Super Metroid Crowd Control

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Thank You [ __ ] work I appreciate it oh those are cute effects split okay this is really weird dude i don't think i can speedrun super metroid after this oh this is actually perfect this is this is actually pretty cool overlay that's the layout so big Albert why you got a complain about everything dude why wait that is a little bit scuffed I got a yeah I probably didn't set the resolution correctly I think what happened is I know he gave me instructions chill I I did edit transform and that's stretched a four by three image [Music] [Music] yeah I know I followed the instructions it turned it four by two animations who scratched yeah I'm definitely like this I have an inverted controls and [Music] okay I really need this to happen Oh weather wait we're good wait wait once [Music] how long are mine controls invert it holy cow well naughty more than what my goodness my entire my d-pad is on my buttons okay let's fix this real quick though I need to like resets that's what it I need to do it in the browser source do you do it in the width and heights in browser source or do you do it in edit transform hey what's your what's your height we're still trying to iron out the kinks here guys but trust me this is perfect all right so but why is it not showing up right now where did it go in the shouldn't always show up okay ever good I think we're I think we've ironed out out of the kinks thanks guys thanks Jackie thanks Albert thanks Ryan has reached this Oh God oh there it is that looks good thank you okay [ __ ] work equipted x-ray and I keep getting a hug from the baby Metroid nice why is it so slow cuz the game thinks that to Metroid zombie right now [Music] moving surprisingly fast grabbing the metronomic it's kind of weird where am i maybe not you beat Ridley in the intro he almost drops the metro in behind him he got to hit him 100 times with your beam that's really hard oh goodness gracious [Music] yeah I think we're getting out of here yeah all right perfect thank you if you purchase bits if you still wonder what's going on we're doing crowd control click on the wrench icon on your screen and you can see what you can purchase with bits and a lot of fun you can mess with me live in game and the goal for me is to beat it live in game windows update about natty we're get we're cruising now we're we're okay this ain't looking so good what the hell did my brain jump down jump down I feel like I feel so helpless that's like a good Super Metroid player oh dear God that's shoot Dom tree feel like you're playing hi no this is worse than any of that his way for it to stop yeah but I can still make progress there we go everything's inverted we're good yeah I know we're gonna be saving everywhere [Music] this is so confusing my brain hurts how long does this last your god I don't even think I can where's my morph ball what happened to morph there we go oh that's cheating how was that we met earlier I don't know what you're talking about you scammed that's all you for scamming it who did that [ __ ] work orange that we're good again okay cool we have normal controls it's for seven dollars and fifty cents it's okay what the heck dude I hate this one oh great your god okay we're gonna we're gonna do this might not work too well what do you mean this is wonderful this is working great have you seen the have you seen the gone jump on dude okay we switched back have you seen the links to the past crowd control that can get sloppy why am i moving so weird what stock is gift enough to Jack Jack who thank you so much Woodstock and Jack welcome how appreciate it what stock ok I won't turn off I won't turn off my my my items if you take them away unequipped smock ball beard you expect me to walljump this or something okay we got it oh my goodness dude it keeps happening in between I think there's a problem with I think there's a problem with um jump in d-pad his D pads on my on my buttons and I can't jump when I let go okay that happens I guess when I let go there we go whoever thought that sea oats reduced to this what do you mean reduced in what way okay my d-pad is gone or my okay I've said I'll keep I'll keep an eye on that this isn't beta I remember guys so there could be some complications here and there [Music] oh yeah I still got a mod the what dude I'm about to just I'll wait till 1445 ok 1430 go through the hole I can't how are you what he's stopped no you don't have to kill me let me get let me make it to the safe station first and then you can kill me great [Music] it's really freaking weird our food [Music] what is it you were I'll just just wink okay now make sure we get you or what is there like Buffalo hot and spicy just wings buffalo buffalo mango habanero let's do a hot barbecue well I just tell me what is a traditional all right perfect demure evil chat let me make it to the save station thank you I saw that you prick now that five eyes purchased a bunch of coins he's probably just saving them who'd killed me let me see this the crowd god this is worse because I can't blame anybody when I see the crowd killed not pooling your money together you guys are like scrounging up your pocket change you're looking in the couch cushions I got 25 guys kill them I got 9 coins in the pool ok we're figuring this out figuring it out getting better we're becoming masters at this inverted stuff yeah I figured it out you're supposed to shoot okay change back okay all right just hold on don't do anything for the next like five minutes this is really weird everything okay not killing me no just wait is wait what where's my shoot I know I need these missiles the shoot would be down okay [Music] oh my god whenever I have like a bridge whenever have breathing room I'm so excited I'd seen like go as fast as I can thanks for the whole year three I appreciate it man thank you thank you I'm gonna get me shines far so it is shinespark all the way to the top oh and if you don't work because I have oh [ __ ] make it all fast okay dude why does it got to be on my pad dude he's coming [Music] you can't shoot up but you can is it quite you can but like you have to do it very weird like that none of this stuff all this stuff definitely needs to figured out a little bit the movement wise you can't like jump and press like when they're inverted on your buttons you can't jump and press an input at the same time I thought 750 was high I didn't want you guys to yell at me hey frase spirit are you doing I was in so far it's awful that's a good thing that's a it's working as intended ah quark