HOTLANDS | Romhack Competition 2021

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let us let us iceberg let us begin with super metroid hotlands my hands are extremely cold so we'll see how this starts off [Music] the galactic federation has hired me to take down a space pirate mining operation on the planet vulcan they have found a huge deposit of the powerful material chordite which they may use to attack galactic civilization [Music] knave given my knack for blowing up planets i was the perfect candidate for this job the pirates mining uh has weakened the core of the planet giving me the perfect opportunity to infiltrate their facilities and destroy them [Music] am i having deja vu i felt like this is the text for another pack as well probably not but planet vulcan is a class 13 wasteland and its lack of intelligent life has given the federation no qualms about blowing it up [Music] this is a dream okay i must now carefully make my descent into the core damn this is kind of exciting already [Music] my hands are cold norfair music all right now there was other music but it had to be taken out because of copyright issues so [Music] let us begin so surface uh the hud is the same and it looks like so far hopefully we have a functioning map you hear reverb from me there'll be some custom music okay yeah no that's that's fine i i like i said the the music portion isn't a lot of points but you're still gonna get like the max because you did custom music and it had to be taken out you know [Music] can you hear the game twice or something i'm crying we're good [Music] okay i'm not hearing anything on my headphones [Music] uh so far i love the contrast of colors it's super nice on the eyes it's like the the dark landscape with like the the red background with the brighter red lava looks awesome yeah visually so far i mean we just started but it's uh it's very nice let's stay out here [Music] no i'm not taking that risk [Music] [Music] this is sniped me dude [Music] uh view thank you very much for the host uh retro thanks for the tier one okay yeah i don't know why there would be reverb on anything [Music] i don't know what to tell you anyways [Music] oh wait a minute [Music] yeah you are here reverb test test i'll explain some things okay no no no no um sometimes the mixer will be kind of weird with like my piano setup nothing changed um well the people that were here in reverb just i'll ask them because it should uh it should have it should have fixed anything that was wrong okay so that was super to the right of wait was that crazy to the rate of safe station yeah yeah i could do that um over here was danger missiles okay i can maybe did i check to the right of the ship let's just try this one i'm saved i'm good let's just explore some room see what i can get to i thought i was dead for sure i was just taking the risk yeah yeah i fixed that fx sorry like i said sometimes there's an issue with my piano setup like doubles up the audio for some reason on my capture well it looks like we went the right way [Music] [Music] yeah that's fine chad that's fine because you guys do that to me so it's only fair not yet let me enjoy like the little bit of the hack first and then you can all be [ __ ] [Music] [Music] i don't hate you that much oh come on [Music] oh three uh thanks very much for the bits okay yeah i um i really like the the contrast it's it's pretty cool so far on this first area okay now i can go i think there's a one area in like the parlor room yes it looks like a very full functioning very solid so far back [Music] um this kills these things right yeah i just want to save because i don't know like what kind of difficulty i'm dealing with here in this [Music] um i know to the right i want to check on what's to the left first i bet you i need bombs i bet to the left is an item that requires bombs just calling it now but that is from my my bias from the original game even though that door that i'm thinking of is not a missile door nope map all right i'll tell you i'm confused why is that still circle just uh not crazy do i forget how it uh how it works yeah fully functioning map nice i want to try to um stop looking at the map so often in these hacks yeah i guess circles are major could be okay missiles morph cool all right good thing i checked these [Music] is that borgian thanks for giving some their backside of that now okay it's just a one-way super missile's down there these hacks are not released until the contest is done [Music] all right we're making very good progress the flow of this feels like really natural and good um do not have bombs yet that's correct where was that area there was an area to the right that required me to um grapple and i said nah i need to find out oh they're already on there the ones that i've played okay yeah i figured there's um there's some polishing i think and i'm saving all my critiques um in my notes until after i think this is it until after everything's done that i'm gonna like release or i'll like give critiques or like the ratings i guess so if people want to like adjust things or not not saying anyone has to adjust anything based on what i say on on a hack because i am nowhere near the um you know i'm not the purveyor of uh what a rom act should look like you know or like uh game design but all right yeah this is uh very very good so far the the progression feels like supernatural and it seems like it's guiding you in like a good good fashion okay cool i don't like this but i also see an item okay hell yeah is replay value no um theme creativity flow sound design and fun um i will say sound