Satan Has a Son...and He's Here! Who is He? | Dr. Gene Kim

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the Bible says that in the last days there will be doctrines of devils 1st Timothy chapter 4 Bible also says that in the last days Satan and 2nd Corinthians chapter 2 we are not to be ignorant of his devices now one of the things that Christians are supposed to be doing is that they are not supposed to be ignorant of Satan's devices especially in the last days where he has a bunch of false doctrine out there so Christians are to be aware of what Satan is doing so here's one interesting thing what you're gonna notice in the last days all right you ready for this Satan has you ready whoa that's pretty wild right here Satan has a son is that pretty well oh no I'm gonna prove to you I'm you might it's okay if you don't agree with the first few things but I promise you this in the last thing you're gonna agree with me and I mean every Christian including Billy Graham he's gonna have to believe in this all right so I'm gonna show you he does have a son yes he does but first let's cover though the big things first and then the final thing that everyone will believe ready here we go here we go it's gonna get wild send Corinthian chapter 11 and verse 3 Satan Corinthians chapter 11 and verse 3 some strange going on here the Bible says but I fear lest by any means as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ okay notice right here that the Bible says that the serpent beguiled Eve through subtlety something happened at the Garden of Eden there's something strange here so people they will take this ass yeah that's right Satan trick to Eve but there's something more it alludes these words when saying siga beguiled Eve through what subtlety the serpent beguiled Eve through subtlety there's something more it's alluding right here this is gonna get interesting look at Genesis chapter 3 Genesis 3 now this verse alone proves Satan does have a physical seed this verse will prove he has a physical seed you might say why is that interesting pastor did you pay attention to the word that's why the King James Bible word it gave you a right word right here do you know what the word big guile means did you ever look up the word beguile before charm seduce that's what the word needs it's not like oh I just tricked you know it's tricking through what there's some kind of seduction some sort of seduction going on now look at this this is interesting when you look at Genesis 3 and then we're going to read verse 15 now remember after serpent beguiled heed so genesis 3:15 right after the serpent beguiled Eve what did Genesis chapter 3 verse 15 say look at this one this is interesting and I gods promising Eve this I will put enmity enmity between thee and the woman so excuse me this is God speaking to the serpent so God is speaking to Satan I'm gonna put enmity between Satan and the woman okay I'm gonna write this down that way you can pay attention Satan versus Eve seed I kind of gave it away but you're gonna see it so there's gonna be any enemy tweet enmity between but look at this keep reading verse 15 the end the woman and between so the enmity is not just Satan and Eve it's what they represent and between thy seed Satan's seed so Satan has a seed and her seed Eve has a seed now let me ask you this simple question Eve seed do you think it was metaphorical figurative is spiritual or do you believe that this seed is physical yes it is the Bible when it talks about Adam and Eve oh here's a bigger evidence why it's not spiritual the Lord just dawned this on me what did first Corinthians 15 say first Corinthians 15 says that our spiritual seed is not from Adam and Eve they said that's the lost man's condition meaning what the physical so it's definitely not spiritual it's got to be physical so when God is talking about seeds then this one following context following context Eve seed and Satan see then this is what mmm see that that's why this verse really shows it's something physical you really shows that it really proves it's physical because if you switch it don't switch it now because we're following by what the context of the verse [Music] but let's look at something else also that's interesting look at Ezekiel 31 verse 19 Ezekiel 31 Ezekiel 31 zqf 31 verse 19 this is gonna blow your mind look at Ezekiel 31 19 what did the Bible say about Satan that he was in the Garden of Eden right thou has been in Eden the garden of God now why would God connect Eden with Satan here's another interesting thing the serpent Satan beguiled Eve to take the fruit yes but look at this when Satan beguiled Eve to take the fruit look at this now Ezekiel chapter 31 verse 1 and it came to pass in the eleventh year in the third month in the first day of the month that the word of the Lord came unto me saying son of man speak unto Pharaoh king of Egypt and to his multitude who mark tile like in thy greatness so God is speaking to Pharoah but this Pharaoh king of Egypt all right look what he hears about behold the Assyrian was a cedar in Lebanon okay so it's talking about the Assyrian but you're gonna find out this Assyrian is a spiritual evil being so that's Satan but keep reading the Syrian was a cedar in lemon ah Lebanon with a fair branches and with the shadowing shroud and of a high stature and his top was among the thick boughs the water made him great the deep set him on high with there's rivers running around about his plants verse 5 he describes about his trees his branches verse 6 the fowls of heaven made their nests in his bow verse 7 he's fair in his greatness