stop buying coins dude that just gives me anxiety I'm looking I'm scanning for warp world bot I'm like oh [ __ ] dude a thousand wasn't enough and we need to go for we need to get there like as fast as there whoa okay we need to get there as efficiently as possible now at this point pock work has reached the 50k badge oh boy dude this is gonna mess up speedrunning so bad but it's okay we're kind of done with this game anyways other than maybe a little bit of any percent left and that's about it now we're gonna beat this in an hour and a half we got this dude five eyes you take my missiles away this is vanilla yeah how'd you do me dirty like that may be stuck in blue prints are for two hours no I think the minute is a without any percent I'm gonna be doing ocarina of time 1% I didn't cheat it was a minute five eyes got it he's already gone look already good stop it's probably the crowd isn't it no no it's [ __ ] work what you punished I'm supposed to turn it on let me get to the save station please I'm trying to like this is like a mental this is like mental gymnastics now what did well would take you looking for VIP you gotta we got a big progress your channel well [ __ ] you can't have that skill of me nope we need to get this stuff first I can't even get there why would you put the flash shoot at one cent that's a terrible by my aiming down it's because somebody inverted my stuff is no joke ooh I think you need to make it to where when this inverted you can press you need to be able to press multiple buttons at once you can't press you can't press like shoot in a direction for example you need to let go of jump before you move midair not amiss here with 69 thank you for gas with 32 ok I'm sure it's been brought up op taking my morph ball away let me let me live has it been a minute dude all you're doing when you do this is you're giving the crowd more time to pull up their money it's 4:45 ok has it been a minute now it's still it's still good I'll give you $1 worth or is it two dollars to be fair it's $2.00 I gotta wait for that thing to disappear on screen and when that disappears we can turn her back on 50 coins in the pool stop Shh let me at least save Oh looks like there's a Mach ball saved up oh that's nice or a morph ball save though dude all you're doing is letting people pull up their coins st. cool I can't do anything I just have to sit here nobody gave me morph oh hell yes we're fighting good with evil the reason I'm complaining is because I've already gotten morph ball like ten times I want to save and people are like putting quarters into the pool you know res world record I'll behemoth does currently I'm fourth place over fiends he beat my time by 40 seconds [ __ ] wrong one wrong door oh god that contact frickin costume he didn't it what am I thinking you that costed me going on the wrong one casa me I save they have all your bits for the okay that was fast who dies on the ship I guess I do um yeah because you can mess with my game live this game is hooked up to the interwebs through SD to SNES on console if you click on the wrench on your screen you can with bits purchase things to mess with me you can give me items you can take away items how come you guys haven't given me anything good yet what's up with that Oh like the kill the kills already at 600 of course it is a V hyper beam hey I got gravity Haley who give me gravity thanks 5 eyes it doesn't matter cuz I'm gonna die and it's gonna be unequipped anyways but thanks you give me x-ray scope that's super nice of you what can I jump now oh I can actually press two inputs now what that's weird how come what change you fix did you do a hotfix yeah I could press I could press inputs in the air where now when I normally couldn't yeah it was working there I might we'll see if it works once it happens again oh yeah I still got a I still got mod warp world bot thanks for to fitzy this is why sports will never hit the general public as hard as for instance soccer huh well you kids are spamming this chat is just ruining the whole experience for a grown man seriously grow up thank you that's 250 now that's like good man it's all good there's plenty of people here that wants to torment me so don't worry plenty of people we're cruising [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] saucy thanks for 16 months I appreciate that it's so close oh hobos oh thanks for seven months hobo sorry man I see kissing [Music] Oh what's up with two 45s it's uphill Oh chill thanks for 45 months I appreciate that so much dude hope you've been well I see like once every four months now dude my teacher said to my I'm a failure that I'll never amount to anything I scoffed at him shocked my teacher asked what's so funny my future is on the line well you see professor I say as the teacher prepares to laugh at my answer rebuttal and hey it works with gravity it's work fine with gravity not grasping the humor how I can't even understand its sheer nonsense subtlety well you see that's weird isn't it my god [Music] oh my guys I'm working so hard just let me get there [Music] [Music] I don't even care anymore I don't even care 100 from zavulon remember to save savings saving saves thank you we'll just come back here and save after we kill thank you for the 100 [Music] Thank You stranger for the hyper beam oh that's nice are we're gonna go back to the left and we're gonna say it [Music] maybe we can do this inverted let me take my morph ball away I got a press up if I can do this inverted I'm gonna be so happy I'm gonna press up on this [Music] I feel like I'm learning the game again for the first try for a son oh my god I had it that's right that's right dude it's [ __ ] it's inverted tell me some slack all right when I said I was going to the left that was a lie we were actually going to the right throw you off the scent rail hate crew thanks for six months I'm not going to call it I'm gonna die in something I don't have gravity anymore but it's inverted got a point actually we're all out of money I'd probably be pretty hard to do or incorporate flipped screen and stuff 250 yeah it snapped at me but there was this twinkle in his eye that I picked up on which said dude we're friends I'm doing this for appearances I am the big boss now and I have to seem like an ogre but you know me and you trust me and we like each other and we will always be friends and I would never take you for granted in a million years and I miss you man and I love you his words we should have guys what is this dude I wanted those missiles I will say before kraid kid [Music] gotcha not doing phantoon I mean what do