design is the lowest scoring thing so basically did you do anything custom with the sounds um yes okay you get [Music] the very minimal uh uh point extra boost whatever you want to call it from that because i know sound design can be tough but i also want to reward people for trying to put extra work into it um but it's um i wouldn't do that because it depends i don't think all all mechanic changes are good so that kind of just correlates with the fun and the flow because if you have some weird ass mechanic change it's just kind of just killing your flow yeah and that kind of falls under like all that the umbrella of all that um is where i'm putting that kind of stuff all right so let's see um that was i think that was a morph tunnel to the right so i need bombs and it looks like bombs is so maybe i can go to the right of the ship down right and then that's probably bomb torizo down there but i can't go to the left down because it's a super door [Music] okay i think that was bombs i'm not even gonna [Music] i'm excited to see i i love like the theme already of this is like um going into the like the core where it's gonna become more and more like deadly i assume right so i'm very curious to see how this falls alongside everything with like the theme oh no i'm not dead i should be fine uh dcr thank you very much for the 100. no no thank you for being cool how was that fusion run i couldn't stick around but i do like watching fusion [Music] [Music] the instant kill spikes in ypx yeah those were interesting uh did you have a good time before i can't remember like did you run any percent or 100 uh merzing thank you very much for the 20. okay so we got morph okay so this this is um i i think this is a general way because that tunnel connects with bombs there's really nowhere else to go so like you're forced to go to the right so yeah the flow of this is just awesome so far it's really good which is something that's uh just bothers me so much in some hacks because i am a i am a smooth brained idiot but at the same time like some hacks are just really difficult to follow along [Music] i know this no i don't think i can get that i see an item up there all right i won't cheat fine okay well i want to cheat it a little bit i just want to see what this is this is super missiles that'd be great [Music] all right fine you know i won't cheat this i'll follow the flow all right let's see what this is twitter no no no i'll follow the flow i shouldn't do that okay this is bombs anyways like imagine if i would have cheated and then got lost like going left or something okay [Music] [Music] animals there's a standard bomb tree's a fight that looks like yeah that's like an animal thing okay i wouldn't have been able to well maybe depends [Music] all righty let's see here so bombs now we can progress further [Music] we can go down the tunnel and then it kind of like brings you to that area naturally [Music] um [Music] that's not cheating okay bomb jumps are not cheating all right what is this week one uh week one dread discord no all right [Music] [Music] um yeah so this way yeah this is uh this is good so far i like this i'm excited to see the next area that we're dealing with save [Music] [Music] as far as you know i mean i feel like that's one of those things that you can never say for certain right there's it's pretty hard i feel like that's like potentially an easy thing to overlook i don't know okay so what is this is this a puzzle of some sort or is this just it appear that way oh well no no no that will not be required i don't know if this is um did i did i see everything here so it's either wave i either need wave or there's like a different uh like path around this room i thought there was a tubes i don't know if these tubes guide me anyway or if this is just for aesthetics probably aesthetics [Music] well unless you didn't have time to take it out but yeah all right what do we got here supers [Music] don't cry this is neat [Music] i love the like [Music] i love the boss idea for this it's very it's like very simple but um kind of challenging why not need to kill this [Music] there's got to be something over here [Music] but now i was on that list too but at least for the contest i kept myself out of any beta testing for anything over [Music] oh god is there no item here or am i crazy it's clearly it yeah it probably triggered something i'm just i'm just making sure and i'm also trying to like farm some life so i can check the lava [Music] yeah hold on i see the farm some more life there's probably nothing but we'll see [Music] yeah it's probably nothing [Music] well i think that could just be an icon for the boss as well okay did that open up a gate potentially that's that's a creative like really that's a that's an easy solution to a creative a little boss kind of thing oh did is that what oh okay [Music] bloopers yeah all right you know it's the boss okay gotcha thorvis thanks for the prime game itself what's up [Music] yeah this is uh this is very uh very cool so far the acid is fake fall through blocks and fall down twice yo if a nib is right on this i'm gonna [ __ ] myself um so there was nothing else to this right we just go left and try to go down [Music] oh oh oh oh oh that's two okay yeah so for sure there is it's like a puzzle thing okay i should probably see what's over here let me try to find the other one if i can uh was there an indication of where this was kind of that that and then there's the one right there wherever this one is i might need wave but who knows unless there's another way to get to the right [Music] there's gotta be