[PB] Metroid Dread 100% NMG in 1:59:59

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yeah i'm not sure wait she developed them all yep that's why you gotta wear your sunscreen folks it's called a beauty mark okay i got plenty of moles they ain't beauty marks my man all right ah [Music] roof all right we'll go with it yeah metroid sixth is going to be all about samus's mole and yeah it's gonna be multroid where samus battles the mole men i am vero thanks for the five months thank you very much for 13. you have to pop all of craig's moles you don't pop moles dude what mold their brain all right everyone shut up popping them hurts okay what the you don't pop moles they don't pop dude is there even juice in there okay anyways you guys ever see that chubby emu video about that uh farmer that tried to take off uh a mole that looked like skin cancer didn't something bad happen to him there's about to be one that says uh twitch viewers tried to pop their moles this is what happens seaman demon 420 was admitted to the er this is where we are now [Music] uh metasov thanks for the two months thank you yeah speedruns are pretty awesome [Music] all right anyways everyone just stop just stop okay no more talking about moles or guacamole and on practice species retention for 40 days this is what happened to his lungs that was good luck damn really the best luck you can get [Music] the walk of shame man so all right stop i said top talking about moles and guess what you guys are doing still talking about moles all right mods start slashing people that talk about moles how's it going carter uh you got uh unrestricted uh record right did you get a 118 gladly oh damn it's all good good competition it's all at times i need to see the run i haven't seen that run since you know the dreaded update i don't think i made that yeah nice yeah that's a solid time all right if they're intentionally doing it up up the band time to like five or ten minutes thanks bozo [Music] all right give fish john hour okay you don't have to get fish an hour but stop so [Music] okay not doing it i accept my face yeah free delivery at least but uh yeah i ain't taking uh i ain't uh taking the risk mods are big meanie sacrifice oh dude he put himself in timeout alrighty uploading data yeah all right we're good gatekeeper thanks for the two months are you cool yet absolutely you're the coolest person in the chat right now at this very moment up there there when nevermind yes this as of now is the best route for this oh close come [Music] on are they switching no um i'm taking a break and i you know want to play other games other than sm for the rest of my life but um it's a good mechanical game it's it's tricky it's tough um you're gonna just come down here [Music] all right good start howdy how'd he go um man that's tough i do like watching sm runs i like watching dread runs lately um it's hard to say i don't watch a ton of speed runs but it really depends on the streamer too like metroid prime is a pretty good uh run to watch as well as long as the streamer is enjoyable yeah i used to love ocarina of time used to be my favorite run to watch but um yeah kind of got a little bit old i think once it uh changed drastically from the n64 route it's not really fun to watch my opinion but that's that's just me speech thrown yeah it really got demolished uploading data wait pm runs uh hero uh hero hero thank you very much for the sub oh uh puppy partying it's one of those things that just takes time you have to um have treats with you and then like once the fighting stops or like pull your hand away obviously some people say you can like push your hand in but i've it it's 50 50 from what i've seen but you know take your hand away without hurting yourself and then um try to just like reinforce like a more calm state in your puppy and then give treats during that you know wait so paper mario runs using oot i don't know what that what i haven't seen that carter well with like arbitrary code and yeah arbitrary code is uh is funny oh interesting yeah i definitely gonna look this up later if anyone has a link i'll uh open it now and save it later okay thank you it'll be a nice watch because i'm trying to sleep gotta go to bed early i shouldn't be doing another run i gotta wake up at a relatively good time but here we are you almost failed no poop november but you're able to push a bit nice dude crats man i mean and here you are it's december 1st for me so you're good you're good to go yeah that's a disgusting comment why do i even entertain these kind of comments dude all right anyways everyone shut up next topic all right oh so i guess we'll talk about urine retention yeah you guys are looking for a slashing yeah literally toxic no we haven't improved who said we've improved wait you're trying to blame me because i said stop talking about moles so then when the chat starts talking about feces retention it's my fault oh oh it's just a lot better of a convo huh uh thanks for the 32 months appreciate that yeah decent start keep it going it's it's tough to focus for a two-hour speed run that's why it like fluctuates so