Super Metroid - Containment Chamber (Puzzle Hack)

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two times per day I gotta do a patty wrap oh god hold on let me start this first I got a rap about patty I'll do that in like 30 minutes here just give me some time to like you know get my brain juices flowing [Music] zhenia with the rate of 74 thank you so much as any I appreciate that man enjoy the puzzles all right okay so you need to know there is nothing hidden all right sounds good okay so this is a puzzle hack that was created by Lauren guess what I was the first little puzzle so apparently he said there's nothing hidden it's all just you get what you you know so three is that way so this is is still - there's nothing there see what's this way okay so this is too oh this is easy alright what are you doing nice legs behind nice good luck misters any congratulations on your new PV that is a good time man like I said Lok 1:15 is hard in that category so more power to you okay so are these crumble block size want to see if this is like the hole well I wonder if I need um if I need these guys what I'm thinking is just like a ball bounce see if that works it's out now I don't think this is a yes you just can't go back up there I was thinking possibly like D boost but there this is only a two tile block and you can't land in between see this you can't land in there you can't mock bollock like because of that so I'm thinking just the ball balance maybe unless there's like some super easy way to do this and I'm like overthinking it already so my thing is I weigh overthink puzzles okay well that was it okay cool I like the way overthink puzzly things and in like I like to do things in a way like on Orthodox way okay Oh should we do no hints so I can suffer myself I mean the bombs don't do the so they said there's no hidden there's no hidden blocks [Music] I want to get this guy to jump but he won't jump right here so like does he feel attacked with bombs or some like how am I supposed to so this is like a little lip thing here charge bombs don't work if you guys have seen the puzzle and you know how to do it just don't don't tell me if I want a hint I'll ask so am I missing like a mechanic from bomb tree so that he does because like yeah exactly no my thought is make him jump and then shoot him right but like how the hell do I make him jump I was hoping that bombs would like make him like back up or something hell yeah I don't think bombs do nothing due to bad luck do I want to enter this room wait so Bob Teresa doesn't change okay should I reset or is it still possible this is a a puzzle hack but is it like completely no bar bombs and not damage what I tried that earlier just you and I pepé hands like I said bad luck oh that's why you said bad luck dude the bomb directly hit the guy via V man we already did that before we already did the bomb trick before it didn't work we already knew that that was a thing he just didn't work that's why I Lauren said I'm a beater for a while because a bad luck yeah I tried it already so but it looked like it hits so I was like ok well firmly charge it all right let's go kind of like the sack already this kind of stuff is pretty fun I mean the same thing right now charge face this way [Music] the bomb gets stuck in there I assume mrs. Sarah go up there blonde because I don't think there's any other way I can get through this so I was probably to something like this I just need to find the right position hug the left walk the right wall I don't know go up all think yeah we all got rid of the joke now I'm rapping about things I already rapped about actually a really shitty rap about cat now I got a rap about Paddy's bald head at some point okay so he said there's no hidden stuff so I believe it I'm not gonna like try to like find you now stand on these you Walter bonjah well maybe I can hold left right there when you hit [Music] okay well that's why okay that's why this is here to refill that's nice the gimr dispenser all right good folks he keeps coming he just responds oh I supposed to do something here I don't think so come on brain we can do this is it just this just like super Metra impossible I'm learning all this new from doing these hats yes I would have never known to do that before to Metra impossible now there's enough room for uh you try but no matter anyways wait are we stuck here now no no [Music] you son-of-a-bitch Shaolin thanks for the 32 months I could've jumped I was just like so focused I'm just trying to survive there it's all right okay so this was I hug the left wall here there we go hold on guys one second now all right travel lock but position you ever beat Kaiser Deathlands not yet sickness thanks for the four months are you done claim the light for wasps nests uija so I have to figure out a way to get back obviously not of damage boosts maybe just like oh yeah oh yeah blue is next so do we just rappin jump here I wonder jump jump jump me I'm down because it can't mock ball this way no is this block always non-existent I mean you couldn't technically mock ball you'd only have one shot it's just insanely tight if that is the case or we just jump repeatedly damage