verse 8 the cedars in what the garden of God cannot hide him oh so this Assyrian listen to this this Assyrian who's described as a tree he said the gardens of God could not hide him so that's not a physical Assyrian this is who who is this Assyrian then at the gardens of God could not hide him it's Satan but let's keep reading right here so this isn't some physical king this is some bad spiritual king Satan but keep reading verse 9 I have made him fair by the multitude of his branches so that all look at this all the trees of Eden that were in the Garden of God and vide him oh whoa mind-blowing did you get that right here okay so then there were other trees in Eden that were not as fair as a particular tree in that garden what's that tree that was particularly very fair that Eve was beguiled through oh the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and Satan is likened to what that particular tree how about that ain't that something that Bible will blow your mind that book will blow your mind Satan is that tree Satan is that tree and that's what Eve was what beguiled from we all agree everyone agrees serpent beguiled Eve to party of the fruit but you see right here sir the Satan is represented as that fruit as that tree but he even gets even more interesting right here let's keep reading look at proverbs chapter 30 30 and revelation 17 we're gonna connect these to look at proverbs 30 proverbs 30 and revelation 17 promise 30 and revelation 17 man I got so many verses here so this video is gonna kind of go a little long so I'd better wrap this up quickly look at revelation 17 and that isn't that book amazing man that book is amazing it will blow your mind it will blow your mind look at Revelation chapter 17 and we will look at proverbs chapter 30 proverbs 30 and Revelation chapter 17 so how did Eve obviously eat the tree with her mouth right her mouth had to partake in what her mouth had to partake in this particular fruit of Satan but what you're gonna find out right here that this mouth which she ate the Bible says she ate so eating what you're gonna find out here that with her mouth that she eat of the fruit that the Bible shows that this part particular instance where the eating of the mouth is we're gonna come now to the spiritual case spiritually presented as fornication and as sexual encounters look at proverbs chapter 30 verse 20 such as a way of an adulterous woman she edith and wipe her wipe it with her mouth and saith i have done no wickedness interesting this woman eats with her mouth but who is she represented it as an adulterous woman the bible connects something the bible connects eating with the mouth with fornication that's all so keep reading revelation 17 now revelation 17 verse 1 through 2 revelation 17 verse 1 through 2 when you eat your mouth the devil's fruit God considers that as fornication in his eyes look at Revelation chapter 17 verse 1 through 2 and there came one of the seven angels we had which had the seven vials and talked with me saying come hither I will show unto thee the judgment of the great Whore so God considers her a whore fornication that sitteth upon many waters with whom the kings of the earth have what committed fornication and the inhabitants of the earth have been made what see the eating of the mouths drunk with the wine of her fornication God connects a lot with sexual encounters with partaking with the mouth the Lord does that that's why it's going to make sense that look at John chapter 8 now John chapter 8 so here's where everyone's gonna believe me everyone's gonna believe you John chapter 8 John chapter 8 so this is where everyone's gonna agree with me look at John chapter 8 that's why what happened in this encounter in this encounter what happened God considers this as intermingling that Satan what he produced children and he has a son this thing this there's no doubt this particular transaction that was made produced children for Satan and that's why people today are children of Satan through this particular transaction that happened that's why say you if you are not saved in the Lord Jesus Christ this title that Satan has a son is you sir and you ma'am if you are not saved in the Lord Jesus Christ look at John chapter 8 and verse 44 notice the Bible says ye are of your father the devil but it's so interesting it connects sexual things again and what the lusts of your father ye will do he was a murderer from the beginning and abode on the truth because there's no truth in him when he speaketh the lie he speaketh of his own for he is a liar and the father of it you know who this title is it is you sir who have rejected the Lord Jesus Christ for your salvation you are not saved but it gets even worse for you look at second look at first John look at first John it gets even worse now like at first John we're gonna look at first John and second Thessalonians - second Thessalonians - and first John here we go it's gonna get even deeper now here we go the Antichrist he is pictured to be Jesus Christ Jesus why because he's supposed to imitate mimic Jesus Christ but he's a false representation Jesus Christ is what the Son of God likewise it would follow the Antichrist is who the son of Satan is he pastored yes sir look at 1st 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 what is the Antichrist called the Bible says 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 3 let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed the Antichrist who is he called son of perdition he's the Antichrist [Music] yes Satan has a son and that's the Antichrist but guess what God's