you guys think you want me to do phantoon yeah I practiced last night for like five hours on a stream okay it's been a minute I got to turn this on I practiced last night off stream as well I'm over halfway done with the oot awkward has received how many coins did a [ __ ] work thank you so much for so many bits I know you're gonna be nice and merciful and you're gonna save those for Albert when he does this Oh does it not take away my e-tanks right now coins are transferred [Music] what I forgot though bad oats you are so bad at this game oops come on did somebody take away my yeah somebody took my [ __ ] dude we're taking that away next time no taking away my more fall I need this you think you're doing frog think so oh it's back philosophy booster gimme speed booster okay we're about to die again there's only one minute I need more do great vamp how are you the other death was from the fly the other slide bam thanks for 20 months appreciate that are you doing this laughs one-hit ko we're gonna beat this in two hours okay what's on what the hell is the pool or the cue on the top right is that for a death I saw that I had flash suits on the actual screen I can turn my stuff back on god damn it oh it's because it's unequipped when I save that's what happened I see X rate is cued up X ray that's very nice I'm so glad oh I have an X ray wheat thanks guys ah the chat killed me my game is hooked up to the interwebs and I can discover those as hard-to-reach secrets guys I'm just gonna be real with you I don't need x-ray I'll use bits in order to like give me items kill me good it count we got it it counted reven hit save it saves oh you're so sure oh now get destroyed this is what happens thank you Ray Smith for for oh god everything's inverted this is really hard gonna down back up now maybe a little bit careful here I killed them we're gonna kill them and leave their items there I stay there for good testing new strats yep I'm testing the get hyper beam strat yeah we can't even get across a new bridge oh we could have [Music] what's going on right now why am I looking like this yeah I'm new to the game yeah what happened was this a good idea no it was the worst idea ever I don't have shinespark and I can't even shinespark I only have one health because I'm one I wanted one ATM I did have shinespark but I didn't know it I finally get across actually no I didn't even make it across you fixed my suits thank you why I gotta kill me in the save station that's just rude oh he's earned the 10k badge dude thank you so much for the bits I do appreciate it I'm stocky I know but he's got to get his money with money's worth so we gotta wait till disappears we got x-ray I know I'm not fighting sports fun cuz you guys gonna like invert everything you're gonna put me at one-hit ko I'm gonna having a hard enough time with with the golden floor an hour just let me live let me get to where I need to go first and then you can kill me oh dear God I'm staying in morph so you can't do it throw the door if I stand more if you can't take more of away from me [Music] [ __ ] god damn I should bombed up here almost done and you take away bombs too so I can't even do that click on the wrench on-screen dude oh my goodness gracious I okay we're good bombs good it's ours [Music] all right we're seeing a bomb the entire time morph move on equip bombs well joke's on you oh no oh stop killing me maybe it was my fault it wasn't a one-hit ko was just a straight-up death I have the feet open and I'm taking notes eternal has gifted 5/5 subs to the channel thank you so much a turtle appreciate that greatly [Music] and welcome to the go pen everybody to Tonya's hijack me quick my trainer around poohbear just with seeds eleven hundred points whoo 50 from Cochran thank you [Music] uh-uh this is Lyle Ebert Hale its first time here substrains eum's cool wait how does it work if you sent a hug from the baby Metroid but as it still is it's still good oh yeah okay it transfers over I'll take a hug the hog is fine I like the hug I get to like think about what I'm doing and take my sweet sweet time like it's like taking the backroads instead of the interstate you know just got to see so much more pay attention to detail away from me don't get the hang of it a little bit but it's a freaking weird man who keeps taking away my morph five eyes they do have a rant oh yeah tried to help me what do you mean they put this over here so I can see firsthand who's doing [Music] good yeah I mean I can see it I just have my stream I don't care to like look in the past logs for like oh who killed me 30 minutes ago we're gonna make it we're gonna make it to Craig what's going on is if you click on the wrench you can see a bunch of random items in like prices they're like numbers but you can spend that many bits to mess with me the Ryan's got the right idea he's trying to mess with me mentally like deep down waiting for me to make progress and then he snaps all right might need another cup of coffee here now I'm not boiling I'm having a great time the timer stopped it did stop why did the timer stop I'm drinking coffee out of a straw because I've Invisalign and the dentist told me to I've known aids to oats for eight years you are definitely upset I'm doing my revision so I'm done technically but I have like revisions probably like two months which is like touching them up so like perfect in the end or whatever and then I'm all good well maybe it's entertaining for some people you never know maybe it's entertaining for the people that are killing me that very much is your prices are [ __ ] how are they [ __ ] by vice hell yeah duh capito hey pedal the crowd way too high I've already died like 30 times that's not too high I'm not changing it I'm not changing it that means I'm just if I change the prices that means I'm gonna die let's say I lower the prices that means I'm just gonna die 50 times instead of 20 times yeah I made it I kept everything default because this is the first time ever doing this I don't know this is like a test this is in beta as well so [Music] how does it work so my my console is hooked up to the internet it's hooked up to a application called crowd control and you can click on the wrench on your screen and then with bits you can you can affect my game like live as I'm playing it on my CRT TV coulda gotten high John but you do that snake yeah this is aa SC to SNES I don't give me five missiles that's a hundred points to give me 100 coins to give me like a missile upgrade if you always want to give me five missiles that's just five cents [Music] yeah I need be careful I