Deathless Kaizo Super Metroid in 2:19:59

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Apr 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

"Few months ago it took me 35 hours with 1200+ deaths. We beat it deathless today in 2:19!" - from Oats' Twitter

This is one of the most skillful and exhilarating runs I've seen of any game, ever. It has everything; A likeable runner with entertaining commentary and fun chat interaction, a ton of difficult tech and speed tricks, several near-death moments (including a drop to a single point of health) and a photo finish of 2:19:59.9 for the sub 2:20.

To give you an idea of how hard this hack actually is: No one has ever attempted this before. 99% of players would struggle even getting out of Ceres station in the allotted 16 seconds, and that's one of the easiest and most straight-forward parts of the game. Past that, the difficulty ranges from just extreme to utterly absurd.

I would highly recommend watching the run in its entirety so you can fully appreciate this accomplishment, but I understand most people won't have the time or patience for that. So please, if you can spare just three minutes, I urge you to only watch the most difficult part of the game - the acid maze. It really speaks for itself. Be aware that the skull in the top left is not a re-skinned E-Tank, but a death counter. You're stuck at 99 energy for the entire game.

All things said, absolutely crazy stuff and big props to Oats for being determined/insane enough to grind for this. Having reached his goal in Kaizo, he plans on running 100% item completion for the regular Super Metroid again, and I'm sure he has a shot at the WR now, considering all the practice he's gotten.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/SirBlackMage 📅︎︎ Apr 21 2020 🗫︎ replies
welcome YouTube to my first-ever kaizo deathless run maybe I live right [ __ ] next door the guy they don't you watch coach zenia's run on what oh yeah how did he do did he finish his run [Music] hey thanks for the three months I bet only thing [Music] how the hell do you get to sex masters oh no did he miss his did he miss the missiles so he had to like backtrack [Music] but at least he looks like a boss getting it twice yeah that loses like a good minute or more a 59 [Music] [Music] thanks for 202 [Music] I'd be more disturbed if you told me I don't want to [ __ ] know what you're doing I had some [ __ ] in my lip then I'm gettin the moustache food I'm getting food stuck in my moustache the moustache food upper lip [Music] yeah I'm just saving it for later the flavor saver [Music] [Music] soup trap yep that's what it is cuz all my all my shirts that aren't white they're just completely stained full of some dog slobber [Music] there's nothing than that it's just a white orb that kills you if you hit it doesn't kill you but it does 60 damage yo nutsack boy I'm on the end with to get this up to RB McGriddle McGriddle McGriddle thank you so much and welcome to go pen McGriddle [Music] you're gonna miss it m60 you're gonna miss it oh I know oh I thought you said your your gone for the night sorry you're not gonna miss it then you're here crazy cop is six months thanks for the switch wraps up Bri she ate it I [Music] think you for the lock nub nub you guys gonna miss this this run I have people that come here everyday also just want cause oh but don't worry yeah I won't miss it I'm ready to move on to play something else [Music] again view grandpoo world - at some point very soon yo hyper work hyper twerk with the pen Callum Teng gifted subs thank you so much thank you thank you thank you welcome to go pen everyone [Music] only turn if you can't afford and gifted subs then you shouldn't be watching twitch by me hey guys if you can't if you can't afford to buy skins and fortnight then you probably shouldn't be playing your free-to-play game [Music] hello delicious died [Music] ah reface thanks for 26 months [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] No [Music] [Music] told me eligos told me he throws for constant on his channel he said that he saves the reruns for his only fun only fans yeah dude why gotta out me like that brother such rules [Music] [Music] thanks for 26 months [Music] [Music] [Music] Savi's [ __ ] I forgot to put in the VHS tape we have to restart the run boys [Music] Zeb as' I was like actually pronounced in the other M as in zebus I know other M doesn't count other room doesn't exist but obviously that's probably how it's pronounced if it's like actually vocal lives [Music] [Music] no no no no [Music] mother Brian now as I hate to say this but you play like a silver elite in RL okay [Music] yeah I know you're trying to get a rise out of me and I didn't you because I'm waiting in the back field because you and Ryan or just [ __ ] fight now whoever can go up for the ball and miss first I have to go in the back field and sit there and do nothing [Music] I played some today [ __ ] play some today almost grand champ again these the players are terrible like honestly champ threes are bad right now like two games away from grand champ and doubles your splits say trash beam yeah and supposed to say that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you know what's the next color the lamp we're doing there's like a blue something [Music] guys stop [Music] [Music] double payment if I'm institutionalized well why can't you do that Bob jump perfectly every time because I'm obviously a [ __ ] [ __ ] Bluetooth not on there we go oh it's ghost