The Missing 18 Years of Jesus REVEALED! | Dr. Gene Kim

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what really happened in the missing years of Jesus so what really happened in the missing years of Jesus I'm going to give you some scriptures that way you don't get deceived by a lot of heretical stuff you see online so Hindus New Agers etc people and even safe Christians who get into Gnostic heresies what they try to do is that they dig up sources outside the Bible what they see online what they hear from Eastern traditional traditions and sources about what did Jesus do in his missing years and they try to make it very interesting well if it was that interesting the Bible didn't mention it for a reason then because I don't think God found it very interesting why because what you're gonna find out is what God saw Jesus doing all this time now they claim also liberals try to push this too I took a Bible class at Berkeley of all things and they try to push this idea that Jesus was borrowing his teachings from India and a lot of other teachings that later Gnostics developed now I'm going to show you the dumb arguments concerning this let's look at Luke chapter 2 verse 39 Luke chapter 2 and verse 39 so during the timeline of Jesus Christ during his missing years I'll tell you what he was doing so let's look at his when he was twelve years old so they say that from 12 years old all the way till when he was thirty those are the missing year gaps before Jesus was baptized by John something happened over here what happened over here he went to India you know he borrowed from some Eastern pagan sources that's why Jesus was very wise okay let's look at Luke chapter two verse thirty-nine I'll tell you what happened after that the Bible says and when they had performed all things according to the law of the Lord they returned into Galilee to their what own city Nazareth okay this is the birth of Jesus okay where did he go he went to India he went to Egypt they some people mentioned that when he went to Egypt then he started to develop some more stuff Gnostic things carried on to India etc etc but no it says that after afterwards they went to Israel Galilee to their own City Nazareth look at verse 40 the child grew waxed strong in spirit filled with wisdom notice this was in Nazareth not India and the grace of God was upon him not from India okay he didn't do some Yogi and the grace of God came upon him okay what did wasn't doing yoga it was all at Nazareth now look 41 all the way down to verse 50 40 41 all the way to 50 that's that famous story when he was 12 years old what happened afterwards verse 51 he went down with them and came and returned to India he went to Nazareth came to Nazareth and what was subject unto them see he was subject to the Jewish family Jewish religion not Eastern paganism but his mother kept all these things in his heart in her heart and Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man look at that all of that where all of that was in Nazareth another thing is look at chapter 4 verse 16 chapter 4 verse 16 when Jesus went to Nazareth after his birth after fleeing to Egypt he actually lived in Nazareth and continued to live in Nazareth because look at chapter 4 verse 16 so this is when after he was baptized okay after he was baptized he was speaking in the synagogue so this is where Luke 4 this is the timeline here okay I'm giving you a timeline here so look at Luke chapter 4 verse 16 and he came to where Nazareth where what he had been brought up look at that so even right over here the Bible recognizes that when he went to Nazareth that's West where he was brought up all this time but keep reading strange look at this word and was as his custom was he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day and stood up for to read did you read that that he yeah so he had a custom this was a normal thing this was not a new thing for Jesus and look it shows right here he was going by his family's custom that was normal throughout the time during the synagogue read every word in your King James Bible man read every word in your King James Bible give you the answer give you the answer that was his custom his family custom all that time he wasn't going by the custom of India you noticed that custom of Nazareth that shows he was there all that time look at Luke chapter let's see over here look at Matthew chapter 2 verse 19 Matthew chapter 2 verse 19 Matthew chapter 2 verse 19 notice Jesus Christ from his birth we know it was at Bethlehem right so in his birth was in a little town called Bethlehem Bethlehem you'll notice over here that they went to Egypt they had to flee to Egypt but it wasn't a long time when they fled to Egypt oh and they took a flight all the way to India no they went to Nazareth okay so notice over here this is consistently throughout the Bible Nazareth Nazareth Nazareth that's where Jesus went to okay he wasn't studying under Hindu leaders or pagan pagan religious people he went to Nazareth again look at this during this timeline before he was 12 and between Egypt okay now look at this timeline between this timeline here where was he he was in Nazareth during this time verse 19 but when Herod was dead behold an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt what and seeing a rise and take the young child and his mother and go into the land of India no go to the land of Israel verse 21 Israel verse 22 Galilee verse 23 Nazareth he had he did not go to India during this time okay if he didn't go to India during this time look we're covering from his birth okay if he did he had no chance of going to India this time he was at Bethlem he had no chance of going to India this time from 12 year the missing years he was in Nazareth all that time and afterwards he definitely did not go to India then did he go to India no he did not go to India okay no matter what you're eating now look at chaplet chapter 2 verse 51 through 52 where it did where it was Jesus is learning from jesus is learning from notice his learning so not only his location was in Nazareth his learning was in Nazareth his learning was in Nazareth look at Luke chapter 2 verse 51 through 52 51 through 52 he went down with them and came to Nazareth and was subject unto them but his mother kept all these sayings in her heart and Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man see that all of his learning was in Nazareth by the way Jesus was known as a prophet of what Galilee all these Jews recognized what that his learning was where as a prophet it's all in Galilee that region okay if that's not enough go to mark chapter 1 verse 9 March chapter 1 verse 9 don't turn to extra canonical sources shouldn't you be looking at God's Word not that man's word what are you looking at what are you looking at oh but it's so interesting yeah it's so interesting people will be interested on a video if I put up a video that Jesus was Luke Skywalker fighting Darth Vader that would be very interesting it's as interesting as that but it's as ridiculous as that it's a made-up fairytale made-up story looking look at mark chapter 