I had a $1000 Cup of Tea 🇱🇰

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this you have to see and a u-turn was highly warranted check out this little tea shop called the tea center what a place to have a shop one of you first of all let's see if it's open house to helmet fro oh pretty horrendous hello how are you here your open I come to try or tea and check out the view [Music] [Applause] Danger Danger drive carefully I was going in this way and then I saw wow what a place I wanted to film this and try the tea and what is yours what is your specialty what is your best tea I just want to want a cup just wonder how do you like ah this is easy let me see I'll go try a lava yeah Ceylon tea yeah only oh you only have this yeah a lot of times for tea only this kind yeah yeah so I have no choice right okay but this one no no okay I will try this one yes I do the lights up to you know my salsa yes how much 50 okay perfect okay now we can check out the view first let's put top let's put the bag here this is unrivaled by the way if the picture is clearer today than it normally is it's on I put 4k on by accident yesterday's I've been filming all day in 4k so I mean this will be that rare video that I'll render and upload in 4k but uh again that is the yalla the beach I came from his way down there about to you know have three hours or so if you just go straight without stopping at waterfalls and when you see monkeys and then you are yeah continue up here on the road up to Allah can I have a little look inside your shop can I come inside yes I want to see how you're cooking the tea it is your shop yeah yeah your shop yes you're a businessman yeah all right now I'm Fanning poo are you cooking party poop yeah is that your breakfast no no a blonde customer customer customers see how deep you are you making roti yeah all right how much is that your roti forty 40 M when is it ready okay yeah I will try your roti as well one roti okay okay how long have you had your shop two months two months oh and you you make this yourself you're building oh you'll get your building yeah yeah yeah no help no help from family from I'm single man you're a single man how did you come up with this idea I know a little bita little business all right all right well I'm gonna investigate your shop you have a radio here at Panasonic this is very old-school I guess that player okay like a Bharat would say no no it's okay I don't like a music like Bharat would say display cassette very nice and then your um where do you get your tea from who do it our law is local local you see man this one Asuna me nice peach hard logo that's your logo yeah but it's not your brand you you buy this right yeah the shop is yours it's not on your brand yeah okay awesome I love this place you're selling one bag for how much 400 400 for one premium black tea 400 grams why it's 400 grams I thought the price was 400 also 400 gram is more hundred rupees another place that is a good price yeah wow this is turning into a breakfast no at lunch and tea them this is the roti yeah yeah what treasures are you putting in the water you're putting onions you're putting a coconut powder looks very good alright I'll be outside okay so what a great place there is one thing that I found very very interesting here is this old map of Ceylon Sri Lanka but I think just gonna be a fair bit uglier and so on but anyway this is where I was in this yala national park and then I've driven here there's that tenth place I stayed at and driven up here I'm somewhere around here now oh no Banda Ravello I think I'm further up I'm somewhere around here I'm going medulla and then all the way here to kandi then I'm gonna try if I can find a car and I have time I'm gonna try and see that woman who sells coconut by the road in metalli somewhere around here then back down to Colombo I really wanted to visit this coast as well Garlan Matata but I guess there's no no time for actors so anyway I'll give the camera rest and I will turn it on again when my tea and food is ready if he indeed is cooking in a few defined the studium correctly see you then alright we've been hanging out and having a little chat and this is the the tea is ready yeah how much is it again 5050 Wow good price so we just Dunn's await a little death so we just we just established here that you you've been open for two months and then you what was the you borrowed from the bank to luck and to luck is one thousand one hundred and forty dollars so two hundred thousand Sri Lankan would be a and you pay back to the bank every month how much ten thousand and then you can you also tell us again how you how you find this place how you how you start the business in this place you understand he was telling me off-camera that this is a hotel right so that's your less man the someone from your village he owns that hotel right there and up there is that was Adams peak and up there La Roque so if you want to come to this shop it's between and the rock I don't speak this summer on Amanda you say hello No so this is how far from Ella sir how far from Ella how far to Ella two and a half kilometers okay so it's actually very easy to find that you drive south from Ella towards the south and then you come to your shop and it's called what's the name of shop supervisor T Center and he was telling me how he he made the logo and everything himself right here yeah and I designed also a mountain defective I really like your name I mean it looks it sounds very very professional T Center super fine so this is a the company that makes the tea yeah is that your friend or family or something or it's not not related at all you just get the tea from them yes and then bring it here and you also you sell some coconuts and some avocados and how is business now after after two months normal business what is your best day you're the most money you made in one day like how many do you sell in one day how many tea 20:20 tea that's a good day oh all right all right okay let's try then is it ready you know so that's it no I'm fine I'm fine [Music] while you're a professional he also told me off-camera he's your single man right yes so if you're a beautiful Sri Lankan girl or a European girl come and talk to this man what kind of a girlfriend do you want he wants real Lankan girl or American girl Oh American girls okay American girls