THE TRUTH! Is Kanye West a Christian or Luciferian? | Dr. Gene Kim

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[Music] so this is kind of little old news but people have been asking me so now it's about time that I mentioned this it's concerning Kanye West so you all heard about his conversion or I say conversion lightly because I don't really know obviously I don't really know now a lot of people are asking me about my opinion concerning Kanye West if he's genuinely saved or not now what I can do is this is that what I can do is that put saved here and then I'm gonna put lost over here now what I'm going to do is this is that from what I noticed in looking at Kanye West's life and then his new album that came out as well as some of the people that he came across and his I guess his pastor so to speak he did attend this person's church several times so his name is Adam Tyson if I recall correctly so what I'm going to do is I'm going to explain about Kanye if he's genuinely saved or lost and I'm going to actually give you this a lot of people give their opinion that he saved or he's lost or I'm not really sure but this is a good chance for me to teach about lordship salvation so it says some Calvinist but what I'm going to do is going to give you all sites concerning this so that's what's probably going to be different about this video compared to other videos so I'm going to show you is show all the other sides over here that's what I'm going to do concerning about his salvation well I'm going to say is this is that it seems like that when I watch him online I mean it looks like that he had some sort of experience he wants to make changes and he wants to magnify God and try to serve Him if you look at some of the things that he put on his album it is very noble what he tried to do he tried to get people to go to church there were some other religious name James that he was going to put in but he want to concentrate only Jesus actually not only that he did go to this person's church several times not just one time and this person this pastor Adam he tried to make sure of his salvation so it was not like a sloppy thing they want to make sure and they want to be very careful and it seems like that Kanye's reaction it is encouraging to be very honest when you see a Hollywood celebrity in front of these wicked liberal people who cussed out Jesus Christ and they get all upset about everything going on with Trump and everything else that it is very refreshing to see Kanye get up and talk about Christianity and Jesus and God in front of the stupid talk-show hosts who build up millions of yous and these guys it just makes me angry these talk show hosts and these comedians always trying to bash Christianity always trying to criticize Jesus and it's just refreshing that because they have respect for Kanye they can't really criticize him but they just say that's good that's good that's good why because then they'll look really bad in front of the eyes of the world so it's very encouraging to see that it's all it's not just him there are other celebrities who have indicated Jesus or tried to talk about Jesus Christ several times and several Hollywood stars I would probably I'll probably make a video on that one someday and it's refreshing to see that and it's also refreshing to see how the liberal world they can't really argue against that but just leave it alone they can't so when I look at the videos he looks genuine and he looks like he's sincere that he wants to do something for God but here's another thing too is that sometimes you can't just believe what you see so you also have to be careful of that one too so I'm going to so this is the best that this is the best situation which I hope for Kanye I really do do I want him to be a Luciferian part of the conspiracy Illuminati system obviously not I don't people who want that kind of expectation should search their hearts so I don't want sissified Christians out there get upset at me oh he's saying he's Luciferian stuff like that no I want him to have this outcome obviously but I'm not I'm not gullible either to just believe what I see okay so this is just the best alternative now let's cover the lost situation all right so it's just gonna get worse and worse that's what I'm gonna show right here okay all right so let's say right here that he did go to this pastor Adam who has a teaching of lordship salvation and Calvinist elements now let's cover something right here all these Calvinist guys are now coming out of the Woodworks and Lordships Salvation teachers you got Ray Comfort coming out talking about it you got apologia studios coming out talking about it you got all these other Calvinists coming out and harping about it and then Christian preachers Todd Friel from the wretched Channel because it is a wretched Channel and all these people coming out talking about Kanye and talking about his salvation now the thing is this what's very interesting to me okay there is a positive point and a negative point all right so I'm not being unfair to Calvinists so I'm going to talk in a way that's fair to Calvinists the positive point is that they don't want to dub him as immediately saved they just say that they're checking up on his salvation they want to make sure of his salvation so what they're doing is that they're inspecting him first how he lives his life for Christ and depending on that then they can no later on or maybe up in heaven whether he saved or lost so a lot of these videos that you'll see these Calvinists most of them will say I'm not really sure I'm not really sure but I can tell that he's trying and I want to help him out that's what we're trying to do that sounds nice right ah but you notice right here what Satan did to trick you this is something people don't notice and this