Super Metroid Impossible Deathless 1:54:54

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it just gets better and better doesn't it folks he just is skill is insane you fire missus like raid there's always they always appear behind you near you and behind you why no they either appear below or to the left and even if they're both below and I'll shoot the one with the missiles sometimes it doesn't cure it doesn't appear up top what I might need to do is stand on the really right side of the platform because when you're close to that wall I notice sometimes it doesn't spawn but sometimes it does so because it hits you in the wall I don't know it's stupid Charlie the guy from Walmart you like the guy from Wohlers is playing stupid like oh yeah salamy likes it as a marketing and stuff like fake oh yeah market al Thanks [Music] I seem like a nice guy [Music] [Applause] it's not interested as Bible studies have you heard of the great word of Cthulhu what yes what if it's all in my head although yesterday I told you guys that I have actual roommates oats we didn't want to have to bring this up but you were alone eating that hot chip yesterday you Jehovah's Witness irrigates love God that was his master plan was to infiltrate my twitch stream yeah no one's real and all these friends you've made up take off the virtual reality headset oh I'm like a time chamber never was the only real one I'll never mind I'm in hell then [Music] yah way or the highway actually Jehovah's Witness all right can you be mad yourself to Stefan Roth [ __ ] is that for how dirty and foul you are I don't think your job is witness your the [ __ ] that always come to my goddamn 0:07 oh yeah I get it pop hey God it's impossible to do unfortunately spawn like actually possible [Music] so Caleb's doing a Final Fantasy seven hundred hundred along let's all take wagers on how long before he restarts and start doing Pokemon Pokemon run I'm gonna say two and a half hours in I give him two and a half hours for you [ __ ] this guy does pokemons I run nobody tell him because then I don't want him to be in the Pokemon I want it to be natural story to start to play a pokey I was criticizing anyone else for me study yeah but I play a hard game though [Music] [Music] okay don't tell me what wait what okay we can't make this cycle I should've just gone for it [Music] alright guys so we're still gonna moderate some people because whenever I play other games like Tetris or anything other than Super Metroid all my moderators leave and I'll have like [ __ ] Nutella in here you know if ferrocene that is so we're gonna get some new moderators that watch me play every game that are in here all the time forever here a lot mean forever her ahead have had our disagreements in the past though so I don't know if it's already too much of a stain nav is here a lot but I don't know if nav even wants it told me the other day that he just doesn't want I don't want narrow for mod [Music] I'm gonna moderate like the night crew so like we have like the day crew right now that only watch me play Super Metroid them that just instantly peace and turn off their browsers so for later we're gonna have the night crew we're gonna call it who wants to be part of my night shift when I play like other games so in the future it's gonna be like Tetris casual games halo [Music] it's the chrétien I don't know it's kind of a big bird I just need I just need to hire a night shift the graveyard shift none of you guys are here at night like midnight watch can you play any other games [Music] alright I'll probably give NAB moderator status maybe one or two more one game per streamer that's alright see you're the one consuming the content that's fine you don't do like explained to me but I'm the one trying to like maintain viewers [Music] [Music] [Music] sick time and really sick time see now this is the early game that we're looking for you have 500 now we're cooking with gas guys should i switch to firefox firefox is actually like really good lately it doesn't suck up as much as yourseif it as much okay the ropes is that true it doesn't think of as much ran I because Google Chrome is like ridiculous actually ridiculous you can't customize it chrome sells all your porn habits to marketing firms who cares I feel like the only person concerned about that is the one looking at some really [ __ ] up [ __ ] just saying like who cares if you're looking at porn like yeah stepsister porn it's not really the stepsister okay like unless yeah what are you gonna complain about now so when it's not red something's malfunction okay I see how it is they're all gonna know I walk man turns down steps stepsisters sexual advances what it's flattered nonetheless helpful laser I'll hold because it unlocks that great will permanently it's faster to do when everything's killed that great door doesn't unlock until after everything that was good RNG bottle top [ __ ] [Music] I'll do it no it's really bad how how did I survive that those are instant deaths I really don't know how to survive