think it's not like I can save a lord chill Lester crowd control no let me get varriya first and then kill me guys why when a woman gets a vibrator it's a bit of naughty fun but when a guy orders a 200 for lunch mask you throw 5000 blowup latex doll with six-speed pulsating asterisk asterisk estrus elasticized anus with non drip semen collection tray together with optional built-in realistic orgasm scream surround sound system he's called a pervert it destroyed five eyes I still saved thank you so much for 250 yeah laggy you're just slow to pull the trigger I'm already saved boys I'm good I'm good to go wait is it softlocked if you seriously [ __ ] softlock me you've got to be [ __ ] I saved it has zero health nobody needs to get me health I need to start over now this isn't gonna work he didn't know what he was doing squawk see I'm not gonna give him that one I can't I have to rewatch the and you send me you gotta send it to me like right now it's not gonna work yeah let's start over everyone blame five eyes the hell am i doing [Music] don't laugh everyone blame five eyes activity the galaxy deep red suit thanks for five I'm gonna make another cup of coffee yeah praise Christ babies stop all effects I saved with zero that's the problem I'm almost positive I saved with zero I don't think that's going to work yeah wait so it will work let's see here like for sure [Music] [Music] let me just get this file let me reset hold on oh god dude you guys gonna blow my yeah my SD to SNES alright so I'm gonna open this I'm gonna stop all [Music] yeah we should probably say it again thank you phrase spirit very very good troubleshooting oh that's too bad isn't it five eyes he didn't even win what a loser when I complete utter loser am still wasted time you're not a loser five eyes oh yeah let's start it up we'll just add an hour and 15 you need to start over yeah I don't think so he's gonna take long enough as it is thank you guys if you've given me if you've given or purchased coins thank you very much I appreciate you all I can't thank every one of you for purchasing cos kind of hard to see but I really do appreciate it thank you so much [Music] [Music] [Music] these change angles or what I'm no no get his high-maintenance let me sit like this you can see the TV now I'll be all right [Music] point it crotch out I notice a little high-maintenance but can you please just pointed at your crotch I don't care oh my god I just zing that's a little too high-maintenance I don't know I don't really care doc work I'm so sorry [Music] well is that correct I'm not gonna change the camera angle for him because he thinks I'm hotter from one side I don't care get over it say it's a package deal like I was still like a rainbow like how do you even want me to sit isn't this how you want me to sit like this or like the other way I have no idea this is how you thank him oh dear God just don't burn my [ __ ] and then we're good it is I don't even know you want ranch is fine that's really cruel [ __ ] fre back [Music] what are you come back we're saying you guys are like fighting against the game hold on look at all these things queued up all mine I was like wait where am i right now I couldn't remember I saved hey can we do this we got to like wall jump opposite Nev spin jump this is really hard [Music] choose so let's jump I can't even I can't but I can try I try to kill these guys gap I didn't me to reset the timer I did Alcatraz with inverted controls I'm glad to be in the other 1% we're good we got this nobody gave me grapple Oh God hi vivid ah just let me grab speed booster real quick guys let's go on Oats idiot we can do this use your brain everything's inverted this is really hard as your Friday it's great I thought it was Thursday when I woke up but Brad is cool too Saturday what Resident Evil 4 was a lot of fun ah I'm gonna go make some coffee guys gonna be a long night thanks to the five bits it works that's really dirty takeaway that's like super dirty cuz you're you're saving there's a little bit cheaper yeah that's super dirty the dirtiest thing you've ever done are you so bad today I don't know man it might have something to do with constantly dying because of the chat I might have something to do with it I was gonna say your mom but I was like dude I don't want to hug right now and I'm trying to make it to the save station let me save with speed booster I'd be so grateful he's so very very grateful thank you guys I'm very grateful yeah I know I don't even have speed booster taken away from me this can't be bad yes yeah just got wait how long is the baby Metroid huh give me I need get back up here and get wave no need way but I kind of really want wave [Music] spacejaaam I don't know let me see what I have the speed boosts are good now somebody gotta collect it for a minute if you guys are wonder what's going on and you're like hey how do I mess with oats click on the wrench icon on your screen on stream and you can see a list so if something says like 200 bits 200 for example that's 200 bits [Music] [Music] a fairy said what does only works for the desktop version it works for the mobile version as well [Music] unless I had my stream open earlier and I clicked on the it gave me the option to click on it and like I all works on iOS okay it definitely works I got it to work but I didn't I don't know what are you wearing down below close dance underwear okay so no I Drive from Adobe [Music] No [Music] [Music] I got lice the hell's going on here [Music] that shinesparking sand that's like you don't even move I should I don't know how it affects it I've never done in slo-mo and saying I'm sure it's something really bad yeah we can do will do another randomizer we'll do a randomizer crowd control in the future going on this is a super metroid crowd control so the crowd can pay with bits to affect my game my live game like kill me yeah stuff like that a lot of fun give me hyper beam I'm a hyper beam go Oh somebody disabled it right away not very nice I have no idea how the boss thing works what about gravity cuz somebody gave me gravity this is permanent [Music] hey thanks squirt sale how am I supposed to do this without ice well that's cool whoa I'm yellow but what is that even why does that happen saved as yellow might go away once I shine spark I got the mustard suit you know end up hyper beam might make sense your favorite kind of mustard so I think you're just classic maybe good Dijon I'm really just a fan of like the the mustard that you just put on hot dogs like your basic mustard this is like zip he's got some zip to it but anyways now I'm hungry