Chuck Missler -- Transhumanism

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Chuck Missler spoke at Calvary South Denver in Littleton Colorado on July 24, 2013 on the subject of Transhumanism. (It is recommended that you watch this video at full 720p resolution so that you can clearly see all of the powerpoint slides used in this presentation.)

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/juuliiioProfetico 📅︎︎ May 05 2020 🗫︎ replies
good evening and welcome to Calvary South Denver I'm so glad you're able to come out for our midweek Bible study and we have a very special treat here this evening my friend and mentor dr. chuck Missler is going to be sharing some things with us and it's always exciting you know as a young man I was first introduced to chuck Missler via Chuck Smith Chuck was being asked a question that I found intriguing he was asked the question what is the most memorable and impacting Bible study that you've ever heard and he paused for a moment and he looked up and he said I think that it would have to be chuck Missler teachings in the book of Genesis I had to get the teachings of chuck Missler on the book of Genesis and then the Book of Daniel then the book of Revelation and before you know it I am hooked chuck Missler will when he invites you to go on a trip with him you will have to walk fast and think hard but you'll always have fun and again it's just a great privilege to have him here so let's give a warm welcome to chuck Missler well good evening it's really a thrill to be here as you can tell Gino and I go way way back so neither one of us are very objective of all those subjects he's a friend very close friend and it's the light being with you and I'm going to avoid the usual mistake I make by starting about prayer so I'm going to just ask you to bear with me our hearts father we thank you for this privilege we know there are no accidents in your kingdom that we're all here right now by your divine appointment so we pray father that your purpose would be accomplished in each life in this room that we might be more responsive to your will in our lives as we commit ourselves not only this hour about ourselves into your hands in the name of Yeshua our precious Lord indeed amen well we're going to talk about some very strange topics and if you're pleased with them that was my idea if you're not too pleased with them and that's what Gino asked for but then so we're going to talk about some topics that are emerging to be very relevant some of these you may not not have heard of but you will because we're moving into some very strange times and just in terms of awareness and it's biblical relevance we wanted to really rose into these things and are we going hard yeah we're doing here good okay many of you now may know that some years ago that we had published some things in biotech and calling it The Sorcerer's Apprentice and it's not caught up as a pillar there I'm not saying it it's all there oh yeah sorry I'm getting it yeah gotcha we're all set okay good many of you know about may remember the Sorcerer's Apprentice you know that was written by Paul Dukas back in 1980 1897 and it was featured in Walt Disney's famous movie Fantasia and it was based on on a legend or a Goods actual story about a Sorcerer's Apprentice who in the legend was tampering with the engines of creation and we issued this original story back in 2001 and we updated a few times and one of the things I wanted to do is update it here and so we now the reason we caught the source was printed the biotech The Sorcerer's Apprentice most of us may remember that old castle Mickey was clad in a Sorcerer's Roman hat and they had psychedelic armies of brooms and retinas march of Dukas Symphony went on and only when the castle was a flood and the sorcerer did the sorcerer wake up because the student had done it improperly and he had to undo what he did and of course making cut off just with a SWAT of the broom but we may not get off as well because the sorcerer apprentice is unleashing things that people may not realize where they're going and it's interesting that technology is often a very close cousin of sorcery even in the literature here and so you know many of the things we enjoy every day would look like sorcery to the people back then flying through the air at the speed of sound and communicating images with the speed of light and even landing on the moon these are ideas we take for granted today but I want to get that in perspective and so we want to move on here a little bit and I'll get off all we don't get in all the history here but we're moving into what some people are calling the age of the hybrids and I explained why we're going to talk one aspect of that and that's the move towards transhumanism what do we mean by that and we're going to discover there are four technologies that are accelerating so fast it's amazing and they're converging upon each other to create some changes that really are changing by the week not by the year and we're going to talk a little bit about the challenges they present but will also highlight some of the dangers that should not be overlooked but we're going to touch on a talk on another topic it's a close cousin of that one we're going to talk a little bit not too much relaxed but we're talking a little bit about alien invasions and there are two kinds of people here in the world those that think they're just a myth and those who have done a little bit of more homework and may surprise you so we'll go into that a little bit we'll talk a little bit about the Nephilim everybody wants me to talk about Genesis 6 and it's astonishing to me did you know that how many people have come to the Lord through those peculiar weird things we put out there years ago not only at Genesis 6 but also after that and we'll try to explore a little bit what did Jesus mean when he said that they spoke of the days of Noah as the days of Noah were so shall the coming of the Son of Man be what did he mean by that and so we're going to surprise many here with the EX talk a little bit about the expectations of the Vatican the Roman Catholic Church has a substantial investment in technology staff and facilities and are openly admitting they are preparing to receive an alien visitor what on earth is all that about we'll touch on that but after going through some of this background it'll be light and fast so I hope I won't bore you too much on some of that but what are the pill we always need to answer the the so what question so what's that got to do with me and we'll try to deal with what do these challenges mean to you personally and so that's what we're headed a little bit about transhumanism I there are four technologies you need to be aware of and one of them of course is genetics and microbiology I assume in this audience I don't have to elaborate on that you're familiar with the incredible discoveries that are continuing to be made every day in that whole field but there's another technology may not follow too closely but it's worth following very closely that's another field of study called robotics and we're also going to talk a little bit about nanotechnology what are these things and finally of course the area of artificial intelligence and so we'll talk about their aspirations and that will startle you and there and what their priorities are and that may surprise you and we'll talk about its dangers so that's the core what we're gonna talk about with one with some other things too tampering with the engines of creation you and I are on a journey between the myths of yesterday and the realities of tomorrow many of us are victims of myths of the past and we're having to unscramble the realities of tomorrow what spend a lot of time on the island of Marah what you may recall HG Wells published a science fiction novel how about this island where this doctor had combined different beasts into other creatures and so forth and it warns of the the in the novel the dangers of unchecked and irresponsible scientific research and what's interesting about the novel that's unfolding as we speak for many reasons these animal hybrids that HG Wells and his but modeled mentioned were called chimeras and myth that was a mythical Greek creature with a lion's beard goat's body and a Serpent's tail and scientists today have created sheep that possess human hearts and livers just to mention a few pigs that have been born with human blood did you know that how many knew that see that's something he's not widely known but as much heralded by many and are they altering the genetic makeup of animal kingdom is that opening up a Pandora's box is that going to open the door to diseases we never heard of and so forth that's how we can be so terrified by the bird flu among the humans why you'll discover that these things are cross they're creating things we didn't expect scientists at the Salk Institute in San Diego recently engineering mice that possess a small percentage of human cells I think I hired