Super Metroid Impossible - Deathless/Saveless 1:48:50

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I was there and this was an awesome moment to whitness. Not only is this WR Saveless Deathless, there's a couple golden splits on the run (his personal best splits). The past couple days he even went as far as to get to mother brain to die to a misscalculation on damage due to him picking up an extra e-tank on this route. Thats also about a 6min time save difference from his previous WR run which is pretty crazy.

👍︎︎ 38 👤︎︎ u/migalha 📅︎︎ Jan 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

Dev: Lets make a ROM hack of SM that is super hard, impossible almost, and see how long it'll take someone to beat it.

Dev: But also, to make it fair, we'll leave in the save points.

Oats: Hold ALL my beers.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/Flik16 📅︎︎ Jan 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

oats continues to be a cheat code.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/County8219 📅︎︎ Jan 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

Why would you save in a speedrun?


👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/drdre398 📅︎︎ Jan 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

For those oats fans, azder is also doing runs of Super Metroid Impossible, and he has had paces for WR. He isn't as skilled, but he goes for a faster route that's harder, and he's been in the speedrunning community for pretty much a decade (he was formerly Elminster until last year-ish)

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

Who is this? Is this a TAS because I can't believe someone I haven't heard of before has the WR

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/WhiteMageBecky 📅︎︎ Jan 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

