Kaizo Super Metroid in 3:53:51 [40 deaths]

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all right it's run still dedicated to Phoenix down guys my nature setup took my girlfriend using the setup right now it's better PC and stuff and it's just easier to play PC games on that one when I can like bring a TV wherever you know it's pretty easy a wall of thanks for the eight months a farm is C a way to ask you cam I gotta take this off was that thing that's half of the CRT that's for stereo audio [Music] pretty salt time holy [ __ ] actually [Music] we saw the dick in the poster the dicks way up there the things massive as well it's making me it's making me feel bad got 46 yeah all right dark blue how you doing make sure all of them died in there Lord foz thank you so much with it's here what's up man push hit that and welcome to the goat pen [Music] alright go up alright now I just got to be good at the game okay you're asking a lot from me all right everybody just do this all in one jump oh um okay don't don't die here getting a little bit too rowdy trying to get a gold split on the first segment Green is the new gold oh okay thanks Trevor appreciate that brother excellent advice coming from Trevor [Music] yeah so what do you guys do this weekend I know your I know you're all old mega Chad's be probably out doing some cray-cray [ __ ] don't return the mic give it to a homeless person oh yes let me record it let me give a microphone to a homeless person hey amen I know you're going through some tough times I know you're hungry and they got nowhere to stay but here's a blue snowball microphone just for you god I didn't get him I should have just turned right around I should I just turned around me I didn't get him I should have turned around and waited for the fifth cycle [ __ ] not a big deal [Music] yeah it is the third cycle that was a third cycle so that was the first that's already gone here's a second though I do that clear that out now the third is going to open up with that that waiver won't hit me on the third cycle this one I have to kill I don't know if I'd necessarily have to kill them but kind of like if I don't he'll probably just kill me no it's very nice red eyes I'm hitting my head I think [Music] [ __ ] oh just dying guys I don't have the crota virus Fred thank you so much for the three months of subbing [ __ ] you well rathaway for the fifth cycle so this is the third this is the fourth we got way for the fifth this should work it doesn't work yeah it don't work fellas are you [ __ ] serious game Wow also can you guys hear me is it cutting out at all the microphone or is it pretty good from this from this distance what I've done I'm using a different microphone so son of a [ __ ] dude I mean I know the other mics better but that's my roommates mic so I just wouldn't purchased this I'm just gonna return it once I'm done with it after a couple weeks here I don't know yo Chronos with the tier 2 for 22 months yo Carlos thank you so much man no no yeah yeah 100,000 yesterday and a hundred thousand today it's [ __ ] insane never gotten donated that many bits like it all in one sitting that's just it's nuts man it's insane all right we can still be ahead here as long as we first try all this [ __ ] well looks like those not gonna be ahead boys [Music] you're paying for dinner next time please Andy what about your crazy month we're both buying bull shark spoon is stable [Music] we'll split it Donna don't worry ball Charlene and tidy [Music] yeah um kind of uh no not really actually I will see or will we have to change the route bill there are some like things that we don't get like we don't get spacer and stuff and okay let's first try this [Music] are you [ __ ] serious the easy part why game why ah damn it I just changed room I just moved my setup a little bit that is that was the easy part that wall jump was the easy wall jump turn we have a mess that part out man the wall jump that the hardest wall jump is the one the way we did before that one because you have a very small period of like very small window to press left and wall jump or as he hit the spikes below and above and the hitbox is on spikes is terrible in this game but you'll just die and not even be touching a spike like oh that sucks another edible yeah we're just gonna go over here good good good good good good [Music] [Music] so we need spring ball in order to get hydrogen our barrio is the only problem with that um yo so Fred right now we got a couple subs here that I didn't read off yeah I could do that I've considered doing that but I don't know ah Philippi is continuing the sub afirma chatter dome thank you so much there was also somebody else that was continuing a sub all right let's not fail this or else I have to do that [ __ ] again and that's really annoying [Music] kkkk no shattered thank you so much for the 500 bits I feel pretty good about being able to retake my spot donor for the month how much am i down what don't do that don't do that you're down 1,700 [Music] dude you're insane shattered seriously man for everything that you've done like you you're you're awesome man I appreciate it darling don't try to like out bit someone Martin thank you so much for the 29 months you've been you've been nuts chattered seriously I appreciate everything you do man hey thanks land I almost died [Music] ah Lian thank you so much for continuing to get that sub from Trevor thank you thank you 500 from shattered you know what second place is not too bad exactly exactly don't look at it like second place like seriously all your guys's contributions and everything is just insane thank you shattered your awesome Oh [ __ ] ah you um I agree TV thank you so much for the I think that was 15 all right thanks for 15 [ __ ] that's a real bad we have a ton of time to save luckily but I won't get into a death loop and danik thanks for the eight months monkey boy thanks for 69 bits I just can't get into a death loop here and we're good [Music] all right I dyed it alright let's go let's go oh that's a little strata came up with kill that guy so I can do the pause reserved instantly the pause reserved glitch oh yeah so split let's go yeah I just need to focus during some of these things so I'm sorry if you're like trying to talk to me and stuff but what's up everyone appreciate you coming in shilling big chillin I was how's your guys's weekend [Music] Johnny's reloading been sheared x1000 I'm just kinda oh oh no hold on don't don't [ __ ] this up [Music] we're 11 minutes ahead okay we're good fine yo Johnny with the 1000 pablor guys I got a P cuz I'm trying to stay hydrated hold on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you all right wait I saved right yeah I said sorry a tepee seriously did [ __ ] off game I really hate this area a lot I got to do it one more time get in there dude guys bacteria doesn't exist okay as long as I can get up here should be never mind that's what doctors tell you so they can steal your money I'm about to lose my [ __ ] right here hold on thank you Jesus oh my goodness gracious man it's terrible all right let's go Clint wouldn't have peed Velasquez [ __ ] he uses a my RGB gaming catheter there's the game okay let's this you go pack it up boys oats is washed as I'm not washed