yeah I'll be getting a haircut like an actual haircut here at some point then I'm gonna keep the top pretty long and I'm gonna shape the sides about it like do whatever I can look like a big old Gator boy that's you later boy I don't know I see the haircut oh you what I hate when I bite my tongue or like when you bite your lip once you constantly keep biting your lip because it gets swollen that's the worst there'll be plenty of times in shrines barking don't worry Oh what's going on I was all weird oh dear God why invert I think that's what people want because hyperbeam a whole select Oh but it's holding select dude it's weird what [Music] now giving him health I see his color-changing oh my god he's green [Music] we were so close seriously we were so close heal me I need some healing dude that's so that's so cheap one-hit ko hog you who invert it oh yeah we're dead I can't aim up and shoot some dude this is the problem that we can't aim up and shoot at the same time [Music] yeah I mean I couldn't go but I got a little goes against when I'm like trying to do God God yeah heal him back up then he comes back to life hey thanks necro you're awesome dude what's going on with that dude I swear to God next time we play this game Kayla's gonna be fifty bucks the what's going on with the map take a look here all right house ministry oh it's already at 350 that's freaking awesome dude [Music] I mean either way I guess the ship would give me some health but bucket there's the other oh [ __ ] they make it guys how many times you don't want to watch Fantine died that was only the first one so I'll give you that it's okay there's no way they can have that much more money there a limit now what this will go in guess we'll go on in I'll die in one hit here I think I'm a master just great the screen sometimes like shakes and stops I get nervous I don't know what's happening what happened one hit ko I will not bust out my shoulders that happens when you're mid shot whoa insta-kill is a pretty good bargain I'm bumping that [ __ ] up to 50 bucks next time I play this game there's no way I'm gonna die this many times next time I play too many I'll do a randomizer I don't know how this is gonna work with I don't know the timing here nevermind my hyper beam oh no I threw me off [Music] how do I do that do I have to stop it or what you coming out with oats and goats mice we will at some point oh it's a browser source I guess I should be okay the master but you don't want me looking at my monitor [ __ ] work sorry man [Music] about half the money no twitch does not get half the money crowd control gets a certain percentage I came here what to take 820 yeah pretty good which gets like yeah what do you get you get the constantly torture me what do you want a prize let's send you a gold medal we could do that actually give me a lot of bits I think you'd at least deserve a small gold I'll take it all right I'll see what I can do [Music] [Music] [Music] wasn't enough [Music] or does it go on a minute can I even I can't open the door to the glitch the glitch controls an angle I guess you know no ice okay I can't angle and shoot no no we can't hang glashütte you just you have to use angles OC - Caleb dying on assault which yeah he straight-up died cry hold on we have to yeah we have to use angles for this to work that doesn't work no it is working with gravity this is weird [Music] [Music] what am i doing that proto okay you bosses them up two hours actually have that the t-word oats you thought it thanks for the 100 ooh 500 as randomly have friggin shine spark I don't want some coffee but I don't want to leave before I save once I save I'm gonna grab some coffee cheston's cobia agua sm7b thank you so much for the five months appreciate that be shure sm7b pretty nice i'll Burt that's pretty rude but I didn't even need the gravity suit what am I wasting my time for had my first time running sure is all right I'll be right back I'm not gonna be copy before I say that's a terrible terrible idea I'm I'll be right back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that was going on in here why my dad why you guys putting come on Breslin nobody's said anything shut up why are you killing me I just got bad I grabbed the beer because Friday night I'll have one beer I've been having like one beer we saw your discord oh it's is over Oh I had coffee too what the [ __ ] how much did you pull up what is this and we're good I come back it'll just die like 10 times you know I'm just having an IPA Friday night we can have some IPA some crowd control so what's next chat on must be me yeah in the hair flip all perfect where's my speed booster very technique baby dude just face the other way you [ __ ] what do you mean face the other way you want me to like are you saying you wanted like see this side of my face instead of this side of my face what the [ __ ] turn around my monitor is right here what do you want me to do this mirror the webcam you want me to you want my webcam to be facing the game that's it or do you want to see this side of my face instead of this side I have no idea what you're ever talking about when you say that select in invert this system in turn I have no idea what you're talking about Dominus see you want to see the left or right of me you ain't gonna get it assigned changing my webcam position up give me shines but they kind of like spook me every time it happens I'm like what's happening it has a portal a little portable vape maybe I do have a portable vape what do you think I just went and did IndyCars sativa drugs are bad both hybrid your premium snapchat you ain't get it all right we're making our way to meridia beat her armpits flip horizontally no [ __ ] works talking with some mouse this looks so much different is this what you wanted it doesn't make any sense this seems so wrong to me ah Lippitt vertically all I did was flip myself invert the system what the hell do you mean invert the system I don't you mean by that my other side looks better what do you mean my other side the other side of my face you guys are freaking me out just this is what you get I feel like I'm gonna change this back this is creeping me out when I see you why don't we just invert the entire layout tomorrow oh yes hey thanks for the 500 coins neck room what do you use those for ya and vert the layout so that my webcams on the other side which means I'm facing the gameplay Oh Watson my hair changes that's what you mean by that okay what a beautiful name stinky queef [Music] that's really rare for that hole I'm pretty sure Bob left [Music] we're turning the camera