Kaizo Super Metroid in 3:25:34 [37 Deaths]

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I mean we only got like 16 seconds wait one death hell no I ain't doing that died and I just started a new run [Music] tick thanks man thanks you that death was just a dream amazing no bed cookies and they are sweet as hell y'all my boys Jackie cami no I got the real Jackie Chan oh I loved you in all those movies memory I think if it's here what's up [Music] yeah it's that's a real Jackie Chan [Music] name one Jackie Chan movie honking Panda [Music] [Music] you yeah you was in that movie [Music] [Music] who died to phantoon kind of killed it a little bit don't worry guys this rounds gonna be sick Titan really that's the secret well [Music] [Music] because we need we need screwattack and stuff deaf like that yep what am i drinking it's like be CAS it's like sweet tea green tea flavored amino acids that's just piss sorry all right I broke characters it's it's definitely pissed yes [Music] all right I'll grapple this ain't looking good for you homie actually yeah what it is is I have a confession to make guys I I'm addicted to nicotine so what I did was I took a pack of marb Reds and I just soaked it in a gallon of water overnight and that's what uh that's what that jug is it just gives me a good kick and nicotine whenever I need it you know I remember a little bit stressed take my marbre brew [Music] [Music] hey we're not gonna judge you if you'd like drink your own piss no need to make up the neck splen asian well the piss was to cover up the bit tobacco addiction no said a bad word [Music] all the zoats thank you guys everyone a chat take a guess how old you think I am not based off of how I act and we can make it work [Music] um yeah I'm 17 although hopefully that's cool with you guys [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm 40 actually I'm in my 40s [Music] that's right you did didn't you [Music] I'm sorry that you had to see that now with the prom when I was 12 this cuz I was so smart you know Mensa was like yeah we needed your your student at the age of 8 I was doing a what's a really hard thing to do calculus her yeah I was doing some of that stuff it was crazy [Music] a cold boy calculus is easy but I was talking when I was 8 years old Lal Oats you weren't doing calculus when you were 8 call but boy thank you so much man what's wrong I was a prom at 21 Oh ask cuz you were held back and you know middle school a few years ok I'm not judging [Music] seriously why would that happen ever [Music] [Music] you all right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the screams are back our in a one-and-done this boys [Music] all right let's go uh Jane a Thea what color would you like oh thanks man glad you enjoyed it the stream KH soz when I stuck in the ground it was up jerk Johnny [Music] what happened to the top donor guy he's still around apparently he's been in a lot of other people's streams going crazy as well they're doing good sir hoagie I don't know if I already said that but but I guess talking about mad [ __ ] nerds Orange probably my favorite I know this is gonna work oh [ __ ] [Music] enough orangish nice dude let's just stack up my deaths right here yeah what's your favorite number um hmm what is going on I'm not pressing laughed oh I'm great dude here we go I am aiming for death was eventually here total die controllers volley blasts oh no bless you bless you guys bless chats heart all right well that's the goal eventually like how the grapple just goes through the waiver very nice [Music] delicious all right let's go hold on we got twitch prime sub hold on very cool yeah awesome [Music] why why did that happen thank you so much for the Twitter prime sub or I ash or is I OSH I'm getting second side of that man we're not losing that much time if we get it right now I'm focusing health you go even then we're losing some time this run still pretty solid the decent early game gonna be way worse unless I keep dying here and we'll find out [Music] I think I can make it out oh it's can you focus just a little bit more man you're starting to piss me off Oh Waldo thanks for the two years the shaded buddy [Music] and good enough fusses go not a problem you'll find out what the peers three u-sub thank you so much man for the tier three sub for 32 months appreciate it hold on let me let me focus a little bit here [Music] we can keep it below 10 deaths still it's agony spike gets here yeah I bet I bet faint out thank you so much again man for 32 months also Devon Devon nació Devon inácio something like that sorry thanks Vince which prompts sup dude appreciate it welcome okay I bet how many are you planning on dying to make time to make yourself seem not like a god to remain humble a couple more time you know I can't I can't you know give my best run in the first week of running this thing what is this my fourth run do you remember me Oates yo I remember that dumbass meme that you guys always used to say people come in here after like a day and they'd be like Oates do you remember me man like oh you were yeah I don't remember you you were gone for 12 hours no idea who you are sorry not even Remember Who I am to be honest rude I know I know it's terribly terribly rude yeah course I do yes i watch the notebook the other day for the first time I [ __ ] called it and I knew that they're gonna throw goddamn dementia on their horse people loved the movie was sad he's got a thro dementia in there dente yeah messed up whatever let's just go this way did I cry no but it was sad it was touching I see why I see why women everywhere loved the notebook even though it kind of pissed me off a little bit yeah just go cheat on your soon-to-be husband Oh touchy and the dudes like super cool too he's like I mean [ __ ] that sucks but you just be happy [ __ ] up and women everywhere like yeah you go get you go get the man girl but you cheat on your fiancee talk about the notebook I don't know I mean the movies old right like I remember I remember when the notebook came out and everyone was so obsessed I can see why people like it's cute it's a cute love story and they you know it's like and they end their life together you know it's like oh how that's what I want well not like not I don't want it like end my life like you know like bad way no they didn't commit suicide there's not [ __ ] Jonestown or something yes they joined a cult and then they all then they live happily ever after until they died welcome to oats town speaking of that however I did finish the first season of 13 reasons why and God it pissed me off like I understand I understand the message but the way they got there and everything was they like [Music] like I get the message be good to people cuz you never know yeah I just I just had I just had rocky all tell me how it ended or whatever