666 WORSHIP Is Now Being Set Up!!! | Dr. Gene Kim

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let me just simply say our world is crazy and it's getting crazier and if you think there's going to be revival at the last day's than you're nuts now we can all agree with that if you look at the news it is insane people it is insane we are truly hitting toward the last days now don't get me wrong I believe it's also possible who knows I I hope not but it's very possible we can be a hundred years longer over here I don't know but there is no doubt we are getting closer compared to before right a hundred years back we are getting closer closer to the rapture but in the last days we all know about the infamous riots that are going on there are two big things that are going on around our world two big things that are going around on our world that I really believe is ushering that New World Order over here and that is the corona virus and the riots that are going on now you notice that after the corona virus is over we were like getting excited hey let's get back to church and then the governor in California mentioned about opening up remember all that so yeah and then all of a sudden the riots happen and then we have to get a curfew so it's like Satan does not want us to worship the Lord now let me say this is that I am let me make this very clear I am NOT a person that is for oppression of black people I am NOT a advocate of let's bring back the Jim Crow laws and slavery I am a person that believes in book of first Corinthians chapter 12 and the book of Galatians where no matter what nationality we are we're all saved and bought blood bought under the work the work of Jesus Christ and my church is evidence of that if you visited our church even one time before accusing me of being a racist and we all are different nationalities we all are different nationalities but the thing is is that what I really don't like is that the the liberal agenda over here where actually they seemed to be the one that are racist now before people accuse me on that there are a few things that I would like to say is the infamous video which is a no brainer on what's going on is where the black lives matter movement where they would try to make white people kneel down on the ground and apologize for being white for their whiteness what in the world so then you have to apologize for even existing now here's a video clip that Fox News played now I don't know if y'all can really see this as well or hear it loud enough but I'm going to try to do it as best as I can I work for black lives matter I'm sorry that I scared you but since I worked for that company my CEO has told me to come out today and to bring you on your knees because you have white privilege so if they see that a white person is getting on their knees that shows solidarity for the situation the situation and could you just please apologize for you know for your white privilege just apologize that's it's big it's so it's large in this country you notice over there that the woman when she was on her knees the guy was saying can you say something can you say something and she was claiming I'm trying but it's so hard to put into words over there because she'll struck at the moment that's why so she didn't know what to say that time because why because if she didn't kneel then what would it represent because the people have the fear right that they're not showing solidarity so because of that that's what would motivate people to just go down and you can tell at that moment she wasn't thinking she wasn't using rational thinking she was going by feeling emotions why because of how society would view her that's why she gave the excuse I can't say the words because I'm it's hard to say yeah no kidding because you're going by emotions you're afraid of what how people will view you but here are some so it is very wicked how our day and age we're doing that I mean sure we there's one person we should bow the knee to and that is the Lord Jesus Christ he is the king of kings and the Lord of lords now look obviously there are cultural instances right you know like doing it out of honor and respect or stuff like that but this is not dad this is I'm sorry there's an apology but I'll tell you what every sinner out there and I don't care what what color of your skin is you're gonna bow the knee and say to Jesus Christ I'm sorry for living my life in sin I'm sorry for living my life in sin that's what's going to happen over there now another thing is that there's this CNN interview where the NFL player he was being interviewed by CNN concerning about the Ferguson riot and while he had a chance to say to speak out at CNN CNN thought that you know he can explain you know about the poor black people who are suffering and then he was doing that but that guy was very sly and he mentioned here you know the bigger issue over here is because of sin that's the reason why so because we're all sinners in the eyes of God and because of sin mankind I mean that's why he mentioned that's why racism happens hate happens in all this happens because of sin originally so the only way we can be delivered from sin is by the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and there were and then that CNN reporters like oh we just lost that him over there to ask you we talked so much about this on a macro level how about on a micro on a day-to-day basis how can we you know black white whatever improve this well honestly I think I point to it in the very last paragraph that I read and and I'm encouraged because things aren't the way they used to be you know we all have grandparents that told us how things were we've all seen documentaries we are definitely making progress but I think on the individual on a micro level the issue is not really skin the issue with sin and I firmly believe that the issue is that internally we are flawed internally we need salvation from our sin internally our sin makes us prideful and makes us judgemental and makes us prejudiced which leads to racism