SURPRISING FACTS about Billy Graham Before He Fell | Dr. Gene Kim

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[Music] right now the fourth devil which we can all guess but he passed away and there's a very good chance that he saved Billy Graham there's a very good chance that he's saved which I give him the benefit of the doubt if people think differently hey you know that's your right to think so that's possible he may not he may not be saved he probably faked it all the way but here's something very interesting about Billy Graham so I already did two videos on Billy Graham so I don't have to give all the details on this but I would like to give a perfect description of Billy Graham out of his beginnings that matches with second Peter - okay these false Billy Graham is no stranger to fulfill all of these and I don't need documentation to prove that we've seen where he's connected with me since he was he was celebrated in the Catholic one of the Catholic schools he held hands with Muslims and Catholics he spoke at their conferences he gets along with everybody but look at second Peter chapter two what it says about these false prophets right there's a verse that I didn't read yet Billy Graham fulfilled all those things about a false prophet but look at this in verse 20 what was their beginning for if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ see that they got saved from the world and they got saved through knowing Jesus Christ but look they are again what and tangled they're in there and overcome the latter end is what worse with them than the beginning yeah Billy Graham he knew God and all that which is going to be interesting that I'm going to show you but now his end became worse than the beginning this guy is worse than all three put together this guy is worse than all three put together look at verse 21 for it had been better for them not to have known the what way of righteousness then after they have known it to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them Wow that's a perfect description of Billy Graham computer chapter 2 now if this has any reference to salvation then praise the Lord Jesus Christ it does not apply to us today because 2nd Peter is an application to the tribulation time period as well as Matthew chapter 24 this is not applied for us today this is applied for the tribulation but see because this is applied to the tribulation we can get clues today on certain people that's heading toward here alright so anyways Billy Graham here are some interesting things about him before he became one world before he became that false prophet and he would have been a great candidate of the false prophet in the tribulation actually so Billy Graham some things about him you know how he got saved under Mordecai hams preached in one Mordecai ham is did you know Mordecai hams story this guy is worse than dr. Peter S Rahman in in preach and style he would go to an atheist and say I'm gonna pray for God to kill you or to save you I recommend watching the movie about Billy Graham his younger years that movie I really enjoyed it it shows actor playing out as Mordecai ham pointing out as somebody and then you know pointing his finger at Billy Graham and saying you son you look like that you need Jesus Christ and then Billy Graham got on the Commission and he got saved another thing another thing is that Billy Graham he started to enter Bob Jones College under Bob Jones senior and 1936 he started a small Church in a suburb of Chicago that was where Billy Sunday and moody their heyday of revival was located at not only that he also did street preaching in his early years and the movie will also show you Billy Graham Street preaching and he led a a black person who was sitting on the corner and said do I do I need Jesus I mean will Jesus really help me and Billy Graham lent him to Jesus Christ over there how about that this was him back then also Billy Graham he was a friend of William B Riley he's a famous one of the during the Great Awakening eras or the latter end of them founding Northwestern schools Christian schools at time William B Riley not only that he was a member of the cooperating Board of the sword of the Lord sword of the Lord is the top IFB fundamentalist magazine today he was a cooperating member of that not only that he was honored with a degree from Bob Jones University he was honored with a degree from them another thing is Oswald J Smith my utmost for the highest Oswell J Smith who wrote that my openness for the highest this is where oz well J Smith said a Billy Graham quote again and again he urged the convert the converts to get linked up with some Bible believing Church where Christ is preached a well-known Methodist pastor his name is Bob Schuler that's not the same as this idiot okay so Bob Schuler he was he was known as fighting Schuler or something like that during the era of the that near the end of the Great Awakening he said this none of the great evangelists had ever before accepted the sponsorship of modernists because during Billy Graham's day that's when modernism was growing right Billy himself had not only refused to hold a campaign under their sponsorship but had openly declared that he never would in his Los Angeles campaign I personally saw and heard him turned down and politely decline the approval and cooperation of the Church Federation which represented the federal council now the National Council hard to believe right hard to believe what happened to him what happened to him here's a story which I can't confirm but dr. Oatman one time when Bob Jones University was being filled out to the full