are you [ __ ] serious Wow I didn't turn around what's going on with my down button dude I hate though I had I hate it I hate the main character it's so it's like it's so a [ __ ] irritating it's like no I like a lot of things man like breaking bad for example best TV show I think ever people say they like better call Saul better but I I don't know man I already know what happens in Breaking Bad so like there's no there's nothing to it I already know what happens like this none of this means anything I mean you know is way different yeah it's different in a bad way and it's not different because the characters are the same obviously you have different characters and like you have like cool [ __ ] that happens but you have the same characters which are also in the show that we already know what happens well yeah it's the same exact universe like it's all before Breaking Bad or whatever but I already know what happens like I already know what happens to the main characters there's no yes yes there is no there is no oh I know he doesn't perish I know he doesn't exist I know there's nothing I'm just like okay they already know what's gonna happen unfortunately the two characters that are in Breaking Bad are the coolest characters as well I already know what happens fluff and stuff with 11 months thank you I didn't like balls Saul's brother his arc was kind of cool and everything I need to watch season 4 better call Saul by the way I'm not I haven't finished season for you yeah to go is pretty cool and everything like I said I already know what happens to these characters [Music] why is that an issue because there's less suspense there's nothing I'm not worried about anything happening to them to my favorite characters not worried about a single thing why would I be already know what happens to them well I'm gonna watch I'm gonna start watching season four so see ya it goes does that mean season three was decent just that's just my opinion okay I already know I literally I called the black and white stuff because you starts at like understand what happens and [ __ ] like I I saw the black and white stuff and I was like I know what this is showing guaran-fucking-tee I know what this is showing and at the end of season three that kind of show some of that with my favorite star war the the the the brown the the green guy you like him that guy's sucks out daba this alright so we can still save like a minute here now bad yet piccolo the most annoying part about those melty are people like people on YouTube or like oats why aren't you grabbing any of the items dude it would be way easier do grab daddy tank I gotta keep explaining to people that you can't [Music] I mean I don't mind explaining that [ __ ] cuz it's like kind of a weird hack right the only reason I'm running in the first place place is just because it's hard and I like the challenge yeah why don't you just bomb jump in water I love getting that question you're expecting YouTube viewers to have a higher IQ than the average goldfish hey a lot of my new viewers are from YouTube a lot of you guys and I'm just saying keep it down all right saving saving a little bit of time here it's not cerebral we can still gold split that by like a minute and a half why does the queue stay why do you have to clean it up not weird in it I [Music] mean do you have to clear the queue [Music] okay Game of Thrones prequel starts in 2022 oh sweet is there like a trailer for it I mean the sad part is like it I don't even know if I want it I don't want it I don't want it I'm just so depressed about how it ended it'll be definitely cool to see like how some of that stuff like pans out with target areas and stuff but isn't it crazy Game of Thrones was Game of Thrones was show such as such a cultural icon and then just stopped he just is just like almost like it just didn't exist anymore like it was deleted everyone stop talking about it I don't know thanks for 206 um I didn't mind season 6 season 7 you'd be you'd be actually you'd be stupid to say season 7 had a good writing the scenes were cool the right knee was terrible the scenes in season 8 were like the craziest and they were amazing scenes the worst writing what's there to talk about no I'm not saying that we should be talking about it I'm saying that it's crazy that it's happened that way oh yeah the acting was great everything was fantastic writing was bad [Music] right what are you doing Samus are you doing Jesus yes all right yo Cordy em Cordy thank you so much for these four months [Music] [Music] when am I when are you dying for a for a what or a big backtrack tells a meet um you can't shinespark it just stops you you don't even move at all but you can still shine spark but you just don't move you can sign giant spark with one HP it just nothing happens you just don't move anywhere [Music] yes yeah it said understand a question [Music] [Music] yes what a jack very carefully yeah I should I should my bad dude we don't need to save it's clear nice we've been at 5k right now we're at 50 150 150 51 51 points in terms of individual subscribers it's 5,000 and whatever the five thousand eleven pretty crazy yes still bugged I I need to uninstall and reinstall stream lab stuff I think [Music] I'm flaky yeah especially during the winter months when everything is dry oh it's I know this is pathetic to ask but is it possible to find love if you've never been in the relationship before in your late 20s for context I'm female are you very serious like like I get a lot of trolls it's not a bad question I think I think that you just need to get yourself out there and I think I think so the most important part first of all here that you have to remember if you seriously like you have to be good you have to be good in mature and comfortable in your own life or else you're just gonna bring all that [ __ ] to the next person and no relationship will work though you just have to be like yet to be happy where you're like content where you can where you don't even like need a relationship but one will come your way you know I'm saying well it's not as easy as it just be happy but you had you have to I don't know who's gonna want to date someone that's just like sad bringing a bunch of baggage yeah that's just something to keep in mind we'll just be happy have fun in life do do stuff that you want to do and people will want to be with you be around you you never looked desperate stuff like that you know where I save it shower regularly care about shirt and basically just care about yourself first their beauty to be a little bit selfish care about yourself and once you're like super content and happy to the points where you're like man I don't even need a significant other I think then you're ready for a significant I believe in you that you can do it get that deal with this guy and have