it makes us lash out at people that don't look like us it makes us look past look past evidence to protect people that look like us it makes us do all those things it makes us lash out and anger it makes us point R it makes us our sin that's in us makes us do those things and the only the only salvation for this sin is the gospel the only way to really cure that was on the inside is understanding that Jesus Christ died for our sins and so to me on a micro level it's understood just like that we lost him I know I heard you guys rapping me I just you see that this is a political agenda over here this is not more about hey let's take care of the minority over here do you think politicians are thinking that when they're trying to get votes that is not what it is that is not what it is another thing over here is not only concerning the riots where the Antichrist see he's about to set up his kingdom he's going to also use the virus he's going to use the virus now this is something that just came out on CNBC CNBC all right even the liberal news source admitted this because remember they made a huge deal like hey one or two people got infected with the corona virus all the [ __ ] so make sure that you practice social distancing wear the mask avoid people and then a lot of the people mentioned their disagreements on that your pastor mentioned that too that there were plenty of scientists that mentioned hey there's something wrong over here we got a target actually infected individuals a lot of them said that not all this crazy stuff of lockdown and now look what w-h-o says WH o the title of the article is by CNBC asymptomatic spread of corona virus is very rare WH o says oh now they say that like it didn't take rocks for brains you know I knew that they're gonna come up with the excuse later I know these guys what they do is that they accuse us for being whistleblowers and I say give it about three weeks give it about a couple months and then they're going to change their mind and pretend they didn't change their mind at all now pay attention to that one preliminary evidence this is what we said before but now we have updated evidence why cuz scientists it's okay we make mistakes we just try to go by the best theory and a hypothesis available that's their excuse that's always their excuse but then when we point out the word of God you know they try to find mistakes in it that's just silly to me preliminary evidence from the earliest outbreaks indicated the virus could spread even if people didn't have symptoms but the w-h-o says that while asymptomatic spread can occur it is very rare how about that how about that over there well you know look I'm not saying go get yourself infected and all that our church is very careful are we not we took very precautionary measures and there were some people who aren't comfortable to come back to church which is understandable okay don't be stupid and then get yourself hurt we get that okay but you got to realize this the way that the people are saying you got to believe if you have this mentality why can't you listen to the government can't you just believe every word it says you're not a free thinking critical thinking rational person you only use free thinking critical thinking when it comes to Christianity huh when it cut right ooh find problems with that one huh yeah you hypocrite you see yeah but great you I don't like that I shows your respect to that I don't show respect to that I shows your respect to that I mean look if you want to be critical to Christianity go for it but do the same thing with you guys now because it's gotten so out of hand with this one I mean why are they claiming that this thing is spreading even more so that they can lock down it's all about this is giving more control which is more scary right so it's giving more control not only that these riots as well because it's going I mean it's over a hundred if not 200 cities worldwide actually it's spreading around so that it's giving the government more control as well perhaps well what they're doing is that they're trying to defund the police the smaller areas but then they're giving more power to the bigger guys the federal guys here's an article which is kind of scary by Fox 9 and the title of the article is lawyer George Floyd's family legal team asked United Nations to intervene in case of Floyd's death they wanted UN to take action and then they listed out all these actions look at that we're heading toward their United Nations what's the Antichrist government remember what is it it is United Nations it's giving more control it's giving more control to them over there now look a lot of people think that I'm totally right-wing conservative Republican no I am NOT because I realize that even the right-wing side has issues that's why I'm sorry but your pastor is not really patriotic look I love my country I enjoy the privilege I'll give honor to whom honor is due and areas that Republicans talk about that is biblical not anti-biblical is biblical I'll go with but they're not flawless either so I don't want people to think I'm a die-hard Republican because in it does look like a good thing right about Trump trying to take action against the social media and all these stuff and then don't get me wrong I'm happy about that too but there's a setback people don't think about now this is what the Antichrist could do I don't know if he could do this but this is very possible what he could do is that people are so confused thinking that Trump is the savior so to speak so then because of him the world can be saved so he's going to take action but he's federal right he's federal power over here so let's give more control to him that way he can control these situations and I'll be honest I get happy when it supports biblical principle over here but look I can't say this is flawless it's dangerous remember that quote that he gave on Twitter on that tweet he gave that caused a lot of controversy when the looting start shooting starts so it's giving him more federal power to control