one of those ones so they injected embryonic stem stem cells into the brains of rodents a disease resulting in birth of mice with both human and rodent brain cells now you think you may have met some of them I don't know feeling and one of the goals of this research is very noteworthy they're trying to make realistic models of neurologic disorders that may prove useful in in studying other diseases they all have good good goals Irving Washington Stanford University is team injected human neural stem cells into Mouse fetuses and that help make the first mouth with a nearly complete human immune system so these things are worthy of study there's there's there's there's worthwhile a potential benefit here and so the percentage of brain cells in the existing was only about one percent but he thinks they can make them that almost entirely equivalent human cells as they go forward so now the problems in these areas while there's noble goals there are few safeguards against errors or even open abuse and of course there are cross species implications that haven't there's no way to to anticipate and they actually have mice that they're growing human organs on in the hopes of actually putting them to practical use and if that picture doesn't bother you you haven't looked at it carefully enough okay unknown diseases or complications tampering with the human genome is part of the thing that's going on here we're talking about genetically engineered a that you know athletes that's it that's a major topic and scientist at John Hopkins John Hopkins University discovered a gene in mice which controls growth the gdf eight and the growth differential differentiation factor they call it and so they yield its super mice three times larger and much stronger than the normal ones this was back in nature magazine and the there is a in this field the many of these slides are quickly eclipsed by things that are happening each week so I won't spend a lot of time on these but they were mice they grew fifteen to thirty percent larger than normal and even in any listen there's potential fruit from this but there's also dangers that's really the main point I want to get across here as we go and there are also potential self-replicating mutations and they're all impossible to fully until you can't anticipate the mutations so while they may have experiments that have a certain goal what really derives from this is hard to get to gate and the other problem is these are not done in well-organized laboratories government laboratories or university there are many many of the technologies here are done in garages basements there's no regulatory procedural disciplines so this is an uncontrolled environment and there are many small intensely competitive laboratories chasing these things and very few government or established labs that are the main ones here now the think tanks back in Europe as well as here or not the free access to genetic sequence data for human genome and large number of other genomes including pathogenic microbes could pose a significant threat if misused no kidding that's pretty self-evident and these are all from the international space research back some years ago and a terrorist might develop a pathogen that could target a specific ethnic group see as we control as we understand the genome you can start creating diseases that can target specifics and that's pretty spooky well there's also this or a whole area of robot weapons that you may be hearing a lot about I wanted to get a couple of them that I thought were interesting because they're predicted in the Bible whether you realize it or not in Jeremiah Jeremiah 50 verse 9 there's a verse and I'm not going to concern ourselves here with the context but just one phrase that's in it Jeremiah records for lo I will raise and cause up to come up against Babylon the Assembly of great nations from the north country and they shall set themselves in array against her and from this shall she be taken get this their arrows shall be as of a mighty expert man and none shall return in vain now in the English you don't pick it but in the Hebrew it's very impact in Phatak it actually as of a mighty expert the expertise is not in this shooter it's in the Arab you pick up on that the verb is a call in the Hebrew it means to be prudent circumspect wisely understand and prosper that's a characteristic of the arrow not the shooter it's a fill of participle masculine singular absolute it means to have insight to give attention to consider ponder be prudent to have comprar Cup in other words the arrow has comprehension do you see what it's saying now what give me some examples of that yes I can and by the way the ISV says the Arizona all be like a skilled warrior they won't miss their targets the NES the arrows will be like an expert word so this is not a contrived translation the intelligence is in the arrow and they can't miss in other words these are smart weapons they're mentioned in the Bible we today we take him for granted but I wanted to put a biblical route to that there were the arrow is conscious its anything shot from an engine of war shot by but in 1611 when the King James that was obviously a bow and arrow but the same word but it could be as for missile or anything thrown as an error or a javelin and in that sense I'll get through some of this here that's exciting I hear strange noises but that's not changing is it oh boy what do we do here huh it won't try it won't well let's see if I can do this another way no oh there oh okay that's just to repeat that slide but I think we're going in the right direction here and I'm going to have to do this manually maybe okay these are examples of arrows that have intelligence and these are out there's another thing there's a rifle by the way that you may want to know about the xm25 have enough that's familiar it's kind of an interesting device it's coming to a war near you it has a system of range about 2,300 feet and I believe they're usually in Afghanistan but the guns it has a gun sight with it uses a laser that measures the distance and it also sets a time on the bullet to explode so you can shoot over the guy's if he's behind a barrier can shoot over the barrier nail and so it's a boat that has the effect of going around corners it's a game changer and they'll be able to use this to target snipers hidden in trenches rather than calling air strikes and so it has a trait whoops well we don't have to call time on this I'm having trouble the other thing so the it's it's a game changer basically and all the soldier has to do is the thing which add a meter using a button on his trigger and when fired the explosive run would carry exactly one meter past the wall before it explodes then the in the nature of a hand grenade let's get back to the transhumanism or directly direct human extension supplementing the human anatomy the FDA has approved a telescopic bionic eye implant by the way this is a beginning it's a that involves removing the lens of the eye completely and replace it with a now fda-approved implant capable magnifying to almost two to three times and the specific thing isn't that important except it shows you a direction they're going they're able to do things that are not just replacement for something you lost but something it might have function functionality that goes beyond what you had we're going to look at a few of those if I can get this thing to this is very strange okay well go ahead at manually here if I can okay male in but in robotics they don't use gears and hydraulics anymore they actually use muscles they have a bionic muscle is a hundred times stronger than yours and they're made out of plastic metal called the shape of memory wire and they're chemically powered with alcohol don't jump to conclusions but good and these artificial muscles are course funded by the military as you can imagine and so let's just keep moving on here this working here there's machine emplacements of course and the thing that it impedes robotics is skinned well it's in one of the things they're trying to do is get direct limb to brain communication with these things and robotic limbs have limited motions the user can't feel what he or she is touching a new approach using optical fibers implanted around the nerves can transmit more data and let the prosthetics speak to the brain scientists have discovered they can stimulate a neuron to send a message by shining infrared light on it and so DARPA the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Department of Defense is awarding contracts to explore these kinds things further the direct brain to computer in face interfacing people are actually connecting these devices to their brain and a monkey here is operating a robotic arm with direct brain to computer interfacing and it's responding to his thought patterns they can quickly learn to control voluntarily they can control the firing rates of individual multiple neurons in the primary motor cortex if rewarded properly and I