well it wouldn't be up here because this is disconnected entirely um unless it connects on the right now it does not connect whatever that is i'm i'm thinking that i'm either missing something or oh oh was that intended okay i just wanted to be sure i'm not like breaking something gotcha okay what is this room no there's some there's gotta be something here i know there's no item uh indication but no there has to be something scotty thanks for 14 months okay i guess i'm just gonna leave this for now oh oh never mind [Music] i can get out of here [Music] major item cool [Music] very cool [Music] and right by save wow this is a blessing okay before i could go to the elevator music i want to check what's over here [Music] because clearly this is something [Music] i'm not gonna lie this is making me feel a little sick and i cannot so that's from the back side and that's a super i really want to go see what this is the song is core approach from undertale i could keep it because it causes no copyright oh okay okay i haven't played undertale funny enough she's probably played at some point okay i don't know i did save so if i'm like super off track going way back what's this one then um i'll just reset undertale's music is copyright hell [Music] but the music that we just heard is good [Music] you're talking like if i play the game [Music] that was is that what you're referring to like if i ever do play the game it's just awful okay i will keep that in mind [Music] no it's a good video game apparently from what i've heard but i guess the music is very copyright heavy i'm not gonna save because i i want to reset if this is like just a dead end [Music] [Music] i'm running out of resources here we got some back some missiles nice [Music] my impressions of what i have phenomenal phenomenal let me say that one more time pha phenomenal i knew there's something here impressions oh god [Music] [Music] boom [Music] wait are those a little stronger [Music] all right all dead bring me back down i can't go back down okay anything to see before i leave any soft lock i would well yes you probably can soft lock here but i'm not gonna show you how unless um unless uh it was fixed no it wouldn't be that hard to softlock you just need to like morph when you hit the ground on that okay okay so you fix the morph through those the kega okay clearly this is for something oh that opened this up ah this is very neat [Music] oh there's a secret passage okay cool yeah this is uh this is very cool the concept i like it i like it boy [ __ ] i have we're just going in drive okay so this is a okay maybe i shouldn't have come on dry maybe get some items [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] yeah i figured the super would kill so looks like fantune doesn't have a ton of health [Music] all right oh nice okay i wonder was this necessary before i progressed hmm oh okay double damage gotcha yeah all right next they're in because i got the supers and then my curiosity just brought me back to where uh apparently a bunch more items were and fan tune with varyo [Music] okay i'm very curious to see something [Music] okay so you did make it to where varya is essentially required editor tom thanks for giving the metroid nerd let's go down to the rodeo oh it's you monster i know i know [Music] i knew it i knew it nice [Music] wide beam oh nice okay it actually kills these things oh nice mock ball um let's keep going this way okay wow potentially a very big map well it's it's helpful in the sense that i know that there's a lot to uh stay hidden and so i have to do a lot of searching it's very metroid-esque to do that anyways i mean this is a little you know on the uh hidden side but editor tom thanks for the five gifted subs thank you thank you appreciate that hey thanks bellacio yeah how are you doing at a time thank you dodged this looks very metroid one [Music] like um let me guess boss room and that's gonna lower that lava area [Music] get out of there [Music] oh god dude oh i see one down there [Music] [Music] i feel like sinking down [Music] wait am i not taking damage oh no i was all right i'm just gonna keep that one there [Music] okay let's just get out of here jesus all right cool and that that was correct that brings that yeah uh this is a very cool concept and very um very simple but awesome boss design to like start opening up areas [Music] i was thinking about it i would like to create a hack too the hack that i want to create is going to take like two years maybe not i don't know my idea is kind of vast but um i have a really cool idea i wanna try to start working on but um i honestly have a bad feeling it would take like two years i am being quite conservative so like i don't know if i i'm giving it like quite a bit extra time but [Music] chad i've already talked to you about that why you gotta like air stuff like that out like personally like out you know i've literally talked to you about that you gotta like bring it out in the chat come on bro be more aware than that anyways my call out for today on chad [Music] all right so i only have three [Music] so we need to make this we need to make this count [Music] okay that's it then [Music] yeah anyways i guess i won't do anything nevermind um okay so down we go [Music] thanks man uh this this is uh it's a great rom hack so far i i don't really have many i don't think i have any complaints so far honestly um kind of a complex idea that would require a lot of um uh thinking i guess well i just said an hour to three hours so we're already coming up on almost an hour so um yeah i think we're fine on that end [Music] [Music] okay nice nope not ice but still nice [Music] let's see if this allows me to escape on this instant 10 out of 10 but it's still uh still pretty solid [Music] then i won't have to backtrack but that's just part of the the flow i guess now these enemies are changed i can't kill them a screw attack [Music] hmm okay so that just connects and then we go to the right yeah i'm getting [ __ ] blocked i can still kill them but just i want to save some of my ammo [Music] or no not my ammo i just i guess save some of my time because it takes three charge plasma shots no four i actually don't know if missiles or anything i don't know if that does damage and giving um okay nice as i say given how the flow has been just awesome so far i assume there's either like an e tank or a save coming up or something and yeah [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] uh was that close to save yeah let's go save [Music] [Music] okay [Music] yeah my mods are just basically just [ __ ] half the time [Music] hey mitch kind of hoping that this would break those but clearly not yeah there's there's something something being missiles apparently [Music] no you're not you're not a mod i'm talking like my mods are like 50 of the uh actual stress that i get during my streams literally not you rock here all right doesn't matter um so was there anything else here no it's a mix don't worry come on chad pick up the stress yeah well i guess that too no there's no way this is a pointless room every room has had something like the last room that i was in had some way to connect um or had like a a connect to the uh like like mini boss kind of area now you go oh what the heck is this now this is totally [Music] um it this has to connect to something so my assumption is oh this is the secret grove maybe i'm not even supposed to find this [Music] maybe this is an entirely um optional area which would which would be a treat if this is a completely optional secret area [Music] because this kind of stuff is um very very cool to see in rom hacks [Music] i guess we'll find out though [Music] [Music] right [Music] sam is climbing a tree [Music] ah can i get over here uh well i mean let's just go up i don't feel like bomb jumping this any crossbones true [Music] yeah it would have worked but i'm just going to go this way kind of where it takes you anyways no way there's cross bombs [Music] good evening all right just die all right [Music] hmm why not just screw because i forgot i had it [Music] at least i'm honest right okay supers [Music] not really hey albert you're a great friend yeah you're right [Music] not only there's a weird sound glitch there maybe i'm crazy [Music] you heard it too yeah about the screw attack [Music] i don't know if i just got like tinnitus for a second there or something [Music] yup zero to ten echo it's not a minor sound glitch that doesn't affect the game at all yeah i'm sorry but i'm gonna move on [Music] okay i'm very curious to find out and don't tell me uh metroid nerd but i'm very curious to find out if this uh if this uh area is completely optional or not or if it's required don't tell me [Music] but um i'm very curious about that [Music] nice cwj [Music] um thank you very much for the gift it's up macronics um well i'll be able to figure out if it is or not right like because if there's an if there's a if there's a area that is like oh this needs ice then i'll know but yeah i'll have it figured out by then so i just want to figure out if it is or not [Music] [Music] yeah i know that's right that's my assumption like i've already said i assume that this is uh optional because of the name [Music] wait a minute is there a way out of this from this area then or is this what is this if you have to go through the secret grove at the end of the game [Music] yeah or i could try to you know see if that's something [Music] um i think that's all the enemies [Music] okay so this just looks very tourian you know so i i assume that there is nothing else oh wait a minute [Music] emergency escape rocket activated ready to launch in case of planetary i shaved them yo [Music] oh you you uh you deactivated it oh sorry bud it's deactivated [Music] power rush gain damage boost when in danger wow okay cool [Music] very cool [Music] [Music] is there anything else to see here or is this just all right okay no no that's um that's like a major item acquired i'm playing one per day because um just like schedule wise it's easier for people to be able to hang around and i don't know how long they are so i have to like give myself some time [Music] no it said when i'm in danger so i assume it'll light up when i'm like 29 health or lower which might be some sort of kind of secret thing at the end i don't know [Music] [Music] [Music] okay i'm gonna be right back give me a moment um and we're gonna continue so just give me a few minutes [Music] one second i'm going to pause i'll be back in like five minutes all right someone got it and then someone failed have you lost weight oh i think a little bit i just don't eat as much as i used to but once i start lifting i'm gonna put on some pounds again all right very awesome area um let's see here mcflat oh my god dude funny [Music] no i'm still eating i just don't uh eat nearly as much like i i'll fast breakfast like five days out of the week um okay so then down okay i want to go save first of all uh horse-sized dock thanks for the seven months i hope the content is going well will you be uploading uh yes absolutely my head's naked yeah you can see my receding hairline just means i got bigger brain just kidding it's not