look if you're capable of knitting that why can't you make something with your life [ __ ] don't start lecturing me all right I was going [ __ ] how did you get that name like how much did you have to pay for that name thought I mention the store I don't remember no story time with [ __ ] I should just bring cuck on the stream just going going discord shot won't do that cuz he'd [ __ ] ruin me but go ahead tell her yari no it's a bad idea dude haven't been on snapchat in a while I miss all your your your vet snaps sometimes I would open up lux snaps and it'd just be like [ __ ] a pile of dog [ __ ] in the corner and you'd be like posing with it well thanks [ __ ] it's exactly what I needed to see for breakfast okay you don't pose next to [ __ ] damn I must have been dreaming then because I feel like you did I think I sent you one of a dog squatting down with [ __ ] hanging out one time yeah I do remember that one actually I was going to mention that but I couldn't remember if that was a dream as well [Music] ah spaceman things for 12 months you'd be a fever dream mind you but still it'd be a non conscious effort on my part [Laughter] yes there'd be a wet dream mind you I cannot believe the username cuck was available seriously like you lucked out that's a that's a big wind I feel like Huck would I think you yeah I think you got in and a good time before the mean really took off with the whole wife's boyfriend thing you know [Music] yeah if you're like I feel like you have an asset at this point you bought in for free it's like you're buying a share of Google or something before they even like went on the market you get yourself a share and now you have an asset and that asset is the username [ __ ] [Music] you've been offered 600 for the name oh my god dude that's what I'm saying I wouldn't sell that [ __ ] for 600 maybe like maybe for like a couple grand you know you put two grand in my PayPal account or into my bank account I transfer the money make sure it's safe you can't refund and then I'll give you cook yeah the triple authenticate all right I'll sell it I'll buy it for 1.5 million [Music] [Music] [Music] CUC used to go by what was your bozer name before that last [ __ ] I'm not gonna make the jump so I'm just gonna gummy yes right do that's another one that's probably going for a high price right now simp just straight up just simp we're like a girl that'll be a good one probably sell for a few hundred eagerly [Music] [Music] [Music] maaan I hope you're doing well though [Music] let's just skip the small talk and talk a small talk and skip wait let's just skip the small talk and skip to how I've been doing ot speed runs for 300 years and have a 10 out 10 and a half week PV days Li's not here for that I feel like I need Baisley on my side we're like sweat drops peppy laughs it's like good you know coordinated efforts to say the same dead joke over and over o chiasm yes sir we are we've had runs almost succeeding every night for the last like week so we're almost there I'm getting pretty consistent with it so [Music] Peach's thanks so much for the Twitter on sub preciate that [Music] [Music] [Music] all right it's partially a run never run so we get past varriya now but it's a good early game the guy with the name gummi came into Clint's chat and everyone went absolutely nuts like gummy SR or whatever it was or just straight-up gummy damn that's a good one that's got a high value um no peat soil was matric did a little bit but well Chuck is a moderator in Clint's chats over a nose that ship has sailed all right what's the next call or something blue we already do blue I don't know it's fine did not do orange there you go yeah the safe they shion's do work I'm just I'm just going for deathless [Music] now we're cooking with gas more of a yellow hold on ah this is uh this is kaizo Metroid then we get rid of Hyper's I feel like that's uh oops I didn't mean to save lul yellow does this run count now that you saved like is it still deathless if you get it or what youtube commenter here oats I saw that you saved there this run is a shame this is shameful this is not true deathless because you saved now wait for that comment Varg thanks for the 10 gifted Suggs oh my god thank you very much man I appreciate it Varg [Music] just mirrors the mic dying just you hold you suck man why do you take down sub count I do still owe you a cosplay in some games yes correct we'll do it eventually yeah thank you so much for the ten given subs sure does mean a lot partner Oh Chinese n yours OC who do you think will win winning what a cage match Robbie zoast [Music] ah thanks for 100 appreciate it and thank you again zark for the 10 gifted subs super generously you do Thank You Albert thanks for the zero viewer host [Music] to live amaze deaths in the same spot correct I was streaming I wouldn't have admitted that Albert if I were you yeah [ __ ] knows all about it [Music] you got a friend in me not bad no other than flexing his cousin yeah [Music] hey brother we talking about cousins now weather let me tell you bout a girl [Music] yeah I saw you picked up some HP there dude I'm just like curious it does that still count for deathless or I'm just wondering dude like wait I don't get it at Oaks [ __ ] his cousin I don't know have even looked it would go to like what an older bank account I had I haven't looked at it you got a friend in me [Music] yes so rich yep no I just haven't looked I assume I do have it though cuz that was though the card on file I don't