that's when dr. Alton was attending the school that time Billy Graham was speaking there but then it was so filled out so a lot of them can't go inside so dr. Otteman he had to sneak through the air vent and through the air vent he was listening to Billy Graham preach and that's where he got under conviction and he he wanted to become an evangelist so before he became a Bible teacher he wasn't Eve Angeles not only that I cannot confirm this but also Billy the Billy Graham crusade they actually contacted dr. upman when he used to be an evangelist and they wanted him to do that chalk talk and to join them when billy graham's preached and throughout his crusade look at billy graham how he was back then now who a lot of people never heard of dr. Peter s Rahman you know why he didn't go with the flow of popularity and adoration and a lot of people don't know him you mentioned Billy Graham to quiet an opposite everyone knows who he is May 30th 1997 what did Graham say in an interview with David Frost I feel I belong to all the churches I'm equally at home in an Anglican or Baptist or a Brethren assembly or a Roman Catholic Church and the bishops and Archbishop's and the Pope are our friends you know what John RI said John our rice he was the king he was one of the kings of fundamentalism that time John our rice he's a founder of the sword of the Lord you know what John RI said about this interesting incident about Billy Graham when he switched from fundamentalist to what new world order quote this is what John RI said I talked with dr. Graham again and again about the danger of yoking up with modernism again and again he assured me that he had vowed to God he would never have a man on his committee who was not right on the inspiration of the Bible the deity of Christ and such matters I visited dr. Graham in his own home in Montreal or Carolina by his invitation and we talked earnestly on such matters again and again we have talked by long-distance telephone sometimes as long as 30 minutes at his own request we sent him the sword of the Lord airmail week after week and his tour around the world I wrote him in great detail on matters where I thought he was wrong and all the time I defended him openly and publicly excusing all his mistakes until he openly declared he had decided to keep company with modernists and put them on his committees and to go under their sponsorship then I was compelled in order to be true in Christ to come out openly against that compromise the issue is not Billy Graham I have loved him through the years I have prayed for him daily for many years the warm-hearted friendly cliff barrows the beloved Beverly Shea the dear friend Jerry beavin and the assistant Grady Wilson God knows how I have prayed for them all I did all that a good man could do privately to help keep Billy Graham for the historic Christian position and for working with Bible believing Christians instead of unbelievers I like to close with Billy Graham as a perfect false prophet as a conclusion at the end that's why I strongly believe that the one of the best candidates for the false prophet for the New World Order is a guy like Billy Graham it's a guy like Billy Graham these three they've definitely fit the category but you definitely have to be a Billy Graham to get the adoration of the world to have Masonic elites the Jewish elites the Catholic elites to join together you have to get someone like Billy Graham not only that someone who knows a little bit about the fundamentalist bible-believing movement knows how their mind works knows how their mind works Matthew 24 shall we close these are for demonic pastors sent from Hell and how the mighty have fallen and how the devil has used them that's why by the grace of God I don't care if I lose more subscribers this pastor cannot compromise no matter what Satan wants Bible believing preachers and he will use them no matter what to a his goal Matthew chapter 24 verse 24 for there shall arise false Christ's and who false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders in so much that it were possible they shall deceive who the very elect what a what a sad sad day what a sad sad day verse 11 of Matthew 24 and many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many these are for pastors sent from hell avoid them at all costs two of them are still running powerfully but you also got other pastors out there Bill Hybels Andy Stanley and etc these guys make up churches are growing and they're becoming more and more worldly false prophets in the last days that's how they deceive people that's how they build a movement that's why everyone is going to prepare for the New World Order you know why when people hear preaching they don't expect preaching like to be ours when they hear preaching you know what they expect normally this kind they brainwashed our world they think preachers and preaching is like this you
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
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Keywords: billy graham, billy graham last message, billy graham messenger of god, billy graham roman catholic, billy graham rich, billy graham christian, the falling of billy graham, billy graham exposed, satan's top 10 christian ministers, has billy graham lost his soul, billy graham technology and shortcomings, kenneth copeland defends lavish lifestyle, rick warren warning, homosexuality and campaign for immorality, top four demon pastors
Id: tzn0fbBKjuw
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Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 29 2019
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