looked into those details of endpoint they said the thing that's held robotics back is a replacement for skin and they now have found a way to make synthetic skin that is so sensitive it can feel the footprint of a fly which means the robot can be designed to tell what it's picking up is it a wine glasses a bowling ball is it a piece of silk it can tell and so the synthetics that's been a major breakthrough in the robotics area and I would get in there's two different ways they can do that I don't take the time to spend our time on that the other field I want to go through four fields we've talked about the genetics we've talked about robotics briefly there's a field called nanotechnology that I want you to be aware of that involves the manufacture and manipulation of materials at the molecular level in the atom the smallest things you can get and here to give you a feeling of a nanometer that takes about a hundred thousand nanometers is a piece of paper so nanometers are very very small so you're talking about molecular lies molecular size machines and they can develop drugs and for example it can go and find a place in your body and deliver a micro sif you will that would have an antenna see ten thousand to one you could do any other way so there they have tremendous potential and our skills at developing nanomaterials of course is going so fast that there are it's hard to even keep up with any one of these but the big one the fourth one of the ones I want to summarize here is artificial intelligence and that's the blurring the distinctions between the man in the machine and there are ways now that there it's getting fuzzier and fuzzier as to which is which they it the first step towards computer mind-reading has come from using brain scans to identify thoughts and they're doing this at Princeton University's Neuroscience Institute and these brain scans have does there's patterns that they can they're starting to study what's exciting about this too is this non-invasive they don't have to conduct a connect to the brain they can read the brains through other devices I'll show you here in a minute and the basic idea is to try to determine what's on the subjects mind and see what they can infer from the brains grants directly and so they can looking at the pattern studying that and so there's there's a lot of optimism we'll come back to that here too there's actually a television set being marketed in China by a higher in which you change channels by thinking about them and the way this works is you or change the volume whatever what you do is you wear a mindset now this by the way is a retail device they're sold on the for a couple hundred dollars primarily for university use but they will measure the and report non-invasively the brainwaves and it gives you P they're primarily used for games and such but Haier is using it to try to be able to control your television set I think most you realize the toughest thing to control on the television is all sweat also its but we'll move on here but the this mind reader headset is a what startled me is it's a retail device and if you're interested you can you can track it down Internet for a couple hundred dollars you buy one and figure out something to do with it then but the Army's though has a mind control project where they're trying to develop thought helmets that would harness silent brainwaves for secure communication among troops and that's not bright that they actually those are contracts that are being led they hope it will lead to direct mental control of military systems by thought alone and and they're a long way from getting there but they're letting research contracts in that direction and so five-year contract has been awarded to a coalition of scientists both at University of California Irvine Carnegie Mellon and University of Maryland to try to decode the activity in those brain and to so the soldier could radio commands to one or more of comrades by thinking of the message he wants them to get but perhaps the most dangerous of all these things are the brain two computer interfaces of BCI's they call them and they're actually planted inside the skull and buttressed outside the brain rather than within the gray matter and this is what most people that are in this field are this thing is getting stranger we get kill that is that on there too yeah when these professors connect themselves to computers or other devices they are typically PhD and and PhDs are very very trained in a specificity a specific area but there's something goes along with a PhD and that's pride and one of the things that startles me is to realize that these people have trafficked with many of them in government labs and elsewhere have usually zero insight theologically they have no grasp of the field of study called demonology and in a field within which there are things called entries measure ways that demons can gain access and when you open up communication channels those are two-way channels so the kinds of things that are possible I'm not saying they're prevalent at the moment but if possible are really quite disturbing but anyway these the the best resolution you're going to do this kind of studies direct connection and people are doing things like that let's shift a little more to the computer side of it iBM has unveiled experimental computer chips designed for a new generation of brain inspired computers that learn from what's going on and I'm not talking about the hardware itself does cognitive computing aims to use information from many different inputs so it's multiple input and it's self programming if you will and these chips would allow a sensor status glove to monitor sights smells textures temperature of grocery products whatever there's all kinds of commercial potential here but they'll also integrate messages in ways that are more intuitive than we normally think of in terms of software alone and I will get into the specifications of it because any specification I put in the slide is out of date a week later so we'll just keep moving here but there is there is a there is a comment here that deserves needs to be made there is a point rakers well one of the Guru's in this world looks for a crossover he gives it an unfortunate name he borrows a term from mathematics called a singularity he calls it the singularity it's unfortunate term because misleading but what he means by that is there's a point at which they come computers will exceed the capacity of the human brain and that's only a few years away not a few decades a few years away it's that close and when that happens that's a major major milestone in the field of artificial intelligence obviously and we'll talk more about that but the computers that learn they're already taking these into applications of pattern recognition navigation other areas and I want I don't want to get in the details this one there are a new there's a new partnership between IBM and 3m where they're looking towards a new breed of microprocessors where they stack hundred layers of chips atop one another to make it thinner you make things thinner for lots of reasons speed as part of it when you're operating at those speeds even a few inches can be in too big an encumbrance and so they're trying to creams cronic create an adhesive that will allow this to happen it's also there's a heat dissipation issue and the rest of it but these this is also expecting to give you a thousand to one advantage and this thing still isn't ok we'll just do it manually here ok so I want to get into the art in the artificial intelligence area the power of computers obviously are continuing to accelerate their size their energy and costs are diminishing and the facility of the hardware can continues to accelerate event both the hardware and the software are making gigantic leaps week by week as we go and the singularity I tried to explain that's a term that associate with it Ray Kurzweil but that's when when the computational intelligence exceeds that of the human mind that's the target now you say well what's wrong with that you have to understand what they're admitted ultimate goal is because if you can take your intelligence and transfer it into that environment you've achieved immortality it's a path to immortality and to exchange consciousness between bodies synthetic or otherwise and the fact that this could could at least conceivably lead to a path of toward immortality can give you a glimpse of what kind of theology these people share or lack thereof if you will rakers worlds concept of this these conscious not can it not only will be able to be translated into a machine you can combine consciousness if you collectivise the conscious at the end of a very long MN turi on his life they asked them do you believe there's a god and as answers very simple ease is not yet that's really the goal that they think they're on now see the real problem is the real you see I can't see you I'm standing up in stage I can see the package you are in you see