know for the bank on file 2018 you're not getting your Trump bucks oh yeah I heard that you don't make any money or you're technically in the poverty level you don't get any money that's too bad sorry car wait you actually don't get it you make over $100,000 for 75,000 [Music] are you sure cuz it's based off your 2018 taxes Nate in 2018 if you made less than 75 thousand you're eligible or whatever [Music] cutoff is 99 I wasn't like 1200 for 75 and the 99 is what I like 800 or some shipments okay atomic elephants thank you very much for the gift sub to Paloma Toki thank you [Music] it's rich if you live in like Nebraska I got my stimulation [ __ ] yes bar yes oh it says speed running again [Music] [Music] yep this game is beyond easy that's why it's only taken me two months to almost get it that's cause you're bad no [Music] Dark Souls ain't hard the [ __ ] are you on yellow Ren tastic thank you so much for continuing your sub yeah do dark souls's easiest game ever bro you had a hard time with dark souls i beat it in like an hour all three of them on the hardest difficulty - the [ __ ] are you on about dude ya know the pattern and it's nothing and then you have to actually learn the patterns it's not like you just know him instantly please work [Music] [Music] I know this parts the worst thing imaginable [ __ ] I could have got that other one too it's got right here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's a mr. Eyre man Sammis [ __ ] Iron Man [Music] [Music] [Music] because iron man's a little [ __ ] that's why he's the [ __ ] budget version of superheroes just like Batman that son of a [ __ ] yeah but he ain't even got that special [ __ ] in him you know what can he do I feel like superheroes that's like that one dumbass TV show Oh incredible superheros watch this man stick [ __ ] name objects to his sweaty ass skin Wow truly amazing what a superpower and they call that like oh look at this superhero it's that 500-pound dude that just sticks like objects to his face how does he do it oh it's cuz he got a lot of loose skin and he sweats a lot oh you know it's like that [ __ ] there's nothing special about him spider-man he's shooting straight webs out his wrist Superman he had blast a hole through your gut at Lightspeed but I mean he's still a superhero on my eyes he might be garbage but then Batman he's gotten some you know what does he got [Music] he's got money exactly I mean Jeff Bezos is a super hero his name Jeff Bezos says I bet he I bet Jeff Bezos could buy an Iron Man suit you know he has enough money to be like hey this needs to be designed fast people that like all [ __ ] I guess we got to create an Iron Man suit now and he'd be a superhero [Music] [Music] no I don't even like Superman the point is at least he's got some powers what's another super like the Hulk you know the Hulk he's got some cool [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Music] the point is it's like I feel like they're supposed to be supers yeah like super humans so that's why I just never liked Batman I didn't like Iron Man and really I felt like they're people normal people I mean he had some [ __ ] in his chest [Music] [Music] yoky r2 457 months from man handler only a potato would keep supporting this guy sad thank you so much for the 57 months [Music] isn't that point of super-heroes to make normal people feel super as well no [Music] [Music] you're a [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Music] almost gold I just get it's cold just for a cool effect I don't know I'm just trying to switch it up to make things look cool and different [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus all [ __ ] mighty I was like locked right there I couldn't morph Jesus dude [ __ ] my heart I thought I'd lost it right there couldn't morph he's kept pressing down but I would morph [Music] come on we get a gold spliff we can get it second try [Music] [Applause] come on we have like a minute to save here I just want to say it's even a second and then we're good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay good to go let's try and get out of here [Music] [Music] yeah I keep wal checking that last spike this happened twice where I've wall check the spike but if that happens again I'm just gonna try to get out you know if I take a spike hit I'm just gonna try to get out with 1 hp I'm not gonna go for the refill [Music] [Music] yeah practice it it's not particularly hard it's just like when you're nervous and you're like a little bit shaky it's a little bit hard yeah you know you overthink things yeah I plan on actual console and everything [Music] but are [Music] [Music] I'm pretty certain but there's really not a lot you can do it's pretty pretty sets with you have to get certain items to go and get other items to go and get other items to go and get other items there's not there's not look there's not a lot you can do like to get varriya you need spring ball to get into meridia you need high jump to you know do this you need that to you know everything we do is because we need that item to then progress to the next item which is needed to beat the game what do we need charge for so we can shoot things yeah Fantine needs charge drei God needs charge [Music] [Music] bays are thanks for the 37 months doc Casper how you doing [Music] [Music] sounds pretty solid [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] my part is that's the actual intended way to get that that's the way the developer intended yeah there's not a lot