not done look at first job look at first job why is it that you will be a son of Satan to who look at this man look at the book of first John and we will read I believe chapter 4 first John chapter 4 we will read verse 3 and every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh and this is what that spirit of Antichrist where have you ever that it should come and even now already is it in the world look at that those who deny Jesus Christ he is considered to be what he is part of the Antichrist he is part of Antichrist how about that man about that so not even physically but spiritually as well look at 1st John 2:22 1st John 2:22 who is a liar but he that denieth Jesus is a Christ he is what Antichrist that denied the father and the son you deny father and son you what the Bible says you are you are that son of Satan you are the Antichrist how about that I told you everyone's gonna believe me after this everyone believes this is that Satan has a children and those are lost people and guess what God calls you Antichrist but hey it carries something even farther it's not just spiritual it's physical - why do you say that pastor because the Antichrist is not a spiritual being he's a physical being when God called him Antichrist and son of perdition do you think that was spiritual or physical physical Justice 3:15 when Satan produced seed you think that was spiritual or physical in the context of that verse it was physical when God gave that promise to eat you think she took that as a spiritual seat or physical but let's look at something one more golden nugget now look at Genesis 4 Genesis 4 Genesis chapter 4 this would be very interesting to make sunset look at justice chapter 4 and verse 1 the Bible says and Adam knew Eve his wife and she conceived and bare Cain and said I have gotten a man from the Lord and she again bare his brother Abel and a bur Abel was a keeper of sheep but Cain was a tiller of the ground now let's assume let's assume this let's assume that when Eve had some sexual encounter with Satan that when Eve produced children one of one of the children that came out through the serpent seed if we were to take Cain and Abel who would you think would be the one of Satan and the one of of the right seed would it be able or Cain Abel would be the right seed but Cain would be the wrong seed right but let's think about this which is pretty interesting right here Cain enables birth you got to understand this they were not separate verse they were a twin birth you might say well why is that mentioned pastor because look at right here Genesis chapter 4 verse 1 and Adam knew Eve his wife that means a sexual encounter right a one-time sexual encounter with Eve what happened the second she bare Cain but look at verse two and meaning a connection see it's continuing and what Adam sexually accounted his wife no she bare again Abel see that so let me repeat it verse one Adam knew Eve his wife they had a sexual encounter through that sexual encounter keep reading verse one she bare Cain she brought forth the child so through knowing sexual encounter she brought forth children but verse two it does not mention he know his wife it just says he bore she bore excuse me he bore Abel but not only that it says and verse two it's connecting she so basically look if the Bible says a sexual encounter once sexual encounter once new and then if the Bible says she bare and it's mentioned twice come on what does that mean then if you have one sexual encounter and you bring forth two children what does that mean that means twins twins but if Eve if Eve had a sexual encounter with Satan and that one of those children is from Satan then you know what that is scientifically supported as super fecundation basically twin births from two different fathers [Music] you know what Eve thought verse one she thought this guy I've gotten a man from the Lord but what did first John go back to first John what did first John say look at first John so we can take this as spiritual but it could be that is something more than spiritual it could be physical look at first John chapter 2 3 excuse me chapter 3 verse 12 chapter 3 verse 12 first John chapter 3 verse 12 not as Cain look at this who was of that wicked one so when that versus Cain is of Satan's seed it could be really means that it could really mean he was literally part of Satan's children right here so the thing is this one we do know there is no doubt there is absolutely no doubt in that Garden of Eden God considered it sexual God undoubtedly considered it as sexual so through the sexual transaction that's why Satan has children lost people so we can see that the second thing we do believe Satan has a physical seed there's absolutely no doubt Satan has a physical seed number three could be could be Cain through this twin birth was a literal son of Satan number four Satan does literally have a son and that's the Antichrist and if you're not saved you are that Antichrist and you are the son of Satan in this video that title fits you
Channel: BBC International
Views: 3,612,810
Rating: 4.2721505 out of 5
Keywords: Charles Lawson, Robert Breaker, Bible believer, King james bible, Peter Ruckman, vigilant christian, Paul Begley, Rob Skiba, Jonathan Kleck, Sid Roth, Alex Jones, Steve Cioccolanti, Mark Dice, Wretched, Ravi Zacharias, tribulation, steven anderson, end times, prophecy, revelation, mark of the beast, rapture, Kent Hovind, antichrist, apologetics, flat earth, Trump, Obama
Id: BK_JUg22efs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2017
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