annoying yeah would you date yourself because that's a good point where do you date you [Music] where can i download my confidence yeah you don't need a relationship in the past have you in a good future relationship you know that's where you getting that to like as you said you've never been in the relationship so you kind of like maybe worried about that or something ah no here's to just work [Music] Valentine's Day is coming up and I've gotten it's got me all upset no I understand that [Music] [ __ ] off not you [Music] yes [Music] bass game both that was close via Exodus thank you so much ma'am for the 14 months just try to do something for you nice and got to do something nice for yourself on Valentine's Day if you're alone then I died of that [ __ ] make yourself a nice dinner be happy and content with yourself yourself get yourself a box of chocolates get yourself a rose brouilly love yourself first amen all right that'll be $20 for relationship advice from each and everyone is numbers kiddin oh just kidding by the way alright now this is for the fellas out there if you're trying to find yourself a date just look super desperate women love desperately yeah I just looked super desperate whenever you start talking just agree with everything that they say yeah you know I'm not a big fan of the Star Wars hey what kind of movies you like uh Star Wars yeah I don't really like Star Wars yeah I don't like it either actually I don't know why I said that just do a bunch of that stuff is they love it it's like they're agreeing with you you know it's like oh my god what a good man yeah I love coffee I don't really like coffee yeah I don't like it either I don't why I said that I'm sorry I always apologize for everything no have self-respect the whole point of that is just have self-respect as and don't flip-flop your your tastes for other people are you serious are you [ __ ] serious a good thing I saved I was thing about not saving gonna cringe out rack here shatterdome thank you so much for the two thousand you didn't actually need to get meats UK [Music] thank you so much I think I think saying be attractive it's kind of silly because people find other things people find certain things attractive about certain people I don't think that [Music] basically you just got to be a Chad because Chad's have self-respect there you go yeah it's a kind of more like Todd no work on yourself yeah don't be an [ __ ] or anything just have self-respect or just be filthy [ __ ] rich [Music] yes reg beam [Music] hey thanks Midway why'd you enjoy the stream what's up man yeah I don't know I do like giving some advice but like obviously I don't have all the answers everything but I do like self-improvement stuff and life that's close I think everyone should be super enthusiastic and excited about self-improvement life yellow flame burger with a twenty guys I was just me me you don't have to pay me $20 for relationship advice thank you so much for the 20 bucks here you go sorry and thank you sorry like a beat dog in the corner sorry what if my depression prevents me from doing them that's a whole different story man I've been there I've done a lot I've I've done a lot of [ __ ] myself I've been through a lot of [ __ ] myself you just got to you just got to do it man it's [ __ ] socks it's got to get out there exercise you gotta think about how to improve in sometimes that doesn't work man sometimes you just got to go in and talk to somebody right twenty dollars from IO nose guys you don't actually need to give me 20 bucks for the relationships for the advice alright thank you so much thank you thank you thank you dr. Katz not that twitch streamer alright what that is we have to do this method just fine [ __ ] nevermind I turn around I don't want a gold split by too much anyways the draft ok cool me cool the draft dude luckily I didn't know this but I'm too old to be drafted so I'm good son of a gun I'm just let's just say I'm just too old be drafted all you need to know you can't get drafted after a certain age [Music] it's not 35 they get size 26 I could just jump over the fish right there 18 to 26 is draft [Music] [Music] in like places like Singapore you have to when you hit 18 you have to enlist right like it's mandatory copy [Music] I reset a fan soon [ __ ] serious dude how many how many shots do you take what a dumb [ __ ] [ __ ] it oh my god that's so [ __ ] dude [Music] I am I just stressed yes very I remember that I left that pancake alive ah you doing yeah now we're gonna be losing too much time it just definitely sucks I left this yeah this guy live I don't Diegan thirty months from Kelli for nigh a thank you so much for the 30 months appreciate that are you done Iggy's and good night good night to you too Sabbath [Music] but I'm your longest sub you're rather eat pizza that tastes like [ __ ] or that tastes like pizza man what an excellent question this is [Music] hmm oh man I think I'd rather have the I'd rather had the pizza that tastes like [ __ ] because I wouldn't get like pinkeye you know I don't know there's gonna be there's gotta be some sort of disease that I'm avoiding you know I'll take that I'll take the pizza tastes like [ __ ] yeah the way you're really asking is am I having Domino's Pizza Domino's or [ __ ] I'll take Domino I don't mind Domino's Pizza I think pop I think Domino's is their own Papa John's Papa John's Itza that's pretty [ __ ] too you used to work at Papa is it true that the big pop himself would come in every day true love true [Music] why am i like drifting to the left [Music] alright spring ball why does this game [ __ ] hate me like this why our mind not gold oats the crabs kill you oh wow I didn't know that it almost happened to get folks oh I would have been mad those can you please stop wasting my life yeah dude I'm so sorry I know that if you weren't watching me right now you'd be getting all your work done you pick up the second job you'd find someone to marry I know guys I know I'm just wasting your time [Music] okay whatever dude are you [ __ ] serious I'm really annoyed right now it's [ __ ] completely stupid were you [ __ ] destroy it it won't [ __ ] hell dude screw tech sucks no you can't spring ball cuz once you get out of water you lose all your momentum screw TAC actually sucks in this game is the turnaround animation it's [ __ ] annoying you suck outs well that's true too good no I know how it works it's just really be [ __ ] serious it's really irritating I've been so salty if I just died over there yeah it's like I know like to turnaround animation and everything like makes you lose your the turnaround and Walczyk animation or whatever is the the animation that makes you believes it but nice small energy Alex no thank you what are you doing game Kaleb ended the stream these are about maybe you didn't feel like streaming