what's wrong with this you guys don't like this I think I look all right it's a little bit weird I'm not used to it sure what do you mean it's giving me giving you nightmares me Oh [Music] and please everybody okay I'm no mic wait so a mirrored image of me this is how I see myself in the mirror isn't it weird I think so when I look at myself this is how I see myself I think that's how it works wait [Music] oh oh I hate oh she cheated but cam mirrored oats will you Ellie's mirror your foot cam is it back to normal now [Music] the hyper beam speed runs like 20 minutes [Music] [Music] what the [ __ ] you tried to play me but it didn't work yeah that was sick let me live for that love our Pru thanks for 20 months I appreciate it let me live for that okay where the hell's my spin you guys take it away do I have to like obey the orders here on equipped space jump now we can jump now actually [Music] yeah that was sick did somebody clipped that well people were complaining because they said Oh oats flip your webcam and I said what are you even talking about I faced the game I guess this just looks so much better you said it constantly but did we kill oh yeah we're good this looks so much better I'm so used to this even though the other ones mirrored so I should be used to the other one more because it's like I think if it's mirrored that's the way you see yourself in the mirror so you're like more accustomed for that oh cool thanks guys [Music] Oates we've flipped the game vertically I don't really like this [Music] I don't really care I'm like comfortable with any yeah oats flip the game man come on I know plasma because I'm worried that I'm gonna die before I make its plasma hey thanks for the cr1 I change the game to lesser guys I'm not gonna change anything [Music] we die in one hit yeah we do Mota Hayes's no I love you off in the bottom of my heart up to you are be like toys Samus little legs aren't so fast guys I'm not flipping [ __ ] this is the way it's gonna be the way you're gonna see my face the rest night oh my god like a slingshot [Music] I'm gonna flip the game no crab fine you guys asked for it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah I turned it back on from 401k info sometime what do you mean actually in the process of setting up a retirement plan I will flip it back it's making me sick you're sick I'm not I feel pretty good right now [Music] which does not do 401k I'm just setting up my own shed and then like investment stuff I'm sure I don't have a fever thank you so much now it looks backwards change it back yeah IRS which falls them at the category of retirement yes an IPA [Music] yeah let me invert every other six Allah Allah guys it's gonna be a few few years [Music] guys I'm fine I feel fantastic [Music] how come you guys always think I'm either high or sick like either wise either one oats are you blaze right now dude no you must be sick then no stop Dart are you taking away my super missiles Oh [Applause] oh dude no don't ever do this guys I need help I need help oh [ __ ] is going on [Applause] oh because you keep on equipping guys I keep on equip my charge beam I'm not gonna be able to do anything I just got to sit in here that's not very fun maybe it's fun for you [Music] what are you dead why are you running around like you're dead [Applause] it's charge being back yet does any help he apologize I'll have to though that's not gonna do [Music] [Applause] let's not [ __ ] work buy more bits and I was like yeah I wonder how far I'm gonna get God thank you [ __ ] work for the more bids dude that was a that was an epic battle you guys didn't kill me Andre gone though so it's okay I kind of expected I was like taco a tug of war man [Music] you why didn't you turn I mean I did win but then I lost in the end I won the fight but lost the war Jace sir thank you so much for the 5 105 gifted subs I appreciate that so much [Music] I like him to go pet unlucky Slevin Aaron gaming ice physics Catherine Mars and 50 keys [Music] oh my goodness inverted man you guys really like doing on fair things don't you all right oh my god it's so confusing what is it down wait no it's that what's good we're on the last boss Ridley [Music] I'm gonna since back to normal perhaps they shoot twice [Music] okay hi guys let's do this as a team and then let's save as a team oh great [ __ ] work bought another 500 that's going in the community pot [Music] are you guys buying so many coins [Music] yup here comes vivid bagging again a [ __ ] is going on oh yeah hyperbeam because this is called crown control though what happens is you can purchase coins you can click on the wrench oh great there's Vivat he's about to kill me this is predictable watch yeah I know I'm about to die if I did the crowd didn't kill me if it would have killed me because he purchased those coins specifically to kill me before I reach the safe um thank you for the coins though I do appreciate it guys very much now what you can do is you can purchase coins and you can but you can use bits to purchase coins to mess with me live on my like CRT TV now I'm playing this like on console [Music] I mean the people that are killing me are loving it so is what it is um I get 80% because they take a cut for the extension yeah its PBM but CRT is easier to explain to the masses if people are trying to figure it out you know [Music] yeah of course vivid yeah because I look over you're like kill out and then I see of if it's purchased 1100 oh my god I'm like yep what everyone I wonder what he wants to use those for my controller [Music] are you guys giving me I can't spin because the controllers are the controls are messed up can't so I can't screw tag and you take away my oldies why would you do this to me alright like dead there's no possible way I'm like squirming on the ground for my last hope I'm like trying to figure out how to run the controls and then you just kill me it's like putting up it's like putting an animal out of its misery now it's okay they can keep torturing me cuz I really am grateful for the bits guys thank you I'm not complaining anyway I do get frustrated but like that's the whole point right all fun and games I'm coming I've known you for ten years okay okay we're good now no I'm not gonna do that anything I'm gonna raise it to $10 [Music] if I do this again on rent with a randomizer I'm raising that [ __ ] I don't want I don't want to keep constantly dying [Music] I didn't really think that's one through I forgot that I go at this [ __ ] I'll say I'm just gonna shine spark across it's gonna be nice and smooth oh yeah we got about that you guys