1 verse 9 so now let's look at well know he there was a chance there was a chance somewhere where he did go to India somewhere no notice over here that when he was baptized of John so this is his baptism right you know where he came out of Nazareth look at mark chapter 1 it's like the scripture want to make sure people get it and it came to pass in those days that Jesus came from where Nazareth of Galilee and was what baptized of John in Jordan see Jesus did not take a trip to India or yoga land or etcetera he was in Nazareth right before John's baptism - his whole life was Nazareth right before the baptism he was in Nazareth during this mid timeline he was in Nazareth over here obviously he was in Bethlehem okay now here's another one all right if that's not enough this is the most convincing argument look at John chapter 3 verse 18 here's the most convincing argument you know how you easily debunked you don't even have to look at all these verses where Jesus came from didn't you know that even if the Bible doesn't mention where Jesus specifically came from you can easily debunk the argument that Jesus is learning was all from India you know how you easily debunk that how you easily debunk that is then why does why does Jesus teaching conflict with Hindu New Age Gnostic teachings huh isn't that easy then so don't claim that Christian knowledge came from India no don't do that or Hinduism New Age no don't give me that kind of garbage okay because Jesus his teaching was actually why would he contradict what he learned from India you know John chapter 3 verse 18 and verse 36 what does Hinduism New Age teach cycle of reincarnation nope Jesus denies that one he says no he says that when you die what happens salvation is actually by faith believing not by what works wait a minute for us to be saved according to new age teaching and Hinduism is by what I have to do these deeds good life good karma and because of that then you know I can attain my salvation and then through this cycle of reincarnation yeah Jesus denies that look at John chapter 3 verse 18 he that believeth on him is not condemned but he that believeth not is what condemned already because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God look at verse 36 he that believeth on the son hath everlasting life and he that believeth not the son shall not see life but what the wrath of God abideth on him so it shows you that if you are not saved you're automatically see that the graph of God is already on you not a cycle of reincarnation and forgiveness see the wrath of hell is on you not only that if you believe at verse 18 what you're passed from death automatically to what life you don't have to go through a cycle you automatically pass from death to life see it's only two places heaven in hell no reincarnation over there look at Luke chapter 11 verse 24 Luke chapter 11 verse 24 emptying the mine is a main theme and ingredient of new age Hinduism teaching and why would Jesus say that is demon possession then that shows Jesus Christ is not for India teaching okay okay Luke chapter 11 through chapter 11 verse 24 verse 24 when the unclean spirit has gone out of a man he walketh through Dry places seeking rest and finding none he said I will return unto my house whence I came out so this spirit left the body of the unsay of this person but when he returns to the body of this person he sees it what verse 25 and when he cometh he find it that swept and garnished see it's empty then goeth he and taketh him seven more spirits spirits more wicked than self and they enter in and dwell there and the last state of that man is worse than the first you can also look at Matthew chapter 12 verse 43 through 45 and theirs and other Gospels and the other Gospels will mention how it's empty why because the Spirit when he leaves a man he's able to bring in seven more spirits inside the man why because there's more room inside the body because it's empty that's what you found at that passage see that don't do this don't do the emptying thing that's opening that's saying welcome home Satan that's what you're doing every time you do that that's saying welcome home devil come inside Legion careful all right let's look at mark chapter 12 verse 29 mark chapter 12 verse 29 if Jesus really learned from India how come he does not believe that there are many gods but one God to worship it's just one God like a mark chapter 12 verse 29 the Bible says mark chapter 12 verse 29 that there aren't many gods it's just one one Lord God to worship jesus answered him the first of all the commandments is this is like the first commandment here o Israel the Lord our God is what one Lord that's something in the first basic Bible principle everyone should know how can a saved Christian be deceived by this ridiculous teaching when you don't even know the first basic Bible principle when it should be only one God see how can Jesus learn from India then John 14:6 and let's close it here John 14:6 so you'll notice that India is not at all in this map you know where India was India was all the way over here and you'll notice in this drawing over here there is no arrow draw and there is no lines connecting no chart over here where Jesus ever visited India it's a totally separate thing out there okay Jesus was all the way here alright okay the last thing is this according to you if you love this you H principal and actually white people I'm sorry but this is very true but why people are really bad with New Age teachings Eastern religious teaching in fact our Eastern religious people who are accusing white people you're not understanding true Hinduism true New Age teaching so the white people they see it this way is that oh there are through this New Age concept there are many ways to heaven you know that's why all can unite us one and that's why people who get into conspiracy theories mess up with this kind of teaching New Age concept where you know oh you know a lot of these religions they teach the same principles etc no God says aren't many ways there's only one way John 14 verse 6 Jesus answer saith unto Him what did Jesus say over here do you see it unto him I am the way the way right the truth and the life no man cometh unto the father no one no one can have access all right but by what me arrogant bigoted says the liberal white man who's into New Age stuff arrogant bigoted you when they accuse you of that just say this I didn't say that Jesus said that did you call him an arrogant bigoted
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 302,161
Rating: 4.6404262 out of 5
Keywords: dispensationalism, bible study, end times, revelation, revelation explained, conspiracy theory, biblical prophecy, king james only, bible believer, rapture, how to understand the bible, right doctrine, Trump signs social media order, reporters try to trap press Trump, this will change everything you know, protests continue after George Floyd death
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 48sec (1008 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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