Who is Trump in the Bible? BILLIONS Won't Know It! | Dr. Gene Kim

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the Bible says in the last days there will be doctrines of devils at first Timothy chapter 4 and second Corinthians chapter 2 says that we are not to be ignorant of Satan's devices so it's important to know that in the last days we are to be aware of what Satan is doing and we are to be aware of what's going to happen in the end times so that we don't fall into the devil's mess now one of the interesting teachings concerning the Word of God okay so I'm gonna draw a I'm just gonna draw whatever right here yeah yeah it's a laser blaster that's right brother no it's a trumpet thank you stands fired Sean you're higher so so this is the trumpet now here's the thing is that there are seven trumpets in the Bible but that happens during the tribulation which is revelation so in Revelation you will see seven trumpets mentioned however this occurs at Revelation thus it's a tribulation time period now we believe in two different raptures we believe there is one at the tribulation and we believe there is also one in the church age so then we see right here in the church age it will be Paul line epistles Corinthians and Thessalonians we see that now the reason why we believe in a distinguishing of the rapture is because they're very very different I gave a video on that one but here's one interesting video that I'm going to show you about the rapture sound when God calls us home it is likened to the last Trump for Christians that's different from Revelation where it goes seven trumpets but that's not how it works for the Christian Church seven trumpets distinguished from the trumpet voice so there's a distinguishing right here and I'm going to explain why we're going to look at first Corinthians chapter 15 and we're going to start at verse first Corinthians chapter 15 and verse 52 the Bible says in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last Trump now take your other hand - now keep your hand at first Corinthians 15 keep your hand there go to first Thessalonians 4 verse sessile onehans chapter 4 scripture with scripture shows the right interpretation to the Bible Scripture with Scripture now look at 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 and we're going to look at verse 16 for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the Archangel and with the Trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first now notice that first Thessalonians 4:16 and first Corinthians 15:52 now we see that the Christian rapture is mentioned one day we're going to be changed and go up to heaven but what did the verse say it said Trump but in Revelation it's called seven trumpets now here's the problem there's a group of heretics and they're called the post tribulation or pre rap people they believe Christians will go through the tribulation and they insist that the trumpet that's mentioned at 1st Thessalonians 4 in 1st Corinthians 15 is the last trumpet at Revelation the reason why is this is because if you look at 1st Corinthians 15:52 again it says in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last Trump so notice right there it says last Trump so thus meaning that there must be a final trumpet noise so that's what they're going to insist if you look at that same verse you'll notice it says the trumpet shall sound so because it says the trumpet shall sound and it says last Trump they automatically assume this is going to be the seventh final trumpet at Revelation thus proving a tribulation rapture not a rapture before the tribulation which is our group however there is a flaw to that one the reason why there is a flaw to that one is very simple it's because we insist right here that this is not the seven trumpets this is the trumpet voice that's what we're stressing on why because it's not just a trumpet it's a trumpet voice why one because it says in 1st Thessalonians 4 in 1st Corinthians 15 it says Trump it stresses Trump in fact if you look at 1st Thessalonians 4 it only says Trump there is no trumpet another thing is that if the word Trump is only found only found in your Christian rapture not this rapture 1st Corinthians 15 vs. solonius 4 why because a Trump I don't know if you know this Trump is distinguished from a trumpet with a sound a trumpet makes that's what Trump means Trump means a sound a trumpet makes that's why we stress right here in 1st Corinthians 15:52 and 1st Thessalonians 4:16 it's a Trump it's the trumpet voice the sound a trumpet makes not one of the actual seven trumpets so that's one but not but not only that it's the trumpet voice right who does it belong to it's God's voice when God calls out see it's going to sound like a trumpet now before you say oh I don't believe that well first of all look at Revelation chapter 4 Revelation chapter 4 look at verse 1 Revelation chapter 4 and we'll look at verse 1 notice what the Bible says right here Revelation chapter 4 and we'll look at verse 1 the Bible says right there after this I looked and behold a door was opened in heaven and the first voice see that voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me see that it's not a trumpet itself one of the seven trumpets it's a trumpet voice a sound a trumpet makes and notice look at this it looks like a rapture which said come up hither and I will show thee things which must be here at after look at that come up hither and then John the rider he goes boom up to heaven like that that matches a lot with first Corinthians 15 for sessile onehans for with a trumpet voice because it says Trump 1 and it actually happened at Revelation