hold on we're gonna say [ __ ] the door and we're just gonna open it later go game thank you all right ah Zeron LZ Ron thank you so much for the twitch prom sub min appreciate that and welcome to the girl pen dude are you doing Oates is [ __ ] washed I don't know man I don't know [Music] I'm questioning you touch your girlfriend with a bit yes I had a job job once was your job now we gotta go this way miss guys it's hard for Clint to beat anything because he streams once a week are in doesn't matter though cleanse the clintons Clint's a great guy well you're officially married everyone everyone klappas claps for zero gates for being officially married Congrats why didn't you invite me to the wedding huh your wife would have been mad cuz he would have been chillin with me the whole time I know it's like our wedding day but like I'm a shoe with Oaks a little bit is that cool [Music] married then instantly divorced because of me yes yes generate' who me I know Jenner it man come on yeah I'm a huge degenerate seriously well you've lost a lot of weight Calum yeah my skin also isn't translucent like a [ __ ] ghost Derek healed yes yes I practiced insanely hard yesterday yes why are you not going to the gym bro you've seen these bad boys I'm going to the gym all right away from me you see these bad boys yeah you cutter watch out or you're gonna get smacked up we'll try something here wait Leon did you say that work or do you get super close to it hold on very nice very nice [Music] why Sam is Pepsi color sorry it's a new sponsor I got a you know I got I gotta have samus be the same color as my drink you know you blow on the controller like a gun no my finger a finger guns yeah problem okay we're losing a little bit of time here because we died but that's okay all right yeah Pepsi is blue yeah look the logo is red or whatever looks like red in it I probably just hug that left wall and get that got a pillar it is fine yes I did this trick is so hard it's like the smallest little Mach ball you got to do instead of speed or anything cool uh yeah totally dude all the time I feel I feel weird if I were to like drink like a clear a clear Pepsi you know it just doesn't seem right to me like clear Pepsi clear coke this doesn't seem right I feel I feel dirty I got the train it's like it's almost like I'm cheating on coke with sprite but it's still coke yeah but rain the brown coke or pepsi guys and I bet not bad I'm like I'm a coke kind of guy fantasy RC Cola all right how about this sprite or or ginger ale for me it's ginger ale all the way ginger ale is bomb all right how about this how about this ginger ale or root beer enjoy elegant looks like ginger ale is the winner Nermin I was wondering while cream soda is pretty bomb to you but get [ __ ] [ __ ] well at least I'm not dying I just need to do a really short hop here why is it called soda where's the soda well okay here's a good here's a good you guys call it pop or soda [ __ ] dude its soda right it's soda it ain't pop so look at it you they call it soda because it's got carbonated stuff in it right right right so what do you call one of those things and like the the movie theater when they give you just like or like as a bartender it's called a SodaStream not a pop extreme got'em one 200 IQ all right let's not mess this up again god can't argue with that oh it's yeah exactly that's what I'm saying the hell's going on with a viewer count today on twitch it goes from like 900 to 1400 to 902 [ __ ] 1300 to 800 like our my view boss messin up or there's it twitch like always watch it's gonna go from 948 to some worse to like 1,400 here just wait one second just wait what's a [ __ ] we gotta hustle here oh it's gonna go - it's gonna go from like this to like zero all finally an accurate representation of Oates's stream zero now I just don't know what's going on as weird zero viewers Oates yeah boys I may as well just delete my channel I'm deactivating it tonight sorry boys it was fun it was real yeah 14:43 now yeah exactly something's going on with twitch alright don't fail this again please please and thank you it's so annoying I hate this trick so much short huh short hot mock bawling yeah give it to a kid in need calif has 8 1.8 k viewers yeah exactly if caleb has any viewers is something going on here it should say 0 for Caleb Davis Rexy thanks for 1700 the shade [Laughter] yeah I got a retired boy see you later thanks thanks for everything bye thanks Andrea uh-oh kaboom with the twitch Brown sub [Music] you know what I can do I could listen to the audio cues with the music and see when they rap I'll rap around so I could actually we're gonna try a strat here hold on kind of a scary strat but I want this guy to be over here do this BAM kill them both [Music] is that what he does - I know I thought he just killed the one but yeah it's a good strat it's actually using his brain bro I always use my brain what do you mean where you stop saving yes that is the plan I mean the plan is I want to do this deathless at some point [Music] I want to do deathless so once they get my goal time I'm gonna stop going for records and I'm gonna start going for deathless save less you know I'm saying I'll probably still get a record if I do a deathless save list but the focus needs to be on no deaths so what the [ __ ] am i doing [ __ ] you know what we just gotta go this way now I [ __ ] up oh [ __ ] this ain't good furgus did you save the ship I did I'm saying like in the future I'm gonna be doing deathless save us attempts are you [ __ ] serious need a refill Azul um we stopped at the ship for recharges yeah like I'll do that I just won't save hey what am i doing yeah I'm messing up I don't need to save right here because this is really free he'll ask me if I die how was your weekend it was good man he was good just got some dinner hung out with with my gail and it was nice was a fancy denden yeah it was it was a nice Japanese restaurant I got some sake I got some sake sushi with Mongolian chicken yes some sake give them yeah even certain it ain't as good as a cold Budweiser but it ain't bad [Music] yo can I sign spark through this guy the yarn can I like charge get a short charge and kill him yes okay [Music] girl cool [Music] all right we're losing a little bit time here I haven't no I am but for an hour last stream of darn [Music] please give me good RNG here Wow uh watch lamb color would you like good sir I ain't checking no save room alright so Koenig's probably gonna pick green and then what color would you like a Volusia we already saved we don't need to say it again somebody tell me if the lease or whatever says a lamp color cuz I need to focus here so I don't actually die since I just told you guys I don't need to save that'd be a real bummer if I died should be able to stay in there now I think yeah that's close yeah are djibouti's is next green brain you want green not blue Loret oh yeah no no no no floor it okay floor it [Music] you guys are probably thinking yourself what the [ __ ] are you talking about outs I'm just a spongebob connoisseur guys aren't Oh spongebob whoa mrs. puff I think I cheated and he hit the bottom guy thinkin's what I do you do draw you do the driving and I'll do all the thinking for you all right one and done one and