that [Music] there comes pretty big time loss isn't this terrible pattern and that clause [Music] [ __ ] off [Music] well I'm actually nowhere it was good enough at first to like mitigate some of that light fight time loss what do you say now score paid huh must be a malfunction yeah this is me clapping back why do I just sit there pressing joke I just like look at the wall we need an emo to where there's like a baby in a crib like crying in like timeout can we get like a timeout emote so whenever we timeout someone for doing the [ __ ] or something we can get like a like a Pepe in a corner staring at the wall all sad or something well there's that but like we need something unique like have a Pepe just like having like a wall and then just like head down or like in a diaper or something yeah we are the artists out there don't hi me hey Albert when I get spays are pre-created the door doesn't unlock until after you kill Creed [Music] yeah in its heart of the shoots of Klaus we can't get it before anyways but yeah the spacer hitbox is zero gates [Music] as you know anyone who has a one-night stand I mean typically when you find like us in the stands you use it for the night like a couple of years at least [Music] yourself a nice hardwood [Music] well I don't know Bobby yeah I've known plenty of [Music] [Music] hey thanks a fix do I have anyone in here that's come from YouTube that's like watch them my YouTube stuff I need like upload way more jutsu I could get like essentially like fifty hundred a couple hundred people in here [Music] yes I have YouTube I don't really do much with it right now I do want to create like original funny skits and content and stuff I just don't know where to begin a lot of stuff is already done oh do a podcast oh it's already done I mean you know many times I've [ __ ] podcasts and done and overdone and overdone and overdone where you got to talk about but oats we want to hear your take on it though so I do understand that over off youtube tiny that's how you found the stream seriously that's kind of cool you learned about me from something so nice [Music] [Music] you know what's which was well damn man thanks for coming around I definitely have some like really cool like fun ideas for YouTube content but I just don't know where to begin like I said it's it's tough man [Music] because like I dedicate a lot of time to my stream as well and I could dedicate more of that time that I would put into YouTube into like better speedrunning or like stuff like that but YouTube has a huge audience so I learned about you from my girlfriend damn dude yeah and I like want to do more stuff like to learn new instruments and like we learn you know guitars learn keyboard it's like I don't have enough time for all [Music] excuse me Hondo it's like almost impossible to do Hondo there's items that are essentially impossible to get unless you can get out of bounds and stuff which would be cool in and of itself [Music] little did why what do you mean I don't put that map probably I don't know [Music] wait does he do his stuff on another channel he has like a different channel channel he's just keep it on his main channel it's just like running at every hour that's right I think I remember that but I don't want to do it for the money but you saw that live or was that a where did you run a 20-3 live like all I got a stream yeah sounds pretty incense oh they were saying live I was like they have a school you know I might have saw that run live - I don't know me getting world-record which is my first 41 on the front page that was proper the most exciting thing so I beat zoast time of 41 58 at the time with the 41 56 on the front page of twitch so I had like a couple thousand viewers those nuts [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm not focus for this fight so I can just mail all my shots here not dime [Music] [Music] [Music] see one more round don't do it don't do it I [ __ ] knew it and last on the side terrible patterns and we're still saving time full Oh [Music] oh my god my health is so bad we might just have to skip this don't lay out grab that but I kind of wants the other drug on fight is without it ain't health [Music] I want run yeah it's insane there I mean there is nothing it's like [ __ ] it's not [Music] ok rocks no I mean I remember you from like a long time ago the world record for any percent is forty fifty six my PB is up forty eight 146 a PP has some significant time saved obviously but like his time is insane it's it's stupid I don't even know how I got that time it's just it's just crazy that can be improved I mean not really though like that's if it was a slow slow I'd be like yeah absolutely but even like a mid fast is like one of the best patterns you know I'm saying it's only slightly slower than fast fast yeah the game is a good guy that drink its coffee yeah exactly how how phantoon was killed as well is also going to determine if it was all on screen it's extremely fast yeah I know I understand yeah [Music] well with my route my new secret