of stressful things here no you cannot bomb jump that part that is the intended method I thought that was intended to but the extra climb isn't actually intended how come I [ __ ] heard that it's intended from everyone didn't Liron say was intended to yo how will the Smith [Music] thank you so much for 20 more gifted subs I really appreciate that well I guess not intended while it is now but thank you so much for 20 man really appreciate that hopefully this can be the run we'll see thank you thank you thank you [Music] [Music] there's like I guess it was a different entrance I don't know as we saw to get past powerbomb section and then Ridley and then the lava maze and then everything the acid maze [Music] [Music] whilst the intended way now so yo eternal blue things for the tier 1 sub [Music] [Music] oh no because you know you can only do it twice [Music] hello delicious driver tier 1 sub thank you so much or converted thank you very much driving [Music] [Music] [Music] delicious [Music] [Music] at so it's the health inspector from Sponge Bob but same voice I'm pretty sure [Music] [Music] [Music] as cold thanks thank you thank you guys we got to do we got to do power bombs all right yeah whenever I get nervous my hands be cold like very cold it's fine how it works no I'm good man thanks though [Music] I can't get down all right power bombs let's go this is the shitty part so [Music] now wish me luck come on that is so hard to get out of that goddamn last section I need a refill I died I'll try I'll try one I'll just keep screwattack off [ __ ] that goddamn that backup strat is so annoying those last those last jumps in the backup strat are so [ __ ] hard to get sometimes because it's like you if you if you even slightly mess up on that last section you don't have like any frames to work with so I'm pretty happy I got that jeez [Music] why's that part so hard because every it's it's just pure precision if you're off a frame you hit a spike and you have to turn around and then you hit a spike when you're on your way back on the backup strat if you hit one spike on your backup strat you're [ __ ] because you it's like a out of control thing that happens [ __ ] well hold on these [ __ ] man good thing plasma hitbox is big cuz I hit that other one I need some health me a large energy please Jesus [ __ ] criminy yeah I need health hold on [Music] [Music] how else really dude I need to reform I already turned it back on I need full health for this so yeah we just need a farm until it's fall there we go okay let's go [Music] we need to fall off the ledge like perfect I'm gonna try Bach man thanks for the 28 months around our best I hate this dude this is the shittiest [ __ ] part of the game right here there's worse than power Bob section [Music] howdy [Music] [Music] laz no we'll kill these things if you shoot straight down well it's coming up they can double hit if I get a double hit here suddenly when it's down so I don't want to kill the mocked roids I want to freeze them yeah [Music] thank you the [ __ ] fish had iframes that son-of-a-bitch [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] don't think I need any more powerbomb [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] try my best boys I'm trying my best tryna keep my hands warm cuz I'm getting pretty nervous now I'm I get nervous around this part yeah now now I don't get nervous until power bombs and beyond really which is good because then like we can get further and further either I clutch it out with my nerves in the endgame or I die enough to where I don't get nervous in the endgame anymore and then I just good audio Oates [Music] [Music] I know the stream is fine I can see everything I know everyone's just mean a bunch of [ __ ] I've been getting passive Aria like every stream one hard section left no a couple a couple hard things I'm it's not like the end game is three or anything yeah I get those now it's just easier [Music] this would be just pure stress for GDQ I don't know I didn't get what missile got the missile I'm gonna run through this I'm not dying these kak attacks again I'm blasting him the one towards screwattack oh yeah I get those after I get this after all right well it could end right here so fingers crossed but if it ends sorry is what it is [Music] [Music] so that's that now it's time for the lava maze we've lost two runs so the lava maze wish me luck it'll be a third who knows if it is I'm just going to reset and go piss that we really gotta pee I'll save just in case I die early and I'll try for one death buts that we have to reset the room anyways so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] it's still [ __ ] I can die too so keep in mind I've never made it this far [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] alright guys save the 69s for the end thank you yes alright I'm gonna turn them off knob I'm not gonna turn my off I'm just gonna mute them so I don't hear [Music] I don't know Lee are you still in here can you make sure I don't miss nothing I [Music] go down and get these and I get power bond wow thanks for the gets it sub yeah lava missiles [Music] right Carl thanks for the gifts of the wind all right there's just a lot of pickups still some [ __ ] we can die - we can still dot it quite a few things before the ends so just so you guys know there's still things that we can died to before we get to Torian this is just the farthest I've made it is all [Music] and then we get the stone missiles [Music] [Music] [Music] oh