Kaizo Super Metroid Speedrun in 2:41:32 [7 Deaths]

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just stop dyeing oats so my favorite doom game is doom 64 doom eternal is coming out soon I'm gonna be playing that Otzi please stop wasting my time oh I'm so sorry so far two hours in I've just wasted all that man [Music] Chitauri Oh get the hell out of here those we think about animal crossing I think Animal Crossing is I mean it's got everything that you could want it's God crossings it's got animals it's got animals crossing those anal crossings it's knots man crazy [Music] nor my glasses like this yeah I've never been a big fan of animal crossing to be fair I've never played animal Crossing's down let's have a serious question what's your serious question cone that's so cringe Oates you look like Harry Potter I don't look like Harry Potter [Music] I'll I obtained it I had to make a few calls as in I didn't make any calls at all you said she liked the merch and I went on the website and there are still some sizes [Music] yeah me and me and Jeffrey star are you know buddies young ain't Dawson was just over for lunch yeah how do I measure my bra size you just measure it that's it oh stop hiding your lightning scar I hide nothing oh nothing up there hiya haircut I'm looking like goddamn anime character or some right now looking mangy I almost got that youtuber blogger look hey guys what do what do they do other than hey guys before we start this video let's get this many likes or whatever they do before they even see the content all the little kids like yeah yeah okay Vsauce Michael here and make fun of you can't make fun of Michael from Vsauce that dude gives me an endless entertainment and education or does he have times I wish Michael from Vsauce would come in here wanna see the game he's stopped resetting oh yeah my bad dude I didn't realize you want to see the game sorry [Music] [Music] that's very nice wind thanks for sharing with everyone what what you want Michael from Vsauce to do appreciate that as you know it's not 1994 anymore [Music] [Music] [Music] yep your pupils aren't dilating yep seen this before oats do your famous kid voice no my eyes I need to watch everybody is still [Music] [Music] let's cut it out with the eight flashlights flat fleshly a some our oh my god I'm so close to dying oh so you just lost two viewers so when you dying your hair like ninja um um oh what an excellent question any more help Robbie tomorrow I'll thanks Larry our house got wet [Music] what the are you I want I do I'll punch a hole in the drywall now [Music] that's that is so dude [Music] yeah I mean that's the thing that's why I'm gonna do that you guys know that I care about what I do why are we punching holes in the drywall because it shows that I'm truly passionate about my craft yeah you understand that that Salt's me up beyond no belief but the salt is because of my passion guys get it and so my dad told me he said what's done the reason I'm punching this hole and the drywall is because I just I'm passionate about your mother in the kids but thanks dad yes I their passion punching up hey guys what's your favorite candy bar [Music] jump Meadows thank you so much for 47 months man how you done [Music] get good with a side of losers tears okay I'll take a order of good with a side of Tears loser I really all enjoys a lot I really like Ferrero Shea's it's not really a candy that's a candy bar er I like the the truffle things - those are bombs can I not keep the streak only with which crime no you can you can you just have to come in and manually resub with which rhyme as you can't like autumn automatically renew it yo what up T Zack hi John what's up man what's up sir bro are O'Shea's yes Ferrari roaches yes [Music] Xabi Anders Ferarri roaches I'm dead yeah I added like trying it over there faster I only have 92 HP though there's no room for mistakes I see a James T but [Music] what kind of car could you guys see me driving or Taurus oates Buick I'm good James a Ferrari Roche oh yes my favorite type of car a Camaro 94 Toyota Corolla [Music] yeah that's my hoopty pulling up in the hoop deep all that's close I got to drive one of those Hummers those Hummers that's like a truck Hummer it's like a hybrid that way people know I'm badass how's a clutch [Music] Oh [Music] I need I need one of those Hummers Hummer trucks with the uh with some truck nuts we need some you know what I think we need some we need some truck ovaries for the for the truck you know drivers that are women I think that's the only fair [Music] [Music] other truck testicles yes there are Google truck nuts Wow I mean do it at your own discretion of course you might see something you don't want to see in the in the Google Images but APB said I now we've been dying I'm gonna try to continue with this [Music] nice what I'm gonna need you to do is shut up only the ones that are only saying the you know the edgy stuff this is running ready for GDQ oh I'm not gonna submit this for anything well I guess we're not saving should be fine that's what I always say that I always die oh we're fine we're fine [Music] hey guys uh have you heard about subscribing others had a grand Pooh Bear speed run session I would need a big old time slot for that the idea you you know me I'll do well be fun already you're calling it out i press lip why have you guys heard he quit crying 10,000 subs honey the bills are looking a little bit heavy this month did you mention twitch Prime I guess that will hey guys have you heard twitch bra honey I'm kind of wanting to uh double my my payment on my third car that you got me is so we can paid off a little bit faster rarity paid off two hundred thousand on it but hey guys if you're a twitch prime where's a sub counter it's a way because the sub sub pocalypse is gonna happen and I don't feel like answering the same question over and over oats do people not love you anymore what happened to your subs does they don't understand how twitch ad on our staff how sub gifting words you want to see the sub pocalypse in real time was you guys did real time make fun of me and call me a loser actually that's probably exactly what you want to do yeah I was joking that I thought about it a little bit more but yeah actually they were losing uh I don't even know how many it is it's just a lot here's how many people keep their subs well it's not that they don't keep their subs the site they get gifted and a lot of them aren't even active looks super active there's a gifts to random people in the community get some viewers stuff like that what are your thoughts on the scented and poo one of my thoughts on scented shampoos and body washes I mean they smell good nice rude free sham now hidden 5k was a huge milestone we have we have a ton of new emotes that we can get in the next couple months here as you start thinking about them stuff and they've the outer get to the substitute Kaiba thank you so much gonna give some kaiba appreciate that man I need that what is that what who is that Gwyneth Paltrow or whatever name is that which they never they never have removed slots maybe that