I really want to see either 100% runs of this, or if 100% requires glitches that aren't human realistic, then some established goal%.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/sirgog 📅︎︎ Jan 24 2020 🗫︎ replies
thanks for the 65 now you're not apologize for anything you know thank you so much for 100 you ever doubt it Ridley took one too many hits and I got grabbed I took one hit and I got grabbed which basically just kills you yeah we're nine minutes ahead at nine minutes ahead at golden threes oh that's the fat that's the fastest run I've ever had I do a giveaway after this [Music] and I normally have a lot of time before the riddley fights third so I can like to turn off my speakers and need my chat or something I did not already give 5 subs [Music] [Applause] that was the god run yeah I don't think we're ever gonna have a run that fast again up the golden threes oh I sound really really unfortunate that we died that lever I mean I can get hit once that could've been like a 147 so yeah it sucks that we died really bad everything lined up BOTS wound dragged on all my orangey was good it's gonna be hard to get another round like that would have been a category killer probably knob but it would have taken someone quite a while to beat it although there is like a an alternative route with moon dance that there that might be doing I don't care if they use moon dance on this game it's a [ __ ] rom hack I don't care [Music] it allows you to get early power bombs which would allow you to get an extra missile pack for kraid speeding up that fight it also allow you to get it also allow you to bypass all of Forgotten Highway in Meridian quite a few months now shadow I'm just trying to get a goal time here and once we get that time we're done sub 150 deathless save us and I'm probably done we could do a sub 150 we could get sub 1 2:45 deathless save list with one less e tank but we'll see how I feel after I get this gold [Music] [Music] [Music] wait when we voted the other day no hunter people want to see 100% yeah it's basically just we just need to run to come together that's it run just needs to come together go watch our vo you'll watch the RVL world record and you'll see it like eight minutes in something like that break a leg outs what if I just like stood up in my legs snapped how would you feel putting a hex on me Senko with the five gifted subs Zenko thank you so much for the run appreciate that and welcome to the go pen sorry I couldn't welcome everyone from gigabytes very generous twenty sub gifts thank you getting gigabytes and zanko with the guess it's up to smash Ness hold on here really can't really read the name for now so I get some runs going here not die God gifted us up just make sure to thank [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] 19:17 the hell's that so year outs Oh what came first the number 1917 or the year 1917 ah thank you so much for the 206 shad you ever bust a freestyle or norfair music with Snoop Dogg yes me and Snoop Dogg we hooked up and busted some freestyle all all up on each other busted Earth's there yeah yeah we did that [ __ ] off sport you don't know the best movie of all time has been in 2020 The Grudge oh my god what a classic The Grudge - man they couldn't have made a better movie yes that's sarcasm [Music] [Music] so you have a mixtape with Snoop dizzle Dogg yup he goes yo yo ya for shizzle my nizzle and I go yeah yeah yeah for Rizal hey Snoop Dogg you got any of that loud guys who didn't know loud stands for really stanky marijuana hey you got any of that loud stuff snoop this is my first time smoke and I just got I could go with the best marijuana is so great why haven't they made marijuana to yet you know that's a really good point marijuana to the electric bugaloo with my favorite drink urine haha I am edgy and funny [Music] [Music] what about it Oh to make a fascinating argument [Music] yeah we've been talking about that for the last couple weeks all right focus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] goddamn it's [ __ ] shitty ass patterns from these things oh stop swearing my kids are wild [ __ ] should be dead terrible patterns oh my god see this is why we're never gonna get the same pace than we were on I'm telling you guys like the orangey that we got was thrown away because of Ridley you ever dab the room like what kind of dad like the kind with marijuana [ __ ] stop stealing our jokes that was your joke well not anymore it ain't my Joe this is what happens you think the cam is cursed at Ridley do you guys think that I should keep the normal camera on just just to test our theory although I had the action cam yesterday and it worked [Music] [Music] this world ain't ready for the back of my head I don't know if that means but probably ain't [Music] yeah it's okay it's nowhere near as good as last run but pop and sir hoagie sir they're miles gonna make a joke about your your holy what's a hoagie again and that just a sandwich ain't that just one of their them their shame and just what's on a ho ye should be should be google hoagie [Music] [Music] [Music] what why are you closing your mouth I'm closed I hate when [ __ ] croc does that what you doing [Music] what are you doing now you're gonna [ __ ] me aren't you [Music] [Music] all right let me look at hoagies hoagies [Music] that's a sandwich that's a mighty good-looking sandwich - let me tell you what [Music] legião sandwiches in Minnesota no they don't have those they're meat cheese possibly lettuce tomato with mustard mayonnaise your choice in between two buns or pieces of bread no they don't got that there yeah they're banned if you're seen with a hug you're just gonna be dead on the spot or a sandwich a hoagies even worse you don't want it hat you know what you don't want to know what happens when you have a hoagie Minnesota its fcm mayo is disgusting yeah but every era ever had a tuna melt with extra extra extra mayo and then you slap some American Kraft singles over the top and you toast that bad boy at Subway tell me that May it was gross thin cursed Mayo sounds like an instant heart attack dudes even better when you see the flies buzzing around the tuna-melt stuff they put in the in the Subway sandwiches you see the Flies you know it's fresh like oh [ __ ] that's some fresh tuna [Music] as long as we good phantoon this can be close to last run not quite well if we get a gold split I phantoon there's a possibility but it's really hard to gold split that know pretty much [ __ ] impossible kirsta small [ __ ] he did that they use the no reverse card on you is that already an emote or