the real you call it soul spirit conscious whatever if you are temporary resident in a disposable hardware environment why shouldn't it be transferable to an alternate perhaps advantageous environment even a machine enhanced environment the day will be coming when they can create an environment that may be more hospitable than your own body at least in their mind so that would what would limit a continuing past is subsequent upgrades I'm ready for an upgrade I don't plan to look to them for that upgrade by the way let me hasten add there so there's some coming nightmares coming the real behind the scene something I haven't focused on but I want to be forward through is talking about super soldiers armed with ultimate weapons there is an arms race going on it's very hidden but very real between all the development countries China Russia in the u.s. probably places in Europe are going in this direction in the hopes of being able to field the Super Soldier that could be a game-changer in the in the pattern of Nations Network super soldiers lit with unlimited mind controls can you imagine unenforced lawlessness among a privileged few is part of the scenario here consciousness exchanges offering a form of immortality collective consciousness assuring in a utopian nut collective or the ultimate nightmare that's what's on the horizon this is not decades away these are just a matter of years in the in the minds of the practitioners so we have convergent technologies we've got nanotechnologies whose goal is molecule size machines we have robotics which are game dat being self modifying sentient machines that's their goal and they're working on it and those two technologies you know grease each other there's genetics of course whose goal is the self replication of manipulated entities and then you have thus from that you'll get direct able to Z cz's targeting specific groups maybe even individuals there's no reason they can't design a disease that would only affect your DNA male you letter be careful who sent it yeah and of course artful intelligence exceeding the human mind the singularity rule these are convergent technologies the composite goal self-replicating sentient machines Sapir perhaps overwhelming combatant strengths transfer of conscious between and to extension bodies a path towards immortality a lure of course towards global tyranny these things constitute a lure tyranny can you imagine those technologies if they were in the hands of some people we know of the past can you imagine what they would have done now something else you should know there is a group called the Jason's it's an independent group of scientists which advises the United States government on matters of science and technology it was they were created as a way to have a younger generation of scientists replaced the Los Alamos and MIT radiation laboratory alumni and for administrative purpose they're administered through the mitre corporation but the point is they their sponsors include the department defense of course and a Navy and and part of energy and the US intelligence community most of the Jason reports are classified they all have security clearances they include physics biologists chemists all kinds of fields by the way and they're selected because of their scientific brilliance and over the years they've included 11 Nobel Prize laureates and several dozen members of the United States National Academy of Sciences and classified transhuman projects are the dominant topic of the contracts that they are getting we can't get the contracts they're classified but we can't find out a lot about them so so I give this to change good yeah and I won't go through the list you can skim through quickly on here the flavor of the kinds of contracts that are being that are accelerating our progress in what they collectively call transhumanism and now we have a highly classified priority agenda that drives wide a widespread global arms race that will eclipse all others and so this is this is leading what we call the age what's leading to is the age of hybrids and there's another kind of hybrid I want to talk about before we're through but we've talked about the RAF's paper and the dangers okay what are the dangers zero highlight them so far let's back up here second here one of the dangers of all of this is it ignores what I call the meta Qasim for this and almost everything else that we publish in our materials you may want to understand what that term means there are boundaries to the reality to our physical reality those are well known today by the way I want to touch on that I'm going to use the symbol of da Vinci's Vitruvian Man as a representation of the reach of man okay that just represents you and me and if I and I'm going to let on the diagram up there let's size increase to the right bigness is the right smallness to the left okay now as we look towards things that are larger than ourselves we'll call that collectively the macrocosm and that plunges you into the study of astronomy and astrophysics and topics like that the great much of it we have whole presentations on each of these topics but the main some thing here is 20th century science the great discovery of 20 century science is that the universe is finite it's not infinite it may be expanding but it's finite and that's both thermographic Li and other reasons demonstrable so the macrocosm there's a limit to the size of the universe and because there is that's what gives rise to the speculations called the Big Bang and wherever we know what had a beginning and we know that it all ultimately have an end but let's move on from that let's go the other way let's look at smallness and now that we'll call that the microcosm when you get into this world it gets weirder than any of the others it leads with quantum physics and subatomic particles and whether you're talking about length mass energy or time you discover that everything is small has a limit to how small it can be say you and I would think that if I took a piece of string I cut it in half no problem I take the half I could cut it in half and you would think that conceptually at least I could do that for it might get too small to literally do but your thinking is whatever I've got left I can cut in half that turns not to be true it turns out when you get to 10 to minus 33 centimeters that's very small and try to cut that in half it loses a very peculiar property it loses the thing called locality it has what they call nonlocality we now and it's been proven in the laboratory that every photon in the universe knows exactly what every other photon in the universe is doing in a certain sense that there's a concept of nonlocality that's philosophically shattering but the main point is there is a limit to smallness I want you to understand the implications of this you and I are in an environment that turns out to be a virtual simulation that's a digital simulation and now that's not my conclusion you get Scientific American June of 2005 there's an article there that highlights this sort of thing scientists are disturbed because they're discovering that some of the constants of physics are changing and it's very hard to prove and they're working very hard at that but it's turning out they are and what the article points out that if the constants of physics are changing that implies that our reality is a shadow of a larger reality that's their words not mine and when I saw that I just jumped for joy because that's exactly what the Bible has been saying all along is that when well let's see I think I go a little further groups of a book a book no I think I've spared you a diversion here there is the ancient Hebrew sages normalities from is from the from his study of the book of Genesis concluded that the universe has ten dimensions only four are knowable sex or not know--let's and his writings in the 13th century we've spent hundreds of millions of dollars creating atomic accelerators which have now revealed to us that the universe has apparently ten dimensions four are directly discernible six we know are there but can't get at there's quicker or less than 10 to the minus 35 centimeters so we've spent all that money what discovering what no quantity is learned by just studying the Hebrew text book of Genesis I'm not being facetious I'm being quite serious and so we live in in a simulation that's limited to four direct dimensions we can experience and by the way not only what the Bible says that lists them in Ephesians chapter 3 verse 18 our four dimensions that we have so it's no surprise to Paul if you will but we now also have knowledge that there's six other dimensions that we can't get at directly now we can glibly call that the spiritual road or something and we're going to more amorous consistently is to this physical reality where an is embedded in something larger which we call the meta Kazem and that's the domain when you start studying angels we have a whole background on that one and that's what we think what