that's what sometimes I really need some more HP here Wow just one more all right boys let's have a good fancy beautify it unloaded I think the time will get um oh sub 2:45 maybe even lower it's up to 30 maybe [Music] I just want to see like a health a large shelf and I'll start a fire I'll start blasting really too or [Music] 728 [Music] [Music] oh that seven eight nine ten we're bad ten right now I'm just trying to think about how I don't want to die here boy that's thirteen for the 15:13 doesn't doesn't really matter I'm just kind of trying to keep track a little bit so I know when I could like go Yolo and walk around 15 sixteen Loudred nineteen [Music] okay again there [Music] have more to go [Music] to be two more rounds and overtime maybe three more outs dude the hitboxes and flames are absolute [ __ ] absolute [ __ ] man god I hate this game sometimes what can hate this game sometimes been the hitboxes are so dank man lay the flame has completely disappeared and it'll still kill you for like ever afterwards it is the hitboxes the hitboxes in this game for cancer [Music] enough [Music] huh 28 more let's go we're gonna probably be behind after this I don't know find out [ __ ] man [Music] all because of a flame hitbox be a little bit careful here auntie will kill me bye guys too [Music] I've about six and I still want to be ahead after this is all Ivan 1314 is it goes so far at least look at this look at the flame hitbox I'll come in to die again where we out again I lost track because I was about to [ __ ] freak out at that the flames sometimes won't die either we hit them I thought it was higher than that yeah so it's probably a 17 nice flame 20 [Music] okay we're getting there we're gonna be ahead so it's fine [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you thank you Sam as for turning around let me slow said I just got in a row [Music] there we go well we're still ahead you said it hear me [ __ ] about Fantine for ten minutes straight a nice glass is nerd all right good enough hey 500 thank you so much man down the way back yes yes thank you tunnel yes yes I dripped so hard I wear glasses nerd how am i doing that when a spring off you know it's got that drip boy yeah I I too am 12 years old with drip drip 100 ha ha fire emoji I too have a mushy half brain Oh as you talked about drip last time but at long last stream I think well a lot of the same things every stream it's all read notes is always talking about trib yeah just always but early hey this uh burn table what you [ __ ] work dude this is the most cancer I hate it I [ __ ] hated oats stop choking choking on your daddy's dick yeah you rash probably I'm joking thanks for 14 months Minh I was trying to read something someone said like their their younger cousin on ironically said drip or something I was trying to read that and I'm very sad that it's gone it was heat yeah heat drip whatever heat is whatever I probably said I've probably said myself yet is that the thing got you eat it or some [ __ ] you know not the end of the world but thank you game thank you haha very cool [ __ ] damn it oh it's maybe if you had some more grip why thanks for 17 months man he plays on a CRT what kind of virgin nerd plays on a plasma TV I got a retro tank yes a PBM laszlo has no leg plasma has a [ __ ] huge amount of leg I assume you're just a troll most plasma TVs have a insane amount of leg you do not want you do not want to speedrun on the plasma TV most plasma TVs have about ass amount of lag well if we don't die here we can actually be ahead yeah so if you're gonna plan a if you're gonna play on a if you're gonna plan a plasma TV or if you're going to play on a I'm a TV that isn't a pvm or CRT you need to 100% by a gaming monitor with like one millisecond delay or less less than like five or else most most plasma TVs and everything have like have like 40 50 milliseconds of delay that's that's terrible that's multiple frames where where where CRTs PBM [ __ ] like that don't have any that's zero and put the line [Music] [Music] yes multiple frames clap meltable every 16 points fix every sixteen point six milliseconds is a frame alright we're still gonna be a pretty far ahead here is we're not gonna die again we're not gonna make the same mistake all right yeah I use an OSS sieve the OSS C is just for you guys though I'd rather play on a PBM any day any day any time I'd way rather playing a PBM than a than a flat-screen TV M is a professional video monitor these things were used in like hospitals and [ __ ] way back on a day like RGB it's it's insane the scan lines are amazing on it on most TV ms or there's DVM TV ms like that yeah not bad PPM's are just kind of expensive it's more I feel like PPM's are just for enthusiasts honestly you can get at OS SC and just use a retro tank or or you can get an OS SC or a retro tank and you can just use and you can just use a really good like BenQ monitor or or a base us any any monitor that's like decent and that doesn't have a lot of input delay there's plenty of action I don't think you can buy a new CRTs Asus Asus how much delay zero bars I know nice dude office I love all those spikes nice I love other spikes all of a sudden do more damage when when the powers turned on very cool Dom [Music] now we're good actually on must nasty RGB modded everything [Music] [Music] [ __ ] ah good thing I saved ya you don't uh if you guys are like concerned about like trying to find a CRT or PVM you don't need you don't need one to speedrun it's just you you might come across some input delay in stuffs it's all [Music] it's not necessary let's go ahead and refill here there's a lot of really good old TVs to like any old Sony Trinitron it's pretty solid [Music] give me 20 bucks about one and done varriya sounds good I'll try my best here yeah just go to Craigslist I bought mine off of ebay my PBM is my roommates my other one that I'm using my roommates as well my PBM at first was like 200 something done it was just one that was just the sound of my victims in the background glide down over there I know you're chained up which still okay now's go Dawgs okay Varia so we're just head back to norfair okay oh he comin you have two of them dark and I'll take a couple okay both of them and I resell them on eBay I'll take him free as well [Music] both of them oh [ __ ] there's a lamp it's that Greg thing behind me it ain't very anything normal traditional oats and goats lamp experience I know Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] control the lamp and I did that the other day or yesterday I had it like flash like crazy and [ __ ] like some clowny ass effect no save run no not yet whenever I get some less than 5 deaths whenever I hit my goal time of probably sub do 45 or some [ __ ] and you go honey go oh this is bad there's the game yeah the lamps coming back