heavy heavily this splits i mean a lot of those runs like require zero cognitive ability because you're mashing for like an hour and a half then you watch like a two-hour movie you know and then you have to like do some music uh makes it thanks so much for the two subs i'm gonna sit back and speed run this is a new speeder on strats here the believers are starting to sweat dude oh dude stop playing around dude sit back up nah homie i'm chilling um the wow he got the he got the pyramid and you time him out anyways dude we're gonna have we're gonna have a lawsuit on our hands now he's gonna be looking for punitive damages [Music] yep join the class action lawsuit [Music] [Music] called dibs on the being the bear witness damn it that's the best part too aren't clash class action lawsuits just the shittiest things ever how much um okay so in a class action let's say there's like you know a couple thousand people no shittiest things as you get like two bucks but then the lawyers take a huge cut and they give like you know scraps to the to the people so they have like a huge case built against so it's basically like oh yeah we're gonna build a case with so many people and we're gonna keep a huge portion of the money and you get just a tiny tiny tiny tiny fraction [Music] shitty in that regard like you don't really get anything yeah dream yeah i guess they kind of are to be fair they did the work most people wouldn't have brought to court well yeah and they wouldn't have a case if it wasn't for the thousand people like they they require that to build the case yeah i mean might be good i don't know i don't know the back end of it but i would i would assume that a class action is just a way for lawyers just to make fat stacks because they can build a really good case with a lot of people you know [Music] right right yeah verizon fios wait what about them i have verizon files and i really like my internet dude so yeah don't do anything too crazy come on i get one gig up one gig down oh okay oh the verizon fight oh okay yeah there's there's a couple different things going on in that joke so i was confused i get confused when there's more than one moving part my man movie um [Music] no not really i'm sure i do i just don't remember it yeah it's it's kind of tight timing though you have to morph immediately after you wall jump so you get like a more straight up and down uh you know trajectory or whatever you have to just rinse and repeat that until you get it so it's interesting that samus doesn't kill craig she's responsible for his death yeah officer i didn't uh jump out of the moving car with uh the 40 clowns in the back we were just going to the circus and i just you know the car did it the car was the thing that rolled off the cliff officer your honor oh free of all charges good sir well said [Music] yes it's officer your honor yes that's the name yeah well i mean samus was actively killing craig and it just so happens to sink into the lava any comparison works what do you mean oh oh my bad never mind they're still talking about the oh samus isn't responsible for craig's crate's death he just kind of like fell into the lava after samus was actively trying to kill him you know but she didn't kill him it was the lava yeah but it's like super deep lava okay so like come on yeah he drowned yeah yeah that's what happened [Music] officer i didn't kill that man him bleeding out after i stabbed him killed him bro it's all the same thing all right you get the point nave stop being actually andy all right he was making fun of my analogy okay kind of nose hair go away it's okay you need a high iq to understand my clown analogies i got plenty of them i should take that as a challenge to try to make an analogy whenever i make an analogy it's got to be about clowns in like any argument ever or anything i'm a member of mensah you ain't a member of mensa and if you are you have a lot of money and you went through the back door my dude have you let me look through your chat history here like that alone is the big red flag probably yeah i mean i'm not interested in a membership written in crayon all right come on yeah no one's impressed with a uh with a uh immense membership all right unless you're like a mensa member yourself then maybe i mean it's cool i guess like if you want to strive towards that but that's good that's because you you were making yourself sound qualified to be a judge of my clown analogy because of your membership to mensa that's why lab monkey okay if you can't see that correlation then i don't know what to tell you mr mensah oh all right i'm a gold corral rewards member damn dude that's good eating what a funny what a funny conversation yeah i don't know who jimmy is jimmy's seville you know probably better i don't know okay nevermind we're good then okay that's how i say it's probably better if i don't know but i don't [Music] no dude shuts in my face but we're so good [Music] okay well all right that ain't good jesus did he just said he did some bad yeah anyways i don't know what the is he okay i'm sure there's a lot of members of mensah that are up i don't know why