boosts how that like damage boosts our watch oh I had it I had it but then wait once I get to the end cuz once I get to the end of this then what do I do unless it's all once you just do you just run I'm gonna want to die if you can just run I hate my life dude but I got hit so do I need to bak fall no I need to go underneath activate the boulder and then just run oh my god I hit I didn't think you'd do the new bridge all over again well how do I get wash it well I know I didn't do it all okay do they respawn the blocks I guess we'll find out hey Zoe you want to say hi here pushing me away now she hates all okay so we need to get in there somehow check it out check it out I have to jump again it's possible though well die don't die don't die I'd have to like jump out of that that is the case that's how we do it no hints Elbert let me figure it out sometimes it's a lot easier as an onlooker to like see the different like possibilities I want to be able to do it second here my parole officer he told me a joke I got a telling rap about Patti don't I yo yo yo it's a I got a wrap up Patty's bald head I guess yo yo yo Patty's got a bald head yeah but I'm sure patty gives some good head actually I know he does for a fact because patty knows I'm hung like a baseball bat there you go that's Patty's rap whoa you get four lines of rap all right I told you it's cringy 2500 jam points down the drain hey this broken so this guy's just give me more house oh we got snail here what are you doing snail gonna help us nail come here the hell you can just get the to the right there's not enough room to do that the trick I'm trying to do music start to get annoying so this is like broken right there so let me a let me see here let me see if there's anything up here so I need this snail what do I need the snail snail Falls when it hits a certain point up here so this oh wait okay so so it has to do with this name it happens so is this a hint it's showing the thing falling okay well you just fall through the snail there doesn't matter wait so it shows the snail falling what I have to do don't feel bad if you get stuck here for a while everyone does yeah now what the hell snail doing up there oh so it's getting stuck because there's a little lift up here so is this important this lip is that I don't know if that does anything for me cuz middle spike does look broken yes but whenever I try to get through that happens you actually Elbert you just me don't say anything you just tell us if you're right at the ends pretty sure you're gonna spoil some puzzles anyways I feel like people surely you're gonna spoil some puzzle oh yeah absolutely I've been streaming at 4 p.m. CST every day it just has something to do with this snail and I don't know what it is you can read the hint included with the law you guys I'm getting this like really bitter taste in the back of my throat did something like poison me or something or is it their soap and the I had that since after I started drinking this at the gym it's not I don't that's Corona coming or what it's freaking ma'am my plane is finally coming together why merely so I have a super missile I don't know if that your tea levels dropping rabbit dish I don't know what it is start to think I got poisoned or something what do I eat this morning I didn't have anything for breakfast I just had pre-workout huh anyways No that's like action okay wait a minute let me let me let me go up here with the snail okay well let me let me let me get the snail up here with me so maybe I can see what's going on right right so me I mean face this way the snail should maybe wrap around and we'll see what's going on hello delicious mr. mugs thanks to the twitch prime sub appreciated [Music] I didn't I didn't look at it don't worry I didn't look at it did he actually give the action did he give the did he give the answer like people that oh it's wrong anyways okay I didn't see it but okay so oh wait wait a minute should I knock here's here's a solution knock the snail on the missile way no I don't think super missiles knock snails off the walls do they I've never I've never dealt with that I was already doing that anyways but I've never I've never known if they do or not yeah I guess I've never tried it I guess they do okay perfect [Music] I don't think that took me that long all right the art said that one takes people a while speed booster but so this is took cot 40 minutes I think I'm doing all right so far you have to think outside the box because you never you never come across these things in the actual game you know so there's no hidden nothing let's just go this way then you see what this is ooh I assume I know the solution for this let's try to speed booster again I don't know if that's I think I said there's no hidden anything wasn't that considered hidden booster yeah I know what to do here this is something that we do in normal runs that's it right there as needed get comments the left so I assume maybe that's the same thing backtrack no I think we're making progress hold on [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] oh I did this whole skit about like about how I was gonna get arrested and guys didn't