chapter 4 and what's interesting is that Revelation 4 John is pictured as a church but aside from that let's also look at Revelation 8 revelation 8 now remember first Thessalonians 4 what does it say for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the Archangel and with the what Trump of God why does a Trump of God because it's God's voice that's speaking out a sound he makes this one is not this one is sounded by seven angels that's why this is proof this is not the same as revelation God is calling out here the angels are blowing the instrument right here if you don't believe me look at revelation eight here's a verse on the seven trumpets look at verse 13 and I beheld and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven saying with a loud voice woe woe woe to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the who three angels which are what yet to sound the final three thus the seventh is by an angel this one is not this is from God has this happened yeah revelation 4 you saw that God calling not only that look at the book of Exodus 20 Exodus 20 God did that when God calls out the people it's a it's his trumpet voice look at Exodus 20 that's why do you know why it says last Trump I'll give you a hint why it's a last Trump because it's a final call for for God to the Christian Church because throughout the entire Bible he has always done that that's why it's called last Trump because throughout the Bible God has always done that but then with the Christian Church he's gonna give a final call because what's going to happen right here at the book of Revelation is that the angels are gonna sound the instruments right here we're going to look at the book of Exodus chapter 20 Exodus chapter 20 if you don't believe me then we saw revelation 4 as one evidence but we're gonna keep looking God has done this throughout the Bible he's done this with his voice many times but then he's gonna do a final one and I'm waiting for that final one that's why it's last Trump see now look at Exodus chapter 20 and you know the Ten Commandments right in these Ten Commandments the famous Ten Commandments do you think God gave it and a lovey-dovey voice no when he gave these Ten Commandments he did it at a voice in verse 18 and all the people saw the thunderings and the Lightning's and the noise of the what trumpet now look at this notice it says noise of the trumpet right see because it's a trumpet sound it's stressing that trumpet voice why who's talking and the mountain smoking and when the people saw it they removed and stood afar off and they said unto Moses speak thou with us and we will hear but what let not God speak with us lest we die boom right there and not only that go to the Book of Psalms chapter 47 Psalms 47 and while you're turning to Psalms 47 that me add this did in first Thessalonians 4 the Christian rapture said the Lord shall descend from heaven with a wot shout see and then it says Trump see it's more than it's not it's more than just a trumpet instrument like Revelation 7 this is a trumpet voice it's a sound itself from God Almighty the great I am thank no regular trumpet blessed we're going to look at Psalms chapter 47 and verse 5 God is gone up see that like a rapture up to heaven with a shout the Lord with the sound of a what boom again see that when there's this strange thing about going up to heaven with Revelation 4 that associates with trumpet voice if that's not enough also look at the book of Job 39 job 39 job 39 that Bible is amazing is it not that Bible is amazing it's really sad that a lot of churches aren't teaching this you know why because they don't know much Bible they don't study the Bible but that Bible has always been given out by people but people don't take the Bible seriously instead what's really sad is that they prefer what they want to do in their kind of organization I see that in a lot of Baptist churches unfortunately and not just Baptist obviously all kinds of denominations and religions they like to go into traditional ordinary format rather than studying the book itself and that's why it's important to go to a Bible believing Church where you can get all that unlocked and you're like wow I never saw it that way before and that book will always open your eyes and amaze you that you never saw before we're going to look at job chapter 39 and verse 25 he saith among the lot trumpets ha ha and he smelt the battle far up this thunder of the captains and the shouting boom see when God speaks there's trumpet noise that's why what we stress right here in 1st Thessalonians 4 first Corinthians 15 this ain't no ordinary trumpet like revelation it's the trumpet voice why because it says Trump specifically God done that before at revelation 4 and the book of Exodus and the Book of Psalms and the book of Job and not only that what you also notice is that it belongs to God and that's not sow are blasted by an angel there's no doubt there is a difference right here there is a difference right here and yes he did rapture people that wake when you go up to heaven it's done before why the Book of Psalms revelation 4 come up hither and if you don't want to believe that's a rapture then revelation 11 he says that same phrase come up hither and they go up to heaven and even post rivers cannot deny that one so see there's no doubt there's an association of going up to heaven some rapture with God's trumpet voice there's absolutely no doubt about that it is evidenced throughout the Bible now we're going to look at this verse at job 39 verse 25 he saith among the trumpets haha but notice what's associated with that thunder of the captains and the shouting