Super Metroid 100% - 1:12:53 (World Record)

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okay ridley that was a high jump thank you for the tier 1 13 months it might be too tired to keep going at this point maybe this a little bit longer be back tomorrow morning though thing is i've just been playing so well tonight it's hard to imagine i play this well again tomorrow morning [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] nice be sorem yeah between that parlor and the uh the beginning of series this may not have a chance at all anyway so okay [Music] yes [Music] thank you [Music] yep [Music] [Music] [Music] that was totally it jeez with that pit room holy crap man that was totally it goodness [Music] fine game whatever whatever [Music] yeah the pb around in the corner is good had a lot of really good feedback on that over the years that i've done [Music] it [Music] no you don't need to apologize i was i was thanking you for the feedback and confirming that others have also given me that same feedback [Music] i like it as well we can relate [Music] nope that's not what i was saying it makes me happy every time somebody says that they like that [Music] uh [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] good are you there's certainly more in the back half than the front half you're right about that the weave isn't free if you hook it up so heck the weave cause it's hecking [Music] down up in two is cool though it just might be the strat you know and now we're going down the green hill zone bug boost but we missed the gate charge shot through the door pack this heck and charge a shot under the spikes [Music] through the rippers screamers through the door lay up onto the left of the block jump through to fix this [Music] now we're gonna run for the left ball and lay a hecking ball select your super missile did you see that we cleared the gap because i wasn't singing mock jump check the door except i screwed up lay a bomb in the corner and wait for crate to bust through the floor [Music] uh [Music] [Music] yep [Music] that sounds awful you can't moon dance [Music] jeez that's terrible [Music] hmm [Music] yes [Music] nice double soupers whoa nice i should have de-boosted there for sure [Music] that's ridiculous man [Music] it's a really good segment it might have golden if you did the d boost thank you [Music] hmm [Music] um [Music] hello thank you for the supernova it's really heck and cool when you drop me a super missile supernova yo oats with the giant raid thanks man really appreciate it thank you [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] oh what come on oh this pace though again tonight is crazy dude [Music] freaking crazy oh um hmm [Music] okay [Music] come on zenny don't start playing like trash just because oats rated you yes there it is go ah not in the corner heck samus no there's no there's no way this is gonna work i can see the beam it's impossible when you can see the beam bummer all right it's still a really sick pace it's just not as good as last time now which boohoo right [Music] again [Music] nice all right [Music] let's go dude let's go all right it's crappy health okay come on dude you're fine you are just fine and dandy [Music] oh ironic that this is crappy health and that thing dropped me health but i couldn't get it what a game [Music] [Music] um [Music] um [Music] grab the energy tank [Music] oh okay thank you thank you robot you were merciful and i appreciate it no okay you were a lying son of a crap face dude you weren't merciful you were freaking liar dude what the heck what was that [Music] good [Music] okay okay uh [Music] okay [Music] [Music] so all right it's more like it that was way too high not even close all right dude why do i keep [Music] okay oh no oh i freaking hate that mistake dude heck [Music] damn all right it's okay it's okay yeah way to go zany i could save time on menuing oh screwed up the menu again just like freaking [Music] okay [Music] good [Music] nice [Music] okay course that happened of course it of course it happened god come on heck all right i guess we got that [Music] oh no all my time saves okay well that sucks but it's still really really good pace so don't freak out sonny it's okay okay [Music] um [Music] so good [Music] yes good supposed to drop me a super heck and bug [Music] um [Music] me uh it's kind of slow okay that's good [Applause] one two three four okay [Music] [Music] two oh okay i did that really weird [Music] two three [Music] wow [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] uh nice okay that's all right it's okay [Music] um [Music] oh damn it sucks that was really close all right keep going [Music] um [Music] hmm i thought two particles bound it's just one apparently but we're still low on supers now [Music] [Music] let's go so [Music] oh my okay okay i'll take it jeez three supers [Music] how did that not work i guess i was slightly off in my position or something it's okay [Music] [Music] right [Music] yo dog boost with the blue through the door didn't even soft lock got the fast moon fall into the sand and then we wiggle down through the sand aim down so we don't bounce off the sand grab the missile back fall down the left side and we'll try to fast space second morph into the roll quick drop through the sand that i have messed up damage boost angle up charge shot through this door did you see that pull your ice clip i did [Music] okay [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] oh gosh oh that's really bad oh dear dude that's like two seconds gone good hell i thought we missed this shut up zenny focus on your damn plenty of ways to make up that two seconds [Applause] [Music] so like right there see you're good good dude don't worry about it [Music] damn close [Music] barely messed it up [Music] okay okay okay okay okay yeah sure whatever just freaking go man [Music] one all right [Music] damn it [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] nice what [Music] that was very strange [Music] nice [Music] good good good go bad [Music] good [Music] [Music] [Music] good yes [Music] good [Music] [Music] no okay it's fine turn [Music] [Music] oh [Music] yes okay that's fine it's fine it's a little slow it's fine [Music] time okay no powerbomb [Music] waste pointless okay that's a two percent drop i think [Music] hmm okay [Music] holy shooters so what the hell really it's a good fight until he flew away [Music] it's still good okay ah that was weird come on [Music] [Music] let's go oh no damn it that's the second time tonight [Music] oh shoot oh man we still had it too oh well just freaking go man all right calm down i'm making so many mistakes this is this is really bad this is really really bad dude shoot [Music] what what okay okay you've reminded me that you're in charge samus you have reminded me that you are in charge okay i get it [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] um hmm keep bouncing there right oh [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] ugh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] okay that segment could have been about a million times better than it was but still ahead [Music] [Music] uh oh dear holy crap okay lost a second of that it's okay that's kind of slow okay i did not release down so we're not going to try and mock because i'm already on the ground [Music] i just saw a raider a host come through i don't know who it was i really appreciate it thank you [Music] okay focus um [Music] what we like bounced under the gate i don't think i've ever done that [Music] okay that's fine [Music] uh [Music] good [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh yeah [Music] oh that was very close okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so okay good we didn't royally screw that up this time [Music] yes okay [Music] [Music] [Music] holy crap okay this is insane all right i got this don't jinx it just play the game no matter what happens this is easily the best pace i've ever had by 10 seconds this is fine it's totally fine all right so [Music] right [Music] [Music] meminator drops uh [Music] uh [Music] [ __ ] okay [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] so uh [Music] so [Music] holy crap holy crap [Music] [Applause] oh yeah [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay [Music] so [Music] [Music] come on [Music] was any spark [Music] holy crap dude come on come on hell yes yes yes holy [ __ ] yes yes yes take that july and to think you almost didn't do another run [Music] and i have to observe skip [Music] credit to that one goes for ruyio you guys he made me learn the freaking the optimal ship entry oh my gosh oh my gosh seven months seven months without a pb thank you i'm sorry if i scared you [Music] my two-year-old just told me i did a good job [Music] it's those oats raids man it's the freaking oats rage dude what if it's 99 i guess we gotta wait and see huh [Music] oh my gosh i i will get i will get to all of you i will i just need i just need a minute this is my moment this is this is my moment and i'm gonna i'm gonna live this moment oh my gosh [Music] thank you bearbot [Music] [Music] okay go to mommy 100 world record again somehow after seven months of not pee-being i love you zost
Channel: ShinyZeni
Views: 1,758
Rating: 4.9802957 out of 5
Id: vBdHFz9gTtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 16sec (4636 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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