done Lauren all right blue [Music] hold on hold on whoops I accidentally changed all the other colors in the room to blue see what that looks like looks a little bit weird now I'll hit the bottom one again [ __ ] floor it [Music] [Music] you know I probably will just change my splits just to make it but let's just push that one back up and then we'll just split I'll change my splits after this [Music] that was close [Music] I'm the ones above mere yeah Kona what's up man you ready [ __ ] like what [Music] hell's going on right now and whatever all right I don't care we saved right now I'll just changing the color on the chatter Oni way get rid of what on the chatter Oni oh the ass keys now that's fine done it oh no no no no no you can keep that you can keep the ass keys everyone can [ __ ] post all they want except I mean if it's a penis or like boobs or like an ass then we have to kind of get rid of it but if it's a paint no that's a penis trash beam [Music] how dare you try to censor masculinity well I'm so sorry Ochs you're taking away my freedom of speech I want to say whatever I want in here I thought this was America I'll stop this [ __ ] America oh it's on [ __ ] I'm the hell up ow well that ain't good yeah the piss jug is pretty clear today good actually you started this eat my fat ass Oh mate what's [ __ ] bloody going on in here mate you want to get [ __ ] hittin the gaba do you [ __ ] British accent oh it's [ __ ] you oh brother you want to [ __ ] her get hitting the gaba then show me you [ __ ] noise I would say got timed out why'd you get timed out oh you [ __ ] wanker oh what'd you say about me mum I need to work on my British accent I do admit it's pretty bad all right fine I work on my British accent I already got my hillbilly accent down you [ __ ] sumbitch we're gonna go ahead and have a coal Miller Lite tonight yeah if we're lucky we might just find a fire [Music] brigh one I get brother I wouldn't mind a cold Miller Lite as well oh I might win oh [ __ ] let's be out go back yeah let's [ __ ] go Cornhuskers Cornhuskers are down 34 points in the fourth quarter we can still do it Huskers I les clay [ __ ] hold on so it needs to be right after that lip I wanna get this 53 months [ __ ] serious okay can we just why'd you grab this then yeah we can ah thanks for 100 Johnny um it's not too bad lotty it's just I need to know where to shine spark here Bock okay so here's the problem I might not have enough health to do this again [ __ ] yo thank you so much for continuing to gift it sub you got from Korg ax thank you so much Johnny that's right Johnny Law thanks for sticking up for me Emily okay so this needs to be like a perfect jump or as we died get house close I'm lost weight losing time if I can get this right now we [Music] yeah we save time nice LLL endure the carwash now in there the car wash it I didn't know you were gay well I didn't know that either I guess what's wrong with nitro why are you a nitro fighting alright we need to squash this anger right now okay Dan in in nitro either leave or you apologize to each other huh or you apologize to one another I don't need to kill this one no Dan that's not how you start an apology is by saying are I apologized to me you say I'm sorry that I made you feel that way are you just messing around okay I kind of wanted a reason to ban kind of one of the reason to ban nitro to be honest with you but all right never on ever Monica Oh bollocks [Music] [Music] nitro called me a pork chop nitro is this true yeah but he started that guy's so I'm watching 13 reasons why yo Johnny with the five gifted sucks thank you so much for the five gifted subs thank you so much man I appreciate it welcome the goat pen 5e you hold on oh I don't wanna die here so okay so I'm watching 13 reasons why and the show is [ __ ] pissing me off so I watched the first few episodes and I'm like alright well I guess we'll just we'll just see how it ends you know but it's like are you serious yeah I feel like it gives such a bad expectation I mean for the show is good for high school kids that are like getting getting bullied or something or like but also at the same time I don't think it is because it doesn't glorify the show the shows about like suicide and stuff and like just to put it in perspective it doesn't glorify it but it also it also gives this really really terrible perspective on like interactions I don't know it's just so bad some kid yes some kids were influenced by it yeah but it's like I don't know it's it's pretty bad I feel like it gives like little teenage boys and girls like really really bad ideas of how the real world works I don't know high school is hard I got bolding the high school a little bit that's fine don't you know and here's the thing I'm not downplaying bowling I'm not going well I was bullied and I'm fine not doing that I'm just saying it happens it's rough but that show is I start to piss me off a little bit what are you talking about thirteen reasons why um um no not really like I developed like see I was a greasy kid with super long hair and like a bunch of acne okay that was me in high school no I showered all the time I just couldn't get the grease off of me [Music] ah not enough he please send me some highschool pics maybe someday I'll show you actually I have some of my phone you guys want to see [Music] [Music] I don't want to die old on there's a lot of them so I started kind of getting rid of the grease my senior year [ __ ] me dude this was this was me on my prom year that's when I was a senior in high school [ __ ] oh my God look it up Jesus Christ dude [Music] [Music] here's a really bad picture this is this you guys are gonna laugh on me I don't know if I should show this picture I [Music] look like a complete idiot alright I'll show it when we get the fancy [ __ ] I'll show right now I'll short it phantoon maybe maybe I'll show that Fantan we'll see let's give me some advice for staying motivated to go to the gym bro going to the gym [ __ ] sucks alright alright no motivation in the world nothing I tell you will make you go to the gym you have to you you have to go you you you have to get your your ass to the gym you just have to in what you got to do you got to do it for two weeks it's gonna suck no one likes it here's the thing here's what you need to think about right now this is this is one very important thing right now how are you gonna how are you gonna feel in a year when you didn't go to it to the gym consistently are you gonna feel now how are you gonna feel in a year looking back and going thank God I went to the gym thank God I decided to make the change how are you gonna feel when you do a year later when you're like [ __ ] I didn't do nothing what a waste of my time we don't need that actually so that's it man it sucks gopher gopher a month a month consistently alright go for a month consistently you're gonna feel you're gonna feel better man you're gonna feel happy you're gonna start to see results your energy levels are going to increase you know your testosterone everything you're gonna feel great you're gonna feel good man you're gonna flex in the mirror you be like damn I'm feeling better about myself you can do it I believe in you dance [Music] I feel five of these guys pitch here