that was brought up you guys know who else uh has a high iq in fact the highest iq quote-unquote ever what's that dude's name that sounds like a complete nut job i know oh it's cuz he's just he's got too high of an iq for you to understand like the dude talking about like the universe and uh no not alex jones what the is his name lang yeah langenin or lagnan langdon that dude he sounds like he's half baked at a party like straight up like he's just way too deep and uh yeah he he's he's got the highest iq look him up and then listen to his and then uh you you tell me how much it matters dude uh i don't know i can't remember his first name but jesus is awful dude chat's mom has like definitely high iq yeah so i gotta take an iq test and then be one of those like twitter users that puts it in his bio like in his name we all know those people are really really smart oats and goats 84. well first of all you spelled his name wrong second of all who's claiming to be a psychological expert [Music] yeah don't talk to me if you're at my level dude i don't think i could talk at that level oh tiggleton wait what fort singleton all right decent run okay second time's trump all right this segment needs to be very good it was insane in my pb if we can maintain this pace or even beat it let's say we're on a very good run yeah hey brother we came from the same mother so let's drink a miller or two so good fight thank you [Music] air crystal lang the guy came out of the congress there like a model universe yeah that's what i was talking about hold on [Music] explains the connection between mind and reality therefore the presence of cognition and universe in the same phrase and uh wait what now okay and claims that george bush stage 911 prevent people from learning about it yeah dude that's uh yeah that sounds like everything i've seen about that guy yeah it's like because i said because i said so that means uh that uh it has to be true not because i'm smart just because i can say it that proves its own statement it's like a self it's like dude what are you talking about uploading i know i know i'm too stupid to understand ready ready i don't think langdon does actually i think uh i i i heard a there's some about him i don't know he's in a book talking about him damn it uh yes weenie um it happens often in my chat yeah i can't read all this sorry i i cannot three paragraphs [Music] okay sauce i got to stop you there dude if someone is if someone is that intelligent let's say that that's true i thought you were meme in it first if someone has such a high iq that oh it's impossible to have me meaningful conversations wouldn't that person with the high iq be so intelligent they understand how to um put their uh when they understand how to talk to someone less intelligent than themselves and how to put it in such a way to make that less intelligent person understand what they're getting at wouldn't that be the case but no because they have this they have this dumb ass theory oh well there's just too much of a disparity no it's because you're secretly a dumbass dude you explain simply enough dude shut the up like i can't tell if you're actually mean right now off of what i just said but like dude just just stop just stop [Music] you're talking to oats and goats uh 62 here all right and besides you're comparing something that doesn't even understand language a monkey like us versus two humans one iq average one other iq 180 like shut the up with that nonsensical [Music] they can barely understand sign language okay they did this study with whatever the coco the uh ape or whatever it was chimpanzee or whatever coco they've already done this study it's like a awful bastardized version of sign language okay like they literally do not have the capacity to understand language like we do so you cannot use that as a comparison so get out here with that dude there you go no i'm just calling out like obviously terrible arguments uh love my guacamole thank you so much for two months [Music] [Music] hey you all right what's the damage not bad this split my pb was insane we're on a very good run hold on let me just let me let me like actually hold on dude come on man like i made it i i i made a a pretty decent and probably common argument with the whole disparity thing let's i just want to see what's said here dude that's not even what you're you are all over the place now that's not what we were even talking about you were all over the place with that i addressed what you said and then now you are talking about something entirely different oh yeah anyways iq is such a dumb metric i measure intelligence barely made that yeah i know i know yeah i know i get [Music] [Music] that's probably where i heard it yeah that monkey that's kind of what i was getting at like and that is a common thing that said like if you can't explain it well enough um just yeah if you can't explain to someone with no knowledge of it then you probably don't understand it well enough yourself um we're all gonna die like cheap pigs uh oh dude wordy pite has already dug a hole in the ground yeah i uh i didn't uh acknowledge the end