hear it that's okay there's nothing hidden yeah I have Floyd plenty of games yes No yeah I mean I already thought about bringing the enemy over he already tried that earlier that gave up instantly so this is definitely my favorite game so this is as high as you'll go right here mommy could go higher so I think the enemy is just for farming what what the hell is the enemy supposed to do for me I try to turn it the wombo I can't go through those blocks I'm trying to like clip through the wall is the nine a clue now it just has to do with [Music] yeah the number of the puzzle is a game dropping frames we dropped a few frames yes you have to expand your brain thank good you can screen rap but there's no point screen rap in here yeah my brains way too smooth to this I've not seen hold on no one tell me anything I already tried doing stuff with the speed booster like that I mean there's nothing I have tried getting good yes there's gonna be like something so I don't know if it has to do with these crumpled walls I'm not entirely convinced I'm missing something here already tried I think there's a mechanic that I'm not aware of here yeah I need to put no hints in the title the thing is that the problem with these is every wants to be a part of it right because it's fun it is fun well if it's if it has to do with damage boosting then yeah I am aware of the mechanic but if it has to do with damage boosting and like having some capability of yeah you know I like that though I do like the I do like the engagement um guys should I get a hint or should I just try to keep figuring it out [Music] okay so hold on let's start using let's start using some anything here I know you can get stuck in walls if you have ice it's like a bot - and skip you can do I don't think that without ice that's possible use your noggin I think the path unlocks if you donate $1,000 yes this is where we're supposed to be for sure so this is as low as we can go here hate to break it to you this to us but you're not even at puzzle 9 yes raise it what the hell is a 9 then 4 no I think I think they would have told me if I skip the level of the army game have you got to go up so it has probably something to do with speed booster what the hell charge beam maybe something with charge beam Shyne Sparky maybe somebody was shinesparking hold on well I mean that didn't get me stuck right there I hold on wait a minute [Music] we figured it out okay so I need to do that with a charge okay I got this I got this okay [Music] but I have to do it with without being able to so the only problem okay so what okay how am I supposed to do this [Music] because that happens all on do this crumble black couple crumble block not with shinespark Albert's because whenever you do a charge you need to press L or R for this to work so I just got to do with an R and the problem is when you jump Albert to do this so yeah that you have to jump to do it whenever you jump like that you activate a shinespark see I'm saying I'm keeping the angle held angles held so I might just need to like spark suit how am I supposed to get spark suit I mean I can go back and trying to find a spike the enemy no it's a different setup with enemies because enemies have different iframes Albert you can't do it with enemies with enemies it's called the slopes parking the slope and an enemy in order to do it let me see if it's possible it's not possible nope because the unless they changed the iframes the only reason it works Albert is because there's only like eight or ten iframes with that trick yeah kind of have to know how the mechanics work in order to now I'll know yeah there's nothing there god I want to tell him so badly if this isn't how you do it V man I'm just talking out of your ass no I can't wait till it's not even what you're thinking you go yep that's it so so whenever you jump on is there a way to do this without so you have to do a quick [Music] yeah what are you talking about V man if that's if this is what you're talking about that's not how you solve it because you have to get up here with a shinespark and you can't jump in you have to jump straight up and down and whenever you jump straight up and down with a shinespark you shinespark or with it with a charge of shinespark I've already figured this part out can I get up here with the bug do I like get up here with the bug or some guess I don't know does the bug know the bug is useless okay thank you for that you can't do it any faster just quit okay yeah I'll see you guys later nah this is yes this is this is fine so like with with Lauren are fair can we no I don't think this is let me see here and I like jump yes I I'm just trying to [Music] [Music] it shines it's got to be a diagnose to the right so we gotta like be able to clip well I don't know if it can be a diagonal actually so I hit that wall come on got to be completely hugging it or maybe not hugging it all the work diagnol s need to be right because I need to destroy these speed blocks so diagonal the pixels don't work so I need to just hug the wall more I guess but it's kind of tricky to get because yet they'll press at the proper time [Music] yeah like there you have to like jump