scented a Badge candle let's be real it probably smells like lavender and and like vanilla and spices but we all know that ain't true cool so gross yeah I'm gonna release a scented candle that smells like my sweaty gamer ass there is a market for that oats I'm sure there is and I don't want to meet that market it should be a good gold split as long as we don't die here yeah pre-order my a scandal now my gamer a scandal making directly from my ass in my I've jarred up my farts for months now oh it's his goop we'll call it I got a show on Netflix oats that taint right nice oats finally talking about ass again I missed this knob Albert word around the offices well whoever told you that is a liar yeah what a great birthday gift ru yo y yo mo we're good hey only two followers away from 65 thousand followers wowzers hey guys were only ten thousand followers or ten thousand subscribers away from ten thousand for fourteen thousand three hundred seventy one Wow crazy it voice Orion what's your obsession with my kid voice doing good Albert doing good you're at sixty four thousand nine hundred ninety nine followers I am yes well I mean this the snowflake voice is kind of a kid voice I mean they kind of go hand in hand and that's definitely what a little Zoomer sound like snot dripping down their nose does it matter on Twitch mattered to twitch and not really it's more so just like viewers because there's there's this thing that's looked at and that's the proportion of your followers to your door viewer counts up like that so that matters like proportion that's stuff like oh so I'm telling my mom that you're making fun of Zoomers yeah I probably agree with me yellow it's your oh wait what I I recorded myself because I was told your snowflakes voice sounds like me I played it back and I'm offended stop sorry man sorry this is very serious tonight now what you just just leave me alone all right please don't leave me please no I need all the attention I can get I'm very fragile tonight all right everyone say whoa this is the the compliment Power Hour to where everyone says something nice about me oh my god I can't see the compliment yet hold on they see the compliments I need these my ego needs to grow just like any good content creator your hair is jawline is sharp your hair is nice and you're in salt Thank You Albert oats you have a stellar dog wow thanks oh my god oats you don't have long nose hairs thank you so much I trim them up host you inspired me to get my ass to the gym that's actually not know sarcasm that's awesome I'm glad audio diamond no meme you have a straight nose that ain't true my nose is crooked its you're a person I am yes evening from losing my mind life study oh I came to your stream twice please don't tell me that ever again Otzi make me super horny okay this is getting pretty gross weird odd compliment power hour is over I know it wasn't quite an hour but still good enough clintus oats have oats stopped eating for two weeks i feel like it's more than probably more than two weeks to be honest give me a give me a tapeworm and then the two weeks and then and then we're talking then we're in business [Music] I flying foxes Wow great talking about Clint I'm just saying he's a smaller guy I like clients yo anonymous cure with 1000 Oh tapeworm ain't making a return I just mentioned this mentioned it once it's our money yeah that dude just donated $1,000 to me I thought you were good and I thought I was good too but apparently not are you see I didn't save I didn't see him until the ship that's no I saved on the left side hey it's not as bad as I thought it was that was that was that was okay that didn't count we don't count those ones hey what's up gsm boy what is that is that Boyd Boyd and my boy Boyd with a name change or is that a different boy or you can be my boy - it ain't the same void but sorry oats is washed we're gonna go ahead and save eeehm wash give us failed to mock ball ha I beat Super Metroid in like five hours chew on that five hours that's good oh if you turn into a zombie I wouldn't hesitate to put you down this ghost is that like an intimidation thing is that like is that like the dad saying you want like one though when the when he has a daughter and she brings on the ball you want to see my gun collection boy yeah Jolie yeah cuz you're gonna shoot a goddamn fifteen-year-old kid I won't hesitate to put you down you hurt my little princess I'm be hurting you yeah okay I was uh I was reading this subreddit thing once there's well like crazy parents like that and that's what that's what happened one of the people but like I was I was dating this girl in high school I was like 15 I went to her house and he made me look at his gun collection and say like this is what will happen if you hurt my daughter yeah okay I've dealt with crazy people like that so we had a friend once like she was just she was just a friend that she was just cool actually hang out with me and my buddy Jacob and a couple of us and like he would just like me to go to the beach or somebody's hangout there's nothing weird about it she was just a decent friend she's cool and she was she was away from her dad for life he was away from her dad for like 30 minutes past when she should have been they were like freaking out about to call the cops we dropped her off at the house and he's like cussing us out and you never come back I'll call the cops like like that holy like she was like 17 we're just all friends chill out old man yeah he was like freaking out at us people are like that it's crazy how dare you hurt my princess nothing happened with your little princess all right [Music] you know guys there's nothing weird it's possible to have friends right I felt bad for her though like seriously like when your dad and your mom and dad are that crazy I'm gonna be that crazy with my with my daughter you ain't bring my daughter back all in the minute I'm gonna ground my daughter and I'm gonna ground her friends I don't know how all you know what I mean it'll ground them oats you're sterile bro I got tell everyone I'm sterile Albert that was confidential between you and I [Music] that's what yeah that's what I'll say you guys think I'm gonna be streaming when I'm in my 50s probably not we will make it quick save because if I die without saving that's that's terrible hey thanks box man I'm gonna be in my 50s in a in a wheelchair [Music] doing I'm gonna do IRL streams I want to get sub to 30 with substitute 30 with zero deaths at some point right now its sub 10 up to 30 if I can do sub to 30 or sub 10 I'd be happy right now we're gonna be saving a lot of time if I can do this first drive I want it down okay well at least we didn't like fail too far in more I'm not worried about the time loss I'm more worried about the death count fifties generally isn't wheelchair holds well will be for me almost just died right there I don't know if thirty one's enough better be enough [Music] don't die oh my god I'm gonna save here I don't wanna take the risk your best home-improvement Tim Allen grunts huh there you go I can do any impression into any accents on earth of a