are killing me before I'm even getting there now dude nest roid is its own crowd control you don't need crowd control for that you know the game is insane insanely big dumb how'd I hate nest roid know much well very much I have three left you gotta take away my only three that's gonna be life with that they're not staying away charge [Music] cool I got ten who gave me ten oh yeah we can bring charge back oh it's not even it oh that makes sense oh dear God dude okay use your brain you gotta think fast like really fast [Applause] everything's inverted [Applause] [Music] and now you take away charge for me I'm inverted sweating and you take away my only thing I can't spin it you can't spin so weird sometimes the trolls are a little bit unwanted guys I need super missiles [Music] charts good good fruit sack is my only like saving grace this is the hardest because I'm like them now I really can't move can't jump at the same time when I'm moving caught that's really bad man whatever our jump that happens the sama stops moving hello what's the right yeah I can't I can't jump and move at the same time when it's like glitched out but it's in beta it's okay as well we're testing it no there's a glitch tor you can't um you can't press left or right and jump at the same time like if you're if you're moving left or right you can't you can't jump it just stops you mid tracks litter like a problem with like how the game does the inverted inputs like it's not allowing you to press more than one button at once or some weird [ __ ] I don't know all right though it adds [Music] I'm gonna drink I should really just be drinking vodka because I'm trying to like keep down on my calories this beer is probably like 500 calories you instantly take away my supers who did it we're tail you're on a list guy super missiles are so we gotta back squirt they'll give them back I don't have any Red Bull if I had any red ball I make myself a grande Blue Bear those are pretty good I drink like four or five of those no I probably had like two or three of those and I had a the diddy colada I called I called it a Diddy koalas [Music] you do that you're dead yeah but you the percentage is higher or volume probably not don't do it let me let me save you can torment me at Mother Brain I mean it's up to you it ain't cheap up to you we've already fought really multiple times [Music] it definitely does not give you the same effect okay [Music] I've never done that in my life but I've had plenty of Red Bull vodkas [Music] I've ever done steroids no I'll ever do steroids they kind of scare me I'm kind of a hypochondriac when it comes to my heart and that [ __ ] will really not be good on your heart if it was like perfect perfect to use I probably think about it okay I know Red Bull vodkas not good in your heart either but I don't drink that many Red Bull vodkas a day just one of my go-to drinks when I'm like out out I need like energy you know the hardest part for me when I'm drinking with friends is like I get really tired so that's why I kind of gravitate towards caffeine too my drinks thanks for the shinespark guys [Music] I was at a fun fact Remy [Music] oh yeah I did skip the save it's fine we only see it's only like 20 seconds that's it not a big deal I'm just having like a beer where's I have coffee here - I'm gonna drink the coffee after the week I just felt like there's beer in the fridge and they're like drinking up so I'm like all right I see you on equip my morph ball unfortunately for you that's not gonna do much for em all right wrong way yeah it is it's not bad I was thinking I was like where do I need morph that's like the only spot how does it feel knowing you've bankrupted me dude I'm sorry I'm sorry I appreciate everything seriously guys I'm gonna thank the top ten cheers after this cuz that's all I have is on a list that's not bad it's a good idea 20 times well fight Mother Brain once all the I jump I cuz you jump okay I get it you jump as high as like you're moving like normally like you're normally jumped but you're hardly moving [Music] you like Gary direct you do actually spend a [ __ ] I'm pretty sure actually no no no does that work it should give you bit badge almost positive because I can see how much bits it's a necro yeah Necker was given almost fifty dollars of bits thinking that grew yeah you're bad just for it yeah you're not quite there yet what a spot to kill me huh thanks Scott who did it Babylon [Music] dude I don't think it would be possible it's love owed me we're gonna be finding out no we had to reset the timer at an hour and 15 we have to add an hour and 15 scared god damn it guys I couldn't I could have went and got some power bombs God takes a wild to him in there where's the last one there is way I guess it reads I thought we had a enable things I guess not [Music] wha-ha-ha heed that oh do I need to scroll through IRL to find you a girlfriend again yeah go find me a girlfriend vivid thanks man put in my resume for me no no one [Music] because crowd its crowd control right now and everyone why is the tank like this this is really weird you guys do something to the tank are you guys like ad and health some other brain what is that trying to figure out why mother brain was messed up though Oh cuz the baby Metroid maybe uh dude you give me a hug and I'm really bad oh [ __ ] I would die [Music] [Music] how long does this last a minute what am I supposed to do you guess what we just died okay fine I'll die maybe I won't die hold on dude there's another one-hit ko lined up in [ __ ] body we stop dude oh my god that was weird for a second there I have a one-hit ko oh [ __ ] where the hell's her attack I gotta turn screwattack off but he only I groan him see screw attack I didn't know I had like had permanent screw attack oh so it's like this this is really weird was it like this for you Albert because no one's like doing anything it's weird that the sprite has changed thank you vivid for the gifts that said the smooth appreciate that man thanks I don't know why your ass is bloody zavulon is bought and okay I seriously got to thank you guys after this you've purchased you've given a hundred ten K bits thank you so much does that belong there's a lot of people kind of thing after this once we're done it could be like thirty minutes once we're done I'll think I'll thank everyone that I can with the information that I have and then we'll do I will do something else out [Music] [Music] [Music] extra the beam is really weird it is equipped okay's that re equips now I don't know what what what [Music] [Music] no charge is not long [Music] [Music] I