The Sin of Fornication. VERY GOOD Teaching! | Dr. Kim

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[Music] Ezekiel chapter 16 and then we'll read verse 15 there is one sin that is very serious among the church that we take very seriously I want you all to mark this down this has been a powerful stain upon the church it's the sin of fornication I want you all to learn this lesson this is gonna be extremely serious and also if there's something that you're doing in the church that may attribute and lead to this sin it is very important that you self reflect and that you change your attitude your conversation your dressing yeah it's dressing too and everything so this is very important because this is a sin that has done the biggest stain among churches you got to realize that so I'm gonna give you a lot of verses on this one but i swea stood so much time on conspiracy so so this is going to be we're gonna go through a lot of verses right here which is gonna be interesting fort notice what is very interesting what is tied to something as a sexual sin is first your dressing your dressing and I'll be found at Ezekiel chapter 16 verse 15 through 16 the Bible says right here but thou distrust in thine own what beauty and plaits the harlot because of thy renown and poorest out thy fornications on everyone that passed by so everyone who's around this person is affected by her sensual or sexual atmosphere why because of her appearance you see that look at verse 16 and of thy garments out dis taken Dec is the high places with divers colors and plates the harlot thereupon the likes things shall not come neither shall it be so you see how the Bible ties the sexual sin to a sexual atmosphere to your dressing this is why we take dressing very seriously in this church now my parents told me this they told me that the number one thing they ever had a problem in the church that they kept that they had to repeat which was tiresome with I didn't understand until I became a pastor what stress saying and my mom told me this my mom told me women are really bad at that one now if you don't believe me Ezekiel 16 was it a male gender or a female gender mm-hmm all right so you women gotta watch out how you dress so you cannot dress inappropriately now what I'm kind of sick and tired is that these people would just keep explaining about oh why is that inappropriate why is that inappropriate but you never say that whenever you go whenever you work in a job that requires you to dress like this why because they know it attracts sexual allure but you knew that you know that more than they do okay so you got to realize this that's why we do not believe that skirts should go above the knee ladies because the Bible says that if the skirt is above the knee then that is nakedness that's what the Bible says that's why you women got to be careful how you're wearing tight dressing what you got to use your head okay you women are more critical thinking than we are so don't make excuses cuz you know more than we do cuz you think more than we men you women know why why did you dress that to begin with just ask yourself that question why did you wear that body tight dressing why did you have why did you wear a dressing that showed a little bit of cleavage why do you have to sew you why do you dress that way where it shows a little bit of more of the leg so you gotta I mean come on you know why more than we do okay you women sometimes are smarter than us men so you know better than we do I don't like it when I have to explain myself on that one so that's why you women when you're dressed up in church you better watch your dressing you better watch your dressing all right a second thing right here that can contribute to the sin of fornication is is touching let's look at first Corinthians chapter 7 verse 1 first Corinthians chapter 7 verse 1 notice that it's considered a sin when you have an intimate touch intimate touch that's why some Bible believers don't believe in hugging women sometimes so I've started to you sometimes you'll notice me doing that where I'm kind of a little bit refraining I'll only do it when I have to but I kind of refrain myself from doing that you'll notice that why because intimately touching is inappropriate that's why when you're dating we don't believe in kissing we believe in kissing until marriage we don't believe in any form of inappropriate touching excuse me intimate intimate touching that's what 1st Corinthians 7:1 shows why because all of that love is reserved for marriage you might say why is that pastor this is why we don't believe opposite opposite sexes should live should live together so if you're a male or a female who's dating someone and you're living at the same place you got to separate this church even this church do not tolerate that if we find out then we're going to have to tell you and you have to separate now you might say why is that pastor the reason why is this the reason why is when you're living - okay one when you're living together there's something going on number two number two temptation is really really open in the privacy of your home and don't tell me you did more than just intimately touching you may not have fornicated but you did something more number three another thing concerning about why we believe that you got to separate is this you're already living like a husband and a wife already and then if it comes out where the relationship is not man and wife it's not successful the separation is even harder why do you think the Bible says marriage is body joint the body it's marriage because you truly feel like you're one with them and when you're living together and you're close you're getting closer to that marriage where it's oneness and when they separate God don't like that that's why God hates divorce unless it's unless there's three exceptions which I won't tell in this video but that's why God hates divorce because why when when you're combined one with the person he wants it to remain that way forever that's true love that's pure love you know what kind of love we have let's all admit it everyone nearly everybody doesn't understand true love today why do you think America come on use your head if you think that I'm being too strict about this living together thing why do you think America has more than half of divorces now use