inside my go you can't get the clip now it has nothing to do with a bug yeah yeah p-chaw got a first try at three don't run little laugh ah just clip come on [Music] I kept it okay gotcha well how come that didn't work though like that hell dude Donny the face of last like that yep motes yep you're getting it there squirt you're getting it there just talks down to me yeah you're getting there squirt okay so when you turn around you still okay so you still don't but can you uh you obviously can't spend job no you can't not off on in a minute you get there little guy you know believe in you come on okay so that goes up I can't diagonal diagonal does not work with this oshino knows what to do the V man know what to do because I assume it's it has it has something to do with this obviously here's what we already figured out be man no I have no idea what he's talking about thank God he stopped talking after you said that to be man oh really just silent after that come on I don't think I can get close enough that's as far as I can get it's close I can get [Music] [Music] you serious we just get into the back and then wiggle into the wall so this is what I'm trying you can't wiggle into a wall okay look at the hints but what hint did you give mr. taco the two months the hint that comes with the raw nine where does the nine is the nine actually some sort of hand here clip and then delay your shinesparking all will the delay put me the delay will put me a little bit higher with wait a minute wait okay so I gotta just press it and then diagonally viii man didn't know that all right that was tricky man I didn't know delaying you're delaying your shinespark I know like it nice escena it was bombs oats Oh yep yep Oaks that's exactly what I thought you had to do very good Oaks you did it champ singing you had to use your science part echoes in the opposite direction that angle your echoes don't break walls all right some good music the help okay so flatly jump okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah I know a lot of underwater stuff but cuz they're on Macs some of the new mechanic stuff I don't entirely know [Music] well not necessarily new mechanic but like the fact that you have to you know like oh like pressing delaying your charge will put your hitbox up higher feel like that a sense I do have a sense on my cartridge okay so we got to go all the way over that way cuz we just gotta walk when we get this I delay my shinespark it's gotta move a little more to the right for you more fear I could get a spin jump actually let's just get a spin jump here many deaths this isn't necessarily like a as many times you can die rom AK as it is a difficult challenge hack puzzles yeah I've done once but I know how to do this one we need to get there's a couple different ways we can do it go to the right as far as we can which I don't know if we can do that because there's spikes blocking us there or we have to run all you do is press forward a little bit before you jump and you just spin allowing us to wall jump on that side I could wall jump on the right now hold on we're my speed running this and it's kind of stuff you don't really how does this trick work you got the so I need to on morph and then you need to you need to on morph before you press jump out of your on morph before you before you get that extra moves to jump you need to press a direction walk a step or two or whatever but then you have to jump quickly after so I know how to do this one it's just I [Music] just need to actually do it maybe a little bit tricky like that we did it I didn't I should have just held it can't you grapple the spikes well typically you can grab the spikes I don't know why you'd be able to [Music] exactly I just need to execute who made the music for this ROM Mac I need to move forward first my brain is really not doing well right now with this because it's like I'm so used to spamming I'm so used to spamming jump to on morph and like allow this to be like easier and faster so I need to on more with up [Music] [Music] that's that's it right there but can't wait for the GDK run where instead of a chill stream each try will be accompanied by someone telling their nonsense life story with every $5 donation tell us what you're bitter about rich lis refill I got it who are you rich hold on [Music] [Music] [Music] well just because you haven't been affected by you know maybe people loved ones or people that have died from cancer so you don't understand like how sometimes it just seems cruel and incredibly unlucky so it's silly as it may sound a lot of people you know find relief for comfort and doing stuff like that or like giving messages and just saying hey like you're not alone so I mean if you have lost a loved one to you cancer I would assume that you slightly understand the people's messages when sometimes they are maybe cheesy as opposed to just being bitter about it for no reason like yeah some of them are cheesy yeah some of them do go into detail you ask some of them are probably over detailed but they being ashamed for being a garbage person with the hardest stone no now I just realize that you're bad listener [Music] [Music] nobody