we suspect don't know we suspect is the domain of the UFOs because we now know they're transdimensional you're on intergalactical the transdimensional and I'll get to that a little bit here I think our universe is but a shadow of a larger reality Society of America in June of 2005 but let's finish up the transhumanism that didn't see the problem with transhumanism it ignores the meta Kazem people traffic in the the that's a supernatural that's their supernatural warfare where you and I are both the puppets and the prizes that's what's going on the transhumanists are totally oblivious to that they have no grasp of that when you open up a communication channel in our software we might call it soul spirit whatever it yields access permission that is not reversible those of you that saw the Exorcist that would William laddies novel was based on case 10 and what started that whole nightmare was a gal play wasn't a gut was a guide not a gal but that's to the point the the it was based on case studies fooling around the Ouija board which is an entry and some of these video games and so forth are potentially the entries let's take a look at the scripture here a little bit we're all familiar with Nebuchadnezzar's dream of daniel 2 and also daniel 7 this different set of idioms but same subject really and we all know about the four Empire goals the the gold silver brass and iron and the Babylon Persia Greece Rome we've all been there but when you get to verse 43 of Daniel 2 or Daniel is explaining all this to Nebuchadnezzar he gets to this peculiar stuff called the iron mixed with clay it remembers the iron legs are ironed in the feet round and mixed with clay verse 43 says whereas now saw us speaking of it this is Daniel explained by beacon desert and whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay they he switches to a personal pronoun they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men but they shall not cleave one to another even as iron is not mixed with clay what's he talking about no one's know nobody knows I think we can't it we do know that means the them they whoever they are have to be something other than the seed of men or they can't mingle in other words the grammar requires them to be two separate non mixable groups so what are they we don't know and they if the personal pronoun is relevant here and I want you to notice then that the seed of men they're not the seed of men they're not mankind are they hybrids possible are they somehow not see they're not the seed of men their seed of something else are they Nephilim could be or may be something even more sinister are the aliens of some other kind that's what's so provocative that the two guys who wrote a book a year ago and it published an April of 2012 that predicted the abdication of the Pope which hadn't hadn't hadn't happened for 600 years and then within 11 months later in February of 2013 the Pope advocates those two guys farm horn and Chris Putnam made the front pages well they just published another book in April 2013 which which reveals the fact that Vatican is committing substantial resources as they prepare to receive what they believe will be a alien visitor of some kind what on earth is going on we need to remember that in the scripture it's not the Antichrist isn't a guy it's a duet there's two people they're involved the false prophet and the other one I beheld two other beast coming up out of the earth who had two horns like a lamb and he spake as a dragon and see the second pieces from the earth and so forth some people think it's a Jew because they're because of the the Greek translucent of this in John 5:43 is almost not heteros and that implies these Jewish that's that's not conclusive in my mind but that's when some of the beliefs come about and he apparent but he apparently has received by Israel among other things from Psalm 55 and others but he exercised all the power of the first peaceful forum he caused the earth and he's the one that caused the earth and then the dwell therein to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed and and he doeth great wonders so that he maketh Fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men really and he's seen with him that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had the power to do in the sight of the beast saying to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an image to the Beast and which had the wound by the sword and to live you see the identities are consistent through there and he had the power to give life unto the image of the Beast really that the image of the Beast should both speak and cause that as many as would not worship the Beast should be killed interesting stuff he gave life to the image of the Beast and so on okay and he caused both small and great rich and poor free and bond to free the mark in the right hand or in the foreheads that no man might buy or sell save that he had a mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name and and there's been a lot of discussion about this this mark by the way is prohibited all through the Torah and elsewhere but whose numbers everybody gets confused about this articles about in surgical chips and nano power when I was on their board all that kind of talk RFID chips barcodes for implementation they missed the point it's not our number that's the issue it's his number that's at issue and it's his name that the crucial identity the aspects not not the participants here and so and there's a whole study on that you can get into if you like but most of us written is missed the point but the thing I really want you before you get too disturbed about transhumanism I want to go the other way and talk about God places when he limits boundaries and the limits to human arrogance he God does put a line in the sand back in Genesis 11 once you remember that chapter the whole earth what that time was one language in one speech that came past as they journeyed from the east they found a plane on the land of Shinar and they dwelt there and that this plain of Shinar where Babylon emerges of course and they said one to another go and let us make brick and burn them thoroughly and they had brick for stone and slime they only had four mortar that go let us build us a city and a tower whose top may reach unto heaven and let us make us a name that lest we be scattered upon the face of the earth and so that you all know about the Tower of Babel but I want you to notice the Lord the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which this children of men builded and the Lord said Behold the people is one and they have all one language and this they begin to do and now nothing will be restrained from them which they have imagined to do see the unpardonable sin to use that phrase not to make that identity but the thing that God would not allow is giving them the freedom to do anything they could imagine to do there's a point at which they draw the line and by the way who is he talking to here it's a conversation within the Trinity analogous if you will to Psalm 2 where all three of them are having a discussion check it out if you haven't done this before God says go to let us plural throw us by the way by the way did you know in Hebrew how many it takes to make a plural in English it's 2 in Hebrew it's 3 I thought that's kind of interesting go to let us go down and there confound their language that they may not understand one another speech so the Lord scattered them abroad from the events on the face of the earth and they left off to build a city so let us go down I think that's fun and that's the bidding of Babel and all that okay let's shift here we've talked a little bit about this oh boy well let me skip right to it here I think I've touched on these in the ultimate enigma you invade the interval between the miracle of our origin and the mystery of our destiny that's our challenge continually but I paid a lusion earlier that I want to double back on here I want I said I couldn't see you that you're in temper your urine temporary hardware there's an analogy I want to draw between computers and ourselves we all know a computer and it's hardware micro circuits memory wires whatever and there's also software there's a user interfaces internal interfaces of machine language what have you if you knew everything there is to know about every wire every resistor every piece of hardware that's in my computer could you tell me anything about its behavior and the answer is no not really because it's simply a residence for software right and I want to draw that analogy you see the software or other things that's fine I always like to use this slide the slide represents on and off right whoops did I did it switched for me okay because I'm till you get it right it you got the complicated I didn't see it here went too fast for me here okay good really late loan okay but to be serious a little bit there is a parallel between the hardware in our physical body and software and our actual self