your head because you all just want to touch do you want to feel you don't want to have a genuine love relationship genuine love relationship should equal touch not not separated alright first Corinthians chapter 7 and verse 1 if some of you have committed that sin that should be confessed actually you should repent and confess that you might say why is that preacher because fornication is the thing that we take very seriously in church 1st Corinthians chapter 7 verse 1 now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me it is good for a man not to what touch a woman and it's see notice it's intimate right here it's intimate so God does not want an intimate touch let's look at Matthew we're going to look at Matthew chapter 15 verse 19 Matthew chapter 15 verse 19 now one thing you gotta understand is this is that we are not the legalistic police since you're growing adults so it's okay for a person to show interest and build a closer relationship there's nothing wrong with that obviously you want to do that to see if the person is right for you but you got to realize this is that when it comes to intimate touching that's got to be you got to put a reservation for that you can build up a closer relationship you can show interest to the person but intimate touching you got to keep yourself restricted at the same time to never have that as a restriction while you're getting closer to a person is building is giving no limitation no restriction when you dig closer and closer to a relationship do you understand that you have to put restrictions see see we're not going to say you know not do this not do that in every single detail not every single detail some of them is playing kissing living together etc but every single act in action we're not your legalese we're not your legalistic policemen somebody flirts with another person we're not going to be a legalistic policeman and stuff like that brother and sister a hug in Christ we're not the legalistic at police and say get out of there you know we're know we're not all that kind of stuff where a guy hangs out with the girl if they are passed if they are grown adults late at night we're not the legalistic police that will trace every effort on you okay we are not the legalistic policemen but you do have to have a restriction if you have this restriction intimate touching it will help you more on abstract areas of your relationship see if you have zero of this as your restriction then there you you've actually put no restriction when you're having a connection relationship with somebody we're also going to look at Matthew chapter 15 verse 19 for out of the heart proceed evil thoughts murders adulteries fornications is that what the verse said okay so notice in Matthew 15:19 people know that you have some sort of sexual attraction okay now remember that that's why it's going to change your conversation how you react to the person and when you're alone with them look here's something to understand you can't hide this from people do you understand that you might say why are you saying that because that verse is out of the heart proceed we know what's in your heart because and people will see it so that's why you got to realize this what will so-and-so think of me when I do this with another person now you think and pray about that here's an easy example what do you think your wife would think when you react that way to the opposite sex now thou if you're gonna make up excuses oh there was nothing going on all you have to do is get married and think what your spouse would think and then you're gonna realize huh there is restrictions you're if you say oh I don't believe you wait til somebody treats that way with your boyfriend with your girlfriend they're just doing the same thing you did so be very careful sexual attraction shows do you understand that shows watch your attitude now I wouldn't be it I wouldn't be flirtatious if I were you because it might show something where there's something sexual within you and if we were to ask your history when's the last time you fornicate it how many you fornicated with what would your answer be Oh pastor I'm not why do you call that flirting well if I were to ask your bio hmm okay now let's look at another one right here okay yes okay see I I I'm tight I'm good I'm stepping on toes this is good I'm doing I'm doing my job I'm doing my job I didn't come here for you to come to my church I came here because I care about you doing what's right all right let's look at number four first Corinthians chapter 5 verse 9 first Corinthians chapter 5 verse 9 that is I'm not going to read it but that verse says you are to separate from fornicators so you know what the sin is we kick out of church fornication if you committed the sin of fornication we kick you out of church that is the sin whoa Wow pastor yep that's right now again here's the thing let me stress this again what you've got to understand is like I mentioned before is that excuse me all right so concerning fornication when we when there is plain evidence of fornication going on in the church we separate that we kick that out other things that lead to fornication so notice it's fornication the verse says all right it's not things leading to it fornication itself is kicked out of church anything else that would lead to it we are not your legalistic police guard concerning that matter it would only depend on the situation and concerning the Brethren and the testimony of the church etc because we're not going to get on every woman who comes in with the miniskirt in our church we're not gonna kick you out the first day we're not gonna get on everybody's case right here so you got to realize this we're not a legalistic policeman but this does not mean that we don't preach against it we do preach against it and trust me when God the Holy Spirit is moving in the church and in the sermon the person is gonna make a change one way or in another so you got to realize that fact so concerning about fornication we kick that out everything else that's your business between you and God like your other sins that we can't police guard everything in your life we can't police guard what you watch on television well you have in the house and that what you have in your backup file and the music you listen to that's between you and God we're not your legalistic