is what's going to bring the New World Order system now you're saying what are you talking about he's crazy he's nuts no okay do you know with the one-world religion what they share in common the one-world religion what they share in common is that they're trying to promote this teaching that we do believe that it's salvation by faith we're not saying it's works we're saying it is by faith and I given you quotes on that the Catholic the worst religion from the Catholics to the to the best seventh-day adventists of the cults they're all saying it's faith and grace we're not saying it's by words but if you're if you genuinely have this faith in grace there should be works where we can inspect and see for ourselves if you're really saved who said that the devil but pastor Adam himself said that - and these Calvinists and Ray Comfort - you notice that the reason why they say I don't know you know why they have to say I don't know because they can't base the salvation on a proclamation of I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior by faith on what he did on the cross they have to inspect his fruits now let me ask you this question assuming I'm not saying he is assuming he Kanye is saved what if he went into sin again what if he started to sing dirty albums of music again what if he lived like the devil again are you going to say that he's lost then see that then they're going to switch they're going to switch and say he's lost when we covered our intermediate discipleship classes on these cults I showed you that these religions they're trying to assimilate themselves with us Christians we teach salvation by faith salvation by grace but you notice that they're saying but we have to see if your works really prove it or show it and if you look at John MacArthur's sermons you look at these Calvinist sermons apologia studio sermons and you look at Ray Comfort sadly to which I don't think he's a Calvinist he's almost like us but some of our Bible believing friends encountered him and there are some interesting stories so I'm sympathetic to comfort actually but comfort and these guys I still expose them you know why birds of a feather flock together comfort hang around with these Calvinists guys or teaches the same thing they do you know why because they teach this heresy of lordship salvation lordship salvation that's a Calvinist doctrine on tulip the five points of Calvinism P and tulip perseverance of the saints in other words if you're truly a saved saint of God by grace and we're going to see that perseverance out of your life what if Kanye doesn't persevere see that so that's what Satan's going to use so that you know what's even worse it's not just one world religion it's the world system itself why just look at pastor Adam he looks like a saved man to you right look at apologia Studios they look like save people don't they look at James white he looks like a saved person doesn't he these are people who shoot off their mouths about by their fruits he shall know them let's look at their works but these are people who join the world now look at James chapter 4 keep your hand at Matthew 7 but go to James for James chapter 4 having tattoos paul Washer who seems like the most hardcore lordship salvation is paul Washer would talk about this contemporary music concert oh you know i I felt the Lord Jesus Christ at this music meeting and he's really hardcore lordship salvation is you know what the problem these lordship salvation is are they're like the Pharisees who pick and choose which works promote them as being righteous people but they don't look at other sins that they're overlooking that's Pharisees that's Pharisees Calvinists are Pharisees the biggest Pharisees you'll ever see on this side of the universe anywhere and what's so dangerous about them is that because of their intellectual ability and because they do study the Scriptures they seem to be the most popular Christian side that you want to side with unless you knew about us Bible believers and you know that we're in the right right here the most scriptural but people don't know about the Bible believers so they think the most scriptural is the Calvinists that they hear John MacArthur and then the one who's not a Calvinist Ray Comfort but he joins that group with this teaching paul Washer apologia studios todd feel from the wretched channel etc look at James chapter 4 verse 4 II adulterers and adulteresses know ye not that the what friendship of the world is enmity with God whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the what enemy of God you know what's also dangerous concerning with Kanye because now he's joining the Calvinists Adam was responsible here for helping him with his album so you know what they're doing they're trying to get these people about oh if you're genuinely saved you're genuinely saved I'm righteous I'm holy genuinely saved and they're sucking them inside the dirt that's Satan's tactic that Satan's tactic and what's really sad is that what is unfortunate to me is I wonder if Kanye is thinking that he saved why because of how he's living his life in works that's what I'm afraid of because of what he was brainwashed by these Calvinists okay if you're truly saved by grace and faith you got to keep persevering in these things and we're going to check you out and if Kanye trusts in those things I'm going to tell you that who I'm really angry against and that's not Kanye in this teaching it's those dirty stinking rotten people who are so much pumped up with pride Calvin you see why I kick these guys well I kick these guys that's dangerous and they're sucking them inside the world at the same time this is wicked this is wicked so notice it's promoting a one-world religion and into the world itself because you know why this is dangerous use your head