the real you whether set the civil cab you Larry side where soul spirit mind your thoughts whatever that collectively is software not hardware and the thing I want to get across is software is not material software is information it has no mass in it of itself a light switch weighs the same where the switch is on or off the one or a zero is it has no end connects if I get going here now the man if I take a memory device I'm using a diskette here that's blank okay and I put that on a postal scale as nothing on it it will weigh about 7/10 of an ounce I can spend hundreds of dollars and load it with millions of bytes of software and what will away ok well I've add that all up is so away seven tenths of an ounce in other words there's no change the software has no mass are you with me okay I can even take software and send it through the airwaves can i right see the implication is time is a property of mass it with mass if it has no mass it has no time dimension to it okay now that's the physics of software it has no mass see the weight of a storage device is not impacted by the presence of the software can be be sent through the airwaves it's all software's not constrained by time time is a physical property that varies with mass acceleration and gravity among other things so your destiny is eternal whether you are saved or not the real you is software not hardware I can't see you I can only see the package you happen being at the moment software has no mass now my package has a little too much mass but another two of my soccer okay now you are temporarily resident in a package in a disposable hardware environment the real you has no mass your temporary container may have too much mass but the real you requires no time to mention you are eternal whether you are saved or not that will disturb a lot of here that issue is not your eternity the issue is where are you going to spend it and Walter Martin used to point out there's two passes of God to heaven one path is that you never make a mistake from the time you're born on you never sin you never never fumble you that you never you absolutely have no sin at all you go through your whole life without sin and then when you get to the pearly gates you tell God move over there's no there's two of us and of course he was being facetious as was his style just to get a point across knowing we're not perfect but the good news is God Himself knowing that entered his creation and paid our price for us you know all that here so if your person if your perfect there's no problem but it's time for all of us I'm going to say justice to change to renew our citizenship and one of the most difficult things people ask me well you know what you know what's happening to America boy I don't know has a whole other topic we could explore and that is the encroaching darkness and the fact that all the things that made our country great up through the 40s 50 60s maybe is gone we do not have a constitutional government we do not have freedom of speech we do not have a bill of rights and that's all been what's amazing isn't that it's happened what's amazing is that nobody cares nobody notices the apathy partly because the entire middle class has gone on the take too they've also got the cancer of entitlement mentality so there's not going on so we could talk a lot about the coming scenario the solemn ad I'm dropping a few thoughts here so we'll get some questions but some 83 I think the prelude to Ezekiel 38 an anticipated world leader will be exploiting a global crisis and there will be rolls I believe that's just personal suspicions involving what apparently are alien encounters and creatures beyond our imagining and that will climax in an actual Armageddon of course and your challenge I always like to close with a challenge on the screen which if you accept what I put on the screen you flunk the course I'm going to put something on the screen in sincerity but I want you to challenge in because it's ridiculous I believe that you and I are being plunged into a period of time about which the Bible says more that does about any other period of time in human history including the time that Jesus walked the shores of Galilee or climbing the mountain Judea that's preposterous challenging don't accept it for heaven's sakes but how do you challenge that statement you got into two things to do that two basic challenges first of all you got to find out what the Bible really says not what Gino or Chuck or somebody else it's too important to delegate you need to find out what the Bible itself actually says and the good news is it's never been more available in the in the history of man in our environment today the Word of God is more available it's ever been in the history of man you do not have to know Hebrew and Greek to examine the Hebrew and Greek of the original texts the software that will do it for you you can put your tiara on any word it will tell you what the original word said is parts of speech and more than you anyone know about and that software is free of charge available on the internet and many other ways we are without excuse and the information appliances we travel with absolutely astonishing many of us carry six Bibles in our phone you've got to be kidding and the internet here's the other point all of man's knowledge is a couple of clicks away on the internet on any subject you can articulate the availability of information on anything is astonishing we are indeed without excuse but the second thing you got to do that's not enough you got to find out what's really going on you've got to answer the rhetorical question that Pilate through to the pot what is truth you need to find out now you have a real disadvantage there because we live in a culture that has decided there is no truth science used to be the quest for truth there's a difference between science and technology technology produces products it validates itself with products science is a priesthood if you don't know that you don't have the right Creed your are executed from the career science is a priesthood it's not connect it's not a quest for truth and furthermore we now find ourselves in the age of deceit you can't believe anything the papers say you I love what Warren Rose B says anyone that believes that an airport announcement would believe anything no our papers our news services the good news is the Internet's an end run on those not that everything on the internet is true of course not but there are reliable sources of information on the Internet you need to search them out and check them out and take advantage of that but the other thing that's happening and I think that's really the exit people that want to start talking about UFOs and the Vatican is accepting a visitor the experts will generally agree that what we're dealing with here is a very well orchestrated cosmic delusion there is a specific delusion that's going to be sprung that if it were possible it will deceive the very elect jesus said and put and even Paul talks about it as being given over to the line not just a lie not just no no a specific lie I don't know what it is but I suspect that it's somehow going to involve all these things the world is going to change dramatically dramatically the good news is many of the things that we know on the agenda happen right after the harpazo the next event is none of the things we talked about the next event in the scenario will be the harpazo which I personally suspect is deliberately indeterminate in order to catch Satan by surprise that was God's strategy from the beginning and so the good news is I would like anyone keeping records here to notice for the first time in the history of chuck Missler i think i finished on time okay so pastor I'll turn it over to you're gonna be a QA or however you want to handle it and I apologize for the confusion on the slides but I do shiny Chuck we need to get you another computer that's part of that hyper technology yeah you can see why chuck Missler is the real-life inspiration for the most interesting man in the world I don't know if any of you saw the little clip it's been posted on YouTube with Robert Downey jr. the you know iron man he was on a late-night TV show and they were talking about some esoteric issue and Robert Downey jr. looks at the late-night television host and goes I love John Missler and I do too okay we have a microphone set up I know that some of you have to go some of you have to get children and that's fine but Chuck has graciously agreed to stay and answer some questions so if you have a question for chuck Missler you can just go to that microphone where i'm pointing right there and and just ask them a question so but again if you need to go get your kids or if you need to leave that's fine too but let's just thank him for having me exactly okay so so yeah the first question is always the most difficult to problems with questionnaires first is getting him started the other week turning them off so with Ag rewrite for upfront we won't