go to college yeah I went to trade school so I did some post-secondary but then yet trade school or whatever guys don't laugh at me when I show you this picture okay [Music] you can't really see it bro I was so [ __ ] greasy in that picture it ain't even funny I was so greasy you skateboard I did snowboarding stuff like that played sports high road dirt bike a lot was what I did I wrote I rode like good motocross like raced dirt bike at a KTM 125 [Music] oh I miss you so much yeah I love your underbite man it was so much fun please give me health so I can like just kill you [Music] [Music] yeah good we can get four I think we can get five ideally but four is pretty ideal won't try something here I'm trying like shoot from far away so my charge shot like builds up faster so I can get a charged shot in before phantom disappears on the around or whatever [Applause] [Music] yeah we can't take any more hits please give me health [Music] [Music] holy [ __ ] don't get man don't give me a rare mid be [ __ ] oh my god is so rare that pattern that just happened is super rare I just said it kind of as a joke that like that should not happen what just what just happened they were good thank you planes yeah a couple more and we're done please [Music] thank you thanks Pete soil but tre did you study I went to cosmetology school oh nothing at very special oh it's make me beautiful ah no there's no hole my nude what the [ __ ] what's going on here I just got stuck in the wall my luck I almost I would have just died my luck hey man I did some waxing on eyebrows no but I was playing I was playing Metroid towards the end of I think I was 19 when I started playing where did that raced motocross brainerd someplace called Brainerd Minnesota [Music] I grew up in Minnesota yeah all right happy oh yeah whatever [ __ ] it are you [ __ ] serious I didn't spin dude the I know [ __ ] it we're just gonna die instead god I'm so stupid no Oates why did you die right there I don't see any benefit for a speedrun um I don't know I just became interested in it a little bit started to do it and I was like well might be good just to know something else you know cuz I didn't really know what I wanted to do afterwards after high school alright we got that this time yeah yeah high jump I did not name my high fish character always [ __ ] I almost is blew it again I had to open this door serious dude are you [ __ ] serious might I know if I can do this oh great great ah [ __ ] oi you you always having the [ __ ] giggle I want to uh we went shopping yesterday and I saw this shirt that said like drip swag like 100 lean I wanted to actually die yeah I got that drip boy ha ha are you [ __ ] 12 who says drip if you're over the age of like 9 no drip to refer to like yo boy you got drip it's like swag like yo you trippin shut the hell off you're just embarrassing yourself oh you just mad cause you got drip boy [ __ ] [ __ ] now I wanna try make two but I don't want any spikes here thanks for [ __ ] your pants every longer very nice are you [ __ ] serious oh damn it well now a fox I don't even know how to go about this now it don't take any hits don't take any hits I need I need a time I my goings here my comings and my goings [ __ ] you fly this dead flies gonna kill my sub boring that's son of a [ __ ] I tried jumping you're not going to heaven if you keep cursing out oh no all right we're still gonna be ahead hold on children behead boys [Music] you know yeah I don't know what's going on right now my viewers go from like bye my viewers go from like 800 to like back to normal way is this called Atlantis yeah did I that's see that right this place is called Atlantis yeah my viewbots aren't working right now the lost city of Atlantis I mean I get it all right don't take any hits finally Jesus Almighty all right let's go back to normal like 200 hey man come on Brown we did it boys we did it where's a lamp it's kind of like a budget lamp hit me baby one more time hey turn high jump boots back on what I do get your ass over there work robot now [Music] [Music] [Music] all right yo necro with a gifted sub to Dave asada thank you so much man never give her good damn it dude so one one thousand two one thousand and press it on the way down or let go on the way down what okay so hold on one one thousand two one thousand kinda let go of it on the way down there we go okay alright so how's everyone doing on a scale of 1 to bad bad oats oh you might be able to but [ __ ] Oh No Oh No very bad actually yeah that makes me sad to hear I hope things get better for you [Music] holy Sh outta dodge that all right we have time to save on this a lot of time [Music] [Music] not if I die [ __ ] nice spin jump famous excellent die stop well nonetheless we still have a lot of time safe just insane hey thanks man what's up why I wasn't even touching the thing dude it's pissing me off man was a bar riled riald Ralph nice dude nice I'm getting cocked right now alright hold on I'm not gonna look at the chat until I get this hold on chat sorry back hammer time [Music] are you [ __ ] serious dude really really I'm so pissed off [Music] stereo audios any let's just do the shinespark here well hold on I don't want to die okay now we're fine no you can't kill them pretty much ever you can't kill them it's terrible [Music] when is our Bo I love this never all right we still have a lot of time to save here oats you're so bad I know you haven't no lower Bo just I think a little too easy now you know after I'm doing all this I'll leave it for you guys no no no I would never switch from the from what I used to the blue snowball [ __ ] micron socks did I'll never turn this [ __ ] okay the microphone doesn't suck it's just it's not as good as my other one let's just say that I use this shure sm7b was it pricey that's like 50 bucks but also I don't need it and I made sure that I could return it more of a chocolate guy I do like chocolate yes the Matt fixed not entirely the law to be fair we're both in this we're both in the basement and what kind of cook would I be if I said that no you need to be on this setup I'll make you a setup you know that's a real [ __ ] move [Music] [Music] bro I ain't cocked all right Todd even told me I ain't caught Todd is my wife's boyfriend guys Oh Todd said you weren't well yeah guys stop being mean to us all right you still doing early pb's for what for this no I don't know I don't know what early early pb's is even oh my god Todd gaming what Todd gaming Oh I wonder when's Enys gonna play this romhack probably never if i out of guess am I right fellas Maura well he said he would run SMI if I ran RBO so Meg enough [Music] well I mean and you agreed to it you said okay which is an ingredients that means that you would do it thought you'd never do it well maybe in the future I will you never know [Music] well now I want you to oh yeah me will seize any moon dance is kind of yawn we'll see we'll see [Music] yeah give me a couple weeks I'll get record I guess fine hey something based something based say something baste a turkey yeah thank you for for coming my way something you based on the holidays turkey Gomi turkey my wife and then and then and then [ __ ] Steve Harvey pretend [ __ ] minutes like dude nobody cares you can't say that on