of that but anyways anyways we're not we're not in a i am very smart subreddit all right go there if you want to sound smart everyone that's like paragraphing me thank you [Music] even though that's like you know ironic but uploading data i've never been to golden corral but uh it sounds like e coli waiting to happen [Music] so friend of mine legit got hepatitis okay what okay you're joking right you can get it through seafood how oh my god that's insane i didn't know that [Music] oh let's go baby all right anyways let's go everyone have have good polite conversation because yeah the whole the other conversation was uh just kind of annoying [Music] okay good [Music] [Applause] [Music] i tried it a little bit but maybe there's a better way to do it i just hadn't seen it yet [Music] yeah it seems kind of awful okay the state fair or whatever not they fair but any fair that is disgusting wasn't there like investigations and into uh fairs and you're looking to die if you're eating at a state fair or any fair or whatever ride or die what do you mean you die from the rides it's pretty uncommon for the ride terrifying when you see that but yeah um yeah i would assume the regulations is poor yeah which is pretty scary when you think about it we're talking about rides that can just straight up kill you if they you know malfunction kind of scary [Music] adds more drama oh yeah knowing wondering uh if uh they've maintenanced the machine within two years or not yeah that sounds like a fair i want to go to jesus i've done like a billion so far right you just haven't been counting i doing so fast you can't see yep don't worry about that wow papa all right yes [Music] all right uploading data but oh it's the funnel cake dude well you're gonna be eating through a funnel once you get e coli my man all right so i don't know why you'd be force-fed through a funnel but it's gonna happen [Music] i just didn't want to get hit it just kind of that whole thing up i do like funnel cakes quite a bit can't do the instant spark man it's kind of annoying one day i'll get all these strats properly you're going on a car and you gotta get deep fried chalky bars i feel like i your safest bet at a fair is definitely anything deep fried like double deep fried yeah you may have uh not washed your hands after going to that porta potty over there um but you know what just throw in the deep fryer one last time okay well i'm just making a joke all right so you know i assume you are as well maybe because you have mentioned that no joke in here no laughs no fun [Music] don't do it oh [Music] oh yeah they did so okay decent run i really like meatloaf yeah it's like such a simple meal but some good old meatloaf with a little ketchup the speed boost out of plasma turns out is slower really because i've timed it both methods and uh as long as you uh don't do the shine spark but you do the uh upper shelf wall jump part i i was getting it faster every time so i don't know i have to time it again but timing is changing often for it because uh movement just gets better you know so it's hard to say these times are changing whenever i was doing it it was not faster but it was around the same speed if you do the shine spark upwards um maybe slower i mean i because our movement is a lot better but what where the stop don't do this to me games okay fine whatever i don't want to do that anyways oh yeah off game jesus christ this is why i do the melee that's why i do the melee dude because sometimes i'll just i'll press up and it's like nah you were like you were at a you were you're facing right dude i i hate this puzzle it really does suck it's definitely the worst puzzle in the game damn it some time loss but still hanging on no you can tell by how many items you have yeah i think it's one of the lazier puzzles but i i can't really complain because that's like the worst puzzle there is and everything else is awesome you know most puzzles are great all right once you said crossbones i was like okay well be mad for content i am so mad for content i'm not supposed to say that part hold on oh my god i just my pants for the fourth time i'm so mad dude there you go [Music] you ever see your youtube thumbnail face no way [Music] no because it's not gonna be a youtube video shut up [Music] [Music] uh oh this dude be nice to me on this part please come on damn it i have one more shot come on ah that's some dude this is what happened to my pb so not the end of the world [Music] still ahead uh hero thanks for the tier two or 13. yeah i mean it's a good time i just uh i can't get that time save on this boss it's really difficult without a double jumper space [Music] still ahead by a decent amount at least you didn't your pants on a road trip with your ex and her family that sounds like a great bonding experience i'm not gonna lie bonding over uh changing your diaper dude your road trip daddy sounds like a that sounds like a memorable experience if anything well they were dating at the time is my assumption here i'd imagine uploading data well i mean dude if if it was your ex then it like who gives a well you clearly did give a [Music] but you know what i mean like if it's your ex it i'm like if i want to what are you gonna do date me like [Music] hmm nice dude [Music] hopefully this didn't have any impact on why you guys aren't together that's funny uh hey oh it's this is uh this the season to be slammed in the ass nice dude with work oh can't catch too many streams these days uh it's all good uh good luck with work i appreciate the 69 bits and uh yeah hopefully uh you can find a some good down time to uh make the work not so stressful i did not going to chop i did want to track like those layouts for me okay [Applause] thank you okay great um nothing i know of these blocks maybe i don't know [Music] i kind of just black out half the time and i don't realize what's going on i just i just do [Music] okay uh no but you clearly feel threatened in some manner trying to come to that conclusion so uh sure why not okay something about cheating what oh okay you kept the nintendo switch hell yeah dude [Music] these stories are all very heartwarming thanks everyone so a retro is the gamecube wrecker enough to make me feel old as when people ask that question god damn i'm not even that old [Music] all right we gotta hustle here i mean um i'm close to death but yeah i'm a little i'm a little over a year shy of uh you're shy of uh uh 30s that's when it's all game over yeah it's just it's just over at that point just start digging the grave dude [Music] so get out good times nice we got the buffer you can buffer that door a little bit [Music] all right you mean you missed an opportunity to say lasai well to be honest that's only like what predators say not actual you know people from that region lisa yeah you're probably right i met a guy a guy irelle at a party wait why do you guys say irl at a party anyways don't matter uh who just talked about reddit with me and definitely said lasai damn dude [Music] are you just friends still like you become friends i'm sorry friends so all right this uh that's a good uh good pace good potential i don't the bed on a road trip with family um and then we're good le throws the card like le boss i would i don't even know what to say about that anyways that's gotta be like a hate crime of some sort that's that's so cringe if you're being honest yeah but well i guess it depends how old they currently are right now yeah true that's because that's not like that's pretty ancient i guess that's pretty ancient internet memes yeah yeah you might be right i've done some of the cringiest when i was younger like from the age of zero that's right even when i was zero i was being cringed to like 23 and then i started kind of growing up a little bit kind of [Music] uh i'm always like short on power bombs well here we're just gonna do this or oh no i got some okay hey we just saved 30 seconds let's go no i do not [Music] nice dry all right yeah this is uh this is sub uh two hour potential let's go [Music] [Music] foreign yeah something like that no right now i'm third i think but um i'm going for record though record right now is 159.42 [Music] sometimes i press it three times instead of two ah it is not but i'll i'll post this one check this out all right let's go big potential baby uh k gx thank you very much for the tier one appreciate that there is huh uh i i'm in the discord and people will post new records in the pb section so we all kind of keep up with it a little bit they happen so often it's hard to uh just submit all the time because the moderators then just get flooded because it's a new game and it's a very popular speed game at the moment hey we don't have to farm for a power bomb as well another big time save let's go and then fingers crossed for uh dyron [Music] all right let's go yeah it died down a little bit of course new game that happens but uh it's a great speed game so it'll definitely keep its ranks in like the top 10 for a very very long time of course like minecraft and that is always going to be it's always going to be up there the elevators in prime are pretty slow and sometimes the door transitions are awful thanks schmidt commitment so [Music] i don't like having no power bombs here but i think we're fine we get one coming up i think we're i think we should be fine so wow oh i wanted i don't know if i'm getting this close maybe i should just keep this maybe do it that way it seems make the most sense oh that's a good segment [Music] it's a hard goal to beat holy like a really hard goal to be we could beat it if i cleaned up the uh speed booster stuff um the shine spark ball stuff we could probably beat it by a few sirens hey i said of dreadwins game of the year i'll do it all right yeah i'm not sure but i mean it certainly feels faster half the time but it's so hard to time stuff come on i thought i was charging a spark but i guess not there are parts but 100 map would be 100 of what we can actually fill in you know [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] abort thanks for 18 months yeah that bug got hey let's see if this works this time it didn't break the up hey it worked free time save it didn't break the blob last time i used the power