said that the LAT per the last person that got cursed was sick for months [Music] right a lot of people that's like the main thing I seats you about GDQ comments is that don't understand liking it they make assumptions and those assumptions piss people off because they're like not proper assumptions to make what the hell am I supposed to do here until I got stuck here - and you laugh why's it just simple so there's no like hidden like grab a block up there is there [Music] [Music] yeah and I don't want to flame you rich or anything I just I just want to also not like because it's obviously you know if you're a person that wants to be able to think or have I don't know just so I can critically think about things I've never lost someone to cancer so I assume it must be shitty even if it is pretty cringy sometimes you know just grab the ledge what if you do know [Music] you have anything - a speed booster [Music] yeah lioran probably did not allow spring ball jumping in this I know Lauren hates pin bull jumping so [Music] eylem then we're all get rich sign it you have storage shinespark in that grapple room I wouldn't know I can't imagine living doing that or if he did I mean I guess I could just miss something okay so puzzle II know that's alright Chaz it's a puzzle it's a puzzle ROM Hank okay [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so I can't make that ledge but I better get on morph right before the front or what I have to do is right before the door here okay so just that just just hold it shoot it nah we got it we just we just hold right [Music] [Music] hold it bop it twisted [Music] [Music] all right so as this guy just keep respawning or what this is we need to resolve him all his wall jumps for nothing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what happen to the stream but I only try drop like two frames can you can you glitch this let me just refill [Music] [Music] it better only be one shot here [Music] [Music] so charge shots not going through well that's what I was assuming but always hi guys this part is a little bit stupid I'm not gonna lie okay [Music] it takes a thousand shots oats [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay that's not the worst [Music] know if there was more than one shot I'd be annoying but it's not it's not the end of the world I don't think G doesn't have to be done that way what if I need that I left BOTS with no choice [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] please now okay I might jump in all right making progress oh my we're in Metroid 1 right now I kind of like it yeah where's the okay I was gonna say his locked it was that door anything hers that just there for dramatic effect oh I did I like that you kept this true to Metroid one here I wasn't kind of disappointed there better be a block here oh hell yeah he thank drop ah drop [Music] weird it's a one-to-one remodel hell yeah well other than the gravity suit being up there you take me down here other bap I don't think le together [Music] H [Music] [Music] forgot about that [Music] shrink I currently don't know about unless I can like jump in then shinespark but I don't think so and it's not much faster than this [Music] [Music] [Music] I would need to get all the way over here I don't think that's happened [Music] [Music] hola get some more healthier I don't know if I need full or not but doesn't hurt trying to have full so so there's a couple mechanics that will change the way we move in lava right speed booster but once you all once you get rid of speed booster doesn't your charge go away [Music] okay your charge doesn't go away I thought it went away [Music] did the girl baby ah yeah we gotta do this how many times [Music] I just need to I don't know saw flashes [Music] [Music] [Music] as two of them [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] Supt EG h [Music] you [Music] okay so that's just the shortcut back H whereas what is H maybe take high jump off to I don't know [Music] [Music] speed booster is off when I started I would have to turn it back on [Music] I mean there was a couple things I could try I'm probably gonna look like a dumbass doing it [Music] OOP okay I could take gravity off and see if that works even though I don't think it works back it could I don't know I don't know I've read mechanic in this game even though I've been spirited for a long-ass time [Music] ages for hideous yeah that wouldn't have worked anyways hold on let me see something here [Music] [Music] right now I doesn't Bob [Music] [Music] what about that trick in the kaizo I don't think there's no tricking like there's no trick like this in tiesm yeah that's uh yeah mainly a couple things I learned from it like the x-ray turnaround I learned how speed booster works a little bit different okay so if my feet are touching the lava I don't think I don't think there's enough space yeah no stop the H a hint probably [Music] age for what yeah H stands for happy can you morph all shinespark no you cannot gravity suit hot [Music] horizontal I mean that's the only thing I can think of like horizontal shinespark horizontal [Music] [Music] see what I said no you can crouch-jump morph and