master of impressions you macho man yo I'm macho man [Music] [Music] damn boats I didn't know I know you're so good at that yeah I practice every day that's all it takes fellas don't be discouraged [Music] oh it's heavy considered voicework yeah I've turned down a few million dollar offers I'd rather just hang out with you guys I wouldn't want to let you guys down that you can't do Justin Bieber a a Selena she dated Selena Gomez I need you back the babies yeah oh my god Justin is that you all right Lenny farm yeah I personally have no problem with the look he's going for personally like just me personally he's like 24 he's going for like kind of a you know sick particularly look he looks sick he hasn't eaten in a couple month maybe you know maybe maybe he is you know smoking a little bit of a glass or something that's that's what he's gone for and I respected about to be 26 Oh interesting they Mage's me then I thought it was like a couple years younger than me [Music] yeah yeah you got that dripped yeah you got that drip boy oh that was spicy yeah but I feel like if you have that much money it's like I feel like you can just kind of get bored I don't know I seriously in America this is this is this is getting ridiculous here I look like I'm in a anime or some Oh settle down the rule some like that right guy look like hold on there we go pajama hair blonde I look like xqc and I don't necessarily want to look like XQ Singh maybe I do yeah I'm a full-time streamer and yet I'm not making as much money as the Biebs yeah you're right I get my barber to do a hairstyle like yours you just ask for the oats and goats cut and heal no excuse me I talk pretty fast and sometimes I get ahead in my own words but xqc talks so fast I I don't think I can keep up with that guy's where do you see me in ten years only serious answers only Facebook live you think I'm gonna go to Facebook my dentist today asked me if I'd ever go to mixer I slapped him across his face and said you never said I didn't actually do that but how dare he just such a thing you hope ll see maybe in that many years I'll be like I have world record in every category I'll like be I'll transcend into the next into the next entity forever fourth place no because people are gonna beat that time I'll be like 10th place pretty soon crazy man how records go yep still gonna be going for sub ten Jets I'm gonna be playing any percent Super Metroid he'll have a time actually be bald by then I'll be 100% Maldon all you talking about yeah yeah he's a nice guy I just need to get back into fitness oh no dosas put in the work I hope those gets it zoast we'll get the record I hope he gets it soon for his own sanity as I 100% believe that he will get in Fitness dick in your mouth wait why No [Music] yo he is doses playing like a in he's playing in saying right now he's gonna get it you lose a lot of muscle um yeah quite a bit I'm feeling pretty weak lately [Music] but I'll get back into it I'll start taking some testosterone shots in my ass I'll be fine I'll longer to take the lose muscle hey you lose muscles fast not instantly but you'll start losing it within two weeks two to two weeks to two months in my opinion because that also varies about how you keep up your diet no a couple days absolutely not weeks because if you keep up your diet a high-protein diet you keep eating well you're still gonna maintain a lot of that strength and a lot of the muscle still but yeah you can get it back really quickly that's the nice part of when you gain the muscle like when I get back into the gym I'm gonna gain it back within like a month all of it that's which Sabbath [Music] [Music] well you want to lose muscle you don't want to lose muscle that's the the the shitty part when you stop working out or if you want you can just if you stop working out just start taking testosterone 400 milligrams a week reading your ass and then you'll just gain muscle on top of that you don't even need to do nothing gain muscle just move around to your normal [Music] wellnot synth all's synth all's act when it comes to cheating estas thrown of course you're giving yourself a huge edge okay but synthol all you're doing is you are giving the appearance of more muscle as opposed to actually more muscle which is what you'd get with like taking testosterone or HGH yeah but have you seen Google synth all muscles no look I did not PB yesterday the day before [Music] feel healthy offer what I mean to feel healthy I think you need a good mix of cardiovascular training and muscle growth both play a big role and like your function your brain functions cardiovascular health or are you gay oh man that's a tough one oh man I gotta get it I gotta get a sub 2:30 now oh no seriously Google synth all muscles it's so gross yeah the Brazilian guy yeah yet a Brazilian muscles [Music] all right we've only got five times let's go [Music] we got a hustle on this split the split was really good let's please tell me a joke I need some nice laughing humor I'm gonna come up with an oat sand goats all-original joke and that Carlos Mencia hold on yeah it's gotta be it's gotta be real got to be legit hold on we'll make it a super metroid related joke yeah keep it to keep it hold on brain ain't working hello man I am Brazilian you're a Brazilian what you have got to be me I had enough running speed for that well that's about a minute lost awesome that's [Music] [Music] good joke oh it's Lal [Music] [Music] [Music] hold on I have no clue actually I'm trying to like play the game at the same time I can't think of an original joke right now is bad normally my brain is just firing it on all cylinders at a high rate of speed right now it's shut down oats that joke sucked yeah guys I told a joke yesterday all right finally go on sgdq no submissions are already like started aren't they when do submissions start I don't know if I want to submit anything I don't know if I want to go one of my plans March 4th I mean I could submit this just for kicks then they're not gonna let me run another romhack no way in hell would they let me run another romhack so I don't know man I don't know I was think about trying to get Metroid Prime down my metroid prime time down a little bit got to try to submit that for a race for with a with prime ash Prime [Music] our Bo I mean I would need to start doing our Bo right now if I wanted that like right right now yeah well no they already did our Bo was any we dropping frames not surprising Bob Rio has already been ran a couple times of gdq and it was just ran the one before of mine herb well no I'm losing a lot of time this I can't really read the chat too much right now Jeff got that chapter next car category is going to be our vo our Bo with with may be symmetric crime [Music] we're losing a lot of time shits I don't think they'll let me run another romhack immediately after I just ran impossible no I would do no out of bounds that's what I do for all my categories and Auto bounds well I'm also a firm believer that thing the RTA thing I understand the fact that they don't have RTA with game time because there are differences in wheeze there's