go more than 20 minutes or so but go ahead what's your question thank you sweet right in the mic thank you so much for for being who you are for so long and I'll give you the judgment but don't steal my reward now just tell me what you thank you what's your question kay my question is you talk a lot about technology and you touched a little bit on the supernatural okay you got to speak a little louder a little clearer you touch you talked a lot about technology and you just touched on the supernatural aspects of end times can you address that a little more clearly about what you think these hybrids are going to be are they going to be supernatural well that's where there's a cross first of all the hybrids that we're talking about here mostly are man-machine kind of innovations okay that will lead to entities that are not purely human they're partly machine whatever that turns out to me but a close cousin of that are the hybrids that occurred in Genesis 6 it also occurred in the 400 years before they entered the land because the scripture deals with that in the Old Testament these were hybrids that were fallen angel generated if you will and those angels are now in a special car serration until the end but and they were hybrids that were large measure destroyed the bodies were destroyed there is a belief among the monologist that they probably were the source of what we encounter in the New Testament demons because there's a very distinct difference between angels as you portrayed in the Bible which are physical take people by the hand eat dinner with them they're material they can they can materialize substantially demons are peculiar as we see in the New Testament that I'm using the word demon of the denotative sense that they apparently are powerless except to the extent they can control somebody and that Ghaderi that whole thing was we learned a lot about them from there they operate only by permission and they even to enter animals they have special leave and so forth so when you start getting the D now the point is there are hybrids in the scripture and they're also a strange kind of hybrid that we typically call UFOs now the UFOs are 99% of that stuff is nonsense they're hoaxes and you have to get through all that nonsense but you discover when you get into that carefully cautiously there are a core there's a substantial thousands actually authenticated incidents in which they materially they show up in multiple radars simultaneously I was in June of 52 when they shut down a Washington National Airport in those days in the Andrews Air Force Base for a week I remember all that was created panic and never with any exploit a city would scramble your fighters and so forth and they disappear then they come back was it bizarre but the point is so they lay there and they also leave evidence behind radioactivity burnt ground what have you on the one handed so they are they can adopt physical form apparently but not just so not subject right our systems don't get hallucinations not anyway the problem is at the same time they violate physical laws they make right angle turns at extreme speeds and they can materialize and dematerialize the people the most competent researchers here are convinced that their demonic that they are not as spin a boulder and they're they're hostile to our they're deceptive they have an agenda apparently they're multiple multiple ones are piloted with knowledgeable pilots and so forth so it now the other part the mystery about the UFO area and this may surprise you it enjoys a military classification that's higher than our most sensitive warheads and the mystery Roswell for example happened 60 years ago whatever happened there all kinds of legend whatever happened there got quickly sealed off classified and it's classified to this day and so the real mystery is why is that area so that's sensitive so the more you get in is there's issues but the net net net of all of that is I think there's a gigantic satanically driven delusion that's going to be unfolded that all this is a a premise to and so now so that's going to blur the distinctions you and I might draw between the natural supernatural you follow me that's why I think what we do with most of our students in the Institute is we get into the meta cazzo very carefully we learn what we can't what science does know out the macrocosm and by the way most of what's taught in college is not true about that the galaxies are not gravity sensitive at all you have to remember that you got to divide the the value by the square of the distance between them and when you get at those distances it becomes it becomes de minimis the galaxies that beyond the solar system what you see out there is electric not gravitational so the point there's a whole revolution emerging in astronomy from the plasma physicists okay and that leads into the whole holographic universe is some of those discussions but the point is first of all well the the problem is promoting the Bible is one of getting over the bad science that's been taught to our kids find out what's really true and build from there so we talked about the macrocosm solid terms the microcosm at the point the real point of all of that is to really understand that's a subset that what we call physical reality is a subset of something larger and it's that something larger that we're bumping into when we start talking about things like angels things like the UFOs whatever they are and so forth and and so that's where that's really the bridge so to speak from technology I won't use word science technology as we know it the Bible as it reveals it and the more you know but here's the interesting thing the more you know about the frontiers of Technology frontiers of science if you will and the more you'll see it converge to what the Bible's were saying all along and that's a whole other evening and and just to kind of close then in the in the end I'm sorry I can't quite here in the end do you believe the Nephilim will physically appear on the earth and I'll sit down and shut up absolutely I mean absolutely I believe that doesn't I'm right but I do like I do believe that yes I do because jesus said so as the days of Noah were socially days the coming seven Manby the days of Noah were characterized by the emergence of the Nephilim that's why the flood was sent but that wasn't the only occasion Genesis chapter 6 verse 4 says and also after that and that's what Joshua encountered with four tribes that he was instructed by God to wipe out wipe out every man woman and child of old-school tribes that sounds shocking to a New Testament reader but you have to understand the problem that he had us at we was solving and it goes on from there yeah okay got over so my question is is if you were able to cure a specific disease say asthma by some sort of embryonic manipulation where you added say bullfrog DNA to it would that be something that would basically turn you into a Nephilim as far as God's concerned oh no no no I don't think there's any connection there at all if we had a cure for asthma at whatever they present the cure is but that has got nothing to do with the supernatural involvement of hostile spirit beings which is what the Nephilim that that the Nephilim were the offspring the result of an ungodly union between fallen angels and human women that's what led to the legends that now we now know is a Greek mythology there's a whole background there all through and and it's got nothing to do with seeking cures in a legitimate medical context what happens no okay well I guess my question is is if you're actually manipulating what it is to be human is there a point would you say that basically you speak a little louder in the mic a little slower morally if changing the genome for a specific reason like that eventually pushes you beyond the borders of what is normally human you sort of like those cats that glow in the dark you're tampering yeah you're tampering you're tampering when you start tampering with the genome we're trying to understand it is one thing but trying to tamper with it you're tampering with the engines of creation you're tampering with something that we haven't earned the right we we run the risk of opening Pandora's box so to speak okay uh-huh literally I so would creatures like that have a soul which it's oh now that's that's the big debate that's the big thing and I realize you can't really no no no no there's a big debate going on right now in the Vatican they have been conferences and things can can an alien be baptized and there's different theologians had different views on that and I believe I think if my information is correct I'm later this week we're going to there's 28 speakers in a big conference at Colorado Springs and that's going to include all this stuff but I believe the Vatican has determined that they regard an alien is as baptized Abul see the field of Astral yeah yeah yeah very good no no you got me derailed it the straight let's go they leave it right there