rinse repeat with blue suit [Music] no because we how are we suppose to get the spark down how are we supposed to get blue sit down here is there a way to get blue suit down here if there is a way to get blue suit down here then maybe how do you get daughter you get I'd have to get but I can't turn around right here you see it I'm saying I can't turn around because I need I need x-ray to turn around here so how come like or how could I [Music] because if this wanted to work we all have to do that I'll write a lot of removes blue suit okay [Music] why don't I just diagonal can I just diagonal this over and over horizontal diagonal and that wouldn't be horizontal but [Music] just that and then just rinse and repeat that's what you said I didn't see that [Music] I guess this is probably what it is oh it's you mad yeah I'm Superman [Music] no that won't work Ellen it I mean it might work I don't know I wouldn't that be really weird if that works yeah horizontal diagonal yeah like if I could somehow get a shinespark through the it doesn't act like water it acts like something entirely different this is very tedious I don't think this is the actual thing nobody cares about your Russian clip [Music] but it made sense yeah I mean there's probably a good way to do this [Music] got I love when the streammonsters dis cavalry gaming is pure stream monster I guarantee he clipped it as well yes he clipped it whenever you see people going to random channels and put stuff like that because they want to be the clip king for that like week so they just go into random channels just to get clicks it's actually pretty sad just like be like hey look at me streamer I clipped the most very nice [Music] unless it's like the dudes all to couch or some I guarantee people do that too they just use all two counts so it doesn't look like it's them and they're just coast there's their their channel and then when people come in and say hey stop doing that Bueller what are you tired about how people are doing that no I don't condone that you know is that easy yeah we win we win I mean it worked I'll teach you oats go back teach me faster than how you do it [Music] great how the hell am I supposed to I gotta go huh so oh yeah those dropped out right here that's right okay shinespark in the lava turn off speed booster set it I learned something is that how it works the speed booster worst let's do this do they us [Music] that's kind of neat you're like you like speed up through it I never knew that [Music] okay so we're going to fight Ridley right now I lost Fridley is not okay so this is a this is might be a hint for something [Music] damn I even supposed to be here hell is this I love the Metroid one rooms yo is there romhack with Metroid one programmed in I want to see Metroid 1 Ridley okay so these are all speed blocks oh I got spring ball now okay let's go so I don't know if I open the door yet but okay so that's not speed I need to get wait is this okay so these are all speed this is not speed just that one block right there that one thing don't worry is open [Music] let me just see what's over here at first this door is already pre opened which tells me yo I don't have my key all the way through the children having pain in my ass if I have to like bounce on all of these we do holy [Music] well this is gonna take a goddamn miracle I wonder if there's a setup I wonderfully orang made a setup for this I went to jump or win too probably hold on do it manually yeah that's what I'm saying there might be a I'm not good just shinespark all the way across as well once I break those blocks well no lock [Music] no don't let's come back how am I supposed to do it yeah this one block prevents it so that's not the case now the block makes sense let me try to [Music] I'm just trying to like do it where I just hold the spring ball button the blocks don't break forever weird try okay so that goes on top I'll fast instantly [Music] [Music] this is hard dude I mean I could do it I could cheese it and on morph and do the blue suit heat knowing knowing how I have dealt with things in the past there's probably an automatic hole somewhere section like you get like full speed or some knowing the knowing how some of these hacks have gone but I don't know I guess we can experiment until I figure it out maybe like that and then whole jump right here my fall that'll hit the top of that and going down there maybe I'll hit the ceiling the ceiling of the door afterwards oh it's with all these rom hacks just replayability in this game I guess [Music] they're fun too I've really been enjoying these hacks well it all started with SM impossible yeah I was right it's gonna hit that now all we do is hold it yeah what's this doing here you a Ridley I mean kind of look like Ridley yo we're not almost already done are we be a short hack when I use spring ball yeah what am i doing [Music] yeah I know don't I know just let me think about it for two seconds I'll doing it before you said anything did I forget to say it actually because I probably should go save if I'd forgot okay there's gotta be some sort of passage here you did save okay well thanks guys Lowell I can't wait for oats to