differences and versions or like the disk speed will be kind of like weird I can I can understand the game time thing the out of bounds not being a separate category from just like no major glitches or whatever you gonna call it is really odd well then people make the argument well if he's so boring without out of bounds his out of bounds route is just really stupid or the no out of bounds are out of stupid [Music] the Illuminati called the shots [Music] be running Illuminati no it's not the fact that they won't allow Rahm attacks it's like I think I need to wait I would be pushing my luck if I submitted this right after I've just got done closing at the previous event with Super Metroid you know I feel like I'd be pushing my luck although I might submit this maybe I'll submit this Metroid Prime contra I don't know we could submit a few things [Music] your time limit not necessarily but you the longer the run the less likely we'll be in my sm64 run oh my god that'd be so bad please diary who's currently the boss the gym boss nice well we still ahead we died and that kind of lost us a minute and a half or so and this fight was bad I met multiple runs you never know yeah the nice part about GDQ is it's just up north unless I move by then which I might consume there's no drops they're also talking about doing some other stuff some of the Metroid community people know I don't want to like tell you yeah I don't know if they're like state no you're depressed as well man you're in a constant state of depression as well oh it's can you please focus on the game you listen here squirt all right man I could submit a 100% map completion to get her some dumb I need to talk to uh I need to talk to a couple people though about their submissions and what they're gonna submit cuz I have an idea of what they want to submit and that they might get in actually so we'll see [Music] yo what up Shiv the scenes 10 in a row good extent yeah some of its a little bit different but oh this is a huge time-saver oh you don't die here nice Oh how's your wife's boyfriend doing Todd's doing good he's doing good [Music] mab completion if I started running map completion I'd get like a hundred viewers no one wants to see - Zoe's did this in - 26 did all there goes my career did chicken scratch with Li twitch prime sub thank you so much appreciate that I know you'd watch it but but like the the normies free of spirit you know I don't think the normies have watch it there are normies here press 1 if your Normie a lot of Normie see I told you we're dropping some frames again and I give folks [Music] Norma's out I love you outs alright yo how will the Smiths with 25 bones thank you so much man for the 25 bucks appreciate that very generously thank you man super nor me here is the comment you're not just a normal you're a super Normie that's that's the same a man [Music] how is he I did it five minutes faster than my last time oats be my friend please dig Carlos how much money you got [Music] he told did this in 225 yesterday he did it oh there goes my career [Music] a good sign for this hack who knows I don't know pretty much the only one running there right now heat oil ran it a little bit I personally think a good time for the sack of e sub 2:30 a pretty solid time even though that's very beatable actually I wouldn't say sub 2/3 I'm saying I'd say sub 210 sub 210 it's up to 15 around there yeah that'd be insane sub to 30 however we will already be nuts [Music] you give under weight nerds hope to gain weight and get cool hairdos you want to gain weight you know what you got to do he's got a you gotta eat and then eat and then eat it and eat you got to wake up you got to eat you don't you know what you don't want to know my diet when I was putting on pounds and muscle I woke up I chugged a ton of water I took my well I didn't take my vitamins my chugged a ton of water I made a a oat protein pancake with egg whites oatmeal cinnamon a bunch of bunch of and you blend it up with baking soda you create a mix great a pancake I would eat four or five slices of bacon or turkey bacon I would have a fruit smoothie that I would make with sometimes I put protein in it sometimes not so fruit smoothie would be like bananas like two or three bananas blueberries all that that was my breakfast it was like 1,200 to 1,500 calories for breakfast now workout for an hour and a half heavy no I was just working out and my muscles needed some good some good calories to recover I need to put on a little bit of fat but that bulk me up I was looking I was I was strong I was on that diet I seem to be back on and then for like launch I'd have like Chipotle or I make my own bowls like burrito bowls was doing a guy is swall sure listen whoever you want my my max were uh 225 eight times on the bench squats were like 300 plus deadlift was like pushing 400 [Music] [Music] iton weight I'm seven seven foot nine three hundred pounds lean lean mass [Music] no I'm like 5 10 5 10 I was 185 pushing 190 yo how old this Smith with 10 gifted subs yo thank you so much man I appreciate that 10 gifted subs from Hollis men that's super generous of you dude 25 and the 50 worth of subs your knots man thank you [Music] welcome with a girl pen everyone if you guy get to this sub thank you again P mp7 thank you may feel this guy after the 6 months as well [Music] yep it's you're never lucky as ready never lucky what happened to sub camp I got rid of it because we're gonna be losing a lot of subs and I'm gonna have to keep answered at I'm gonna have to answer the same question about 120 times it's stream' oats though do what did you do make people on sub what happened oats lost three subs he's going down although I do like the means the down chart meme Pepe laughs I love that it's gonna get a little bit cancer when I have to like explain how the sub gifting works over and over and now I could keep it up cuz sub pocalypse is uh Saturday I think Saturday you guys want to watch with me we can have it up the sub pocalypse viewing [Music] [Music] Oates what happened you lost 3,000 subs all of a sudden do people hate you they're like quick googling what happened to Oates what it olds do it oats and goats expose himself yeah I've already lost quite a few about him that wasn't the brunt of it the brunt of it is in three days like bad girl isn't like two thousand-plus cream soda thanks for 200 why because we got gifted to 2,000 this time lasts a month which means that we will be losing at 2,000 this time this month because we got gifted at those subs and not all of those people that get gifted subs are going to come and resell a lot of a lot of them have we have had like I don't know maybe 100 or maybe maybe 50 or 100 come back and resub already ian is even gets TOS to display a false sub count now I don't know why anyone would it would display us false sub K in the first place though I don't see what the benefit or that would be else they're trying to like generate like hype or some [Music] does twitch give you stats on gifts sub conversion I don't think they do I've seen people have fake sub cast where they'll say it'll say like nine hundred