don't worry guys okay whatever dude they've just in case I really don't need to save just screws out it okay I've played on Stadium on a on a TV that had pretty bad delay and it wasn't bad bad [Music] [Music] I played the thumper on it which is a rhythm game and it wasn't the worst was that bad I mean it was pretty bad but one that thing we got a one and done one and done for $20 somebody said I wanted done this coming up probably shouldn't even save ya I will save I want to risk it up reading chat and focus oh hold on I'm I don't need to focus right now we'll put on action cam for this don't worry [Music] okay that is not can't eat for a week boys back to ramen noodles - $20 hey come on man now you go him 20 bucks oh yeah I know I know I didn't kill him no I did I did [Music] [Music] [Music] you yeah bye yep better go back Cygnet 5k sub [ __ ] crazy as streams you know it looks like a candy boys mmm you don't need to blame yourself no no no don't don't don't don't don't blame yourself hey guys umm just don't do it night fish with six months thank you so much man for this six-month puffs aha ooh that's a gold sleigh there that's a bug and gold split there I reckon Arizona [ __ ] mm from tunnel snakes first one didn't really get a try so I'll give it to you he didn't have to do that thank you so much man thank you thank you for the $2,000 Thank You cream soda for 100 creme so die that's how your faints that's how you say cream soda in a fancy way whenever you go to a restaurant and you want some cream soda I'll take some cream creme da da they're gonna know your fancy they're gonna bring you a fresh bottle of creme so so da da da da man this guy is guys fancy take care of them [Music] same way with whenever you go you got to order some salmone I'll take the soemone hmm Salman Nello's it sounds like a great seafood restaurant Salman Nello's [Music] or serious some some pond solo is just the stones [ __ ] vomited [ __ ] tonsil Oh woops oh so disgusting oh that is so [ __ ] nasty [Music] for [Music] alright bro that [ __ ] is pretty [ __ ] gross though not online I cracked me up [Music] thank you for the hundred tunnel snakes that's [ __ ] gross bacterio is Ebola OHS we're making we're coming up with great great Texas Pete is 250 250 good for Texas speech these guys don't drop health to that spot I don't think anything drop cells here he's so much nicer if what you'd like to not have to refill we can still get some yes but unfortunately kind of have to refill I don't know if I can make the first guy without I don't think I make it without dying so camera gets a little bit messed up there guys are wonder what's going on with that [Music] [Music] I'm still thinking about that [ __ ] whoops all stones [Music] bus all right how many times voice last during my PB I got it first dry but okay that does not [ __ ] count I don't even give him the temp because I accidentally done the that doesn't count I don't that doesn't count what okay well that that's one number one now here number two ow my finger [ __ ] slipped Oh [ __ ] heard dude wow this is three [Music] we good we good baby yeah not bad Oh goal - yes that was three four tips it is guys are starting to piss me off oh my god four tries oh that's not bad or serious question why don't you get it on the first try because I just [ __ ] suck I don't know [Music] [Music] really dude really that's just they envy isn't it yeah we have a ton of time to save on this flight let's go all right I need to focus here oh look yeah I got a gameshark I'm rocking here I don't wanna die - this guy soon I was one hit me on my way there really annoying not a lot of HP buts okay let's just go [Music] hey John I was uh how's your stuff man how's the stuff going for you if we go down to our speed booster is I keep making that mistake you blackened don't get mouthy with me boy all right pops I'm sorry it's [ __ ] right boy you don't get mouthy with your pops oh you've been [ __ ] sniffing paint again pop Simon sniffing no paint yeah your head boy knows all blue [Music] [Music] at some point I would do it will they do it deathless yes [Music] [Music] you have ten thousand subs means all stop holding out and finally get a good run I love eating paint chips yeah them's are my favorite kinds of chips growing up was the paints the paint ones let it on let it ours our leaded boy there's the thought did [ __ ] up my finger Oh will you stop wasting time I saw you took a drink of water and that that lost you about two seconds that's my uh that's my marvel juice yes what I like to do is I take a pack of marv reds sometimes some menthols when I'm feeling spicy and are you [ __ ] serious yes I'm some menthols you know some Camel crushes in there and then I'll just let it soak for a couple weeks I call him on tabacky juice thinking about selling of the cross supermarkets all across the country back a juice the bat get wacky off the tabacky goose are you [ __ ] history then it Jack man thanks for the tier 1 sub yeah whatever game yep kids are gonna love it get wacky off the tabacky juice why would you [ __ ] aim that way my god are you [ __ ] serious well so much for your saving time on this split just oh just do it I'm trying okay let's do that I guess man yeah I'm just throwing for content I [Music] gotta pee guys should I pee or should I just let my bladder explode let's explode [Music] yeah Jack man once again thank you so much for these sub did appreciate it [Music] wait no I go down I go down I go down what am i doing walking down I almost made that mistake again I really do out that pee pretty bad though probably go here pretty soon in this game yes it is possible [Music] [Music] Caleb 2 1 1 2 this makes SMI looks scarily vanilla it does wow thanks for the 2 months man what's wrong with the pee drawer while the pee drawers not not here right now so yeah thank you so much for the 500 better dumb alright I have to go pee bareback [Music] you [Music] you you [Music] [Music] then wash hands I did wash please game are you [ __ ] jump you idiot [Music] I'll just ride the crab ride The Walrus probably could have done a trick right there the crab on powerbomb [Music] a spaz is fun I really don't like this room either but it is what it is [Music] whatever let's just do it properly I guess Tunnel Sneaky's will cheer thanks a 500-ton all snakes hey can you ASMR my dad but he actually loved me done I'm very proud of you I'm glad to call you my son I'm sorry son very proud of you [Music] [Music] son click click click click click hey shun you having trouble sleeping son relax my dad used to click all the time this is so immersive glad I can bring you back to your childhood [Music] [Music] all right this is a big chunk of time being saved ooh boy how did I said them that's a good [ __ ] time save their brother wowzers [Music] all right oh yeah you can't do