removed it because people would just like they really stupid [ __ ] and just banned themselves though it was really annoying [Music] about I don't want people to band themselves for an hour on accident either isn't there like whisper and me hey I didn't know [Music] you wanna cook plasma beam I don't have plasma beam no we save the animals are not [Music] [Music] well then we're gonna be streaming for a while I'm not going to stop stream in cell expansion well weird be playing something else after this they use Avalon for 219 bits I appreciate it man and thank you for all the other bits hello I'm a female make sure to add me on Instagram I really you snapchat me you can have me on that I don't know [Music] why are you evil jump is you invert my controls and one-hit ko me I'm focused I gotta wait for the one-hit ko to go away though I spent all that hard focus no you must die okay fine there's your one-hit ko well as my health solo what are you guys doing to me got really why are there six typer beans is that like the pool what is that on the top right vivid just received 500 cold [Music] No [Music] [Music] doesn't bird my controllers I'm good I have I have I preserve [Music] hmm okay [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah I can die right now you can die anywhere guys remember if you if you don't use all your coins today we'll do another one probably in like a week or two [Music] that's better than that vivid chat would never kill me okay maybe but these races are really because this just dictates it's not it's not even a race I'm I could just constantly you've given you like one a chaos but it's not a race then it's just like you're both doing one just for the sake of doing I mean we could we could do one together right from the beginning this is gonna be really hard I don't know we're gonna make this action why invert the jump would be on the last up opposite down this is so you guys are evil you don't even give me the chance you don't give me the chance he's gonna burn my controls at this point but there's no way this is gonna work come on this is gonna be a really close Oh God what it inverted that it like on herded on invert zammis I can't even shoot is the way the man I can't even wall jump because of the way this it's glitch glitch let's see with my speed booster 2 it's village but not only that you guys take away all my [ __ ] is [ __ ] the place yes impossible you guys take away my speed booster I'm a little bit annoyed obviously I'm grateful three guys but pretty annoyed still inverted alright down back this oh yeah can I hurry it up I gotta go to bed Oates okay I was you know at the last room and then people invert my [ __ ] okay I said I'm still still great no that was the last room who he didn't have time to save me why this is like really bad when you can't attack mother brain then she just come bar to with [ __ ] [Music] [Music] actually you can keep her back of your shoes oh that's interesting yeah thanks man okay [Music] [Music] [Music] oh it's will you finish I'm trying to go to sleep man kills me oats come on man finish oh we will I'll run out of money eventually [Music] think this is the time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] selling your car for 20k so be here as long as it takes [Music] oh man I got people all right that beers done may as well have some more coffee now [Music] um I've enough reserves to wear wouldn't kill me now be a better way to kill me you could take off reserves this is the host you'll soon make you feel powerless to an extent [Music] [Music] [Applause] we'll see how it goes they got a health buff wait why don't mother and I so fast [Music] got it [Music] thank you for the nine months [Music] Oh thank you mama bear for two months appreciate it I wanna pull the plug I wanna pull the plug at the very end they don't have infinite money nice for 100 mama bear appreciate that credit limit is that 1.5 K we're gonna have a long night then no I know [Music] [Music] mber I'm going to be doing another one in the future a randomizer that mine [Music] [Music] [Music] not I'm not tweaking the prize they'll kill other than tired I'm sick of just just dying and then you have to go back to the last save I'm about to make it to a save just dead [Music] [Music] I could lower everything except in until instant killing 180km other than that no I'm not I'm not changing this other than instant kill on this game is really the [ __ ] instant kill on this game is really really bad because it can put you back like 20 minutes it's not more depending on like [Music] why what do you mean don't hate me are you just gonna kill me here's the one-hit ko [Music] [Music] told you we finish I told you we'd finish I knew they'd run out of money thank you thank you guys we did it we finished the crowd control this how many other people have done these not the first one to finish this am i okay I got a lot of people to thank so I'm gonna thank the top ten there's a lot of people like gifted or gave 2,500 or less thank you guys seriously so much I appreciate you we got lumen Chrysler with 2500 bits thank you so much vivid with four thousand bits Thank You vivid eternal September with 40 to 50 bits thank you necro gaming with five thousand six hundred bits Squared's head with five thousand six hundred bits [Music] um five eyes were 6760 one bit thank you five eyes knew me with 7,000 this is this is a whole week - this isn't just a day but I'm just thanking you guys like a top 10 Babylon with ten thousand four hundred nineteen thank you very much Rhine Dimmick thank you for fifteen thousand two hundred then a three my eyes are bad 15300 thank you so much thank you thank you thank you [ __ ] work mr. [ __ ] work with twenty three thousand two hundred ninety two bits thank you though very much we did it [Music] we did it we did it Oh Oh again no we'll do another one like in a week or two probably a couple weeks I need like a good couple weeks to refresh myself awesome just like oh my god like a good couple weeks we're gonna do a randomized our next nice thanks a lot of coins purchased and that is a lot of little coins purchased then holy [ __ ] yeah seriously thank you guys so much boof okay I feel better now I feel better that we finished that
Channel: Oatsngoats
Views: 50,978
Rating: 4.8530884 out of 5
Keywords: Super Metroid, Speedrun, Twitch, oatsngoats, crowdcontrol, live, twitchfails
Id: 9SpLERjGl9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 225min 15sec (13515 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2019
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