is that like against twitches rules can we have a we have a reverse card like somebody like handing you a reverse card you know that'll be like a perfect gotchu ya know you there kid is that like something people have does anyone have a you know reverse or is it gonna be copyright if we do that [Music] you know you can undo the curse that was only a limited time offer I'm sure people have tried to do it yeah it's probably copyright that be a good emote though [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] maybe we should get a mayonnaise emote just like someone just with a big gallon of mayonnaise just like or eating it and sticking their hand the big old jar of mayonnaise let's do it hey that was my idea was it wall I don't see it out of sight out of mind sorry bro better lexing that butter little batter better luck bettin but better luck next time [Music] porky the pig [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] three in a row [Music] Warner oh I was gonna say if we get four in a row we're getting a gold split right here now having a gold split we've been we would have been further ahead than our last run this is almost on the same pace as last run crazy phantoon has blessed us so I've only gotten one sub 29 and that was last run and we're about to get another 729 here crazy this is pretty much last run alright well let's focus blessed so we're not action cam in at Ridley I don't know we can take a vote on it if you guys want I didn't think you guys as the superstitious crowd but all right oh stop talking focus literally doing nothing nothing hard focus alts stop talking that's you guys look at chat for one nanosecond oh stop stop cat girl Kira [Music] nope we died to Ridley nine minutes ahead so that was a bummer just last run but we're actually further ahead now that we well we're just about in the same pace now we can be after the split yeah 143 yeah I mean if everything is 100% oh there's a possibility yeah action can with the sub thank you so much for subbing actioncam [Music] [Music] [Music] stop dry bones dry bones all right well I got to do this because I do not want to die dry bones connected to the yeah get her down outs get her done the giveaway we're giving away a box of overnight oats or oats overnight we're gonna do another giveaway after this run [Music] [Music] [Music] lair the Cable Guy was the best comedian of our time prove me wrong people will be hearing get er done for ages it'll be written in stone yes it is kammo can't prove that unroll NER partner what Ron White Larry let's be real I watched all those growing up because I was young and stupid but they were all terrible Ron White coupons hey it'll [ __ ] cooping all right Ron White hey you might be a redneck if if um if you uh you could you might you you might be redneck if you and if you if you can't if you can't uh and them there if you can't uh if you if you if you get your GED all right let's focus here oh that's so close to freaking that up a Bob jump stuff man now let's go to the gym now re-gift up 5 subs leave me alone I'm gonna get a massage tomorrow at 2:00 so I go to the gym before I go to the gym work out like biceps triceps or something and then uh go get my massage my back has been killing me I got that gamer slump the gamer slouched the virgin walk hey leave me alone save myself for marriage yeah so with that Jeff Foxworthy joke I was gonna say something about like my cousin but I don't want to be too edgy it's been people go oh you know it's not funny to be edgy anymore it's funny to be have like pure irony right irony's funny right well to be fair little kids like edgy jokes a little five-year-old kids ha ha that's edgy ha ha going against my parents remembers getting [ __ ] old Jesus Christ maybe I am Malden so reddit speaking of reddit we got ourselves to subreddit go post some [ __ ] on there and so we can have a page where I just sit around and do nothing but just look at the reddit that you guys posted memes on I might make another subreddit because I don't know where Jason is Jason made the subreddit but I need to ask for his permission to why Dale - huh take take it over with her who's Jason it's a long story me and Jason go way back it was the summer of 94 Jason had stolen gotta know where I'm going with this nevermind let's focus tritt is just incredibly disgusting and he's posted some dumb [ __ ] my discord it's and I've just gotten rid of them and as long as he's okay it's fine it's just I don't [Music] honk-honk honk-honk honk-honk honk-honk he just tries to be like really gross really edgy he posts the most disgusting [ __ ] so if you guys don't know we used to have an NSFW discord channel where you guys would post bad things I got rid of that a long time ago did I realize that you guys are a bunch of complete [ __ ] degenerates and I've seen too many golf balls going in [ __ ] but anyway we got rid of that and he was the most disgusting person ever like every every time it was something from trit he was like well time to be scarred you know [Music] [Music] strip back yes trips in the channel yes [Music] two months from night seven five zero thank you so much [Music] [Music] okay not everything that Tritt did was bad but like crit is he said he's something else alright he's a different breed of human [Music] I like trip we kind of need some healthier I'd rather not die one small energy Thank You Jesus all right well hopefully we won't take too many hits yeah yeah exactly not everything is bad about him well [Music] [Music] [Music] not not sir it's not so much as miss as it is BOTS moon has the worst hitbox in this game it's terrible botwins hitbox like you could you could directly hit bottom in the head with a super and it won't count [Music] [Music] stop looking at Chad oats you look to food boots is looking at chairs coats you should focus why is that such a meme now I'll look at chat respond like a couple of things and you guys start yelling at me focus old this is how I focus is I read chat all right thing alone [Music] be supers more well seeing a month that's a ban our word alert our word alerts you're gone pal that's the that's the siren going off for the FBI coming to yo crib you're right Andre give me some supers here what what even is a drop rate of these skies I thought it was high his oats reading chat again he doesn't even care about speedrun last terrible luck nice drop right IDI do you know the drop rate of those things isn't it like at least 25 or 30 percent or something all right you guys can you guys can [ __ ] you guys can spam your favorite email it for the next couple minutes here