that [Music] oh it is Chayton [Music] cheating on your mama [Music] [Music] don't do it out you're not the bigger guys I'm not using my game genie this run okay I used it last run I admit I'm so sorry I thought glitches weren't allowed out what's up Rito burrito the Dorito all right sounds good kkona kkona how much am I gonna you keep making me all this [ __ ] I'm gonna [ __ ] all your fortune after I get paid here I'll pay you good you've done a lot I'll tally up all your work and stuff and all I'll pay you what do you guys say what should I pay Kona he's done a couple layouts for me so far a few layouts he's worked on my YouTube thumbnails I think some exposure should be good yeah yeah yeah every every cent that I get from you guys give it to him oats you do that if you weren't a greedy and we can't die here I always forget about this [ __ ] room [Music] tonight on behind the twitch the story of oats and goats a cheater who got rich and famous by faking getting world-record on stream that sounds like a pretty sweet idea actually yeah Kona I'll give you an internship now I'll probably pay you I'll pay you good mouthing I'll tell you up the work that you've done and I'll get you once I get paid from twitch which is once a month yeah I'll get you next time man it's twice a month no they changed it to to change the payout period every 15 days so on the 15th that's when your new period starts a new payout period but it's still once a month though it's like I think now we get paid every we get paid once a we get paid once a month for the previous month so all of January I'll get paid February the mid-february issue I need some more health something like that I can't remember how it works it'll be definitely a good payday the best paid I've had on twitch definitely yes hence he dropped those subs a little while well now we we got like three thousand subs this month extra so on top of what we already had more than three thousand oh yeah absolutely my stream has grown quite a bit after duty here [Music] all right yeah so I mean almost 4,000 odd I mean Todd says he's pretty proud but like he just wants more of a payout you know my daughter asked why is oats drinking pee here cuz gdq will thank you lost Sam it's not pee alright it's tobacco water it's tobacco juice flavored with marble tabacky yummy alright where the hell my god this way what the [ __ ] I just got grabbed through the goddamn wall well it gets me here quicker I guess [Music] don't smoke the wacky tabacky boys alright I thought I was sick nice tiny Thanks yeah it's been crazy man everything has been a lot of fun I'm gonna join the streams secondhand to back each you a real though it's not tobacco juice don't do tobacco if you're like a impressionable twelve-year-old in here don't do it [Music] yeah I've been on the wacky tabacky again yeah dip is away healthier tobacco it ain't [ __ ] healthier i used to dip on stream and [ __ ] [ __ ] gross ain't nothing better to do when I was like 17 18 it's all bad for you man all right how many exams boys how many tabs we got a first try last attempts their last run we got a first try that's [ __ ] entirely [ __ ] man I just can't tilt let's do it the second try second try we'll be fine alright I'll take that I'll take that bill gold - nice it's looking more and more like deathless as possible in this I've been getting that like really consistently okay so we're gonna go ahead and grab all this stuff first but we do not the revisit meridia so this is kind of like a a route change slightly but we just have to be quick or else we're not gonna be saving time as we had like revisit this area [Music] [ __ ] off game hey what is it like tea or something yes tea yeah that's what it is [Music] imagine your death listen you die like that all my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] nothing's gonna work dude that's [ __ ] oz frickin bull crap imagine a bus oats okay I'm imagining a bus like a city bus or what kind of bus dude us freaking bullcrap a [ __ ] double-decker bus holy [ __ ] it's not like some Harry Potter stuff going on there double-decker bus [Music] but I'm rich I'm gonna get myself a triple decker bus and I'm only gonna I'm only gonna drive around on that the triple decker let me nail this now it's getting kind of annoying it's a work well these guys died if I I'm not entirely forgot there's a super missile pack there [Music] [Music] if I make it or not so there's a universal studios when I went to gdq and we had to we were doing like the the Harry Potter thing and like have you guys ever been there you go on like that bus and it's like a Harry Potter adventure and you see like [ __ ] Hagar and begging you for cash it like flying by you and the bus we didn't have enough people we had to like keep taking the train back and forth no the train back and forth between parks and we had to like it was so it was so awkward because we had to share it with a family like them like the last time we went and they were like super quiet they didn't want to talk and they uh no it was just super [ __ ] awkward and then me and Ryan are sitting there biessing and he's like and I'm telling myself I'm like dude Ryan can need that you know take it easy here is there's a family he's like laughing it up in [ __ ] he's like looking at his discord and talking about his NSFW discord it's like a family of four sitting there like what they're [ __ ] just there they're Pleasant perfect family and then Ryan came up with this joke talking about how [ __ ] Haggard was a homeless man and he kept begging for cash and he's like dude out of here get out of your Hagar oh god no cash and then he said the same joke when there is people there nobody said anything like yo did I save dad did I save this is very important [Music] [Music] yes I did we're gonna find out if I saved or not I want to get this missile pack instead of the wreck ship they can't freeze those guys but yeah it was just super awkward your girlfriend let you scream again yeah ha ha ha good night stream please yeah that's that's me [Music] [Music] okay I'm gonna go ahead and Dave here just in case [Music] notification from twitch though while did you follow the channeler what's up broken days how you doing yeah it was just it was just a super awkward experience I think we saved and like because those rides to put into perspective those rides are super like you have to get comfy comfy and close to the people like your to your bump and knees kind of thing yeah wait can we even get out of here no how does this all grapple grapples right there [Music] [Music] there's gonna be freaking tricky pen how the hell is this expected ryan lockwood we have we have spin jump but I'll then that's gonna help ah maybe oh well I guess yeah we I guess we could just oh I got it I got okay alright a little bit more to the little bit more