not relative to the Vatican oh the yeah that's sure but don't see the the field of astrobiology is you know science is supposed to be the study of evidence and the people are who are involved with that's called astrobiology life outside the earth have a problem is because there's absolutely no evidence so they don't have a science to study they can talk about it they're going to have meetings but they really are not they can't demonstrate that they are a legitimate science in the first place but that leads to the next issue if there is life outside the earth and I don't believe there is for a number of reasons and I don't say that superficially I spend my life if there is life out is it sinful or the thinness whichever presumption you take you've got an insoluble problem because if you got sinless there you've got all kinds of if it's sinless life then Christ wasn't necessary or if it is sinful was it resolved about on a wooden cross in Judea 2,000 years ago see you you go down a logical path that's totally disruptive either way so the whole astrobiologists and there's so many people that get into UFOs and extraterrestrial communication and the x---two the only extraterrestrial communication I'm aware of the one that we have an elapsed and by the way it's probably extraterrestrial the Bible the 66 books by 40 authors or why more than 40 authors over a period of almost 2,000 years is demonstrably a integrated message system and that message has had to have its origin from outside time and you can prove that I'm so tired of so these guys on the raising you can't prove the Bible but they go to say something positive I hate that preamble they always throw in there you can't prove the Bible but as if that acknowledgement was some kind of preamble nonsense you can prove the Bible you do it from an information science point of view and it's bulletproof but we have another question you mentioned the Roman Catholic Church row briefly what do you think is their role as in times continue what is the question exactly what is the role what do you think the role is of the Roman Catholic Church as we continue in end times with respect to whom I don't know the role with respect to the Pope is one thing what there but my opinion about their role has no relevance to anybody I I don't drink what is do you think the Bible says something about the Roman Catholic Church at the end times oh I think there's lots to be said about it I think the letter to Thyatira has a lot to say about it if you're really interested in that the most the best the best most documented study I've seen was done by Dave hunt called the woman ride to the Beast it makes a distinction between the woman that rides the Beast of the beast of Revelation and it is so thoroughly documented it is so prophetically oriented now it happens that Dave and I disagree on it so they aspects of that but I have to tell you candidly it's probably the best piece of work around on the subject so in terms of the role as you put it of the of the Roman Catholic Church if anybody's Catholic they desperately need to read that book because it's well documented and it contains things that they may not know so thank you if that helps I hope it does and but if you study seven Jesus wrote seven letters and the longest letter was to Thea Tyra which happens by the idioms it uses to speak to that issue good we got another question speak write in the night that's loudly and slowly do you think it's a possibility that artificial intelligence and learning computers could possibly replace humans in businesses and companies you know I can't understand what you're saying you can take the place of human beings and I think that the right answer is it's already happened already I'm sure it already happened and it will continue to happen back in there when I was originally the ran environment the big date days kind of computer thinking which simply begs the question what thinking is so they have finally adopted at a definition called the simulation of cognitive behavior but that's just getting into vocabulary anything that you any role that you can define you can put into a program so whatever even today the the cognitive power of advanced computation hardware software put together properly is awesome incredible and the very fact that you have a government agency in Utah that is recording and storing and organizing every piece of mail every email every phone call on the planet Earth is a major topic of concern because it's not a dream or a myth it's they're operating so no the collective horsepower even today of the computational investment on the planet Earth is enormous awesome whether we like it or not it is you know so and what's astonishing about the four technologies we touched on is there each one is accelerating at paces that are almost impossible to track I've got people tracking each one of those and every day goes by there aren't three or four more to schedule where the axis add additions to our database and I think I've made our 20 min thank you for the question though what was useful all right thanks shocked hey just one other quick announcement again I've been a recipient of update for many many years it comes an electronic format for those of you who have a computer or an email I'll address but if you go to Kay house org Kay house organ and hit the subscription there's just going to be lots of interesting smelling exercise I can fruit the electronic addition is free of charge free and if there's a word in there you don't understand you put your finger on it and it will explain what it is see I wish I had that feature when I was growing up with Chuck because we couldn't put a word over Chuck's conversation Oh Oh finally I understand what this means if you look at a picture in there put your finger on or like to be a film clip it's what's called an interactive magazine and the guy that has developed that and done it and publishes it as for about a year now we this is not a new thing we've been doing it for a while so much so that the printed version is a limited edition thing where people really want to spend the experience expensive because it costs a lot of money this is free and he's got a circulation I think 130,000 something like that but it's electronic the guy the desert is out there at the table that's all the work of Gordon McDonald who's the head of our research but is his day job so this week is to to nurse and Curtin and and do all the editing to make that that incredible thing available and it's free of charge if you have a iPad or a computer or your PC your back whatever it'll be an interaction interactive product that you'll find very exciting and if there's a reference there it'll you click on it and it'll all maybe go to the reference for you by the way Chuck mr. used to be with the RAND Corporation there's a group that's forming a young adult group that's going to be headquartered out of here but it's going to minister to the whole Front Range of Colorado we're calling it think-tank and David and Jenna Ellis are you still here there's David you can see them again if this kind of information and things like it part of the plan is to bring some of the best authors speakers thinkers on on subjects that you're going to want more information about in the weeks months ahead so again there's lots of resources out there there's so many chuck Missler resources that i can't even begin to talk about them the problem is once you get one you'll get hooked you'll want more should warn about it yes yes it is he's sort of like organic green chili the green chili once it enters your mouth it lights up your life you're happy forever but but it a lot it might sting a little bit when you're eating it and especially when it hits the intestines but trust me it's it's worth the meal again we're gonna why don't you guys just stand up real quick and I'll dismiss you and again the Chuck will be available there's resources available and thanks for coming let's pray Heavenly Father we thank you and praise you we glorify you for your grace in your mercy Lord we thank you that you know the beginning in the end Lord clearly you are the God who occupies eternity Lord you have all of the answers to all of the questions and every once in a while Lord you give us an opportunity to know some of those answers Lord we know that the secret things belong to you but Lord again we thank you for the privilege that we can ask questions and we can expect answers and again father we thank you for Jesus we thank you for life and love and redemption and again father we thank you we praise you in Jesus name Amen thanks for coming god bless you guys everywhere
Channel: Calvary South Denver
Views: 1,269,703
Rating: 4.697679 out of 5
Keywords: Calvary Chapel, Christianity, Bible Study, Chuck Missler, Transhumanism (Idea)
Id: xkJe9re-8AI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 2sec (4922 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2013
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