police guard what we are is that we welcome everybody in this church we love you like a brother and sister in Christ and unless there's a plain sin that the Bible says you have to kick out then when we put our foot down okay so this is a sin you should take seriously Ephesians chapter 5 verse 3 this should be sobering Ephesians 5 3 you know what's the sin that ruins the testimony of the church it's fornication do you know what's the number one thing that you find with pastors where's the problem it's not money it is not money it is not power you know what it is sex it's sex it's fornication Ephesians chapter five verse three look at King David right well is his weak point sex Solomon richest man why is this man in the world what was his weak point sex fusions 5 3 but fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness let it not once named among us become a Saints that's why you hear Jack one of Jack Hiles schools and in his churches and even accusations against Jack Isles about sexual allegations Jack's cop was proven for his sexual misconduct I mean he was in prison 10 20 years or something like that with a minor and he was a top 14 largest churches in America and he was independent fundamental Baptist King James only see this this is a sin we take seriously this is a sin that ruins the testimony of the church is sex let's also look at Hebrews chapter 12 verse 15 through 17 and then Revelation chapter 2 and then I got a call it a night I'm over at the time Hebrews chapter 12 Hebrews chapter 12 and Revelation chapter 2 let me try to do this swiftly but carefully because this is a an important subject Hebrews chapter 12 and Revelation chapter 2 alright this is a sermon right here Hebrews 12 a lot of sermons right here in Hebrews chapter 12 notice what the Bible says at verse 15 verse 15 looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you and thereby many be what defiled there is something tragic or it's hard or you're struggling in your life that will make you defile yourself with what its fornication 16 lest there be any fornicator or profane person you know what how Satan attacks you with this sin or any sin that leads to fornication it's when you're struggling it's when you have bitterness towards somebody it's when there's a controversy in the church it's when you're going through your own and affliction when you feel God is unfair to you that void is filled in but you want love in return so that's why it will lead to things that will lead to fornication and eventually fornication itself that's why it's very sad you see a lot of these prostitutes or even these porn stars right there they end up in that industry because they did not gain enough love serious right so if you are going through a certain struggle in this church that's when you have to put double guard on do did you hear what I just said you got to put a double guard on when you're around men or when you're around women when you're going through a hard time remember that okay another thing right here is revelation no no no no we I keep reading this is a good sermon right here notice in verse 16 as Esau who for what one morsel of meat sold his book birthright for you know how that afterward when he would have inherited the blessing he was rejected you know what this thing is also fornication it's it's a relief that you want right now that's what fornication is it's a relief that you want right now and guess what that that ruins your permanent blessing you get kicked out of the church just because of one night huh hmm see but here's another more sobering thing keep reading this is even more scary for he found no place of repentance though he sought it carefully with tears Shh you can cry all you want and say I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry but some damages cannot be repaired you think Jack Scott can say I'm sorry at court it's done this church is ruined it's gone watch out for the sin folks okay revelation 2:20 let me finish up right here all right you want me open up altar call amen all right Revelation chapter 2 verse 20 revelation 2:20 we take this seriously you know why because the Bible says notwithstanding I have a few things against thee because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel see you allow you tolerated Jezebel notice what it's sexual which calleth herself a prophetess to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication you know I'm teaching this subject because I am NOT going to be this church that is going to tolerate things that will lead to fornication and you know what churches are doing right now they tolerate this that's why they get so many people dressed inappropriately in church so many people living together shacking together and they're attending the same church for years so many people who went through divorce who are attending those churches alright so consider that an thought so when the preacher gets on you about you know intimately touching dressing inappropriately and that how you act and then stuff like this don't get all don't get all tender and sensitive now because how would your husband your wife feel when you treat it that way toward the opposite sex now if you think if you take that seriously with with your lover what about the one who you should love the most God Almighty what do you think he thinks alright now don't whine and complain when Pastor starts to preach or says something like we're not doing this we're not doing that and stuff like that if you want to call me legalistic police fine that's up to you I don't tolerate it revelation 2 I'm not going to be that kind of church you
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 59,184
Rating: 4.9136825 out of 5
Keywords: The Vigilant Christian, Israeli News Live, BP Earth Watch, Paul Begley, RichieFromBoston, Robert Breaker, The Watchman, conspiracy, End Times Production, SoulJa Of GOD, J.D. Farag, Acts17Apologetics, flat earth, antichrist, Trump, Obama, Rob Skiba, rapture, Jonathan Kleck, Sid Roth, Steve Cioccolanti, King James, Mark Dice, Ravi Zacharias, Wretched, bible believer, aliens, Living Waters, Doug Batchelor, Joel Osteen, Joseph Prince
Id: 46D0nwGM7JQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 54sec (1314 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2019
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