dude it's not supposed to [ __ ] do that [ __ ] probably gonna go probably to refill a little bit here I told you we could dye this [ __ ] still high be part of that [ __ ] ledge didn't break so I just fell right into the thing god dude I got energy that was not intentional don't worry I clenched too [ __ ] ever losing some time here but that's okay [Music] as a split [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah go for one you never did that part but go for it anyways [Music] 100% is literally pointless thanks for the two months appreciate that I don't think I'm missing anything yeah I know I can screw it to the blocks but you know stale [Music] okay [Music] now I gotta do that now [Music] [Music] awful health going into the next section [Music] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] you walljump check god damn it I hate walljump checking god yeah we can't really die on the spikes but it's more so embarrassing than it is anything else [Music] [Music] stop being careless even know what the hell nevermind nevermind nothing I'm sorry [Music] [Music] all right so this next part is a little bit tricky it's not the worst but making spiral out of control very very badly its next portion probably be good if I turned off screwattack for this section so I can have some iframes just in case stuff gets kind of sticky I thank you epidemics I forgot I gotta get past that [ __ ] to sign we're good and I want some health like give me one big health and we'll continue there's one big health because I don't want to accidentally [ __ ] up kraid and then you know you son of a [ __ ] because if I die to kraid I'm never gonna hear the end of that [ __ ] no [Music] now we're good these are all the missiles I have right I have all the missiles I need they were fine I just didn't want to accidentally mess it up and then whoops ok this next part can be a little bit tricky I'm gonna save just in case we die by some sort of freak accident [Music] that's where we get speed booster guys it's fine I'm recording guys we're gonna be fine okay I'm just relax a little bit drop a few frames not the end of the world [Music] wait aren't I a missile short aren't I missiles short all right [ __ ] you're right you're right you're right ah you son-of-a-bitch I'm going to refill before I go to the wreck ship that [ __ ] wouldn't take a hit I was trying to get over there so I could shoot and then kill him early so I could see if I'd get some health there's no way to heal on the wreck ship yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay we're gonna be losing like a minute or two but not a big deal at all I don't even care to be honest been a little bit sloppy but I've also been nervous and scared [Music] [Music] as power bombs just kill you by the way if you guys are wondering like oh it's just power bombs there pick them up you can't pick them up subs [Music] I sure not even really losing time we're still gaining some time it's pretty good a PV didn't have the greatest section here I guess Russians the Metroid's draft supers what you asked me that question [Music] Parsa drop supers all right so just so you guys know there's one more thing that can kill the run and it's a possibility that it is killed by it the metroid skip if we don't get the metroid skip we lose I mean that's you have to its mandatory so I'm gonna save just in case we do miss the baby skip we consider one death [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus it's the bits a lot gets everything [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] DeVoe see cheered x400 let's go [Music] [Music] we abstain charity pets ran right through [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we did it finally we finally [ __ ] did it finally it's over [Music] [ __ ] finally [Music] I can't believe it I can't actually believe we got it I'm gonna go through all of the gifted subs and everything thank you guys so much we finally [ __ ] did it finally after like a month and a half oh yeah I got to shave my mustache too I'll do that here in a little bit thank you guys so much for everything [Music] okay there's a lot of stuff still a lot of stuff thank you guys so much for all the support right now I got a this is gonna take a long time to go through all this [ __ ] this is a lot Mother of God like this is this is actually insane I cannot believe we got it ain't we got the sub 2:22 just by like 0.1 seconds [Music] holy [ __ ] thank you guys so much as a mix it's a mix of emotions we finally got this it feels so good it feels so good to finally get this and all the generosity right now is absolutely insane I can't believe this holy cow we [ __ ] did it a month three months ago I played this romhack and it's like a thirty-five hours holy [ __ ] this is this is insane guys this is actually so much we took us 35 hours to beat this game 1200 plus deaths and now we did it in two hours and 19 minutes with zero this isn't saying this is gonna take a long time but it's okay we're gonna have an after party we're gonna have an after party we got some deathless after party shil [Music]
Channel: Oatsngoats
Views: 98,787
Rating: 4.8803706 out of 5
Keywords: Super Metroid, AGDQ, Kaizo, Awesome Games Done Quick, 2020, World Record, Super Mario World, Oatsngoats, Rom Hack, Super Metroid Impossible, Twitch, Twitch Fails, Deathless
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 9sec (8649 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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