bomb supposed to jump on the other ledge [Music] i don't think i did no i was in ball and the power bomb just didn't didn't work might be faster to back up a little bit on that it's really fast to get that all the way through prior to morphing maybe i'd have to alert will that happen i laid another power bomb and it worked so yeah i don't understand how it works i guess i don't think we can do this yeah whatever yeah like i said it broke the second time i laid a power bomb okay god damn it i hate that that's the hardest part [Music] so um saving a little bit of time wasn't the cleanest but it certainly could have went south so all right i gotta start hustling here with the time saves that i have my end game was decent so it's gonna be yeah it's gonna be a challenge but we can do this oh good that's a free time save let's go mess it up on my pb like three times now it's in play yeah potentially hey thank you so much for the five gifted subs kratos thank you very much [Music] that was weird [Music] i'm not sure what happened there okay weird flashing sorry if you're you know epileptic jesus oh some weird flashing i thought the game was gonna crash there for a split second no i needed a charge okay well it's about what i did last time so really no big loss here yeah all right you can try spark down here yep all right it's back and play all right come on clean segments and we can do this uh you need to keep the wall jump up there because those are uh blocks you have to keep the wall jump you could not shine spark downwards and super no so [Music] we're getting there yeah getting close oh how did i lose time that was a really good split my in my pb very good split all righty no i didn't want people thinking i actually like streamlabs [Music] every powerbomb just scares me here it's like ah is this it no no we're good okay is this one no okay we're good that was a very good segment all right hanging on for dear life here a few more good segments let's hope we can keep this speed booster all the way through it's a little bit tougher with this one maybe i can charge here to make it easier on that door ah dude not a big loss as long as i recover that's fine [Music] oh i hate cross bombs dude all right come on so no come on dude just doesn't want to come out all right well we got all our items at least [Music] [Music] so ah that's fine that's hard to do anyways all right all right what are we looking at here not terrible it's a long pace raising beak was a good fight it's gonna be tough oh it's gonna be a doozy but nonetheless very good time that i'm fairly happy with for like a fifth sixth run oh that might have saved it i don't know we got really good orange either two turbo thumbs yeah all right good good at raising beak turbo controller 100 yeah that is a turbo controller indeed yeah [Music] all right let's go all right okay so [Music] so [Music] come on baby come on lab monkey 42 cheered x200 hello youtube viewers and welcome to the oats and goats channel all runs are filmed in front [Music] honored no just shy of it but uh sub two is what i'm looking for right now alright let's go so good didn't have the greatest escape in my pb i think i was like a couple frames early but it's a 0.8 thank god so that means a 0.9 more than likely we got it that's definitely a sub 2. that was close let's go okay i had to squeak that one out at the end holy [Music] bearbot thank you so much for the five gifted subs 519 509 king thanks for the 21 months uh no we're like uh we are uh 17 seconds away really close i just lost too much time like mid game um hell yeah though good run overall still huge improvements sub two baby sub two we don't have to show the version anymore it's 1.03 but we don't have to show it thank you so much for the 100. yeah that was good that was down to the wire man my heart was pumping at the end there i knew it was gonna be close oh in shambles [Music] the doubters are like no dude it's okay i just wanted you to pb uh-huh coach ball thank you so much for the 200. sure you did [Music] good though uh chef percent thank you very much for prime games up [Music] okay i i have to get going to bed i gotta wake up in like uh seven eight hours but i still have to like get ready for bed have a little snack you know shower all that so thank you all very much for watching i appreciate it fun stream i'm still gonna be going for record in this um and uh very shortly probably next monday or something or we'll see very soon i'm going to be doing the romhack the super metroid romhack contest so
Channel: Oatsngoats
Views: 10,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Metroid, AGDQ, Kaizo, Awesome Games Done Quick, World Record, Oatsngoats, Rom Hack, Super Metroid Impossible, Twitch, Twitch Fails, Oats, SGDQ, Samus, metroid, metroid dread, dread, oatsngoats metroid dread, oatsngoats dread, oats dread, oats metroid dread, pb, personal best, 100%, 100 percent, 100% pb, dread 100%, nmg, 100% nmg
Id: aqXbPJPY4I0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 3sec (7383 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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