ninety one out of a thousand to try and get people to sub to be one hundred really some people keep their counter at four ninety five out of five hundred create hype no matter how many subs well me I feel like the community would know that already by then right it's still pretty uh pretty dumb for the new people coming in and it just seems scammy in like scummy to do like that yo mr. Lynch with the tier 3 sub two baletta baletta is red scarlet I believe thank you so much for the tier 3 sub mr. thank you so much seriously super jenrcg dude and also to Pollini has gifted us up to dielectric dielectric three six nine damn good time thank you very much yeah I'll get more than that not every streamer gets not every streamer only gets 250 here if you have more subs or a decent sub count you get [Music] [Music] I'm technically not supposed to say what I get but like yeah I mean I've kind of already told you guys before or like I might not be able to say how many subs you need but that was back in the day I don't know if they care anymore my reverse slinky might be might be right all over the web yes pretty much all over the web the web's interwebs Lopez out there then just take a look at Google or someone in here can tell you what I make them because someone has already said inside [Music] released your tax returns oats your tip the guy at the car wash nah last time I went there I just ran him over thanks for the wash you have a sponsor right now I'm currently working with overnight oats however I don't think I'll be working with them and the month of March you see you guys know you want your your code I think it's still up you want 10% off and then other than that pretty much nothing no more discipline I work with this plate but like I just get a percentage from them that's they do give a lot of dis plates and they've done like giveaways and but like I I'm like enough I'm an affiliate with them whatever they call it I don't I don't get paid by them other than what you guys put into it or whatever what happened with sneak I decided to stop working with sneak same with oats overnight nothing to do with the product without its overnight it was a little bit to do with the price and I didn't feel right that it's also very hard to get the product out on stream because I'm not gonna like be sitting there with my shaker or some you know good if you're not working with oats overnight have you seen Twitter I have not seen Twitter err Twitter come it's a little bit cringy yeah what I mean all bad memes I mean they're trying to get into the meme game I can't blame them right like [Music] yeah I mean it's just a bunch of it yeah boomers trying to meme and that's I mean it's okay don't-don't-don't I don't want to like draw attention to that as I am still like working with them this month I mean you can you guys can go check out their Twitter if you want but you don't like make fun of them or some if it's all like bad means all right first try let's go might be too far the left baki Oh barely [Music] nice no I told your first try baby we're gonna allow the second try is that first try I don't know I blacked out a black down what happened it's so bad all I liked one of their things we gotta start hustling here if I want to sub to 30s so possible [Music] oh yeah subtend s2 is yeah I exciting good hold on holy I didn't want that much how's that thing off I just wanted to be health bombed here there's this really hard to make this high rule or something something state of mind higher state of mind somewhat then you so much but switch from sub I rule state of mind thank you so much for the switch Prime ah [Music] all right down over the space yeah start hustling here a little bit [Music] oh it's on a new level today I am I'm on my new level as long as we can get out of Dragon's Lair he's beginning to believe what kind of music do you like I pretty much like all music except just kidding I love country music that's my favorite I love all music especially country music is what I meant to say Deb reggae I don't mind Reagan type of music that I can't really listen to too much is like kind of like emo screamo like super emotional kind of it's like I don't really like that too much now listen to it but like sometimes it just gets way too whiny as you playing the instruments yeah drums guitar my first instrument was violin I could still pick up a violin right now it's still kind of have the basics I feel like just a random assortment of percussion like when I was in high school I dabble in Ableton quite a bit you know mixing and producing my own creating my own synth stuff like that currently working on something with Jordan team da you know I just haven't had any time whatsoever to keep working on it does been hanging out with my girlfriend I've been streaming and god I'm so good [Music] now it's pretty sick still below 10 deaths we got three more deaths to go I believe not parlor right there it doesn't really matter when we do parlor I aspire to be even half as successful as you and Andy I appreciate what you do keep it up thank you man you just got to find success in whatever you what you enjoy you know never understood how good your bombs jumping wasn't Ellis playing Super Metroid for the first time i sweet game is fun hey thanks Ruby appreciate it welcome to the stream it's the right way yes tiny has gifted us up to Ruby cross thank you so much tiny appreciate that [Music] [Music] [Music] oops uh-oh I was like looking at them I think this is gonna be in my way the fish yeah oh yeah yeah hopefully I love watching your progress in the same game hey thanks so much appreciate it oh it makes you want to stream but then I realize I don't want to spend five years with two like two followers well how do you know you'll spend five years with two followers right now are you gonna do is spend five years thinking that you'll only have two followers [Music] what's worse the or he just be like me and just yeah just view by your way to the top I've only been streaming for like two weeks look at me am i doing up this late nothing I'm sorry I'll go to bed right now for double spring jump double spring you have to just time your jumps like insanely well got to time your jump your pause your your pauses have to be immediately when they can be like you don't have a lot of time for it to work I stay up a little bit later Todd five more minutes [Music] I I don't know I'm just passionate about like exercise and health stuff and even though I've been pretty lazy myself lately that's that's the way it goes and so he goes but I do have a passion for like how often like what some products or you know things will do to your body like that no safety's hell no I don't believe that outs alright you drink out of cheap thin plastic jugs and I'm not saying that I always practice as I like preach I know that drinking out of my plastic jugs ain't you know the greatest whatever I get for convenience I don't reuse them typically the issue they can have a practice plastic bottles is reusing the plastic bottle not using it initially [Music] I will not using plastic at all let me let me let me tell you