he's single and ready to mingle okay I'll try the tea now yeah a bit camera shy but but he does understand English quite well actually off camera I don't know how many rooms they have down there but he's not affiliated with the hotel it's just a man from his village and then he asked that man if he could start a tea shop here where did you work before you said you your job before old job you worked in a bar yeah bartender bartender making a drink yeah alcohol beer and wine in a hotel no hungry back only bar all right well your tea was was exquisite it was very good thank you I really enjoyed it this is racism it's a spicy tea that and as battlin cinema well right I've just finished now here at the greatest tea shop in the world I'm just telling everyone that your tea shop is the greatest one in the world and really I mean he needs two customers he sells about twenty tea per day yes that's it right some in 20 times 50 yeah you do the math that's a thousand rupees a day the bank takes ten thousand a month right for the bank and then you have rent for the land and then but maybe some customers come and then they buy a whole package like you sell a whole package sometime yes yeah okay I hope your I hope your business picks up let me see if we have a hold on there fifty right thank you so much and I hope you are I hope next time I come to Sri Lanka your business is and you are you have a big hotel or something thank you so much happy happy to meet you too so don't don't forget guys the tea center south of of Ella all I'm struggling to find my motorbike key here how there it's in the bike all right bye-bye high five well actually you don't think I'm just going to leave like that to you guys I mean this is the exactly the kind of guy I look for to reward so let's see he said that his one second let me see what I have he said that his loan was 1100 so that should be about a thousand euros [Music] let's make his day that's better hold on the seat although my friend I want to help you out okay thank you thank you think this you don't send you four numbers you give to that what's that a phone number yeah I will call you okay I think that went down well here just right write your number here zero here [Music] this morning okay okay I'll call you like that you know the currency so you know how much I don't know how myself $1,100 yes yes it's enough for your whole loan old money to the bank okay okay okay so now now you know how much it is so you have to go to the bank to change it okay that is all the money that your bank needs $1,100 okay yeah just in case somebody don't go to like a village and try to change and then they give you a little bit it's it's everything you need okay thank you okay I wish you good luck with with the business Thanks thank you for the tea and you know this is a is a great idea thing I loved everything you've done here and I think you're a great entrepreneur you're gonna be very successful okay no problem no problem be careful all right now we are on our way so again guys you you are you are in Ella come to tea center all right are you one of you want a photo okay selfie time maybe out here with your with the lights it's working nothing some take your shoes please music music I guess alright okay I'm very glad that you are happy sometimes I do this you know you don't you don't see them the gratitude but I think here we we we have a man who appreciates the helping hand alright good luck then well I will call you and then you will have my number and hopefully the video you will make lots of customers will come to your shop thank you you're open every day right alright customers coming is the best tea I'll help you it's the best team come on the best tea in Sri Lanka I'm scaring away your customers they don't want the albino or in front of the business oh no they're coming can you ask them where they are from ah he comes to eat the roti oh I see I see I never tried the roti where they coming from where are they driving from no Dalia how many hours all right get to cooking bye bye good luck how many people do you have in that car one two three four five six seven yeah Oh check it out seven people in that little car how do you fit in there all right we are on our way signing off from the mountains of Sri Lanka
Channel: Harald Baldr
Views: 895,043
Rating: 4.9592304 out of 5
Keywords: Sri Lankan Tea, Ella tea, best Sri Lankan tea, tea shop Sri Lanka, Lipton tea
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
Reddit Comments

My first thought for the reason the guy exchanged phone numbers and took a picture with the guy was for social reasons but after taking the picture of the guy actually handing him the money, I wonder if the guy took the pictures and exchanged phone numbers to prove he didn't steal the money to the bank and govt.

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/malcontentish 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

I actually follow this guys videos. He has some funny dialogue, visits some cool places but his brief journey to America was ... very odd. Actually, I recommend everyone to watch him in America... It seemed like there was an attempt to cash in on the Trump hysteria but it turned into an awkward and weird trip.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/i_getitin 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

Look at that view.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/kozi0411 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

Amazing unexpected clown car at the end.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/slitlip 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

Harald, the templar clown. Who and what is he invading these days?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/vassend 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

The guy didn't seem very excited to have his entire loan paid off.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Sreyz 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

Harold Approves!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/kosm93 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

Chad Kroeger is looking good

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Shinikage1 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2019 🗫︎ replies
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