route it's gonna go down to a 40 20 [Music] where's the ground that out not a lot of people there are some potential routes that might on paper they're about even give or take a few seconds with some route ideas that I've come up with but that's not always to say that in person it's one of the same because you mitigate other things that are like you know potential time losses by human like that [Music] yeah that'd be terrible it's hard game if it's a hard hard game [Music] I wish I could like make that alrighty yeah that's insane man he's got some serious serious patients plus some serious serious focus Ronis Pima tha's he's good shake a good speedran like the focus that goes into that [ __ ] is just immense [Music] [Music] yeah YouTube look that I'm not doing anything for Thanksgiving but yeah [Music] [Music] never mind it looks really goofy even far away it's serious I don't know I feel bad no it's not what I [ __ ] was getting that ass yes for sure yes thanks it means that my place guys don't show up here [Music] [Music] what is a Hondo speedrun you beat the game with 100% okay we got to skip that split I'm keeping it because I don't know if I want to like stick with this I think I do but yeah this makes this [ __ ] hard as hell when he runs a forgotten past my gun [Music] oh absolutely that's one reason that hundred percent map completion is nice [Music] yes but he talked about self sovereign trolling us [Music] you know I wish I could have gotten 114 before this grind but I decided just to do the grind no I'm just like maybe there are different 100% category [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well that would have me [ __ ] sweating bullets holy [ __ ] yeah people like that they're just you know like yesterday it is one of the [ __ ] just having a bad day [Music] it's pretty sad hey we're on 149 days [Music] give me some [ __ ] supers to be faster just one it's not even like a thing people come in and do that all the time you know people come into the [ __ ] cuz they're just that's just that person they're they're just [ __ ] [Music] [Music] yes a real question for you how bad is it when people misrepresent their stream with incorrect info I have no idea what that even means like how could you misrepresent your stream I'm correct in like what kind of incorrect info are you like providing to misrepresent yourself you know like say I'm 24 [Music] I mean it's like a trolley thing like haha you know but it can like make a lot of people mad yeah a lot of people do not like that I was actually a regular run I can see him getting mad at some people or I can see people getting mad at him for that yeah because if they want like chill do 100% run and they like they see it they're like oh you know I'm gonna change my plans tonight or something or you know I'm gonna stay up a little bit later and then they see it's just like a normal run home it's kind of disappointed people tend to get pissed when you do [ __ ] like that a lot I just drawn his viewers oh yes I missed the birth of my child for this 100% run what you're doing any person [ __ ] [Music] why what do you guys think what do you guys think of kill him doing that come give me yourself he's got enough sub sorry Caleb you'd be surprised at the amount of people that actually give a [ __ ] seriously for people this is like TV and a lot of their entertainment so [Music] alright time to focus Chet I'm down ten missiles in an e tank so this needs to be ice [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] still ahead like quite a bit all right this is this is a hell of a good run we have a really good potential here for someone [Music] it's a tank skip is really really good it's just you have some harder [ __ ] coming up because of it now we have to get past all the hell run stuff we have to get past Ridley [ __ ] I messed up dies too Ridley hopefully not [Music] [Music] Rizzy will be very hard without the extra I skipped the sandy II tank the one with the wall climb it takes like forever [Music] however we lose - we're short ten misses because of it so we do kind of sacrifice some of that like pretend like BOTS moon and drag on cuz we're ten short but we can we can make up for it it's just harder [Music] no it's feasible yes feasible you need to do like like speed run tricks and stuff yeah you need to know speed returns it's impossible but it's you don't do like it [Music] you try to get a panda chaos or something I don't know dude I was just I don't even worry about him in the data set about it just don't watch [Music] thanks man [Music] guys wouldn't I wouldn't talk about it anymore [Music] it doesn't matter now we can skip everything because the only reason we need that missile pack is for drag on we don't need missiles for Ridley [Music] [Music] yeah we want to we want to keep our missing short so we can like not worry about having like expel them before Rizzo [Music] stank [Music] [Music] he's been around he just had some personal stuff going on his life if you remember from the discord so seconds time himself [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah probably well you know you're not supposed to click on it when it's a download link totally legit porn Exe oh you got it yeah I understand but ya know [Music] don't take any more hits that's my beatbox you impressed yeah I'd be impressed too okay that's not the straddle [Music] never gonna Walmart I'm like yeah I just need this one thing and I obviously spend way more than I should like oh yeah well I better get this to Ivan and then we'll just go shopping while I'm at it you like a Costco you don't want to know I'm just a [ __ ] wild animal yes I throw milk jugs on the floor as a prank because I also am only using one percent of my already small brain [Music] [Music] why you mad bro it's just a prank why are you salty or something look how mad you are dude I will just [ __ ] prank on mine kids like that are super stupid but I didn't need to tell you guys that for you to understand or realize that okay big time saves big fat time saves kima's own autozone [Music] now this is all fixed why is health so important here for this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're just gonna go for it it's a bleep and start believin ain't a cold icing up trying to create some friction it's definitely working okay let's go job is warm on my hands they get really cold down here in the winter nail this trick coming up from spring batter now it's a lot of small holy [ __ ] that's all right there although I'm getting only small energy see this there should be like going up a few things at a time but we're getting small I'm pretty sure we got only small energies from every single bug like [Music] all right don't [ __ ] this up so the hard part about that trick is if you do it too early you fail if you do it too late you fail there's a very short window to where that'll work it's like a 50/50 so you have to always be within that window so sensitive 50/50 knits so the odds are like in your favor right down the middle this stuff oats are good for a healthy heart [Music] [Music] I think I'm gonna skip ice supers as well we don't need them technically just do it I mean we're trying to go for a better time now yes of course I do cure baldness [Music] [Music] it's just a full [Music] my nose itchy all really funny so we're gonna have 25 15 and 15 that should be enough I don't need any more missiles I don't think so we only need we need ten ten and fifteen at Crystal flash and we farm to Krystal flash anyways I'm not doing my spring balls [Music] the hard part will be Ridley but plasma still does plasma does 450 and super to 300 the hard part is going to be the hard part will be gold and Theresa however so maybe we should grab the supers golden threes are the [ __ ] without a ton of supers I don't know what do you think skip them risk it or try to get them potentially guy 105 than one or two times and then yeah but the problem is they're really really hard to get with the lead you know 60 times I'll try it I'm gonna say I'm just gonna save we're losing more time yes this needs to be like perfect [Music] [Music] we can't take any hits if that was clean that's so [ __ ] hard to do we're good normal I think like three hits there and we're just absolutely like that at that window for that for those uh spring ball jumps or ridiculously sight and those the hitbox is on those spikes are like way bigger than I learned on the sides [Music] 60 so that's like if you hit 2 or 3 that's almost to eat thanks gone you know which we only survived with one so it's really yeah it sucks [Music] ash thanks for the 4 months [Music] [Music] this is the hard part grapple that no because you still have to get in the hole or whatever is you have to like swing for a while so the hard part about this now is we have to crystal flash on the top this has to be absolutely perfect or if you die so this one lessee tank is a very very difficult [Music] strategy what I have here 90 she lost a crystal flash on top our Swede eye on the bottom we need 185 or so somewhere around there to go down the elevator [Music] come on a risk it see if we can do it 175 let's try it I was like for health I think I saw okay so 175 works a little can't take any hits here and we can't take any hits during the goldens reason [Music] I need to keep my reserves as well [Music] [Music] I think we're [ __ ] sick [Music] [Music] [Music] timeloss but [Music] that's not good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right well this is the maker break right here because we don't have reserves there's a bus missing that's shinespark that killed our chances probably so does that I guess mr. mcholland sucks it's probably dead [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's what I was doing that was [ __ ] insane dude hot be with 15 months thank you for 21 banana [Music] in a damage boost now I don't have enough time to crystal flash I want a 155 he's got to go yeah be the holiday [Music] [Music] [Music] it's gotta hustle thank you for converting it sterilize appreciate it [Music] [Music] okay