this I I hate plastic right yo how will this with five bits - thank you so much thank you thank you thank you I greatly appreciate it ma'am you're crazy keep it going outside feel that sub 2:30 coming hot we have to go to flit like everything from here on out but it's possible yeah as I was saying thank you get how oh hold on let me get this first we do this before I talk about stuff [Music] please work that's or facewash do I use bacon grease hold on please oh you son of a I'm not morphing because of the the delayed inputs underwater I gotta hurry up this is this is going this is gonna kill it man this is gonna kill it [Music] you can't really do that here it's not high enough definitely not thrown for content that was it might be good I don't understand why um there's gotta be a way to do this to kill your momentum do this like that's not working right there I don't know wine aside from the plastic devil yes entirely I am focusing [Music] why Judith hi Zoe [Music] that makes me salty not throwing on purpose [Music] I'd assume not silt arsons gonna be way worse than this why doesn't that work that drywall is about to get a hole in it just because I'm so passionate is all on morph and jump so what i'm doing here is it morphine and you have to on morph and present jump it ain't pressing jump oh dude what the flying just let's go I'm morphing and I'm on morphine why is that happening it doesn't make any sense to me there you go just jump oh oh wow I messed up drywall you win today no I well we're still ahead that sucked [Music] yeah our rocks ass thank you so much for the twitch prime sub appreciate them you did a first try out some prowdy I'm going this hit yeah she might not work I'm gonna wait for that yeah oh please work ah that was close I prefer what in my mouth wait hold on yo mr. Lynch's his pants holy cow he's making a bunch of stinkers that's insane I've never seen a man his pants is mine you guys are if you if you guys are watching on YouTube if you guys are YouTube viewers you don't know what I mean we have a channel points thing Tory you can just say this dude just his pants it's really childish and but if you're wondering that's what it is but it's what we do here alright that's what we do no I'm sorry don't you don't your pants you your pants [Music] what's your opinion on plastic I don't like the use of plastic unfortunately the use of plastic is unavoidable in today's you know quick moving quick okay that's an excuse now let me let me say that is an excuse because of my utter laziness I get it it's not entirely unavoidable I think it's I think it's 100 percent I think I think it's you can't avoid it 100 percent but you can cut cut the the use you know I don't think you possibly caught it completely I think you can greatly cut back on use of plastic I I hate single plastic products how you go to a store and you'll see an orange unpeeled orange in a big plastic container the hell is the point of that and then I talked about that the other day on stream maybe a couple months ago and everyone was like oh it's wet about what about your grandma that has arthritis hands yeah there's always something okay have your head hurt grandson oats her grandson never visits anymore well then I don't know like like her hands don't work she can't on peel the orange well maybe she don't get no orange all right I don't know like it sucks but still my point is as bad as that sounds my point is people try to use anything to say well what about you know gram grams you know and her arthritis she needs that plastic container no no I'm willing to bet she doesn't need it she just wants the orange you don't need no orange you know she can takes him she can take a big old tall glass of Metamucil and be fine Nixon a little bit of emergency in there I have it already opened up for you my point is those are bad reasons to continue to have single-use plastic containers also you guys have heard me rant about Snapple right and how much I hate the fact that Snapple got rid of their their glass jars their glass bottles taste same great taste they still charge you the same amount they still charge you to see them out there making so much more money using plastic instead of glass so much more money they'll charge you the same amount [Music] I can tell the difference even if it's a placebo if there's a different I can taste the plastic [Music] [Music] [Music] we can save Sami well yeah I don't know the point is that I hate I hated that that made me mad I wish everything would switch to glass but they won't switch to glass because of they'll make an excuse oh well you see the processing plants here you're you're making so much money coca-cola alright just use use some glass I'll pay the extra ten cents for your bottle see if you still make billions upon millions in the year of 2020 you know I understand oats but there's employees to pay they have all this stuff that all this overhead cost with their companies they did that that I have to start slashing pays you know the only reason they want to slash their pays is because they still want to make millions upon millions the big guys all right they still want to make millions instead of sacrificing a little bit of their pay there I said it billions all right let's do this first drive all right first drive is no I mean I just think that's you know it's I think it's just shitty is all I'm not talking necessarily politics or anything I just think that aspect of economics is the shitty one and then that all ties together with like environmental ok house got a nice first try [Music] I understand everyone believes and climate you know the climate issues but they don't need to talk about that you guys gonna start getting mad on me now no no no politics ever shut up no politics shop ha ha Oates is triggered oh thank you so much for the 250 I think I'll take the money I got a spray bottle like a cat jumping up on the counter for you guys [Music] starting to get aggressive in here oats I need to get out of here now this is a decent run yo : EU in here I need a thumbnail tonight for visit that this run you know for this run runs about to crush it good drop we can start hustling like crazy here yo we sister runt where I um I had to get the other missile this is the run I up super hardcore on it might be that one might be that run now the Cornhuskers are CID well I don't like the Cornhusker the Cornhuskers would you hate me if I said right now na do easy I honestly hate myself now what the are you talking about [Music] you know I want to see some hot little corn hug that's my corn Husker fan impression [Music] Yohe hustling oh he hustling the Cornhuskers are down a hundred hundred and fifty points in the fourth quarter with one minute left come on corner screws we can still do it bring it home what is a corn husk it's a it's a husk of corn what's the difference between a corn cob and a dildo I don't know ain't no difference to a country girl I say that because I see this boomer meme all the time of this country country girls make do you guys know which one I'm talking about button country girls and leg do a terrible ass boomer meme