until we're done yeah for supers yes super enjoy we're doing the action cam for hot action hot famous Andre GaN action [ __ ] yeah [Music] [Music] are you serious I keep getting sniped from the one on the right how [Music] [Music] [Music] Albert Alber just wants to see himself on the on the cam on the on the chat I know it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you sir may I have another [Music] terrible fight man absolutely terrible dragon was a [ __ ] the turrets kept sniping me from across the math on that right side crazy ball our sale 147 pays so my goal is 1 2 sub 1 450 so we're still in there oh stop cheating man I'm getting sick of this dude what's up dinner bites dynamite I can't remember diner with two ends or one end I can't [ __ ] remember my brains not work [Music] well thank you so much Oh oh is that what it is jerk thanks buddy next time next time hey what's up eyebrows a fire yeah you have to go out of bounds for it should be a one in four chance yeah I didn't get any out of all that song like come on come on I'm you tell ya if you guys aren't careful eyebrows that fires gonna hit you over the head with his wrench [Music] [Music] mixer better than twitch J some of the I'm gonna vomit and you should be ashamed of yourself the rolling green dragons it's four we have to kill all the mock roads and in order for that door up top top right to unlock I heard if you guys curse eyebrows a fire whenever he talks if you guys get a curse on him he he has to give up his wrench and the wrench is now yours I just hurt I don't know if it's true or not [Music] [Laughter] this is gonna be teasing you guys [Music] everybody's trying to curse him ever look look how silent the chat has become it's like you're all ready to strike [Music] pathetic I said I heard if they curse a staff member they get their wrench oh she played sarkoff yeah like tarkov a lot get Yas ooh god no [Music] nice try nerd that's so funny which is the second weight which is the best 2d Metroid well although in this one I mean this one is like so so far ahead it's not even funny you kept yourself found or bulleting good oh no I said I heard that it was it was a he was just a just a rumor I don't know to be honest I was hoping you guys would never be able to occur it's just a stupid thing we do I don't know by stupid I mean fun huh this is really bad really really bad maybe he's gifted us up to a browser fire thank you so much I don't wanna die thank you thank you thank you thank you hamburger thank you very much you dare Mock the curse how far behind about a minute I'd say Wow okay how many guys how many people are you guys in a curse we can bring it back though as long as this is really clean coming up all right action cam [Music] yeah I am because we rerouted a bunch of stuff so we had to get rid of those splits well my I was about to take up high jump boots for some dumb reason [ __ ] was that we'd only hit half of them god I hate when that happened that's it sometimes you'll shoot and it'll only hit half of the bugs somehow alright um where's your wrench it turns out that the lure was wrong and if you curse someone with a wrench you actually yourself are cursed until the day that you die I'm so sorry I didn't know okay I did fall there cuz I was reading chat you guys didn't yell at me now but we're good alright let's go alright [Music] why do you waste your life is playing his game over and over again it's like a job now and it's fun why do you waste your life sitting on twitch all day yelling at people not to play the game same game over and over well you yourself said on csgo all day or League of Legends see these people don't care because they're cool and they don't have social issues all these guys here are extreme mega Chad's alright these guys in here don't go a day without getting laid in that right chat see see what did I tell you anonymous Giffords gifted us up to Chad thank you welcome Chad welcome hey you somebody gifted us up to all of chat and that nice I grab these interviews I eat ass daily see look at all these Chad's and Todd's Giga Chad's we call them [Music] I feel like I've missed a lot of the chat [Music] [Music] see ya alright wing-dings we have a staff member in here we're trying to uphold respect all right see he's you know you guys are you guys are making me lose my front-page time [Music] all right is this what you want you think YouTube holds a higher standard just go read any comment on the on the bottom of the barrel on YouTube we're leagues above that sorry YouTube if this goes on YouTube I'm sorry but you know if you're the good one alright you know I'm talking about the bad eggs you end up in the speedrunni-- industry just speedrun is fun you think every speedrunner needs to be like some like nasty neck bearded I don't know actually oats yes it's about it's about to emerge right now once I do a trick here to get plasma beam eyebrows afire so we're skipping we've been skipping a spring ball normally we need spring ball to get plasma which is one which is a completely necessary or mandatory sorry think you're projecting a bit no me I just said you think every speedrunner looks like a you know greasy nerd or something how does that me projecting I mean I'm a little greasy but I fee know thank you so much for the 47 months 48 months what are you telling me you've been here for that long 48 months thank you thank you thank you thank you so much for the five years of subbing now for years sorry brain hurt [Music] six years six years sir [Music] cheater oats yeah oats you see that right there I can't wait for YouTube they're gonna timestamp this spot I really hate to call this out and oats was one of my favorite speedrunners for the longest time but at 1:13 40 he does it cheap [Music] okay so that's where the routes are about to converge here because normally we will pretty much after spin jump because then we go down and we do all of Lauren or Fair explain explain the trick or what oh yeah it does yeah so the way that works is you hold left hopefully Vivid's explain them it right now basically you damage boost twice the the crab does 120 so you need to be below 120 you take a hit you hold left you pause before you take a hit you're at zero the game doesn't realize that you're dead because you're pausing you turn on your autos you on pause the game goes oh you're at zero let's refill your reserves refill is your reserves you take another hit from the crab while still holding left and it gives you a secondary boost up on that ledge I mean why not you know it's it's free and it's not really it's a pretty cool trick so