right remember Exodus 19 we saw those verses to us the rapture this is to us the Christians it's going to be the voice of God for us Christians but what about people who are not saved in the Lord Jesus Christ to them it's not going to be the trumpet voice of God they're not gonna hear it clearly like that to them they're going to hear it like thunder two lost people we saw that at what passage we saw that job 39 and Exodus 19 Exodus 20 excuse me what did the Bible say the trumpet voice it had thunders with it right the lost people they will mistake that to be as thunder but say people they will know God's voice and they can tell that's him speaking oh there's no scripture verse on that I am glad you said that let's look at the scriptures that Bible will blow up your mind I mean people don't read the Bible people just don't read the Bible so look at John 12 John 12 John chapter 12 if you're not one of his you're gonna mistake it to be thunder John chapter 12 so we saw job 39 next is 20 that it's associated with thunder but john 12 is really going to show it look at John chapter 12 and the scriptures will open your eyes so many times over and over again we're gonna look at John chapter 12 and we will read verse 23 and jesus answered them saying the hours has come that the Son of man should be glorified and look at verse 27 so Jesus Christ says let your son be glorified Lord and how does God respond now is my soul troubled and what shall I say father save me from this hour but for this cause came I unto this hour father glorify thy name they then came there a voice from heaven see that God's voice but look saying I have both glorified it and glue and will glorify it again now people therefore that stood by and heard it said said that it'd what others said an angel spake to him look at that they're all gonna mistake it you know what the lost world is gonna do they're all gonna go when the rapture sounds we know what it is God's calling us we're going up to heaven the lost people they're all gonna go oh it's just some kind of thunder some noise some kind of angelic alien some outerspace just some weird communication and then we're gonna have to take our technology to read through that noise and see communicate and find the alien language this is a Steven Spielberg fantasy show this is real and they're gonna distinguish that lost people will do that how do you know Christians are going to tell the voice of God oh we know go to John 10 John 10 are you part of the Sheep of God are you saved in Jesus Christ then I promise you this you will know you will know and I also guarantee you this lost people will not know I promise you that to lost people will not know you know why because John 10 shows it we're gonna look at John chapter 10 look at the Bible it's amazing verse - but he that entereth in by the door is the Shepherd of the sheep so here we are trying to go inside God's door but look at verse 3 to him the porter openeth ok god I want to enter inside with you well he's gonna open that door but look and the sheep are you a sheep all right if you're a sheep hear his what voice and he call it his own sheep by what name look at that you want to enter in with God up in heaven through that door you're gonna tell he's gonna call you up by name by the way look at that verse and leadeth them what out boom we're out of here where where are we getting out of if not I'll this world see where God's taking us out of here calling us up by name so that we can go up to heaven with him now some people they're going to insist oh you're just inserting that interpretation because this is just simply saying that we're going to enter inside Jesus Christ for salvation this is just entering in salvation this is not talking about some rapture up to heaven but here's the thing okay yes the verse says and later on in John 10 we agree that passage is about salvation because jesus said I am the door by me and if any man will enter in there's no doubt it's talking about salvation here but you got to realize this the reason why this verse is still used for a rapture passage is if God does this with salvation don't you think he's gonna do that at the rapture that's really obvious you know why that's obvious let's look at some of the things right here one sheep hear his voice is in God's voice gonna sound at the rapture if he does that with salvation he's gonna do that the rapture we saw verses on that number two it says right here we enter in through the door verse two look at revelation 4 revelation 4 keep your hand at John 10 keep your hand at John 10 but go to Revelation 4 now revelation 4 remember this verse where it says come up hither it's like a rapture up to heaven but look look at verse 1 revelation 4:1 after this I looked and behold a what door was opened in heaven and the first voice which I heard okay you're going in through a door and God's voice is calling look John 10 if God does that with the door opening and his voice come on it's obvious he's gonna do that at the ramp sure keep reading and the first voice which I heard was as if it were a trumpet talking with me see not only that it's calling the person John 10 says he's calling the sheep look there is no doubt if God does that with salvation of your soul you don't think he's gonna do that with the salvation of your body was that is what I was as it were of a trumpet talking with me which said notice come up hither oh they ain't no rapture that ain't no rapture well then look at revelation 11 where it says come up hither what do you think that meant these two dead bodies died and they went up to heaven at revelation 11 Post tripperz cannot deny that when