the people here okay he might be going toward our side so to speak on some cases some cases not all some cases in this area but here's something dangerous if he receives that power and then you get a Democratic president that takes over after him what do you think's going to happen now I'll tell you what you know how Trump became president because people were mad that was all the political analyst statement everyone was so mad that's why he became president you know who's very mad right now while Trump is doing his own things the Democrats you don't think that when the next race happens that they aren't mad and they don't have the numbers I mean they already had the numbers that beat Trump it's because of how our election voting process is set up that's the only reason why the Lord shed grace upon us at that time my goodness but then because there are literally millions millions of vote a lot of huge numbers outnumber us you don't think that when a lot of them are angry that the next presidential race is going to be scary and then they're going to complain didn't you give him enough power it's our turn now isn't that dangerous that's something you gotta think about not only that it's giving more power to them where they're controlling things now they're controlling things okay but let's look at Revelation chapter 13 right revelation 13 now you know what these people are doing they are you notice that these you know what's also extremely dangerous if you give that much federal power to control masses at the same time people have to apologize for being white use your head now in your schools I'm sure a lot of you can agree with me here what is the group of people they keep criticizing in your schools they don't just say why people they include a particular religion there what is it white Christian white Christian white Christian why because it's not just white people that oppress the different nationalities they say it's that Christian religion too so imagine that these people get on their knees and not just apologize for being white for being a Christian isn't that dangerous see it's building up something here and then all you need is federal power all you need is federal power to finish the job so that's why I look at verse 4 and they worship the dragon see they have to bow the knee which gave power unto the Beast beast has to have that worldwide power it has to be Federal United Nations they want them to intervene over here gave power unto the Beast and they worshipped the Beast saying who is like unto the Beast who is able to make war with him nobody nobody that's why verse 7 it was given unto him to make war with the Saints and to overcome them and power was given him over we're all Kindred's and tongues and nations they have to go for the vote of all different nationalities here they're gonna really have to go for that one now go to Revelation chapter 3 right emulation 3 now let me ask let me add another thing if these people let's say god forbid that they are not willing to kneel to the Antichrist right up apologize recant their faith right then if they're not going to kneel the Antichrist is gonna make them kneel either way you know how they kill people during old times when they beheaded them kneel and you have to bow the head Hey okay let's go to revelation 3 verse 9 why do you think God said this at revelation 3:9 knowing that because the Antichrist world they persecuted God's people God says no you're gonna bow to them actually revelation 3 verse 9 behold I will make them of the synagogue of Satan which say they are Jews and are not but do lie behold I will what make them to come and worship before thy feet and to know what notice that interesting phrase that I have loved thee because these people are considered hate group they're gonna say these people who talk about Christianity the Bible and going against this world peace that we're trying to have they're going to say that's a hate group but God's going to point out no my love is in them my love is in that group that's what God's going to point out to them over there it's common folks it's coming get ready and the excuse that I noticed is these two things one is safety watch out for this keep keep tabs on your news only this is how you control the world one is you keep harping on the safety of the people and it doesn't matter what argument you use if you prioritize a person's life that can overturn any argument so that's why they're gonna resort to this route and here's another route it is cultural sensitivity because you don't want to belittle people hurt people's feelings then no matter what argument you use as long as you say you're a racist or pull a race card you can overturn any argument it's so interesting seeing politicians no matter how intellectual they are if a Democrat were to pull a race card on them you notice that they squabble they can't really argue back and that's the same thing with Republican pulling that card on Biden and Biden he had to retract cuz you know why that's how powerful these two things are those are the cards the Antichrist will use why for world peace if you got a hateful bunch of people who don't care about the safety of the world and who thinks that their religion is better than anybody and they have a history of white Christian Protestant oppression you don't think that you can make the world turn against them we already are we already are the best is nope the worst is yet to come
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 106,007
Rating: 4.8885942 out of 5
Keywords: bible study, end times, revelation explained, conspiracy theory, biblical prophecy, bible believer, once saved always saved, rapture, final stage of nwo psyop, Damascus countdown, predicted lawless system, globalist and Antichrist system, the great reset, sound the alarm, deception and delusion, who's to blame for the riots
Id: UrT2gklBLGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 26sec (1166 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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