television well what do you mean I can't I just did I don't know I gave Steve Harvey a hillbilly accent but he's got one now fellers you can't [ __ ] say that on television television does you have a southern accent I don't know [Music] fine on you'll live today seahorse okay let's first try this [ __ ] and then we'll save a few minutes here Dimitri thanks for 16 months man should be good we'll see [Music] [Music] up ten deaths I said we'd get it within the next three weeks or I said we get sub ten by like what March or something very next run what happened to subtend chill seriously where am I going now super missiles if you like I always mess this up so just super missiles is next RG RG b14 whoopsie-daisy that could have been bad thank you so much for the tier one sub pre-k down criteria straight to wreck ship don't do Meridian now so I go through that I go through the wave gate I just go back to the ship right now is what I'm doing and I go to the wave gay we have so much time to save right here it's insane [Music] [Music] almost an hour well not quite an hour but yeah wall found the next few splits yeah I could I am at home it's just a different part of the setup because I'm letting my girlfriend use the other setup that I had but her desk and stuff to play on probably her space No now just now [Music] nice very nice don't happen in the lamp I have another lamp I just need to set it up I mean I can I could put my set up anywhere no big deal like this is my setup currently you had power bombs gone now not yet nope you don't get that till after space jump I want to try something since I have Aria now if this works nope do I seriously take a [ __ ] frame of damage every holy [ __ ] and I like now the shut up stop I don't know if that's gonna work so damn facing left which means I need to need to do something different here get to the top a little bit but on our mind we're good at 32 months I need to work on that last sensible person I think you're good dude the only solution to that is time all right so to the right here we're going to the wreck ship what are we doing at the wreck ship again oh right right right right right yeah holy [ __ ] this is a big time safe coming up a huge time saver coming up we have so much time to save alright yeah it took us forever to get super missiles because we accidentally went the wrong way no we don't kill Drake Greg on yeah we kill drag on after ship missiles here seriously well faster just a reset or take off [ __ ] I think we saved so annoying the [ __ ] out sigh try jumping what you mean draaga Meyer no I don't think so many ways you can get health from the gamer interesting it's coming along pretty well yes I have a goat tower I don't even know what that means good evening Trev there so dude our dad I think almost that's fine not a big deal I mean the saves right here luckily we get like infinite chances really no time loss all right how many attempts boys how many times I'm gonna say first try [Music] told you you wait how can people can change the color of the lamp more we already changed the color of the lamp maximum amount of times is can't we does just twitch keep [ __ ] up and like I think twitch is messing up and it keeps like well color the lamp would you like so kkona kkona gets to pick the next color I don't know if Kona's in here you changed it why [Music] why not because but the reason I did that is because if if you don't change the color of the lamp or if if if we have like infinite tries people will just constantly keep changing it I don't know do you have that power I can't remember [Music] you can clear the queue wait a minute did we go to there right now no I accidentally [ __ ] up didn't I lioran I go to the left right hold on guys I'm still trying to like figure this route out just keep going this way yeah so I keep going this way and then I oh yeah so I go this way and then I go left of the I go left or right of the ship above right thank you aim [ __ ] awesome son of a [ __ ] don't hit me hold on guys I need to change the color here [Music] just shinespark over the spikes oh you can I guess we could just do that I'm kind of afraid though that it's it's too long you know like I won't make it or something and all right sounds good man it's like a Phillips [Music] yeah it's an hour to get space junk hey what do you mean no we're that far yeah see how far ahead we are I'm 38 minutes ahead you have a goal taught me a sub 3 for now just Todd yes is Todd boys it's a [ __ ] up [Music] harry potter and my glasses do these enter Harry Potter glasses what do you mean [Music] [Music] goddamnit I wish I could just do that Allah I don't look like [ __ ] hair he's hotter oMG he does hoggers not picking on hairy guys yeah we know where I need a big old scar yeah [Music] Potter oats and goats Potter and the gachy Chamber of Secrets um there's only one item there and that's a missile all the other items are just bait we don't need missiles I just get them later in the route but no where am I going meridia veridia up what's a dick move all the yeah the fake items yeah [Music] [Music] seriously that that hurts my soul kill you all of my momentum No [Music] yeah I'm using the blue the the the blue snowball right now guys will you stop the Phoenix win the lottery yeah it was the Mega Millions winner we just went from 1700 to 1100 viewers why is twitch doing this what happening all night which is uh a mouse today it's my few BOTS dude no man okay my viewbots no I don't have you by my view bounce aren't on right now what didn't know if they're I mean they're never on cuz I don't have them yeah it's all over the place today it is all over the place you've disconnected 600 times yeah it's all self it's Colorado it's which man I says I mean what's going out with what I'll get it 100 thousand bits you gave a hundred thousand bits yesterday as well it's [ __ ] crazy yes yes a thousand people at a time are switching back and forth yes downs bow right but are you [ __ ] serious I messed up again I am such an idiot I am so stupid I I messed up again boys oh no not the end of the world but it's pretty [ __ ] bad oh my god why 100,000 is 100 bucks no it's a thousand oh it's why are you dumb because if my mom was smoking crack in the womb yeah forgot now I forgot to do the gotta do the actual [ __ ] strata now I got to do this strat again whatever I went the wrong way but we can still we can still goal to put this by a good eight minutes plain enough yeah I know I [ __ ] up now to save me so much time I told myself that too and then I was like way no I gotta go back this way to meridia and then I'm still memorizing still memorizing that run yeah Albert's [ __ ] crazy I don't know I don't know man [Music] [Music] we're pretty much right here now it's just kind of sucks [Music] why are you launching me over here okay so we're here again this is bum bum bum oh [ __ ] this ain't good we actually need full health for this to work oh not quite full health but [Music] all right we're here also what's a color the lamp that you want somebody chose another color or lamp damn dude we just lost so much time now somebody somebody ever deemed that was that that would be miss [Music] [Music] where is it whatever I kind of got a pee eyes again yeah I'm telling you I've