God says come up hither it means going up to heaven with him see so it's very strong right here but let's not only that let's look at other verses look at John 11 John 11 this is also proven with resurrection look at John chapter 11 when God resurrects something I'm going to tell you one thing when God resurrects something he does call by name hey at the rapture we're all going to be resurrected right and change we're going to go to heaven when God resurrects people he does call people specifically you know why because what he wants to do is pick up a specific individual who will go to heaven with him and not other people look at John chapter 11 you don't believe me Oh God never did that huh look at John chapter 11 you don't read much Bible do you look at John chapter 11 that book is amazing every single type and you're gonna look at verse 43 how did Jesus Christ resurrect this dead person to life this is how he was resurrected and when he thus had spoken look at that phrase he what cried with a loud voice is God gonna do that the rapture yes but look what he does when he resurrects this person with the loud voice named Lazarus come forth look at that God did that God's going to do that with you Oh how do you know that because he did that before at the resurrection not only that John 10 says he calls you out by what name oh that's only salvation no trust me that's not just salvation John who wrote the book of John 10 and John who wrote the book of Revelation he realized that what the rapture is the same thing as salvation they're gonna do the same thing I mean if you got a door open in heaven God's calling you out and there's some sort of going up to heaven and I mean what and God's trumpet voice what more will convince you that John 10 is the same thing with your rapture God's gonna do and we're not done to build up the evidence one more thing if the Shepherd does that with you and salvation he's gonna do the same thing with your rapture look at first Peter 5 verse Peter 5 first Peter 5 you should be convinced by now John 10 is your rapture not just your salvation but also your rapture look at first Peter 5 if God does that with this sheep in Salvation that Shepherd will do the same action for the Sheep at the rapture like a 1st Peter chapter 5 and we will read verse 4 and when the what chief Shepherd shall what boom he shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away he's gonna do the same thing that Shepherd isn't it interesting that's why we're not going to turn there isn't it interesting that's why at revelation five and six mysteriously all these safe people up in heaven before the first seal of the tribulation is open what did god said behold the lamb that was slain boom see when God comes down he doesn't come as conquering king he comes down as a shepherd for the Sheep but when he comes down right here he comes down as king and conquer revelation 19 it's not a shepherd it's a king of kings and Lord of lords that's what's going to happen not lowly humble meek and mild Jesus it's a conquering King so you see right here how the Bible amazingly shows you that this rapture when it's going to sound bless god I can't wait for that day when he calls us out we're gonna hear a noise where it's and we're gonna hear this noise with the trumpet voice of God and then God's going to say gene Kim come up hither and I'm going to nudge the one of my family members who's not saved I'm going to say did you hear that and that lost family member of mine says what well I just heard a thunder and then guess what we're gone and that family member is gonna be in shock and say what just happened right here but you know what that was that was God calling you to the Lost people it was terror it's chaos it's phenomenon and you know what that does not have to be you you can be the one at peace you can be the one who hears that as God calling your name not as a lost person who hears as sonder and you see missing people and you panic it's so simple to get saved you just with them as a repentance center you tell God God I only trust in the blood of Jesus Christ not in my good works or anything else just in you and when you become that you become his sheep and then when he calls you he's gonna call your name one day you're gonna hear your name and you're gonna go up but if you're lost and you're not saved it's going to be a day of Terror you're gonna hear it as thunder you're gonna think some kind of angels or aliens have stolen those people and then you're gonna go through that horrendous event of the tribulation and when those seven trumpets sound see it's not it's not going to be a day of comfort to us it's a comfort right we want that to sound but Windows 7 trumpet sound is not comfort to them its terror its chaos its judgment there is no doubt this has to be different from this one because we look forward to this one we don't look for it to that one there is no doubt you
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 1,020,706
Rating: 4.710897 out of 5
Keywords: 1 corinthians 15, last Trump, revelation commentary, Trump and trumpet, Donald trump Christianity, Trump in revelation, Trump in tribulation, Trump and rapture, end times signs latest events 2019, donald trump china 1 hour, second coming of jesus - judgement day, bible study for beginners, mark of the beast, end times, bible study, end times prophecy, end times signs, end times 2020, second coming, president trump amazed by jewish, top 10 richest pastors
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 35sec (1595 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 06 2018
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