well now is just like stressful because everything all these segments are really clean and so we just need to like hustle I have one minute to spare and my goals I don't know it's hard to get more goals in some of these late-game segments because they're just that was really clean though I was really good we can make it like halfway through that with a good spring ball jump [Music] [Music] now okay so we're only losing like five seconds on this [Music] I'm trying [Music] you need it yeah it's 100% necessary [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] say he's crack finger I designed a lot of this path the Orang came up with quite a bit but I the route that I do is unique to me but I mean to be fair and it's only awesome running is run our Bo yeah after GDP I'm gonna start running any percent I think and some other fun stuff must be game stuff like that [Music] [Music] rau Dean bosses are way harder you don't get bari until after you kill ridley a lot of really hard things that implements it got 30 seconds to spare man snood thanks for the resentment 30 seconds to spare less his goal to flip this mister thank you so much for the twitch Fryman I mean even if we don't get the what sub 155 we're still you know we're still on tastes easiest Metroid game no man every Metroid game is like hard I guess to an extent that's right is just stupid it's like bad it's not it's not hard it's just bad you know saying it's like enemies start flashing and disappearing with like the even the slightest amount of leg it is hard because it's bad yeah Lauren Mathis thank you so much for two months [Music] [Music] rush your nerve ladle you NASA can for the 16 wave on locks the wait what door screw tank yeah thanks wave I'm not terribly sure one of those things does well I mean you need it anyways cuz the yeah cuz I mean it's it's a backwards gate so backwards blue gate with no chance to you know delicious alright let's focus here see if we can get it so it's not going I don't need to necessarily refill but it ain't free oh they're just too fast it's you can but it's incredibly difficult [Music] [Music] because I still want a PB even if I don't get 165 so I need to take two bomb hits I needs to run into a bomb splice so that's the different strap we need to do right now so it's for you tanks each and then I used to eat eggs so we're still technically fine it's just [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we need to we can't miss any shots coming up if you want to do this if we want to get a sub 155 you can't miss a single shot then we go not die so we're gonna get world record as long as we don't die but if we don't miss a single shot get sub 155 we only have we have a very tiny meat the knots of wiggle room for this to happen [Music] [Music] if possible baby no it's not baby there's no point it's just super risky mother brain hits you and she does uh mother brain does like tiny tanks of damage just touching you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus Christ [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wait oh holy [ __ ] what a clutch run dear that was not my [ __ ] heart that entire entire run oh my god I have a heart attack that was nuts dude that run was sick from Ridley on from like drag on that was that was an ass Oh hold on I'm gonna get to you guys this stuff here in a second let me do the tradition thank you all I will I will go through everything individually [Music] that were that run was sick [Music] yeah that was deathless right dude everything about this run was clutch drag on [ __ ] while I can't member was BOTS moon the scary one this time I can't abide to in with [ __ ] two HP at Wrigley three HP at the bottom of the elevator [Music] barely making it to the e thing every everything was so so clutch oh thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] doh [Music] I gotta I gotta hide how do I hide myself thank you [Music] what the [ __ ] dark blue [Music] you didn't need to do that holy [ __ ] [Music] thank you so much man that wasn't insane run okay oh that was so much fun though Jesus [Music] yeah this is this is gonna go up on YouTube tonight for sure I'll put on YouTube okay I gotta go down the list of people here that was giving me something this is this is insane okay let me start from the top but before I do this yeah I just want to say thank you guys that was that run was that run was crazy because I hope you guys enjoyed watching it cuz yeah that was my heart was like pounding the entire time that was nuts okay hold on let me okay let me let me start from the top okay so slim give 20 bits dude I just thought get it over how crazy that run was slim gave 20 bits okay [Music]
Channel: Oatsngoats
Views: 64,689
Rating: 4.859704 out of 5
Keywords: Twitch, speedrun, supermetroid, world record, wr, oatsngoats, agdq, sgdq, alttp, randomizer, gdqx
Id: h3xZP_6GZvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 16sec (7216 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 28 2019
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