been hydrated rip 20 minutes no that was a random thing right you redeemed to j-roc that you actually or what no gaming catheter today not today oh it actually worked oh [ __ ] I didn't think it worked [Music] I [ __ ] up yeah I know that I suppose ensure the time comparison as well so I just been doing this really the dodged all that holy [ __ ] what a crazy crap man you see they don't favorite Sailor Moon ya know [Music] let's now check what you're loving the popcorn Mike you like it rabs fast I don't know fast crabs are hard huh super fast crabs - crabs [Music] [Music] that's how do I get a girlfriend without leaving me out in my house you order a blow-up doll online and it'll be shipped to you their favorite Ninja Turtle what'swhat's the green one with the shell again oh wait that one that was the intended method yes [Music] we're saving a decent little chunk of time here alright I sound weird without it and I want to hear what I sound like [Music] you sound like a kid yeah do I sound like a kid now yo what up bruh yo what up fellas how you doing ha ha [ __ ] [Music] actually oats yeah you sound more like a kid oh okay man that is a huge time save on that potentially yo Coen are you in here I'm gonna need a thumbnail whenever this run is done kind of the same concept just a cool like image from this [ __ ] like I said here in a few days I'll uh I'll go ahead and look yeah with the payment [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you serious please work okay you can't Bob jump underwater now [Music] your favorite member of Destiny's Child the one with the the long generic hair one of the expert climb you can it's faster to do what I just did if you get it first try or like probably if you get it within like five tries it's probably faster but I just need to get good at it so I just need to keep doing it Oates you have space jump Oates use your space jump back [ __ ] wheeze in there boy no boats have you thought about just getting the gravity soap [Music] all right whoo let's go baby [Music] yeah so my last TV with these splits had 39 deaths the hell is that Jack yo Remy thank you so much ow ah jack thank you so much for trop some [ __ ] [ __ ] dude that's not kind of pisses that Salt's me up a little bit I'm not gonna lie how many people have beaten this like three or four I don't know five maybe [Music] they don't get the snowflake pack family or in any free legi here what oh I forgot so a charged shot doesn't kill these guys but guess what does kill them a normal shot are you [ __ ] [ __ ] me why just like the original well whoever created this on the original dum that's so stupid pisses me off [Music] [ __ ] off nice Sam it's just I want to use a charged shot Kiki okay Judy just used a trans bean yeah you're right no people spam a little I'm testing something alright everyone show your favorite emotes everyone show Kona your favorite emote [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] very excellent very excellent Oh guys could you not put other people's emails in my channel high-low really makes me mad okay please don't use other people's emotes I heard people on Twitter getting mad about that specifically [Music] like how people get upset like when other emotes are used in their Channel are you serious why in the [ __ ] would you people are paying for those emotes use them wherever they want yeah I've saw some people like a green with it too and it's like you [ __ ] series you you guys use whatever emotes you want you're the ones paying for this is your content we're the ones providing the content [Music] okay power bombs very nice Nate yeah that definitely kind of like salts me up a little bit that people would be upset about that I mean I get it I get it but it's like that just it all stems from jealousy that kind of [ __ ] like seriously you're gonna be jealous about that yeah : he's the new sugar daddy my man it's just and working with us you know I'm saying yeah I'm just salty why I jumped bro-bro toria's that's my favorite emote on switch [Music] [Laughter] this is the best dancing emote on twitch the erodes and goats may I kindly have permission to use use the hoggers emote in your channel I very much enjoy using this email and do not want to be banned no it's just kind of rude if you do it so just please don't use other people's emotes all right guys how many attempts for this I'm gonna say first try again we need to action can for this along Tolga and weird little graphical stuff going on right there you lost time yeah it's cuz I made a mistake and I had to like do some random [ __ ] custom controller I don't know wait no we go we don't go this way now do we don't we go back no we go this way right I thought we wouldn't got gravity first we don't go this way all you I have to go this way so we don't get we don't get these items yet right you get these items later Pete oil you can't go back you're right you're right you get these at items now all right [ __ ] all right screw these atoms burning them later cuz we have to come back later anyways so don't we [Music] I don't have to come back I get them now okay okay fine fine fine we'll get me right now yeah but how am I supposed to get the item coming up then it's prank wall jumper what you know what I mean I'll just freeze the mock right yeah you're right you're right okay do I have to turn off plasma though or some [ __ ] because want to like kill the mocked Road if I do that Oh sis jump pass everything okay where'd he go I think that super block is gonna come back no it doesn't all right perfect it's upstairs CRI well we don't have to come back here then [Music] that's gonna save us some good time I let this run possibly I don't know yet we got to see what our time save is at gravity let me just creep back up I'm here then [Music] yeah because I'm just terrible CD I did not go to the gym that I am yeah yeah it is a rest day yes what is it off new Jim Carrey goes out I can yo lioran that means I need to go get this one then up here or I can get the phantoon one they get the missiles under the recharge stations yeah I did yeah how do I get this one without dying just space jump up there I'll just go around okay I'm probably faster to grab this one then then wait no I can't go around I have to go up [Music] I guess I could just do this yeah I seriously just fall in the water well I have an idea all right how do you go around you can't kill the guys and you can't go up that waterfall because it's pushing you downwards [Music] I feel like I just need to go get the phantoon missile or some [ __ ] okay that'll work okay I'll give it a shot yo finger lights thanks for the four months I'm probably gonna end up dying here but we'll see I told you before you jump Oh oh thanks brother very nice of you me the advice that I need well by golly gosh you can do it go down to the craps on down to the crabs don't die to the perhaps ya [ __ ] hair to die to the crabs didn't ya okay I gotta jump to that door [Music] now we're losing a lot of time this isn't really bad nice dude nice I should probably just [ __ ] get the god dang phantoon missiles I should probably just do it ice properties get the fancy missiles it's gonna be faster at this rate until I practice this was the crab death intentional yes I