holes yeah they sure do [Music] don't don't don't look up the meme it's just this just gross and bad they're gonna think oats likes boomer memes I like boomer memes in the same sense that I like I don't know let's say country music thing is I like country music because I like making fun of country music [Music] roses Stark thank you so much [Music] have a good night everyone all right see you've bitten country girls and make do I tell you what Tommy ain't the same I got paid so I can pay for this eleven oh ten content thank you so much I appreciate it sup Oak napped [Music] [Music] 20 days a week my streams have been a little bit slower because my girlfriend is here visiting and she's like multiple states away so right now the streams are kind of weird I'm not streaming it like normal times but typically the month of March a lot of times I will be streaming around 4 or 5 o'clock every day starting and then streaming probably six days a week she goes to a different school yeah you know [Music] like like I said tomorrow I'm going to be we have a spa package and we're gonna be going to the spa tomorrow and then going to a brewery that'll be really fun I'm really looking forward to that very much looking forward to that it's gonna be relaxing that I'll stream like Friday Saturday Sunday and then she leaves next week so I'm I'll probably take a day or two off like probably Tuesday Wednesday or like Monday Wednesday or something like that but I'll let you guys know is it worth 40 absolutely it's a great exam I paid the full 120 for the the good addition I camera what's called some OD addition yet yeah Big Bob it says my my masseuse is going to be Big Bob he specializes in an immense facials and sense I guess that's when they like massage your face or something I thought that was kind of weird and he says he works best alone so I don't know thanks for 500 I took your previous relationship advice and changed my views and changed my views constantly okay hopefully for the better I'm glad to hear hopefully it worked out for you now some dude named Todd is my girlfriend thanks so [Music] sorry [Music] when I get missiles on the way to gravity it's not necessarily a backtrack the reason we do that is because it's it's kind of I've considered both aspects to that I don't know which one to do first because I could just get them right then in there but if I do that I run the risk of still taking a one hit and dying plus I need to do that room different with the side hoppers I want to do that we're not saving any time on this my mom's new husband Todd drinks all my Mountain Dew and then does loud sex to my mom what should I do [Music] I think you should I think you should do the do my man yeah this ain't good okay I can't I do the do brother ah so as X dagger thank you so much for the three months [Music] shattered 0eg mm from shatterdome oh it'll be great I'm super excited they're gonna cover me up in some mud and [Music] you're not dead yet okay okay I respect it I am happy about it but I respected it shattered thank you so much again for or dbid ah yeah I already told you guys big Todd or not big tada Big Bob is gonna be massaging me down like I said he specializes in working alone I don't know why it's kind of weird but he says that he says that I'll hit those places that no other man could and I don't know what that means all right let's first try this assume you've really get into those knots in my shoulder oh no [Music] [Music] he films each session oh I didn't read that anywhere huh that's interesting I wonder why maybe for like classes or something yes this is the incited method the pause [Music] [Music] it also said something weird about like a safe word I didn't know massage therapists had safe words like ouch it's too hard a orange-peel you know like that's kind of weird [Music] [Music] [Music] all right let's go oh boy Harry that was a closer than the acid there [Music] whoa howdy yeah I tell you what that's gonna save me some time right there [Music] you get this sub 2:30 I have no idea I need to see how this this this segment would need to be like perfect all things possible if I can still get a pretty good PB I still get pretty solid PB [Music] yeah I see man take it easy you get some sleep at 9:00 hell you doing I'll get old and I guess down stuff Elbert you're not a Norma now are you I don't sleep I'll sleep when I'm dead ha ha rock on get a haircut outs I'm thinking about it I'm also thinking about just growing the out likes like crazy Zachary Zachary thank you so much for the beat three months how you doing I could just like grow it out and have some extremely long douchebag there like surfer hair if I can put in a ponytail or something in yours cut tomorrow now I'll be longer than high school days if if I wanted to do that I don't know we'll see my forgot these I you're right yeah you're right I forgot him I'm going back also we're dropping frames great century links like oh yeah he's he's not calling they this that our customer isn't calling here so that means that he probably isn't even needin the internet right right right boss yeah beep throttling him yes yes if he doesn't call that means there's no problem if he calls say we'll be there in two weeks from 8:00 a.m. to midnight the next day yep I imagine see see when I imagine this I imagine some dude just sitting there pressing a button a big red button that says throttle and it just makes me so angry thinking about it he he like watches the stream the technician is just watching the stream just presses the button dropped frames a throttle customer and he just he just he just laughs that's what I imagine it he's just pisses me off I'm not messing around I'm going I'm messing around got another minute here before we need the Super's or the yeah big tower supers were good [Music] [Music] um refresh your refresh your stream that will happen with twitches low latency audio or twitches low latency yes streaming stuff do I have brain worms maybe stop dropping frames sorry chat guys it's fine it's fine we only dropped a couple when you're up like a hundred not a big deal alright no need to panic oh god are you guys even loading oh god the stream cut out everyone's like got a circle thing that means they're buffering Oh No oh hey some of you guys are working online that's weird what it's happening again Oh God yep there goes the chat great there yep dropping for yep nice alright refresh the chat refresh there Mima notes oh they are off you meemers all right let's go again sick of that the whoops because it's it's a glitch sometimes it's because this is a splice from another run that I did I forgot to splice out that portion there stop do it I'm gonna angry their children okay hold on guys our son with the 41 months if you guys were wondering all these items are fake oh yeah this fan actually outside didn't care and nobody asked likes yo Tunnel snake trouser snake coming in with a whole bunch hold on thank you so much man [Music] I need to poop bad well I think you should go poop then tunnel snakes rule thank you so much for they get to sub this stuffed-crust xeric yuki wolf chrono and