to the left seriously dude really well this is a waste of my time I didn't want to enter the door transition [ __ ] you flies [ __ ] well we can't make that so we got to do this without dying bitch-ass flies that's what I'm saying let's go save dude I don't know if this is faster than then uh phantoon wit I mean it's probably I don't know man I don't know it's hard to say what's in the [ __ ] very nice he because normally we instantly leave meridia but we're doing all of murder right now so he's got away for g4 because these splits are gonna be inaccurate this work [Music] I'm two more - one more time oats refuses to execute as usual yeah I'm so sorry man I'm such an idiot I wish I was bullying your good streamer I like you there's two different types of people in this world folks [Music] [Music] [Music] why don't I just bring the crab up here then jump off the crab nice that's a spring ball jump this every time alright so making our way to grab the tie we died to Ridley once would you ever grow a moustache man I've tried before I just can't grow facial hair very well like in but it's just not very pretty you know you feel me dog yeah I feel you yeah let me get some mutton chops I think that is the most disgusting facial hair in existence mutton [ __ ] big chops it never is never looked good and it will never look good you should be ashamed of yourself [Music] breath locks are pretty disgusting as well they just hold in just filth people with dreadlocks it's it's pretty nasty it's like rotten their [ __ ] hair is just rotten I shaved this morning I shaved like every day but still I have dreadlocks and I'm offended darn ah shave your balls every didn't know that locks are [ __ ] gross but leave them be they're not hurting anyone exactly I just why are you crying I never said anything about the people wearing dreadlocks being [ __ ] disgusting I said dreadlocks are disgusting don't take me to Twitter cdrom all right jeez all said this [Music] yeah let's talk about the cleanliness of it the cleanse leanness of dreadlocks are objectively gross all right you can and that's just the way dreadlocks work is there dreadlocks cleanliness whatever I don't give a [ __ ] blends leanness that's like a game with you alone oh yeah up now you guys are bullying me yep why'd you yell at them CD well like poor people CD yes yes JW thanks for 21 months what I what I love to do is is message my viewers in my off time and tell them how much I dislike poor people my favorite pastime is what I you know hey I saw you in my stream once you know what I hate [Music] you're not joking about what you're talking about what do you even say why do we get on that topic [Music] well because I don't I don't think what the [ __ ] dreadlocks are cleaning though is that what we're tiring about I'll google it it has nothing to do with anybody [Music] [Music] all right we died we died two Ridley in the run nice mud chops are just as gross however mutton chops you can keep clean all right everyone deep do the thing is like when I say this [ __ ] I don't even think about it because when I say dreadlocks are gross because they're [ __ ] dirty you can't clean it you guys go ahead and take it the whole [ __ ] different route you start being edgy you start saying bad [ __ ] [Music] [Music] not everything has to be bad okay and maybe if you think that way maybe you're a part of the problem but no we don't split lg4 [Music] ah one and done this boys let's go yeah I know there's some Zoomers in here that are yeah [Music] guess how much this TV cos BEC this TV also has the most beautiful scans scan lines you would ever see 15 a PBM [ __ ] this TVs probably around this TV is probably about 500 bucks right now [Music] missed one missed what oh yeah you got it we got it this is the 20 l 5 or 20 ml something like that got 480p 480i got ripped off it's not my TV and go look at go look at Craigslist or Ebay this TV is [ __ ] ridiculously expensive and it looks way better than any LCD plasma screen or plasma TV this looks way better also for speedrunning plasmas plasma TVs or flat-screen TVs have input delay and if you're a speedrunner that's not bad you can't you can't do that you have to play on a TV with zero input delay let me say something you don't have to you don't have to play on these TVs to be good you can get used to it but you're gonna have to get used to an incredible amount of [ __ ] good you have to get used to an incredible amount of input to life which would be absolutely ass have fun with that there's no such thing as zero input delay but what these there are because it's analog or whatever right I mean okay well the speed of light Oats is this the speed of electricity moves this fast yeah I mean I get it but [Music] oh we're dropping frames voice thank good but yeah if you guys were wondering why I plan on these TVs there's a lot of you guys seem to be confused it's an extremely common thing in speedrunning okay especially a lot of people from like YouTube and [ __ ] there's a lot of comments about the TVs my guys just do a little research yourself an arrow you being confused question mark [Music] do some research spoken like a true flat earther just do your research what why is my I told you guys about the [ __ ] that scientist versus flatter thing I wash right terrible man I'm a free thinker hi my name is Stephanie and I'm a free thinker and I run the big mommy blog anti-vaxxers feel like that I don't know not like that but pretty much like that oats is around earther oh I lost a lot of respect for you I mean flat-earthers are doing no harm well some would argue that they do harm some would argue that because improper education if some people would probably be considered farm that's a different setup I'll see if I do this oh that's [ __ ] close grabbing a ton of frames we dropped a little bit of frames but it's not bad [Music] [Music] are trying to hustle here oh we could just lay this [Music] Oates why do you play on a PV like that that's all national TV you'll have a bunch of Zoomers in my chat is that why people are asking this question all the time Oh what about what TV it is and like it being like an old ancient like TV from like the 80s or some [ __ ] I think I think the Zoomers are leaking in that ain't good folks [Music] I've won if you're Zoomer and you're proud type 2 if you're a Zoomer and you're not proud I 3 if you're a millennial or above and by the way guys I really don't care if you're a hey zoom er will say I couldn't give two shits just enjoy the show enjoy the show oh I did I did yeah there's stupid expensive the the 20-inch PBM you're 19 you're a Zoomer then technically I own a 20 L 5 as well that one just doesn't do 480p is all if you're under the age of 100 years old you're a Zoomer no I don't want to be like that old fart yeah you're back in mod day you [ __ ] Zoomers