intentionally died this is fine [Music] oats I think this game is too hard for you yeah arm fix the map all right so now we have to remember to get the fancy missiles we could go grab those right now action well we need to go back around yeah I remember we just grab them like soon or should we grab those so we go up here go get gravity we come back we do the cleanup we do we get gravity then we go to create right I mean isn't that the stress I don't even know man I need to figure this out oats why'd your mom name you after a twitch streamer now I don't know oh no man yeah I need to come back for shipping ocean missile right while ocean missiles mainly but yes ship all righty I have no [ __ ] clue garbetts you gotta keep tabs on people 50 months from Easter half a century oh my goodness he's right he's right folks and math checks out that's half a century [Music] look at this time loss well to be fair the time loss is gonna be gained later on we're gonna be saving this time later on let's just grab these right now yeah it's not a new room it's the same room just a different location or different area what the [ __ ] going on great dude where the [ __ ] am I figure this out I think scroll it all weird ah [ __ ] this ain't right where's the safe that was weird and there goes the bit right what bitrate haven't dropped the frames maybe for you yelly wurm did this is does that mean if you beat the game in 50 minutes you beat it in half an hour nobody's heard about something wrong with my splits or something or what [Music] if these missiles also we'll give them after this we have gravity each running is cheating yes yes yes speedrunning is cheating yet the 100-meter dash is cheating do the hundred meters is it like normal people in sprint or a light jog it light jog the hundred meter dash yeah exactly [ __ ] cheaters [Music] okay I kind of have to skip some of these splits like that split big Tower supers is fine [Music] nice one-and-done Riddler's [Applause] [Applause] [Music] lawn and down them for Riddler's the bosses are so easy let's get maybe 10 if you're gonna uh yeah no no I'm gonna pass on it thanks FBI also your uh did you change your name from FB Murphy to FB that by the way I'm [ __ ] what are you doing why why are you [ __ ] serious dude ah that's [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I didn't mean to go down the drain watch me die - Ridley like 20 times in a row now - there's pissed off [Music] okay I mean the fights easy enough so it's your gravity splat no we have to change our gravity slightly because we're getting items earlier now we have to skip this play nasty oats why did you die there you um this ain't like gdq at all because I actually just killed Ridley twice in a row where a gdq I just died over and over um yeah we're going back up yeah I always one and done this [ __ ] [Music] action camp [Music] no doublet refill we double refill at certain spots we don't need a double respawn refill of these spots this is a waste of time [Music] [Music] you [Music] that easy folks [Music] [Music] I think we go this way now thank 500r in our thank you so much the 500 206 from T Merc thank you why the CRT CRTs are used by speed runners a lot because of the like low input delay yeah Phoenix gave another hundred thousand [ __ ] crazy man I didn't know what to say about it we plan up I plan a PBM as well but PVM CRC you're gonna see both or whatever see PBM is more for like enthusiasts I guess you don't need one but it was a real killer I don't I just hope that [ __ ] Phoenix just hit the lotto or something you know that's it you know playing on the BVM or one of my upgrading I don't know I mean my roommate has a bbm not about trying to snatch it from him but all right so this time lost is because of we have to skip big tower supers - well we know it's technically mom probably should well now it doesn't matter actually we just need to delete the gold split at the ends let's say I'm just in case well well well [Music] bbm stands for professional yo-yo can I get a brofist [Music] very pie my favourite and I'm on abdominal broth with beauty pie [Music] yo oats you got some fresh drip breath hi straight drip and breath people who used the word drip on ironically are the most cringy individuals in the in the entire [ __ ] planet oats you just don't understand fashion no I just don't understand complete [ __ ] pointless cringe yeah bro I'm yo that drip that you got brothers [ __ ] dead ass SEC it's not like a Boomer I'd rather sound like a Boomer than a [ __ ] bat you know I'm saying where the hell that is Jesus lord have mercy probably have a lot of like Zoomers watching my channel so this ain't good I gotta skip this boy hold on forgot all correct these splits later on Bobby deal awesome health from somehow give me some Alf [Music] yeah I saw a different layout I'll take a look at that man thank you so much no no that's old news okay what are you giving me are you mad at me for that yeah I get it hold on I'll have to take a look at this here a bit I see a subfloor in your future outs like right now do I [Music] now I see it yeah I see you later I mean future later you tried forever you tried go back [ __ ] powerbomb Oh No oh well there goes some of that time great dude [ __ ] great well I mean that is what it is well maybe we don't see some for we're still getting some for pull-off we're still getting subform god damn it dude we don't need to save let's just go dude I always forget the powerbomb in it's always the powerbomb I'm forgetting lately [Music] kind of a bad time loss but stone gamer missiles yellows so what we we got the stone gamer yeah yeah we got though yeah we got all those yeah it yell vaad friends skip to 3:30 since we messed up hold on [Music] YouTube friends give to skip to 3:30 what's wrong with using noted to learn rouse was nothing wrong with using notes I just I just messed up man I shouldn't have I shouldn't have messed that I shouldn't have messed up the powerbomb grab I told myself to remember those and I we just messed up it's really into it losing like a good six minutes because of it six minutes we're losing a good six minutes [Music] [Music] whoo all right I think we're done here now we got the missiles to the right we got the grapple missiles not the worst we got the stone and we got the tower supers [Music] okay so we got all our supers we got all the power bombs we need a few more missiles if I didn't miss anything or or something to be very upset we already got these you're good okay so we don't have to go back through oh oh this run a straight dripping breath hast shit-hot can't stop won't stop you haven't saved for a long time [ __ ] [ __ ] and I say lioran I need to go to crate at some point so wait you're saying go to parlor first wait is this parlor missiles then yeah I mean I guess this would be parlor yeah okay uh let's go yeah what am i doing sounds good Kona now I need to reroute something this is pretty rough the acid does not rise no yeah I think they're outings pretty rough on this and for me too I keep [ __ ] it up constantly so I need to definitely farm a little bit here can we get sub for I think we can I think we cannot thank Y Khan I think it's over here in it don't worry about that that's my uh that's just a sound of my