dile dile die hard dial hard thank you okay we just got a hustle and bustle right here if this can be smooth and I can gold split the rest of this be a great time focus out stop talking focus yes I'm drinking some white claws right now to calm my nerves no pissed breaks luckily I don't have to piss actually now I do that you mentioned now they mention that thanks everyone blame him for mentioning my piss oh it's Dan from Dan's dildos here I have to tell you we can't fulfill your request of a custom butt plug shaped like Dokus hands when he shoots an energy brain beam it'll be too large to go anywhere especially your ass I know you had your heart set on going super saiyan on the prostate [Music] dan I don't want your business I'll take my business elsewhere [Music] [Music] oh it's about allowed to poop and wash a stream or do I have to hold it I'd prefer if you held your alright that's pretty nasty Radwin bye bye you prefer whip or neigh name daddy both 500 thank you so much as always damn it go damn it Bobby Oh bye narrow urethra Bobby ah thanks for 500 you ever seen king of the hill you see I know your lower man movie don't mind using your chat log for NP NLP Elle's NLP that's my purse I don't know you okay that is Laura though Hank has a narrow urethra that is actually in the Lord all right Donald on you nothing he's also Peggy always tries to drug him with testosterone because he's he's losing his touch yeah he's also got a flat ass he's got a narrow urethra urethra and then what else does he have I remember at one episode he's sitting on an ice bucket though we can like generate more sperm because of his narrow urethra or some like that I don't know I'm like that what's wrong with a flat ass you seen Hank Hills ass you won't be asking that question that he has oh yeah he also clogged his colon I remember that episode don't worry dad I'll help you out dad and Bobby Bobby puts an IV in his arm full of prune juice what do you guys think I was gonna say Bobby doesn't smoke that's exactly exactly out of bobby's down guys we don't even start talking with stretch two now that I'm talking about anyways let's let's skip this yeah I remember the episode we have face fake butt cheeks don't worry bad ladybird what does he call his truck again not lay sadly a 90 year old smoker all right well this is when Bobby you know he Bobby has to get that stoma all right [Music] dad can I hang out with LuAnn [Music] to be one lower than that bobby's Bill's son oh yeah I've heard that indie creators I didn't a creator to say that it's not true but what the we only have 95 where the hell's my last missile pack Oh top left Oh top left oh I forgot oh it's normally we we get the top left one before that one oh thank god I wasn't acting there I totally forgot about this one the raccoon what's uh what's LuAnn is um who's LuAnn again isn't that the daughter or whatever he always hangs out with Bucky or buck what's his name I remember buck won like a lawsuit and got like what like $15,000 I'm gonna live on this for the rest of my life I have nice yeah the nice yeah I'll be a rich man or as my life Oh Bucky up to 40 can't happen but it still should be a good time here oh-oh-oh yeah he does die that's right how does he die again he's run over by his llama or some or a tractor or am i thinking of someone else the building oh yeah I remember that I haven't seen king of the hill in forever all right oh it's when's the last time you saved you don't want to know all right boys this is this is a pretty insane time with only six deaths and we're getting our goal of sub ten not only are we getting our goal of sub ten we're going to PB by a shift on here no this is this is pretty insane well I said don't lose to the Metroid's get dopes the Metroid skip yeah Oh suck as a show I love you the way 99 missiles doesn't matter we just got a refill unfortunately [Music] all right everyone get your aka missiles ready everyone everybody please everybody totally ripping off this run what the hell does ripping off this run even mean uh yeah we're going there tomorrow yeah I'm super excited tomorrow we're not streaming just you guys no tomorrow you guys got to entertain yourselves you know I'll stop that fleshlight you put away you know go on go on you buy yourself a gallon of Mountain Dew or something I'll be back on back on Friday let's go everyone say hi to YouTube everyone spam it hi YouTube hehehe hi YouTube Ichi hey chat yo twitch add you think you're better than YouTube viewers that's up guy it's real up [Music] can you still this up be pretty hard to up now I'm watching this on YouTube right now hey hi mom oh my god I'm famous 2:41 baby oh just like that 241 a week ago we were at like for hours yo Geoffrey Cass thanks for the twitch prompts appreciate that and welcome to the go pen only 6 deaths I didn't forget the missile in the lava yeah that would have we lost about 45 seconds to a minute because of that yo thank you for 100 - 4132 haul him howl this Smith [Music] with $241 and 32 cents are you serious alright we get the HD guiles theme I know this is the old-school one yo seriously man thank you so much Howell the Smith [Music] loud noises thank you so much Powell for two hundred forty-one dollars and 32 cents insane was not the sub two thirty we were hoping for but still a beautiful PB and sub 10 deaths I cannot thank you enough thank you so much a most wonderful disaster with five gifted subs is the music quiet [Music] thank you so much for the five gifted subs and most wonderful disaster thank you so much man five beds from tan a silent with 25 and then an NG TV with V if it's up to green mantle at 69 thank you so much appreciate you guys seriously Powell the Smith again you're insane [Music] a thousand bits from the dude Garcia thank you so much for a thousand bit which Schatz subsidizes YouTube monetizing ad blocking ways to get freeloaders you still have content oh yeah nice BBY thank you so much for 1000 here's a 22 month thanks for 22 months [Music] you guys are so generous thank you all right fellas so here's the deal today well yeah technically today well tomorrow I'm not gonna be screaming I me and uh me my girlfriend are going to be doing some nice stuff together a spa treatments because of some of our viewers in here like rack here vivid hockey Tanner's a couple more they were super generous they gave us a a spa package and I was super generous and I'm very excited we're he'll relax tomorrow we're gonna go get some beer afterwards and have a good night so you guys have a good night as well I'll see you back here Friday Friday afternoon and then I'll be streaming on the weekend so yeah fun stream thank you guys so much for everything and [Music]
Channel: Oatsngoats
Views: 48,622
Rating: 4.8627453 out of 5
Keywords: Super Metroid, AGDQ, Kaizo, Awesome Games Done Quick, 2020, World Record, Super Mario World, Oatsngoats, Rom Hack, Super Metroid Impossible, Twitch, Twitch Fails
Id: Dqcbe9tk618
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 165min 54sec (9954 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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