you know I don't want to I don't want to be that type of person there's nothing wrong with with being the previous generation where am I going I should just be going down 8 to 22 year olds are they we go mode almost got a couple things to grab here we also have to kill big old crate Mullen Manila Millennials are 25 yeah isn't it crazy to think that people born on tooth in 2000 are 20 years old now isn't that just weird [Music] now weird to me oats oldest Millennials are like 40 holy [ __ ] I barely made the cut guys I'd rather be a Zoomer let me get some Z's Zoomers in the chat [Music] [Music] I'm switching teams yeah [Music] I was born 82 to still watch you play huh ah make cuckoo thanks for seven months are you done we're on our way to new record yes I thank you so much nugget man or the switch from sub appreciated a little bit careful here just in case I fall all right and Fang Zi thanks for the 15 I don't die right waiting for you to pronounce it right sorry I'm bad [Music] this is couch time for me it happens buddy I'll be alright [ __ ] seriously dude seriously oh great now I gotta go [ __ ] farm this bolt completely [ __ ] man [ __ ] [ __ ] can't wait to farm this guy for no health for an hour and a half here Ryan was faster it ain't faster cuz I didn't save because this part is easy you can't say you can't save and die no yeah pick up the pace book I'm going picking up the painful [Music] I save I saved before I killed kraid though I mean it might be faster just to kill create again I don't know really dude thank good this needs to be like super precise it's ain't good then get it off really why the [ __ ] didn't you push last goddamn nice nice dude AHA very nice I'm so mad I could drink a [ __ ] gallon piss right now [Music] whoops get away from me Oh God ah Sh it open your big mouth big idiot [Music] all right we're not saving again this is easy peasy lemon squeezy this is going well hey we're bout to get a sub 3:30 as long as I don't [ __ ] this up super bad Lal he's not getting it boys oh [ __ ] uh-oh what's your guys's favorite type of citrus fruit you what do you mean me is mayonnaise a citrus fruit you know mayonnaise can be anything that you want and needs to be how does that sound thank you game not forgetting anything am I now we're good we're good are you [ __ ] you Sam stop sandbag ice am begging for content all right I'm trying [Music] yeah Oates is refusal to execute drives me mad I'm so sorry no I'm good I'm not gonna do that so plan on doing this deathless absolutely okay everyone say hi to YouTube hi YouTube YouTube can we get a high back in the comments below chill yes I'm chilling out this one now hi dad can you be proud of me now please now I don't think so what it didn't reach the bottom eyes it [Music] all right can we get an F in the YouTube comments um obviously this because this is yeah this is where the premium content is here leave me alone [Music] with the legendary seth macfarlane damn my favorite episode there's too many to pick from I think my favorite episode is the one that uh the one where where Peter and the gang get into a they they reminisce on old times that's my favorite when they sit there and reminisce on old times for you know about six seven minutes and then at the end of it you are left feeling empathy in betrayed because your time was wasted your time has already wasted watching just TV but it's like double wasted those that's my favorite episode oh wait that's every episode hey Peter you remember that time that we [ __ ] that clown over the supermarket and then I show some [ __ ] ten-hour clip dude I you sir I the first season family guy has them like funny moments like it gets way too it's icky ah too much man I can't handle it not patient enough for Family Guy all right let's Jake let's get this sub 3:30 Saturday oh me junior 500 are done with 500 thank you so much seriously just you shoot through that [ __ ] however great we're good I'm good I'm good this reminds me of the time that I went to the supermarket for a thing of baloney fights a goddamn chicken for an hour and a half [ __ ] [Music] are you [ __ ] serious now would have been a doozy yeah just cutting yeah two minutes of Conway Twitty yeah exactly the thing that pissed me off the most about some of those let me get some ak's is at the end of the episodes or the end of the [ __ ] huge shebang they're like yep we just did that I remember one episode like that it's like you know that you're just you're just wasting my time that's the joke Oates awesome really only one gave me health all right those anti-climatic & univ all times [Music] whenever you make it mandatory [Music] that would be true to the original yeah well neither would the shitty man or taking the shitty map out you know I understand is there a timer so if you escape mother brains room I wish there was a timer for this be honest I wish that there could be a timer added like I won't complain about the mother brain fight anymore but I will wish that there was a timer right then there's no urgency you know I need to sit here and just like [ __ ] with you guys how much time I don't know minutes meet mother brain maybe there is a timer pretty sure there is a timer if you pick Bella brain yeah all right 325 baby shattered zero me cheered x1000 and EG g and e GG and EG g and e GG and EG g and e GG and a GG our boys nice nice not a bad run thank you for all the Gigi's why do you look so weird what do you mean and thanks for the 206 appreciate that very much Popat you're freaking me out this calls for a celebratory taste jug jug I like to call it yeah [Music] that's urine haha you're in big trouble if you keep saying that it's urine that's all I got I'm not very clever [Music] [Music] hi boys that was real good that was real fun but it wasn't real fun because it was extremely fun [Music] all right guys I'm gonna host my good friend ryan lockwood here go [ __ ] up his channel so his channel is a lot like mine before he can just do whatever you want and say whatever you want and it's a lot of fun so uh you guys know the 112 legend so go go say hi to him we're gonna be doing more lines tomorrow thank you guys so much for watching and go give them a bunch of [ __ ] big s thanks for everything I'll see you tomorrow I saw someone saluting like [Music] don't write them go and go do it go do we need we need we need our rain
Channel: Oatsngoats
Views: 31,807
Rating: 4.8892989 out of 5
Keywords: Speedrun, WR, World Record, Super Metroid, Kaizo, Super Metroid Kaizo, Super mario Kaizo, Grandpooworld, twitch, oatsngoats, live, stream, awesome games done quick, Super Metroid Impossible, Snes, Classic, retro
Id: IYx8CLcWkko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 210min 20sec (12620 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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