victims Hey [Music] don't work any a Mach ball into the next room oh I can't read messages right now [Music] sub for your submissions like already done for GDQ do I tell a joke I already told one joke all right told a joke guys why you want to jokes in one stream a [ __ ] [Music] man I need some health here this is rough make it about [ __ ] now you guys wouldn't get the joke anyways then [Music] tell us why we should go to the gym again no why are you healing for coyote killed kraid I'm just afraid of this part I want to die too the spikes trying to escape seriously give me some health you're dumb yo 1000 from princess nyah Thank You somebody 1000 days thank you thank you thank you appreciate that okay good enough let's just go so annoying having a farm this guy just left we're almost done couple more missile packs read knock read really been dropping yelled at all super shitty right now while my dad bought whatever what you can run as those spikes great dude great ain't that nice you can hit your head can hit the bottom of the spikes and you can die I hate [ __ ] hitbox of these spikes alright that's all oats and goats you are gay no I'm at a [ __ ] it series there's gotta be a different way it's still Dom dude [Music] is walljump left long oh I know sir hoagie yet you you would have so many so much stuff to do if it weren't for me just messin up I get it okay I'm still gonna do this strap cuz I'm good like this they called it oh it's I can play playing League of Legends right now and yelling at my team to go mid I'm the jungle but this you're just wasting my time I got a piece so bad it's I'm gonna go pee at the g4 I'm the jungler no that's my job I'm jungler [Applause] get the bottle oats yeah I'm gonna need the bottle boys oh no your gums drinking pee is healthy yeah I mean he's got a point I look healthy right guys I'm not missing anything over there am i and now we go to the rites we get the phantoon missiles yo lioran aren't I missing a missile better out of miss something I better not have missed something you look like you don't go to the gym anymore well thank you appreciate that no we just got that one now we get the landing site missiles so I thought there was only two I have no idea what that mean Pepsi okay so yeah neckbeard going on aren't I missing one here I feel like I'm missing a pie I feel like I'm missing a missile Oh Oh the lake the lake missiles on the right that's it we got it now I am missing one well not not missing it but yeah Oh crews okay can we do this think we can I think I can I think I can I do have to kill everything in this room no I don't actually you don't need to kill everything for this room I really got a p2 and I was so [ __ ] close I hate you I'm so sorry that I just ruined your entire life for that how dare I life equals ruined thank you for apologizing oats it's not that big of a time loss it's really not that bad I got to wait for G for Gopi oats I hate you all I ever wanted was for you to get that and you best stop yeah I know I know [ __ ] we're still gonna get subform mark my words you mark them how they marked otherwise I gift a hundred subs yes says who you I should I should come on come on [ __ ] ODEs if you don't get sub four I hate you yeah okay ah this is Shawn stuff nice dude Wow let's just die one more time huh oh [Music] [Laughter] just let's just save real fast okay oh [Music] if you don't get subform disowning my firstborn child yo boys what do we say we just like if we get sub for we're on pace for sub before we just pause the game until it's like 401 I need be very careful here saving is a [ __ ] move why did he get save so if I die again because I'm an idiot or I can like respawn here hello Luigi she think I just respawn there the where's the land that you green thing behind me yeah you're right I won't ha oh this is a [ __ ] I knew it all right we just don't died all right it's an easy thing a very simple thing we got going on here just don't die we're good fellas see we're good relax why did Oates shave again oh no do this without saves do your mom without saves my missiles 100 ah you're thinking of Stuart [ __ ] steward Newton look what I can do probably grab those missiles last parlor missiles right now we gotta go no never mind we can't grab them last now can we no we can't we have to go this way okay once we go here guys I need to I need to go piss I need to pee at g4 and then we're gonna get sub 4 all right what PC do you recommend I recommend what do you stream it retro games I recommend a 28 epi [Music] they're [ __ ] yeah 2080 with what else do we need in there fellers but I only have nine power bombs okay where do I get another power bomb oh god we're at the farm one I know these guys get power bombs never go beat homes I almost forgot about them bad boys yeah you need a intel I 11 y'all or that or if the best thread Ripper on the market all right guys hold on I gotta go pee I'm gonna be losing like a minute it's okay though we're still getting it hi by going over there doing over there y'all done Oh almost done with the run here yeah you just lost the sub oats you were gone for a minute yeah see you later idiot okay we got this oh it's Fred I'll wash your hands master yet need that health or do I actually hold on let me see something here we had to piss brakes this Ron I ran a little bit early there but it's still good [Applause] t-minus 10 minutes it's a good door knocks on the hood this is one good door I tell you - what this bad ball can take up to 100 missiles rasa pepe dancing around the bullets I'm going I'm going I'm gonna save here just I guess I want to try the thing later on [Music] [Laughter] um lioran added a fight it's like an easter egg it's probably to save the animals [Music] yeah I don't necessarily like it that was my biggest complaints because I wanted like a really hard fight but I mean it's a romhack I'm not gonna like be super mad about it you know it's just whatever all right we can fight Mother Brain in this version lioran made it to where we can fight mother Brent and I don't know if like fighting Mother Brain allows us to save the animals or something or or what you know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's go take another piss break hold on boys I told you we'd get sub four and this run sucked 40 40 deaths we butchered it we butchered the routing [Music] we did it [Music] Iola all right all right you got it you got it [Music] good [ __ ] [Music] you're a hero [Music] good [ __ ] boys we got to sub for hours [Music] yeah white grizzly get what to get this up to Action Man thank you so much [Music] Adam Apple with the four-month resub thank you so very much for that [Music] good [ __ ] boys good [ __ ] [Music] alright guys we're gonna do a massive braid to my boy shiny as any I just want to say thanks for hanging out [Music]
Channel: Oatsngoats
Views: 55,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Speedrunning, AGDQ, Awesome Games Done Quick, World Record, Kazio Super Metroid, Kaizo, Twitch, Oatsngoats, oats, Super Metroid Impossible, Rom Hack, SNES, Switch
Id: hQPCnztIZZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 237min 43sec (14263 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 10 2020
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