actually receding it's stayed the same pretty much my entire life give me a chance all right all right sure give me a chance bud uh all right boss i mean not i bet oh good yeah chad does a good job on those how's it going wink all righty let's assuming that's another crumble block [Music] let me just jump i can't morph dude i'm not sure what i'm doing for christmas it's not cheating [Music] whoa needs to be a spring ball puzzle oh okay um yeah but it's clearly very possible without it there's a couple different ways to do that you don't need to even jump on the crumble blocks you can just um bomb pick it up okay i don't think i missed anything over there i i have a feeling we're gonna fight one of those uh like mini bosses again that looks like something zero thanks for two months [Music] part of the storm thanks for the 16. [Music] it looks like we're getting further into all the secret stuff i feel like i'm getting a little bit removed from my original plan let me look at the map maybe not the acid is fake no no this seems it seems right there's no doors left on opened what it seems i mean i could have missed an item or like a secret passage or something but [Music] yeah okay [ __ ] lava's killing me man yeah i'm going for the power rush strats yo i wonder if i get hyper beam when i'm at 29 oh god this is bad that's kind of that's kind of difficult before you enter this area oh god the work robot oh [Music] man that work robot i didn't send a chance what a [ __ ] anything nothing it's my time to shine dies i've been training for this moment for my entire life ow i am dead i will not put you through never mind [Music] here you go yeah i probably just ended it suffering to be honest it was probably just stuck in the wall i'll get [ __ ] that's what it is [Music] [Music] oh no [Music] i need more stuff hmm bombs work except it's scary because i'm about to die [Music] i refuse [Music] i meant okay hold on i need to do some farming here i'll read that message or i'll i'm gonna do the texas beach here once um there's a there's a chance thank you so much for the 1500 master hodges i will replay that shortly i just turned it off while i was playing some of the beginning of this hack i didn't want people just spammy and annoying text-to-speech messages [Music] how's it going kitty i know it's a little bit of farming but i kind of have to do it and i'm going to have to do a little bit of lavas well maybe not i just want to at least have a couple e tanks first this happens [ __ ] [Music] okay that's why i don't want to get stuck down there we haven't died yet we're good hey i haven't choked i just need some health so i need to get my i think we're full on ammo or six and then okay three each now it's smooth sailing because we get health and hopefully more health than just fibers just equip gravity oh yeah i forgot that i had gravity now once i get up to like four e tanks i want to say that i'm good the issue two that i might run into is i'm just gonna be facing these guys like trying to constantly hit me while i'm in the tunnel and these things do quite a bit no the block should not respond i would be so annoyed [Music] i think that would be so obnoxious all right i want to say we're good uh hold on one second sorry i was just getting beat by todd todd saw me uh kissing my wife so okay oh okay one power bomb we've already saved the animals i have a feeling there's gonna be something else well maybe we i think we saved the animals oh god as long as i don't die dude well it'll be a secret that no one's gonna find but me now oh also um ice was not necessary so the secret grove was an entirely optional area now hold on let me let me see here oh that's this way i might got way louder okay sorry hold on i mean is it is it bearable are we good wait why is that open wait wait wait um maybe we have to go this way [Music] was this okay it was okay i thought for some reason i saw that door was open yeah what happens if we hell run wait a minute oh it just skips because i was gonna say what if you just like somehow hell run i don't know if that's possible to hell around all that but you uh you made it so it skips i'm just curious to see okay still locked i love to see if there's any like unlocked doors on the escape [Music] i mean we already saved the animals why is this like a different color because i'm crazy oh okay let me stop messing around though bait i didn't get to explore no well we pretty much explored all of it okay um just long enough um [Music] the man okay well i i really now since i've said what i think about the hacks in a very minor degree uh to a very very minor degree after each one i will say for this one as well um fantastic hack really well made good stuff fixed mic test test is that better that's test test [Music] you can tell that the creator puts [Music] um some serious love into this uh metroid nerd excellence excellent rom hack please vote please vote it's very important we did not get 100 i suck i mean i could go for a hundred that was relatively quick [Music] [Music]
Channel: Oatsngoats
Views: 16,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Metroid, AGDQ, Kaizo, Awesome Games Done Quick, World Record, Oatsngoats, Rom Hack, Super Metroid Impossible, Twitch, Twitch Fails, Oats, SGDQ, Samus, metroid, metroid dread, dread, romhack, competition, 2021, romhack competition, samus, sprites, custom music, metroidconstruction, hotlands, p1, part 1, metroidnerd
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 58sec (4678 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 02 2022
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