
Channel: ambiguousamphibian VODs
Views: 72,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: faster than light, ftl, ftl game, faster than light game, faster than light gameplay, faster than light torus, ftl torus, faster than light 2021, roguelike, space roguelike, ftl faster than light, ftl: faster than light, faster than light win, faster than light torus win, torus, ftl win
Id: 7EnYJmSfq6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 191min 44sec (11504 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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