now these liberals are now trying to accept Kanye with his worldly album so then wouldn't these Calvinists develop more of a friendship and a bond now with Hollywood that which is the pits of Hell itself then if Hollywood gets along with the Christian churches the Christian churches are going to be deceived thinking this is a victory where we finally reached inside Hollywood and minister to these people no the devil achieved in making what one world how about that all right now this just gets worse now the worst thing is this is that Kanye is not the first if he's lost now concerning about Luciferians and the Illuminati world and etc the conspiracy evil round the elites this is what's scary you know what's scary sometimes you got to realize that for example we know that the bushes they were associated with the Skull and Bones and a lot of dark stuff right okay George Bush he made a profession that he received Christ for his salvation it is by faith and not by works etc okay so me I'm not going to say that he saved or he's lost either because that's only for God to decide but I'll tell you this is that it is natural for people of power to say statements like that why so that they can win the affection of the people politicians you got to understand sometimes they'll say Christian statements to lie so that they can get your vote and win your affection in fact there are some people who ask questions like Ray Comfort for example he's been questioning some people through his channel like do you think that this is just some kind of gig where Kanye is trying to get popularity trying to get attention why is that because this is not new that's normal it's normal with celebrities and famous people that they do that to win your affection so this is the worst alternative right here the worst alternative is if Bush is lost and he did that where he can accept the power so that certain elites can do their thing with the world then the elites are using Kanye through his profession where the Christian churches can join him and then then the elites they'll have their little hands together where Hollywood can accept these Christian churches and then the elites they'll be able to have control over the churches so that's something that's like the worst alternative then the worst alternative is that this is the case right here and with Kanye's past there's a lot of things where with his hands hand signals and then the music that he did with his blasphemous album concerning about Yeezy yeezus and passion of Kanye trying to and calling himself God and all that it's very it's very disturbing actually it's very disturbing a lot of loominatee conspiracy things over there so it may be that these things that he's continuing it but he's faking his salvation his Christianity so that he can so that the elites can be able to control more of the dark systems of this world is that possible of course that's possible but he showed such sincerity of salvation exactly just like Judas Iscariot three and a half years a disciple of Jesus guess what Judas Iscariot did healings to Judas Iscariot was Street preaching the gospel of the kingdom - and Judas Iscariot guess what he casted out devils - look at Matthew 7 and guess what just because these people act like disciples of Jesus which is what these Calvinists are saying it's true you have to prove your discipleship to Jesus in you know then we know you're saved no Judas Iscariot proved his discipleship as a disciple of Jesus he did these wonderful works look at Matthew chapter 7 verse 21 not everyone that saith unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven many will say to me in that day Lord Lord have we not what prophesied in thy name I did the album for you and in thy name have cast out devils and thy name done many wonderful works verse 23 and then will I profess unto them what I never knew you even if Kanye preached against the devil and the false religious founders guess what he can still be used by the devil you don't believe that look at this one they cast out devils Judas Iscariot joined the disciples in casting out Devils - that doesn't prove that you're not used by Satan and guess what Judas Iscariot guess what he became he's going to become that Antichrist in the future how about that huh how about that am i saying Kanye is this know what I'm showing you is this I'm showing you three situations here that it seems like on liners and people don't really think about this is what's going to be unique about this video so these are three situations that you got to think about and obviously what do I want I want him saved and you know what I want I want people to actually give this video to him hopefully that he can get this video and maybe when he watches this then perhaps the Lord can speak on his heart and he can watch more things from our Channel and then what he can become a Bible believing Christian that would be the greatest joy in my life I highly doubt that's gonna happen because once you get into Hollywood you that's a lot you have to sacrifice I don't think Kanye is going to change all of that immediately that's going to take a lot of hard work but perhaps the seed can be planted I don't know if someone can send him this video or not but that's what I want I want him to be safe all right I want him to be a safe Christian maybe he is but he just needs bible-believing truth you
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 146,244
Rating: 4.7072263 out of 5
Keywords: kanye west christian, jesus is king kanye west, luciferian kanye west, fake christian, kanye west false christian, kanye west sunday service, new world order religion kanye west, kardashian west not christians
Id: gemLD546nJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 07 2019
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