what you're telling me out is uh you uh you uh you cheated yeah yeah cheated please don't tell deerforce for Nintendo they're gonna come take my Nintendo license away Reggie's already been notified outs you think Reggie retired no he's knocking on doors now rather knocking down doors Reggie no all right we need to focus action focus can oh stop looking at [ __ ] okay I'm sorry I do need some merch I don't know we could just like whip an emote on there just throw my face on some merch [Music] yeah I forgot to turn speed booster back on thank you [Music] guys really want to walk around with a ghostly image of Pepe yeah-ha-ha-ha both reads this message hiza [Music] guys I'm being bullied can't believe this something notice sure we're a minute off our last run not the worst not the worst we still got this I'm just gonna keep actioncam on the entire time so we've got to focus here secretion weather gives it's up to the nota thank you so much secretion you're hacking into my mainframe that ain't good sure that went right through it Oates please I want Karen in the kids back if i PB Karen and the kids to come back well looks like I'm never getting them back haha Pepe laughs sweat drops [Music] [Music] all right so no save again save lists deathless attempts for sub 150 which means a lot of heartbreak so wish me luck probably actually going to this is really bad actually what just happened yeah we're good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you for the bits and everything in the recess appreciate it guys [Music] [Music] [Music] all right not too bad I still want to focus here because we can give it a really good time we can get a 128 hour 148 [Music] [Music] guys we died too we died to a mother brain last time we're on a really good pace okay so it's not guaranteed nothing's guaranteed [Music] I like tap the other direction on these it's kind of annoying you gotta like quick tap the other direction in order to like damage boots kind of when you're involved I'm an annoying room that's bad yeah wave gives you a five damage [Music] yep I need to remember I have one extra e tank because the flame does six so I need to drain one and you drain one e tank yeah you can remind me [Music] I'm still kind of like having chat-up I'm gonna put chat down during um some other branch side [Music] putting the hip come on Old Yeller I got something to show you in the back [Music] okay smilers [Music] [Music] the girl she tells you not to worry about Caleb smilers or the man the the man she tells you not to worry about the normal Caleb smilers and the green Caleb smilers screw is required to kill the Pirates which is required to get ice which is required to kill the Metroid's because power bombs do not work in this version [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um yeah I mean if that's actually a thing yeah I memed about it on Twitter being a fusion remake but that was like uh you know I have no clue I was just hoping that it would be a fusion sequel is when I was hoping not remake here I see [Music] that'd be super sweet ha ha ha I love if if Samus could be my Internet sweetheart smile blush all right Shelton here's the deal we've died to Mother Brain before on our last potential world record so I'm just saying Justin Bieber has the cheekbones of me what is he like [ __ ] 19 years old still permanently is there a vampire alright then just don't die oh it's what are you dumb God thinking my glasses running down my face okay so there's just kind of like an alternative if I don't feel like turning it on I'm just gonna stick with what I know for now it's a little bit scary to be honest drain etang drain a tank okay I'm draining them Jesus right now we have to refill we have to get the Metro at skip and refill it's not gonna be too much of a time loss so just don't miss the Metroid skip and we're good well 1 2 3 4 yeah I'm gonna I'm just gonna refill just to be safe because it'd be yeah this what I know I don't want to do quick math [Music] [Applause] I don't like mess ups and math or something so what I know is the flame does 6 e tanks and the bombs do 4 if I get hit by a bomb I get hit by one more bomb if I get hit by a flame I get hit by only 1 flame if I get hit by all the onion rings I'm good if I get hit by the French fry I'm good if I get hit by what else yeah so there's like I just know what I'm good with all right I need your focus because I could die here I don't want to die [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and then over yet [Applause] [Music] save the animals oats thank you for one hour bits Oh scary can't stop shaking uh-huh oh thank you so much for 69 bits [Music] [Music] big sock monster for the two gifted sup - magma nin and Haysom merr [Music] just so you know we can still die in the escape just saying we don't have to spring ball [Music] delicious yeah that was the scariest part oh my god we messed that up once we're like the fog [Music] guys I'm thinking I'm saving the animals I'm gonna do it [Music] I actually had time to say thank you so much for the subs this deserves way today the the ultimate achievement we skipped we we skipped the 149 never seen one never will [Music] holy gifted subs I'm gonna thank you guys afterwards it's okay I'm gonna thank you guys afterwards for everything I'm gonna go through every single one this is this is insane holy [ __ ] whoo all right [Music] that was wild that was wild all right so we have a tradition here whenever we PV we we do we play the guile theme [Music] [Music] thank you guys so much [Music] oh dude that was my piss bottle [ __ ] [Music] crazy [Music] yell we're about to hit a new sub hi by the way guys we're at twenty-three hundred and eighty-seven subs that's an that's actually an all-time record so thank you guys seriously so much we get a new email and like really soon [Music] thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you well yo is that Coke gaming [Music] wild wild wild wild oh boy alright so [ __ ] what a wild run that was we finally freaking got its oh all right [Music] 2,400 in 20 subscribers points that's the highest I've ever had and we have
Channel: Oatsngoats
Views: 116,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Agdq, games done quick, super metroid, super metroid impossible, cringe comp, deathless, awesome games done quick, world record, Speedrun, impossible, oatsngoats, twitch, twitch fails, live stream, highlight
Id: vw5GDG_zAG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 10sec (6850 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 23 2020
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