die and then he realizes he didn't save many times have I died yeah but just in case I don't know I love this save right here god damnit chat no goats you didn't save turn around now do not enter that door routes turn around thanks to super missiles Kate will okay so let me just ask this question am i only supposed to have one super missile here yes only one I wonder there's some dumbass trick I don't know about check this out please yeah let me I'll check this out hover over it Rick Astley never gonna give you up okay yeah what's that about oh it's just go right at the doors right there OHS go Lotus right there okay another question is do I need to reset this room just so I know I don't sit here forever do I need to reset this room if I were to use one super missile like don't need to reset it right now okay that's fine that that's the hint that I will take so I don't sit there forever might be a hidden passage I I doubt there's a hidden passage hidden passage right the answer is right there oh it's missile I mean I got it I don't need to like anyway no yeah that's just on the way back no hidden passage let me let me let me make sure everything is good here nothing here no hidden no hidden super missile Oats Giga spark so how come this one does this one have two as well oh it does it's a little bit now that is right that's right I highly doubt it something cheesy like that it is an M yes I understand for missile so I wonder there's something that I don't wait is this like the spore spawn trick with the camera this might be like spore spawn no even if it was like spore spawn I wouldn't know how to deal with it because spore spawn has to do with a certain set up even if it didn't nah and for moonwalk I doubt that moonwalk would be 100% necessary for this hack well with if it's a velocity thing I'm still stuck at the first one the first super missile so even if it is like some silly you wrap your super missile around oh it's just fire to supers there's a super block you see it oats oats do you see the super block oats you see it I doubt there's anything Shh I doubt there's cheese okay yes M is for mega come blast so also I just got spring ball so the double slip the am I supposed to shoot em like in between or some I don't know what that experiment is I don't get the reference I'm a long haul turd with it double slit I've heard about it I can't remember what it is it's about particles behaving like waves in vice versa hmm so could is-is-is lioran telling me that missiles act like supers as well is that it to some extent even if you get yet so the problem is even if I get past the let's say shoot past the first block and get the second block somehow do you do you know how to do it shadow no outside you who know how to do it yes so even if collision oscillation works then how do I get past the first block the is that I didn't the hell is that why does it got to be such a simple solution that I've never known anything about ever and it just works it's like oh look at me I'm the dumbass ml what what the hell was that I get hyper beam MLG force miller lite when how many shots this guy takes probably not a lot because he's already swooping which means his health is already down quite a bit a boss rush would be cool all right let's see here and see if there's anything weird and so only two more puzzles two more puzzles to go chat you guys say everything is TOS shut the hell up yeah and four nope wrong way I love the chat guys are just always so edgy okay so I don't think there's nothing over here alright are we playing hold it next I wonder is that one better or what could play that one wait am i crazy quit so is there any blacks like be myself talking I'm learning new things about how this game works you can go through single tiles if you just lay down is that how you sow you're supposed to do it not how you're supposed to do it that is not intended wait really let's see here what we have okay so we have to land on it that's not an option oh we got to do a blue bomber now okay yes forgot about that trick Albert I didn't drive any frames let's my see if lioran put animals in here yo guys what Romick do you wanna play next the sequel to this yes my brain is suffering a little bit hmm yeah I think there's any animals I do have a scent we could play a scent well now I get speed echoes no we're done Gigi Oh okay it all right yeah well I kind of like the puzzle hacks though cuz if I look like a dumbass you guys laugh and we all have fun and then when I succeed it's obviously good feeling cause it's fun we did it that was fun that was good contamination is much longer I wanna see your high score in sm arcade I hate it some arcade just kidding I've never played [Music] digital cube trial-and-error
Channel: Oatsngoats
Views: 70,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Metroid, AGDQ, Kaizo, Awesome Games Done Quick, 2020, World Record, Super Mario World, Oatsngoats, Rom Hack, Super Metroid Impossible, Twitch, Twitch Fails, Puzzle, Challenge
Id: cVE7UXtpHu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 3sec (7983 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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